5 important BEACH Detecting tips!

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[Music] greetings my friends how the devil are you okay then so continuing our series of fives today we're going to look at five important beach metal detecting tips that you need to know so as normal um with these videos we want to evoke community spirit and by doing that if you have any other ideas other than the ones i've mentioned please mention them in the description below because it honestly it really does help people out and it's really good for our algorithms as well i know for a fact there's going to be some that i've missed here i planned these and i pondered them quite thoroughly but i know that the sign comes anyway let's let's let's just crack on shall we [Music] okay important beach metal detecting tip number one is metal detecting after storms is best so this of course leads us to um preferring winter months because what happens is what a storm will do is the the violence of the waves is just going to bring loads of stuff in it's going to strip away the beach so we're going to lose our depth okay so we're going to gain more depth in effect and it's just going to bring up more fines it's going to pull this it just changes everything it's like it's typically like like a season it's it's regrowth you know so you can get a beach and the beach can become quite stagnant and stale and you've detected it you know you've done it in the summer months when the you know the waves are really really chilled out and mellow they don't make any changes a winter storm comes in and brang everything just gets moved around all over the place and huge parts of the beach get stripped off and you get really far down to the old finds yeah the stuff that you've had hasn't been detected for years that's where the good stuff is so number one is detecting after storms is best this is a really good example actually severe you see these rocks this rock pile these were all scattered flats all around this area we had a massive storm yesterday and they've just been violently all pushed up there tip number two is related these are all related because it's the beach but tip number two is related to tip number one and that is quite simply know your beach if i was to go to a new beach and start metal detecting i know nothing about that beach i see sand i see shingle i see pebbles um i don't know what the levels are i don't know if that's a low beach or a high beach as in has a storm come along stripped everything away now i'm looking at six foot down from what it was a week ago because they're the changes you're looking at my beach will change there's a part of it i kid you not it will go down six foot it will go down my height okay so a storm will come in and strip everything away that's how deep you're going it but even a typical storm you're gonna lose one two three four five foot so to know your beach to understand your beach it's good to get some sort of visual representation go there one day look at your shingle in your sand and everything and then look at is is there something which is visual like a pole coming out of the beach or a groin or a jetty or a part of a pier okay and then see at what point the beaches at that particular point come back next day and see if the sand has come up or gone down or the pebbles or the shingle have come up or come down keep an eye on that and you will notice through time that it will slowly start moving it will either be a lot more a storm could do that because it will redistribute things to that place rather than another place on the beach where it's taken from okay or it's going to diminish and it's going to come right down so it's really really important that you know your beach i've watched a guy and he does it all the time in a beach near me and he'll just put up in his van he'll get out and he'll go down he looks at this particular point there's a little concrete slab he looks at it and whatever his decision may be he'll go get his metal detector or get in his van and he'll drive off because everything goes on that concrete slab that's his marker and he knows if it's worth bothering wasting his time or not so knowing your beach is absolutely priceless trust me [Music] the third tip is that wet sand is better for a heavier fines and b conductivity of your metal detector um a beach is at a slight angle like that right and what tends to happen through time is the heavier fines your rings and things like that will go under and then they'll pop back up on the wet part of the beach again yeah so come down and pop back up also there's less chance of them getting pushed back like there is light coins like pennies and tempes and whatever your denomination is in the world because they're heavier yeah so a normal tide will bring back in light coins but that heavy stuff is going to stay down there and what happens is yep you've got your slight decline in incline and it will come up and they pop up down there so although you're not going to get as many fines down in the wet sand the most profitable finds that being jewelry will always pop up down there it also pops up on the dry stuff as well of course but it tends to come down and it tends to come up it could be a real lonely boring process down there because you're not going to get so many coins as i've just mentioned but it's worth doing it because that's where the good stuff is also when that tie comes out where the swimmers are gonna have lost things it's where beavers and paddlers and you know people like that that's gonna be around that area so as far back as you can go is where the better finds are gonna be and in stark contradiction to that last point uh our fourth point is to detect the dry on after a busy day it's it's um it's the first thing everybody goes for it's the first thing everybody presumes where the fines are gonna be and it's where you're gonna get your phones and still gonna get jewelry um it's where you're gonna get coins where people have been sitting on a hot and sunny day that's where you're gonna get the yeah the the that's the easiest place to find anything whilst metal detecting um but it's kind of cool to what i like to do is start on the dry go out with the tide do the tideline and keep on doing it downwards until you're at the low tide takes a long time obviously but that's a really really good and effective day metal detecting i have literally just thought of another one i knew that i would i knew this was going to happen when i thought when i turn that camera on i'm going to think of a blooming another one this isn't it this is the fifth and final one um that is detect the cut so waves will come in okay and they will create a cut now that cut is either going to be really mellow or it's going to be really severe if the cut is severe detect the bottom of it because all of the coins and bits and bobs fall down and they congregate down this bottom part and detect the top of it because cuts are where people sit yeah they go around like this and there's just a nice concave shape and people like to just sit there and look out and see if it's flat and the cuts flat it's not really worth doing and the cut is basically giving you more depth again again violent waves have come in and they've created this cut yeah they've created this nice concave shape so go down the bottom of that because that's where that's where the older things are gonna get and as i said things just trickle down and the sixth point stick that in stick this in here uh is rock pools of course rock pools any congregation area that is you've got a flat beach and then there's a divot of some type where water is congregated that's where you want to be because it's a catchment area basically but things just go in there and get caught i can't come back out again but also more interestingly um when parents are playing with their kids and they get sand all over their hands then they tend to wash it off in the rock pools if the seas all the way down there just wash it from rock pools obviously the cold water will cause um uh your skin to constrict yeah and then that's when it brings fall off and there is a further point to this video and that is one of integrity i think um and this is a completely personal thing but it it's it's this is just who i am and lots of people are gonna laugh at me for this but i do try and find the owners of uh jewelry when i do find it sometimes it's impossible and you're good to go then but if there's a name inscribed in a wedding ring you know or i found the pendant with a young girl that died and i managed to find the owner he was a famous actor i just did a little bit of research on that you can watch that video up there actually it feels really really good to reunite somebody with uh a bit of jewelry which might be so personal to them you know it could be worth a underquit in the shop but to them it's just it's it's it's cool it's cool but anyway that's just a just an afterthought you know you can come to your decisions we do live in a free society after all anyway i hope they helped you in some way or were cause for ponderation my friends um again if you have pondered upon this video and you've come to some sort of excellent genius conclusion please do put it in the comments below it's really appreciated thank you for watching and we will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Joan Allen Metal Detectors
Views: 48,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _NwS7wmU7Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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