Unforgotten - Metal Detecting a 1700’s Farm with an American Revolutionary War Soldier Buried Nearby

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what's up guys court order here and this week's video is quite an adventure me doug charlie and paul get access to an old colonial farm big shocker right but the adventure begins because the farmer told us that on his property is an old family burial plot that goes all the way back to the 1700s and in that burial plot is a revolutionary war soldier that died in battle during the revolution oh my goodness how cool is that now we're not going to detect in the cemetery we kind of have that as off limits but we're gonna do the surrounding area in hopes to find something we can tie to that soldier or his family how cool would that be an awesome link to the past do we do it we're gonna have to watch and find out that it was one heck of an adventure so i hope you guys enjoyed this week's video and i will see you at the end later [Music] all right so we're starting off in this field uh the farmer is cutting some of this i think it's just weeds charlie said he's not actually growing any crop which is nice uh doug's out there i thought doug said he's got a flat button i'm away from the ketchup but paul had a good finally just chucked it over to me and it's a a piece of an old padlock you can see this side says guard on it the shackle's missing keyhole at the bottom but what's pretty cool about this padlock is the other side has a date looks like it just says 1902 it's kind of weird i mean uh i'm assuming that's a date paul it's not like a model number never seen a padlock with a date we've been getting some really cool padlocks the last couple of weeks so uh hey nice job and over there is the old family grave site now we're not gonna detect any but i'm gonna go and get some pictures and look at the tombstones and try to see uh how far back they go but hey nice finder paul you ready all right my first find here you know what's funny is i swung over it a lot of times we go out we spring over something good you call someone else over it so i was gonna walk away i called paul over and on his machine he says oh no it does sound good so i came back over and dug it and it is good it's right here it's a flat button paul i think it's a flat button listen to me yep there's a shank on it yep at first i said oh this sounds good consistent to me and then i i rotated on it didn't sound good it's teamwork paul it's a team thing maybe something yeah there might be something on the front i'm going to see a pattern of some sort i'm going to give it a brush down but full shank up and down yeah and we're getting outside yeah well a flat button charlie and we're right near that grave site i just came out of the cemetery yeah it's really cool it's it's little but yeah they lived here somewhere and i'm gonna go walk over it's a flat button yeah but it's a sign of life and that's what we're looking for you know out of life next to a cemetery yeah oh geez here's my button charlie i gave it a brush down i thought i saw a marking coming through on the front but now i don't but it's a little cup size button okay but those are the things we're looking for charlie especially when there's a 1700s graves yard behind us yeah and uh we knew from research there's supposed to be two homes here yeah two old homes in this field somewhere probably in that tall grand centre jason probably but we'll do the outskirts of the tall grass this reminds me of the stagecoach trail we worked all day and at two o'clock we found out where the site was sometimes it is you get to the general area and then you gotta you gotta put feet on the ground to find that exact spot and that's what we're gonna do feet on the ground charlie okay all right dog tag doug got down here towards the graveyard where we're starting near the graveyard i don't want to i don't want to make it seem like we're in the graveyard dog near the graveyard yeah that's holy ground yep but doug's oh it's a big one yeah looks kind of military i haven't seen anything on it yeah it might be iron on the back which uh not even sure if it's a button it might not even be a button it could be a pole but it sure looks like a shank yeah we'll try to clean it if it cleans up but yeah a couple of buttons on the day um nothing yet but with that 1700's graveyard i think we're gonna do really well we just gotta find the hot spots right hey good fun dougie all right thanks all right i'm gonna come check out this old family cemetery plot over here that i was told an american revolutionary war soldier is buried in there we don't detect in the cemetery because i think it's disrespectful and i'm going to gray out the names out of respect to the property owner even though it's not his family he bought the farm out of the original family's name but let's go check it out low bridge here paul wow paul this is really nicely maintained the walls of this little plot are nicely pointed looks like someone really keeps up on it and the tombstones themselves are very clean that yeah i see it daniel something looks like he was born in 1755 and died in 1777. it's all in german i can't read all of it and i noticed that there's a marker on the left showing that he was a continental army soldier so he actually died in 1777 in the war in the american revolutionary war fighting for you know our republic you know at the time our republic so what an amazing piece of history there if i go over to the right i believe this is his wife maria same last name this is all in german but it looks like it says widow if i'm translating it right but maria was born in 1759 and then down to the bottom it looks like she died in the 1830s again all german i can see daniel's name in the middle don't know what it says though so i'm guessing that this was his widow and if we move to the right this is david same last name born in 1800 and died in 1865 i saw the 1865 date and the first thing i thought was the battle of gettysburg but obviously he would have been 65 years old probably not of fighting age and i don't see any service markers either and then there's two off to the side they're smaller one looks like it's maria i can't quite see the clear date on it 18 maybe 32 and then the far one to the right is esther but it's very small and it's heavily covered in the grass i can't really read any dates on that but really interesting old family burial plot going all the way back to the revolution which is just amazing so let's get out to these fields paul and do some detecting because there's a good chance we might find something today that's hundreds of years old that very well may have been held by one of these people and that's a pretty cool connection to the past so let's go see if we can do it it's a little bouncy it's hard to swing because there's roots here i mean like little stalks sounds good it's deep it's about five inches so i'm gonna try to get this out of here if i can it's very rocky oh although this section isn't too bad wow i might have just got down most of it right there i don't want to see to the side wall oh it's a coin it's a coin this kind of came through pretty loud in the 70s maybe hitting the low 80s once in a while and it's a coin but could it be a modern quarter nope i see stars on it oh my goodness i don't know what that is but i'm seeing stars all around it i think it's going to be a half cent hang on all right i called the guys over i'm going to cover this up so it doesn't bask in the sun it'll keep it moist the guys are kind of far away doug's way down there and paul is way over there i know charlie will come i'm not sure if paul's gonna come i'll wait a few minutes and we'll check it out all right the guys finally came over i i even dug the whole thing on my gopro cause i figured what the heck charlie it was about five or six inches deep he says we finally came over we all had to walk like a half a mile i know it was far but this is something good i think they don't stick together right yeah well you guys walked away i'm in the same spot i'm still by the graveyard i'm gonna get like charlie looks like he's gonna start a rocky movie look at him are you ready well it's not silver that's nice and green that's a good sign but look at the weird size of it that's a half cent yeah a half cents something it looks big for him that's american classic handsome classic half cent that's old guess well i do see stars on it let me give it a brush down real quick and i'll come right back i'm not sure what it is probably about a gazillion minute all right there's my coin we cleaned it up it's a classic head half cent and the date came through nice 1832 i thought the later ones were the harder ones with paul saying no the later ones are the easier ones like later what like the later hip since i thought yeah your braided hairs none i meant like the uh i'll look it up i'm gonna look up and see what the mintage is by the 1833 that's a question yeah i could definitely see the classic and it's in really good shape charlie i mean this is going to clean up really nicely and you you adjusted your machine though didn't you i did i put it in three tone because my i like to run it in four tone but it's so chattery it was unusable right so i drop it in three tone i changed my settings so i don't hear anything under like a 30. i might miss tom back buttons but it was too hard to function there we go there you go yeah good job thank you way to go there quarter hoarder wow paul i googled it and it's actually a really rare one paul might have just been mistaken the 1832 classic had half cent the rarest one in the entire ron paul with the exception of one that only came out in a proof 51 000 that would said paul 51 000 made 51 000 i trade my phone but there's a glare about 1832 classic at half cent i'm looking at it 51 000 minute by far the the the rarest one of the entire run went from 1809 to 30 seconds or not really yeah well see if yours are in good shape i'm going to clean mine up really bad i bet they're worth a lot actually not you know not that i'm going to i will but just the fact that it's that rare you know it's going to have value if you're interested in value me neither but still it's just nice to know what things are worth well hey heck of a good fight for me paul so that's a heck of a good find the rarest classic head half cent in the entire run now when i say rare it doesn't necessarily mean that it's valuable in this condition even that rare scarce of a date maybe 50 bucks if i clean it up really well but the rarest of any old coin is exciting to have i don't have an 1832 paul says he's got two of them at home and if it's the rarest one in the series that's a heck of a good find so revitalize a little bit of hope we're going to keep on marching down hopefully we'll find some more back in the next one all right charlie's got something said it's interesting and he's trying to get an id on it oh i see it from over here when you find something you have no idea what it is yeah i have no idea it looks like it's old it looks fragile looking it's first i thought was a pin out for like a piece of font like you know these pins you put into us like a three-point hitch whoops my phone the way the way this thing comes down it kind of reminds me of how like scissors have that little piece oh yeah but i mean a scissor wouldn't have something blocking and it's an awfully big finger hole it just reminds me one time could it be like a pair of spectacles that's like bent over i don't know i'm gonna brush it if you don't mind charlie yeah but it's just a weird piece i think it looks old it looks really old well i got like about 20 yards from the cemetery here this is the three difference with this band on my head no no you look like charlie balboa you look tough all right we cleaned up charlie's fine we're trying to research it now it's actually pretty interesting paul came back from the car i'm gonna hold it against your shirt charlie just so i can get like a contrast we think it's part of an old pair of spectacles where this bar as you can see is a little bit flexible there's a hinge right there this is probably the bar like charlie's glasses that would go down behind your ear so this would bend out this would be the right eye socket part of your nose another circle and on the little bracket there's even writing it just says at number 16. i don't know maybe that's how they sized them like a 16 millimeter length or something like that but yeah it's part of an old pair of spectacles bifocals something like that half of it's gone yeah if it's gone but half of it's here and that's the most important half and this could be 200 years old charlie could've been on ben franklin's face you don't know he could have been visiting here yeah so it was the uh yeah sort of like this yeah we'll finally open it up yeah well yeah but that's exactly right here yep hold it up to your face we'll give them a better example it will go just like that look at oh it's very like sherlock holmes it's like very small it makes you look smart from aliens that makes him look like it makes me look smart please take a picture that's my friend it looks good does it look sherlock holmes my friends don't think i'm smart i think thanks for watching that looks good well hey good find there charlie thank you no i didn't like this one it didn't sound as good it was in the 60s 70s but i got myself another coin paul went back to the car to get a drink it's right by your foot charlie it's a small one right by your right foot there yep i see it yeah and it sounded good 60s that looks like a an indian is it too small to be a half centigrade yeah well yeah it might have even been a button now it's not a button it's an indian outfit i can see the one center yep it's an indian yeah okay i see the shield up at the top starting to come through a little bit wait things are right now we'll take indians right yeah absolutely pennies i know i'm gonna give it a brush down my last half cent was the rarest one ever this might be what if this is like an 1877 rarest are you sure it's versus because i thought paul said it's not no i i googled it paul's wrong well paul was wrong mistaken not only not only did he say it was common it's the rarest classic head half cent in the entire run if paul says it's going to be sunny it's going to rain yeah paul says the sky is blue like black so this is drying let me brush it down i'm going to come back and get a date hang on a second all right good job well i cleaned off my indian and it's actually one of my favorite years this one is 1864 and it's one of my favorites because 1864 has several different variations now the most obvious one the spot is that 1864 was a transition year where they went from a copper nickel indian to a bronze indian and the copper nickel is almost two times as thick and that's why the fatty indians will make a much lower sound on almost every metal detector because of the nickel content nickel comes up low now mine is clearly the thinner bronze version of the 1864 but even out of the bronze versions there's still a variation there's actually one variation that's really rare that has the engravers initial on the ribbon it would be the letter l and that's a really hard one to find and it's almost impossible to tell in this dug condition but i'll give you another indicator the version that has the l at the base of the indian's neck on the bottom of the bust will come to a point if it is not the l the more common version the base of the neck is more rounded off and i can kind of tell that mine is a more rounded it's this is the most common of all of them but you know what hey it's still a really cool coin it's a really old coin made during the civil war and uh hey one day i'll shoot for that l but at the moment just didn't get it but otherwise let's keep going the day is young and there's more cool things to be found you want to swing over it and see i would like to hear how it sounds my guess is 19 18 19 18 19 wow that's almost the year of my classic head headset yeah 18 19. we'll take it does it sound good you want to dig it you're a live dig surfer's fine oh i got something kind of interesting i'm going to run it by charlie because he's the you know he's the farmer of the group i got this big ring but look at the piece that's on it i'm wondering if this could have been part of an old hitching post it would go something like that you would tie your horse off and this could have been on like a pole or something like that what do you think i think you are pretty uh correct on that i think this was a post or whatever definitely uh something tie an animal to buy a horse maybe cow well i have one for you then i found something you want to try i guess sure let me see it oh you know what that is i think doug would probably know he's from north carolina originally i don't know uh this was uh on one horse drawn cutter bar and cut the hay i was cutting hay yeah this would this would slide on the ground okay and there'd be another one here another one another one and there's a bar with nasal and it would slide back every time the wheel would turn going forward it would protect the knife it would slide along the ground it looks like part of a statue of david duke yeah it looks like a little miniature statue of david duke from the side oh my gosh oh well i got the heck of a good fine too charlie it is they lied to us they lied to us nice fine yeah yep all right we moved spots uh charlie had to go home it's just me paul and doug some ducks in there we're up on this house that we've been to many times before it goes back to geez the earlier mid-1700s we come here at the end of the day to kick things around we found so many good things here the sky is the limit right up on the uh the little walkway what'd you get those ducks are so loud oh is that a coin or a token token maybe it looks tokenishing it looks too big to be a coin see the duckies yeah i saw him all right let me help him brush this down looks pretty dirty this is a pretty cool token paul i've never seen anything like it it says 50th anniversary at the top the bottom it looks like it says schweizencorn it's from 1854 to 1914 so world war one error the 50th anniversary of whatever the heck this is there's a lot of writing on the back we're gonna have to get a a a better brush i have no idea what this says but that's really cool and it's over 100 years old already yeah paul thinks there was a store called schweizencorn or something like that i don't know why isn't corn yeah he thinks there's a store or there used to be a store not far from here we're gonna have to google it and we'll clamp the back and i'll show it later but that is a great token paul it's probably half dollar size excellent job way to go man thank you there's a beautiful lake in the back of this property uh it's a man-made lake but it's about 200 years old or so and floating around if you can see it is a huge carp nobody fishes around here so he has nothing to worry about no natural predators doug that carp's probably about three and a half feet long he's massive but that's cool i wonder if there's more of them in there what are you measuring them with the billy bob uh that ain't three and a half feet stuck come on they're allowed to embellish when it comes to fish yeah when it comes to fish you're allowed to embellish 25 remember the story you told me doug about the one of course that got away that would have been a world record everyone's allowed to embellish when it comes to the fact that he's gonna become a world record everyone's allowed you know what you're right doug i think he's closer to six feet long think it's a striper all right we're walking back to the car we're getting ready to wrap it up for the day and doug was digging for a long time and y'all that copper he called paul over too how deep was it doug it's about seven inches it was all the way at the bottom of this hole i just plucked it out with the lesh there it is oh i do see it did you get paul bunch of lemons walnuts smell good though oh it does it smells like lemons too i'm gonna hang on my car as an air freshener that could be something good though cause i thought i saw something interesting i thought i thought i did oh no it's britannia i see her it was upside down really it's got a lot of detail doug does it yep let me see if i can see a date i couldn't tell i think it says 1754. wow so it's going to wind up being a kg2 i think hold on it was ringing up 24-31 yep kg2 doug okay you've got a lot of detail on it oh good use your thumbnail well i'll let that clean i just wanted to kind of show people at home i say at home what if they're not at home they're what they're watching from like a restaurant well they shouldn't be watching on the road yeah but they could be at a restaurant or they could be they would be watching if that's a beautiful one doug kg2 1750-something way to go all right you can't show it to you right there can you see her no i oh yeah yeah i see michael do you have my glasses uh yeah do you mind i left mine in the car are you kidding me dog there you go baby every day you gotta get a good shot of this okay just for well if you forget your glasses you got to be shamed i don't mind what that mean either yeah oh that does look good on you look at that beautiful see that's what i'm saying both sides a lot of detail oh yeah g2 for sure just a little bit of rubbing with my finger i was able to see the date so when you get home and clean it you know properly you're going to be really pleased with that one as the british would say give it a proper cleaning right uh yeah as a matter of fact i can see george's nose is running a little is it all right well i'll see that i'm telling you incredible detail well hey way to go doug on the way out by this beautiful 1700s house that never fails us we've probably been here two dozen times it always produces something we always get a couple buttons maybe a coin or so i got some nice square nails today but uh way to go brother that was worth the ride beggars can't be choosers well i think we're officially done for the day came back to the cars and uh getting ready to get on out of here paul cleaned up that cool token he got it says 50th anniversary 1854 to 1914 and the name at the bottom is wheatson corn we looked him up it's a store that's still around in pottstown pennsylvania they sell like high-end men's clothing and shoes and stuff and here is a tailored suits and here's the back bring this coin as appreciation of your patronage and save 10 percent on your next order and on the side it says at the bottom it says not oh november 21st to december 5th i guess only that small window uh i'm guessing back in 1914 so it's safe to say it's expired yeah i think it's expired between those dates this year and try to get 10 percent there's no it it was in my sock drawer can i get that 10 that's a heck of a good find paul one of the best tokens i've seen in a while handsome guy on the front too he kind of looks like paul well there it is guys we started off at that old colonial farm outside of the burial plot trying to find something we could link to that old revoir soldier did we do it well it's kind of hard to say we did find some early 1800s buttons and square nails and musket balls but could we link that directly to daniel the fallen revoir soldier probably not i got that really cool 1832 classic had half cent daniel had already passed but his wife maria was still alive in fact she died the year that classic half cent was made could she have held that in her hand yeah it's unlikely but it's possible i think our best bet may have been the pair of early eyeglasses that charlie found those are period they go back to the 1700s could have been war by daniel the red war soldier or maria will never know for sure i'm going to have to speculate on the spectacles but it is possible and our closest link to that family we found in the day so who knows we're just gonna have to hope and then we finished at our go-to house where paul had that really cool 50th anniversary token of that store and the token's 107 years old that store's been around for 170 years that's crazy and it cleaned up great and then doug with a really nice king george the second large scent 1750 something i forget what it was finish the day strong and that's what it's all about and of course if you guys want to have a strong finish you need a strong start and to get a strong start you're going to need a metal detector just shoot me an email quarter hoarder yahoo.com let me know what your budget is what you're looking for where you live where you're going to be hunting i'll pick out the best machine for your money so you can go out and find some of the incredible things like we do every single week i'm telling you you're going to love it it's a hobby of champions otherwise thanks for watching everybody happy hunting and i'll see you on the next one later [Music]
Channel: Quarter Hoarder
Views: 535,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, silver, silver coins, Garrett, Garrett AT Pro, Coin collecting, Coins, digger, Treasure, Treasure hunting, Treasure Hunter, minelab, metal detector, Gold, Gold coins, Antiques, Sterling, Sterling Silver, Digging for Treasure, Metal Detecting Video, Buried Treasure, Curse Oak Island, Equinox, Diggers, Detectorists, Finds, Relics, Artifacts, History, Nokta Makro, Banana, Explorer, Adventure, Colonial Coins, Old Coins
Id: FBW8moVc0ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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