among us in daycare

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hi i'm smashing welcome to daycare this is where my parents bring me when they don't want to look after me there's lots of fun things to do here at daycare like sit on the beanbag and stare at the wall yay another thing i like to do is drawing but i'm a little too short and i can't get up there so i don't get to draw my favorite thing to do here at the daycare is play with the boom broom cars this one's my favorite one it's my yellow one cause i'm yellow smashing yeah where did you go wrong in life um i ran about the time i was born okay that's don't say anything else smashing what kind of car do you have i have a lamborghini i got a big v8 that's a big truck is that for crossing the border it can be i can't mine the juice box i'm driving down to the gas station wait hey juicy it's my car hi this is my car it's red i'm red smashing has a yellow car cause he's yellow eddie's green and i'm red where's my car you don't get a car narrator what's up i want to play cars but molly took the last car it's red it's red like me yeah that makes sense yeah yeah i don't see a pink car there's a pink block you can sit yeah there's a there's a pink block over there dirty a pink bean bag and cry me a river hey don't be mean i'm not being mean he's being mean you ready to get bullied your entire life your little pink small pink could be a big boy color only girls wear pink juicy no yeah yeah no yeah you know what rhymes with pink juicy um uh wait wait let me think stinks you're stinky he's picking on me i told you time and time again you know what no i'm not being mean no no no you know what i get the red car for two minutes you and molly are gonna go over there and you're gonna i'm gonna show you a cute picture i'm gonna show you what you like good work juicy you got the car taken off of all the way shh he's pooping let him concentrate what are you saying i was saying as a lesson you would molly would have to go over there and draw something nice about the other but i don't want to stinky pinky can get the [ __ ] out of here little stinky pinky all right so congratulations you bought yourself three minutes i can't get that high either do you want to go for four no now both of you go over there and draw something nice about the other okay nada finished finished yo you're finished yeah okay juicy juicy are you finished uh yeah that looks about right now to come look come look come look what i write read it for me i can't spell i didn't even write that juicy did he's trying to frame me juicy equals [ __ ] that says gay i thought you said you can't read i can't read yeah no i can't juicy do you see i didn't mean to be mean let's be friends i [ __ ] hate you honesty i just resent every moment i spend with you i meant everything you're supposed to be coming over for a sleepover this weekend remember your mum said you could come over my mom said you could come over as well i was gonna come over to your sleepover literally to bully you like i wanted to ruin the best day of the year for you it was your birthday and i i wanted to see you cry that's why i was coming over that's not very nice do you want something or are you gonna get out of my square are you coming over still no get the [ __ ] out of here come on last week we learned how to do our abcs i had a lot of fun a b c d e f e a o i j a l m n o p [Music] then she got an std it started with seekers it was chlamydia she got that sorry is that sorry i gotta get carried away that's how i was born chlamydia okay nevermind alright can we learn how to spell now please narrator how do you spell chlamydia i'll tell you how to spell it c-l-m-a-d-y-a chlamydia i love learning yes yes juicy what what are you doing i'm i'm learning my abcs do you want to hear them yeah sure teach me teach us teach us okay so the first letter is a a stands for ah okay and then the second letter in the alphabet is b b stands for and boobs and boobs and the third letter in the alphabet is c c stands for just like that what's that behind it this is the letter u and um this stands for unloved also stands for undocumented like eddie or uncircumcised like molly no i'm circumcised cheese dick cheese c c stands for circumcised and that's what i am all right c stands for confused i'm not circum i wait yes i am circumcised sometimes we catch some of the other boys doing naughty things with the stuffed puppets maybe mully i think he's a bit sus if you know what i mean damn damn how you doing baby girl molly what are you doing nothing don't molly what as your teacher i have to let you know an elephant much like strippers they never forget never forget i'm gonna give you this dick all right well i'm gonna take my break catch y'all later i'll be back in five minutes i'm just gonna this one time at daycare we caught molly venting but it didn't turn out the way i thought it was gonna he was sad um uh narrator down here hi hey what's up just cleaning got something to tell you yeah um just don't be mad okay what happened i promise you won't be mad oh i know what you you told us but um molly's venting again all right in the corner over there it's true i saw him i saw him vent he did yeah all right i'll go talk to him i'll handle this molly i heard you vented i'm not inventing yes because i'm sad i'm bent i'm about to have a vent to you wait what yeah i'm sad narrator you see i've just been trying so hard all day to fit in i've been trying to count blocks with juicy i offered smashing all of my cheese sticks for lunch and eddie i just you know i just wanted to welcome him because he's not from here you know but they all but they didn't accept me narrator now now i'm out of cheese sticks and i'm hungry and i'm real sad because i found out that my sister is on only fans and juicy subscribe to her yeah i'm depressed narrator i'm sad in real life i spend all my time making these stupid [ __ ] videos i'm dressed as a red [ __ ] jelly bean where did i go wrong in life narrator i feel like this is more of a confession time then yeah i was about to say yeah [Music] i heard everything that you said okay and you know about wanting to build blocks and trying to be friends with everybody and you know i heard i heard your whole vent and i just realized something what you were just as big of a [ __ ] as i always thought that you were am i right boys yeah god this kid [ __ ] sucks jesus give me that baby get out of here i can't even be around him you're pathetic no no did you see the way he talked to me just then yeah this i can't help it this kid just sucks anyways um have fun being a sad pathetic little butt plug i'm going to go drink milk in the room at the end of the day just before our moms come to pick us up our favorite teacher likes to do puns they make us want to end it all what is what is my feathered friend's favorite kind of snack why quackers listen here i'm just doing puns i'm sorry i don't mean to be a knob [Music] you want another one you want another one yeah okay okay i got it i got one for you i got one for you yeah yes no no you just gotta you gotta be careful all right cuz i got some good ones coming in all right check this out this is an oldie but a goodie all right you've heard this one before but i'm gonna bring it back you ready yeah no all right check this out i happen to actually have a son do you know what his name is what can't wait it's very good because he's never late his name is just in time ah that's it i'm gonna go commit toaster bath yeah i second that i'm out oh look i'm gonna be i'm gonna be like narrator oh what is this oh this is an f i'm gonna give you an f because this whole recording is [ __ ] it's not a pun that was actually a [ __ ] for failure yeah it's also for fun and that's what i have when i listen to narrative puns yay you are now my favorite yes
Channel: Mully
Views: 4,043,426
Rating: 4.9254246 out of 5
Keywords: VR, funniest moments, vr funniest moments, vr funniest moments 2020, vr, vr gaming, vr game, vr gameplay, vr funny, vr funny moments, vr moments, gaming, gaming video, gaming montage, gaming funny moments, your narrator, mully, mully yt, joshdub, eddie vr
Id: 3M60wVu9k_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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