The Boys - NO NO SQUARE (Official Music Video)

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[Music] [Applause] no no don't touch me there is what i told my uncle but he didn't seem to care it's my secret little spot and i don't want to share no no don't touch me there tell that creepy guy always hangs around your school that all they need to know is this one simple rule it's no no don't touch me there is what i told the past when he's playing with my hair it tickles and i'm little and it really isn't fair here's the facts my square is not for pass i can count to 32 and i'm friends with all my cats i'm a smart guy in a dumb situation and nobody's getting off at my no-no station hi my name is juicy i like hanging with my friends and sipping up a boozy eating lots of burgers and hanging with my groupies if you're talking imma pull up with the hosie sorry i got a little bit carried away no no don't touch me there i told the cabbie when i couldn't pay the fare and also while you're at it can you quit the creepy stare no no don't touch me there you tell that creepy guy always hangs around your school that all they need to know is this one simple rule it's no no don't touch me there it is pretty simple concept if you haven't been aware i want to be alone i don't want a love affair now listen i go to federal prison i'm a whole new juicy no no additional competition no no permission keep your hands off juicy is now your main mission corners count them four you picked the wrong shape for your fingers to explore mr nice guy well not anymore we can be friends but i'm not a damn sorry guys i really need to get that under control no no don't touch me there is what i told my uncle but he didn't seem to care it's my secret little spot and i don't want to share no no don't touch me there tell that creepy guy always hangs around your school that all they need to know is this one simple rule no no don't touch me there keep it gross old hands out my no no square um hi my name is juicy fruit snacks i'm a convicted felon for three counts of desperation of gravesites two counts of public nudity one time for pissing in the park i am a public medicine i need to be stopped please if anybody can hear this put me down i am a danger to you and everyone you love no no don't touch me there is what i told my uncle buddy didn't seem to care it's my secret little spot and i don't want to share so do me a favor keep your fingers [Music] oh
Channel: The Boys
Views: 29,838,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: BijqEg7q6oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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