baby no no gets lost in the shops

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come on kids let's go to kmart hold stop stop stop we do not serve brushes due to the large amount of brushes ever taken vr chat we're now denying service to players using the brush avatar that's offensive that's discrimination against brushes it's racism what it is yes racism and i will not stand for i can't believe that they would ban upstanding minorities like us from their establishment kmart's amazing it's so much bigger than i remember that's what i said when i look down come on boys over it see look how much of a waste this is they put a wet floor sign here there's not even a wet flat floor now there is look at your judges [Music] i'm allergic remember oh my god oh my god look at these prices we're getting ripped off in australia what the [ __ ] yeah 13 bucks a carton you're three [ __ ] you're three oh oh my head no don't hit me too much so i got an upset tommy oh what's what's wrong mate huh yeah yeah if you hit me too much i can't hold the poo poo soon how many more dvo's do you need to get stuck oh look mate don't worry about it all right come on let's go find your tell my little brother just follow the poo smashing smashing no it's not down here come on next one smashing hey there little man you want to try out these new sleeping mattresses yeah they're pretty soft i got candy molly yeah come on in here little man let me get the zipper and then you can get my zipper oh yes dad molly i met this nice man he's gonna let me unzip him this is the kmart creche where you drop your kids off when they've been naughty miley come out here don't talk to strange men that sleep in kmart tents dude please don't touch my kid i like being [ __ ] on what the i'm into some weird [ __ ] mister i'll start your kid's writer come on mate come on come here you remember what i told you about the nuna square i'll tell you right now that dude is going to stick his entire fist in your nose if you're not careful bye bye little man you know where to find me goodbye well i caught i caught that look at that sweet little ass yeah yes sometimes okay mark and walmart are you going to meet old strange men they want to put their thumb inside your bum yep that's right he was a nice old man yeah that's how they start start you gotta stay away from that man okay stay away from him yeah all right we'll get home and watch the jeffrey epstein documentary on netflix and you'll know all about it hmm oh yes that's the sweet stuff that is where is he i don't know don't worry about it oh my god that was weird dude come on let's get out of it smashing oh let go let go let go i'm excited dad what is it [Music] i'm excited i'm excited all right just calm down you know what happens when you get excited you know what happens when you get just calm down hold it hold your breath hold your breath hold your breath come on hold it in [Applause] oh hey there little fella can i give you a hand selecting lego or maybe a fist what are you looking at you're stressing him out oh god oh that's thick what the [ __ ] is going i mean i'd better go get the mop you stay right there little man all right calm down we're not gonna do what he says we're not gonna stay right here come on quick we're gonna get out of here don't worry about smashing he's probably a flashlight by now come on what it's probably a green little flashlight right here [Music] [Music] so hey little mister did you know that's two player hmm i'll play with you oh let's see what these old hips can do hmm molly i'm not sure if sometimes if you actually want to get [ __ ] or not i'd like to give is that an offer or a threat hmm you're dude no you'll be oh god you're on your own dad dad what i found smashing i found smashing come on he's over here look look you can see him over there come on molly josh he where have you been a nice older gentleman gave me a prostate exam okay smashing sake why do i have to have this conversation what's the prostate he said it's something that needs to be checked every 20 minutes specifically by him that's not true where did he give you the prostate exam was in the doctor's office it was in my bum [Laughter] what a bomb not funny oh no funny molly baby no i mean where did he do it oh he do it in a registered doctor's office or did he do it in little caesar's restroom uh yeah cubicle 3. this is what we're doing now is it can we get pokemon cards now i've been a good boy hey boys why don't we just play some xbox 360. man remember xbox xbox 360 is still cool no smashing it's my turn on the xbox no mom said it's my turn on the xbox josh mom said it's my turn on the x-box it's neither of your turns on the xbox shut your goddamn tiny little pie muncher it's dad's turn on the xbox okay oh my god shut the [ __ ] up he's angry vomiting he's angry oh it's [Applause] he's angry spewing josh to tell him it's my turn said it's monster on the xbox mali stop vomiting okay we need to let the xbox controllers charge why don't you play some nintendo switch some mario party why hate mario molly calm down calm down okay molly you can have the turn on the xbox i don't want it anymore it's so sticky fine go on game sucks i don't want to play anymore can i play i don't give a [ __ ] what you do [Laughter] remember what dad said mum's a [ __ ] remember what dub daddy yeah no aside from that if in doubt rub one out no well i did say that but this isn't really the time for that girl and then leave it is that what you they should shut up shut up i said dad sold enough junk we could get a new tv look [Music] look at the colors look at the colors oh josh could i get an oculus rift s what for say this isn't a brand deal you don't speak about that [ __ ] unless you're being paid for it idiot besides you really want a vr headset yeah you know like one of those losers that dress up and stupid avatars make dumb videos [ __ ] themselves you want to end up like drumsy do we really want to have two months of good views and then a dead channel smashing i don't think so all right we asked for retards i wonder if they have any three for one deals how do you spell vibrator i got so far because that's the noise they make i'll show you how you spell vibrate a little buddy you jiggle tummy [Music] quick let's get out of here quick before they see it stop messing with the computer get off there get off there right now before someone watch adult films but internet explorer is taking too long to load you you're free oh i just punched myself in the balls but slapped that oh actually hurt dude a nonchalantly like smackdown oh i've literally just punched myself in the balls oh i have not been putting the balls for a very long time [Laughter] come here boys i want to show you something look at these oh videotapes this one was from when dad was a little baby what were the old days like well buddy it was a very different time michael jackson was black you're allowed to beat your wife without having to fill in the form wow yeah what a time i don't know where it all went wrong what the [ __ ] was that that was the cat knocking something off the counter give me a moment what are you doing little [ __ ] what did you not oh stupid fluffy piece of [ __ ] so where were we animal abuse i can't kick it i'm tethered to the computer otherwise i mean i would have given him a pat and a kiss on the forehead because i love him there's a lot of bad things about the olden days boys like wow you want to know how you got cotton in your pillow through factory you [ __ ] racists i'm gonna teach you why me and mum broke up it's gonna help you understand okay so one day dub daddy got on twitch and started donating all of his money to twitch streamers okay oh really stream them well the important thing is that your mum didn't have a clue and then you dab daddy he ran away with the twitch streamer he ran into the night yeah stop saying that stop saying i can't edit a cuddle you don't know what the future holds you know when when you actually meet these people when you're slinging at them it's happened to me so many times now dude the amount of people you need i'm gonna leave that party but just sleep the word josh is scared of offending people smashing josh is scared of offending people you end up like leafy do you who's that wait did you do an entire video slinging [ __ ] where what about por that's what i'm saying dude you give him a hard time who knows when you'll be inside him next yeah look can we just do this video inside you can leave the jokes and see how it goes for you just google leafy afterwards if you want i feel like you're my actual children this is what happened was your dad met another lady okay really hot twitch streamer your mum didn't have a clue but josh he donated all of our money to him he ran away in the into the night with her and they had breakfast club together oh and now it wasn't shut your mouth it wasn't oh oh dub daddy ended up going commando on her do you know what that means oh i do it means it went raw and well after that things were a little rocky especially after first blood that was when things really started going downhill okay why was there blood you know why it's because your dad's a legend that's right no it's because she was okay that's why well unfortunately josh isn't just one of the guys okay and he knows that girls just want to have fun this is really convenient after nine months that was a little gremlin well dad didn't want a little gremlin so he went a bit footloose and there was a nightmare on elm street and then there ended up being a police story [Laughter] is happening so they knew you were coming and that's and that's the story how i drowned your brother in a in the laundry sink so where did we come in i don't know i remember you being born i was drunk we [Music] it doesn't even get hard you piece of [ __ ] god [ __ ] that's it i've had enough i'm leaving you guys in kmart enough oh your kids now came uh the kmart kids smashing it's been like 30 minutes where's dad we're gonna split up and find him oh no i can't i haven't seen him i can't hear his shitty mustache and find him split up and find him dad josh josh sounds like you're on an alone mister have you seen my dad hmm i'll help you find your dad don't you worry hmm [Music]
Channel: Mully
Views: 4,548,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, funniest moments, vr funniest moments, vr funniest moments 2020, vr, vr gaming, vr game, vr gameplay, vr funny, vr funny moments, vr moments, gaming, gaming video, gaming montage, gaming funny moments, your narrator, mully, mully yt, joshdub, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr, baby no no
Id: U8UgGLe-ofM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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