Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court (Ep. 49)

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yeah yeah dog get on in there proto Wayne welcome to the pile fee on storm thank you for the bits a fever of willful determination sweeps through the barracks uh yeah now let's check the moment of truth it's gone the time limit has been eliminated yay yay no more death limit either wonderful oh my god that makes me feel so good yes oh that's wonderful yay oh my god [ __ ] relief geez dealing with those looming threats for years hmm all right great no stress either we're all set oh goodness time to go to the countess man let's go not yet of course got to find our invitation first and let's let's try not to die how about that indestructible thank you for the bits man's RJ Caswell thank you guys success so clearly in view what was it me the trick of the night Jake thanks buddy okay I know we're close to this to which I want so let's try to get some portraits if we can let's see where we can get some portraits out of this looks like it's the Warrens and that's an explorer 90% that I'd be totally fine with musket balls nice too but I think we'll do this and I'm just gonna I'm gonna make just a team that I can't possibly fail with let's just make a team of the gods shall we will start with lols poop face who was shown and proven himself time and time again to be a god amongst men I'll look for some warrens buffs as well if I can find them let's see if there's anybody in here that like beastslayer and that kind of [ __ ] warns Explorer precise strikers pretty good gaming cat plays up front might not be a bad idea Corbin's great seems tough I do like fighting chick quite a bit wield scrounger though looking like we have a ton of warren's benefits do we not really that sucks yeah nothing really at all this guy type is great in the Weald but I don't know a beast hater I guess that would be a spring duck up front could be a decent option steady beast hater resilient is pretty good let's try that out and then dirt moves not gonna be any good all right so that's that's the extent of it I suppose it's gonna be fighting chicken slot 3 and then it could even be Valles and spot for i'd be pretty okay with that lots of damage here good amount of protection we don't have any um we don't have any stress healing at all this is a long dungeon I might not be able to get away with that actually I also don't have a jester at the champion level anymore I'm afraid so it would have to be a crusader so could I replace my Hellion with a crusader and feel good about this still robbing upfront is a warrens tactician I actually didn't see that before and he's got hardened noggin too not too much in here besides the torn rotator that I'm worried about I can make this swap and feel pretty good it looks a team name that I can't see i straight-up can't read it the iron fist alright that's what that one is this room Oh cried tough thanks the 420 dude appreciate it rah a team I can't lose with bear taffy 2017 watching all his team members die in agony probably let's find out I've gotten some stress healing now I got a good amount of damage out of this I've got a risk of the fnatic showing up I suppose more virtue chance though which is really nice oh yeah I gotta check the wagon so you got to see if there's ooh yeah grab him the raw strength of youth may be spent but his highs hold the secrets of a hundred campaign take him to why not this is about the time to do it I think cool okay check the guild pretty sure they don't need anything no they've all been ranked up for a while Basel look forward to your streams every time thank you dude Congrats on finishing bloodmoon dd4 I appreciate it buddy yes feels good feels good on some sunglasses the future is too bright put on some shades cuz you boy that bright glittering father's is still so tempting on this crusader how about for the vestal toss the baron flash honor we do have a high infestation level as well I should expect that we may run into some bloodsuckers here so I might want to even give the the man-at-arms something like the dazzling mirror to be able to get that stun off early on in fact if I did this BAM I think I've done this before it still doesn't allow me to stun the big guys the stick offense or whatever they are now one of the not the mosquitoes but the other very common ones those are the ones that I can never stun that I really wish I could I think I'm gonna give them this Plus this make them extremely tough you know I don't think I'm gonna do this one actually I think imma give him the fleshies heart trophy that worked really well last time and I think there's quite a bit of bleed going on the Warrens that I got to worry about he's keep thanks for two months actually a nice nice bleed in the Warrens now that I think about it there's probably a lot more blight so maybe tuff ring instead tuff ring has been great on him could also do a hero's ring should I give him oh yeah let's just [ __ ] it so we all know that's maybe a little bit of a gambler giving everybody a hero's ring is a pretty ridiculous proposition although is this overkill chat does the town event it gives us the plus 15% or whatever right plus 15% virtue chance so is the plus 50 that's too much right where does it cap out I don't know for sure we look at the árboles real quick as well I need these I think I need to give her the scouting trinkets I need to be able to make sure I know where I'm going so let's do that that's like what 85% just scam it bear tempting goblet plus hero ring tempting goblet is where is tempting godly what's the temp tat wait what are you talking about tempting goblet isn't that a move well I think I can think of as the tasting cup what are you referring to 95% virtue cap okay good night Peter I don't have it okay cool okay I I mean well besides this I actually really don't want to do this at all I think I'm just gonna give him the defensive trinkets that I've really enjoyed like the life Cristal tough ring or something like that let's go like this yes eighty hit points god damn that's awesome man yeah I want to do this you won't reach the caffeine of a 90% chance to hit the virtue oh I don't have a cap on that oh well then maybe I'll change my mind yet again because it is kind of tempting I've got that bonus that I should probably try to take advantage of the brave trinket you get from skeleton doubles I see okay you know what let's give it a shot let's give it one try he's otherwise just gonna be super defensive and he's gonna be able to stay alive I think just fine without these huge buffs let's give it one chance to be worth my while plus 65% virtue chance if he doesn't hit a positive resolve check we'll just we'll just be salty beyond all reason I think oh that changes the lineup what is this now heavy metal yeah alright fine that works too I want to give him a slightly higher chance - holy Lance I guess maybe switch to illuminate yeah I probably don't need it all right we good like we're good I'm gonna take off the mark cuz there's no reason for it we'll use bolo in case I need to clear out two targets up front I think we're gonna do it you can only reach it with both trinkets town event and positive quick the cap is 95% okay cool cool let's go let's do it I'm gonna over-provision again because I am not worried about my supply of gold at all bring full stacks of those herbs holy waters cuz we already have them actually we already have a full stack of those so you don't need and torches the Warrens especially now we're totally full up on stuff so probably don't need a second stack of blood okay that seems fine bandages the anti-venom advert verbs plenty of verbs holy water torches shovels keys blood food ok last couple of times I've tried this have not gone very well so I'm really worried about it but I've got a good amount of defensive measures here we have stress healing lots of normal healing a guard to work with the prosecute our war against the swine we must first Scout this wallet Holmes talks Athens yours hey guys welcome wasting already huh all right then you did Zach sorry buddy I you just missed it heirlooms are the priority here too so pretty much all gold we get is gonna be dumped off in favor of the heirlooms don't have any light trinkets but the radiance is probably best for us here Thank You Man appreciate it two months in real welcome back we go in before masochistic them kills himself with it yeah way the thing is I remember very distinctly there was there was a video I made like last year I think it was where I did something very similar to this I cut through a couple of virtue chants trinkets on an abomination I think I even had the town event that gives you the plus 15% I built the entire team around the abomination having a positive resolve check and then lo and behold it turns out masochistic or something like that needless to say that episode did not make it to youtube do you know what the Red Hook statue does as far as I know nothing pretty sure it's purely decorative yeah the time limit is now Ghana it turns out they weren't [ __ ] with me after all clearing dd4 has indeed done away with our time limit on the campaign judgement for the South heels Julie onslaught destroy he's probably gonna end up guarding and reposting a good deal of these fights I might want to try I want to just try stress healing now so don't have to worry about it for the entirety of a dungeon [Applause] what's reposts or just doing the job by themselves don't really need to help him out all that much damn crit heal - holy [ __ ] hell of a start here we go by the bing bada boom no everyone in twitch chat is not trustworthy Oh believe you me I've I've made myself where we're well aware of that condition i [ __ ] it the portraits I should have taken the portraits actually I'll take the portraits in place of the crests I think because that does get us closer and closer to our to our objective of acquiring that new district and she's got the disarm chance but I kind of want to give him a shot at it Mac can I be looking for all the hallway fights as well if I can manage to get through to them because that is gonna be what gives us the opportunity to find the invitations like it's super unlucky again but fortunately we don't have the time limit to worry about let me keep trying to stun her if he goes like an easily here I can easily handle the physical damage but the stress is much more difficult to work with it's done them too why not can't wait for the countess fight yeah me neither I'm excited I'm very curious to see what its gonna be we haven't really talked about the the Baron in the Vai count all that much mostly because I had such a harrowing escape from both how'd you guys feel about the bike count of flight I like that was quite a bit actually again despite my despite my salt levels going through the roof it seemed for those two flights it was very interesting I love the way he was feeding from those bodies in the back they're really unique too I'm hoping that the countess is similar in that fashion that bleed my necessitated bandage all's okay here but I could heal up a little bit too it was fun seeing their salties even more fun okay well at least I can take solace in your into entertainment value out of it picks him up debuff to healing no oh goodness by counts of personal favourite he was caught he was cool man I enjoyed that a P Allah just thank you man glad you're enjoying it oh goodness these resistances I should just go for damage I guess anything for so much more with that nice it's like a high-roller coal to steal [ __ ] I might actually try to go for this dress he'll now my count was a brutal [ __ ] of a fight yep pretty wild Wan distress heal here so he could get that little bit of healing off it as well but I like that a little better though who's herself a speed buff so I might be able to get away with another heal if I stun him stress heal with them with the well yeah stress he'll get the torchlight topped off and then call that good take a battlefield bandage then go for the judgement I guess and hopefully get it crit heal let's see it lets see it ah I missed she missed rather [ __ ] there we go more portraits take those never played darkest dungeon easy to get into but hard to master just evil from Alpha K it can't I mean I'm not gonna lie to you Bo Jax it can it can wreck your [ __ ] pretty quickly if you're not careful but it does have fairly good pacing at least for the first few dungeons in order to acclimate you to what you're up against hmm I always regret dumping off this food early on so I'm not gonna do it this time for one portrait but might need to camp out soon just so we can have some more space it might be a good opportunity depending on how hard this fight is that's pretty tough yeah we might have to deal with this afterward especially if we get a curse here hey what do you know hmm three out of four cursed still getting torchlight benefit from that too I suppose I wanna I'm curious how effective these guys are if I just crush welcome cameo Dionysus right Dodge's holy [ __ ] welcome to the Bearpaw cameo thank you so much for the support appreciate it thank you for landing that shot that was perfect almost okay so yeah I was wondering just how much damage I need finished whether these guys up and it's not too much we should expect bombing run from him next turn so I might want to try to stun their line fire is really good again actually okay seems good still J Clarke two months in a row thank you buddy appreciate it laser welcome to your first live stream man glad you're liking the YouTube stuff time stress heal - alright probably doesn't need any more speed buffs try to stun they're always had a hundred percent resistance though maybe not damn dude damn dude fighting Chick fil in it at the bleed okay this should be enough and I guess we'll pop a stress he'll this time cuz I can afford to big hit there Korver later on buddy oh no hole do that definitely curse fish welcome all right on laser welcome all the same who's her judgment healing from that I'm gonna go ahead and use a bandage for her bleed beautiful my goodness the crits for the stress relief bucket give it a shot card first slaps me to welcome 80% on that come on now stir up a little more I think they'll be able to go first okay pretty good little blood to take like all of our portraits here and I might might just use the holy waters or just dump them off I could also like I was saying go for the firewood or go for the camp right now rather why not let's do it get some buffs going take that take that for now and buff the hell up I won't even worry about preventing the ambush here let's just take his massive bus for the whole squad and yeah nobody really needs any help right now you know pray would actually be pretty decent yeah sure in radiance may we find victory could have done restring crossbow or something there but that feels pretty good anyway I actually don't have a death limit anymore anymore if you can believe it the clearing of dd4 eliminated both the time limit and the death limit so we're good to go that sucks that's better thank you okay sleep the flesh eater to his own devices now real force actually you can give holy waters to the folks with the curse now it doesn't have any sort of negative impact anymore they changed that yeah limits go away I guess when you clear D before I was there were parts of me that were so sure that trip that chat was just collectively trolling me with news of that development but turns out they were not me okay man thank you for the host appreciate it holy [ __ ] the big-time host thank you thank you dude okay there oh nice one we literally have zero stress that feels good not finding the invitations though that feels bad feels bad man come on bear chat isn't that evil I didn't believe you go I was like I was thinking oh this is gonna be this is chance ultimate prank on me I thought you all like got together in a discord group outside of this and say oh man wouldn't it be hilarious if we convinced bear that he could eliminate the time limit and there is our much-needed invitation and you are getting all of my attention buddy I don't know if you're ready for it but that's what you're getting all of my attacks right in your crap lousy face please please please let me do something Oh God I really actually don't want to knock him back but I don't think it'll matter okay please please let me deal six damage thank God she resisted that move actually that would have [ __ ] [ __ ] me up for sure 72 77 please thank God okay we have our invite ladies and gentlemen we have done it despite the wishes of darkest dungeon we have acquired that which we have coveted for a millennia it seems and yeah got to go ahead and bandage that up we'll go for a judgment for sure to count his time yes finally got it I'm just gonna go for the one-to-one this guy stun yeah that's why I thought okay man I really wish she was still in spot for us so she could help her out a little bit but sadly not the case so I guess that's what we're gonna try to do even though I can't reach him with anybody but her oh goodness and I'm making it bad for now this isn't good I got a threat I got to try to throw a defender on her there we go hey hello Jen hey welcome I don't think I need to clear that nice shot holy [ __ ] still guarded big heal on himself I gotta get some heels up I try to kill him too though nice I don't need to worry about this let's keep the defender going I actually let's stun and then stress heal the man-at-arms oh well alright never mind [Applause] I'd love one more heal if I can get it one more big heal from her probably on the whole group actually I don't think he needs it all that much fluff copter thanks for him $1 tip buddy appreciate it you kill the heart in Blood Moon when the Red Hook building is up you unlock a sixth area called the pyramid wow there's a callback good [ __ ] yes all I forgot about the virtue chance yeah good point I totally forgot that I had absolutely space the fact that we were running those virtue chants trinkets on this guy the pyramid on the cred heal Vestal well done well done nice ok yeah so we'll stop stress healing and that's my bed triumphant pride precipitates I want to keep these bandages so it's probably gonna be the torches I guess now let's get rid of those keep the torches for now swap the party up alright cool [ __ ] Oh goddamnit alright let's not too bad though okay okay after hearing a lot of people getting on your case about being optimum the games so hard to play optimally I used to question your decision until I actually got the game and having a hard time being as efficient as you a good job thanks kind of appreciate that actually yeah it's it's not as easy as it seems lots of things to consider most of the time look appealing yeah exactly laser hindsight is indeed 20/20 in this and most of the time - like I'll I'll make mistakes and then immediately realize how [ __ ] I should have done an X Y or Z you know so as long as I'm still learning or at least attempting to learn from the missed opportunities right stun is good but again I feel like 80% chances to hit should probably work in my favor that's how I feel anyway I don't know if I'm correct about that nice next run radiant death list next round is probably gonna be we were talking about doing torch lists with mods I think that's gonna be our next go which will be pretty fun let's do this actually yeah weirdly enough now that I remember what our trinket setup is here I might even let the stress damage people stay alive for a while I should have done that with that previous fight with the the two champions in the acolyte that would have been a fine opportunity to allow some stress to stack up on him which I just yeah [ __ ] better attention there sham stir well with a pile man thank you very much for the subscription appreciate it enjoy pageanty mounts as well as Jimmy hey Jimmy welcome to the bear welcome back to the pile Jimmy thank you very much good to see you how you doing let's see a little little bitty-ass okay okay it's not not a problem still like this train choo-choo Mongol bungle with the 22 months in a row as well thank you mandalas Johnny whoops with the three months - thank you guys holy [ __ ] appreciate it thank God for those resistances as well okay so this is way too bad of a bandage not to fix up and let's kill this guy thank you I'm good Jimmy thanks for asking he's got a buff right he's got a little bit of a bust let's do this it's not no it's not gonna be pitch-black dungeon no though let me mislead you into thinking we're trying that train wreck again that's okay every time I say stuff like that I have to introduce the caveat I am NOT wait not calling the mod a train wreck I'm calling my attempts at the model train wreck because holy [ __ ] at the end it gets insane let's fix everybody besides the man alarms I suppose probably still a smart idea I'm gonna let him stay alive for now as well maybe be able to kill this guy with just straight-up damage from everybody for most people anyway that's fine yeah pitchblack is pretty pretty much done for me unfortunately I really just don't see myself being able to push through the grind that is that champion level stuff you're looking to Johnny Thank You Man there was there was an attempt there wasn't a tenth we put forth our best effort and that was not even close to being good enough unfortunately go group heal here nice not bad not bad kinda able distress heal what doesn't go on the man in Arms fairly effectively against this guy too so that's kind of working that's worth to our favor as well almost able to cheese this and [Applause] their hates modders where the [ __ ] did that come from it's a hell of a logical extreme we should run oh yeah we can't handle this oh god it's terrible mmm-hmm I stopped playing pbd that forever after I got party wiped thrice by the champion level sunken crew thrice my god success so clearly and whew that's a lot dude or is it merely a trick of the light everybody gets a nice little meal here alright i'll topped off good [ __ ] could you try to say my name with an echo for some nice laughs Karn Howard gets eyes closed maybe Barre hates otters what that's fake news that news is fake as [ __ ] littering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood love otters ours are adorable witty put the little meals on their bellies oh my god is so cute how could you hate otters that is an indefensible position well we might see a result check here actually so let's get a guard up try for a stun I guess a little bit more torchlight could be helpful or not this is sort of a really shitty fight I'm gonna get a defender up for sure probably on her I guess since she's the hardest to heal man the thirst they are thirsty thirsty boys get him some blood get him a drink damn it bear hates butters everyone knows it's butters well that's me oh here it comes here it comes 99 oh never mind tasty Waner it's done this guy fix you up - hey that's not bad one at a time totally didn't need to heal with the árboles last turn by the way that was a complete waste of a move judgment here though very good very good very good there it is all right oh it didn't add oh that's weird I thought that added stress I was pretty sure that added stress in fact oh well uh yeah it's nuns don't make any sense now let's just do this I guess yay well top everybody offer getting here to it anyway damn it so close oh well oh yeah I could have passed a turn I didn't think about that let's do that now oh yeah smart look at that there we go hell yeah as the purchase this is made clear is the stun dammit here's the stun yay one more stress he'll hear I'll probably use it on the ARB list might actually get some stress from the delay yep okay that's fine though I've seen one more turn yeah I was actually thinking about that - uh sure go I was thinking about swapping off the trinket so we could get another virtuous person might indeed do it who could take it though we could give it - oh yeah we could just swap these two look at that totally let's do it let's go how do we do it though we need I think we need to slot in the inventory don't we so let's just wait I guess it's not imperative although we might add we might added a lot of stress here is there a cheesy way to do it well if we did like there's not really a way to do this is there next run is only with a DDR pad that be fun more in there all man the everyone everyone I share it with that's why it's so easy to shill for because that shit's delicious good ol madrenas coffee by the way international bear pile giveaway if you'd like to get yourself some delicious madrenas even if you're overseas drink the holy water I was thinking about it yeah that would prepare us for the next fight pretty well let's just go ahead and do that I'm probably not gonna use them for much else well dump this one off and then we'll make the switch so let's go bam bam and there we go cool chug-chug-chug kind of glad we took those for this actually that's pretty helpful so leave him last well and the drums of doom to her as much as possible stun now let's see a retribution makes a lot of sense actually and champion I think is got to be the first to go so let's well we can't mark him unfortunately no no means to reduce protection bowl is pretty good especially when it double crits that makes me feel happy you'd probably stunned this guy with a dazzling light as well prevent a little damage there and let's just smite this [ __ ] out of him until he dies that's definitely not what I wanted you to do smite the [ __ ] out of him oh that's bad Wow okay he needs all the help I'm gonna add a bandage plus a big heal from the vest of this turn and then hopefully actually I should have taken a defender there to just not even to defend somebody but just to take the protection buff all right now he's feeling good though another mark dodge did okay yeah real force I'm I'm kind of surprised actually that they went that route with it I thought they would leave that condition in play where the holy water negatively impacts the people with the curse I am definitely glad that they took it off because the curse is already pretty damn difficult to manage all already nice crit hey Pele op he did unfortunately miss tv4 sorry buddy he's just gonna get himself reposted to death isn't he take a group heal next turn if I get the stun there we go I've gone all in on the damage and it's working fairly well against the champion so I'll stick with that full dodge full move back though okay maybe judgment Plus snipe shot will be enough but I can also hit him with the crushing fairly sure definitely want to do this go all in on the damage on him so he doesn't get his boar rush maybe another stun on her yeah there we go okay hopefully the group heal next turn damn it alright that's not too bad stunned in those [ __ ] craving now - okay so we'll do retribution for sure B Rico welcome to the pile buddy thank you very much for the support I appreciate it thanks for setting with twitch Prime no problem and of what we've been looking for it for a while they're actually from him let's see I don't think I need to add any bandages or anything he's basically dead so [ __ ] it might as well she's got resistance come on thank you okay she's good I'll take a stress healer to hear a pop my blood as well mm-hmm I can probably judgment oh goodness 23 dodged on that guy okay let's prevent her from getting in a terrible condition like so oh I forgot to give her the blood to [ __ ] oh well want to apply if I can if I get super lucky here I want to apply two bandages to her and then group heal but I will get punished for stalling this out for too long I gotta keep that in mind let's do this all right that was pretty good let's just go all damage even though I still can't do that with him I guess so there we go maybe a snipe crit I think that's the only thing I can realistically rely on no good it's not punishing me though it seems nice so that's unfortunate though that crit heals her try to prevent his attack Crusaders not gonna be able to reach him anyway nice get it yet again stress healing herself unfortunately but I'll take it those dump that alright good stuff man we've gotten at least one an invitation out of this but I'd like to get at least one more if I could and be real nice I suppose him stress healing doesn't really matter now either now you've cleared D before what's the goal looking to clear the countess and that is pretty much all we've got left to do but we got to get the invitations we got to get through her entire dungeon oh yeah no more holy water yeah it's a ways away still unfortunately using our torch is very well here along with the oh [ __ ] how tough is this guy with this guy I wonder that's an interesting combo whoo baby and let's see I'd like to just get them up I can only assume he's gonna try to [ __ ] them with that wow that was perfect besides that massive amount of stress added on to him but I guess it doesn't really matter that much obviously go for you first not much I can do to make the Crusader more valuable here unfortunately ok I don't have to heal him yet but I've only got a 68% chance to hit for six to 14 I think I feel better about this I have tried that Andy yeah the double the double holy lance crusader is it it works pretty well I was surprised it does a good job oh [ __ ] yeah that was a fun turn everybody misses yeah that double holy Lance Crusader is totally legit I was surprised by how well it works gonna switch the trinkets which ones what are you talking about I've given her are you talking about the hero the virtue chants trinkets I've already done that don't need to heal this time so let's try this I guess still have not really done a lot of damage to him unfortunately it's actually the large flesh-eater that might die first [ __ ] the El Gallo you're not wrong to [ __ ] them as a terrifying move like that should just you even pray to God every time he acts that he does not choose [ __ ] them I will smite now for sure blind fire actually seems great don't skip your turn please thank you I don't think he can [ __ ] them from the front though stress heal their self hell yeah [Music] bolla is not gonna be enough a blind fire and try it damn healed himself that's a unique one sweet you don't miss PPD but I bet you missed the bloody bear trinket don't you I do yeah I really like cool she just does not want to be hitting that result check at all doesn't even want to be close is only the first yeah okay there we go another hallway fight definitely looking for that there's the Vestal interact with this well now is that what that was no it's I think it's antiquary and plague doctor in a cultist or something right for the knowledge curios at this point pass all her turns yes if we really wanted to push it we could do that give everybody a positive resolve check mm-hmm good [ __ ] good [ __ ] yeah I'm liking the portrait acquisition here too that's gonna yes very very close to that new district that's correct okay cool nice shot might actually pass her turn if it comes through but now no need for lights it's a negative quick removal if we have a holy water but sadly we do not stress healed herself again holy [ __ ] all right so these two are gonna be the last two to go so we're gonna start with these two up front probably throw a rampart on him allow her to take as much as she can heals himself again that is so cool I love vigorous I'm gonna get that repo stuff too I just want to ask you some questions which enemies do you like the most I mean it's hateful Virago and squiffy gas especially gas the super terrifying yeah I like those two - I really like the new ones I think the new ones are especially creative those champion level enemies rave all right sure well we're gonna pile man thanks for something with twitch prime I get a slew of bear hugs please in the chat not just for rave rapture but for all of our newest members of the pile I would really appreciate that thank you guys very much for the support I like it I like it if bone barrier was complimentary elephant's would be scary but right now the fights in that are pretty easy I agree with you actually for the most part the bomb bearer fights that we've seen like we've just been able to eliminate most of the threats that he creates by taking out the corpses really fast if you were paired with like the bone commander or something that would be terrifying stress shield herself again holy [ __ ] appealing I suppose so much love yeah thank you guys appreciate it thank for the hugs got one invitation yeah so we're not we're not [ __ ] going through here luckily we'll try to kill you I think one off Cooper duper how you doing hmm you know what I'm gonna do that I'm gonna keep these two in completely manageable territory and just allow her to stack up as much as possible and I'd really don't need to heal at all I also don't need torchlight so why not and em craft critter do it I ain't scurred or we'll just create I guess there we go help ourselves out sure no need alright I could have waited to find the holy water I guess and come back with oh well excuse me oh yeah why not I'm not too worried at this point I'm pretty sure we're good to go and I'm gonna hit that one hallway fight right there too loving these Scouts been super helpful damn that's a disappointment all right so we'll leave him alive just does not want any stress right there at all we try that unkillable hag again maybe maybe maybe you'd probably be after the countess though and I think I want to welcome the possibility of wow that was unexpected I want to welcome the possibility of destroying a bunch of our high-level characters to try to level them up and get into the courtyard again what's your next game um livestream tend to get the games you play about Hollen I had to get a refund because was making the graphical errors ah darn next game on stream is definitely it's going to be King's way gonna play some Kings way on here which I'm really excited for actually I hope you guys enjoy that and will also likely run our torch list mod campaign kind of alongside that Kingsway is a kind of like a Windows 95 point click RPG looking sort of thing it's really cool it looks like I don't know it's it's it's a weird cell because it's got like this funny little gimmick to it that utilizes that Windows 95 aesthetic some folks are saying like Malthus wasn't saying on the podcast that he wasn't sure if he just liked the gimmick or if you like the actual game and he kind of fell on the on the verdict of the former but I am leaning toward the latter myself I think I really enjoy the game quite a bit so we'll play for a few days see how it goes just have some fun yeah I agree B though it's better than it looks much much better than it looks this is meant to look kind of like it's it's intentionally kind of garbage looking but I think it's fun anyway also you can you can definitely look forward to this thing that I just made before the stream started I am gonna start a kingdoms and castles let's play on YouTube and I don't know how long that one's gonna go for I might just build out in a beautiful little estate and call it good after 10 episodes 15 episodes or something like that but I'm gonna play that for a little while over on YouTube as well which has been very enjoyable so far so all kinds good stuff was Windows 95 the one with Clippy yeah I'm pretty sure Rick flippy he was ahead of his time yeah all right well we're actually getting close here so we're gonna leave these two alive again this dude's got to go first so let's attempt to prevent is that how are they doing that I swear to god it's just like the last couple of weeks these creatures with 55 resistance against 140 oh [ __ ] it's absurd that's not what we need though okay yeah I still want to fix you but you need to die for damage hey Exide glad to see you alright just damage there I guess take a while to melt through this guy another cell feel holy [ __ ] it's a significant amount of health too he only 4/7 just as a passive benefit that's pretty [ __ ] sweet I think I got to let the sniper shot take care of that so let's fix him a little bit more there we go that's what I want yes yes there's really about to break 79 we need a DD mod that gives everyone googly eyes fluff copter I think you're right I hadn't considered that before but now that I've heard of that loud I do need that oh goodness well for 12 the group strike oh my god and much much worse on him unfortunately uh that seems good damn another vomit on her would have been perfect might need to stress you a little bit more on these two now though I could of course rock the virtue ring trinkets on all four of them that's totally within the realm of possibility damn and come on drums of doom Oh No we've got that at least 89 I could pass her turn as well if I wanted to go crazy with it kill him hey cobalt what's up dude now do I need to I think I'm gonna stun him and allow Him to vomit and pass his or pass her turn yeah I like that we can super cheese this actually we can totally super cheese this cuz I can pass turn on her healing up him of course man alarms just gonna stun everybody stress heals from the Crusader past turn here this is beautiful should I apologize in advance for my username only if you subscribe man cuz then I have to read it out loud with an echo effect and we all get to laugh at the horrible mispronunciation alright here we go here we go boys number two come on balance courageous men and team it's Jens that's my best effort man and thank you very much for the subscription my friend I appreciate it enjoy your badge knee modes with twitch Prime [Applause] two for two let's go three for three why not right 3232 thank you very much night welcome back to the pile appreciate it Joey badge Nemo's buddy give it a shot it's a twofer man if we actually get like three positive checks this team would basically be immortal so much healing they can't go above a hundred stress which is incredible Thanks talks this has been fun man this has been a great building totally abusing this virtue chance did you see that that's I got ya the dead cells daily update I was tempted to go back and check that out I think daily runs of dead cells could be really fun alright bola to get the kill their drums of doom doesn't really matter totally gonna throw the virtue trinkets on the jester or not the Jester the Crusader next try to force four virtues for the countess I don't know if we're gonna get that lucky going oh there's the holy water of course damn it okay I'll just use that I guess and then II don't need any of those use the herbs here please upload more dead cells will do eat okay as you wish I think I might actually try out a few dead cells daily runs I think that'd be pretty fun okay I'm told ya I'm doing this man let's do it let's get rid of the one portrait I guess and then we can make the swap oh but wait we got to keep this father's here which is fine I guess she could just have one trinket I suppose and I'll be fine oh wait but no but then I can't uh oh we got no we can do this okay yeah we're good Bam Bam and just keep those in the inventory I suppose okay I like it I like it I rafidhi I missed it sorry dude later on Jimmy thanks for subbing yeah we're doing this man let's go not really a lot left well we'll go for that extra hallway flight I guess and you know what I don't think we've actually scouted this either so just in case just in case hey Cyn how you doing yep birdy UK sin you'd love this bill by the way I don't know if you just got here I don't know how much of it you've seen but we've been we got the town event with a +15 virtue chance so we've been super cheesing with this tentacle idol and heroes ring we got a courageous or a bigger wrist man-at-arms we got a courageous our bolused and now we're working on this crusader here I don't know how much further row yet but pretty [ __ ] sweet so far here we go oh nice yes exactly what I wanted to see okay only 57 if I saw yeah the stun chance is also not that great alright coin flip to get that damage that's okay don't want to knock him back but I do want the damage perfect love for them to target the Crusader but there's not a lot I can do to force that I guess rampart chance not amazing think I gotta take the damage here at the right target but luckily that it doesn't actually do much for them really basically doing nothing with that especially with it when it misses thank goodness okay invite number two acquired Lane tune like smite sweet my life is complete I love it so we're gonna leave the sick offense actually and kill the Chevalier first allow for the sick of fans to ideally target the Crusader a little bit can probably stun you with a dazzling light damn it perfect ten more yes come on right here right here right here damnit who he actually doesn't have the curse either I just realized we're kind of risking that hmm [Applause] nice Wow oh yeah I keep forgetting I have the skip turn option I should totally do that I need to heal him good lord they just do not want to target the Crusader with that move come on don't curse him all right we're good time for super heals you're tempting fate with those checks bear well that's what I want man I wanna tempt fate it's a pretty high chance of success let's be real also getting that light up even though I don't think I need any more at this point I should have been back gotta pass his damn turn I keep forgetting about that I'm like what should I do I wonder I guess I could stress you'll divest all passing turns is normally not the most ideal choice all right now I can probably just retribution I guess and hopefully kill the Chevalier with that target him god damn you pass turn there we go ow real yeah I'll probably play spelunky again in the future I doubt that's going away permanently but yelling spelunky at me is not the way to make it happen change games right now bear you're not busy here's the bleeds finally alright another pass this may very well be the last battle of the entire entire dungeon so I kind of watch chance like choosing this a little bit just to see if I can get it okay give him the blood no big deal no big deal come on just let me have it let me have it let me have it let me have it son of a [ __ ] I don't know bacon eater I don't know if I'll ever get back into civilization that was an interesting little period in my streaming life please just one time one time on him that's all I need that's the whole point of this goddammit heals himself again [Music] don't have any bandages anymore still so yeah I just [ __ ] if he lit up he lit up luckily no crit two more past turns and I'm good to go he's just here to pass turn that's what he does that's his home oh oh there we go come on Robin oh I love it I love it I love it three four three that's so awesome man rigged zero stress on her out nevermind okay as he wished give it a sheen number two sweet okay now throw that back on him put this back found a bing bada boom what am i doing I'll go like that and then you do this you do this you need the ring back there we go cool now that it really matters and pretty sure we're getting out of here pretty soon in any way but that's pretty awesome we definitely needed multiple invites too so I'm very glad to have just found that one suite and I think we're done now lovely okay well I mean I should probably leave I did get two invitations but I wonder if maybe oh nice no why oh that could have been great damn it yeah I think it's worth it to check the curios though just in case of things like that it could result in much better situations that lets me do things correctly okay this is god dammit them to the best god welcome to the bear pile thanks for the subscription appreciated enjoy your badge and emails buddy feet of the blood no need the blood oh my ghoul oh hi Eric what's his name from the room when he's up on the roof what's the guy's name I'm sure so many of you know the reference I haven't even actually seen the movie is the thing I just know that now oh hi mark that adds the right that's right that's the one every single person knows it's like it's Jim oh that's great oh hi mark [Laughter] I'm totally gonna watch the the disaster artist because I again I haven't seen the actual film the room but I am very interested in watching James Franco and Seth Rogen's rendition of it rockin Jenna yeah exactly rockin Jimmy I'm I'm very very excited to watch that I don't know if I'd honestly enjoy watching the room but pretty sure I'm gonna like watching that movie and like I've seen like I said like I've seen so much of the room just through cultural influence that like I don't even know if I need to you know I think I've got the source material more or less already cool did steal it in time for the final session welcome back two months in a row thank you very much I probably should stop trying to stun him he's got way too much resistance I got a rare laner there yeah for sure all the trailer yeah I got I know it's so perfect I love the way the entire crew at that point is just repeating the line to him I guess I should watch the room I really should just watch the room shouldn't I you are tearing me apart Lisa we got to let them get their barks out to all these vigorous courageous individuals I went to see the room in Edinburgh and met Tommy Wiseau signing stuff in a bar he asked me yes me where I could buy a suit of armor why you're just like you were just like a random attendee of the movie Tommy asks you where you can where you can find a suit of armor that's hilarious man oh oh right yeah hey ladies a dream welcome to your first street man favorite team comp I really like mark party still quite a big fan of mark party but this squad right here I mean even even without the the virtuous condition with them I am pretty happy with them so far they've been killing it hey Grenadier we still have plenty of food and a campfire so I am totally down to just go check out some extra curios here she's got the disarm chance Huell we got one more torch just in case of a an interaction with Scrolls to burn again like it's so lucky the live stream you watching the room I don't think I can can I pretty sure that's not in the public domain although it should be this should that if there's ever an argument to be made for a film entering the public domain for the sake of educating filmmakers across the world on what not to do perhaps that would be it well that sucks okay let's just camp out and get out of here that's the last curio right yeah the last curio okay alrighty so despite the positive resolve checks we are actually looking to get out of here with as little stress as possible so let's look at how we can do that krei is good sanctuary probably unnecessary I'd actually welcome another fight truth be told like I am totally able to deal with that so zealous speech looks good and I think I might even roll with prey actually and then pop and encouraged on somebody that might be it'd yeah let's do that and everybody's pretty damn low so I think it'll be right there anybody got one nope okay oh the madman okay that's not good I do have holy lance equipped luckily so we're not totally screwed here start with you [ __ ] yeah time to bring all the stress back exactly that's exactly what I'm terrified of here a little bit of horror okay gonna have any londun um that was with 40% I don't know 5% protection nevermind I lied I did not defend her they're up to 60 Wow okay cool yippee oh God he has taken a lot already Geils himself very nice attempt to bring the madman forward a little bit no dice no stud how are they doing that how are they doing that it's friggin absurd 55 verse 140 there you go see not Summa welcome to the pile thank you very much for the subscription appreciate it Joey batching emotes I might have wanted to catch [ __ ] I should have given her the hero trinket still good ad for for for ah distress heal holy [ __ ] look at her I could make the swap oh I can't take him off no okay I thought I could maybe do it during the battle but not a chance yay repost stress does not matter on him now he's back up to 100 all right all right he's got the resistance so let's get the kill here all right they're both moved back son of a [ __ ] mm-hmm I mean I might as well try right I do have all I've got horror on him though so is it he's he really the best one to try to stress he'll that schmear hey welcome many greetings from Austria welcome thank you thank you for joining us crit heel okay yeah he's just awesome thank you for hitting for to see nuts from Germany as well I thank you all around the globe appreciate it guys the post kill damn it hi despite the despite the fear that we were provided by this fight I think we're good to go at this point I'm gonna take one more stress heal and then let the sniper shot take care of business here and inverse odor apparently all right yeah take the crest for sure and then BAM well not as good of an exit as I was hoping for but I'll take it I guess we're out of here Jesus Christ versus pies dirtiest buy versus vines dude Tris welcome to the pile I think come thank you thank you for the subscription random gibberish yeah basically good name good name thank you not even close not even close ancient crumbling masonry affairs No yes okay quick break y'all quick break three to four minutes and I'll be right back we'll dive into the countess in the courtyard just a few minutes thank you very much for watching I appreciate it back soon
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 26,920
Rating: 4.9260969 out of 5
Keywords: baer, baertaffy, baertaffy crimson court, darkest dungeon crimson court, crimson court
Id: --gZbAXVqzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 40sec (4900 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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