Awkwafina & The Race of Lyfe | TigerBelly 103

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She's also been doxxxed and had death threats made against her, apparently:

(Haven't watched/listened to the podcast, so idk if she's addressed it there but I saw her FB post last night)

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/edgie168 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] five four three two one near far wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on thank you that's great clap are you reading lyrics yeah I just discovered that song sohee did you know that so India I know that is great yeah the vocal range on that [ __ ] Canadian [ __ ] is [ __ ] this yeah bro it's just goes high-low and she does a little treble [ __ ] all that stuff I can't even [ __ ] touch it man she's a talented so he do you know who else is talented who our guest tonight oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we got Aquafina oh man let me see something right now man okay before we even start isn't that like clothes like you gotta get Aquafina you gotta be on our show and I don't know how but then I did your show was so good thanks for inviting me on it like the best guys ever oh why tell me more funny oh thank you thank you can I call you Nora or Aquafina you can call me Nora yeah yeah and you have to wake up early on yeah I always got [ __ ] erroneous [ __ ] before like probably before that are you Emily a night person yeah for sure is it you see can we talk about the movie or shooting or not yeah yeah no it's not a movie it's like a like a bit part in like a show oh you're doing a bit part tomorrow on the show a bit part yeah you can't talk about the show I mean probably the future man oh yeah sure man I don't I actually don't know if I can talk but I mean yeah you've done okay I know it's Seth Rogen yeah yeah trailer out comic-con put a trailer out yeah yeah and I also armed audition for that show we drove a home there i memorize them you know what I walked out I go I think I got it he did no because I know even the Casa Victor do you - probably an audition got an offer it was oh it was like a really last-minute thing during their research yeah me and Paul Scheer oh god just [ __ ] tell at the lower right there Ewan shear holy [ __ ] and love poems oh you stuff back I use the bag you've got to get some hair why not I mean I think the thing right I look scared I think you very attractive he is kind of cute huh yeah yeah so when you fill out forms do you see your Chinese or your Korean mmm when I spill out forms like usually they don't break that up oh they don't do they say Asian Nations last Pacific Islander but if somebody goes here what are you oh yeah Native American yeah I know in MFO you know she talked boy what agent I I said Chinese Korean people don't know how to take it yeah your bombs Korean mom with your Union see how we did some research yeah oh yeah that no I didn't do that oh dear oh yeah oh yeah dear mix well I could tell you hello urgent is different than mine he doesn't want me to be part of you to half French thank you yeah and half yellow monkey oh yeah yeah no happier with you know Oh nighttime actually Egyptian too but he doesn't want to admit that Egyptians are great people nah she's [ __ ] oh my god she yeah for him to get erect I have to be here at shitty French - ah I have nothing against Egyptians I'm kidding she's half a Gyptian all right a quarter Filipino that's a great man this is that's a random better than mine mine Billy of incest waffle bloody Korean how do you think I feel right you know and you're the son so oh yeah I love it - that look at that love so you start it off how did you start you're from Queens right I'm from Queens yeah I don't I don't I wrote a song like I started learning GarageBand when I was like 16 when it came out yeah and I was really into like making hip-hop beats and I eventually learned logic and label in Ableton so I wrote that song when I was like 19 and like in college and six years later I was working at like a publishing house and it was like it was a kind of shitty job and my boss like someone was like let's name is a video about to turn into video and I was like I can give that like work at this job and it's embarrassing and I'm trying to like you know and so he's like well wanting to wear glasses yeah and I was like totally and I'm is my boss I'm not finding out about it and then like kind of fired me know you Clark Kent at it yeah yeah I lived off unemployment and got like an off-the-books job which was write every week I got I was in a vegan bodega that wasn't lit but just like being able to get employment and organ off-the-books job yeah now you do the system yeah okay taxes you know yeah bottom man taken in that employment law IRS yeah yeah yeah that's not um and yeah which I just lady was like you know the it guy had like 8,000 views that time oh and then I just started going viral I thought sorry God so that was viral right and then in your heart at that time do you think I'm gonna be you know a pop like a singer or did you for because you're more you do everything now yeah I mean I don't know what to think of it I thought that maybe if he will define I'd be like a kind of a tan mom kind of situation you know or be older like that's why she's Asian yeah and I don't really know but a lot of older women really seem to enjoy it yeah like Midwest housewives really and I guess at that time like the landscape of the internet was so that a video like that could go viral right I don't think now I could what could recopies it's like saturated fat yeah what year was that then that was 2012 ah 23k you're doing three and so then you did that and then when to talk your talk show star app right after that yeah I mean yeah like pretty much whenever I got approached because like I guess people saw me is this kind of like internet like a vine or kind of person right when I am not so I but I feel like that's how people like you know I that came about and yeah after that like I got on MTV I'm a show called girl code yeah I was on that what do we know it was a change oh gee I got a photo right yeah Jade talks about you all the time I loved her thanks for [ __ ] Batman and then Esther ku was he on that I think so yeah yeah was that the same year yeah yeah yeah we love her love you Esther [Laughter] man oh yeah we have you he's about she's the best she is the best yeah um we talked about her last move that was that last week you talked I talked about her and then we Tommy that we said she texted me she's like really funny Oh kids expense I love her yeah is she strong you can take it she's strong-minded yeah she could take it as you can see yeah yeah um like in the internment camps back in the [ __ ] 40s you wouldn't take she would have stayed alive oh she's a lot for sure yeah anyway so you didn't go girl code did go coach yeah that's a big audience it was like something bigger than like I would have ever imagined like even today I was I was shopping at the Grove yeah I'm the girl was like you're really funny and I'm like oh that's why I didn't say anything and she was like hey I watch on girlcode oh no the only resent you Doris when people recognize you is there certain things when they recognize you kind of go uh what I mean like uh some people go to me like hey I love you on something that I don't even remember doing really yeah it's never like something cool like I loved you in the dictator or whatever it's always like you know I love you in like Joe's YouTube video the highlight clip yeah I like hate that the worst is when they make you they don't remember where they know you they want you to participate in it's like everything you did yeah you tell me what I say what sit go hey I know you from something real in not nothing I know you're the guy I have a day job I'm a busboy a PF Changs that's a line you walk one guys Bobby just [ __ ] told a blatant lie oh my leg sighs okay my little pit stop go ahead expose me what I thought I am no I don't think you're your fraud I just think that it makes me uncomfortable when you start to roll out your credits to people to strangers on there like what do you do no no no hear from this and you bet you see me here how about this one baby and I'm like who's waiting in the back oh my god ages I've done that too you know but I have done no I will not most of it doing laughter here we go scene all rise I know but you just told him you didn't do that no I do do it sometimes sometimes I do the other way is multiple options God anyway we I hate that tune Norah great how'd you do that maybe I'm blushing we'll definitely out of all jumping on that has anyone confused for other Asian like like actresses or anything something really bizarre happened to me in San Francisco I got picked up by this older Russian guy in an either okay and he was like oh my god are you are you a celebrity and I was like I was like yeah I mean I'm going to say my chemical every but uh you know I've been in some he was like oh my god can we really get my cab like I'm a huge fan like my wife is a thick Russian accent right and he's like my kids are fans I couldn't love all your stuff and I was like I was like oh that's sick you know and I was I was going to a show so I was like a van makeup on but still and then I got out and he's like I have to take a picture with you you know show my wife and I was like okay sure so I got out and he was like oh Jonesy I can't believe like how's the guys ready you saw that I was on Z and also what else has he done but that I know your work I was like what and here's a thick accent probably yeah a really hot you know I'm not really not Johnse I don't know you Nora but I'm know by yeah yeah like I'm cute but I'm no Steven Yeun oh we know yes what so you're a dependent you are older that's what happened you when time deteriorates the body I'm gonna Grand Canyon is that you the person you compare yourself to Melanie I know you know because I was never like that he's a better actor better-looking and um in it like porcelain yeah it's kind of course well this kid's nice I always thought he was like just from watching a the walking dead right yeah he always appeared very like a little to me like alright yeah but I think but people talk about him like he's like a sex god nobody okay I didn't find him - right go ahead I didn't find him attractive on the show and then we ran into him and Bobby introduced me to him and I was he was so hot smokin hot he had an aura like he had a light around I can imagine because on the show like in the beginning of the show the first season you know we were the baseball cap it was very foolish yeah when you meet a middle real-live you go oh my god I might suck a dick mm I might I won't because I'm a Christian and I'm not gay yeah yeah but um I would in certain circumstances yeah you know house is like ridiculously hot in person is Sandra Oh have you ever met oh I love her all in person she's like yeah you know is that she my first acting job was Arliss uh no star was out yeah that's a I one line and I was talked about there because this hasn't been 90s I mean this is a long time ago and I had never done anything I was just a comedian and I was and one of the comedians at the Commerce or Allan Stevens was the producers I can give you a line she can get Zach who I showed up and she was so [ __ ] nice to me yeah she's really that Robert will the [ __ ] though the other night on she was so nice and then I ran to her again at a festival or something and she's just so nice she's so not yeah but but more importantly hot ow like that kind like she rolls up and like she can control men like we're [ __ ] in her strange beauty yes why the men are probably like oh my god you know yeah yeah do you have you met Margaret yeah I just go there oh she's great too he's so nice Davidge is real and she was very welcoming to like the younger generation a lot of composer comedians like really aren't I know you know years ago when it was a cease to be Dublin's I don't stole the story before but there was a comedy night called Dublin's on a Tuesday night was an Irish pub and I was promoted I was doing it with Dane Cook a bunch of people and I get offstage and Marr concern and she proposed me outside she goes I just came here because I've heard about you and I just wanted to support you and we go and I literally fell to my knees I got this woman because I you know I really look up to her but that kind of generosity I you learn from that and you gotta be like that 100% but can I say something to you Nora ah I like Asians like you okay why I'm gonna tell you why because number one you seem like somebody that could be in my family okay because we have the same kind of arm angst okay okay we gel and you're you you're relevant yeah you're very relevant and you sound like you're an American right you got a little urban Flair you know we also have intelligence if they're to [ __ ] I can't do it yeah no I can't I don't like kooky or anything you do you mean like a like a fob yeah I don't even sing fob because um there's a guy Typhon at the Comedy Store you've got a thick accent yeah but he were 70 shades oh he has school change and he you know he cool I love that [ __ ] okay we know who we're talking about yeah all right I'm gonna say his name yeah but there's some Asian I look at and I go nope yeah oh yeah dr. rule is no fashion sense yeah I'll go Jean yeah yeah oh gentle yeah that was actually pretty lit that now yeah a basic Asian Korean sounds off yeah up in Jenkins I'd be like okay yeah okay yeah yeah um yeah there's a lot of like there's a lot of questionable Asian quickie quality quite civil Asian you seem like you're nice to all everybody's already yeah yeah no could I talk about some of the movies or in or go sure yeah oceans eight wishes you thank you yeah if it comes out one next summer you play the little Asian person in it I play the the grief and what are the green I didn't but Jim never did no I don't know not the body condition definitely not agenda at least I know but you know it because you oh so you're not playing because I thought they were aiming a lot yeah if you were making the first come yeah yeah I get in the box and to spend from the roof do you really it yeah yeah but it's not you know right Acuras right here well maybe they have a [ __ ] stunt person that doesn't cut away well you know the person I was a really originally supposed to play yen like I got hit by a car or something like that and then they need it they didn't they needed someone so they just went to a troop like a Acrobat troupe in China and found yen Wow for the original yeah for the original why I am so you're not playing that well yeah young got hit by a car so they hired me it's different oh it's different okay I can say that I'm I'm in it I play like a queen like our Queens girl always known a lot of my scenes like really close to where I grew up which is like very overwhelming you know you're over learning something feeling you have like just everyone on it so you have a Blanchett Sandra Bullock's and Duke Mindy Rihanna Annie do Kayleigh Mindy Kaling oh wow Rihanna Palamon Carter so often and Aquafina what are you doing here here you know nothing half of the [ __ ] line right there [ __ ] top of the line Lister yeah whenever you was at your big the biggest movie done them up until Apple yeah were you nervous I before we started I was having like I do this thing where like I'm never happy like I'm always very like whenever something cool happens and always like yeah but will it be cool you know are you Bobby Lee I because it's gonna sadly would yeah I'd like that yeah you are okay I can maybe sense that a little bit I mean I mean my show got picked up sort of pessimistic idea they got the call it got picked up and I'm like yeah but it's midseason and they're like yeah but he got picked up yeah but only seven episodes I do that thing and I feel like God's going up there going okay well you're off the list because your ungrateful piece of [ __ ] Howard look at her would you leave other people saying things about you know I mean I think people like certain comics like Whitney Cummings okay if I go there she goes crazy about emetic like if I go pessimistic she'll go nuts on me like one time at the Comedy Store I got upstaged my god it was alright and then shoot she was like you [ __ ] you [ __ ] hell man you [ __ ] do that [ __ ] some people are really good at amping you away from the pessimism but sometimes it's very rehearsed got it and feel even more pessimistic as I just totally want yeah yeah but do you think that's Asian I think it yeah you know my grandmother you weren't a lot to celebrate any good thing so you have to stay humble and say you can lose this so don't over celebrate right right right you got to like keep it low-key yeah is that what we're doing no I think you know what I think it is I think it's like it's apart I think the Asian aspect is like an impostor syndrome thing built in I think there's like a very deep-seated insecurity and also a fear that I think it wasn't still talking about my grandma who like was worried about money all the time I like worried about things like that that this will pass so you'll net so you know you the moment is fleeting and you have no feed there's no future very much yeah yeah I remember like a communist era like a Chinese person yeah Jim well yeah I want to keep my couch in a mattress without me trust chase you know what I mean you know yeah so its cultural a little bit I think so it's like my parents instilled it in me but I think it's also a comedic thing a lot of the comedian's I know are probably the most like dark angry depressed people you know so I feel like that's and then well feeling pessimistic and insecure becomes can handle down I have rage today I'm so sorry sweetie no no no but I just get Haiti hate you no no but I [Laughter] hear you you never have a deleted history Bobby Brown don't litter of rage inside me and the simplest thing just lets it off like it's usually traffic we're doing you want know and then she's like dude relax that's what she's she's there you know and I feel bad that she has to take the brunt of my [ __ ] insanity and miss me too what you have rage well roles that kind of realizing the person sitting next to me I was like quaintly just chill out and it's like are you the one are you are you the one right because it's easy to be like okay just like calm down oh here's like are you on your phone yeah um yeah I can't deal with it I have rage I have a little rage you do yeah do you lash out on other people or just just to yourself um well to our lovers like immediately around me hi I have a lot of self doubt all the time oh my god like me yeah so that's cool though because we might win the race what does that what he means because we're that we're like a [ __ ] no I need know about the three I need one know about the right yeah I didn't know I was in the race I mean well the race of life you know why but like I feel like the thing is like if you expect things to go well and they don't they never will so I've almost like it's a good luck charm to be pessimistic at what it is yeah I go like this I go you know what this is gonna fail and if it does I'm like um yeah exactly right exactly what happens when it's a success and then you're it's even worse when it's a successor like oh my god is that me yeah she would baby is like my sister will I be related yeah in the same yeah when it's success and then it's like I don't know how to hide it like hide the doubt after you know I don't know how to hide the even like you know the low self-esteem even if I'm on the set right and they go that was a great take I'm and I want to go I should go like this I should go yeah I did great I love that one but that's not what happened you did a great job I got I did that one word I said I don't think was clear uh-huh it was clear we got it no nope like it's always weird I make it weird I can't just go accept it they did they have the cake and move on why would they put on [ __ ] do you feel good inside we're all worse you'll always come home and like me they didn't like me and like me oh well do you feel well do you why do you think they like you he has an alcoholic all right because I had extent I think I'm a drug addict okay this is what I just and I've always been like this as a kid if I walk into a party and this is narcissism right and self-centeredness I already immediately think that everyone in the party hates me idea meet you right so when I'm on a set and I'm acting and I see video village where all the producers and directors are whole huddle in a tent they go like this action I'll go cut and I'll sit there like there us and in my peripheral I'll see them and they're talking and I think that they're saying the worst [ __ ] about me well that's my dude it's got some zeros I'm sure have available Yeah right in my head and then they come up to me great job we're gonna move on I go you deception deception oh yeah playing in shadows yeah cuz I feel like it I feel easier people lie to you yeah you know it's unhealthy it's really I mean you sound like you're a little paranoid of you you kill a paranoid you kill that [ __ ] oh god why did you just say that why don't you make you feel like you know I feel great thank you thank you kill it - yeah that's gonna kill it deal where is not nice yeah and then so are you done with crazy rich people's crazy really rich people yeah I was in Asia for two and a half months and not like what East Asia Southeast Asia I was when I was in South the urine was in Malaysia I was in Malaysia for a month and a half I you know Malaysia is a great country people there's like great very warm very like like you know they want to help you they like people but what was against how was I going to end that so what what is it about is there anything negative about Malaysia oh when I saw the Malaysian airline planes around twice in a row I was I was thinking to myself was like oh thank god I'll never ride that airline because I'll never go to Malaysia I know that [ __ ] everything so many times like little trips yeah and like and like any time the plane did something or the flight attendant came by you yeah you thought you're gonna die oh wow Wow so I shot a movie in Thailand once for two months mm-hmm the worst is this when they go you have four days off but you can't go back to New York Lee exactly though what the [ __ ] so did you start wandering the streets in this heat yeah it's not Florida heat it's not Texas heat it's like Oh wet it's mmm-hmm that he was a job equatorial yeah and then you know I'm Hong go I'm hungry yeah and then you see like a stand with meat hanging yeah right in the hand or just little eyes and you know mean and yeah we're eating it you're like I know what I did I would though grosses restaurant I think I want to I mean everything was pretty fine in Malaysia actually is like it would Kuala Lumpur to legit city they have like more Louie Vuitton stores and then like Starbucks in New York do um but like there's one store and it just smelled like like I'd like a like a adoption a dog adoption center and then in Malaysia they have this this like health guideline where you have to wear like a spit shield yeah so it's like a little shield but it's a clear shield like a visor oh well and you can see the spittle going to be all the sole on the thing on the face like it's almost more discussing did you did you don't wear it you should got away I don't got you in my pants it didn't get much closer I mean it was it was fine or just being an age difference you never got any diarrhea um may maybe like maybe constipation maybe Wow I went I went for about like four and a half weeks yeah not know I had an audition for that I never showed up to it for your thumb over what why don't you I don't remember I went it was a little long for my bad things I can John I don't know but we don't do a lot of lines and I went wow I can't do it right now yeah but I think as a Korean on that set there is an element of feeling like like you're like a little bit like you shouldn't be there yeah that's what also it's Chinese people right the movie it should be Chinese people yeah but it was a mix of people it was a cash it right make a CRI right I think ken was the only Korean yeah you know yeah I think that's also was a part of it I'm not gonna get this so I'm not gonna you would have gotten it dude no there's no thank you man what they gave the part to Ken because you did an audition I don't think it was for that part oh you don't think so yeah maybe not I don't know but um I do ever do go to every audition um not every audition like I got I get something like pretty struggle one sometimes what do you mean I get to audition sometimes like it's like hard because I feel like after I did my first movie I could have went like two ways I could have been like a waitress number two and the news like zoe kravitz movie for me I should have been or Aikido but luckily oceans like what the next things are now it's like do I really want to be on The Good Wife as like the person that works at the store yeah why is that Ignatian like that yeah I'd be like ah Bravo oh it's like do I look like a Bravo yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't do I don't do any of that show yeah I don't mind hosting but you know not with like that you know oh you're honored trajectory that's the right word and uh no specific structure remains it isn't to me stricter okay and if you want to stay in that [ __ ] trajectory they in the pocket yeah the pocket don't do [ __ ] Wow don't do [ __ ] you know reality show don't do any of that now I know do if you're on a list [ __ ] and that's what you're doing stay in the a-list [ __ ] okay like I'll never work again that's impossible I'll tell you why because you have other things that you do that's the thing you're the Maga you're a MacGyver you know I feel that cross I know no no no no what outing is is that you can do all kinds of [ __ ] right like from you a one-trick pony that's nice thank you when film and television dried up for me I went you know what I'm not gonna be on no Nickelodeon show the [ __ ] that are offering me so I'm just going to do the road I'll do some video and I'd rather do that I can still make money right and you just hold out and people go how come you're not in a lot of things because I say no to a lot of things right right right I mean I do you know any things that are worth your time this is I think about auditioning it's like if you meet with the director and you you know you might be up for a role and you don't get it that's okay because I never went on tape if you go on tape and then you send in the director and they still don't hire you it's kind of like having sex with a dude and like it's like flirting with the dude on like oh my text messages yeah and then having sex with em at night and then they don't call you back yeah it's like that much of your body is yeah yeah yeah yeah and like I don't like what that with that like pessimistic I don't I can't handle that yeah I can't handle rejection like in that way especially for [ __ ] what's on a [ __ ] I [ __ ] I've gotten rejected for it's like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a terrible guy it's a horrible feeling but we also don't know it's another thing of my mind I don't know what you know we're like when I just say they say no or they reject me there's probably like a thousand things going on exactly on my control yeah really yeah that's how I make myself feel better with that but it's the truth yeah yeah oh just beyond your control yeah it is yeah you went slowly high-pitch on that yeah yeah you do do you have a you seeing anybody and I see my seeing anybody oh oh yeah here you know what do you don't have us one person the other person doesn't you don't talk about it yeah I'm not really yet you don't ever talk about your love life I mean I guess like yeah like you can kind of keep that yeah yeah that's a good idea is a great idea yeah we're [ __ ] yeah all of our life details are all L know your eyes are a great duo dude I know but we talk about like things that ah can't take back not take it back that's cool all the abortions okay all the abortion how's that cut out there's no abortion right right we've already talked about those yeah like 80 episodes ago I was hoping we would just bury that to hood I know what God Barry I know what [ __ ] exhume the remains every time you exhume the body that's here I know okay I won't I'm not ashamed of it no I'm sad that you keep bringing up lost children oh you know what if they what if they were a doctor or scientist but hello what do we do never know never know make another one yeah but my dick is like broken yeah her eyes looked at me seems like no he's not joking in row yeah are your parents proud of you yeah they are no they are my grandma definitely is my dad my dad it took him a while but now he's like but now like I added him to my family play on oh you know he's riding the pony old what did you want for you when you were younger he wanted me to be completely mediocre like a you know government job meat inspector he didn't really never even the Asian hair though like one maybe a doctor he want me to be like the guy who like the prep you before your mammogram you know I mean detects like the tech yeah where are you going to sub1 like yeah boy he wanted something reliable yeah like yeah I got something practical yeah um yeah he didn't yeah he wasn't really would but you went to a performing arts high school right I did yeah so they didn't couldn't he at least say that hey maybe this is where she's headed or maybe this is what she's interested in I think he was okay with that at the time because it was a good school but um I mean oh yes like Asian carrizal talking they're weird I think what they really just want for you is to be able to take care of yourself you know and not have to worry about you when they die you're behind stage [ __ ] so - yeah I leave that my dream that's Korean [ __ ] yeah yeah no clothes on yeah unless you go to the hall this right meanwhile I'm in my second drug rehab right my junior year in high school right and I'm getting all apps right or David oh my god this can be so happy about right i'm cinda with [ __ ] needle marks in my arm shaking a can I don't even know how to live yeah and then I live it's like but yeah I'm on TV Dow yeah you know what I mean that's what I say when people comparing tonight well now what happened was you my dad saw me on um I did chain Leno let me end up in 2000 1999 Wow and I could watch it they go no you're not gonna beyond like I'm gonna go on no they don't have I go yeah and I went on I crushed it right yeah they saw it yeah and then the next day they were both crying oh and they felt guilt first all those years of not supporting me and I yeah Russell dinner yeah if I could do if I could feed uncle [ __ ] pians [ __ ] you know the [ __ ] seven years of open nut my [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] not kill you but you don't man me that's what it takes for them they have to see like my dad my dad saw me on the cover of New York magazine on his own time when we weren't even talking cuz he was so mad that I was doing this and then that happened and his coworker he like went to Astoria that's my daughter in his car do your daughter's Aquafina he was like a young Korean guy yeah so until then like he realized that nobody [ __ ] and he called you that was it oh yeah we our relationship was really bad until I think he realized that it was I was going to make it work somehow yeah but is that fair to us no no and that's you know I mean they're being dicks like we're not going to support your it wasn't even I don't think I'm from that place either it's just because that survival mentality where it's like they they only know how to do it the way they did it which is you get this job me with my mom it's like you be a nurse or you're basically going to be a homeless person yeah like there is no other she doesn't have an imagination beyond yeah yeah they don't I think that's because they see I mean it was your mom to your modem I'm an immigrant mm-hmm yeah I think when you're an immigrant you see how your you have to survive here so you know you only know a couple of ways but I think it's our generation is different obviously you know like where we're changing [ __ ] up yeah I mean it's in the biggest way yeah first because you guys are hitting the culture when I started there was no plan yeah we had Margaret and then the generation before her was people like Tamiya Watsuki Johnny you know I mean dudes people with the stick AXA right right so now was like there was like there Knology like yeah I mean I told this before but there was a Korean guy named Johnny Yoon at the Comedy Store in the early 80s his opening line got an applause break and this is it he comes on stage dick accent you've got a tuxedo on mm-hmm he goes in front of a packed room he stares at the audience and he goes like this had all that joke two minutes applause Rick he didn't have to write a joke he just has to say hat all put them again it's got a two-minute applause break there's no setup punchline point of view not like one one like a Midwestern couple there's a standing ovation like it was fantastic and that was a man chaotic they gave him two movies Wow they call me breathe oh they call me Bruce yeah and they call me Bruce - oh I got franchise yours well all from now one word yeah and then he became the Johnny Carson of Korea he went back with that [ __ ] he hated it America yeah I just yet if you didn't have an Asian accent I think about I can make a killing yell like maybe not here but I go to Australia some [ __ ] it's with an Asian accent yeah like a fake Malaysian access it on stage you might like I doing a live show or something like just pretending that why do you call Australia this week as I guess they like I think I do it here still all right don't get any more trouble well it's a different market I guess yeah I have a question for you guys so let's suppose you both have children right and you see that they're very talented they're great performers they're funny they can thing they can dance a very artistic and creative but then they tell you no I don't want to pursue that I want to be a surgical tech or I want to be a postman so the opposite a postman yeah like I want to be a mailman I want to be which is what our parents wanted for us when we say okay I want to be an actor and [ __ ] is it yeah what would you do would you support your kids then or would you know this is what you're gonna have I know but would you be okay with that number one yes I got first place in a potential yes well I will be a postman yeah all right well you don't want any money or [ __ ] I don't want money or [ __ ] just ask me to answer me that question I believe it was paradise if my kid right was like Rachmaninoff a musical prodigy yeah just killing it why he's like I want to be I want to busboy at PF Changs a migraine yeah I would think that there was something very seriously wrong with them yeah but what if he was like I want to be a teacher yeah for high school I want to help kids thing is I would appreciate that ambition in any child so if he has an ambition to do anything like that's enough because I need kids nowadays ISA yeah anyway I mean keys no gimmicks they're there they're completely apathetic and withdrawn yeah and they have no ambition like whatsoever they're just floating logs yeah oh yeah I guess I like getting logs like it but it's worse now I think it's more like a I think it's harder for your jet I feel like I'm the generation above yours because much older than you are like a tower yeah I'm 46 okay hold it I'm old way older that's cool yeah and I feel like it's harder for you guys though to make it in the this particular business because with the internet and with YouTube you're now competing with the world hmm you're competing with everyone and it's not even really competing it's just like there is no competition because there's too many contestants you know what I may not even it's completely arbitrary and the landscape changes all the time yeah yeah we had vine a couple of years ago yeah you know and people like got famous off of that and they definitely struck up a deal like summer's eve or something yeah yeah come on Ike I mean I got a call from a company they go we have a bunch of we signed a bunch of vine stars and I go okay we just want to have a meeting we want to propose something to you so I drove down there and they said there was like 20 vine stars on they go can you teach them to do stand-up because we can make money we want to teach them to do a live show Mike yeah they're really good in their bedrooms and the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere but when you bring them out and yes I think people realize that slowly because like they they're they're kids they're like a little suburban kids that are going to school yeah they just get a little sleep over happy like what you know I don't it yeah item yeah I mean I got hopeful now all of the time kind of ticking me off it does well Ben yeah yeah yeah I mean you should see I mean I could I had to do it I'm not saying but I had to do it in a weird away like in a more traditional way if I guess in many ways I had a wait longer you know like it took me I didn't get mad TV until I was 30 and I'm gonna read that boat tunes into yeah I mean I regret that it happened so late for me but you look so young Thanks I know I was a senior Szold she's getting younger no bye oh my god you were like when I met you about just 20 yeah no I am Bob it was good yeah I got your phrase so you have no [ __ ] wrinkles or not that's your thanks yeah guys I'm 12 yeah yeah yeah young coconut over here yeah um I still have resentments toward my mom and dad but I loved it up getting here yeah I mean I don't ever really get it because but you but that's not why they don't need to get it don't you know what this is what I want to say is that when I when I can get date they got on after all because when I was on MADtv we won't sketches for them so they would guest are really mad tv and then my dad would get like residual checks oh my god call me Bobby I got another phone the daughter has a hot - yeah yeah part of the Union yeah so he got it yeah and then we did a I did a pilot for Comedy Central this is good never anyone listening never use your [ __ ] immigrant dad for a pilot yeah write that down everyone your real [ __ ] down I mean it's not oh yeah a good idea in theory my dad because he my dad had a page to memorize which was a mistake much and I show up on the set and my brother goes we don't know what that is he left he quit yeah and then he was across the street trying to buy liquor because I was stressed out you're stressed out oh my god showed up on the set they said action he blinked uh yeah he couldn't talk yeah that's always a weird situation when you put your when you put your parents on and then my brother had to feed him every line oh it was so embarrassing yeah yes I you got to hire someone on the back page as you know and just let them be embarrassing buddy yeah what are you doing tomorrow do we know you wait why are the TV show oh my god oh yeah we did talk about yeah I forgot that link for some reason I was like Stu transient ischemic attack do you have a stroke oh yeah I don't know what happened I do I took my mind just [ __ ] Teresa water holy you're tripping me out the crap out of you bro I thought you was a joke to you something oh what's the joke no what the [ __ ] just happened is now have a good no I know what happened I start talking about Celine Dion for a second and all the sort of I see then I say that but then I said that I had like a conniption no you had like a little TI a you have a cookie sugar was like it was a TI a min like a mini-stroke a that will help your mini-stroke all right yeah see you hi runs in your family go ahead have a quick look cigarette no focus all right now oh you can't die you can't die really what do you mean you can't die I'm telling you you think so she thinks that I'm gonna die soon why well because when we had sex no just peanuts bro no no my websites last week hello he said to me it was just a different kind of breathing pattern though it was it was like a chain spoke it was looking like a you sure it wasn't orgasm II know all right looks like a a wean her the week she was on top of me and I was doing the work and he was wheezing I'm like how is this awesome I was gonna she's on top of me right and she's doing her thing right qualify your arms you're not a fish it was like you know do what are you call it like wait okay boy girl plainly Oh cowboy what is it alright opposition whatever that position is hop hop and everything she would bounce down I'll go through like my I couldn't breathe I couldn't breathe well did you have a lot of cheese or milk that day lack of the color yeah no I feel like I'm dying do you smoke cigarette I could feel it how long yours over here since I was 17 okay so and then when we um did I come baby coming home EB did it come I think I did cook he patted I did a couple of names no I get this thing where what he had one of those mini strokes he had like James Edwards the show having thanks old Wow and then I was like I don't know and then can I just say something right now please when I was in Utah this last weekend I could I couldn't greet onstage I know No so I've been cutting down on the cigarettes a little bit yeah I I quit smoking because I had a I was on tour and I completely lost my voice and then this woman from Mob Wives named Big Ang died oh yeah I remember her yeah she and I felt like I was destined to be Big Ang and when she died it was so sad she had like all the cancers and uh yesa that what was it genetics or because she's small smoking she smoked like chain-smoke and I think she smoked those like like not des armes listen like that but anyway you lose your voice and like I can't lose my voice you know yeah how did you do what the huggable guys I did a jewel I I was like I checked like a chain smoker like for you know I mean I guess it would go off and on but I've smoked heavily it was like but my voice is always kind of [ __ ] up I love your voice your voice is what makes you you thank you but I want to know was it on because I try I go I go I want to quit I'm gonna quit I I quit from the jewel it was the only thing that we're what's the jewel it's like an incredibly strong it's like the likes of Mercedes of like et SIG's and it it extracts tobacco salts directly from the plant so the nicotine delivery hits you stronger than a cigarette and it's an e-cigarette after three puffs see one last thing we won't try it you have it yeah I quit smoking opposition oh this is it like I I never thought I would be going to be the one that never quit smoking all right so let me ask you something it worked this this is you what you use that's what I quit smoking off that I was I had to throw it had three hits you won't want a cigarette what you just bought it oh yeah I lose them all the time I swear to god Dave this is it that's said to kill hook that that literally is it people how do i with the fluid in so you buy the pods and then you change the pod the thing is easy people so many people have quit off that thing that when that pax pax you make oh my god if you can get out of all the things I've ever had a donger then I'm more into this in a cigarette it's stronger than a cigarette it's and when in New York City when when the stores run out of it yeah people like go go crazy they can't do it can I ask you something yeah can you get it online you get online you can get at the gas station anywhere over here it's called the jewel Ju UL reddit are you [ __ ] hangman [ __ ] I know because I do I buy all the vape stuff now this is not of a this is not the same technology it's completely different yeah but it's Dell you're inhaling it just straight nicotine then it's yeah it's nicotine it's essentially like like nicotine so that's like it hits you so strong yeah how much is it how much is it this is like a it's like it's like 60 bucks or a starter kit and yeah with the pods young a copy you want a copy one what do you mean I'll call you a jewel what's a copy mean no oh you would aha you got to share some of your urban Bobby no no way topping this Cup and I want to learn I want to learn the new language yeah I I want to learn everything I want to learn the new things are the dead weight all of that Oh kind of like a what you know what can I just say something based on me improvising and bass no one taught me how to do it I did do it through the videos is that how you do it oh hey you just kind of just sneeze into your I like that yeah see that's what I needed that kind of direction yeah so you copy means cop cop cop CLP yo oh you know what happened I want to do it right yo yo I'm gonna have me a Jew sounds great a Jew I have money can I give you money for now I'll get I'll get you out oh you'll get me one got you started came all really cuz I'm actually gonna I I guess I'll just mail it to you hey if you're listening up by Bellini is equipped smell Nora what this is what I'm gonna do we're gonna get one okay we'll get a starter kit get it really nice that you would do that get it I'm gonna get it I have a little money myself okay I'm gonna guess I'm gonna get a [ __ ] but you just we just saved my life well I personally saved my life because I can like work out now oh really but I'm addicted to this thing I thought it gets me on now when you stopped smoking did you have the initial like phlegm cough when yeah so I was on tour and I decided music quit smoking and my voice got worse for two months like I got it was really bad it was embarrassing and I went to a doctor and I was like I quit smoking for like a month like why is it like this he's like well you have a hair on your throat yeah that when he smoked cigarettes habitually it just kills the hair yeah so like ingrown hairs coming back in it knocks on your throat but after that I I've met like I can run like 3 sets a night then I can record and I'm not losing my voice but I was telling him because he actually quit for right around that two months period and then I was trying to tell him look it's going to feel worse you're gonna be coughing up a ya know whole away for a while ya know started he's like no no no I think that and you couldn't stick it out because he hated that feeling of me coming out of my nose it's just your lungs reet like basically healing yeah it is I have an incredibly addictive personality I'm telling you like I have no self-control incredibly impulsive like what a lot of [ __ ] but I would never have been able to quit without this like this gives me the hit when you charge it how long do this and how long does it take it doesn't take long at all to well USB it's made by packs so it's like oh it's a really well designed like thing you know I swear to god can we win to get it tonight let's order a starter kit right now yeah anything really like super old though like do back pay Jill to this podcast yeah sure then almost no way I love you Lisa no I'm gonna get some I can get a brand new on now don't get like a yeah yeah yeah what a good one are there different styles already does my I know I want to I really good okay I'm gonna say something right honest I'm honest I'm honest honest honest I okay there's a lot of things in my life I need to change because I'm almost 46 next month and I can feel my body breaking down I can't move clothes that's a good I really can I can't I get up I can't get up geez and it's like way way down on all aspects of my life I can feel it you know my knees are [ __ ] I my knees are broken I feel that like every year that I've you like they're people of any age always say that what if what do we do like you like 10 or 20 of X in your life I'm just getting old I know I've said that before class is real yeah real I can't really move I mean doctors usually say you shouldn't smoke after 40 I know get on the [ __ ] Julie buddy mind maybe I have already irreversible no no no you because that's that's the kind of behavior that will actually that I I'm like that too it's like I'm so far died my going to die of lung cancer yeah that's how I thought it would go out for sure I went to Panda Express anytime yeah two days ago right and I after my meal I get two combinations with the three I got a little angry entree yeah and then um I opened up my fortune cookie right oh [ __ ] that's a sign that's like a member of her life no I didn't in my head I'm like I don't want to die oh no it would say it would say you were gonna die oh that was I would say yeah you're not gonna die it's hard for agents to die it is right if some really fucked-up [ __ ] has to happen I know um to be on a ferry boat or Oh what is that we mean Korean died in a fairy flower children oh yeah I thought you meant the way that people come in those container what I meant okay that's what yeah I right expect that's more mild all right so what do we do at the end we have the here's what we do at the end of the thing okay is we do something called unhelpful advice I and they ask a question and then we have to answer it all right can you do it yeah thank you yeah he has to do a thing though Oh lalala I'll help advice with Bobby kalila at Athena yo I was remix most people like it ha ha ha hey King Queen and Prince and court jester a few years ago I was lost and doing nothing with my life however my girlfriend helped set me on the right path and now I have a rewarding career in software development most did not all of my sets I owe my hard work and perseverance to her my question is how can I help her set her on the right path she's unhappy with their current job and it seems like she's got one or two good but a risky options to get out but has yet to really make a move on demand is unsure I'm feeling terrible that I can't help her out what do I do Carlo from Canada uh well that was what the hahahahaha how does he okay the question is how the girlfriend set him up on a good path I was there for him so how does he return how did he leave her um doesn't know what yeah he wants to return the favor or Levi's setting her up no he wants to uh he wants to do the same thing for her he wants to get her a good job or on the right path yeah follow her dreams essentially I need you to supplies like the hardest thing you could ever buy for someone yeah yeah well we don't even know what her dreams are you know what you get you put a blindfold on and then just make sure it's a it's risky so it's probably like not normal 9:00 to 5:00 so if she's what do you mean a rescue like a coal miner kind of situation is very roughly I want to see something right now can I stand stand yeah stand up whatever she wants to [ __ ] do you should always support that right yeah so I don't know what her dream is but yeah I don't we specifics but you should try to help her make it I think all women need is just to be told that Dad you can dance never allow it okay we support you yeah that's all I need from men in a second question here this was a good one but can I just say something real quick though I've been really getting into X Factor and I've been really getting into this lady by the name of Sam Baily she won the whole thing 2013 Wow four years ago and when she auditioned right she was like this like frumpy white lady who just had kids and I watched she like soccer and she's like I think I'm too old but um you know I have to try to burn it and she won the whole thing she's so gifted there you go wait is that wonder when they make you eat bugs and stuff no for your facts your God hahahaha yes bagger Logan on it don't worry bull testicle yeah yeah no she's a singing competition okay and she won the whole thing but whenever I look at that clip in the beginning and Boyle no saving body type saved apart okay another ugly cousin Boyle roads well too and everyone thought she was you know through the mall not even a lit what do you mean she's not I don't think she's like that and president blow me away I know but you know why why because she like that no because because she died a well I know you say this right now I don't like that and she looked like she looked like it's just a regular twenty or two old girl hit girl she would have been she would have made it yeah you're singing Hosanna fairy at they responded when she came out of that stage people laughed in the audience and they they you know and then she came out and did that I think that had a lot to do with her her look but his girls ham Bailey I'm talking about isn't like that she's legitimately telling yeah but when she said I have to try it makes me cry because in life you always have to try yeah and that's tonight's message takeaway message yeah okay give second question I had a second question was me and my ex recently broke up over this is a man me and my ex recently broke up and as soon as it happened I hit the ground running on tinder I hooked up with a really nice girl but after a few weeks of dating she broke it up I was kind of gutted still am to be honest but time heals everything however one of my best friends recently matched who the same girl on tinder and they've been chatting for a while now and he is asking me if I mind if he starts seeing her like what to do I still think of this girl pretty much every day and I don't know if it's just because she was the first one I dated after my ex me and my friend have talked about this but I can't make up my mind from Sweden but that's always it's always it's always a no economic territory is always a no it probably won't be heated like that pause that guy will probably still end up doing it but yeah I guess it's always no you can pretend on I like Aaron hi have you ever dated an ex of a friend or an acquaintance even or someone that you remotely knew mmm not not really but I i've been i've had an ex that dated one of my friends and eivin hated that name i also hate that thing i would be like I'm like hey what's up and I really haven't only cooled it but I hate that [ __ ] yeah yeah I know I'll have a story yeah do it the laughter will tell on this podcast before I met you kalila yeah I was rolling up at the coffee store on a Monday night and I parked my car and there was a girl just wandering around the parking lot she comes out to me she's very cute she goes hi I think you're so fun Oh yep I know she is yeah and I go oh oh yeah she goes she's [ __ ] everybody just let me talk let me let me just I'm just ready to go to toilet she goes yeah you really funny thing is hotels I can't believe I'm meeting you I go oh cool she's like I live in Bakersfield I drove down here I don't want to go drive back and I just stay at your house I'm like thank you Jesus yes yes this is the Lord at work yeah her hot she's pretty hot okay boo yeah so she comes to my heart house right uh-huh and we make love I don't even know her name but you know it's like lottery no nothing to be camera yeah yeah and so she stays at my house for a week like she took at my job or anything like what the [ __ ] so Saturday night I met a restaurant I can't tell you who the names but a comedian calls me and says yo that girl you're with don't bring her to the comedy storm with my girlfriend I go yeah but why can't I bring her oh we've all had her mmm and he listened at this twenty name oh my god comics I know that has been with her that's different though she's a thought yeah that's just a thought we thought when I do the new to the [ __ ] up TNT so much right now you know what's the first one over two years old what's over Salah ha ha ha which top 15 years old to top right and he's a sod she's a soft they all tend to rhyme what does that mean it's that hoe over there right she's a spot good type that afore ever came up with that that's a genius one fun but like it's not like a legit still a word what about tubular pound still thing okay ah Jesus Adi it all with me and have like great relationships that were very long when they went to Joshua Tree together yeah your friend but they've all just like smashed and I was it not [ __ ] anything I'm gonna say yes a baby I want to smash your [ __ ] vagina in Hawaii when we go next week that's all pounce mess man bill yeah ex is completely yes they offer they're all yeah yes I am here you yeah and I yeah what do you think Bobby would you date somebody that okay let's say a friend of mine like a distance friend of mine would you date her if anything happened between you and I know my not i distant friend no because i it's because they I think no because this is the longest girl forever had and I think I sure and I know that what she's a great but top of your hand I love her the most yeah out of anyone I've ever met yeah so I don't think that I could because I think the only way this is going to end is if she leaves oh shut the [ __ ] I wouldn't be able to like I don't want anything to remind me of her and so no I wouldn't do it okay so yeah guys we didn't I think you should have talked with your friend and say hey do it I'm not okay with you Jacob and girl you don't appreciate what I do is really sweet know some really so this [ __ ] right here don't some lyrics and my heart will go on maybe you're a thought oh stop it stop it no sneeze you gotta play yeah her so bad Bobby Jackie dad for my things yeah yeah out that it was right night guys are doing a live jab video Bobby show me how you dad achoo oh that was pretty [ __ ] Allah says Allah knows what who made up that death yeah it's like a dance craze move that's all well it's gonna be them because dad's came out around the same Jerry what I got one that's when the oils that you smell I thought it was compelling right yeah I'm a banana same thing it's not synonymous the same what do you call it when they're spelled the same but they're not don't look at me so quick we're going to do with a tickler prominent yeah morning is that real yeah that's so is our area already in sarod Abuja oh they're the boot is that what is that no I'll see the video come enjoy or give Aquafina round of applause everybody [Music] a fourth date any anything you want to promote well I have nothing going on for the next couple of months so you know angle strong I know I might I might you know I am living here now or no no I'm visiting yeah you're never going to live here I don't I don't know I might have a project that's going to be in New York so I can't leave yet but if one day if we you live here if you live here we we can hang out more then yeah it would be really nice Oh fine yeah I love you too enjoy you guys I found you first before Bobby thanks Bob Reza Instagram why I know it's like worried about you when you were a hospital and even though you were yeah see what I'm saying what does coat meet again ah anyway thanks guys this all functions from a tiger belly on Twitter at the tiger belly or email us any questions at the tiger belly at Chili's on oh yeah bye guys why are you like [Music] [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 378,609
Rating: 4.8732486 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, awkwafina, my vag, oceans 8, tawk, interview, talk show, late night, nora lum, crazy rich asians
Id: doUfEWFiFa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 54sec (4074 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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