Avoid these 10 Beginner Metal Detecting Mistakes!

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hello believers how the devil are you hopefully you can hear me it's a bit it's a tad windy out there today I've got a muff thing on top of my camera and you find me outside a church wall which is this old lovely hundreds and hundreds of years old which is very nice okay today I wanted to have a look at there's a lot of new metal detectorists following my channel at the moment and I wanted to just take a look at there's this video titled top 10 metal detecting mistakes or beginner metal detecting mistakes what I think is most important about these videos in particular so the one I did on beginner's guide to metal detecting there's a link there on the link below if you want to check that out and goodness guys getting metal detecting permission as well the most fantastic thing about them is is that typically when people do these type of videos they they they kind of portrayed themselves as the all-knowing I what I like about it about these videos is that for example the beginner's guide to metal detecting video is there are asked the community if they've got anything anything in addition to add to to my ideas and then I'm constantly learning from your guys comments you know is stuff that I missed it's that it's there it's the hive mind it's the wealth of knowledge from our metal detectors and melted Tetris and I'm learning all the time just from those comments which is great so I want this video to be in that spirit as well if you have anything to add that you feel that I've missed and there you will and there will be put it in the comments below to help other people and help me as well we are a community after all so here we go without further ado here's my top 10 the beginner's metal detecting mistakes number one is moving too quickly when we get our new spangly shiny metal detector the first thing we want to go out of it I think there's a subconscious kind of push towards us moving quickly because we want to go out on a fine stuff so you kind of or a little bit more hasty than you would be if you'd been doing it for a few more years when you understand that you need to slow down as much as possible I found that when I first started now detecting absolutely I just wait to get out I mean I realized I'm not finding my stuff and and yes it was because I'm you're moving too quickly you got to give that coil time to yeah you know to scan the the ground beneath it the slower the bear I would sight and I think that a lot of seasoned pros would agree with me okay number two is kind of twinned with number one and that's erm not being patient enough but mixed in at the same time expecting too much too soon this is largely a psychological game and if you expect to go out and find a horde or treasure or gold nugget or whatever is in your part of the world immediately you're going to be disappointed and it's a big mistake it's a big psychological mistake to make you should see it as I've done this video called why I love metal detecting you should see it as see the psychological benefits of it in the first instance and then the psychological and the exercise those benefits of it in the first instance and then perhaps if you find anything on top if you could adjust your psychology I find anything on top of that then it's a bonus the third one is kind of comes to the first one moving too quickly it's bad technique or ineffective technique that being you're swinging the quill too high above the ground and missing targets I'll just you know just beneath your your depth but also I would also say just you know the length of your stem is is is also important you can if you crunch over too much you're going to get back pains and chests and chest pains and muscle pains and aches and that is going to have a negative effect on your psychology and that's going to in any kind of injury or slight injury to the body is going to have a negative effect on the body obviously and shorten and lessen your time being out metal detecting so efficient technique is really really important the fourth one is wrong equipment for the location that you're dealing with at that time so for example did whenever people other people do these videos or these lists they always say steel toe-caps I think that this kind of sits in that in that in that kind of a whole category of there's a ton of things that you could use that you shouldn't use steel toe-caps being one going out in trainers on a really really muddy field is probably not not good cuz you're gonna do yourself some ankle damage or you know you're gonna mess up your ligaments or even go as far as doing your knees also gloves you know people don't think to go out with gloves and you've got to get them because of why's you get it get sepsis and tetanus and all sorts of nasty things in addition to that yeah people go out and they don't take a bag with them to put their rubbish in so they just lob in the rubbish back or love in a rubbish back into the bushes and just it's a really really important thing the equipment you go out with not only is the equipment concerning your met would step two important to understand and no but I think the equipment that you have around you stuff to clean fines you know there's all sorts of all sorts of little you know applicable digging tools as well you people go out and they've got like a trowel from the garden centre and wonder why it bent after the first five minutes digging interred the target rather than just on the outside of the targets I say you've pinpointed the target right there on the x-axis right there and it's in its central and people will immediately presume to put up their Spade yeah on that central point of us pushing the Spade through the target and thus destroying it or scraping it or nicking it or just if you're talking something which is worth a lot of money they've you've got a gold hammered beneath that coil and you just Nick it ever so slightly ISKCON it's gonna devalue it a lot and the best thing to do is just to dig just outside of that X and then under and and around rather than on a venue erm you stand a lot less chance of ruining what's beneath your coil the next one is not getting metal detecting permission and some people with the land is free and I am a human books upon the earth yeah yeah I understand where you're coming from I understand where you're coming from but at the same time you've got to kind of see it from a landowners point of view it's their land you know and also in this country particular if you just go on land then you're in you could be in trouble and you can be in financial trouble you mean you can be taken to court and all sorts of things but that's kind of like the least of the worries and being shot by a farmer or having the dog set on by a farmer is not good and then there's these like heritage kind of things that police that go around looking for people or popular size that's in this country it's there to protect the archeology and protect the heritage because if you just take something off of a field and take it out and it's worth loads of money and sell it on eBay then there could be loads and loads a historical really important things around that that item that we should know about the getting permission from the beginners point of view just because in the first instance legally because it's a lot of money voice is tref it's trespassing it's theft and it's what else is it equipment of damage apparently ruining crops but as I said that's the least if you're worried about people that have been chased by farmers and and had a really really really bad time so getting permission I know it's difficult and I know it's hard at first I understand I've been there I have a video there again metal detectors permission for beginners that has helped out a ton of people so check that out as well okay the next one is kind of self-explanatory but a lot of people miss it and that it is not understanding your machine so for example people will get machine now watch a YouTube video and off they go I've got CLE what I'm doing you've got a read the instruction book I would recommend watching a lot of YouTube videos all the YouTube videos you can watch especially obviously the tuition ones but in addition to that you can go further you should you should you should set up a test bed so you've got different targets at different you just dig a hole in the ground and you put like a coil at three inches and then you're put a ring at six inches and you just go over it and go over when you commit to memory even better get yourself a notepad and start writing down what tone what item is given what specific tone and obviously commit that to memory eventually it will naturally commit to memory but straight away you're going to need to go through that process to understand what it's telling you if you it's easy for me to say because when you first start metal stepped in I could say Oh put a hammered coin at five inches and see what your metal detector tells you but obviously you won't have a hammer coin when you first light now don't think that you've got to find it though it's the chicken in the egg type thing but just take some obvious things like and like if you can get hold of a ring or any type of jewelry or any type of modern coin stuff like that then just play with them and see what tones you get in and it won't be too dissimilar in the long run the next one is the urge to over clean fines and I know a lot of metal detectorists to begin them out said to us I've gone out with and they find something great and they'll go home one guy he's guys this lovely military badge and then he just took it to one of those machines and just scraped it all off so you can see all of the wire scratches and it it just kind of ruined it and also people will try and clean the patina off of coins and just rip them apart in their historical context but they should be left and this is something like gold which is easy to clean or even silver you shouldn't over clean things especially from a value point of view it's not only a historical point of view it's a value point of view as well collectors don't want you to be the people that are cleaning it unless you do it efficiently and you know exactly what you're doing otherwise you're going to devalue the item but from a historical point of view is where I think patina from on coins for example is beautiful also don't over rub things people always say to me in my videos you rub that but I'm always doing it very very lightly when I say don't over roughly I don't get a coin you know just a really rip it apart and see what's beneath all of the mud and crud wait until you get home get yourself a toothbrush even better if you're metal detecting on the field take a toothbrush with you and just lightly lightly lightly and then do more investigation when you get home problem is is it's so exciting to find an item and the immediate urge is to find out what it is and what's going on there I understand that some people might find an x1 quite tenuous but it's kind of like an obvious one which is overlooked by a lot of beginners and that's not ground balancing your machine if you have the option to ground balance your machine I didn't ground balance for a long long time until I realized I'm losing 15% depth there you know so it's it's one of those things you should you should always immediately do I think this there are some machines out there that do automatically for some machines you need to manually do it yourself and you should absolutely do that and the last one is it's a bit it's a bit of a tenuous one as well but it's one that I see a lot of beginners kind of trapped they sometimes get into and that's avoiding wet weather avoiding damp conditions only going a lot fair weather metal detector so who only go out in the summer if you will because it's sunny and it's lovely you get to wear shorts and it's nice but the problem is is the conductivity of items is better in wet and damp conditions so it's actually better to go out life after a storm or after a rain or even better being in a rain because your metal detector is going to behave differently you're not really van in really dry arid ground and a lot of people go I'm not going out I'll burn out there it's cold and it's windy and you know it's been raining and it's muddy but they're actually the better conditions and you'll find it you'll you'll find more more items in those conditions as well obviously that's a geographical idea that's well and I've got lots and lots of friends that watch this channel here in California in Texas and places like that where you don't get that option but I'm kind of more million people that are this country of where it can get rather than winter and autumn are probably your best and most affluent times to go metal detecting anyway my friends again if you have anything to add to this video in this list add it below because your comments are relevant and they really really do help people and they help me as well they do I'm always learning no one knows everything and I'm always learning about metal detecting it's one of those things that you that's the great thing about it I think is you you kind of don't stop learning about it do knows that's why I like it anyway thank you for watching my friends I hope it helped you in some way and I should see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Addictedtobleeps
Views: 232,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, metal detector, best metal detector, best metal detecting find, best beginners metal detector, how to find gold, how to find coins, how to find treasure, easy metal detector, make money metal detecting, treasure hunting uk, metal detecting uk, metal detecting finds, treasure hunt, detecting metal, searching for treasure, finding treasure, finding treasure with metal detector, metal detecting mistakes, noob metal detecting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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