Lost Fortune Found at Ibiza's Famous Beaches (Metal Detecting Underwater)

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welcome to another adventure treasure hunting in Paradise this is where we going today woo we're in IA to see how much treasure we can find diving with waterproof metal detectors at the Island's most beautiful beaches we'll be staying in our camper vanan while touring the island in search of treasure after some exploration we've narrowed our search down to the area of the top four beaches including calabasa kala saladeta Benny r and calic copti this video is the fourth and Final in this series so check out the earlier videos if you missed them and especially our first treasure hunter calic compy was a great taste of what to expect on this adventure clear water white sand packed beaches and lots of stunning finds and the treasure continued at our second spot at Ben Rass the most famous Sunset Beach in IA was even more successful with a big 18 karat gold ring last week at our third stop at the stunning CIS saladeta we saw our efforts of braving a cliffwalk and Jellyfish reward Ed with our best treasure Hall so far we came out with a handful of jewelry it was amazing today we're hoping to end the series with a bang we'll be treasure hunting at one of the Island's favorite Beach Club destinations calabasa we were here 3 years ago when Nikki was on a treasure hunting roll so I'm really excited to see what we can find here today located just a stone throw from The Hub of San Antonio on the north on the island calabasa is made famous by its Beach Club that stretches along the Junes of the entire length of this beach y up here to spend a day chilling at the beach club and the car park is massive so this beach is extremely busy but it's also extremely beautiful so I'm sure there'll be lots of lost treasure here like money jewelry rings who knows we might even find a valuable thing like a Rolex but there's only one way to find out so let's jump in and find some [Music] treasure so it's time to get to the office and find some treasure this looks like a pool so it's going to be amazing and straight away we're right on the signals and the good thing about this is I've got my first coin and you can see how crusty it is that means it's down here a long time and when you find a Coin like that there's going to be other ones and sure enough I checked the hole look at that there's two more crusty coins down there so I know straight away we're in for a good treasure hunting session like I said it's been 3 years since we've been here I mean look at this coin this is massive it's been down here a long time and the beauty of these old coins is that they're different from the Euros a pre- Euro Spanish coins cor padas and when you clean them up that crust just comes right off this coin's black I give it a wipe wow it just turns into silver so they made them really good back in the day but you can tell the difference look at this modern 1o coin how Brown and crusty it's gone and that's been down there way less but we're finding loads of coins down here modern and old so this is a really good sign the way I go about my treasure hunting is just to swim along and enjoy the underwater scenery and then I use this breathing system which floats on the surface and pumps air that's what we're giving away in this video my metal detector beeps when it goes over anything metal and that's non Ferris metal so non rusty metal then I just have to dig it up so I wave a bit of sand away and I use this red pinpointer to find the Target and then I just have to look what it is and check out what we've just found our first gold ring of the day as you can see this one looks a little bit orange that means he's going to be nine karat gold but you can see on the inside he's got the Engravings there so I'm super stoked I knew it was going to be here there's loads of treasure down here loads of coins and when this when that happens you're going to find gold there you go it's a gold ring but it doesn't even look gold it might be rose gold so cool it doesn't really matter what I find when I go treasure hunting I just like the adventure and searching so when I find something I'm always just really excited it doesn't really matter what it is like this little coin I'm stoked and I find a loads today so believe me when I say I've got a big smile on my face and look at this you never know what's going to pop up here we've got a Pearl Earring that a swimmer's probably lost today you've always got to keep an eye out it's not just the sounds you're listening for on the metal detector you can actually see things and I'm about to spot some gold in a minute so stay tuned [Music] this is our first junkie ring of the day it's one of those Chanel love rings and they're the one of the most copied pits of Jewelry in the world so it's a cool find maybe it's silver we're going to go through all the finds at the end of this video but yeah I love finding anything and these are some of the Spanish coins that have holes in them I've been finding a lot of them so clean up really nice like this one and then others are much more crusty so I think they've been down here a while and you can see as I find more of these ones there's Just Fish Gathering everywhere around me they seem to eat everything after the holes I dig so yeah it's good to have some company out here while I'm searching for Treasure oh man how good is this just treasure hunting in Paradise Sun's come out oh my gosh we found some gold loads of silver rings I'm getting so many coins that my arm is sore from digging and I've just stopped digging I'm looking for gold signals now just so much fun it doesn't get better than this it's like a giant pool Crystal Clear Water I got all the fish following me around treasure hunting dream let's keep going see if we can get some more on the other side of the beach from calabasa is a tower Fortress sitting on the cliff Nikki and I took a walk out there which is really cool I'd love to tell you more about it but actually there's no sign so I don't really know much other than it's a beautiful spot with a great View and I highly recommend it when you come here but as this is our last video in the series I can't let it end without at least giving you a little bit of history on this beautiful island of IA today ier is known as the party island but IA has a long history dating back to the arrival of the Phoenicians all the way in 650 BC the early settlers came to collect salt which was a valuable commodity salt was used as a preservative for fish and meats which was extremely important for sea Travelers many people tried to take control of the island and its lucrative salt trade during the Island's history because of the Relentless attack The Old City nestled on the cliff Headland was protected by the construction of these very thick Fort walls they look amazing and with a perimeter of 1800 M it's a historical walk with spectacular views from up here a walk around these world heritage walls and through the old city is a must do when you get the chance to visit these are just some shots that Nikki and I took on our walk around I hope I haven't bored you too much with the history for now it's very hot so let's get back to the underwater treasure hunting oh and by the way ier is still famous for its Sal [Music] I did say we wanted to finish this treasure hunting season with a bang and my gosh this is awesome look how crusty this ring is it's been down here for ages the fish said it's a nice ring but not the bass they've ever seen this one's a chunky Spanish coin we're going to have to have a good look at him later on cuz he's really cool I haven't seen him before for in the pouch he goes remember before I was saying I'm going to find gold with my eyes well look at this the metal detector didn't pick it up I just saw a quick flash it's the back of an earring and it's made of gold so I'm going to keep him as well that's a cool find always keep your eyes peeled and I'm about to find even more gold in just a moment [Music] oh my gosh that is a Crusty ring right there he's been down there a while I don't even know what he's made out of let's stick him in the pouch [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've just found a gold ring and now next find I've got a silver ring so we are on fire this spot is just heating up let's get cracking I know there's so much to find here it's I'm getting worn out so let's just keep cracking on see how much treasure we can get and at the end add it all up this got my heart started it's actually gold token for a laundry machine not a gold coin unfortunately and look at these cool coins man you just dust the sand off and they come up so shiny you it just looks amazing this is what you call a honey hole when you're under water treasure hunting we've got another ring and then we've gotting euros and Spanish coins so all these coins have been here for a long time and I am the lucky treasure Hunters going to come across him and I'm about to get even luckier watch this we've hit some more gold this is the best treasure hunt ever we're going out with a bang and look at this old coin it's actually a penny from England incredible what a treasure hunting Adventure that has been I'm exhausted let's go in and go through the treasure pouch because underwater it still feels heavy this has been great before we go to look at the finds we're going to go on a rescue mission it's never a dull moment in the life of a treasure hunter and our friends have lost a pair of sunglasses over at the next Beach called St Miguel so I'm going to go diving out there with my Nomad cuz it's super deep they were hiring a paddle board dropped it off in the rocks and they haven't found it by the way check out this house I've up a GoFundMe page cuz I want to buy it so your donations are greatly appreciated oh my gosh what a house now let's see if we can find a pair of sunglasses to go with it we're on a rescue mission for a lost pair of sunnies what what type of sunnies are they gavan fancy sunglasses so we're going to go on the sub and we' got our professional supper over there going to take the Nomad out cuz it's like 10 m deep so it's going to be quite the adventure to get them but fingers crossed they only got lost yesterday so we should be able to get them all right we've got the nomad and we're going to go out chasing them on the sub to the destination where the sunnies were lost let's do [Applause] this just check out how clear this water is here I think we've got a really good chance of finding these sunnies back don't you think we're out the back we've got the suppers out here and uh in some very deep water so hopefully we can spot the sunny from above and then dive down to get it we're in this spot so we're going to dive down here have a look around cuz we can't see it from the surface although the water is super clear we weren't able to see the sunglasses from the surface so I'm diving down and then I notice all these weeds the bad part about this is the sunglasses also black so if they fell in here it's going to be like finding a needle in Hast stack but let's give it a good crack I'm using the Nomad here which goes 10 m deep so I can get down because it is really deep here but it's so clear and have a look what I've just spot can you see that you'd never guess what it is that's what I love about treasure hunting you never know what you're going to find [Music] [Music] what did I say about keeping an eye out when you're treasure hunting and when you find something always look out for more of it look there's even more I don't know what happened but someone had a bad day and I'm having a great day haven't found the sunny yet though but this is awesome I ended up finding some shorts a pair of goggles and some other bits of rubbish down down there but unfortunately I couldn't find the pair of sunglasses sadly today there a team of treasure hunters and I see a very good looking team of treasure Hunters we're outd by the and Nikki as well yeah but we didn't find the we didn't find the sunnies but we got paid in cash so let's go spend that on some what do they call Estrella and paa Pella sounds good sounds good if anyone wants a pair of sunnies they're out there somewhere that was one awesome Tri reer hunting Adventure look at that beach behind me it's like the crystal clear blue water and we have got a pouch literally full of treasure it's heavy as anything so let's empty it out and see what we got here we go look at all that stuff that's all the treasure and then I've got this bag all the trash but it's all part of the service so it's great to get all this trash out of the water oh accidentally put some Treasures in there as well loads and loads loads and loads and loads and loads of bottle tops they sound so good cuz they don't rust so the metal detector thinks they're good and I think they're good and I dig them and my arm is so sore as you can imagine cuz I've dug hundreds of them and every time I thought it was going to be a ring don't forget we got a couple of rings today too so we'll go through them at the end for now look at all these coins we got we just got so many they are have been down there for a long time super crusty so that's super cool underwater just wiping the sand away and wiping like 30 years of crust off them these ones gra gave a great signal they're called CN c i n and they're chunky they're real thick coins so they knock your ears off with the uh with the metal detector underwater so I dug loads of those I don't mind digging coins usually but when I've got this many look we've got 16 of these Cen coins I have no idea how much they were worth but let's just say we're millionaires at this point these are 25 paa coins this one's from 1980 so they've all been down there for such a long time we've got 2 4 6 eight of them 500 pedada coin how cool is that 1989 500 posadas how much does that worth 200 Pat coin and that looks identical to an Australian $2 coin it's about the same size I love them people come here from all over the world as you can see why it's like a paradise here 100 pesos from Colombia how cool is that I even got an English Penny from 1964 that is in great condition as well I love that I remember when I found my first penny underwater in Australia at Bondi Beach and I was like I am rich turns out it was worth about a penny but still cool to find and then we got this one I'm going to have to put it out to you guys cuz I tried to read it and guess where it's from but I couldn't so I hope your eyes are better than mine does anyone know where this one is from it's says 1973 and given the color I reckon that's probably silver lots of Euros so we got two euro coins 2 4 6 8 10 10 bucks in Euros it cost $6 for the parking so we're in profit already and then in 1 euro coins we got one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine there we go so about 20 bucks there with some change and then we get to the good part we've done with the coins let's go to the jewelry and the gold starting with the smallest piece I just saw this here there's no way a metal detector would have pulled this up it's just the back of an earring okay so I just saw it glimmering after I dusted some sand away so I picked that one up unfortunately I couldn't find the earring for it imagine it was a nice stud with a diamond oh gutted we also got this which is an m and it actually looks really cool doesn't it let me hold it's blowing in the wind a bit there but that's really cool piece of jewelry and again I dusted away cuz I thought the necklace has got to be here as well but unfortunately it was just the uh hanger so there we go but that's a cool one and then let's go to the Rings okay exciting gosh we got a lot of rings didn't we look how crusty and Rusty this ring is it has been down there for a long time but that is a silver ring we'll have to clean it I don't really want to clean it I love it like that could it took probably 30 40 years to look that crusty but you could clean it and probably say 925 but I know that already so I'm going to leave him crusty this one oh my gosh he's just a copper ring you can see the green there so he's just a junk ring but he's been down there a long time I love just finding Rings just seeing that pop out after you dust the sand away such a good feeling as you can see these ones are just small ones and if you clean them up they' look like pure shiny silver again but they're black from being in the ocean for so long so two small little ones and then oh yes we got no not there yet we got one more ring this one is looks like a cardier love ring it's a ripoff one so it's silver they they usually have gold and then they have these studs in them but we could have a look on the inside maybe it does say cardier or something on there I can see some engraving so it's a bit crusty might have to look that up but it probably says you know 925 Silver and then oh yes I never get tired of this site underwater a shiny gold ring oh my gosh it makes me so happy when I see that the other good news about this ring it's got an engraving on it so let's try and track down the owner if you know a Yenni that lost a ring and you can tell me what else is written on the inside here I'm going to give it back to you so there we go treasure is waiting to be returned to the owner that's what makes it all worthwhile all this trash for a piece of treasure it's out there and my gosh was it out there today thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it I sure did we'll see you soon for another one let's go cliff jumping woo
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 154,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnet Fishing, Fishing, Bondi Treasure Hunter, Bondi Magnet Fishing, Scuba Diving, Treasure Hunting, Yachts, Found Treasure, Metal Detector, treasure hunter, Metal Detecting, Treasure Hunters, Fishing Videos, crazy, amsterdam, fishing video, treasure, travel, explore, holiday, exploring, traveling, yacht, yachting, sailing, boat, scuba diving, diving, scuba, snorkeling, gold, rings, jewelry, jewellery, watches, Underwater Metal Detecting, found gold, jewlery, Ibiza, cala comte, best beach Ibiza, water
Id: DGkqPudN6Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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