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this one no no no no no this one this one as i said yeah all the way in please all the way right here oh oh oh good i thought i was gonna die please come stand on the front block right here yep don't move while in motion ah what the muffin is this are you kidding me step into the water so you don't burn step into the water so you don't burn step into the water so you don't burn ah okay i'm in what is the what is this this is the maximum security area please proceed up here i need you to direct this bed immediately this sun done very good are you sure you wish just to dream today yes i do want to see dream today please i need you to stand here face forward okay oh oh i can see him guys i'm i'm really nervous right now what i even say to him draining the lava it will take some time drain the lava what do you mean the lava will drain now okay um [Music] he's face forward oh okay okay i'm sorry oh my goodness oh my goodness oh i'm nervous do you have any uh food i can borrow you may not eat while visiting the prison okay okay just ask it just ask figured i'd ask oh my goodness guys i'm so nervous i'm literally so nervous uh nothing's happening it's happening okay um [Music] what [Music] what are you kidding no way no way what the muffin what in the world oh my gosh oh my gosh what the hell oh my gosh what is happening this is insane are you ready to go across oh yes yes i'm ready i think that you move with the platform as it moves but okay wait what ah what oh okay okay i'm going to retract the drawbridge now while you're visiting the prisoner okay wait what what oh no i'm stuck in here oh my goodness i'm going to reinstate the lava once the flow is ceased i'll lower down the gate and you may enter the main cell with the prisoner okay oh my god oh my gosh what chad i'm so nervous i'm so nervous this is way more intense than i imagined it was gonna be oh my goodness oh my goodness oh i'm so nervous i'm so nervous what do i say what do i do what i do chat what is even happening hello hi hi you're the first visitor in a while i am yeah i mean i i haven't come and visit you at all so i figured i waited i would come and stop by dream how are you doing i'm doing pretty good i i see you have a clock to keep time that's pretty cool i do what are you doing just just playing with it okay is this what you this what you do in your free time you just do this yeah i used to write but then i i burned a lot of my books so wait you burned your bucks well i have some left but i brought oh you look you have a little chest there you go would you oh my gosh you have a lot of books and look they what is you see you got some stuff this isn't so bad this isn't so bad i mean how are you doing you you like it in here yeah it's really good okay um i get potatoes there you go potatoes are good but they're raw so they're not very good but they don't cook them they don't he said he i tried to get out and so he made it so i couldn't have visitors for a few days but oh i'm sorry i mean you did do a lot of stuff that you probably shouldn't have done that you got in here so i mean that's true there is that that's true i mean like like i mean i bet you have a lot of time you know to think about what you did yeah i do i hate to think and think and think of my clock and yeah you got a clock that's pretty cool that lets you keep track of the time you know the time that it is on the outside i mean things do you want to hear what what's going on outside yeah what's happening i mean things are things are going all right i mean howard how are um george and sapnap and they're they're doing okay they they miss you probably i haven't asked them that but if i did they haven't visited me but they haven't mean they haven't come by to say hi at all well to be fair they couldn't for a few days but oh but like before that like i mean like i wanted to come and visit you but i was a little preoccupied but i'm coming now you're telling me they haven't even come by at all so what's what's happening outside i mean well that there's there's this and that i mean tommy's trying to start he's going down the entrepreneur uh entrepreneurial uh you know avenue starting a hotel right um that's always what tommy's doing yeah he's he's starting starting a hot wait yeah it's starting he's making a hotel uh there's some you know people trying to do this and that you know fines etc point is like um yeah i mean like i'm sure a lot of people miss you you know they probably wish you could come out and hang out you techno's still doing the whole you know anarchy thing um that's good yeah that's good that's happening the hotel what's going on with everything else well i mean uh you know you know i mean like uh there's still a giant crater you know where lemanberg used to be you know yeah yeah nobody uh nobody has really tried to clean it up at all um there's there's an egg i mean you remember the big old red egg yeah i remember the egg yeah it's it's like uh it's you know it's spreading vines across the server so it's having a good time with that yeah that's interesting it is interesting i mean uh man you you really you really like this clock don't you i mean i don't really have anything else other than the clock have you named it yet i did oh what's its name i don't really want to say no it's okay i'm i'm down with naming inanimate stuff it's okay okay okay um you're writing something wait what do you what are you writing oh hello ah thank you oh thank you for me visiting me bad boy halo oh no problem oh you're not gonna be able to uh you're not gonna be able to take it out so oh i won't oh so i'll have to leave it here and yeah you can put in the chest well i'm i'm sure you'll you'll be able to get out of here eventually and then when you get out then then i'll get a take it right i mean like maybe maybe like how how long is your sentence do you know how long it is that's forever oh well i mean forever forever it's not that long oh i mean uh you know what this is a very nice clock i really like what you've done oh with the place well i can move it too if i want to that's there you go yeah see look on the there you go now it's on this wall huh i like to watch it and then when it hits halfway then then i'm happy you're happy when it gets to like the middle that this is is what you spend your days doing yes ah okay it's about to happen yeah yeah you want to watch it with you oh there we go that was awesome uh yeah that wait that was it look it's perfect now ah there you see okay i see what you want i see what you're saying yeah no this is awesome this looks great wow oh my goodness i see what you're saying no i'm i'm totally down with this this is great this is wow oh look and see now it's going the other way yeah i i don't know what else i'm what else i'm supposed to do um it means i can like splash sometimes and i can write and i have the light that's true yeah like clock and a clock that's right that's pretty much it yeah i mean you got a heat source right you got like uh whatever this is this is pretty nice i mean i think you haven't made dream i mean think about it after like five years of this you're gonna i don't know how long how long have i been in here uh i don't know actually it's it's it's been a couple weeks i think maybe maybe a week week week two two weeks something like that how so who's come and visit you any interesting stories any crazy like adventures people stop by and say hello or anything like that tommy came and visited me really really tommy visited yeah he's the only one actually until you wait really so no one else has come and visit you yeah but it's like it's limited visiting hours and everything so you know you have to schedule a visit and everything so it's not but no one no one tries to schedule one well they could i'm sure i think they will i mean i mean you did do some pretty bad stuff to get put in here though dream do you wanna know do you wanna know the prank that i do sometimes what so if i if i if i burn my clock then then he has to come and replace it uh-huh so i do that sometimes because then i'll see him and i say hi oh oh that's a good prank so like you just take it and you just toss it in there and then he asks yeah i comes over that's i mean you don't get in trouble for doing that do you not yet sometimes you'll give me less potatoes but oh so he starves here no i'm not i don't i wouldn't say you have three square meals a day i have potatoes i mean that's uh yeah potatoes are good and honestly i think that's a great prank to be honest because you boop and then and then you just gotta you can you can chuckle at him he'll do it he will do it later oh later he'll come he'll he'll come and he'll say why did you do it again and then you look at me and say don't be so dumb dream and i'll laugh at him and i'll say oh i got you though there you go see that's perfect see you're you're that's what you do see you figured it out that's that's what you do just keep that up and keep your spirits up and you know things will go great for you see i see that's that's genius i mean you don't have your clock now but well i'll have it soon he checks on me often so when he comes to give me potatoes then he'll he'll do it he said he's making a system soon though to drop the potatoes down here so then he won't have to come in here anymore but oh no you should try and keep him to not do that because i bet it like brightens your day when he come and visits you right yeah but everything here is automated so it'll make it better but it is is awesome new treating you well yeah he's yeah he's he's streaming amazing okay okay that's good that's good i mean like you're having you're having fun though like you got your clock your books i mean i mean it's there like in the book and yeah i'm happy in here yeah yeah is there anything else like are you okay yeah i'm fine okay is there anything else like do you think they'd let you have anything else like try and see you can ask and give ideas and stuff but okay i mean i'll i'll talk to like uh i'll talk to sam maybe we can like uh like arrange to get you like yeah you're still a guard right or you're gonna be you're not yet but you will be yeah no no no so we can uh you know what once i become a guard we can get you like a i don't know maybe like a a a pot and put a plant in it yeah oh that yeah that's i would maybe i could get a different different plan every time or something exactly exactly a potted plant and like a flower a green flower and you know what i'll bring i'll try and get like who would who do you want to come and visit you i'll try and like get them to come and visit you anyone in particular you really want to see i'll talk to them i want george and stuff enough to visit me george and sam now perfect i'm going to go talk to them i'll i'll i'll poke them and get them to come in i you know what you want i'm making it sound like they don't they probably already want to come and see you right so like they probably just need to be reminded oh hey dreams over there he wants you guys to come and visit i'm sure they're going to be totally down yeah yeah see so keep your chin up don't like it i mean yeah you're gonna be in here for forever but look on the bright side wait yeah it doesn't have to always be like this right you you'll eventually have maybe a plant and like i don't know maybe we can get you some games or something that'd be good yeah if you keep up like i assume you've been like maintaining good behavior right yeah okay because like you got to maintain good behavior because if you maintain good behavior audrey what are you doing don't no dream oh my gosh how did you do that it's just how it works sometimes i swim in there you just run into the lava yeah um well that's the way to keep might be entertained yes sometimes i just like to go you just like to do that oh yeah dream is are you pranking him [Laughter] okay i think i yeah i get i get this one um [Music] well i think your time is probably about to be up yeah yeah i don't have to i think you need to offer the guard and then yeah he'll tell you what to do you need like thank you for visiting me though yeah no no problem i mean i if i could have brought you something i would have but i can't not yet not yet but i'm not i'm gonna work on improving i mean even if you have to stay in here forever i mean maybe we can improve the conditions a little bit you know so yeah i mean you know how long it takes to break one of these how long it's a long time i saw here for over 20 minutes once and it wasn't even close but the thing is i helped design this and literally even if i break it there's a there's a thing behind it and it just literally the guards get teleported here so oh that's you though maybe oh maybe if i want to see you one time i can break it yeah there you go and then i can just boop and i'll hang out with you oh that would make awesome really mad son yeah maybe you probably want to stay on his good side i you know what i i'd probably avoid doing that you know maybe you can get your your sentence commuted from forever to like 10 years you feel me for like 20 years i would yeah i would like if i have good behavior i would like that there you see look on the bright side i i think you'll probably you know what i don't want to get your hopes up but look on the bright side okay just look on the bright side all right all right whoo yeah this is uh this is um let's see is it you know what i'm gonna come and visit you again okay and i you know what i'm gonna leave for now but i'm gonna come and visit you again real soon and i'm gonna bring george and sapnet with me okay they're only allowed to have visit once at a time oh well i'll arrange for them to come and visit you all right okay all right i'm gonna talk to him let him know that they gotta go talk to you know their they're talk to you okay try try not to get awesome dude too mad okay yeah oh my goodness okay uh sam sam are you ready to exit the main cell yeah i i think i am okay go ahead and stand in the water in the back of the cell uh okay bye dream bye oh oh hello how was your visit i mean it was good i guess huh he didn't do anything did he no well uh he he needs a new clock what happened to his clock he threw it in again you might not get a new one this time well i know already no awesome dude you gotta give him a new one he's gonna keep destroying and i'm not gonna just keep giving him more oh come on he likes this clock stand over there please ben i'll give him a new clock but he's on thin ice with the clocks okay but he likes the clock all right
Channel: Chompski Inspace
Views: 2,023,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream smp, dream prison, tommyinnit goes to visit dream, bad goes to visit dream, dream in the jail, dream is homeless, badboyhalo, dream prison escape, dream prison technoblade, dream prison tour, dream prison animatic, badboyhalo egg spreads in the dream smp
Id: Yy6-wGe2cr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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