Backpacking Food for 6 days under 9 lbs

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[Music] hi everyone I have to apologize for this couple beige background I'm sitting in my kitchen floor right now trying to get everything prepped for this backpacking trip that I mean Jerry are gonna be going on here and so well I'm getting everything ready I thought I would show you all what we're going to be taking on this trip we are doing a six-day five-night backpacking trip to Glacier National Park super duper excited about it so just while we're kind of getting everything together and prepped and ready I thought it would just show you what we're gonna be taking as far as our food supply for the week so that being said let's get into it kind of an overview of everything I know it looks like a ton of stuff but it is six days food so I'll just sort of can quickly go through what I've got going here so the top row right here is breakfast and so each day I'll have some carnation I take the Carnation Instant Breakfast and this Maxwell House French vanilla french vanilla iced latte which is amazing stuff because you can drink it cold and combining it with this you don't even actually have to add the milk and it just makes a great coffee to get coffee in the morning without having to necessarily boil it or so I love those things for a couple days they're gonna be having cereal this cereal is the Special K nourish cook connects cranberry almond cereal is a great breakfast item because you don't have to cook it it's lightweight and you get that's about 500 calories right there in that you're not very good to dry the dried milk in there so I don't have to anything about cold water so and then another day I'm having Golden Grahams cereal and then I am having oatmeal one day I can either boil that or I can cold suck it but it's this I found this it's a banana walnut anyway it's got communal wrong stuff so we have a couple of the mountain house biscuits and gravy the freeze-dried meals now my husband are actually gonna be sharing those two right there each day so I am taking some granola mix is stuff here Barenaked top going kako rice and cashew butter I'm extremely I'm pretty good and then as you can see I've got this row here which is snacks just you know throughout the day and it's just the sweet and salty makes you probably seen those like raisins and peanuts and M&Ms and then I've got some dried apple and then I've just got one of these slim jims and just in case I want a little more protein or something and so that's that's that's one part of the snacks and then I have my lunch which is a tortilla and I've got some peanut butter and this is actually I just want to say Walmart which they have it normally carry these little packs this is pretty awesome and then it says it's organic anyway and I've got some honey so that'll be a lunch and then I'll have like some tuna with mayo and I'm just kind of different varieties each day and that's my lunches and then I have another set of snacks I've got different types of gummies but I love gummies like it's my favorite and then I have plantains chips each day and I love plantains they're healthy they're full of potassium it's just it's like eating potato chips and just to show your teeth this is some of the gummies I've got in here I've got the Welch's fruit snacks which is my favorite I love these things are so good and then I got some Jolly Rancher filled gummies and then I've got these twizzler filled um gummies okay anyway and then my dinners consist their different mountain house dinners um the first three of the days and I have a pasta primavera one day and then I have my absolutely favorite favorite mountain house is chicken and dumplings oh my god is like holy crap it's the best ever and I wish I had before I bought these in Oriya I wish I thought and went on Tim Watson's the YouTube channel if you follow him or not but he's a mountain house ambassador and he get 30% off of the meals and I just didn't think about it till it was too late so next time and then I have a cup of ramen meals and I'm gonna try something they regret this but I find that if you're hungry enough you like anything on the trail so I've got some almond and I got the chili flavor and then I'm taking some peanut butter and soy sauce and mixing all that and hopefully they'll taste at least a little some what kind of like pad thai it may not but hopefully it'll be good enough to eat so yeah done that and then I'm just got different candy bars each day that might end up being a snack it could be a dessert I just like the idea of looking forward to having simple candy bar and then of course just Spiller snacks um because it is six days and just to make sure you know not starving to death or something I've got like to say the next four think of the gummies I've got a couple of bars and some dry banana cuz it just got a lot of potassium and just really good for that and then I've got a just a couple tax-base Trader Joe's all is because I love olives and I'm giving some healthy fat I could take like coconut oil or something but you can't like eat the Hat really I could add it to something but it's I'll just take olives and then I I may change my mind and not take this but as of right now I'm gonna take this and it's just a pack of Velveeta cheese sauce and these are the Mary's gone crackers they're vegan crackers but they're really busy they're not gonna like tremble cuz they're pretty hard but there's delicious healthy and if I just I love cheese and I just say I don't have any cheese because I'm not taking anything perishable and so just in case I just I don't really want some cheese or something I can eat that's like put the crackers anyway and then I Hudson I have a couple of amount of houses aren't I started that excuse me they're not my house pant backpackers pantry it's the dark chocolate cheesecake mix and that's just something we would share his dessert a couple of dinner nights and we have two of these so yeah so that's why we have like I have bars and but so everything goes into freezer ziplock bags which makes so you can actually bowl put the boiling water in here and cook it and it makes it so much lighter so much more compact to carry a couple of things I forgot to show is I am carrying a couple of instant coffees just in case I decide to actually want a hot coffee and not cold coffee and then I have a couple of the pumpkin spice latte Starbucks the via instance and then I carried to one later life waters as my water source a couple other things that I will also carry and this is just 4x in case I need extra energy I'll just carry some of these cliff blocks interview cheese salted watermelon it's my favorite and I carry some of these sport beans I have one of these in Evo chocolate keeps the chocolate pants well I think it's like a hundred fifty milligrams of caffeine which I'm crazy and then some salt tablets and some inderal on tablets so you know just in case I need and then this is my spoon which a lib I got this actually as troll magic so yeah alright so what I do is I have these gallon sized applauded bags and I label it each bag by the day and then I filled the bags with whatever will be consumed for that date alright so here are my bag so everything's bagged up so let's stay this way this one is this one weighs in at one point five six not to that this is nothing my heaviest one let's see what it was almost two pounds so actually this is really awesome because using its around averaging just a little average around two pounds of food per day so some of them see are actually a little less than two but that's because I have a lot of freeze-dried stuff so my food bag is the sea2summit a 13 litre so I don't know what's gonna hold it all let's find out um as you can see my seat of sandwich food bag does not hold everything it actually only hold held five days and so my first day is going to not to be in that but I do have another I have a Cuban fibers dry bag so I may put it in here of course that means I'll be hanging either it depends on the campsite at the campsite the way it's set up if I hang my whole pack I'm not arresting the whole pack and then that'll be easy enough cuz I can store everything in the pack but it's not I put it in here and hang it cuz I do have smelly old trees and stuff that I'll have to also hat I'll have to also hang so that's still a pretty good our team later will hold five days of food nothing more not not a thing more but it will fold that that's what gets get away a lot I know if I can wait on the skill let's see if it'll let's take it away toughness Gabon eating so according to this and basically only weighs 7.6 pounds that's just crazy because it feels like it weighs one of that it was gonna be a sec all right y'all that's it for this video if you like this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you're not already subscribed to the to my channel in the meantime thanks for watching and until the next time happy hiking and I hope to see you on the show [Music]
Channel: Hiking with Braids
Views: 7,787
Rating: 4.9241705 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking food, glacier national park, hiking with braids, hiking, backpacking, food ideas, lightweight
Id: H7IJIf7INs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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