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you know you can't sit too close to the fire gotta be careful how about you don't tell me what to do I just want to thank monster legends for sponsoring this video but this ain't no normal sponsor now I know a lot of you already play this game it's a sick game it's free we already know this so look what these madman went and did they put me in the game it's exactly like me you can now clap people as the official Josh dub character he's a little badass just like me he was born from an egg just like me he looks dead inside just like me so you eat the link in the description and grab a little Josh dub monster he may be the doom bring it but he is very lonely there's tons of monsters to collect and train before you take him into battle you can fight your friends in the different PvP modes including special dungeons and adventure map and you can even breed them please breed my Josh dub monster he need some action spread the seed there are events every week to play it's the game that loves to give it's on Android it's on Apple's on everything get the Josh dub monster by achieving daily goals in the Josh double event or you can buy it directly but make sure you use the link in my description to support me and my adorable little killing machine look how cute he is you want some fresh me he wants some fresh meat thank you thank you boy he won't let you down come here baby brushes gather around gather on the fire what is one thing you want to do fall out in the nature I got a worm you can chew on I just came out here to teach children hang out with my boys I want to tell spooky stories around the fire oh very good my idea is way better than yours Eddie don't you go out in the dark dark cause you know what I'll be coming out that [ __ ] sorry what'd you say come on I'm here to mother nature hurry boys come along come along it's almost getting close to bedtime narrator mm-hmm I think Jesse [ __ ] himself did you actually should yourself I see myself yeah he should himself trying use the sticks to just dig it out no I'm gonna keep my [ __ ] okay oh I don't know if you've noticed it there's five of us and there's only three beds I need to make a show and I'm well-rested as the camp counselor in case there are any kind of raccoons of beers you sleeping with me creepy mother you're sleeping with someone else why because I'm the adult one of us is gonna have to sleep in the Wolf's den gonna sleep with the wolves everyone who votes on Jesus sleeping with the wolves ready hand sorry there's Noah you know that have pointed six after the incident and came on she cut me in lie - do not stab at 55 times in the back of the legs that's not what you're supposed to do that's it just saying can you see that you're tearing us apart just like the wolves you guys want toasting marshmallows hey doing boys as gone as gone good Scout later one two three where's the [ __ ] weird one he ran he ran out there he's fine Josie I'm coming honey bunches where are you it's okay take a seat on the log it's all right well you see little buddy you'll like sugar to them they like sweet little boys like you you want some hot chocolate I'll get you some hot chocolate it'll be all good so cook give me a [ __ ] ah here you go have some hot chocolate I want to drink hot chocolate like him wait no just be honest a you put something else in that coffee didn't you know Jesus any stop running around in your underpants and socks in the wilderness it's midnight there are wool priced he's chimpĆ³n lboys put a pinch agave in away big trouble for this me a big big troubles of this dumb-looking I'm the only one who knows the way out of here so if you all don't band together as a group and find him you don't get your badges what badge am I going for you're going for the keep your [ __ ] mouth shut badge oh it's been seven hours now since we last seen Eddie nope seven hours and 15 minutes and 37 seconds he told me to keep his marshmallow warm I hope he likes them all done amigos what Oh Eddie oh my god what the you look like a crack that al a rigorous saddle soy el Mexicano up he's speaking in tongues time to put him down cafe where have you been kick him in the face get off you're the counselor you can't just do that now I can't kick him he's a baby he's got a very underdeveloped neck he's fine hey uh can't master I got one question for you though what's the capital of Thailand I don't know what is it's Bangkok Oh your stupid leader chair on the log I have finally had it with you little I am sick and tired of all you little shits not wanting to listen to our stories not owning your God tale merit badges and kicking me in the balls you put those goddamn fingers down before I chop them up and put them in the fire for kindling myself three times that's twice more than usual here's what's gonna goddamn happen I tell some goddamn spooky stories if you don't do it I will cut you all up into little tiny bite-size pieces and your bodies will never be found again all right who wants marshmallows and that's why my parents will never let me see my uncle again um I was just disgusting why did you tell us that bit over sharing their moaning I really didn't need to hear that do I need to call Child Protective Services do you see you Joe Giusti tell us a joke a narrator mm-hmm do you know the gay guy that makes owl noises ooh oh I could literally hear your headset shaking and rage dude all right there once was four little brushes that were in an abandoned Hospital the story's relatable listen you see Eddie didn't interrupt you during your shitty jerk said I should interrupt him whoa gentlemen let's just calm down okay that was the Skinner I was a be serious that was a part of this get to Emily idiot okay Oh Eddie that was also part of the skit so now you've ruined yeah and that was also part of this kid and in that that would also actually bought of the skin yeah mean idiots conception and then they all woke up in the middle of the microphone you're gonna need to change those and Underpants after this that was literally the last to catch up in the bottle dudes from my crazy envy from your stop doing that it makes it crisis for some reason I can smell it now I can taste it we're eight thousand kilometers of park and smell your fight [Music] I really have to [ __ ] yeah we heard that before a shadowy figure from the darkness hmm I'm sorry I can still smell narrator's virtual and this shadowy nurse figure was standing right in front of them and you know what she said Thank You Randall about marshmallow goddamnit you see all right would you like to hear a story or a joke joke joke joke joke joke you build this is a good one it might be a little old for this but Jason literally just [ __ ] his pants before did you know that my favorite band is called imagine dragons do you know why why why why imagine dragon these notes across your face just so you know now it'll actually have it not allergy and I will die my mum said them to all that have any nuts in or around my mouth so don't do that stupid ass kids these days don't know good dumb Haworth look you know what fine you're on your own have fun oh but narrator where where are we oh you get home this is just like the time my parents dropped me off at the orphanage we're here to have fun right let's play some spin the bottle spin spin spin spin you ready for this spin you're gonna kiss juicy oh did that land on what a coinkidink hook her up juicy Oh bring that is fear into the woods the woman's racy oh my god that's creepy please never do that again it's like one of our brushes that went off the rails and got addicted to heroin hey the video is over it's time to rip a fat donk on that link in the description download monster legends and get the josh dub monster the game is free-to-play it's on Apple and Android and I tell you what I've been playing lately and my little guy he packs a punch jump in with your friends to train and feed your monster and tear up your enemies Charlie's boss remember to participate in the josh dub event or daily gos get access to the little Hellraiser and start kicking some butt so go ahead and click that link in my description make sure you get my little monster and freedom if you could and become a legend with monster legends today well tonight whenever you watch another can just do it
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 13,646,928
Rating: 4.9502654 out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, juicy, your narrator, narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, eddie, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr, vrchat, baby brush, no no, camping
Id: w52oJNYRjHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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