Beach Metal Detecting 2021 | equinox 800 (south coast detecting)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello all aaron here just got back from the beach now i know this is the intro but i'm recording this at the end i've just got back i found plenty of things and i also had a ring that i wasn't expecting sounds cryptic stick around i'll see the first hole let's dig [Music] so we're saying ring pull bolts up something of that nature i reckon there we go it's in here whatever it is all right the scoop and i can see it already there you go starting to go on in the bag of tat it goes so we'll go on that not too deep good numbers we got do you know what i'm not seeing anything in there except would you believe it yeah as i said it's not as you mean to go on right i'm bringing in a 15 we're on our first coin over 50p there you go oh anyway there you go 50p first one nice right something that's been giving me the run around no we're gonna out oh crowd no in there but yeah there you go [Music] yep we've got one of mr fiddler's favorites it's a pound i'll do second coin so far i'll be honest with you the amount of wet sand that i have covered since i've been here i was hoping for the odd ring but no i've had nothing yet it's been very very peaceful on the wet sand very peaceful i mean blimey isn't isn't everybody dropping anything these days where is it all right we're getting an 18 19 17 okay it's not a number i get a lot so i'm intrigued to give this one a dig still saying 17. [Music] okay [Music] hmm oh this is going to be another one of those ones that gives me the run around [Music] yep come on [Music] and the numbers are changing could end up being a bottle top right we're out finally [Music] really really how the hell did i miss that hmm that's gonna be fun carrying around that's out [Music] we got it we got another pound again here's another one of mr fiddler's favorites it's a pound sauce that we got so far here we go 250 so far it's not bad but to be honest with you i've been here nearly two hours oh man this is hard work right so circled out before i had that pound over there and just here here we go 20p i'll do i'll keep circling out see if there's anything left and if not i'll carry on okay next one ringing in a 25 26 just give it a wash quite deep under those big rocks so you know yourself if if you're a beach detector if you go down you're scraping the stones you think is it something big is it something metal you can feel it scraping but then when some bubbles popped out of the way we're on a two pound we're a lovely two pound coin there we go oh one of those ismbard kingdom brunel coins look at that i'm not sure i've seen one like that before nice i don't know if that's a rare one or not but there you go that's lovely all right i'll circle out see if there's anything else okay got another one just here encouraging numbers going up at 25 sam is the last two pound coin now if i don't get it in the first couple of scoops then i'll probably stop recording so i don't want to i don't want to bore you if i haven't already of course oh we're down in the black okay yeah we're scraping could be on some pebbles right we're over this side more is going to be something good or something awful or about to find out all right i'm not sure i'm not sure [Music] yeah i think it might be it might be a load of old chat all right we're gonna clean it here let's get it washed good numbers numbers are 25 like i say uh jumping around a little bit but you know you dig them yeah yeah that's suspected oh it's just a load of old chat bugger put that in the bag great 21's 22's let's have a look see what we got see look it's out apparently we got it [Music] yeah i think we've got it yeah is it just shrapnel yeah this bit of shrapnel bugger hmm once bitten twice shy potentially potentially this could be another bit of shrapnel just a bit of tap but equally it could be a pound or something of that nature so so you gotta give it a dig in you such as the nature of detecting there are so many items that have a similar tone and a similar number and you find yourself compelled to dig or go deep down in your heart you think yeah it's going to be a bolt up or it's going to be a ring pull but you can't walk away i can't walk away just in case [Music] bloody hell this is deep i think i'm gonna have to go through the stones to get this one [Music] mommy there we go scraping on the stones it's out there you are bloody wrestle that what [Music] oh watch [Music] would you be tat now after all that [Music] don't tell me it's bloody stoned oh god you're so good at this aaron all right i've had enough i'm getting pointer out i've had enough just getting found that can't be it copy it surely nope can't be it there you go it is another two pound yep oh lovely little wash off give it a wash off he says looks bloody worse than when i started but there you go that's another two pound we're doing all right we're doing all right but i have to work for that [Music] all right this is a new one on me it's coming up as a 26-27 hmm numbers are all over the place so this could potentially be junk potentially let's have a look show it let's just tilt you down a bit so you can see a bit better here we go now got iron stuff discriminated out i think that's why the signal is now being so choppy put it on there we go hmm i don't know about this it's disappearing could be a coin sitting funny nothing in that note nothing in any of them hmm i may abandon this since popping it open the numbers are atrocious but now since getting out they've livened up a bit huh well what can i say it wouldn't be a hunt without one here it is right come on everybody say it with me bugger all right next one ringing in 11 with a bit of a grumble to it we've got 5p yeah the coins are rolling in now and i'm about to go home in a minute as well okay next item up ringing in as a 15. oh there we go here's another 20 pence lovely lovely lovely yeah i'm gonna have to go in a minute i'm gonna have to go let's see what there is on the way back to the car so i circled out from the 20p there spiraled out as it were a technique that i got from merrell detecting nyc [Music] and there you go there's another coin this one looks like it's covered in poop nice but there we go another 20 right i might continue spiraling out and i'm going to have to make my way back to the that's the latest hole that's where i had 20p yep and then 20p there wasn't it 20 p20p i think it was then this one is another one another 20p here we go slightly cleaner though yeah it's a triple 20s lovely but i'm still making my way back to the car still making my way back oh there you go 50p out there and i really do need to dash right we got a phone um there's water behind the screen yeah it was peeing it down last night thunder and lightning my ring doorbell caught it all for me [Applause] hmm that's all right when i came down the beach looking for a ring this isn't the kind of ring i had in mind still will take it well that is made done for the day that's not bad it started off quite poor uh i was hoping to get a ring but nope certainly not so we'll be walking with two four six seven uh sixty eighty seven seven eighty seven yeah 787 and a phone oh also a pouch full of junk i mean lots of ring pulls pulled tabs lead all that sort of nonsense there we go now at the point of making this video i'm at 9 000 subscribers which means it's time for a giveaway if you are a new subscriber stick around there's going to be a giveaway and uh in the next video i'll explain how you can win and what you can win but i'll be in the next video if you are still here thank you for watching if you are heading out good luck and happy hunting if you're new to the channel why not think about subscribing dropping a like or even a comment remember if you leave a comment you can win yourself a badge and some stickers why not right i'll see you again next time cheers [Music] you
Channel: South Coast Detecting
Views: 22,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal detecting, Beach metal detecting, Treasure hunting, Minelab, Nox 800, Equinox
Id: Kio6qc4CO6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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