Avengers vs X Men Full Story (Comics Explained)

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okay so I was wanting to do like math factions run of Iron Man that starts with believe and goes through like the secret origin of Tony Stark and like the introduction of Arno Stark and different things like that but the more I thought about it the more I realized that a lot of that comes out of Avengers versus X-men and then the more I thought about Avengers vs X-Men the more I realized that a lot of stuff comes out of Avengers versus X-men really everything that leads up to like Secret Wars really comes out of Avengers vs X-Men um a lot of the stories with characters that are just kind of you know wrapping up or you know Loose Ends different things like that but even within the story of Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers for example the animosity between Black Panther and uh name or the Submariner is rooted in Avengers vs X-Men and so because of that I was like well I mean we could it's 12 issues we can just do it in two videos and then just call it a day so I figured why not do Avengers versus X-men you know I mean it's called Avengers versus X-Men so uh so here's the deal really a lot of this winds back all the way to a House of M ego Raptor if you see this video hopefully this helps for those of you guys who don't know uh Egoraptor who's part of Game Grumps had a big question about what to read after House of M with regards to the X-Men and Marvel did not make it easy I mean they released like seven different X-Men Publications it was stupid but following the events of House of M that story in and of itself was just designed for the purpose of really kind of reducing the mutant population but what Marvel had under their belt after that were just like a Litany of different stories that writers were creating and all of this led up to Avengers and I guess Avengers versus X-men and so there's like four main things really with regards to the X-Men themselves because they're the main focus here there's like four main things that come out of this story the first is Cyclops the second is Charles Xavier the third is the mutant population and the fourth is Hope Summers so starting with hope uh she's really kind of like the big picture character here after House of am the mutant population was down to like 198 and it was really designed for the purpose of just kind of offering some measure of a clean slate which is say the mutant population had grown to be so huge and so unruly that editor-in-chief Joe Casada was like let's just reduce it down to an almost minuscule number and then just kind of start over focus on the core X-Man that we have and then just kind of grow it organically from there the problem is that there were so many events going on that Marvel never really had a chance to sit down and let the X-Men breathe instead we got House of M and then we were immediately followed by Civil War where the X-Men were just hands off and then we were immediately followed by secret Invasion and then dark rain and then Siege and then fear itself and there were just all these stories that were going on that Marvel never really had a chance to let the X-Men breathe properly because they had to constantly roll them over into these stories and so no one could sit down and really do any great storytelling with the X-Men themselves but there were a handful of stories that are important there's really only three that are really significant with a character of Hope Summers the first is Masai complex the second is uh is a messiah War and the third is second coming and with these three stories what they did is they basically introduced the character of Hope and Marvel kind of teased this idea of well oh you know Hope Summers she might be the next Jean Gray you know that kind of thing but the idea was that she would be the host of The Phoenix Force but regardless whether she was the host or not she was going to be the way in which the new birth of mutants began to crop up the problem is that never really happened Marvel didn't do anything with her character she just kind of sat on the back burner for years and years and years and years and it got to the point that by the time Avengers vs X-Men came around people were just like why is Hope Summers still here now with regards to to Cyclops his character had become more and more extreme over the years and the reason why was because again coming out of House of M Charles Xavier was gone nobody knew where he went to you know the Scarlet Witch said no more mutants reality returned to a state of normalcy minus the mutant population you know being as large as it was and Charles Xavier had vanished and so in his absence Cyclops and Emma Frost took over control of the X-Men now Professor X did come back in a story called X-Men deadly Genesis and that introduced like Vulcan the third Summer's brother so on and so forth but it introduced a lot of uh a lot of the actions that Charles Xavier had done that he had kept hidden over the years and the result was that uh Cyclops and Emma Frost more or less lost faith in him and so they literally would not allow him to be leader of the X-Men instead they took over and they said you could be you can be an advisor and that's it and so Xavier just kind of sat on the back burner and that was really it and again the other part of this being the mutant population with it being so small the idea was to bring it back somewhere along the line to begin regrowing or I guess you know restoring the median population and so with Avengers versus X-men this really does a lot of that especially once we get to the end you know with regards to Charles Xavier the Phoenix force that kind of a thing but the crazy thing about this is that the arrival of the Phoenix force it really comes with the arrival of Nova of Sam Alexander now the crazy thing about this is I want to say there was something called there was a Marvel infinite comic which is basically like their digital only series uh and it was really just like Sam Alexander trying just trying to outrun the Phoenix Force as it was making its way back to Earth in order to warn The Avengers uh really the superhero community of what was gonna happen and ultimately nobody could really you know he wasn't able to make it in time in the Phoenix more or less just kind of makes its presence known now with regards to like Tony Stark and Captain America becoming aware of the fact that the Phoenix is returning this is huge and the reason why is because in the eyes of them as well as virtually anybody else who was there when Jean Gray was the Phoenix their first thought is whoever the host of The Phoenix force is going to be is going to go awry now through their own studies through their involvement with the X-Men and so on they know the host of The Phoenix is going to be Hope Summers and therein lies the Crux of Avengers vs X-Men it's really just a battle for Hope Summers that's making her as important as she's ever going to be in the line of Marvel Comics but with regards to their stance on the Phoenix for those of you guys who aren't really familiar with this idea in Marvel Comics The Way It originally played out is that Jean Gray was a character that just no one really cared about and the original X-Men comic she was quite literally the quintessential Damsel in Distress she could never you know get through training sessions on her own Cyclops always had to rescue her the team always had to step in to save her life because she'd just never do anything worthwhile when Chris Claremont took over the X-Men he was like that depiction of that character sucks we're gonna make her cool and so because of that they introduced the Phoenix Force Jean Gray became the Phoenix which gave her just these god-like Powers but the idea was the longer the Phoenix posed as Jean Gray the more the Phoenix began to experience emotions anger rage love all that kind of good stuff and so because of that the Phoenix became corrupted by emotion and in doing so became the dark Phoenix and so because of you know because she was a dark Phoenix gene or I guess the Phoenix posing as Gene presented an incredible threat to not just Earth but the universe as a whole because remember the Phoenix Force represents the sum total of all life that has and will ever exist in the Marvel Multiverse not just the universe but the Multiverse there's only one Phoenix Force throughout the Multiverse the Phoenix force will have avatars like the Phoenix can break itself off into pieces and then one piece can appear in the Ultimate Universe and one piece can appear in the main Marvel Universe and one piece can appear in Another Universe and different things like that but there's only ever one Phoenix force and so because of this with hope being so young and being so inexperienced the initial concern of Captain America in The Avengers is that if the Phoenix takes over her she's going to become the dark Phoenix it'll be the whole Jean Gray Saga all over again and it's going to lead to Absolute pandemonium now the other half of this equation is Cyclops himself now of course Cyclops here when the Avengers show up and the Avengers confront him it's really kind of a funny scenario because on the whole it's just the X-Men against the Avengers and really in the initial Skirmish of all this and once we actually get to about the Midway point is when things start to change but notice here you have guys like Magneto you have guys like name or the Submariner the reason why they're here is because of the fact that during the events of dark rain which was which followed secret Invasion when Tony Stark was kicked out as director of shield and Norman Osborne was put in his place Norman Osborne started implementing a campaign of world domination or really kind of dominating the United States and then intending to dominate the world but he created groups like The Dark Avengers like the dark X-Men different things like that which were basically villainous versions of popular superhero teams but the idea was that the X-Men would not play ball with Norman Osborne and because Norman only had control of the continental United States they left the continental United States and went to an island they called Utopia and so because of this the X-Men were joined by name of the Submariner who is is part mutant and rallied himself to his cause alongside Magneto in a handful of others who just saw Cyclops as a legitimate leader of the X-Men and were basically just kind of banding together because there were so few of them left it's really just circumstance that kind of brought them all together but the fact remains here that's the reason why they're here but with the X-Men showing up cyclops's stance is that there's only 200 of them left and hopes Summers may be the key to returning the Avera returning the mutant population back to where it should be they just say you know a whole new birth of mutants across the world and so in Cyclops Is Mine He's not the bad guy here and that's a crazy thing he's the good guy fighting on behalf of mutants who have yet to be born who have yet to regain their powers to have their ex genes activated or their ex genes given to them and then activated so of course this leads to the most logical scenario when the Avengers and the X-Men just start fighting one another now in truth there's really not a lot to be had here in terms of discussion I mean it's kind of cool to see you know to see these these guys going against one another but the ultimate goal is to get Hope Summers out of there to get Hope Summers to a different location so that she can be held safe away from the prying eyes of the Avengers themselves and the safety of the X-Men but this is really Marvel just kind of showcasing the different abilities of the people who were here I mean you know the abilities of Spider-Man going against some of the X-Men so on and so forth but it's also the idea that certain people have to choose sides namely Wolverine because remember following the Avengers disassembled story Wolverine was rolled over into the new Avengers team as it was formed by Captain America Iron Man alongside uh Spider-Man and a handful of others and so at this particular point in his character's chronology because this takes place before the death of Wolverine he serves as both an Avenger and an X-Man and so he's just kind of having to pick a side now the funny thing about this is that Marvel plays it pretty fast and loose with his character and has him walk both lines the closer the Phoenix Force gets to Earth the more in tune Hope Summers becomes with the Phoenix forces power and so in a lot of ways Wolverine having been in love with Jean Gray sees very much of her in hoped Summers especially the kind of power she possesses the emotions she displays that they get the better of her from time to time and so where Hope Summers basically just kind of incapacitates everyone who's guarding her and races off the other half of this is that another Avengers team has been sent into space in order to try to confront and stop the Phoenix Force before it gets to earth now again this is an impossible task the Phoenix force is just wildly powerful it's way too strong in fact the Phoenix force is so powerful that Marvel has yet to Define an actual power set for the Phoenix the Phoenix just has the ability to do whatever the host wants to do at any particular point in time that's basically the power of the Phoenix I mean the only real description we have was given to us in Grant Morrison's uh new X-Men I think it was uh yeah new X-Men where it was just like the Phoenix just heals universes or just like fixes problems quote unquote that's all it does like it just does whatever it needs to do and so it just has omniversal power it's it's insane what it is it is capable of and so the idea of the Avengers trying to stop it is absolute nonsense but at the end of the day where Hope Summers basically Goes On The Run Wolverine actually catches up to her and serves the purpose of essentially helping her achieve her goal which is to get to the moon and then in turn access the Phoenix Force now again the funny thing about this is the idea that Wolverine's kind of picking and choosing his allegiances I mean this initially came out of a fight between him and Captain America you know where Captain America is beating the absolute hell out of Wolverine Wolverines beating the absolute hell out of Captain America it's kind of ironic that's a pretty close fight because you wouldn't expect it to be especially with you know Wolverine's training and all these different forms of martial arts and so because of that it's kind of funny to see this event unfold but when Wolverines effectively cast out he tracks down Hope Summers and then helps her to get to the moon now of course with regards to this fight against the Phoenix it's really like this last man standing with Thor Thor is really like the last of the Avengers in space now the other Avengers Aren't Dead I mean they're very much alive it's just they can't fight anymore because they've more or less been incapacitated but the funny thing about this is that it's Marvel's showing us where the Phoenix Force stands in relation to a lot of the heroes that are out there because remember for a lot of people Avengers vs X-Men was their first exposure to the Phoenix Force they'd never read like Phoenix end song You Know they'd never read any of the Jean Gray Saga under uh Chris Claremont I mean they never read any of that stuff they have read about it online but they never actually read the stories and so because of that scene the Phoenix in full force is kind of interesting but something that I want to point out here is that as far as this story goes Matt fraction and really kind of like nerfed the phoenix like he made it pretty weak in comparison to how it's actually supposed to be I mean you're talking about a multiversal force of pure omnipotence I mean it is virtually Unstoppable and so the kind of things that we'll see playing out here is kind of ironic because a person in full capacity of the Phoenix Force which is to say the white Phoenix of the crown can warp reality on a universal and multiversal scale they could just reform anything as they wanted as they wanted to be which kind of begs the question where does the Phoenix reside in terms of all the powerful entities that are out there and that's a video for another time we did that once before but we kind of have to change things up since new characters have been introduced and different things like that but the fact remains here that with regards to the Avengers trying to track down Hope Summers trying to find her location all of them basically deduce the fact that she's heading to the Moon you know where Wolverine is basically helping her get to an advanced idea mechanics tech station and then use basically use a shuttle in order to get them Moon once they get there this is kind of like this major conflict this final battle that takes place and the crazy thing about this is that it's like this last stand at the Alamo it's this last attempt to try to end the Phoenix now the other half of this is Tony Stark himself now once we get into Iron Man believe Matt fractions run this is the point that they're they're basically talking about when it comes to uh his actions and destroying the Phoenix this is really kind of what the uh what what that race I can't remember what they were called but what that race is referring to uh Stark basically manufactures or develops a massive suit designed for the purpose of effectively destroying the Phoenix forces life entity but even then that's why I say the Phoenix force is so powerful because it just represents life and so in truth in order for the Phoenix Force to truly be destroyed you would have to wipe out all things in existence I mean literally just like Wipe Out the entirety of the Multiverse with not a single scrap of energy left because if there's a single iota of energy that energy will become space and then it'll become Stars which in turn will form planets which will grow life and the Phoenix force will exist and so because of that you'd literally have to wipe out all things in existence which can't really happen and so because of that with the Phoenix Force finally emerging on the moon and making its presence known to Hope Summers the initial idea is that if it seizes control of her again it'll send her into a state of chaos because she's not emotionally ready to harness the full power of the Phoenix not even Jean Gray was and she was a full-grown woman now of course as time progressed with Gene's character she was able to kind of harness the Phoenix but she was nowhere near as powerful as she was during the original Phoenix Saga it was more or less like the Phoenix power would just manifest occasionally but it was reduced in Strife by quite a bit and so with Tony Stark basically attacking this Phoenix ultimately what it ends up doing is instead of destroying the Phoenix force it splits its energy into five pieces which go into name with a Submariner Emma Frost Cyclops Colossus and Magic Iliana Rasputin a Colossus little sister now why these particular five were chosen I have been I have not been able to find an interview that it gives any real measure of explain Nation it's just they were the ones who were just there I mean it's just really done for the sake of a sake of Storytelling but the cool thing about this is it begs the question of how bad are their motives are their motives really that bad in the first place because what we end up doing is we actually pick up 10 days after the Phoenix 5 are basically formed and we travel to the island of Utopia now what the Phoenix 5 have basically done is to use their powers to transform Utopia into this Utopia place now that's kind of the irony of it is because of the fact that with the namesake of Utopia when it was originally formed by the X-Men it was basically a Utopia of sorts that was designed to be kind of like a modern day version of genocia and what I mean here I know we're covering a lot of X-Men history here so bear with me but genocia uh was basically this place that existed for the purpose of being Magneto's own little home away from home uh it was Magneto's place to basically have a location where mutants could be free from Human oppression it was the country that was governed by mutants that was only for mutants now mutants could live elsewhere in the world if they wanted to but it was just one of those things where you pay your money and take your chances you live in New York folks are gonna hate hate you because you're a mutant if you live in San Francisco they're going to hate you because you're a mutant if you live in genocia you're going to live among your own kind now there's a whole backstory in terms of why Magneto got genocide in the first place and that kind of thing but junosha itself was destroyed in the first story arc of Grant Morrison's new X-Men that was basically called uh es for extinction and so because of that genocia was just this Wasteland and so if you read like House of M or really any of the modern X-Men stories before uh all new all different Marvel and you basically go and they show you the city of genocia that's why it's destroyed it was just never rebuilt instead of rebuilding it during the whole dark rain story Marvel just introduced Utopia and it was just like cyclops's version of Genosha more or less it was a safe haven for what was left of the X-Men now the fact remains here that Charles Xavier is effectively brought into the equation and this is one of the most important parts of the story and the reason why is because of the fact that Cyclops is the first and oldest student of Charles Xavier not necessarily an age but he's the oldest in terms of the people who have been part of Charles Xavier's life the longest he was the first student he's the one that really shared so many of Xavier's ideologies and that's one of the reasons why there were some people that loved Avengers versus X-men and there were some that hated Avengers vs X-Men now we'll get a little more into that discussion once we get into the death of Charles Xavier but the idea here is that what psychos basically says is your dream of a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants is exactly what I'm bringing to you like you've always wanted to see humans and mutants existing you've always wanted to see the world to be basically this giant Utopia that's exactly what we're doing here now the problem with this is that Cyclops is doing this at the edge of a gun he's doing this with a weapon he's basically pointing a gun at the heads of at the heads of everybody and saying if you don't do what I tell you to I'm gonna pull the trigger and so it's not really like a Utopia so much as it is just like an enlightened Monarch or an enlightened dictatorship the funny thing about this is that Hope Summers is being kept on the island itself and hopes and I guess you know really her kind of offering to be here it's really more of like hey you can be here if you want to but you can leave anytime you want now we're gonna find out it's actually one of those fake scenarios where she's really not allowed to leave but again this really just kind of shows The Stance of cyclone because what he does is he approaches her and says hey look the power of the Phoenix force is so seductive you know if I were to offer it to you what would be your answer and of course she says yes now of course Cyclops Yanks away and says but you're not ready for it and this is the contradictory nature of his character with absolute power or at least as they say absolute power corrupts absolutely that's exactly what's going on with Cyclops right now as well as the other Phoenix five they're being overcome by the power they possess and it makes sense because it's like a drug I mean imagine imagine for example tomorrow you woke up and realized that you could warp reality that with enough time you could you could train yourself to do that so you could go to like Best Buy and you could reach into your pocket and have as much money as you needed at that particular point in time or you could just not even need money you could just say you know what I want a big 4K TV and you just manifest it out of thin air imagine you had that kind of god-like power would you be willing to give it up would you be willing to let it go of course not I mean if you because because you would genuinely believe well I can keep it contained I can keep it controlled I can keep it from allowing the world to run amok but you can't see the future you don't know what's going to happen and it may very well lead to the to the destruction of yourself and everything that you hold dear and that's really what's what's kind of being played here with regards to Cyclops is he's losing himself and the power that he possesses and that's why it's so extreme that's why it's so intense is because of the fact that Cyclops himself was you know again the oldest student of Charles Xavier he followed Charles Xavier's ideologies of a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants and the extreme he was the one Champion the one guy that Xavier could always count on to uphold his ideologies with Cyclops falling so far so fast it's this idea that he's almost reaching the point that he's Beyond hope now he will reach that place he will reach that level that he's basically Beyond any real measure of redemption but what we end up doing here is we pick up with the Avengers because again their goal is to grab Hope Summers and their goal is to get her out of there because the stance of Cyclops and the other Phoenix I guess the other members of the Phoenix five is they're going to keep Hope Summers on Utopia they're going to train her on how to use her powers effectively so that when the time comes they will imbue her with the Phoenix force and she will become the new Phoenix and she'll basically be a harbinger of The Rebirth of mutants across the Earth well again from The Avengers standpoint it's only a matter of time before she becomes corrupted by that power and so what they do is they basically initiate a Halo jump now Halo jumps are kind of cool they seem kind of interesting I've never served in the military so I've never done one before and I never would but Halo stands for high altitude low open and what that means is you usually jump from like 30 000 feet but the idea is to jump from an extremely high altitude and then open at the very moment before really before you hit the bottom relatively speaking so that no one knows you're there and that's the idea to pull off here not under normal circumstances from what I understand where the halo jump you usually attach flares to yourself somewhere on your body like a foot or hand or something like that so people know where you are but in this instance they're not doing that because if they did anybody in Utopia would look up and say hey what are those flares doing falling from the sky and they would realize the Avengers are coming and so the funny thing about this is that it's also The Avengers not really underestimating but just taking their chances as best they can because Emma Frost is one of the Phoenix five she's an Omega Level telepath she these wildly powerful inter telepathic abilities you know with the Phoenix Powers she can read the minds of everyone on Earth at the same time without being phased in any form or fashion and so she knows the Avengers are coming she knows they're on their way but something that I want you to notice here is how manipulative she's going to become that's something I want you to keep in the back of your head because she's going to become a very significant and violent character but ultimately but Cyclops and Emma Frost making their presents ah they essentially just kind of show up to confront the Avengers but then the Avengers are met with the arrival of the Scarlet Witch now this is basically marveled as kind of reminding us hey look this Scarlet Witch is still pretty powerful but it's more so fear than it is legitimate power the Scarlet Witch is more powerful as herself she's more powerful than any one member of the Phoenix five but the Phoenix 5 are terrified of the Scarlet Witch because remember she's the one that said no more mutants and stripped everybody of their powers and so from from their perspective she's terrifying you know her power is Extreme and she can work reality in such a degree that she can just remove mutant powers from everyone then what could she do against the Phoenix now the important thing to keep in mind here is that the Scarlet Witch has been reduced in power she's not a House of M powerful anymore that was a moment in time that was it that was the the absolute Peak and height of her powers at this point she's still pretty strong in terms of what she can do but against the entirety of the Phoenix Force combined into one she doesn't stand a chance like she's just not that powerful you know really no one is and so what we end up doing here is of course with a Scarlet Witch effectively whisking Hope Summers away and allying herself with the Avengers what this does is it begins drawing lines in the sand and this is Marvel effectively prepping the second part of the story which is when a lot of the X-Men begin to defect away from the Phoenix 5 because of the aggressive and the intense actions that they begin to take towards the globe and everybody in it as a whole okay so with Avengers vs X-Men part two I haven't uploaded the the first video yet I'm kind of recording these back to back but it's kind of crazy because I'll record the first video the first the first segment and then I'll just be like people are gonna have questions about this or they're gonna have questions about that or something along those lines I try to predict what you guys are going to ask as best I can and then try to answer them as we get to the video but sometimes I just can't sometimes you guys just throw like these crazy questions you know like it's kind of funny like I'll be on Twitter sometimes and I'll just like tweet out to emergency awesome and just be like hey man like you had a really good video and then somebody would just be like who do you think would win in a fight and it's just kind of funny it's just kind of funny to me but uh but in any event the whole idea of Avengers versus X-men one of the major things this was designed to do was to really kind of throw into sharp relief how much more powerful The Avengers were than the X-Men because with the idea of the Phoenix 5 the Phoenix Force really just kind of like amplifies their powers in the extreme and so it's really kind of a crazy scenario because on the whole The Avengers have always been weaker than the X-Men but it was always designed to be that way the Avengers were always designed to have powers that were really more human than anything else I mean you did have Avengers with exotic abilities but for the most part like Thor or like the Incredible Hulk or really like the most powerful Avengers whereas with the X-Men you had characters like Vulcan who can manipulate any form of energy you you had characters like you know Charles Xavier who was this wildly powerful telepath you had people like you know Scarlet Witch For example who was an X-Men at one point who had the ability to warp reality I mean you have Franklin Richards who's a mutant that can warp reality I mean you have all different kinds of characters with these extreme levels of powers and so because of that the X-Men and the mutant population were always designed to be stronger now I wouldn't go as far as to say this was Marvel just kind of being like did The Avengers suck I don't really think that was the case I think it was really just kind of designed to show us how powerful a group of X-Men can be with the entirety of the Phoenix Force at their disposal and so really it's in a lot of ways it's just kind of like these hit and run tactics The Avengers really have no choice here now the other half of this is the idea that the Avengers are trying to think about it from a technological standpoint but the Phoenix force is Life Energy there's really no technology behind it the Phoenix force is not like a series of nanites that are just like running around and immerse themselves in flame and take on the form of Phoenix it's not that way it's the representation of Life Energy there is basically dealing with energy forces but the Avengers don't really have very many people on their side who can deal with that the most powerful two beings they have at the moment right now on the Avengers roster is Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange and their power only goes so far remember Doctor Strange's power was nerfed already I mean you had that whole story where you had classic Doctor Strange who could do virtually anything but he lost his gift from the uh the vashanti who gave him the various Magics that he could use he lost his connection with them when he refused to fight alongside them in a war in the dimensional plane and so once he regained his powers he only regained a fraction of the power he used to have and so he's not nearly as powerful as he used to be otherwise he could just end this right now he could just eliminate the Phoenix force and it would just be done and that would be it and so because of that there's a lot of folks here you know on The Avengers side who were dealing with it as best they can but they're just woefully outmatched they're just not quite capable and that's why we end up seeing things like Doctor Strange you know grabbing these little items like the enchantments of Icon that's where we have people like black panthers saying we have to consult Bass the panther God they're reaching for whatever they can they're they're just grasping at straws to try to find a way to defeat the Phoenix 5 and it really shows the desperation of the Avengers where they are right now because they really don't have a choice they're really doing the best they can with what they have and that's really about it now in terms of the manipulative nature of Emma Frost this really comes to fruition with regards to name one of the Submariner now the implication here is that the two of them are having an affair that the two of them are basically sleeping together now this is really just kind of given to us through the fact that they share a kiss that kind of thing but Emma Frost also says look Neil I know where they took one of our own I know where they took transonic a member of our group and she's being kept in wakanda now the reason why this is Emma Frost being so manipulative is because of the fact that she's basically going to lead to Neymar's destruction or really not death per se but him losing his his portion of the Phoenix Force but Emma Frost has always been this way Emma Frost has always been manipulative going all the way back to like you know really even before Graham Morrison's time on new X-Men really during Grant Morrison's timing and Chuck Dixon's time my new X-Men when Jean Gray walked in on a psychic Affair between Cyclops and Emma which kind of led to Jean Gray basically being forced out of the picture and Emma Frost and cyclops pairing up the fact remains here that Emma's always been that way now for a lot of especially women readers that was a refreshing thing because they looked at her as like an empowered chick right like she does whatever she needs to do in order to achieve her goal but the downside of this was that it made her look very vindictive and it made her look very Petty and so it really kind of took away from her accomplishments because of the road she took to get there but the fact remains that with regards to the whole you know tension between Black Panther and name of the Submariner this comes by way of the fact that Neymar attacks wakanda now it's not as though he just does this blindly I mean he does to a degree but Emma Frost was preying on the desire of Namor to engage in conflict and engage in war name was always been a very heavy-handed character when it came to like dealing with enemies in terms of you know Marvel Comics uh if somebody just strayed across Atlantis or even if they accidentally harmed somebody from Atlantis name of the Submariner was like film in prison and kill him and that was it that's just the way it was I mean there were no if ands or buts you know you harm somebody from Atlantis and you were done with all your living according to the name where the Submariner this is an extension of that belief system with an almost infinite amount of power and so with the kind of ability that he possesses he looks at Cyclops as a failure in a lot of ways because what namour says is This Is War if you're not with us you're against us and if you're against us you're in the way you chose your side and you knew what was coming sorry about your luck that's really just kind of the stance that he takes and so him attacking wakanda is the most natural progression of his character now the other half of this brings into the idea Kun loon now really mad for Action is just kind of like bringing some of the stuff that he did with regards to Iron Fist into the equation which is one of the reasons why we covered the Run of Iron Fist but there was a point in the history of Kun loon when one of the Iron Fists long before Danny Rand had basically faced uh faced against and staved off somebody who basically became a host for the Phoenix Force now there isn't a whole lot of expansion given there it's basically just saying this is one of the things that one of the many Iron Fists throughout the history of the Iron Fist mantle have done just one of the multitude of things that they've achieved but what it does is it brings loon in because it means they have experience with the Phoenix none of them have become a phoenix entity but they have experience with it on how to train their uh their iron fists to cope with the Phoenix Force now at the end of the day Dany ran the Iron Fist going against any one of the Phoenix five is like throwing a rock at a train I mean it's not gonna do anything I mean it's it's comedic at best and all they can really do is just buy time and even then it's seconds maybe I mean he just doesn't stand a chance the Iron Fist is just nowhere near powerful enough but what this does do is it grants a reprieve for Hope Summers will reign and a handful of others to basically Retreat and then use kunloon as a base of operations because remember loon is in another dimension so you literally have to cross a dimensional barrier to get to kunler it's like that phrase from uh from Pirates of the Caribbean it's a place that cannot be found except by those who already know where it is but the fact remains here that with regards to wakanda the name of the submariner's actions here just lay waste to the city I mean he basically musters all of his forces and just brings them to Bear onto wakanda and just eradicates the entirety of the city killing tons of people in the process now this creates a blood a blood Vendetta between Black Panther and name of the Submariner and so when we get to Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers and we start referencing things like why it is a black panther hates a name of the Submariner so much we will point back to this story so you guys can see what it is that we're talking about now with regards to name of the Submariner effectively being defeated he loses his portion of the Phoenix Force but what we end up finding out here is that when one member of the Phoenix 5 loses their their connection to the Phoenix Force the remainder of the Phoenix Force so I guess that portion spreads throughout the remainder of those individuals who were bonded to the Phoenix and so because of this what it does is it sets the seeds for a civil war between the remainder of the Phoenix five really the Phoenix four now because they're all imbued with name of the submariner's power and so the idea in all of their minds of the idea in the mind of Cyclops and the mind of Emma Frost the mind of Colossus the mind of Ileana Rasputin is if everybody else dies or everybody else loses their connection they'll be basically maintain the totality of the Phoenix force and so what it does is just kind of make this race to bring all the others down and so because of this we end up picking up like eight days after the you know basically the fall of name of the Submariner and what we end up finding out here is that using loon as a base of operations The Avengers are launching these attacks to basically go into the main Marvel Universe grab what other members of The Avengers they can and bring them back and so really the Phoenix five are really the I guess the Phoenix 4 at this point have just kind of taken over the earth I mean there's really no way for the Avengers to stand on their own now in the background of all this Hope Summers is basically being trained in a lot of the you know various forms of mysticism and martial arts available to loon now the funny thing about this is that like Kung Fu is not going to do her any good but the idea of her being trained in kung fu isn't about like kicks and punches and self-defense it's about her honing her soul coming to grips with who she is what she's about and getting a better understanding of herself and so because of that it makes her more in tune with her own powers gives her kind of like a spiritual piece which in turn will give her better access and a better understanding of her own powers and make her more formidable because in the end it all really comes down to her I mean right now the Avengers are in shambles I mean weather is Captain Britain which he never really mattered like Scarlet Witch Ant-Man Red Hulk She-Hulk Wolverine I mean they're all basically just being completely crushed with regards to you know Tony Stark everybody's doing all the research they can but in the end it doesn't matter it doesn't make a difference they're all basically being taken down and so what we end up doing is joining The Avengers you know is they basically make this you know another campaign into the main Marvel Universe but we end up finding that Ileana Rasputin uses her powers to basically command the forces of limbo and essentially brings in Hell on Earth now in the realm of Marvel Comics limbo is one of a multitude of Dimensions that are basically hell I mean you have a lot of those like you actually have the the dimension of Hell which is where Mephisto hangs out at him Mephisto is basically the devil in Marvel Comics but there's a lot of Dimensions that are filled with like fire and brimstone and demons and monsters and different things like that but limbo is a dimension that Ileana Rasputin has total control of and calls her own she's basically queen of that realm and so because of that when she brings it over to Earth most of the Avengers were able to get out in time but Spider-Man is really kind of like the last man left you know offering what little Solace he can offering what little safety he can while the Avengers rescue those who have been taken by the rest of the Phoenix four and so what is up happening is Spider-Man Actually manipulates the two of them and this is one of the coolest things here because in the renew year of our story from Secret Wars one of the things that Marvel established is that Spider-Man tells jokes for the purpose of throwing off his enemies whereas enemies are taking the situation seriously when it seems like Spider-Man's not taking them seriously it throws them off it keeps them off guard knocks them off bounds because they don't know what to expect it's like the classic Bruce Lee method of fighting right I mean you know don't clinch your fist until the moment of impact dance around always be on the Move Spider-Man is much the same way in terms of how he conducts himself but the way he does this is he preys on his knowledge of the defeat of name of the Submariner and begins talking to Ileana Rasputin and Colossus you know basically saying you guys are brother and sister do you guys really want to fight each other I mean why would you want to find each other because if one of you Falls the other will get you know that person's power and so what he does is he basically plants this little thought in their brains that if Colossus takes out magic or if magic takes out Colossus they'll gain the other's power and so at this point it's really just kind of feeding on their bloodlets feeding on their on their corruption and just kind of going from there just letting nature take its course and so things unfold exactly as we would expect it to when Ileana Rasputin and Colossus end up fighting one another and It ultimately results in both of them being defeated and the remainder of their power spreading to Emma Frost and cyclops and so because of this you know Cyclops effectively locates loon breaks into it with the intention of grabbing Hope Summers and bringing her back and so because of the stance that people like Emma Frost are taking where she's basically forcing mutants that are in Utopia in a subservience because Cyclops is becoming so extreme and willing to kill anyone who gets in his way ultimately Magneto begins to see himself and the two of them and that's what's so ironic here about this one of the reasons why Magneto's character was so cool during Avengers vs X-Men is because how we see Cyclops and Emma depicted here this is 1990s Magneto hell this is this is 1980s 1970s Magneto the guy who will do whatever it takes in order to keep mutants safe even if it means crushing and conquering the world and so because of this Magneto does the only thing he can do he basically walks out into the open and contacts Charles Xavier and says we need your help on this now Xavier was well aware of what was going on up to this point but he had always kind of been hands off he had always sort of stayed away from everything that was going on simply because of the fact that in his mind there had to be a peaceful way to bring cyclops back and he was really just kind of biting his time and waiting for that moment to talk Cyclops down and bring him back to his normal self before he was too far corrupted from the Phoenix's power but at the end of the day we also get a better understanding of Hope Summers powers in the sense that Hope Summers can basically duplicate the powers of others that whenever she's in a close proximity of her of a person she can copy their abilities now the cool thing about this is that she can do it with more than one so she's like Peter Petrelli from Hero season one before they nerfed his character and screwed him up and so because of that she's been basically a character who's just a living copycat of anybody else's powers which makes her wildly powerful because imagine that she was standing in close proximity to Emma Frost and Colossus Scarlet Witch or something like that she'd have all three of their powers she could use Emma Frost telepathy she could use Scarlet Witch's reality warping powers and she would have the organic metal skin of Colossus it's kind of crazy what it is that she can do and so what we end up doing is we basically jump back over to Captain America and this is really the Avengers in their most desperate hour because what we do is we join Captain America out in the middle of nowhere and Captain America is just beseeching some unknown person simply saying look we've exhausted every option we need every ounce of help that we can get I would not come here unless it was absolutely necessary but I absolutely need your help will you help me you have to have been seeing what was going on with the Avengers and the X-Men will you help me with this conflict and we ultimately end up finding out the person that Captain America is talking to is the Incredible Hulk now this is so cool and the reason why is because of the fact that after um after Greg Pack's run we ended up getting the Incredible Hulk by Jason Aaron but basically he just went into like a period of self-imposed Exile he just disappeared off the face of the planet for however long he just stayed hidden from everybody and so with the Incredible Hulk being brought in here this brings in a massive Powerhouse at the same time we also end up joining or traveling to Wisconsin and joining Rogue and Rogue basically joins The Avengers and what we end up finding out here is that Charles Xavier has effectively been going alongside the Avengers and mustering all these forces that are Avengers and X-Men related and so what this is designed to do is to show us that people have basically walked away from Cyclops and Emma Frost they've lost faith in them they've lost faith in their mission and that's really where it is that Cyclops and like Magneto began to stray that's where they really began to kind of part ways it's because historically speaking Magneto was always mutants first if there's any group that can count on me to to ensure their safety it will always be mutants everybody else is second best side Cyclops initially presented himself this way and that's why so many mutants rallied to his cause is because he showed up and said look we're going to turn this mutant island of Utopia we're going to turn it into a refuge for mutants but then ended up going you know from being this enlightened dictatorship turning into this totalitarian power-hungry regime and that's when mutants began to walk away especially those individuals who were looking at the at the Avengers and saying look we fought as friends once we'd like to fight his friends again because Cyclops and Emma Frost are beyond the point of control and so because of this we end up joining Xavier kind of entering into cyclops's mind and this is cool because it's a battle being fought on two fronts on one side it is Xavier in the mind of Cyclops more or less kind of talking to him offering some measure of distraction on the outside it is all the Avengers in these X-Men facing off against Cyclops so it was really kind of cool because it's just like Cyclops versus everyone and it's it's amazing to see because at the end of the day Emma Frost and cyclops are the last two standing and try as they might The Avengers just don't have the power to take both these guys out on their own because they're just so strong they're just so capable and so because of this you know in this moment of desperation in this hour of basically realizing he needs more power Cyclops turns against Emma Frost and in doing so basically incapacitates her and steals her portion of the Phoenix Force which basically transforms him into dark Phoenix now again this is the crazy thing here is because this shows us how far Cyclops has fallen and this was designed for the purpose of ushering and cyclops into a new era of taking Cyclops in a new direction to where he would be more extreme he would become like the classic Magneto but in a more extreme capacity so for those of you guys who are reading the stories or online reading different articles about how Cyclops has basically quote unquote gone evil this is the story that set the stage for that but the First Act he does with the totality of the Phoenix Force's Powers is kill Charles Xavier and this was really like him crossing a line that he can't come back from now the other half of this is that in some ways it is Marvel get giving Cyclops an out is basically Marvel saying this is what happens when a person becomes fully imbued with the power of the Phoenix Force they don't know how to control it they fall down the path of Darkness because it's so much power that they almost go completely insane and in some cases when they become the dark Phoenix they do lose their minds in their entirety and so this is really just like a last-ditch effort by everyone to try to Stave off and try to end the power of Cyclops once and for all and so what ends up happening here is Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch effectively team up to bring cyclops down now the cool thing about this is that it's also this idea that Cyclops recognizes how far it is that he's falling and it's really him just kind of recollecting on his own memories you know going back and looking at the times that he and Wolverine fought together looking at the times that he was a student of Xavier the death of Jean Gray you know these are moments that he looks back on and he begins to realize that he's effectively losing himself but the problem is that what's happening to Cyclops now is exactly what happened to Jean Gray corrupted by power not able to control it the Phoenix Force takes on a life of its own and so using a moment of distraction Pope Summers just kind of immerses you know through this fire looking like Jean Gray but in this brief second she takes the moment alongside uh alongside Scarlet Witch to basically take out Cyclops to beat him and then absorb the entirety of the Phoenix now the implication seems to be here that the Phoenix was always trying to find its way back to Hope Summers and it was just kind of doing so and so it seems like there was some measure of personal control by Cyclops over the Phoenix that he basically wouldn't let the Phoenix leave that seems to kind of be What's Happening Here the problem is that with this end of the story it just wraps up just like that it wraps up so fast and there's really not much in the way of a great ending here because it's just really kind of like well where do we go from here and what ends up happening is Hope Summers having been perfectly in tune with the Phoenix Force becomes the white Phoenix of the crown the problem with this and the reason why it doesn't make any sense is because Jean Gray was always billed to be the perfect host for the Phoenix which is why she became the white Phoenix of the crowd she and the Phoenix Force were effectively one in the same she was born to be a host for the Phoenix when she basically died quote unquote and joined the Phoenix force and became the white Phoenix of the crown she was going to be the one singular being that basically fixes what's broken in the universe whatever that happens to me whatever Marvel wants it to mean at any particular point in time with Hope Summers becoming the white Phoenix of the crown and Jean Gray nowhere in sight the question has to be asked what happened to Gene but before we even get an answer to that question before we ever find out what happens Scarlet Witch more or less just kind of approaches Hope Summers and says no you are never really meant to have the Phoenix force and she simply says no more Phoenix and the Phoenix force is destroyed and that's it and so it's a very anti-climactic and lackluster ending to what was otherwise an insanely great story but what comes out of the death of the Phoenix Force more or less is basically this emergence of mutants all over the world mutant Powers began cropping up and popping back up all over again so once the story really begins to wind down once it all basically begins to come to a close uh psycho is effectively taking taken prisoner by The Avengers because of the fact that he had killed Charles Xavier you know he's taken prisoner he's basically held in stasis but it sets the stage for him to effectively break out and then eventually go on to you know lead his own group of X-Men or you know more of like a rogue group and so on and then of course Hope Summers just kind of takes off into the sky to find her own place but again it's it's not the best ending I was really disappointed in the endings of the story because I kind of felt like Marvel wrote themselves into a hole and didn't know how to get out but in any event uh if you guys are new here to Comics explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the Rob cork if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you guys later peace [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 193,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers vs x men, black panther, black panther 2, black panther 2 trailer, black panther wakanda forever, black panther wakanda forever trailer reaction, comic books, comic explained, comics explained, comicsexplained, dc, dc comics, marvel comics, marvel comics explained, namor marvel, top comics, x men, x men vs avengers
Id: fpnwi-rQLLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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