Backpacking Food For Seven Days (Colorado Trail Prep)

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come on baby come on almost there [Music] we are back we are back with the probably the last Colorado trail prep video yep and probably the most fun for us so we are going through our food loadout well we're going through Andes food let it load out because mine's not ready yet but it's effectively the same thing yeah and the cool thing about doing YouTube videos like prep videos it forces you to get all your stuff waitwait advanced yeah but I think the general thing here is that actually our thinking our strategies will probably be pretty similar we'll be carrying pretty similar food so a lot of this will apply to you yeah and we um so we shot a video like this for our trip to Isle last year so check that out it's similar the food planning is pretty technical almost if not more technical than the gear were bringing so there's a couple considerations so the the section of the Colorado trailer we're hiking doesn't go through any towns there's not really a way to resupply this is kind of how Iowa was last year so we got to carry seven full days of food which is no not a problem I mean to be fair though you can resupply you could it would just be a pain yeah on the on the Colorado channel or you can resupply we're just were just picking an unlucky section for it we don't go through any towns or anything like that but you could in theory so knowing that we we try and you know that this this strategy is keep the volume down and keep the trash down because we also have to hike out all our trash so it is kind of technical but we will start and we'll go through you know breakfast lunch dinner snacks what we're doing so far away yeah and just like we did last year we're gonna focus on not having 2.5 million ziplock bags right so we're going with you know we always want to do like bulk packaging it's you know Bennifer nature less trash carry that type of thing that being said my personal strategy on trips like this is I will start out with a breakfast already packaged in a freezer bag and then I will you've reuse this freezer bag you drop the entire day so I will eat my breakfast and then I will put my lunch in here which I will cold soak then I'll eat my lunch out of here and then I will use this bag again for dinner to heat up my dinner so RIF tea yeah that's my that's my personal strategy and that really helps keep the trash down all right so let's let's kick it off here so for breakfast I prefer Mountain House breakfast so we got two options for breakfast I've got the fantastic Mountain House biscuits all rated stuff yeah really good stuff and then of course of course our go-to breakfast which is the breakfast skillet which is just fantastic so I'll either I'll either have biscuits and gravy or a breakfast skillet for breakfast I do like a hearty protein packed mechanist so that really helps and then additionally if I want to eat one of these for dinner okay why not breakfast for dinner yeah we're on vacation yeah yeah we want for dinner yeah so breakfast will be Mountain House biscuits and gravy or breakfast skillet so lunch is I'm gonna be pretty consistently the same I'm gonna be doing my power bean burritos it's good stuff we have a video showing you how to make these yeah pretty popular actually with people that subscribe to our channel I think yeah so we'll be doing the bean burritos which I will cold soak and then with the bean burritos I've got tortillas and then this is the best part of it got a bunch of Taco Bell hot sauce gotta yeah and then I think we're probably gonna pick up some cheese - maybe some cheese cheese sticks or Gouda throw that on there as well so bean burrito for lunch I don't get tired of it seven days in a row I'm fine with it you got lost next I got I was good yeah so for dinner so for dinner I've got pretty much two or three different options I've got a that's so much she's that chili mac no spaghetti meat sauce yeah so I've got a spaghetti and meat sauce lost again there's a lot of spaghetti and then I've also got my one of our favorite dinners which is easy is easy mac with buffalo chicken eMac - yeah it's one of three servings that's like three packets of easy mac no no three servings bro so cynics mean you're happy okay six pack about red six packets of easy mac with a bunch of buffalo chicken in there as well so yeah and then of course I've got a bunch of extra breakfast so also be doing either a mountain house breakfast skillet or the biscuits and gravy for dinner a few nights maybe I don't know breakfast for dinner yeah delicious I'm excited so that takes care of the staples of breakfast lunch and dinner so let's move on to the ELA snacks I got a lot of facts you know I I never know like how it's gonna be what coming snack wise especially when we're at elevation working a little bit harder so I I generally I don't eat enough during the day down there and I need to make sure I'm on top of that so some snacks were doing the stinger waffles great great is you got those I got a lemon I got a chocolate and I got a salted caramel is there good yeah so stairs got five of those haha peanut butter packet yeah Joe honey peanut butter yeah Justin's peanut butter I got or honey packets for honey peanut butter packets those are awesome and then additionally these are a little cheaper I sell these at the grocery store I got the wild friends chocolate coconut peanut butter got three packs of those so pretty much I got seven packets of peanut butter nice one for each day probably I don't know um I got a decent size too bad peanut M&Ms yeah yeah I don't know they're delicious additionally I think I went a little overboard on bars so I might slim this back a little bit I've got various bars as well maybe I could replace breakfast one of these I got two of these are X bars these are pretty good I got a chocolate one and a blueberry one good stuff I got a robe our trail nugget I've had these before pretty good yeah yeah yeah they're good I just have got a bunch of these bars like yeah and it's just like gonna get rid of them I got these are probably my favorite protein bars that don't think then yeah that Kevin got meat we're not dog yeah I got the to think thin protein bars peanut butter in brownie and then I got additionally to power crunch protein bars so I got a bunch of protein bars basically not one not enough for everyday but in case tasty some things we got Snickers - yeah yeah so I was at Kroger's and actually I found this in like the dollar bin no nice just update goes out yeah just a pet there's like a multi pack up like fun science there yeah I don't know I think probably slingback some of these protein bars but yeah it's got some some Snickers fun sighs okay so now let's let's move on to the the drink so Kevin and I of course are huge fans of mio or mio style like you know drinking is liquid concentrates yeah so I've got a mio energy this is the black cherry it's a good one yeah this is our favorite and then I'm bringing a me a lemonade which is fantastic you know we're going with some other people maybe I'll just take one of these and somebody else can take ya anymore I don't know okay something else that we've started to get into we got this for we use these for running especially really hot what how weather those of you that follow us on Instagram you'll see posts about always pimping this stuff yeah so this is tailwind and it's basically sugar and salt good though yeah electrolytes energy this stuff can be a lifesaver good so I got some packets of those again I'm worried about the elevation and just making sure that I'm placing electrolytes and keeping energy going so I don't know if I'll use all these if not I don't care I'll bring it back and usually yeah well they'll get you does they'll get used so yeah I got some tailwind which is create stuff and that somebody posted a story yeah jo-anne like save their buddy's life or something yeah somebody was like super yeah yeah yeah and it's gonna be that way yeah it's cool yeah somebody had a packet lying around it turned him around so that's awesome and then coffee so I've rationed 2 cups of coffee per day and I'm I've got all these packets of coffee and I actually think I'm gonna empty these out into a small ziploc bag cut down on trash but I've got tasters choice which is just you know the Nescafe shape Taster's Choice George Clooney you know what big fans of George Clooney and you know whatever he's drinking we're drinking yeah so we love we love George ha and I had some I did have some Starbucks via lying around I got 4 packets up the veranda that's the good stuff though yeah you know I don't really care I know the other Starbucks and since not good yeah the verandas really good yeah so I just had these lying around I didn't go out and buy them but I'll use them here so that's the coffee situation so again pretty simple 3 you know now mountain house for breakfast our own stuff for lunch and dinner and then a decent supply of snacks water additives coffee the usuals at you know I I'm pretty happy with it yeah it's a good loadout so my loadout it's not this put together yet because that's generally one like the last things I do the only differences between ours is I'll probably bring a third like flavor of dinner so he has to but then he can rotate instant breakfast if he wants to I'll probably bring three different dinner I'll never bring two different lunches and then probably one one or two different kinds of breakfasts --is so it'll overall be the same just a little bit more options I probably won't bring as many snacks as he does I don't know that's lost stuff I know I'm gonna I'm probably gonna leave some of these protein bars out so that's it I mean you know it's it's you know we we've we dehydrate probably thirty to forty percent of this stuff and then mountain house and one-time use bars and stuff fill out the rest we've got videos going through how to make the burritos and the buffalo chicken and spaghetti you just make spaghetti and put it in a dehydrator yeah but that's it so I don't know comment comment let us know what you think yeah this said this should this should give me whatever vision we won't die I'm not gonna die yeah so that's it that's the this is probably the final final video in our prep series for the Colorado trail so the next time we're talking about Colorado trail we're gonna be on it so looking forward to that let us know your thoughts comments and we will check out everyone on the next one
Channel: Schill Brothers Outdoors
Views: 24,344
Rating: 4.8329239 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, Hiking, Gear, Hammocks, Backpacking, Outdoor, Ultralight, Schill, Brothers, Trail, Backpacking Food Seven Days, Colorado Trail, Colorado, Backpacking Food Prep
Id: rZ06hdfyos8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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