Appalachian Trail 2021 Food

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all righty everybody trevor here again thc bar on youtube uh i've laid out the food that i'm gonna be packing you see this right here this is the bear canister even though it's not required on most of the appalachian trail i decided if i'm going to do it i might as well get the right equipment so yes this is a almost 12 liter uh bear canister it will hold plenty of food uh as you see i've got well over a week's worth of food here now most of the time on the trail i wouldn't carry this much food at one time but i've been buying you know buying things in bulk so like over here you've got got plenty of welch's fruit snacks which closer to the time when i leave i'm going to open each package and put them all in a ziploc bag to save a lot of space uh this is uh individual packets of olive oil which is great way to add calories especially when you're cooking i'll get you in a second like the lipton pasta packets you know just add some of the olive oil right to it uh here we've got eight different flavors of oatmeal for breakfast over here we've got water enhancers and uh sweetener because i'm not gonna carry a whole lot of heavy sugar on the trail so that little bottle of stevia sweetener is a 80 serving so pretty good weight wise there here we got nice snacks 10 cliff bars just some cookies got plenty of uh instant coffee crystals this is tomato paste uh i just threw that in right now but on the trails i thought it'd be really good to take like some cheese pepperoni put it in a turk in a soft tortilla wrap and just spread a little bit of that on there instead of carrying uh actual tomato sauce since it's so concentrated 10 things of peanut butter and i saw these these look really cute these are actually sunflower butter so just because i throw them in a couple things of spam singles got some really good flavor on tuna i've already tried the chipotle uh package that those are really good but these are good to add some protein to you know mix you know mix some of this into your pasta packets uh which i got like butter and herb those teriyaki noodle ones are really great uh chicken fried rice chicken flavored teriyaki rice then just a couple of packages of baked potatoes these are really good you can you know with the potatoes you can just stir in a slice of spam if you want to add some protein you know some meat in there so anyways yes this is my food setup of course got my titanium spoon and some beef jerky well yeah like i said this is well over a week's worth of food not you wouldn't want to carry this much most of the time on the appalachian trail because you have resupply points you know every every couple of days but this is my initial setup now i'm gonna get to work packing this all the way into into the bear can all right everyone you have fun and we'll see on the trail
Channel: thcbar
Views: 4,786
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: ooORtj6N2z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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