I coded Your Ideas in Minecraft...

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i'm making an enderman that steals body parts why because i coded your ideas in minecraft and i reluctantly agreed to do it okay there's just one problem i have no idea where to start with this i mean if an interment takes my body what happens to my head does it just kind of drop down oh and and if it takes my arm uh and then disappears it what and if my entire body just kind of gets taken apart do i ever come back together i've got so many questions and not enough answers all right then let's uh let's get to work shall we well it's in game now and it's time to have our questions answered okay i don't oh gosh i don't know how this works so do i look at him oh no he took my arm give it back how do i get him my head give me my arm is that my leg he took my leg give me my leg back how do i get my oh no so after testing around i decided to see just how far this could go okay i've got to know what happens if i just oh my god more i have multiple legs oh no my legs are both missing well there goes both my arms what have i become who's gonna take the body it finally happened i am just sleeps i don't i i don't know how to get my my head back when i rejoin it's it's um well it's been nice knowing you i am but a shadow on the floor okay i got this comment to soak my food into potions and make it soggy ooh if you prefer soggy food why not just eat cereal but okay i think we'll do this using a cauldron i kind of have an idea oh we've got to fix that okay so my idea involves a cauldron but we're going to need a few things okay let's see we're going to need a potion but what kind of potion would you pick there are so many options and then of course we need a food perfect okay let's get this culinary adventure started we're just gonna put this golden carrot in this water perfect and now we're gonna take our uh potion of harming and uh just put it in the cauldron and of course while you wait this is a perfect time to play catch with your son or of course finally take care of the grass it's getting a little tall and before you know it boom it's ready okay uh a bewitched golden carrot let's see if this works red ruby said to make a potion that makes your head become a controllable balloon okay so how do you want this to work it just it just like my head inflates and then i become a balloon and then i can control it okay so i get it now it's it's like inflation oh would you look at that it's all ready to go and we've got arrows we've got uh uh lingering all right let's uh let's just oh god well here goes nothing oh uh oh oh whoa oh my head it's oh my gosh i'm like a jellyfish this is awesome oh it's so beautiful okay um i'm a little concerned there's no way to go down uh oh my god no no no oh oh no am i falling oh no i'm definitely falling water water water no no i'm not gonna say much other than this comment wants me to add a buff turtle so here we go get ready for the best thing that you've ever seen in minecraft you know i agree i think this is definitely the direction minecraft needs to be going in let's do it this idea is so powerful it crashed my game that's a good sign if i were a turtle where would i be ah forget it i can't wait let's just mine one off camera oh boy oh oh why aren't you buff do you even lift bro obviously not okay something something something's not right about this i don't know why why do you walk on your left and he's got the shield oh my gosh how do i get one of those shields oh oh no oh that's super scary he walks slow until he gets close enough then he runs all right i've got to know does he swim oh no no he's not that good of a turtle ferret wolf 95 said to take away all of the census of minecraft but one what does that mean well as it turns out my developer friend ludocrypt already did that okay this is what my world looks like currently and and this is what it oh this is what it looks like when i can only see and detect motion if i don't move it's completely dark and as you can see there is a wolf running right in front of you but i can't see oh my gosh now i'm no challenge channel but i would assume that uh this is probably a pretty difficult thing to beat minecraft at least you could see your inventory i mean just imagine at nighttime i'm assuming that was a creeper i okay i'm currently in spectator mode and uh well yeah you're reading that right i'm in the end currently [Music] no where'd you go no no no no no no i don't like it oh no this comment wants a mob that protects the importal okay but hear me out we're probably not getting an ancient dimension for minecraft 1.19 and i know this looks like a gateway to another dimension well what about the warden what is the warden protecting i'll show you what if the important room was covered in this sacred stone well that's easy i could just mine right through it well that's where you're wrong you can't mine through it because i made it so you can't you can't break it and that brings us back to the ancient city there are chests everywhere no ah oh there it is and as you can see there is a stronghold key i wonder what we do with this don't get me wrong your idea was great but instead of adding a new mob let's just make the most of what we've got with the power of this stronghold key the only way i can get into this stronghold structure is by right clicking it as you can see oh i still have the key and as you can see now we can go right in and of course it just i don't have any ender pearls so but that's okay because i just got this comment challenging me to make importals craftable in the best way possible however in order to craft an important one must first go to oh god go to the end why am i putting myself in danger that's a great question if you look down there you can see i have put an ore beneath the end city okay in order to break this you're gonna want to be very careful and also have a pickaxe that isn't going to take forever to break oh oh that's a bummer okay this is interslate ore and what was supposed to happen is it drops this item here and now we can craft one of those end portals oh but wait we're missing one more item okay the final piece of the puzzle is hidden in this in city but i don't really feel like doing this so oh oh you gotta love super mario teleportation look there's a chest around here somewhere don't mind me oh there it is okay and city loot is normally kind of bland i mean sometimes it's good but this time oh this time we got a keystone we're ready to go and just like that we're able to craft one in portal frame let's see now we we just need to do that say three six nine ten eleven twelve like nobody said it would be cheap jabba kiss walkie-talkie sock and bob for 48 because the other 47 were taken says to make evil scarecrow let me show you why that's a bad idea it's not that i don't think scarecrows shouldn't exist i mean more uses for the pumpkin would be great we added scarecrows to our vanilla minecraft server a long time ago but making evil scarecrows that's a different story because in a way we did that too oh no no no no no no what is that no no why no why would you want this no no no no no no no no no no why why why throw an egg and if you get baby chickens they follow you you know what i stand by this idea i i think this is smart i mean why not just have a baby oh you're a little persistent oh i can already tell i'm gonna like this we're not gonna get anywhere with just one so bring on the chicken make way my chickens make way for the boss okay this is great but i think we could make it even better if i get attacked by any mob in minecraft maybe these chicken will be my backup okay i don't know how this is gonna go oh slow down guys oh my gosh they're relentless no no oh okay now that some of them are grown up i added another feature but i'm gonna need an iron bar or well really any item for this oh my gosh where is it give me the iron bar thank you yup thank you i appreciate it go get it go get it oh thank you i got a comment to add a netherman for the nether but why though okay your obsession with the enderman is uh it's kind of concerning me we added the skulk enderman in the last episode and you're already ready to do this again okay fine all right you asked for it um yeah uh shout out to soli for making this um this thing it's in game now but instead of it setting you on fire whenever you get hit i have a different idea but first let's take you to the nether where you belong huh something tells me our new nether friend has been here before yep as you can see it sets a path of fire which you know is always cool and it has some sick dance moves but i want to make this actually scary so whenever you look at it you get set on fire and also oh gee oh oh no where'd he go oh okay back to the drawing board something's not right with that um as you can see i could just kind of keep doing that and he's facing away so you know that's threatening but i think you get the point jabacus walkie talkie sock'embopper47 hey look at that set to update mob spawners okay well there's a few ways we could do that and yeah as you guessed it we uh we already did on origin rooms of course one way to do it is to update the structure well this is pretty snazzy if i do say so myself very different ow ow ow ow of course a dungeon isn't complete without a spawner and we've also placed a couple of chests with some interesting traps and if we run to the other side wow it's the same thing even more dungeons only this time this one is a maze oh i don't i don't know if i like mazes and judging by the web i think this is definitely a spider one oh a chest no would you look at that there's another one but how am i gonna get over there there we are oh oh wait a minute oh no no no no no oh no no no no ah the cobweb my point is there are so many ways you could update the structure but what about the spawner block how about if you break a sp if you break oh okay there if you break a spawner you have a chance of getting a spawner fragment and then by killing a mob you have a chance of getting a mob soul i mean after all you guys have always wanted a way to craft your very own spawners and bring them back to your base what do you say we give this a shot andrew the gamer said well they just kind of said chest house so okay okay okay i think i understand that's a chest yeah uh okay it am i am i doing this right okay okay okay okay hang on hang on hang on oh no chest wall um i just i i'm [Laughter] i'm confused storage room
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 1,672,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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