The REAL reason Cody Ko became a millionaire

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
all right guys i got thousands of tweets couple a couple tweets recently telling me to react to this video from hunter williams it's called the real reason cody code became a millionaire try billionaire buddy nice try millionaire come on this is minor leagues oh yeah a million dollars i have hundreds of millions dude you have no idea i'm kidding i don't but uh i could maybe you know if i invested properly using the sponsor of today's video public come on that was pretty good you gotta give me credit for that today's sponsor is an investing app where uh you can buy and sell stocks follow investors and share ideas so i join public and you can you can search my portfolio it's public uh just search at codyco in the app it's the best place to invest especially if you're just getting started you can follow people like me philip defranco shaq tony hawk and thousands more and see you know what they're investing in as well the app is free and you can start with as little as one dollar because you can buy just slices or portions of a stock instead of full shares and public does not sell your data or information to third parties or market makers like other investment apps you sign up today by going to kodi code then you'll get a free slice of stock just hit the link in the description and follow me too you'll get a free slice of stock it's a great deal all right now that we're all millionaires probably from public let's take a look at this video let's see what his conclusions are cody co is without a doubt one of the best entrepreneurs on youtube come on dude come on come on man you got me blushing already you really you got me blushing already also i feel like such a douche for reacting to this hold on i gotta i gotta take this now i'm even more of a douche all right i'm back sorry douchiest thing i could have ever done while watching a video praising myself is take a phone call in the middle of it i mean this is just how hollywood is that [ __ ] all right let's go most content creators careers are on one platform maybe two tops but cody has somehow been able to extend his reach across numerous platforms and mediums from vine to youtube and tiktok to a scripted drama to podcasting and even music can i just say this looks incredible dude this looks incredible how do you get your videos to look like this how i've been trying for years i don't know just tell me hunter tell me what camera to buy i'll buy it tell me what lens to buy i will buy it tell me how far to put the [ __ ] camera from the thing and i will do it i want my videos to look like this also very well edited my friend so i'm impressed so far kodiko's business strategy that has led to his online success and his ability to make millions of dollars from the internet it's simple really it really is simple it's buy low and then you sell higher than what you bought for so buy low sell high would be the short form of that that's my that's my business strategy honestly a generation of entrepreneurs have used the site to launch their business and themselves hey yo it's cody that's a little keepy dick fat i heard that that's a deep cut she let that slide in seven grains make my dick gain 25 pounds every month my shaker fill up a trunk and what really went in on that you know for how bad of a beat that was because it was my first beat ever noel really really went in i mean pretty wild i have been a fan of cody co for years and while many people enjoy consuming his content i think that he has so jacked right here [ __ ] man i gotta get back in that shape i just outdouched myself again watching a video about myself where i complimented myself in the video come on dude get with it i really want to find out how cody is able to conquer so many different mediums and platforms and make millions of dollars while he's doing it billions of dollars by the way it's the year 2012. cody koh is a computer science major at duke university he had to use that picture huh you had to use that picture huh hunter he had to use that one dude appreciate it he decided to create something that would change his life forever the facebook doesn't know what this is it's a social network right yes that's right i will i i am the winklevoss twins i created the facebook actually that's a little known fact but hunter did his research clearly like to humiliate your friends i know i do and one way i do that is with i'd cap that i remember when that interview or when that video segment came out on cnet i was like blown away because as a tech guy as a guy that did computer studied computer science sorry and was really into tech growing up and you know get every new apple product and [ __ ] around try to jailbreak it all that stuff i was obsessed with like tech blogs like techcrunch and cnat and so when cnet did a whole video segment about my app that i wrote i freaked out it was crazy i was i remember that you upload a photo and the app generates a random funny caption it was simple and you could almost say it was if you say it right now hunter if you say it we are beefing frictionless first the photo and now the frictionless meme we're beefing dude and i'll do it you know frictionless no frictionless funny i actually remember using this app in high school and i thought it was great and it ended up being incredibly successful i'd cap that acquired more than four million users really holy [ __ ] i forgot and at one point it was the top free app in apple's app store remember this remember the logos quiz game that was so fun remember that [ __ ] hundred floors line surfer i mean i was standing among giants here you know cody ended up selling the business for a low six figure amount this experience proved to cody that he could be an entrepreneur so he invented the facebook the company that acquired it gave me low six figures but it was half stock in the company half cash so it wasn't like i made a hundred thousand bucks cash i made like a decent chunk of change and it allowed me to move out to silicon valley and get an apartment and [ __ ] like that and buy furniture that's pretty much it cody decided to go backpacking in asia while starting small projects on the side to generate some income one of these was an app called weathercandy they gave you the forecast along with a photo of a dog girl or guy why didn't that take off you know come on that's genius who doesn't want to look at a picture of a hot dude hot girl cute pet while they're looking at the weather every morning i mean why didn't it work i'll never know that's how i started being a little back in little [ __ ] boy because of weather candy that taught me how to write a server and an api another was a greeting card business for five dollars you could send a card to your friend that on the front said hey and you'd open it up and it would say something like have a terrible birthday or some ridiculous joke like that which sounds like something cody would make yeah it was simpler than that though the design was way simpler it was like for five dollars you could send a greeting card anywhere in the world any address even north korea i'm pretty sure i think they'd said that on the website that even north korea law and the card would say hey on the front and like american typewriter font like really small and then you open it it would say [ __ ] you and that was that that was the idea and it did pretty well however while on this trip cody decided to do something that would change the course of his career he started posting to a little social media app called vine your timing is off a little bit i started it before i don't know why i'm nitpicking you hunter you know i should just be appreciative that you made this video in the first place but you didn't do your research well enough dude cody began posting silly videos divine silly i'm not a silly boy this catapulted cody to be one of the app's most prominent figures all of this attention allowed cody to promote his car business to his followers and it really showed cody the power of owning an audience on the internet i guess it did i think i'm learning just as much from this video as everyone else is honestly i think that's true i think it really did because we had this product and then we started promoting it through vine we're like oh a lot of people are using it like we could do other stuff mine eventually died down and so cody transitioned his focus over to youtube he uploaded vlogs and talking head style videos that were almost like stand-up bits and these videos got views but how does this video look better than anything i've filmed in the last five years how did the first camera and lens i bought somehow make my videos look better than they do now i mean it's like what am i doing in 2017 cody and noel would start a series that would take over youtube and change their lives forever welcome back to that's cringe ladies and gentlemen in this series cody noel would react and make fun of cringy content on the internet this series went completely viral and catapulted cody and noel to youtube stardom why do i look so glammed up right here i got caked on makeup i look like a doll all of this success caused cody and noel to start a podcast exclusively on patreon where the audience has to pay to get access it currently has over 20 000 patrons you don't have to pay to get access you just have to pay to get access to the bonus content we do one episode a week for free on the tmg channel or on the podcast app spotify whatever you want to listen to it on and then we do another episode every week that's only for patreon subscribers and we actually got really lucky by taking a chance on patreon early there were a few podcasts that were on patreon that were doing really well when we started our podcast so you know it's kind of like well let's try it let's try and start a patreon and see if it you know see if it works and patreon has since grown substantially which means like you know we've grown with patreon and so you know because we took a chance on this early now we're one of the biggest patreons on the website which is just an insane kind of stroke of luck that we had this is top patreons overall out of every patreon we're number seven we're number seven we're the seventh biggest that little bet really paid off for us and uh i appreciate everyone who subscribes and we put a lot of effort into this because you know it matters they started making music and they currently generate over 1 million 800 000 streams per month on spotify cody started a mug company that sells around 70 000 every two weeks that was true in january because we were really pushing valentine's day so we did a lot of promotion and we sold a lot of mugs but uh you know it's slowed down since then it's just you know kind of teetering along but we're working on stuff we're working on we got some fun stuff coming up we got candles maybe we got some other fun products lined up for this little business so it's a fun project for sure what i find incredibly fascinating about cody's strategy for business and for content creation is that he approaches it with an engineer's perspective what i realize is that it's not like as separated as seeing myself in an interview context like this is so cringe anytime i pick up a new like creative skill or whatever and i really put work into it i find that it's really similar to programming [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you cody is a pro at picking up on patterns and trends and using them to his advantage whether he's creating a video a song or releasing a new product but what's crazy to me is most content creators with a successful youtube channel and podcast would stop pursuing other ventures but cody continues to push himself to explore new talent if you're not growing you're dying or something like that you know no i'm kidding here's the thing at the risk of sounding like i sounded in that interview i think the the main reason why we've tried to do so much [ __ ] is because it's just like fun it's just i i can't like stay stagnant i can't just do the same thing over and over again i like i like change and i like trying new things and so that's basically you know those podcasts and the music and you know that we're building a podcast network and trying to work on some other bigger ideas it's just fun to push yourself and to like learn new things it just keeps life interesting you know cody code treats youtube as a business but he prioritizes being honest and genuine and buying low and selling high balancing like how much you're trying to focus on money because like peop you know people see through that stuff and it's like it feels not sincere when you do stuff insincere you dumbass like oh that video style worked really well or made a bunch of money let's do that again this feels wrong right like it was an interesting balance of like figuring out like i think it was about 37 likes that i said there this boosts his relatability and allows him to create a loyal and engaged audience but one of the most powerful and effective things that kodiko does is he prioritizes simplicity i love really simple ideas that you just get right away like automatic captions on pictures at that time it was like oh my god it's comedy gold right there it's tough being this good looking do you see now why this app went so viral simplicity baby and bad comedy the main reasons cody is able to explore these different ventures is that he treats youtube as a catalyst and launch pad for these different projects and businesses yeah but that's not really that uh innovative not really i mean look at mr beast there are people that are doing it way better than me that dude has catapulted his influence into like 57 businesses he's gonna be a billionaire of which by the way i already am whether you're starting a new hobby or building a business having the mentality that things will take time to develop and it'll take patience to get good and see results is an amazing outlook because of this outlook his desire to prioritize simplicity and his ability to create a loyal and engaged audience cody co has been able to conquer the internet and make millions billions by the way billions it's really kind of bizarre seeing my own career you know like laid out like that in front of me it was kind of weird for me to watch but it was really cool at the same time kind of the reason why i do the year in review videos that i used to do because it's good for me to look back on like what i did in order to use what i learned to keep moving forward because i'm always so focused on like the future and what i want to do so it was cool to see that i appreciate it i really do and i'm sorry to you guys if you think i'm a douche for watching that and for essentially praising myself in the process you know i'm not going to pretend like i haven't done well money wise like like i said with the patreon thing and with every move we've made we've been blessed and i've done i've made more money than i ever thought i could doing this so you know shout out to everyone that makes my videos happen kenny james thomas's aid everyone guys roll buy my merch all right that's it guys thanks for watching the real reason cody code became a millionaire please buy my merch thanks again to public appreciate you bye subscribe to hunter by the way subscribe to hunter fantastic video hunter subscribe to him i'm sure he's got some great video essays coming up in the future he seems like he has a lot of potential so nice work subscribe to him and i'll see you soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,292,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VlhECoduLSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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