More LOST Children at Bondi Beach

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[Music] yeah laurie's an ex-lifeguard of 20 years and he come running into the tower really concerned that a lady just reported to him that her baby had been abducted by another lady i made an announcement down here yeah a group of guys suddenly chirped up they're headed down towards the water's edge this white woman and the baby apparently she's seen heading into the in the direction of [ __ ] she doesn't know the ladies that's another lady wow should we go ring the police definitely there's such a big crowd and to try and find someone amongst that crowd who had abducted a baby was just going to be so hard to deal with to terry i notified all the boys on the beach by the radio but they are about to find out about their own emergency everything's just hit the roof assist panic stakes everywhere they were calling it and sir [Music] the clubbies here at bondi flags are saying that the southern outpost has seen a shark i can't believe we've got a shark i mean they've got the duck and the yellow boat out there so i'm trying to confirm it this couldn't come out at a worse time look how many people are on the beach we're trying to find a baby and now we've got a shark in the mix in the back of my mind i know that i might have to set this shark alarm off which is going to set this massive crowd into a frenzy making the search even harder [Applause] every single person at the beach would have been worried about this shark you could tell they're all standing up but the poor lady looking for a baby that was the last thing on her to mind graham is that as she got the baby so you're hang on i might be able to save you the trip here she got my baby [Music] i'm so relieved the baby's been found i'm really trying to find out what happened the baby was walking off here yeah she just yeah she's just walking after her father and i just saw her and i didn't want to know let her alone in the water we've got one lady claiming that she's found a baby and then we've got another lady claiming that she's had a baby stolen we're just sitting here and my husband's gone swimming with the older the older daughter and this young the young girl was playing with the baby here i looked around at this time and i just thought oh my god what's going on the baby was following the father and sister down towards the water's edge and i didn't know what to do because she was just away and the backpacker girl thought the baby was lost and thought she was doing a good date and then i just went after her and i said to her we have to go back we have to go back and i didn't want to grab her like you just don't know her the mother's gone walking down the water's edge to be informed by a member of the public that a lady had picked the baby up and wandered off into the crowd i just can't describe how i felt a lot of things go through your mind in such circumstances i don't really want to think about it it's just a massive case of miscommunication it was just one of those crazy days all of a sudden we were approached by a man from china and uh you could tell he was just very distressed one hour ago we just go to the air oh we put everything here on the side and he went to the beach first first week yeah the first game so i can't see him so we were able to establish his son was 17 years of age he was last seen uh going for a swim and did he come back no never the last time you saw him he was going for a swim yeah i i didn't know i don't know if he's may swim or not did he say he was going for a swim yeah well first and foremost you communicate back with central so we just let them know that we we have a missing person 17 year old uh asian male wearing blue underwear last seen about an hour ago um with the intent of going for a swim okay tommy just we just got to get let's just get this last detailed description of the last spot they seen him was he entering the water was he on the shore it's good i just thought you know to escalate it when there's a missing person there's a process of eliminations down here so it's either water or land and obviously it's escalated quite quickly if it's in the water so he hit your last with him was that he was going to go for a swim yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah lifeguards are disturbed by the information they've heard so far how are we looking tommy uh i'm just going over to have a chat with a wife she's uh she's just sitting out here waiting um largely unchanged all these clothings here she seems pretty distraught now that i'm walking over to her by that stage as well the whole situation had become a little bit more dramatised because we'd located the mother hi what's your name we're just looking for him at the moment i'm sure it'll be okay i'm sure it'll be fine his name's fan yeah f.a.m [Music] yeah it was almost as if she had to be cared for because she was starting to show a few signs and symptoms of potentially slipping into shock i just need to get sick i'm sure he's gonna come back the missing boy's father begins to fear the worse [Music] and just while you've got that vehicle turn around just do a megaphone announcement down the beach to uh just to see maybe get the dad to do it so then you notice his voice with every passing minute concerns for the boy only grow greater it's hit the hour mark you know the last footsteps were seen entering the water first point of contact is the police hello hello there it's harry's from the lifeguards down at bondo how are you going yeah good look at a reported missed asian boy down at the southern end of bondi so this stage we're still in a search and rescue mode whereas i'm getting the police i'm contacting the police i'll have jet skis down on the shoreline lifeguards are going out it'll be a search and rescue phase i'm looking for this person lifeguards scan the water for any sign of the boy they're not the most dangerous conditions we've ever had but they're certainly not the safest as the search time approaches 90 minutes lifeguards scour the middle of the beach 500 meters from where the boy went [Music] missing [Music] he's with your husband thanks guys my son comes back yeah he come back he's okay [Music] she went from you know almost complete panic to distillation [Music] you're welcome now it's a bit scary [Music] you worry your mother's sick i think you took 10 years off her maybe 20. all right guys okay enjoy your day second year quarter past six in the evening we're getting ready to start packing the beach up and we get a report that uh a uh young boy's gone missing the mother of the missing boy reveals her son is 14 years old we are looking for a kid the report that i got was that he'd been missing for 30 minutes so no real heavy alarm bells ringing for me at this point yeah he's just wandered off but then mouse receives disturbing new information hey corey and luke it actually got back to me that the kid actually been missing for three hours and as soon as i heard that that was like a real alarm bell for me that got me worried straight away statistically teenage boys notorious risk takers are far more likely to suffer injury or even death by misadventure the first thing you think is have i missed someone in the water have we distributed lifeguards across the beach evenly all day you know could something have been missed then another emergency kicks off behind the tower in bondi pavilion [Music] baby then you think yourself it can't get any worse and then bondi just froze another surprise egg mate i was just on the phone at the ambos i just had an unconscious patient here so whereabouts what's your location there so while this kid's been missing for three hours and i'm really getting worried about him and this girl's dying in the toilets someone comes to me with a classic dislocated shoulder up on the promenade [Music] as mouse keeps one eye on swimmers in the water he turns his attention back to the missing 14 year old boy whose mother is becoming increasingly distressed that's fuzzy that's that's getting pretty pressing though the emotional effect that you get when a person goes missing or especially a child it's a it's a real dark deep stomach feeling like that feeling like something has really really gone bad it's nearly 7 p.m mouse is yet to resolve any of the three emergencies he's dealing with i've got an unconscious woman in the bathroom the boys are on a dislocated shoulder back on the missing teenager lifeguards launch the jet ski by the time we threw the skin it was seven o'clock which is our finish time you know and to throw the skin at that time of day that hour it really makes your stomach turn it's just like you know something's not right and then straight away the door knocks again yeah is she still there where is she yeah she's still there by this time it's about ten past 7 so we all should have been at home 10 minutes ago lifeguards working at other beaches have heard the emergencies of bondi over the radio they arrive to back up mouse we're really struggling we're really short-handed and then out of nowhere gonzo and geoffroy finished work at tamar and they've turned up at bondi to help the boys out which is unreal so i sent the guns up to north bondi to investigate this girl that was apparently out there covered in blood so corey's in the water with a jet ski in a search for a young boy alive hopefully you know we don't know if he was in the water and he has been in the water for three hours you know there's there's not much hope and then bang we just get the call [Music] we have found him i don't know where he was are you playing in the water or something that's good from all reports the boy was found just playing on the shore in the in the south corner and like i don't know what to make of that like i just i just knew that he uh got back with his family and um we could just get back with our families you know
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 2,829,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost children at bondi beach, lost children at beach, lost kids at bondi, lost children found, lost children, lost kids at bondi beach, lost kids found, lost kids at the beach, bondi rescue, bondi lifeguards, bondi rescue lost kids, bondi rescue lost child, bondi rescue lost baby, bondi rescue lost boy, child abducted, child abducted at beach, children lost at the beach, bondi rescue 2021, bondi rescue official, bondi beach rescue, bondi beach australia, child lost
Id: dmIpt824wCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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