the boys stay at a motel

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narrator we know you're scared of clowns made and believe me if I spoke to Josh before coming here but we've decided to stay at the clam motel without clowns oh if you get scared during the night you can get covered with Eddie hey tickle tickle [ __ ] hi welcome to the clown motel we're running a weekly special right now we have the roach room in the murder room we have a little boy who's scared of clowns do you have anything for him you're scared of clowns are you come here what are you [ __ ] scared of clowns or something my dad told me to tell anyone who says that I am what I will take a clean room how about a cleaning room you got a clean room yeah let me check if I have a clean room oh look at that I don't would you like the Rose Room or the murder room listen for if you can't get us a clean room we're not staying here you're not gonna find any better rooms than the clown motel pal what do you mean what kind of hotel is this pal look around you it's the best on the block it's a clown motel it's full of clowns you said there were no clothes if you can't get us obscene room I'm gonna give you one star review on Yelp I thought this was the clown motel but a couple of clowns just walked through my door you call me dog master well you know this one pitcher does he not tell me what he's saying meet up in the Okanogan resonances Pinchas yeah miss granddaughters weight that has met this boy trash he literally went so hard bikini encinia numbness to squat those way alright that's it Elmo telly payaso from the tenemos acumen their hope is with your dad that made me quite - wait what's he saying sound kinda mean I used to own the clown motel but now no I'm nothing but a clown alright Doug can we have a room for three please hell yeah though it has been two months since we last seen Josh dough we have made many videos together and long awaited return just Oh Josh boy stay away just wanting boys I'm in quarantine oh he coughed boys guys guys I'm feeling fun come sup boys come on come in yeah Josh you know you're really cool guys but um I think I'm gonna stay out here I didn't bring any hand sanitizer come on man forgot your housewarming gift Eddie you know come on come on yeah come on juicy come on buddy come on I don't want your disease porfavor entra been a jugar con nosotros now all right all right that's so cold you look into my deep blue majestic ocean mystic eyes your eyes are brown their promise ya eyes are brown the text is a pram shut your juicy don't do it juicy we have hamburger jeez guys if you Claire do you want to join a lozenge glass and milk or something Barry Eddie take him take me to the bathroom come on juicy look look you need to come on juicy showers right here dog come here my bones are too weak can you reach there juicy see boys he is totally fun everything is completely fun narrator you coming don't you know I'll tickle you done are you making a mistake dude look like you're on drugs bro don't be shy but some more oh god no it's okay but some more some more don't be shy boys we have a mystery at the motel new Gotham self was a bit of an old-fashioned mystery a bit of a whodunit wait juicy didn't you come to the motel with a woman last night who promised you to be your mom and got you McDonald's well you seem to know an awful lot about exactly what and why like setting outside juices like window just been doing it wrong my entire life [Laughter] trout hanging at the front of your underpants Josh it hasn't a good time to see we're trying to solve adult things okay it's adult conversations so I don't and I don't watch what I yeah I definitely code that [ __ ] bro can you tell us the story okay yeah someone to help with the story presenting you spat sook you that was the huge supposed to come out yep yeah it was a warm summer evening now Jesus brought this female compete Rhea back to the hotel room for a night of plundering and coloring the lines if you know what I mean things in the night got a little bumpy you know what Jamie commits to left and a little more left no you're like yeah right here right here all right there we go looks like we found the body see you later boys tell you guys right up well I guess this case was pretty juicy Corona vices over have you guys feeling wasn't really that big of a deal was just a bit of a flu had a sore throat that was about it do you see how you feeling you see you good oh look at that that's weird yeah I mean I'm pretty I'm pretty see again something it's slightly concerned now yeah you're right he's wearing a face mask of course he's fine I'm just wondering what's for breakfast get down the lateral guy let's go you'd be touching those tips together this isn't tick-tock [ __ ] Molly might come on come on what it's not good line together watch it juicy juicy look at me look at me look at me look at me it's gonna be okay look okay I will never betray you these tea poison you've got cooties boys now I know this hotel has been a little wacky at times but look ice cream in pastries and you just made the movement of what sucking - welcome to the clown motel ice-cream shop how can I help you we have ice and ice cream this [ __ ] again I'm out of here boys one second I'll be doing a moment welcome to the clown motel ice cream shop and pastry store how can I help you I was actually first I can't even count up to his BMI just give me some place what you thought you killed me [ __ ] well I got two words for you mother oh I am inclined to ask what two words you have for me well that was it that was both that was two words those mother and her mother [ __ ] can excuse for a donut shop in an ice-cream seller [ __ ] stinky [ __ ] yeah can we can we just Avery it's next time please yeah malee right come here finally we've searched far and wide to find a place that is perfect for you commit commit just I gotta say come here come here come on maybe a little bit of powder of your feet come on yeah clap my toe coward bastions will sustain here Pro jarred clowns like this oh I've been away for two months and you can't just come back and stop making clown jerks best you I've always loved Street hey juicy oh uh hi mister how're you - good I'm just taking a stroll through this very very dingy alleyway by the trailer park pretty dingy you know I know a safe spot just come in here just come on back okay this couldn't go wrong at all no no anyway all right cut cut cut cut cut is it good take for the only fans you know because we are starting and only fans yeah yeah that's not a joke start the boy Johnny fans it's actually real thing son boys are only fans make sure you subscribe to it or whatever to see pictures of the boys might have been only fans stuff if you subscribe today and tip more than a thousand dollars juicy will show you his toes yeah we're actually gonna take pictures of your time this is not a skit by the way but this is my toes are my most sacred possession well you know what if I tipped her grand we're gonna get a photo of an arrow to suck in your toe so you better be ready yeah he isn't Florida well you make the trip it's two grand he's got long toes toes and my toenails are even longer oh yeah all right game daddy you okay no I'm actually puking all right gamers so make sure to check the link down here in the subscription that's so you can subscribe to the boys only fans dude I've been I have skinned and slayed deer I have been through a gas chamber visiting sucking on some dudes toes just got me mention after after a real long a long recording session just imagine just imagine me stick my toe and other toe down your throat you thought the moist jam was gonna be disgusting what to get the crunchy yellow bits between his toes the dry can you chew the calyx off the bottom lighthouse I lost my job at got kicked out my flat and it's all because some guy in China a Tibet all the Masters sold out in there gone without a trace me here's a quick tip just stick your understeer face in every night wash your hands before bed but your mama be sad because you wake up dead now I wouldn't worry unless you're over 45 because you're probably gonna die
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 15,678,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, juicy, juicyfruitsnacks, the boys, your narrator, eddie, eddie vr, pavlov
Id: zYHEwS59itY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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