5 Reasons why you find nothing (or little) whilst Metal Detecting

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[Music] ah greetings my friends today i want to talk to you about five reasons as to why you may not be finding anything or at least not finding very much whilst metal detecting now i've had a good think about this and i've jotted down these ideas but obviously i'm going to miss something and then there's going to be the expert metal status that will know way more than me so if anybody knows anything that i've missed here please put it in the comments below let's uh call this a community and then that way we can help out the beginner metal detectorists who are coming up and um need our wisdom to lean on but anyway without further ado five reasons as to why you're not finding anything whilst metal detecting okay number one reason is being too impatient but impatience implies some sub categories here because impatience in itself is a is a vast topic in patients could be swinging your metal detector too quickly impatience could be giving yourself four hours to go metal detect but not find anything in the first hour so go to the pub for the next three hours but alternatively patients could also be giving up on a field too quickly presuming that it's done too quickly and for this particular sub category if you will i want to give you a visual representation of what i mean i want you to consider this right this is for the people that think that fields are done to death or they've done that field or etc etc we're going to take this pound coin here a reasonably sized coin all right now a few factors here number one it's flat you know it could be like that harder fuel detector to see at an angle harder or it could be a few inches down it could be a lot of inches down every year the plow will bring up new items relics and coins okay i just want to give you a visual representation of this coin so it's sitting there right let's get the drone in the air now think of the size of your metal detector's coil yeah and then think of the size of you as we go higher and higher it quickly becomes apparent that that coin is literally like looking for a needle in a haystack and as we go higher that becomes even more apparent um to the point it's actually quite ridiculous um you know the notion that a field is done or has been done to death especially considering the other factors like the coin could be on its side a few inches under and that the plow will change everything year after year so that's a massive factor don't fall into that trap as a beginner that your field is done because it never is so impatience could mean many things but the conclusion to this this number one i would say would be to slow down both physiologically and psychologically my second point is that perhaps you don't understand your metal detector well enough and there's a lot of sub categories to this one and like there was in a previous but even more so but i'm going to look at one point so what i mean is a lot of people will buy a metal detector um i guess this comes back to impatience as well but they will buy a metal detector watch some youtube videos watch some and read the instructions and you know watch just absorb everything they can which is great everybody should be doing that but then they they presume then they know everything about the metal detector but you know the real litmus test if you will the the real knowledge in the learning is being out on the field hour after hour week after week month after month year after year that's where you really really learn about your detector how it functions um and and and what it's telling you and the problem is is the beginners that they presume that they've they understand everything via the instructions they go out they don't find anything and they become really despondent and disappointed and and that's how many people give up on the hobby the real learning and the real kind of knuckling down if you will is just being out there you know being out there in all weathers all situations creating a relationship with your metal detector if you will but there's again there's a lot more to this particular subject um that comes with time but i think that'll do for now third point is you you've got bad technique let's throw going too fast out the window here because we know that that's in the bracket of impatience which is number one point so let's just go for for example turning your coil up at the end of your sweep is a is a big no-no of course being too high off the ground um you're going to be losing you know a hell of a lot of depth there a good solid slow consistent technique is is best we live in a time where we're lucky where our metal detectors especially things like the equinox respond really really quickly yeah they've got really good like fast response time and a lot of people's argument is well you don't need to go so slow and have such good technique because they kind of take that burden and i don't believe that i think even though these metal detectors are great and are getting quicker and quicker i think we still need to take care of slowing down as much as we can and just having a nice consistent um purposeful technique is is it's something you can only deal with yourself psychologically when you're out in the field millions people can tell you but fundamentally you're the only person that can can do that so it's a good idea just to check in with yourself every now and again and remind yourself am i sweeping slowly am i coming up in the edges you know things like that right point number four yeah um this i'm gonna move to a completely different place now um i'm gonna move to a place where it's it's hard to know if it's your technique or your if you're impatient or or anything and it comes down to the fact that you could just have bad land how would you know that your the other factors you've got bad technique i know it's it's it's the you know the the the puzzle which is metal detecting you might just have bad land um that being there aren't many items for you to find on that land now badland also comes down to location uh for example if you're metal detecting in the middle of a desert in california you're less likely to find something of historical interest from somebody that's metal detecting a viking battle site in germany for example you have to take that into account when you're beginning to metal detect research is really really handy in this instance being able to find out what has happened on the land that you're metal detecting is quite important and that is psychologically demeaning it can really pull it out of you you know it really really can it can be exhausting both um for your body and your brain you can think to yourself what the hell am i doing out here i could be doing other things why do other people find so much stuff and why do i not should i just give this up and take up curling no no no you gotta just stay strong you might just have bad land and it happens to the best of us it happens to everybody that's been detecting for ages come across bad land and it's important not to question yourself so much um as to the things i've previously mentioned and just be as consistent as possible don't give up just don't give up and my fifth reason i think i might have just cheated i do apologize my fifth reason um so the fourth reason was you might have bad land fifty reasons you might have bad luck we're walking into a really really tenuous place now which is of luck and away from technique oh man you could just have a bad day two days three days again it happens to the best of us and you can go on massive streaks of nothingness where you'll find nothing and again you begin to question yourself is there what's the point am i only good at this why do other people find more stuff bad luck and badlands will you know integrate with each other and be mixed with each other but you can have great lands and still have bad luck um and you can have really bad luck you could have really bad land and have really good luck you know it depends where you walk once statistically everything is out of the way concerning how good your metal detector is how good your technique is and all of the other variables and factors you push them to one side let's stick them in a bucket and then you have a secondary bucket right here and that bucket is luck and i would say personally that luck is probably about eighty percent of this game ah probably about seventy percent all right it's this the point is fundamentally at its core metal detecting is about luck you have to walk over the object to be able to find it it's as simple as that and you could be going that way and there's a horde there and you just come to the right ever so slightly because i don't know why you just went that way and you missed that and then you've got coins which are on their sides and upside down there's so many variables when it comes to lady luck i'm afraid um and if if you adhere to the other points that i've i've i've you know spoken about today then your luck will up slightly yeah it certainly will go down if you don't but fundamentally my friends metal detecting is a game about fortune every time we pick up our metal detectors we effectively roll the dice and play the cards and that is what it all comes down to but i think here my overall message is don't give up stick with it and i guarantee you i guarantee you those fines will eventually come so again i'm really interested in your comments and your opinions and your input below and i will read all of them i just want to say thank you for watching this video please subscribe and we shall see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Joan Allen Metal Detectors
Views: 98,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to metal detect, metal detecting, metal detect, how to find treasure, the best metal detector, best metal detectors, doing metal detecting wrong, funny metal detecting, best metal detecting, beginners metal detector, beginner detecting
Id: xMfStpCPSBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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