Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: Black Reliquary (Ep. 6)

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welcome back everybody hi youtube it's time for uh a little bit more leveling here got ourselves a bounty hunter crusader vestal arbolist heading back into the veteran cleanse of the catacombs which i believe now yeah we've just maxed out the rank of this of course because we're waiting just to fight this new boss now the levantine enchantress enchantress the champion level we're gonna need to level some folks up for that we're reading this sentence as well and suspecting that maybe the longer that this fight is left alone the harder it will be but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it let's do it let's provision do we need two stacks still i guess it's still the cheapest thing to buy so i i never really feel terrible getting that many of them but it's probably not necessary to get that much it's a little overkill i think we'll get apart from that i'll bring one more honing oil for fun and then that works this team ought to be just fine too no anti-venom necessary let's do it i'm prepared the arbalest of course gonna need a little bit of focus a little bit of protection but uh i think with the i think with the crusaders mark you should be just fine steps rattling the distance silence them i think that'll provide enough of a distraction keep her alive and well but she can very easily get focused down you got to be careful about that be gentle for sale or for study these artifacts are precious i think on runs like this it's probably uh prudent for me to uh bring uh two stacks of archaeology kids because just because we know we can make a ton of money that way we do need some cash oh this is just going to be incredible man nine stress heel per uh per battle yeah we did fight the boss yesterday it went extremely well i think we might have over prepared a little bit for that one which it seems like i might be doing the same thing here based on my uh mentality about it god damn okay bounty hunter is just going to be reposting everything man i'm so excited about that and holy [ __ ] vestal didn't miss the memo on the on the need for heels today she she came ready to go guard break baby i'm liking this squat already going pretty good hey how's it going welcome back into you thank you for the resubscription 42 months on the bear pile good to have you back oh yeah level two arbol is doing just fine on their own oh there's the problem though that's what we were worried about with a little bit of bleed on top of that but thankfully we actually have some bandages this time unfortunately crusaders just gonna have to do some corpse clean up this seems like a good idea your blister take this guy out ideally give her a solo heal pop a bandage on her should be fine nice he's been kicking ass so far there we go oh come on now that is just [ __ ] delightful man i'm a big fan of that so far that is real nice all right no problem still over 100 hp on him no sweat an adequate performance for now keep it up adequate he says dang it bear how am i supposed to get any work done when you keep streaming this game when streaming this game is my work i don't really have much of a choice our injuries were mounted you gotta keep working rebound not that i'm complaining having a pretty good time i think so huh one shot on the prep round what a concept oh yikes wow big fat restore he removed his guard break with that that's odd huh it's a unique interaction i guess his stress is going to become a concern so don't have a way to directly remove that but everybody else is going to be just fine i like this play but i suppose i can only do it on these guys any news on dd2 nothing yet hoping we'll find out more soon i guess i need to do something about this dude it does exist that's definitely a fact it's being worked on oh yeah uh stun maybe now they got some pretty high resistances good dodge okay we still got a mark on this guy there we go that's some good stuff give him the big heel very good that ought to open up the group heal option top her off a little bit there hey nice contributing oh even better for us group heal next turn finish you off goodbye thanks a full for you though okay different pop-up yeah let's keep those marks going i suppose it's the best option although i kind of want to do that i don't want to mess around with these veteran dungeons too much man they can they can make things bad real quick even if it looks good for you let's go for the uh i don't really love the uppercut here i'm pretty happy with that oh my god i just noticed that protection debuff that's amazing wow so much for that buddy more like zero percent protection and her splat ah man still though that is uh sensational let's do this yeah oh man time for this one too i guess one more group heal at the end of this one i hope that'll do debuff is pretty strong too lowering that damage significantly but thankfully we have two people that can deal damage three in fact which feels pretty nice perfectly balanced as all things should be awaiting the uh divine judgment of the vestal very nice topped off ready to finish the fight chief style damn that's starting to become a problem though that not a help reduce at least like two stress come on that like i would feel some stress relief getting a really nice solid whack on a corpse you know what i'm saying with a big old [ __ ] long sword like her bam yeah it feels so good so much better now what's up dude how you doing uh all right there's a lot of the action for the first hallway and room here there's exciting stuff we want chub scritches you got to redeem chub's can dude you got 100 000 channel points although actually it might be a little difficult now he's sleeping with mama you want to do it by all means but just know that you are disturbing his slumber ah we should probably heal we must care for one another we should probably heal they dodged the mark come on now that ignores the prep round stuff though yeah it ignores the prep around accuracy reduction they still ignored the mark for their dodged it i mean wowie that's crazy let's try it again maybe it's a 75 chance to hit yeah goddamn i pointed it in the wrong direction yeah there we go we got it full walk the darkness will not impede us thankfully the crusaders uh nighttime ambush prevention i do believe actually reduces his stress so maybe we will do that instead of the uh instead of the vessels option thank you [ __ ] appreciate it all right no marks here is bola a good choice no not really i guess we just need to do that especially because i think the bounty hunter has stacking buffs from that but okay never mind frick me i guess oh he has mark resist what the hell all have it okay that's new it was beginning to feel like something was off here okay very strange there we go uh let's keep trying to stun definitely feels like the best option maybe the bounty hunter will actually be able to get off a good hit this time good lord we gotta finish him here that's pretty good hmm they all watched the room during the prep round mark oh hi mark oh there we go that's pretty good it's pretty good another stun perhaps perhaps quite so get them yeah that's the stuff could it be dare i ask for yet another stun no okay but i do i do indeed ask all right i didn't get it recovered i got crit instead 10 more stress on my crusader thanks thanks for that gee whiz being real rude here at the end oh man more crits at least come on now be reasonable okay well thank you i'll take a critter too yeah that's fine if you're if you're giving them out still i'll take one if you're just gonna throw them out right i don't want to waste it your bones are mending goodbye here we go another skirmish another step forward [Music] all good oh i missed a curio this is the dankest dungeon nice i haven't heard that in a while shady milkman thank you for the 420. appreciate it it's very kind of you that's just a big ass chair tim which looks about 10 times as comfortable as it actually is big hits in the prep round oh oh baby it's a normal chair i'm just a very small person shady milkman welcome back stacking on the love with the eight months thank you very much for the reset welcome back to the pile maybe the bear hugs as well i always appreciate that thank you for the support i wanted the dodge don't play the least that uh light resist on her is coming into play here it's nice finish him that was weak weak sauce way too much stun resist on these guys ah man yeah crap ah crap ah crap dang it just sucks mark yeah strikes all right now you know i won't stand for this actually thank you all for the hugs you mean thank you shadow for the hugs and thank you bear for the hugs but i see no other hugs and i demand them i don't i simply demand them this time i will not sit idly by and allow this bear pile member to go unhug this is simply unacceptable simply unacceptable i'm eating all right that's fair i guess did i ask for your excuses on top of a bear hug though no i did not i asked you to put the spoon down type the seven letters damn it sometimes a bear has got to be a bear gotta gotta show his teeth uh ebola sometimes i gotta be really really mean and demand that you type the hugging loving emote to the new subscriber that's just how it is y'all you just gotta live with that i prefer the bear that shows his belly i kind of do too actually that's the that's the more fun version for sure i guess we can camp now it's probably fine is it dark and cold or upon us keep each other safe by the fire all right buddy a little stress healing for you then we'll just buff everybody let's go with uh bless on you that'll do and i like probably pray a little bit more than chant and then for two respite target practice is pretty good added damage versus marked targets for the bounty hunter i like that all right cool that'll do you know we can destroy this and also use that and i like using the archaeology kits early and often here um oh man i think we just go ahead and dump the antique probably not going to find a ton of those the new mechanics are a bit confusing don't you think so what specifically mores and our enemies will attempt to impede us like the expat the expatiated and the amber blight and all that it'll take a little bit of getting used to but you just gotta it's just like relearning it and falling it's just like learning a new mechanic in any other way i think i haven't watched the whole play through just some of it but it looks like you're cruising they've been difficult parts you just have too much experience with the game to have trouble even with an overhaul mod yeah i think it's the second thing i i never like to to my own horn too much but i've just played so much darkest dungeon now like there's there's only so many wild cards they can throw my way at this point you know only so many tricks up their sleeves that would have been a fun way to start the fight instantly immediately annihilate them instantly and immediately even the boss was a pretty uh rudimentary but we did again we prepared a lot for the boss fight so i suppose i shouldn't be too surprised by that do keep in mind though i mean i never beat the pitch black dungeon mod so it's not like a version of this game uh doesn't exist that's able to kick my ass we know that's out there this is not that though this is uh i don't think really designed a lot with difficulty in mind i'm kind of glad that's the case because they don't really need to worry about that in my mind goodbye right yeah darkest touch is plenty hard as it is they don't need to beef it up anymore like again the only reason that i'm having so much success is because as we've mentioned a few times now i've played this game for over like 600 hours so i know what i'm doing at this point i still uh don't also a lot of the time generally speaking hey radical uh sure why not can you actually see what attack the archer is planning maybe i haven't paid enough attention to know whether or not that's the case maybe maybe you can get bearded oh wow god damn okay i see you they hold different arrows that's cool that's a neat mechanic see if i can get a nice big heel at the end here that's pretty good i can't reach her oh well sorry burb i suck at this game granted i've only played for one hour in total yeah i mean the bones are mended i'm pretty bad at flying a plane but i've never done it in my life so hey wow what what the [ __ ] really okay sure i mean i don't want to leave yet but that's nice what the hell this is so early i am sure the previous owner will not mind more like shortest dungeon right heyo i don't know if the shambler or the collector shows up in this mod i have not seen either of them yet so my uh guess is no i don't think they have any of the wandering boss content done yet secure it and march on we still have much to do it might be in development though i don't know i did miss that room curio yeah totally forgot it okay right yeah so this one with the spikes people in the comments were telling me too apparently there's another symbol that looks very similar to that that i must be confusing that with and that makes sense to me damn we're getting lucky with those yeah kirgo it was uh it was not much of anything unfortunately kind of hoping the champion one proves to be a little bit more formidable we did have a uh i gotta say like we're maybe not uh giving enough attention to the fact that we more or less ran a build that countered the boss without even realizing it until of course we were fighting the boss but the fact that we had a leper that was the entire focus of our team or like the entire focus of the enemy team's damage that also had riposte that was also our primary damage dealer like that was just there was no way that boss was gonna beat us i had like the perfect setup without realizing it ah that sucks all right even with a hard counter he posed no threat whatsoever he wasn't that tough yeah no i don't disagree with you he could have got he could have had another attack give him four attacks i wouldn't matter that much oh that's worth it definitely worth it yeah wow it did look cool yeah it was cool looking boss at least one hand in that rifle like a boss literally all right buddy see you stun time let's try it this is a veteran level dungeon bearded but this arbolis is only level two otherwise these guys are level three and four and they're really trying to stress him out man he's already dealt like 90 damage to this guy [Music] very good he's basically dead go for that one friggin war hammer dude war horn i mean goodbye oh wait no he took the mark off [ __ ] ah all right i think i need to do that anyway another obstacle is clear didn't you build the crusader for stress i mean i didn't really build a crusader for stress hill i just happened to realize that the crusader had a stress heal but it's for everybody else in the party not for him so that's what i've been saying is everybody else is gonna be just fine but they keep on stacking the damn stress on the crusader which is the exact opposite of what we want which i suppose if he has the mark on him i should expect that yeah that's not too surprising now that i realized that one shot close to it pretty damn good bye mr skelly we're not gonna have a problem with those guys with the crusader until here yeah why not there we go [Music] beautiful stun seems good probably top off the crusader after that i might not be able to kill her with these attacks nah never mind she's dead see ya three more amber nope there is much to do like that amber time to get rid of the torches uh i don't need this clarity incense hold on what minus 50 horror amount received while not camping so like at all times why is that a condition what the [ __ ] am i not always not camping [Laughter] it's minus fifty percent horror amount received except when camping yeah that might honestly be a better descriptor there are camping skills that give horror yes that is a thing so i suppose that's like trying to interact with that in some way but still like man that's weird like i'm i'm i'm trying not to be too critical but there are some that are like let's let's go for at least maybe like a little better it's it's especially ironic that this is named the clarity incense that's hilarious to me but you got to try to be a little more clear about about the intended design you know like it's just it's just confusing i'm just i'm never gonna use that obviously i hardly even understand what the [ __ ] it does so yeah we'll just feel like no it's not yeah no i think they meant it to be for for horror it's just that they need to like i don't know man i'm not the expert on this [ __ ] either don't listen to me as like a definitive authority on it but i'm just trying to let you know that like in my experience here it's just kind of a confusing annotation i want that now all right it's about time i got squished i guess step lightly not have any more bandages either oh that's bad that's a lot of damage i have to camp oh hold on there we go all right now that's not the hp strip or that's not the hpl the hp heal that's the um that's only the stress heal i don't have a shovel for that anymore either okay hold on we gotta i'm gonna back up i just have him eat for food here actually that's probably not a bad idea yeah i'll just do that it's a big heel for him 32 heal bummer all right we'll do this room in that room and then camp out it's especially nice knowing that all the rooms are empty man it's this is just delightful ah [ __ ] whatever oh hey buddy there's a key you i lied one more room rely on each other one more room then we camp here we go who's there there's a chubs look at his tail that's happy girl there's puppies there's happy puppies [Music] he's waiting for dad to get up hi you're so cute you're so sweet he's my good boy you're so good buddy we're almost done with the dungeon this is almost finished bud yeah we're doing so good all right let's camp out huddled together it's in knights here just for me 41 off that that's crazy nice wacky dude um yeah this is just objectively better then and then let's go for um let's do this actually just to make sure that he doesn't get too stressed out and then pray is still good too produce a little more stress that way just get down to zero stress why not although i guess i can't actually do any more stress healing on her so never mind um sure i said i wanted to use that over something else so why not i can't stop thinking about the baby voice for pets hater you tweeted about it just doesn't seem like a real human being to me you know someone put off at the idea of speaking lovingly to your pets welcome back i mean i suppose that person would live in the youtube comment section if they did exist now they exist in the [ __ ] shadow realm baby they're gone for good lion heart thanks for the 18 months on the pile welcome on back in appreciate you bear hugs pokemon back in don't you make me demand him again chad i will don't make me do it well that's a full clear that was easy staples easy button mm-hmm man go ahead and give me a few of those today that's fine not a problem for me now level fives off that unfortunately uh it's pretty close though getting rid of lazarus's disease wow phenomenal positive quirk for the arborist actually maybe the best possible positive quirk for an arborist extremely good okay as if it wasn't good enough already love that to return here after so long it is difficult to describe exactly what this land means to me okay i'll tell you what man yeah we are cruising along here this is uh apart from those early hiccups we have not been running into any problems we're doing just fine now the thing is with this mod uh positive quirks are locked in by default so we don't actually need to worry about that going away that's going to be there for good along with this damn she is a [ __ ] she's amazing how about i've been using you more god damn she heals stress while idling in town good lord extremely good herbalist okay well uh stress is not a factor here [Music] let's see his negative quirks not an issue let's have a look at everything else here that's not that bad big of a deal those are fine necrophobes actually kind of bad i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of necrophobe i don't like that although lazarus is already committed never mind sludge wave thanks for the two months on the bear pile we'll come on back into you appreciate it bear hugs if you got him let's see i'm going to go ahead and do this i'm going to get rid of laudanum pension that is a pretty annoying one let's get let's get rid of that and then catacombs phobe is pretty bad too night blindness on a grave robber i kind of want to get rid of let's do that as well all right dope do i want to get another slot for negative quick removal that would cost a lot more resources than i'm willing to spend right now on that so apparently not how close are we to this still very far away we need a lot of amber and a lot of valor marks which i'm sure we'll be able to find in short order here upgrading the training regimen will be very good for us too we need more salvage jewelry for that so basically all the all the currencies would you kindly run through the lss reskins yeah i'll see if i can do that real fast i guess so we've got your uh nl crusader here tomorrow leper i don't remember who the herbalist is you got me here is the man at arms you got the j smith oti plague doctor with the uh horse face oti occultist is it's invicta bounty hunter is cory the vestal is i don't think we actually have a vestal skin jester is damn i don't know who the flagellum is either forget about that one too musketeer i believe is kate although i don't think we actually have the musketeer skin either i think i might be thinking of our ballists that's malfi with the fox of course brave robber is also not reskinned that'd be apollo hellion is someone's gonna have to remind me of the hellion i don't know about this one there's another leopard that i haven't reskinned yet there's invicta another jay smith oti this is nick goldman this is mouth again this is kate there's the katie oh kate's the shield breaker right yeah so kate's the shield breaker uh another gold man nick again it's aquarian hellion still not re-skinned you know where's number five there we go and mathis as the highwayman number five i think that's it pretty sure that's all yeah just need to reskin all these guys make sure they're all situated there we go good i'm not sure who that is still hey anthony that's better now we're all sorted out all right well what's next on the agenda we're going to want to gain more experience for these folks the ethereal crucifix added healing and stress healing received lowered speed yeah that's fine probably just go for that anyway bloody herb for the plague doctor though oh that's pretty good that's pretty cool actually i don't want to do that let's do that that's a little more exciting let's see i can also send some fresh meat out for this run but i think i'm a little more excited about leveling people up to the higher ranks getting out of these dungeons i think i'll do that instead let's go with let's get a jester in the mix today well uh we'll keep using that arbolous because it's just too good to pass up might go with a rank to a cultist or vestal here but maybe i'll get greedy this time maybe i'll go healerless see if i can't do something a little more fun we can even go with the mark party in that case although there's not a lot of synergy there be the hound master and then we need something like the uh well i suppose i could throw in like a lower rank leper or even like a highwayman actually do i dare bring a fresh highwayman into a veteran dungeon he's terrified as he should be oh that's just a terrible terrible idea man especially because in the front line he's not really all that effective against the marked target yeah that's a bad plan bear that's what we call bad plan bears he's gonna be pretty stressed out if we do this too man yeah it's not a good call but i'm gonna do it anyway just i was pretty sure i wasn't gonna do it but literally just in that moment i decided yeah you know what [ __ ] it if if i'm not here to entertain you with these ridiculous decisions what am i here for so let's send out a fresh from the fairy emmanuel 053 our apprentice highwayman see how he does oh this is gonna be bad let's see only grape shot blast we can do that tracking shot will be good doesn't actually have a uh mark of his own does he that's interesting duelist advance for sure dance for us bear that's right that's right all right we're gonna go with the clean guns on him as well even though he's not really gonna be doing a lot of uh a lot of good for us probably with no heel or two man god this is such a terrible plan but [ __ ] it let's try it i just i'm just curious enough to give it a go let's go upgrade everybody it's been going so easily for god's sake i feel like i gotta spice it up a bit man they keep things interesting here that works um that's i mean i do have a stress heel at least that might be necessary okay i might actually have to use target whistle here too i have two stress seals actually and guard dog they might actually be able to make this work it's a possibility this prelude huh oh increases his bleed amount applied whoa bleed jester build that's pretty cool [Music] i like that [Music] blaster yeah i think we'll still rock with this same kit though i've been pretty happy with that progesterones [Music] camping skills you get the clean guns there we go okay looking good i don't have an ambush prevention on this team do i no i do have the hound master yeah we're good cool okay let's get these trinkets sorted we get to do this at least which is probably best on the hound master i guess the highwayman has more damage than the houndmaster at rank one holy [ __ ] that's crazy okay well i guess we'll do this works for me although the hat oh the highwayman actually oh man huh hmm melee highwayman now let's do no we could oh [ __ ] but then he's gonna give that up which is way better but i can put that on a houndmaster let's try that let's try that let's give that a go let's go with sharpening sheath dodgy sheet and then he's going to go all melee skills don't even bother with the point blank now keep the point blank but then that gives up pistol shot [Music] with the mark doesn't synergize well [Music] that is really nice for his bleed skills oh boy i'm going to try this still something's telling me to give that to give that a go i want to try it out i think this is still good giving up tracking shot kind of sucks i think this is still good though okay we're gonna go with we need blackjack equipped for sure i think lick wounds is gonna have to wait till we need you gotta have that obviously we need duelist advance to be able to uh push the houndmaster forward so you're gonna use the super duper trinkets you do we want to use a hopeful tambourine here maybe i might need to do some more stress healing with this squad [Music] that just doesn't seem like a good use of a trinket slot especially in a team like this that needs a little more help maybe i give you some damage yeah that makes sense okay and then you're gonna heal he just you're the healer de facto so there's your speed buff all right man this is a bad idea oh god i like the idea that the new guy gets handed the god artifacts that it's really funny isn't it how [ __ ] mortified he would be coming right off the ferry to see the the horrors that have befallen this airship i guess in this case the the veteran dungeoneer party comes up to him okay buddy listen it's all on you all right man we've got these ancient relics that we acquired from the previous boss fight somebody almost died here you go what what oh [ __ ] okay [Laughter] you have this eldritch god dong yeah oh man that's funny well let's do it yeah no i'm glad i'm not i'm not putting that much weight on his shoulders get in there tiger oh [ __ ] all right anyway let's go i'm ready wait is this the right one yeah that's the one hold this human head that looks just like yours [Music] uh we'll be right back you got it buddy we got total confidence in you all right i guess this is gonna do it [Music] yeah here we go i mean i really should prepare a little more than this we've got no way to cure blight [Music] i'm obviously concerned for the highway man i have a guard is the thing like it's not like he's totally [ __ ] in every combat i've got the hound master to protect him but i think we'll be okay i i actually genuinely believe this is totally doable but it's obviously pretty risky but this seems perfectly perfectly capable as a squad so let's try it it a go mm-hmm well come on in hell boy let's hit it it's 11 times seat to establish an outburst here are we simply going to let them tell you what can be a rare treat for y'all of uh well you know what all it takes is one channel points prediction to completely uh butcher the channel points economy right so instead of doing a prediction we'll do a poll we'll bear lose lose not even a character specifically here will i lose the highwayman in this dungeon let's find out poll begins now i won't i won't destroy our channel points economy with a with a gamble although maybe i'll have to i am sure the previous owner will not mind i have to i have to make the decision at some point of whether i'd rather attempt to beat us have the ability to run channel points gambling or if i wanna preserve the integrity of ending the stream with a million channel points it's a difficult choice man i mean quite the pickle here jesus christ gecko [Applause] there's the sub goal man [Laughter] holy hell sometimes you just get kicked sometimes you're just sitting there minding your own business thinking things are running normal yeah you the a typical day going on and then and then all of a sudden gecker gives a hundred tier ones jesus christ thank you yet again lest we forget on top of that the number following that up 3150 total welcome back good lord miles snuck past it buddy you can't get hit by those gifted subs you're untouchable thanks for [ __ ] blowing by the 1k goal there gecker appreciate that very much get the i can get the large fries now after all turns out yeah xmas j for the 28 months on the pile fuchsia hair time i did i know i made the uh i made the i made the offer a few days ago i said a thousand subs i'll dye my hair the same color as my wife's that was a one day thing you know that you know that you knew that when we did we made when we made the declaration but maybe just maybe i'll have to come through on my word here even though i did say it was the one day thing maybe bears gonna have to be the good guy take one for the team no take backsies listen it's not like i go anywhere i'm not making a big sacrifice hell i'll carve the [ __ ] gatorade logo into the side of my head for no reason for no benefit whatsoever just to do it [Music] uh yeah you fear that one day you'll have a small army with one million channel points you just keep shutting down your streams yeah actually i'm pretty certain it's gonna happen carve no i chose my words very carefully there sh doobly with a blade right in there just cause i can [ __ ] crazy spectacular thanks for subbing goodbye one eighth of the way to shutting this whole thing down i'm genuinely certain that at some point in the future here we're going to have a a constant barrage of five-minute broadcasts as a result of incessant channel point redemption this first fight's going pretty damn well i gotta say you should commit to streaming forever and get a face tattoo uh 2000 sub gift goal or not not 2000 subs get the gold 2 000 sub goal i will tattoo northern lands face onto my face and redo my entire streaming background to look completely identical to his face off let's go for it guys let's see i know we can hit it if we work work together i know we can do it someone clipping we got to hold him accountable you know 2 2000's way too low 2 000 is just right we'll never we'll never hit 2 000 subscribers of course not that's not a real number it's an impossible task let's go get rid of this thing i don't know if i'm going to use a calming crystal come on now come on now yeah we're good we're good geez i already filled up the inventory again though that's the problem with running the hound master man ancient and fallen into disrepair inventory slots are already a precious commodity you gotta fill one with freaking dog treats this is just an unrealistic expectation what are we supposed to do with the freaking money now ah jesus all right goodbye bandages it was fun while it lasted and then a sapphire over archaeology kit yeah it's probably the better play here let's just do that and then goodbye okay cool works for me yeah the houndmaster's the problem not the guy that brought 100 pounds of food shut up i got mouths to feed damn it i got five of them now one of them wants specific little doggie biscuits so needy but i mean he deserves it he's a good boy who's a good fox neocloud the nine months on the pile we'll come back into you appreciate you i got mouths to feed very good thank you i did i missed that that would have been unfortunate to let that one go hmm i can't let that yeah speaking of letting that go i think i'm just going to go ahead and dump that money i think the extra food was warranted with the highway man oh i don't disagree at all yeah no this feels like appropriate preparation but i just need more inventory man i swear to god if the if darkest dungeon 2 doesn't give us like a backpack or something like a [ __ ] fanny pack or anything to give us like any option to get more inventory slots i need something i'm sick of inventory management damn it it's like half the game at this point fanny pack of destiny yeah dude you can name it whatever you want just give it to me dog treat might as well use them somehow right oh that's yeah that kind of sucks oh well hmm this is okay so the blue i still don't remember if the blue is a good thing i don't remember what this was this was like i think it's a good thing you burn the enemy maps yeah okay cool nice that's pretty good that's pretty dope ow we must be more vigilant no bandage isn't any more [ __ ] oh that's bad ah that's bad dude good lord okay let's go ahead and let you eat some food a lot of damage be more careful bear be more bareful okay well first camp is looking like a good choice pretty soon here all right this has been pretty good otherwise aside from that one mishap two mishaps ow oh jesus this land is filled with yeah i kind of asked for that didn't i all right uh one more okay good maybe a new job class that gives an inventory slide i'd be down with that too yeah upgraded antiquarian right good thing we got those anti-venoms no kidding all right we're healing we're healing all day arbalest more like carb are but less attacking more healing is what sets us apart well now they're trying to go for the stress already and that's a lot god stop that already please wow holy hell that's bad oh good i'm glad i stopped that yikes do i have another torch nope of course not and this ain't gonna work so uh oh yikes yeah clearly not an ideal start still need to heal too let's keep healing down distress heal too good lord man yeah no kidding we definitely needed to keep that equipped no choice there but to continue to inspire and i suppose marking is effective here before he transforms ideally and they hope he doesn't choose to now that clears marks i think i need to stop doing mark parties because there are so many more skills that these enemies have in this mod that remove mark way more than in vanilla like it happens constantly i think i need to stop trying to bank on that let's just deal some damage our stun is also good okay jester's fine now hey there we go well done herbalist healer that sucks this has certainly been a uh oh boy that's probably gonna be a result check for him that's close that's bad yeah that's it they were going for it they knew they knew all right that's fair that's fair what do you got hopeless oh yikes hmm another restore a little at least probably not going to get a lot of value out of trying to heal him anymore or stress heal him anymore right now so i think i need to try to start killing some guys there we go moving her forward is actually kind of good too ah it sucks i probably should have used a dog treat here actually that would have been a good idea that's fine it sucks that's so much stress jesus used to that doing so much stress damage man these guys were all about the stress damage in this fight that's pretty good [Laughter] wow okay uh let's see i guess i need to heal probably should he kill herself actually 70 is pretty good that plus open vein might be enough oh that sucks ouch holy hell those are some words dan thank you for the bits there we go i i i wish not to be a script reading bot but thank you for the money uh let's prevent this resolve check that's a good idea and then oh boy yeah we just gotta keep healing and they're still gonna keep on stacking the stress yeah we're definitely gonna camp out after this that's for damn sure but uh whether we're actually going to be able to um address how bad this has gotten is still up for debate we can still at least try to prevent his resolve check we should be able to do that almost certainly want to heal one more time here but i suppose we are going to camp out so i suppose i can try to rely on that whoa holy [ __ ] oh wow this is fun they're really looking at a front line jester here this is cool i dig that okay let's take that take that and we're good neat man i'm excited to try that out dude we got a lot of potential for a bleed jester okay cold are upon us keep each other safe by the fire prevent the ambush therapy dogs pretty good dan's best friend is really good too oh gallows humor excellent like perfect result there actually there we go oh do i want to put this on now no probably not it's exciting to have picked up though that's really cool we follow the ever guiding light sorry i don't know what that was all right let's go i guess we're still doing okay um i kind of want to have my houndmaster eat a little bit i'm going to put the heel on him i've not been using the mark at all so i'm just going to abandon that completely oh my bad curio jesus oh wow that's actually a very good one yeah no i'm glad i'm glad i got that yay [ __ ] oh i should not have had him do that that was lucky that was very lucky that's a tough team oh boy helpful surprise but still this is going to be very difficult definitely a dog treat fight definitely popping a biscuit [Music] let's do it now so i don't forget wait that was a waste no yeah i was supposed to do it next turn i suppose i might as well go for this then but i really need to heal so let's do that instead that's a waste misplay oh well figure that's gonna miss but i'd rather just set him up for the duelist advance i guess probably gonna guard on the first turn here too so i actually definitely needed to wait on that dog treat yeah that was that was a big whiff i think actually with that being the case i should probably just go ahead and not guard and instead just try to kill uh him having the repost up is a nightmare though dodge it ah [ __ ] okay um i should probably just go for you archer versus archer uh stun on him is kind of possible this is bad i completely wasted that dog treat that sucks bear we love you but that was a massive failure and we have lost all respect that's fair that's that's a fair analysis of the situation i deserve that critique uh his dodge is not nearly high enough and i definitely don't want him getting punched so [Music] i guess we just do that why did i guard the jester what the hell am i doing oh no i completely [ __ ] that up well goodbye [Laughter] yeah you're dead wow that's a miracle oh my god goodbye [Music] it's just i i'm incapable of being punished in this game i just cannot suffer any failures from my mistakes it's actually an impossibility this is setting a dangerous precedent for me it's not good for me to be feeling this way over confidence etc etc [Music] how's this look pretty good i like that heal it up oh you [ __ ] um i guess we need to do that i'm probably gonna go for the self-heal too stun chance isn't great oh he can't do that in the front position god damn it god damn it hey you got the stun though that's pretty damn good now we can sell fuel no stress stressful too [ __ ] it this is a great opportunity good chance to reduce the uh overall damage done jester nearly back to full self heal excellent one more from him how to do it nice oh baby love to see it and the bleeds getting going too hell yeah all right jester's fine time to fix the highway man with one crit there we go a little stress ceiling to boot why not god damn this is looking good okay thank you just do your repressurize yeah there you go perfect and now we try to kill you before you blow up and oh that's actually kind of bad okay i was really hoping to get that bleed okay now i think we're gonna get punished you know what i'll take it i'll take it i'll stress heal a bandage again top us off i'll take it i'll take it to the face man this makes sense though stun that'd be huge if it's done in there but he's probably just gonna blow up oh sick that's fine that's not that bad gives us another turn stack the bleed i think i keep stress healing man but now i better not push it i think it's probably time to try to kill him now one hound master hit one more bleed oh no is he still gonna blow up anyway okay thank god that would have sucked now we definitely uh i don't want to do this actually no i do he's not going to crit so this is definitely just going to lock down the kill then we just got to heal go for that i guess i self you again yeah works for me dude what we got both in the same run thank you i might as well try it now right [ __ ] it let's just re redesign the build jesus this is that doesn't seem like it should happen dude we're gonna use the lot in them yeah holy hell cool [ __ ] it who needs the dog treats right it's not like i'm [ __ ] using them okay that's kind of concerning actually that's a lot of stress that's a scary team that's really bad welcome i'm zombie penguin thank you very much for the prime sub appreciate the support bear hugs for him hope you're doing well do you want to keep stress healing do i dare i don't think so this is way better the speed buff from the battle ballot is huge 41 now let's let's finally do this okay never mind um all right [ __ ] it yeah no i why didn't i do that i should have targeted that guy that was that was dumb um okay that actually is kind of good because then i'm going to repost after that pistol shot's got a 33 chance yeah all his stuff is terrible in the prep round but we'll just do that so we can get a repost up god damn it it was all the stressing like i did [Music] nice good stuff guys man i really feel like i need to be stabbing with the jester he's got way too much damage to just keep buffing with him yeah god good decision that was a good choice sure okay there we go now it's 4v2 that worked well good god okay my bad this is more or less me saying i'm gambling on a 30 chance to kill this guy uh where a failure state is me getting punched in the face one two 122 crit no balls i agree son of a [ __ ] all right well i deserve that no stun here i don't think they can actually target the back line i'm pretty sure the gesture is fine there we go okay no problem i think you might die ah [ __ ] that's good that works sorry my lucky [ __ ] it's just because you didn't give me 100 bits for the career that's the only problem if you got the payment uh you need not much more for i guess bola certainly a good time for ebola obviously not getting really rid of it either of those trinkets here do i need the keys i guess not all right all right hey cool i think i can do one more fight hell yeah okay that's good black next hit better be a crit or i'll lose all faith in humanity well that's a lot of pressure hopefully it works out let's see um i should probably heal yeah best and then a little guard dog again keep this boy in good shape and all right so this is going to miss but i just want to set the repost again even though he's guarded but still good okay now now we're looking for the crit prep round didn't count no no no not lost yet it's not all not all hope is lost yet we still have the sliver of hope more stress heal try to get this guy off of his hopeless condition man i think it's a possibility there we go oh sorry actually no yeah i guess your faith humanity should be gone now yeah that was it sorry it's all gone whoops oh especially now yeah i know everything's completely [ __ ] all hope is lost it's nice while it lasted i guess if we had it in the first place do i have a turn can i can i do something hey thanks yeah sure i guess again i am very tempted to allow the jester to participate in damage i think it's a good idea well i guess it was a bit of a waste there but couldn't have known that uh yeah there we go it's effective and pop very good oh baby [ __ ] time to heal beautiful i'll fix it and goodbye he's got to feel a little intimidated at this point right seeing the faith of the fallen those around him he's got to be feeling a little concerned at this point pop another heal on him real fast should be fine oh come on now here's a pretty big one too mr heck of a geck as you can see our care for one another is what sets us apart uh keep trying that's done we're trying to delay this fight a little bit so we can get some more stress healing done on the highway man 100 bits from peptic says next crit is a 122 from jester or i have [ __ ] luck well again we're uh we're putting all of our eggs into a very very small basket here but i suppose i'm not the one to tell you not to do that yeah sure i'll take it wow really that i was definitely not expecting but the bleeds already there too holy [ __ ] let's just do this pause for a heal and then another stress heal get them down to 40 dude 50 i mean let's go good stuff top them off this is a mod yeah it's extremely impressive isn't it exclamation point br commander channel gives you more information about it it's all community stuff it's very impressive work big team involved with it oh this is another stressful if i've got salts and i don't which is not surprising i guess at this point in the dungeon dude i'm gonna go i'm all in on this i'm fixing this highway man i'm determined absolutely determined that ain't gonna happen let's go for this though although they're almost certainly just gonna clear the mark but i can at least get this hit off that's a 26 percent chance though never mind let's prevent their uh additional stress on the highway man at least yeah that sucks i guess getting his repost active on the highway man it's not really that big of a deal not really helping us that much ah that's a bomber and the blight yikes really bad result there worst case scenario [ __ ] minus five dodge i guess isn't that bad but still rather definitely not or definitely rather not deal with that oh man the blight here too [ __ ] well so much for that definitely think i'd take you out oh yikes oh okay [Applause] not good not good not good at all still committed though not giving up on that damn it oh that's so much damage holy [ __ ] okay there we go that would have been nice to have for the first hit but oh well blackjack is probably a pretty good idea here come on now nice that's pretty big why what the hell oh my god okay that's actually kind of good marking himself is not unhelpful here i need to get up so i can do a finale good god come on now at least that blight is done that's huge that's a big heel oh no don't blight him please thank goodness that would have been devastating that blight's gone too that's nice he's gonna be the finale target for sure i think i just need to heal this is really bad thankfully not a crit again still off death's door please don't pass okay that's fine that's acceptable a hundred percent going for the finale here thank goodness it didn't miss keep healing the jester because he's got the buff to healing received from the arbalest self-heal assuming the horrific blaze up front again oh back line [ __ ] that's bad still off death's door at least stack the bleeds please okay we're doing okay heels have been less effective than i thought they'd be considering the buffs we've gotten to it but oh well keep healing at least the hound master's doing well i'll be able to keep the focus up front there we go this is good okay this is working pretty well actually i'm pretty optimistic now that's better one more on him he'll be in good shape i might actually get rid of this this fight i don't think i even need to self-heal again i could probably go for the blackjack huge nice that's big okay awesome these bleeds going 15 per very good holy cow okay good stuff i need to heal him again probably uh let's go for you let's go for the bleed yep here we go okay oh [ __ ] that was a big one needed that one all right yeah i know i need to do this now let's go for this i need to get a lot of damage i probably should have taken a shot with the arborist actually that would have been the safer play oh come on dude you got to be [ __ ] kidding i should have shot with the arvalus that was my fault this is amazing this is this just doesn't even feel fair how in the hell this is our third memento of the run good lord it's actually not that good huh yeah that's sort of meh to me i'm gonna take it certainly but not extremely exciting um i guess over the jades yeah oh yay we did it all right hold on we need to uh i guess i need to just take a chance on this and time to camp alone we will die together we will rise all right this gallows humor again i missed on the jester that's okay though still pretty damn good let's see uh therapy dog yep it'll work wow cool affliction healed darkness will not impede us we friggin did it dude we push on the bear greed is real those who voted no we will not lose the highway man your faith has been rewarded go get my fourth trinket right yeah that's laying around here somewhere obviously i go find it okie dokie oh hey buddy i wish i had anything to give you maybe i can go find something and come back and do that so we can feel a little better about our list hp and still have enough for a hunger trigger we go now we leave a hundred percent i'm not gonna go through another hallway without food well then again if the curios right there maybe i could be persuaded yeah you've got my number here hey okay cool that'll do that'll do nothing to give the vendor so we're out of here no trespassers holy cow it was met mystic so that again i'm not gonna i'm not gonna you know make a big fuss of it considering i had initially had that just been a one day thing but i'm probably gonna end up doing it anyway just because i'm a dumbass and set easily achievable goals for radistic or for uh ridiculous real-life consequences oh hey cool steady jester uh slow reflexes is pretty bad we gotta get rid of that may i offer a bribe yeah i like bribes natural swing for the highway man oh he's definitely gonna be a bleed highway man then covets pain and suffering oof oh yuck all right we're gonna go ahead and get rid of both of those slow reflexes and whatever the hell that is and the ballast pours out we press on that is yucky goodbye to the algopholic algophilic goodbye to the slow reflexes there we go okay what the freaking hell mr god boy that's another big fat gifted sub bomb there's a bribe you did say you did warn me oh my god [Music] welcome in another 50 people to the bear pile that'll put us well up and over the goal certainly workers eating good tonight for real holy cow thank you mystic so much 50 gifted subs on top of the of course n or 8 66 before that nearly a thousand total now thank you very much [Music] extremely kind i appreciate that gotta get some stress healing down here too now don't we yeah oh you're good you're looking for the prime as well come on in give the bear hugs absolutely we need more and more and more bear hugs for one and all for 50 new bear pile members for god's sake we got to get a whole bunch of them things thank you for the support y'all means a lot i suppose we're all taken care of already aren't we god damn we are doing great feeling really good about this campaign suppose you know let's do this let's spend the few resources it takes to say hi to taffy she doesn't want to say hi all right she ran away oh this could be fun too but i don't think i need to spend resources on that either i think i need to save the stuff for the uh level five of armor but i kind of want to bring another flagellate onto the team and give us an opportunity to uh do a pick me another occultist seems good too begging god's power is not to be toyed with by those without proper constitution and one more grave robber so there we go three names to be drawn here let's go ahead and do p-i-c-k-m-e in chat all one word we'll rename this flagellance this occultist in this grave robert thank you very much ice princess 51 months on the pile as well appreciate it come on back in thanks for the support again it's pick me all one word if you'd like to be selected we'll draw three names i'll probably try to get some of these uh new recruits out and involved we did get that uh brand spanking new highwayman out there and got him some experience real quick so shouldn't be too difficult to get them in the mix at some point here look at that he's already almost level three nice and easy dude all right [Music] winner number one [Music] ss j huns ss junes perhaps welcome on into the team good to have you underscore j hunt there we go and number two the dot squad gaming welcome into the squad appropriately gammy there we go jay huns is correct got it all right good stuff thank you and number three friendly shambler how fitting i feel like i gotta give you the occultist but we'll stick with what i got the friendly shaw i bet if i get the underscores out of there hold on what if i did this how's that you like that that fits in there all right good stuff that'll do generously mystic on boy naturally hop on into the pile there as well of course jay [Music] good to have you thank you mystic for the gift itself oh a feather crystal [Music] oh that's fun plus 20 damage when acting first i like that i could go for that let's go for that that's a good trinket let's try to get some folks up to level five so that's gonna be i suppose a flatulent oh i don't i don't mind it jay huns is all good [Music] uh let's go with the bounty hunter still pretty good i like the crusader more actually and then we'll do i really wish i had a higher rank musketeer but i guess this one will have to work out and then it's going to be falafels all right then man team looks good let's level them up oh they're already uh armor and weapons all good to go yes skills now i guess which i think they all are actually already leveled up in as well yep all set okie dokie hmm i don't know why i did that camping skills probably all good yep yep yep oh wait hold on return uh triage that's pretty good option surroundish thank you for the 15 on the pile welcome back to you as well appreciate it we'll try that out see how it goes well that was easy i guess we're ready let's do it trinkets of course too right so we've got the suffering collar on the flagellant which is quite good i'll go ahead and rock that again uh love having the visage and the dismantle distant blade on our crusader here we'll definitely do that flagellate needs to probably use the profane scroll although he is religious i guess so maybe not i guess i can just give him the bleed amount of play we'll do that bag of marbles and i don't think i want to go with the atonement beads let's do let's just give her the slippery boots again and then you got something specific to the musketeer don't i could have sworn i did i guess not it's just the arborless stuff so far i know welcome back let's give her a bunch of bleed resist just for fun [Music] no real rhyme or reason to it i don't need patch up on her this time i'd like something that's at least decent in the prep round so i think i'll go ahead and swap this for smokescreen that's probably pretty good [Music] okay seems good seems good man all right let me take a quick bathroom break here folks i'll be back in a very short time and then we will take on this medium veteran dungeon see in a second [Music] welcome back [Music] keyboard and we're good let's get it off to the catacombs once more to acquire the feather crystal let's do it i've been okay with two stacks of food i think i don't i don't think i'm really gonna need to save the money i think i'm much happier bringing the extra stuff i guess i'll bring one more horning oil uh ooh do i dare go in the dark i kinda want to i'm gonna do it no torches it's about damn time right about time bear started being a bear about it instead of a cub let's get in there and show these dungeons what we're all about huh another stack of archaeology kits man [ __ ] it [Music] extreme breed thank you for watching avocado can't wait to finish the exposed interior and see people have to go through that learning curve all over again i'm excited for it too to establish an outpost here are we simply going to let them absolutely it's a lot easier that way this land is filled with unseen dangers no torches no light for me see how it goes be gentle for sale or for study these artifacts are precious gotta keep in mind we're gonna have to go down and check out that uh room below us as well this is a cleanse after all okay i haven't tried the oil on that yeah that makes sense i am short well i suppose i'm using a torch definitely going to take this over that there we go i'll just eat the extra food here i guess and take a bandage there we go cool oh why did i do that i totally could use the archaeology we still have much to do whoopsie oh well [Music] i'm pretty damn i'm pretty damn sure at this point that the uh the torches are gonna be uh easily passed up for future attempts i should have probably done dump the bandage there instead of the archaeology kit oh well i almost want to just go through this hallway too but that's pretty unnecessary this is going well we are going to be in the uh pitch black darkness pretty soon here but we might just want to camp in this room probably not though wow that's a heck of a reward for that that's cool sweet all right we've already got 18 matak that's amazing this is already a really good dungeon rely on each other all right here they come a cavalis emerging from the darkness uh i like a judgment here i guess sure and then suffer right away just to get the mark on my flagellum oh wait no right that doesn't add a mark to him i keep forgetting that there already has to be a mark out that's good here we go bulwark smoke screen lowered accuracy no protection or lowered protection anyway on these guys very good missed the root post there unfortunately they ain't done [ __ ] to us so we're good to go let's get our torchlight up it seems like a good idea i probably forgot to upgrade smoke screen yeah i completely forgot to upgrade smoke screen oh well armor piercing is going to be fantastic against these guys unfortunately not really going to be able to bleed anything if we're fighting in the dark now that i think about it so that kind of blows but the flagella can still deal some damage at least not to mention he does lower their bleed resistance so maybe eventually we can bleed them but probably not almost certainly not oh man that's a expiation and damage is a pretty serious business and holy [ __ ] the crusaders gonna be amazing against these guys oh he does more damage against expedited targets holy [ __ ] i just noticed that i tried to make that a combo we gotta go for the judgment on these guys and let the crusader do some big work dude that's gonna be dope all right he's gonna kill himself anyway so i guess that doesn't really matter about you oh you're definitely dead now see ya damn that's sick oh [ __ ] an adequate performance for now wow keep it up okay um i guess i'm camping yeah i should probably camp all right rest we will need your strength come daybreak oh do i want a sun cloak that's not a bad option certainly ah [ __ ] it let's just get rid of all that uh do i want to prevent the ambush here i guess so yeah let's do this one though oh i guess he doesn't have any stress though so it doesn't really matter how we doing on religion religious religious faithless so religious buffs are pretty damn good here still praise pretty good and then let's go with hmm i guess clean guns clean musket is quite good then scout i like scout nice all right cool our path is revealed march on nothing i can do with this that's good it's a buff for her hell yeah good stuff alrighty i suppose i might as well just well i don't really need to heal the flashlight i think it might actually be worth it to try to go for this it's still worth i can actually bleed these guys too go for it all right that's still worth trying with the ball work we might actually go through here with some torchlight for a while oh i should just do this there we go i have to deal with that speed debuff now um and then what do the smoke screens look like with different ammo it's gonna be move resist debuff debuff protection all enemies take 4 damage uh i think i'd rather get the debuff on there actually move resist isn't going to be a thing though they have protection no they don't so i suppose i better just do this then oh that's all enemies right yeah not just not just the three that i hit huh burning night welcome run away from the magic i think 68 months on the pot welcome back in bear hugs for him thank you for the support okay okay okay oh what that was okay i misclicked that that was not what i intended but that's kind of what i intended actually so that worked out nice okay time to print yep definitely time to crit ah not for you apparently though that's totally fine he's at 45 i want to say no no not quite that but also not quite at his threshold to do what he wants so gotta wait i might kill pretty decent chance to bleed ah damn okay oh that sucks bummer i might go with the bombard again nice that's good oh i don't know why i keep trying to stun this dude he's got a ton of stun resistance all right time to exsanguinate [Music] not a problem see it no big bleed ah where's my big bleed though that's the funnest part yeah i'm not stunning that guy i'm not gonna hit him with that [ __ ] just bombard again boom ah jeez that would have been enough for sure holy [ __ ] can i do this again now i think so oh wait unless i just got over the threshold again holy [ __ ] oh it's on cooldown right yeah i forgot we press on there is much to do okay get rid of that get rid of this off we go cool this is going well bird up where does your crusader have any anti levantine quirks yes 17 skirmisher added dodge uh try it all right nice great start i can just extinguish immediately that's awesome i better not though i don't want to miss it the darkness will not impede us smoke screen time i suppose protection reduction is good for this one much better than the other uh other options now much better good dodge all right now he's saying when they're for sure oh we should go for the xp to target again actually here i gotta remember that combo now we actually have to heal big bleed hey there we go smite is gonna do a lot of work on this boy big shots right that'll do get to work one or two more how to do it there there's a tuffy puppet dog hello what you doing you want to come up here come on come here come on you got to figure it out you got to figure out how to get up here girl what are you doing what are you doing getting behind my chair that's not how you get up here going for pets on the other side goofy girl come here come this way okay she wanted to lay in her bed ugh there you go there's a chips too hi buddy what's this is up your brother it makes you so happy yeah that's good puppies oh hold on puppies don't leave don't leave puppies germs [Music] you're so sweet okay goodbye that's a good boy he's so handsome i like when they come to visit they're good puppers very good puppers uh yeah that works he's a good bud what happened to your wagon tail i thought it was wagon oh you need something from me oh boy keep on your dreams keep standing tall if you are strong you cannot fall wow the [ __ ] bombard nope okay wars consist of a great many battles um i definitely want the jewelry i'm going to replace the gold with that oh i should have kept that key oh that was stupid oh well still something can't even get that though [ __ ] oh well off we go any failures let's go ahead and top off my musketeer here there we go i'll do it go get elise elise he doesn't know who that is that's mama silly against the light our foes will form remember how we didn't bring any torches into this one and somehow the torch light has been near 100 quite often that's been fun i've enjoyed that um i wonder i don't think that'll repost yeah that's good that sets him up to more than likely be one shot by the crusader i guess i wouldn't say more than likely it's got a decent chance oh boy i might want to move forward for her actually i want to do this yeah that's better and then let's go with ah that sucks holy lance is okay no that's that's not bad that's really good perfect actually that's really bad gotta get you out of there that's not the ideal way to do it stress on the flagellum is worse for sure not the worst thing in the world unexpected but okay how's this doing pretty damn good very little chance to actually kill i was completely mistaken about that but that's still quite nice especially when he dodges the melee and this guy's got a lot of protection that's pretty dope all right bombard is good here take out big boy get myself a nice fat heel right there who's back into the chubs again and what happened is your chubs i'm so handsome such a brave boy sure there we go i'll do i like when my buddy hangs out with me yeah good stuff all right a little stress you'll love that big money another skirmish another step forward big money i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of this sun cloak and i'm not in love with this thing and i guess that's it okay cool no bandages for that oh i have an archaeology kit though and another friggin trinket i can't bring along yay boy um i guess i'm doing that i need them to talk more this might just be like an all resources run here besides the jude tapestry here here have an archaeology kit oh cool a tough ring wow that is awesome okay thanks i'll take that over that thank you see you we have heard reports that chubbs is the bestest boy can you confirm or deny it that is in fact accurate never has there been a better boy in the history of boys chubbs is the best boy it's not a stack of 2000 gold is one of the least appealing things we can see in here um uneventful couple hallways everyone says their dog is the best and they're all correct exactly i suppose from like a legal standpoint we have to acknowledge that justin has actually registered registered a corporation uh by the name of best boy inc or something along those lines so he does get a small nod of acknowledgement for that however i think even he would recognize chubbs now in 2021 as the the uh the best boy i'm gonna move forward and self-heal i guess oh he's the world's most handsome boy isn't he yeah i think you're right that sounds right so at least there's no contention there no need to no need for uh litigation as i suspected wow that hit that was a 15 chance to hit that was lucky i can still use my bulwark here too it's at least out of pitch black darkness but it might not oh baby do you want to go for the smite here for sure um ouch yeah let's just do that i guess i should have still targeted you with the uh flail just go ahead and heal the entire bit of damage there yeah that's fine [Music] you haven't popped you having chubs at work makes me jealous it's pretty nice man elise has been telling me actually about a fun little puppy companion she gets to have at her job now too there's a little puppy named poppy poppy the puppy that uh one of her co-workers will bring to work with her uh quite often in fact so she'll have poppy with her at the desk being the most adorable thing [Music] sounds like a delight later on keyboard might as well do that i don't actually know what kind of dog it is i was going to describe the dog but and it occurred to me i don't actually have any idea it's just a little he's got black and white fur he's got kind of ears that go a little up uh but are like kind of droopy at the tip of them and then what else is there he's very he seems very lively very energetic give me a call yeah that's not that's not my sound border collie um no not quite but similar similar to a border collie but not not definitely not that something along those lines though [Music] it's a little sweetheart though tail or doctor i don't actually know i can tell you i don't know if i've ever seen its tail i've only ever seen it in pictures that's a few more valor marks there that's pretty good dazzling charm it's actually not bad there's very few trinkets i feel that add stun skill chance i don't think i want to dump anything for it though that's tall order hey dope there we go good stuff cool uh we'll go for this reduce the stress let's see i could probably go for one more fight and then go for the camp if we even find one our cause is righteous that'll do that's a tough ring that's 30 max hp which is pretty sick pretty sick oh you posted pic is that of your dog there luna bill is that in the pet pics channel of our bear pile discord which you can get to using the exclamation point discord command in the chat we're going to discord dot gg slash bear pile oh it's a little doggy oh she's so sweet i want to give her scratches give her a bear hug here we go oh that's so sweet and the pet pics section of the discord is a good place to be a good good place to be oh boy okay that's getting up there let there be light we aren't doing pretty well with light actually oh yeah shadowy nice i'm gonna use the uh dazzling light a few times in this fight too he's good reign of sorrows big bleed nearly dead at the end already and that torchlight baby stun to boot stun tall away with you that was weak i really even needed the vestal seal so far man mostly been a stun machine i probably should have killed you thankfully you didn't heal yourself enough or at all um yeah it works all right now we go for that you should be dead stuff keep on stunning i guess sure devastation why not brag let's see yeah [ __ ] it no all right i might be able to stun this ah no never mind he's got his resistance up so let's just do this now let's just kill this guy never mind let's do nothing at all that was my plan that's what i wanted keep on stunning me well i'm gonna keep trying just because we're getting a ton of torchlight out of this tons of torch keep it up by all means your strength is tasted as you will sang one eight times god damn there we go holy [ __ ] you are just unkillable aren't you there we go oh lovely roger we'll have to check that out too torch 72 torchlight now big money dude love it love it or six more valor marks pop the archaeology kit bring these in place of the gold yeah keep going making moolah dude not even money really just currencies this time for real this has just been a big currency run which i am very happy to do i'm gonna do one more room i'm gonna save the camp for the very end if i can but if we have to make some space which we almost certainly will in fact yeah i probably should have just done in the last room actually that was definitely the better play just to be able to make the space but oh well either way i guess it might have been yeah it was it was the better place to do it then for sure just because we would have been able to more or less guarantee that the uh flatulent doesn't have his resolve check which is i mean it's not it's not the worst thing in the world if that happens but i'd also kind of like to prevent it that sucks you just want me to have room for the glittering gold trinkets and bobbles me too ideally we can carry them all but the last that may not happen this time keep them stuns up we got freaking 84 torchlight dude why stop now fill that sucker up one more shot from the musketeer how to fix you up although actually that's a much better choice that way i'm gonna be able to give him the armor-piercing musket shot good stuff okay lee's looking amazing already on that guy we can just keep dodging everything i'll be fine with that let's get started on the smites i guess start hitting him at some point probably don't need to go for another stun here but why not might as well 96 towards light and land of the stun good lord lead up to 20 or 32 now jesus christ really dying just from that next turn dodge is another horrific blaze good lord things are going pretty well pretty good about these weaknesses are exploited all right more of these call me in the morning hell yeah uh let's just try that again so i can top off the torch light man why not up to a hundo leaving buddy what you doing huh trying to figure things out decide what's going on today oh boy i think i might just be dumping the campfire and the food here man oh he found his comfy that's bid good boy gotta make a nest [Laughter] there we go oh hold on not quite not quite perfect not quite ready i gotta get this over there that's where this goes yeah this goes this way and then this is getting over here there oh yeah that's oh there we go oh that's very good that's so comfy that's perfect huh just how we need to do buddy okay yeah man i just gotta do this so be it everybody have one last feast before we throw all the food away let me get one more curio and then we get the hell out of here jesus christ what the hell okay um i guess this is worth more than the jade so don't do that and that'll do it all right see it this year soldiers will march elsewhere for now very good just gotta get this fixed up too there we go right there onto the chubs perfect perfect yeah this week hopefully we'll be moving out of the lazy boy though anthony i i don't want to be in this damn thing anymore my new chair is on the way hopefully going to be here tomorrow or the next day good stuff good haul again there level five for resvin bruce and fluffles very good ashen oh that sucks i'm gonna get rid of that pretty bad these sands whisper in the night to those who know how to listen let's go ahead and commit near miss to the uh stress relief here and at this point now let's see [Music] what do we do not boss time no not yet not yet we might try a champion dungeon though yeah i like that idea let's go for a short champion dungeon and see how we fare bring out one of our god squads yeah here we go this ought to do pretty well new areas unfortunately aren't available yet in the mod they're just still being developed [Music] there we go all right we have to upgrade this still i'm sure we have enough we need to get 21 of these there we go and then we need uh oh hold on do we have enough stuff that's exactly enough isn't it yeah that's funny cool there we go good job all right that is certainly an idea robin but that is way beyond any of my interpretation and knowledge of the mod so far you have assumed a lot of what i know and understand about this right now that's cool yeah uh command and bolster again i'm pretty happy with that i gotta keep in mind these are expensive upgrades here especially because i haven't upgraded the training regimen all the way so these are going to be pricey heels of course we're going to upgrade for sure play doctor we got to get upgraded too that's a big buff i look at medicine guaranteed heal for six is nice and then those are huge buffs too cool okay and then of course the weapons and armor gonna be very pricey too oh the armor we can't upgrade yet yeah that's important to note it's gonna be a little weaker than they could have been i still think they'll be just fine though final rank of weapons this is a big one man i feel good about this team i think they'll be just fine [Music] okay so to begin with here [Music] we look at our leper welcome [Music] [Music] thank you very much for the support going back to the pile definitely going to get our riposte leopard going here got to be the way to go for that it's nice to have the immunity mask but i'm going to roll with that combo for sure let's see man alarms might actually just take the tough ring here it's pretty damn good choice that's 30 hp that's amazing and then sun ring maybe increase his healing received i think his dodge basically zero which is already pretty much the case tough ring man in arms classic combo absolutely okay there we go speed on my vestal and i suppose that's about all slippery boots and the plague doctor what do you want i appreciate that super thank you very much very kind how do we feel about bloodied fetish and stress stone i feel pretty good yeah that's fine it's not exciting but it does the job let's do it okay yeah this is a fun build right here man obviously this is all in on the leper again but that's a good way to go that's a good way to go let's do it i believe this is our first champion dungeon is it not that makes sense because this is the only opportunity we've had to do one that's exciting let's hit it full stack of food definitely not going towards this this time that would be a gonna be a foolish endeavor we'll go ahead and bring one more of each of those things and then anti-venom as well i guess money's a little low again [Music] all right [Music] archaeology kids gotta bring at least three okay i think we're ready let's do it [Music] let's go let's get hydrated that is much to be gleaned from these age-old workshops establishing routes through this area it's a scout so argument to be made here for uh not going up welcome back but i can't ignore it i simply can't certainly old enough this ain't your dad's darkest dungeon that's that's yeah i don't like thinking about what that is what is my dad's darkest dungeon that doesn't sound like a place i ever want to see never in my life uh yeah now come on now and revenge and then the third buff on the lever which seems unnecessary but we might as well right so he's got a double riposte now right that's what i'm led to believe with that certainly that's going to be the case he'll repost twice hot taffy girl you want to cuddle with brother you're gonna fit in the bed with brother yeah yeah you're gonna try she was thinking about it you want to come up with me come on come on oh good jumping come on big girl you gotta do it you gotta do a big jump come on oh come on you got it oh it's such a big jump i know come on she tried happy girl come here come on you got it you got it come on let's go come come up big jump finger jump come on i gotta work you up so much for this it's so hard for you to jump this far i know come on you got it come on come on come on come on oh i gotta help you all right she doesn't think she can make it oh there we go didn't make it easy on me did you why okay here we go now we just gotta do this real quick hold on so you can see that there we go that's the most important part of this camera is seeing that there we go you want me to pull back the curtain a little bit you want to know how far goddamn far away you are look at this you're all the way up there i'm always in look out look how big this space is so much room for activities we're all the way up in my face what are we doing all the way up in here it's nonsense that's happy girl he's such a little man okay there we go there's taffy girl play grenade let's see how well our leopard does today the first champion enemies big heels coming up bolster absolutely wow nearly one-shotting with normal damage oh but they can deal 90. uh oh that's bad oh god wrong cut how can i how can i never get that right all right good enough what do you think of that keyboard huh how's that smell wow no by all means oh that's bad though oh god don't bleed to death he is gonna bleed to death isn't he i think he's gonna bleed to death oh that was lucky um i'll just take everything i can i guess again i can't even i just realized i can't battlefield medicine unless the man at arms goes first that's pretty huge that's big yeah i should have fixed that [ __ ] definitely should have fixed that wow this has been rough that bleed is really bad too oh my god uh oh um hmm time to camp i have 16 food this isn't good at all oh boy i have to do that oh he wasn't gonna bleed there i didn't realize that still though feels like the right idea hmm let's not have you do that i haven't seen you in a minute well [ __ ] look out for one another companions this is bad i don't have wound care oh no how in the hell oh god that sucks that's not good taffy girl we don't have any way to rid him of the bleed hmm i guess healing is better than nothing we'll keep that ooh add to healing received there we go i should have just done that actually that would have been way better we're gonna have to risk the um ambush here we follow the ever guiding light okay that was a gamble but it paid off all right watch out taffy geez that sucks that is an important lesson though champion enemies are not messing around any single one of them is gonna be a uh huge threat i am sure the previous owner will not mind yeah they stored them in a stone in the middle of the hallway i'm pretty sure they did the abandoned ownership kitten 74. thanks for the five months welcome to five months 51 months i should say for sale or for study thank you artifacts are precious pokemon back in appreciate it taffy this chair was already killing me i gotta say this is not helping out my ergonomics situation but you're too adorable to kick out unfortunately you just got more comfortable after i said that all right i can't even see her anymore man right underneath me here i think a bolster is better to start with because the leper already has his repose so it's not like i have to add that right away getting with stand activated on him is going to be a really good idea already too that was a heck of a repost to begin with unfortunately not gonna be able to individually heal the lever here which is gonna be a problem but that's okay it's a really good light to begin with and let's do this no let's not do that let's do this love me a super leopard dodge one dodge not too bad here's attempt number one success well done okay good luck is doing fine they should have had me do that i'm like dead on with that sound dude that's good light's stacking up already i don't think i need to do the withstand i can just keep on slashing here oh chip chip chopping away the last dude's dead 36 for holy [ __ ] it's a big tick i think it's probably time to crush you do have the armor piercing i believe on that right or no i guess not does he have armor piercing as a quirk this morning that was the thing he could do maybe that was a trinket i was using oh yeah he does have penetrating right here there we go i believe this is episode five for youtube uh kitten maybe six but i think it's five god damn from battlefield medicine wow that was good agonizing death nice vengeful boots cool musketeer trinket buff bombard damage on hit non-stackable that's pretty cool all right yeah his buff to healing received no that was the leper that was on the um man on arms wasn't it that heel could've sworn let's check this room i know we're good i use a shovel there yup no more salts actually let's get rid of the uh ginseng powder the disease kit next we'll probably just use that right away plenty of stuff to dump this time at least it's kind of nice dump it louder dump it louder the darkness will not impede us we are the flame now i step lightly shut up nice is righteous but to require spawns okay thank you still got two hunger triggers okay here we go here we go feeling a lot better about our odds now that first combat terrified me but i'm feeling much better now i think we just had a bit of an anomaly there nice obviously obviously this leper is still doing plenty of work for us very functional character here i still like bolstering in the first round too a little dodge into the mix him an individual heal here for sure come on crit glad we're actually able to utilize the blight here too you know whether the blight was always utilized it was the bleed that wasn't being utilized which of course we have none of here does he have a buff to healing receive too no why is he yeah he does it's the sun ring that's what it is okay that's why that's why i forgot about that completely that's a pretty effective group heal for them there's a very serious problem with the stream you don't seem to have a dog on your lap no i do see the problem with the stream is that i'm not putting that in focus enough so here here's here's the problem adjusted hopefully or corrected that is if you were to uh put the focus of the webcam right here and then down there and then right there where it ought to be you will see very plainly that there is a dog in my lap which we'll just go ahead and leave the camera there that's the most important part of the broadcast anyway just popper cam for the rest of the time chubs taffy stream now yep as long as they're wanting to sit here with me i'm all about that dude cough yes good job spreading the damage around this time didn't i i got an anti-venom cool and [ __ ] it let's use it salt on it too why not goodbye light will take you out we'll go for the hue i guess the crush on this one was way better actually now that i think about it oh come on now god damn it taffy you can't you can't lay on the keyboard little lady i'm sorry it's not it's not an option it's warm dude oh come on now no blight from that dang it god really don't you do it no this is exactly what i was trying to avoid oh jesus christ well the damage is done i guess he's lost 100 hp jesus please blight thank you no campfire left unfortunately here either so we're gonna have to rely on just normal old healing to get the job done with that oh my god well at least that gives this one more heal i guess it's probably the best there we go another skirmish another step forward you are insisting on laying on the keyboard huh you you you demand that be your head rest this is actually ridiculous she keeps moving her head further and further back to try to get to it everybody gets a case of the cops all right there we go y'all can't even really see her anymore can you insisting i'm both laying on the keyboard and being more or less invisible to the webcam so here let's i'll get back to my boring old face sorry i know that's disappointing that's not what you came here for all right there we go ah back to it right that makes perfect sense i guess huh if you put it that way if that's where dad's hands are going that's where your head wants to be getting some switches even plenty though sick i'll take it okay surprise attack nice keep on healing more torches unfortunately i gotta keep that in mind for the man arms feeling received gotta try to take advantage of that while i can you just need to get one of those 1500 photorealistic masks of chubb's face we'll stack that on with the 2000 sub goal of getting a full face tattoo of ryan's head let's tack that on there lest we forget we've got the chubs cam going absolutely yeah i mean that's a they unfortunately they just blend in so damn well with the background these two but it's nice to have them certainly yes have you learned all the new uh interactions with curios no not all of them but we have been experimenting quite a bit more i think we know quite a few of them now oh bad decision buddy sorry that's a whoops oh that's a whoopsie you guys that's a big whoop so so much so that you both nearly died from i'm gonna it to do some different moves next time i think all right well you're dead yay good old leopard in the biz we call that a [ __ ] you lucky we do uh let's do that yep good good enough for me holy [ __ ] all right this is i think maybe the last bit of combat we have to do let's see i guess big old group heal looking good i think there's three rooms left but i'm guessing no more combat but that's just a pure gas just based on how little we've had in general in this mod it's safe to assume we'll probably be able to get through one more hauling room without too much issue big heels and arms nearly topped off huh very good certainly brought that back from the brink that's unfortunate dodge nope what does that do was kind of weird um i guess we do that lots of protection on this boy though crash i guess would do it probably [Music] almost almost very good uh i think i'm gonna do this actually i want this guy to act stack the flight isn't super effective on him right now that's unfortunate body's weaknesses are exploited um now i can crush that guy yeah that's good i'll do as well thought vessels hurting a little bit stress is getting up there wow never mind she's fine totally fine ah damn okay a little turn around there oh i forgot to heal his bleed whoops oh well whatever he's got 50 hit points he'll be fine one shot kill okay i wasn't serious but if you say so there's much to do yeah three rooms i only gotta get one more i'm gonna gamble on the shovels and let's go this way oh glad i didn't throw the food away right that ought to do it sweet any scout nope all right we're out of here that'll work these sandstones and granite surfaces are becoming almost only we are spending a lot of time here good stuff quite a few currencies there again 24 valor marks 16 amber dupe it be not quite level six yet the rash and skeptic not really important but a lot of disease to get rid of there the soils and sands below are my birthplace yet it is not the home i remember get rid of that get rid of that i want to make another medical ward slot i don't think i want to do that it's still kind of a waste i'll just wait on these guys a little stress healing there too and hopefully that cough doesn't get too bad but probably will that's kind of the whole point crack tough needs to recover some stress too there we go [Music] okay let's do one more today definitely not gonna be able to take on the levantine enchantress today let's send some fresh meat out let's get some new new folks in the mix here level ones that haven't had a chance to act yet let's get some folks that are uh that are still around new folks from today perhaps jay hoons you out there still i've got a flag run on the works for you dare i do a double flagellant no apparently not [Laughter] the burden of suffering cannot be shared some great robber lobby i don't mind that idea sure and then we can go with maybe a uh vessel in the back vessel in the background those are the cultists run actually let's do in the quilt this here and a cow master yeah that'll work okay because i'm gonna do a marked target do a little bit of synergy there sure let's do that i like it okay fresh meat no need to worry about leveling i guess they're all zero go for some good trinkets on these guys go with a nice long explore for the lucky talisman oh boy oh baby i want to go with the flagellant with the riposte that sounds like fun to me [Music] houndmaster give you the uh we can do feather crystal for you that seems kind of good then we gotta give him a bag of marbles make sure he acts first grave robber with the raiders talisman yeah added stun skill chance is good and let's give you the slippery boots and then occultist is gonna go last ideally so that means i want to reduce his speed so i want to negate the hound masters thing so i guess worry stone i guess is the only option that may be the debuff amulet okay that'll work cool i'm gonna take off the stab for the vulnerability hex i think that's all good otherwise uh this is good come on you thrown dagger in place of shadow fade i'll actually keep shadow fade and then how master has all that blackjack is a good one here and then flagellin as the suffer nice okay [Music] let's do it seems good i'm ready camping skills real quick actually hold on [Music] unlock these unlock that unlock produce a shovel oh [ __ ] that's cool i like that and uh how's the religion here two religious members so i guess it doesn't matter that much we'll do it alright cool let's hit it i'm ready oh that's the wrong one going for the lucky talisman long dungeon let's do it torchless yeah sure [ __ ] it why not two stacks of kits two keys three salts for no reason and a powder all right let's do it certainly this can't go poorly for the final run of the day certainly certainly we're not welcoming danger in any way here i refuse to accept it workshops establish a route through this area okey-dokey here we go we got the kids we got the kids we got the kids we got the kids yeah bears got the kits bears got the kids um yeah nice nice very good start and sure mark the target master for the kill oh 16 chance to hit never mind uh let's do what is the target whistle debuff protection and dodge let's do that that's perfect never mind what do i know i gotta do that with this actually there we go that's way better basically the same exact thing all right well we got one vulnerable target for sure let's go for him start let's do even more there we go good [ __ ] stack that bleed trips corian should be dead that's what that horn means oh man he made me really want a sandwich and chips now tell you what that's exactly what i'm gonna have after this round go down and make me a sammy hey that's good these almost did just finish them off real quick there you go a potato chip sandwich nothing wrong with that dude chips delicious see ya wars consist of a great many battles continue okay this layout's not too bad could be better but not awful i don't know no thank you we must be more vigilant what about several flavors of chips in one sandwich i think you're playing with fire there i think i limit myself to at most two layer two flavors of chips in the sandwich you gotta make sure those flavor profiles aren't clashing either i mean i i that goes without saying but you're running some risks there man it's a big game i suppose you can always just dump off the chips if the sandwich ain't cutting it for you but then you got the flavor residue left over there man you're gonna taint the whole damn experience if you have several different flavors of chips in a bowl is that a chip salad i yeah it is it's not a good thing though i was wondering do i want that served at a party i don't think so i think you might just be i think that just ruins all of the chips if you were to try to do that instead of making a fun offering you've instead i'm taking away all the snack options for the rest of the the rest of the group custom party mix here i don't need to heal here at all milk in it and it's chipped cereal oh god what have you what have you done you monster what is your take on the british chips flavored vinegar and salt and vinegar i didn't realize that was a british flavor that's a very common flavor around my parts anyway love salt and vinegar dude delicious what is the best uh chip flavor though that's a that's an important debate one that we can get back to every now and then i tell you what i've been having plenty of uh barbecue pringles which i cannot believe i was such a big fan of but sure enough i love them things dude barbecue or original sun chips original sun chips are pretty goddamn good man most sour cream and onions out there for sure absolutely add some good stuff that's a good choice pepper and sea salt interesting and adequate performance for now keep it up let's do this i'll actually know what this interaction is it's just money secure it and march we still have much to do i'm just not even gonna care [Music] i'm just i'm gonna stop spending so much goddamn time figuring out the inventory man who gives a [ __ ] we'll figure it out like i'm struggling it's not like i'm losing out on anything as long as i'm not dumping currencies i think i'm gonna be okay like so long as we're not losing any out on any salvage jewelry or amber or matak or the other one i'll be good i'm okay with leaving money behind probably gonna camp after this curio here though grows brightly garden salsa ooh that sounds fun oh you've had that actually i think that's a variation of sun chip is it not and memory is serving me well here there we go so we need to keep for sure one more room here it's always one more room with this guy it's always one more he can never just take what he's got our cause is righteous but requires funds that was the right decision there though for sure one more room with this guy he can never just take the camp he's always got to push it he always thinks he can get away with it just because he's the streamer one of these days the other shoe is gonna drop is it today nope one more room with this guy just ridiculous at this point bear this is nonsense now you can't just keep going you gotta camp at some point now surely he's gonna camp here and not click the button again what's he doing there taffy come on buddy be serious now no you can't you're not gonna get bear bear please bear bear bear bear taffy knock it off you better camp after this one i swear if you don't hit that campfire right now bear taffy you better no don't bear you're in big trouble buddy you are in big trouble you're gonna get punished you know what's gonna happen at some point here how far do you think how far do you really think you can take this bear this is this is not okay this isn't how you're supposed to play now you think you got a scout you think you got it all figured out huh you think you're gonna be just fine i mean actually yeah it seems okay i mean who needs the camp really when you think about it it's not like it helps you i don't think there's any benefit to it or anything this land is ancient and fallen into disrepair at this point i can't not continue is the thing i'm so invested in this now how far can we push it really what is the limit is there one i don't think so so far so good pop that it started as a bit but now it's genuine curiosity all right here we go oh that's pretty bad okay that's i guess that's the risk we were running there that's that's gonna be a bit of a problem um oh hold on no we should do that definitely do that we'll probably just move the uh oh no yeah do that damn it you keep dodging my whistles it doesn't seem realistic this is actually okay though i don't think i actually need to adjust anything right now and eventually we'll have the grave rubber lunge it will be fine it was all just the flashlight moving forward that fixed everything so we're good to go now actually use a dog treat it's a miracle um i'm throwing dagger more than i mean sorrows is gonna do work here oh [ __ ] we get the bleed off of that that's amazing [Music] exciting one eight yeah yes yes wonderful brilliant uh-oh okay probably time to heal it's time to heal there we go all better all right do that again good and dagger's getting strong oh no that's just accuracy that's right there is your game glitch to keep hearing that horn sound twice they just keep doing it twice for some reason what's going on glitch do your best to avoid it dennis yeah i'm pretty sure i'm okay playing this game on my own i think i can handle it hey nice one kick ass dude stressio why not i don't have any horror now huh that's weird i kind of want it hmm i should camp now all right yeah it's finally time i gotta make space in the inventory [Laughter] at this point it's just being ridiculous truly just preventing it for the sake of preventing it what's up jeff happy girl they still can't see you you're evading the webcam and it's like you're trying to you know where it is get another shovel sure yeah pop that i guess i can't pop that in here that's right um let's see that's fine ooh let's do a release the hound plus 30 scouting chance that sounds good our path is revealed march on cool you want to get up you can get down that's okay you must keep eyes peeled good girl okay good job good puppy dog i'll see you later okay more taffy co-pilot now we're just on normal difficulty darkest might as well do that no this this mod doesn't make the game any easier if anything it could be argued it makes it harder but it just changes things but if you are confused as to why i'm having so little trouble with the entire playthrough so far i would attribute that heavily to my experience with the game i've played a lot of this healing very nice see i'm not uh personally i'm not surprised that we're doing very well i i expected it really only things like pitch black dungeon or equivalent difficulty mods are gonna give us much trouble at this point only lost two people so far in this playthrough quite well i just checked our total hours i'm at something like 698 or something like that now just shy of 700 hours no i'm definitely not going to play pitch black dungeon again i have my fill of that i have suffered more than enough in that i have no desire to attempt that i am loving the lead on the repose dude that is pretty freaking special kind of lunge that seems right why is her damage so low i guess she's level zero but they all are should be able to kill him before he acts although the occultist is really slow all right never mind well that works maybe you nope oh here we go again it's another bleed right nice now let's keep him off that store at least lunge there we go being a big hit good stuff that'll do it i just realized the hound master isn't acting first so he's not benefiting from that uh trinket at all unfortunately that kind of sucks darkness will not impede us yeah this lady is fast as [ __ ] oh the slippery boots that's probably why let's swap these two hold on you uh oh can i do this no i gotta get an inventory slot god damn it yeah whatever it's not a big deal losing some damage from it i don't really care stone debris foliage none of it will slow us okay we're getting all the all the fight variations through this i'm enjoying that keeping it nice and uh mixed up for us here i'm gonna go ahead and mark two targets again just in case they remove one actually i guess if they remove one they're gonna remove both so that was kind of foolish but oh well let's just mark three of them then why not okay so that probably gets rid of it right yeah okay that gets rid of it see he's not gonna do it okay that's good so i suppose we were uh correct to do that yay it's a big team of people anonymous yeah it's pretty impressive stuff isn't it we've been loving it lots of credits for this one though will do it nice dodge oh go ahead and heal up i guess hey there we go sanguinates oh that's a big bummer [ __ ] okay wow nice okay you're already dead blackjack's a really good idea here nice i think we lunge no we do not we do the uh no we do it's not on that guy don't get reposted i'm gonna mark him again no that's not a good idea i'm yeah he's fine he's got it taken care of we'll bleed there hey beautiful i have shadow fade equipped right yeah beautiful he's dead let's try the blackjack on this guy why not okay that's still fine lee wasn't gonna make a huge difference here i don't think anyway that works good chess cave around the flagellate how did he know that's ideal goodbye cool a little bear optimal for us no big deal nbd no bd wong who's a really big deal now wait till the next room to camp the torch light die down a bit you want to do that for sure just to make the inventory space again though it's not cool down yet can't use it yet i love walking around with one hp you feel like a badass i am not afraid except of hunger of that i'm a little frightened because we're low on food open a funny way to death door step lightly 26 stress good lord that's a little much yeah let's just go there why not kind of pitch black ah damn it i shouldn't have done that with him actually that was a risk okay oh wait we want to go the other way i want to go the other way first for sure yeah i don't have to double back all the way up there uh go for it that's good oh yeah nice we're gonna camp right now right now we're going to camp and i can feast and still have enough for a hunger trigger but he's a rare scene almost certain i want to do that instead i'm going to go for the hounds watch i could pilfer again actually oh galassemer's a good choice yeah it's not bad go with therapy dog and pilfer wow that was awesome actually two food is really good we follow the ever guiding light that helps a bunch okay now you're gonna do this the shovels have already been really nice too i'm not gonna worry about swapping the triggers by the way i don't really wanna care about that we'll be fine there's our last shovel usage too which might be a risk considering we know we need a shovel down there but we could probably get around and get away with it yeah free camping shovels is pretty dope i'm liking that a lot sang one eight now we gotta wait on that for sure that's a big lead there for sure though um yeah i like this actually let's do that yeah but lights yeah anonymous it's pretty crazy i'm still in beta version one or version point one here though so it's uh very early in the development still only time for a heal here i like to kill someone but probably not going to happen with this saying it's definitely a good choice there we go good [ __ ] ah i had a feeling that was going to happen [Music] i think i might want to heal him again okay cool huh let's just do that that's fine what the [ __ ] oh god no good why precious [ __ ] oh man i'm sorry shambler i don't know if i can be very much blamed for that one dude that just sort of came out of nowhere holy [ __ ] we didn't have a chance to heal he just died there was nothing i could do this dude is pissed off holy [ __ ] he's mad we killed all his friends jesus all right you're bleeding out already that's good we have speed debuffs on this [ __ ] guy too so that's no good there we go get him again give him one more give him one more 40 crit we deserve it damn it what we get oh god another step forward what a nightmare dude might as well give him the boots now i guess oh wait no that's not what we wanted oh no wait that's still all right whatever keep the campfire dude dump the emerald another campfire i mean the shovel we'll just have to open this no oh that's odd he saw something so disgusting in there it made him lose his appetite permanently a convenient coffin there for us too for our fallen comrade we'll just go ahead and dump you in here and move on hey there we go all right well i guess i could have used the shovel after all huh didn't really occur to me yeah that sucks to lose this [ __ ] grave robber right before the end but oh well you'll be hearing from my lawyer who is also a shambler that doesn't sound like a fun interaction a lawyer who is also a shambler yeah that's maybe the last entity i want to see on earth you have that last campfire and eight foods so there's no reason not to use it oh there we go oh yeah he's anorexia though he's not actually going to eat nice little money i don't know why i'm welcoming this combat this is kind of dumb hey cool yeah this was not a good idea this was pretty stupid here we go yep well reina sorrows ain't gonna do much either dude [ __ ] oh boy um i gotta get started on you first i mean the riposte might do some work for me maybe that number post i should have reposted it's the same trigger it's weird good dodging at least early on hey might as well try that god damn it dude that sucks back on your feet it's only on getting hit okay i thought i did a lot of misses too it's really bad when they target anyone but the flagellin especially when that happens that's really crappy okay okay okay uh-huh you don't say this is oh yeah this is interesting okay bye no oh god oops okay bye we're just gonna back it i'm just gonna up it up you know take a real quick second you're just gonna back it up once the path is unclear rely on each other you're gonna back it up real quick in the door yeah use the camp alone we will die together we will rise uh no ambush please and thank you uh we are going to let's see encourage is good therapy dog is good flash is solace [ __ ] yeah um i guess this i just wanna get him down as far as i can because that's pretty much the only thing i'm gonna be able to do i'm gonna have to commit these guys for sure okay cool light our foes will fall that'll work more curved rocks for alex rip friendly shambler excellent your sacrifice well let's be real your sacrifice will probably be forgotten ultimately not really that meaningful [Laughter] but it was fun to have you who sat on dodge here we go forgotten and in vain the double whammy rid ourselves of these wretched diseases perform some stress healing uh oh where do you need to go right there okay oh i guess you still need to heal don't you so be it [Music] all right folks it was a fun day it was a fun day of black reliquary hope you enjoyed thanks for being here hope you had a good time i'm gonna take off bear taffy if you missed any part of the uh action today along with our entire playthrough of the black reliquary mod so far appreciate all the support thank you so much for all the gifted subscriptions today gecko and mystic in particular thank you guys so much for that appreciate it a lot let's come on back tomorrow and do some more how about that 9 a.m pacific we'll continue this get closer and closer to that champion boss fight that'll be fun plenty more black reliquary to come hope to see you then thanks for watching
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 16,657
Rating: 4.8911567 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: VM7T5crFxrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 45sec (12585 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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