Backpacking Food - Budget Recipes that don’t suck

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hey what's up guys today i want to talk about some budget backpacking meals that don't suck roll that intro [Music] hey guys welcome back to another video and happy late valentine's day for most of you um also i wanted to say i recently passed a hundred subscribers so thanks to everybody that has supported me along the way it means a lot this has always been a passion project so the fact that other people are enjoying it means the world to me today i want to start out with talking about some food that doesn't break the bank it doesn't suck and so i'm going to start out with a breakfast uh a cold breakfast and basically what i got here is a one gallon freezer bag now i've put uh trix cereal in this um it's just one of the cereals that we happen to have in the house and whatever cereal that it is that maybe your favorite you can use it doesn't really matter you can also do this with granola uh any really any dry cereal but uh i'll just go over what i've got here so that you got a good understanding of it so i've got my two our one gallon freezer bag a ziploc and i put two servings of the trixx cereal in here so that is two and a half cups of cereal which equates to about 30 no about 60 cents it's about 30 cents a serving all right as the box itself family size box cost about dollars and seventy cents and then i have one packet of carnation breakfast essentials i actually use these things in a lot of different uh things on the trailer cheap you can get 10 of them for about dollars and 50 cents i believe it's about 45 cents a packet so what you're gonna do is you have your cereal now these come in i will say these come in several different flavors this one's the chocolate version so um i happen to like the chocolate version a little bit better so you'll take your breakfast essentials and like i said you can do this on the trail if you don't want to do it beforehand and you're just going to dump this guy in here with your cereal kind of mix it up a little bit until it ends up like so all right now that you've got that mixed up real good we're just going to take eight ounces of cold water you could do this with uh heated water if you had a like a hot type cereal like i said a granola or something like that if you wanted to do this hot but for this we're going to take like i said we've got our 20 ounce water bottle so we're going to put a little less than half of this in there like so it's probably better to go a little less too you can always add more later and then we're just going to seal up the freezer bag and just turn it around here in the bottom we're going to mix up all of that that breakfast essentials with this cereal and as you can see i've got a chocolate milk mix with my trix cereal and like i said this particular combination you can break it down for whatever cereal you want but for this particular combination i've spent less than a dollar on this breakfast and it's going to be over 600 calories for this breakfast and you can have this in your pack ready to go in the mornings and so you know that's going to make this a really quick breakfast um you could really even eat it on the go if you wanted to just go ahead and start hiking so like i said that's under a dollar over 600 calories insert any cereal that you really want into this you could use a granola you know or any other type of cereal um and the the the instant breakfast or the breakfast essentials they come multiple different flavors so you don't have to use chocolate i prefer the chocolate but you can use the vanilla there's i think a strawberry i think there's a banana there's all kinds of different kinds come up with your own combination super cheap and it's super quick a lot of calories get you on the trail fast all right my next one is a hot meal that you can eat for dinner or lunch so again you're gonna need the one gallon freezer bag you're gonna need one packet of nor size spanish rice um there's also a mexican rice you can use as well either or and you're going to need one package of great value premium fiesta style chicken this is actually a favorite oh and you're also going to need one tortilla shell of your choice and the tortilla shell is optional but i think it's good to put it on a burrito or a tortilla shell so the way this works pretty simple we're going to excuse my opening method we're going to take our rice go ahead and put it in the one gallon freezer bag and now after that there's two ways to do this i'll show you how i do it what i'm gonna do is take my package of chicken here and i'm going to dump that out with the rice you can do this after you cook the rice if you don't want to do it beforehand i do it beforehand because i think it's a better flavor and then it gets the chicken nice and hot get my trusty spork if you don't have one of these if you don't have one of these and i keep talking about it you need a long-handled spork because then i don't have to get my hand all down in the bag to get all the uh the goodness out of my meal like i said you get all this out into your bag all right then all right next step i've got my two cups two cups of warm water that you can heat up on your camp stove and we're just going to put that in with all of our food here you want to do that nice and carefully so you don't burn yourself there we go nice and steamy and we're just going to seal that up nice and tight and i kind of just like to work it in a little bit knead it around now we just wait for that to cook [Music] wow these really are made in mexico [Music] all right guys so we had let this sit for about 15 minutes you want the rice to be nice and soft not crunchy and so there you have it we have a spicy chicken and rice now with the ingredients i showed you using one tortilla this meal would cost you less than two dollars and fifty cents and be north of one thousand calories so that's pretty big bang for the buck uh calorie to dollar ratio there and um the only downside of it is that you do have to wait like i said i let this sit for about 15 minutes you want this rice to get good and soft in your freezer bag before you eat it because nobody wants to eat crunchy rice so it does have some prep time to it you're going to have to boil two cups of water but as far as cost goes and taste goes it's a great tasting meal like i said you can eat it as it is put it on the tortilla if you take the tortilla out of the equation you're still going to end up with an over 700 calorie meal so like i said that's pretty good calorie to dollar ratio all right guys let's move on all right guys the last meal i want to talk about today is trail shepherd's pie is what i'm going to call it you're going to need one package of idahoan instant mashed potatoes it doesn't matter what type you choose i got the loaded baked potato type um so you're gonna need one package of that it's gonna cost you a dollar and you're gonna need a package of great value pulled pork barbecue uh in the package uh if you guys can see that the camera won't focus no um it's about a dollar too at walmart and once again you're gonna need the trusty one gallon freezer bag i'm sure everybody uses these for everything anyways i'm gonna do this one a little bit different take your potatoes if you're pretty good at cooking this stuff you can also cook these meals in the actual packages that you could make this in here there's just not a whole lot of room so it's a little bit easier to do in the freezer bag so we're going to take our potatoes here and dump them out in our freezer bag and do the same thing with the pulled make pork you get that all in there i need my spork again [Applause] and then just going to have to heat up two cups water again so i'll get to that all right guys i've got my two cups of heated water so i'm just gonna put this in here the good thing about these uh potatoes is they don't take near as long to make as the rice they're pretty much gonna be instantly ready to put that in there with our barbecue sauce our barbecued pulled pork sealed up nice and tight kind of the same thing we did with the uh rice and the chicken we're just gonna work that around really good it's pretty hot i will say too if you guys did not know it is safe to put boiling water in the ziploc freezer bags you do not want to try it with a regular ziploc bag you want to use the freezer bags only and they work really well for that and as you can see we've got a nice mixture of mashed potatoes and barbecued pulled pork this meal is going to cost you about two dollars and it's going to be about 600 calories so there and again it's a great calorie to dollar ratio um this could be a good lunch option because like i said you can make it pretty quick i just put the water in and it's already pretty much ready to eat um you probably actually want to let it cool down a little bit because it's pretty hot but there's three recipes right there you figure if you were to buy pre-made freeze-dried food like mountain house or backpackers pantry those meals can go from eight dollars all the way up to 12 and even higher per meal all the meals we made together today let's just say it was a whole day of food cost us less than seven dollars for all the food that we made so um i've saved you a lot of money on the trail it's all delicious food um it's all interchangeable and uh you know you can add your own things to it to even bring the calories up and the taste up if you want to so i hope you guys enjoyed uh cooking with me today and if you like this video i'd appreciate if you hit that thumbs up button and if you guys want to see more videos like this subscribe i'm going to keep them coming and until next time guys remember to hike your own hike see ya
Channel: That Outdoor Dad
Views: 5,392
Rating: 4.9840002 out of 5
Keywords: Backpacking food, Backpacking food for beginners, Budget backpacking food, Backpacking recipes, Hiking food, Hiking recipes, Hiking food for beginners
Id: lLCkcbo2uZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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