DC vs Vampires - Full Story From Comicstorian

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DC versus vampires has a main storyline which explains how the vampires took over the world of DC and today we're going to be covering that it was a bright and sunny day as a bandaged man walked towards the Hall of Justice the man knew here would be dangerous but he has nowhere else to go the world needs their help he has met them before he hopes that they might remember him his name is Andrew Bennett and he comes now in this desperate hour he was forced to run too high to fight but now he fears it is all coming to an end one way or another he is alone he is afraid he vampire is being hunted just then Andrew senses a presence that begins to run into the street getting hit by a passing car people quickly run up to check if he's okay but the sun begins to touch his bear's skin and he begins to burn yelling for everyone to get back he tries to reach for his hat but soon he falls over as his entire body begins to burst into flames subtly those Flames are put out by a green light and Hal Jordan tells everyone hey it's all right we've all seen people spontaneously burst into flames before right just another day at the Hall of Justice after getting Andrew inside and secure Hal asks if he can hear him how is he feeling Andrew sits up yelling that he needs to speak with the Justice League the fate of the world is at stake pal tells him well unfortunately the rest of the Justice League is off Planet they'll be back in a day or two but what's going on Andrew just then Zan of the Wonder Twins walks in asking all right who is this guy Hal tells him to close the door explaining that the man is a vampire Zan yells out whoa really and Andrew asks what do you know of vampires Zan growls telling him oh you're all like Undead and creepy right Andrew says that he should be more specific what do they know of Mary Queen of blood she was your ex right and now the president of all vampires or something like that Mary is the vampire Elder she is the leader of the cult of blood of red moon and her wish is law among the vampires there is a delicate balance between man and vampire and that is because Mary Wills it vampires have kept their distance because that is what she wants but she has been murdered and the only thing holding back at the vampires from Total War is now gone Hal pauses did you kill her no I was actually hunting for her killer for weeks chasing leads into dead ends shaking anyone who might know anything and all of that led me to one place the Legion of Doom I snuck in to find out why she was killed and it seems that whoever killed Mary also murdered the Legion of Doom I Knew by the way they were all murdered that it was vampires Mary's death wasn't some random violent act to end a violent life it was to start a revolution it was a part of bigger plans the vampires want to make human Farms slaughterhouses there's a list of potential targets and allies I realize that their goal is the genocide of the human race as I realized all of this I stumbled over Lex Luthor and he wasn't dead he was almost dead and put up a good fight but in the end he gave me a vial of his blood requesting to be killed before being turned into a vampire one of the other vampires learned that Lex had managed to escape his cage and the alarm was sounded and I ran the Riddler stopped me asking why I was sneaking around so I took the syringe and I used it to fight the Riddler off and something in Lex's blood turned the Riddler to Ash Zan says that this all sounds important I should go get the others and Andrew pauses wait the Justice League is here a giant green hand then grabs Zan as Hal's eyes oh I wish you hadn't said that kid Andrew calls out traitor as he finds himself confined and Hal tells him that's a funny word coming from you sneaking in here to beg the humans to stop Our Kind from taking what is rightfully ours and no I didn't betray anyone I evolved the hand-holding Zan changes into a giant blender as Hal turns to Andrew you to him the Rope Holdings and snaps and he falls hitting the blades screaming turning the blender red Hal takes a cup of blood you know I usually prefer fresh blood but on a special occasion I don't mind a smoothie you want some no more for me then Andrew asks how is Hal able to go outside into the light without protection and so Hal explains that the sun produces multiple frequencies of light the ultraviolet light providing essential vitamins to human and literally feeding plants but it is quite deadly to vampires but his powers are based on light visible infrared ultra light and if he wills it his ring can control it and filter it away from him creating the very same light for him to use Hal begins to use this light to burn Andrew as if he was outside in the sun as he demands to know who else knows of this and Andrew in pain screams no all right thanks for being honest I'll make sure your death is quick and your skin begins to singe in black and as he yells out go to hell and as Hal drinks more of the Smoothie he tells them no need I'm bringing it here after his body is burned up Hal makes a call telling him that it is done had to take care of Zan as well no evidence and yes goodbye Master after cleaning up Aquaman walks and telling him hey Batman called a team meeting yeah sorry just washing up something didn't agree with me later that night Batman Returns home to the bat cave but as he gets out Alfred is already there to greet him and he says that he hates seeing him coming down here Alfred tells him that that may be true but this is a bit more important someone came by to see him he was bandaged head to toe and seemed rather nervous Alfred hands Batman the letter and as he reads it he realizes that it's a letter from Andrew explaining what was happening Alfred then holds up a syringe full of blood stating that the man also wanted to state that Lex Luthor might just saved the world the world speaks the name Anton Arcane and hushed Whispers to know him is to know no hope which begs the question who would dare sneak up on Anton Arcane the answer is simple you don't and Al Jordan doesn't care to be subtle as Anton tries to keep the vampiric hero at Bay Hal Jordan breaks through all of his curses and hex telling him your magic is strong maybe even the strongest that I've faced but as Hal rips out Anton arcane's Sabine he tells him but I'm afraid my will is much stronger a voice calls down to Hal telling him that they have a problem and he tells them that whatever it is he's going to handle it but the voice tells him that this problem has come to be because he failed to deal with the last problem Andrew Bennett was out in the wind for a week before we got a hold of him and we have no idea who he may have spoken to we need to assume that he told people about our plans Maybe they won't believe him but someone will talk and enough Whispers can turn into a roar we must keep any suspicions pointed away from us Hal we have to keep the superheroes distracted and distrustful of each other the last thing that we need is the wrong person figuring out who we are the next day Batgirl lays out in the sun when she sees Nightwing standing over her she tells him that he looks really good much different to see him in the daylight speaking of which why are the bat family being called out in the middle of the day Batman steps onto the balcony telling them what we're about to discuss must stay between us now come inside all of the bat family are gathered in the sun room of the Wayne Manor Alfred begins pouring tea for everyone and Batman tells them I was visited by Andrew Bennett recently here looking for the Batman I have no idea how Andrew Bennett knows of my identity but that wasn't the part that worried me there was a note left for me afterwards Andrew has seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth the contents of the letter claimed that the vampires are preparing to wage war on humanity and it seems the new leadership of vampires doesn't share the same belief that Mary Queen of blood believed however another concerning situation has risen up villain activity is down across the country which could mean that they too are targets for the vampires the fact of the matter is we have no idea who could be behind this the fact that after a week of investigating I don't even have a lead it's kind of disturbing Red Hood asks wait so anybody could be a vampire why are you trusting us and Batgirl looks at her cup he doesn't Damien throws his drink did you did you appointed us father Batman turns to everyone no I did not poison you all of your drinks were made with holy water if you were vampires it would have burned you likewise that is why we are meeting in the Sun from the UV light would also hurt you now with that out of the way there's something I'd like to show you he leads everyone down into the bat cave and after one more test of making everyone hold a cross he reveals their new weapon trees swords knives and sticks when asked if they're expected to kill Batman tells them you can't kill what's already dead but later that night over on the coastline Hal meets with the flash telling him that he needs to talk to him about something important please have a seat flash looks at the construct chair telling him well if you're gonna show off seconds later flash grabs several pieces of debris from the beach and makes a chair and the two sit down Hal tells him that what he's about to tell him is fate of the world end of all things bad this is going to decide who lives and who dies has he happened to speak to anyone recently Bruce or Clark flash tells him no he wants to know what they're talking about first Hal goes on explained that he wanted his friend there he wanted his best buddy alongside him in the upcoming War but as the construct chair grows Claws and grabs the Flash he informs him but my lord said that if you were turned it would cause a genocide you wouldn't drink the entire planet because of your metabolism and speed flash tries to vibrate to free himself but Hal tells him be still flash tells him this isn't you talking hell and Hal leans in yeah it is and with a snap the flash falls to the ground Hal tells him that he's so sorry he really did want to conquer the world with his friend as the league gathers around the beach where hell murdered flash Hal looks away asking who could have done this to Barry Wonder Woman tells him that they will find out whoever did this that she promises and Batman Begins to examine the body and Martian Manhunter asks if he has any theories yet Batman tells him none that I'm willing to share but Hal takes charge directing the others on where they should begin their investigations and as he looks towards Batman Batman tells him I know what to do don't worry as everyone leaves it Batman looks over to see the Wonder Twin jaina has stared off into the ocean Batman then takes to the sewers and as he works on his scans he tells jaina that she can come but more importantly why are you here you could be helping Wonder Woman or Superman they she stops him and tells him it's him isn't it you're looking for Zan down here please tell him you know about my brother after thinking for a moment Batman's size and tells her I believe the vampire Andrew Bennett came looking for help but he vanished right around the time your brother went to missing I found two sets of trace DNA in the Hall's infirmary someone clinked up but they were sloppy one set vampiric the other was alien the highest concentration were around the sink and in the pipes jaina looks at the water asking how can it be she could still feel him down there please let her help the next day on the surface of Gotham penguin Huffs as he runs through the streets telling a pack of vampires chasing him I'll hurt you if I must he trips falling flat on his face and he slides right to the feet of Zatanna she smiles oh you must be in a hurry and penguin yells I will pay you for your help I'm being chased by vampires the vampire sells zatana that they don't want any trouble but the Birdman is theirs he might be working with Lex Luthor he shouts out that this is a lie he hasn't spoken with Luther they just want to turn him into one of those blood-sucking fiends she sighs asking why is it that the sadder the little man is the more that he assumes that we want him to be one of us penguin realizes what she said turning what what are you she flashes her fangs sometimes a girl just wants to eat some junk food later that night at Flash's crime scene Wonder Woman looks for Clues on the beach when she feels how approaching her from behind she tells him hello and he asks if everything's okay she tells him that their friend died yesterday no everything is not okay but there is something that she hasn't noticed he seems to have gotten over it rather quickly he was referring to Barry in the past tense she keeps speaking of him as if he's coming back house as well Barry always had a crush on you everyone does including me losing Barry made me realize that the thing we're looking for is sometimes right in front front of us the whole time she turns back to Hal wrapping him up with the lasso I was thinking the same thing he last showing his fangs telling her being a vampire is quite wonderful I thought I understood power when I got my ring but she pulls on the lasso you killed Barry he was your friend I was having a hard time believing I lost one friend today but now I know I've lost two he leans forward looking into Wonder Woman's eyes I'm so sorry you feel that way but you didn't lose me in fact I want to bring you to the other side she tries to move but feels her body freeze to the vampiric Gaze how are you doing this and Hal tells her hypnosis isn't lying it's speaking to your vulnerability Hal presses his fangs against Wonder Woman's neck telling her welcome to the new world meanwhile back over in Gotham Black Canary looks at penguin's dead body when someone in the shadows asks why is she here she tells the voice that she's examining a dead gangster what are you doing here Robin he steps out telling her that the vampires are hunting all over the city and he's putting a stop to it but then he finds her standing over a dead body where's Green Arrow been recently she laughs telling him that she doesn't remember but it seems that they're both a little suspicious of each other she knows a way to settle this and he won't like it the Jew immediately begin to fight but through the punches and the kicks Black Canary sticks Damien with something what's that hell did you put in me Black Canary holds up a vial of his blood stating it's what I took out of you after I test this I'll come and find you little Robin wait so you're not a vampire she kicks him down nope and I'm hoping you're not either meanwhile back with Batman and Jaina jaina leads Batman to where she feels the strongest connection to her brother telling Batman that this is it he puts on his rebreather jumping into the water in a few moments later resurfaces handing Janna a severed finger I'm sorry but this is all I could find she screams asking who did this who could have done this to her brother Batman looks at the finger telling her bone is hard to cut through even the strongest metal blade leaves particle fragments along the cut but there aren't any here the blade was in metal it was made out of hard light later the sun rises over a deserted truck stop and a voice asks Black Canary for the password which she promptly tells the person inside to shut up Arsenal pulls out his bow telling her I'm not supposed to let anyone in who doesn't know the password and she tells them that she had turned she still remember the password Green Arrow then steps out telling her it's fine half the time I don't remember the password either so what's it like up there she tells them well the good news is that his theory about penguin as a vampire was wrong the bad news is she knows because the vampires killed him she also ran into Robin the little one she isn't sure if he was turned but he was acting weird green arrow tells her well that's not an act that kid is weird Black Canary holds up a handful of syringes telling him that well they could find out for sure but Green Arrow says that if Batman turned he's smart enough to beat any test they'd have at this point they don't trust any of his people no matter what they find back over the Hall of Justice an emergency meeting is called everyone gathers around but Superman notices even though everyone is called Batman is not present Wonder Woman walks in stating that's because Batman was not alerted Hal and I found evidence that Batman killed Barry Allen meanwhile over in a dark quiet Pub and the docklands of London John Constantine tells the bartender that if they're going to just keep pouring like that just leave the bloody bottle always griping how nobody ever comes in here but they're serving drinks like a nun stealing sip set a Sacrament but behind him zatana laughs asking if he's making friends and Constantine takes a drag of a cigarette asking what is a fine magician like yourself doing in such a dump she tells him that she's looking for the man who likes to drink in a dump and Constantine tells her well you found me pull up a stool she Whispers actually she was wondering if maybe they could go somewhere a bit more private as the two step into the back room constantly begins to open the bar counter to get another drink and just as Zatanna shows her fangs Constantine waves his hand binding her in place Constantine asks we can just skip the whole biting part she yells at him asking how did you know give me some credits how long have we known each other Z but with another wave of his handy freezer and zatana asks you're not going to kill me he tells her that she's already dead besides as she may have noticed he's got a real lack of people who will sit and listen to him gripe so what's it like being dead meanwhile over at the Bat Cave Batman Combs through his records trying to collect as many blood samples as he can when he notices something in the shadows as he Trails off Alfred asks if everything's all right did Batman tells him yes I just remembered it might rain oh I see now Batman presses a button and the entire cave goes dark except for the screens on the computer he stands up in a green arrow shoots through his back with green arrows stepping out asking I'm sorry it had to come to this bats I wasn't too eager to go toe-to-toe with you not that I couldn't however as Green Arrow gets closer to Batman he finds that he just shot a mannequin oh oh this is bad Batman charges and punching him you came for me in my own home the two go back and forth exchanging punches back and forth until Green Arrow shoots Batman with a water arrow telling him you could burn it hell Batman then throws him tackling green arrow to the ground I thought you'd be harder to manage a green arrow tells them screw you too Batman pulls at his stake and presses it towards Green Arrow's chest asking what was in the water Green Arrow tells him it was holy water are you trying to stake me they both then come to the real nation that neither of them are vampires back over in London Constantine and zatana continue their friendly chat with suddenly Dr Fate appears yelling you must be on your guard she has one of them Constantine as the tunnel launches herself at fate Constantine waves his arms binding her again stating we can't have that as the Tada asks why Dr Fate obliterates her and Constantine shouts asking was that Bloody necessary she was our friend Dr Faye says that the Vampire Kingdom is marching to war the very fate of the world is at stake Constantine grabs his drink yeah yeah when isn't it back at the Batcave green arrow goes over his findings telling Batman that he is hearing whispers and rumors that have all pointed to a hero being turned and not to be an ass or anything but there is only one hero that goes out at night dresses up like a bat and lives in caves Batman laughs you were gonna murder me on a hunch I have uh other sources sources I'm not going to be sharing your suspicions are half right they did turn a hero but it's not me they killed Barry granero asks well what do we do now and Batman Begins to share his findings on Hal Jordan the two begin to go through different villains who may have been turned or otherwise killed but Batman stops for a moment stating I need to know something we might have to kill someone that we care about can you do that green arrows tells him to ask him when the time comes just then the alarm goes off and as the two quickly suit up Wonder Woman walks in telling them we all need to talk greniera lets out a sigh of relief thank God we have some horrible news that but Batman interrupts him why did you come here we know what happened to Barry and it's not your fault Bruce Green Arrow tries to explain it there's a misunderstanding but Batman tells him she knows and he reaches for his Stakes suddenly Hal appears from the Shadows catching the stakes telling him you may have dropped these Green Arrow defends himself from Wonder Woman asking what is going on this is Diana what are we doing and Batman tells him she's one of them Green Arrow asks to be sure because he's shooting at her another alarm then goes off and green arrow asks said what does that one mean bad things before Green Arrow could finish asking how bad Superman and the rest of the league crash in with Superman telling everyone alright alright just calm down Batman turns to him are you here for us or them we're going to help both of you Batman braces himself asking Green Arrow do you remember what I asked earlier it's time with the Justice League coming to find Batman he and green arrow stand so rounded as their friends all suspect Batman may have been bitten and is the vampire a brawl begins to break out Batman and Green Arrow versus the justice league with green arrow asking what is the plan here Batman tells him shoot Arrow gross and green arrow is baffled because he could have come up with that plan Wonder Woman's swings telling Batman that deep down he knows what he did to Barry Allen was wrong so just stop fighting while this is going on Green Arrow is letting loose several arrows at cyborg who's trying to tell him that he can help but Green Arrow doesn't buy it as he doesn't intend to becoming a freak like him and wait just to clarify I mean your vampire thing not your cyborg thing you know we're all cool with you being the signboard Batman Dodges Wonder Woman with Superman grabbing a hold of him telling him we can help Bruce there's no way you can win this thing Batman struggles against that though yes I can and as he presses a switch on a false tooth Batman blows out a mist of kryptonite that stuns Superman long enough to punch him in the back as Batman and Green Arrow get back up cyborg begins to yell for everyone to stop enough be cool just be cool we can work through this as long as we just talk we all know that you're sick Batman it's an infection and we can cure it but Batman tells him no you can't I didn't kill Barry Allen how Jordan did HAL shout he's lying but Batman goes on telling him I don't know who else he has turned other than Diana but if any of you aren't infected you're on the wrong side cyborg stops him do you have any evidence to support this just plug into my computer and you can see for yourself after a moment of hesitation cyborg plugs into the bat computer and the moment that he does the computer delivers an electrical shock powerful enough to knock out power to the city with the cave now pitch black green arrow Whispers did we just fry the guy on our side assume no one's on our side seconds pass and then there's a glow of green light as Hal lights up the area come out you can't hide forever Batman he turns as he spots Batman hiding behind several boxes then a bright yellow explosion goes off destroying the green construct that Hal was making knocking him back what the hell was that Batman explains it was a synthetic rapid degrading fine silicon powder 130858 it will neutralize Hal's powers do you have your arrows ready Green Arrow pauses for a moment spinning out from the corner sorry I gotta do this and he fires the arrow into Hal's shoulder Hal leans back you miss the heart and Batman Chimes up Green Arrow doesn't miss and green arrow tells him yeah well it's Hal what if we made a mistake I don't make mistakes Green Arrow sends out another arrow but this time Martian Manhunter catches it we can end this we just but at that moment the arrow ignites creating a small flame which puts Martian Manhunter into a panic Batman pushes forward cornering him into the teleporter he sends Martian Manhunter out into space and then breaks the controls to stop him from returning Green Arrow asks Batman if you had a teleporter why haven't we used that yet because we're not finished here yet at that moment Hawk Girl flies and Swinging traitors but as she passes Green Arrow fires an arrow into her shoulder we know you're one of the good ones so we're gonna be writing a lot of apology notes when this is over but everyone taking out all that is left is Wonder Woman and green arrow tells her that it's two on one stand down you can't win Diana she laughs well obviously not Green Arrow says as he's loading up his next Arrow Wonder Woman deflects it and then grabs a hold of Batman he slams a jar of holy water into her face to free himself her face begins to burn as she shouts holy water you coward Hawker girl sits back up wait you really are a vampire and Wonder Woman kneels down grabbing her why yes I am now join me as she begins to bite into Hawkgirl a broken Batman gets up charging in with a stake but it shatters as it hits Wonder Woman's chest you're not strong enough after breaking his arm Wonder Woman lets him know that she will be enjoying this but a noise distracts her one that begins to grow louder and louder until finally a motorcycle speeds in slamming straight into her sending her across the cave Tim and Damien help Batman up with Damien asking how do you like our bikes Green Arrow pulls out another arrow firing it and that Arrow explodes putting chunks of rock down the locker in place giving them just enough time to start pulling back with Batman back in the Batmobile Damien jumps into the driver's seat and begins to take off as everyone out of the cave now Damien turns to his father yeah why so Batman says the command to blow up Wayne Manor sending the cave crashing upon itself short time passes and as that dust begins to settle Hal Jordan stands up they got away and Wonder Woman tells him that she is well aware but then Superman Begins to get up he sprayed me with Kryptonite I can barely stand Wonder Woman and Hal Jordan stand over him take it easy Clark we've got you now a short amount of time passes as everyone takes refuge in an abandoned Shack along the shoreline Alfred walks in with Damien hugging him telling him that he thought father blew him up in Alfred laughs no young Master just blew up my home and all of my possessions timet manages to finish bandaging up Batman as he tells everyone they need to prepare as much of a blow as they've dealt they won't be safe for long and that's when Nightwing comes in I came as fast as I could is is this everyone so far Batman has tended to and Tim begins to pile up things in front of the door to give them some sort of barricade they begin a debate about how Diana could just get in through the roof but with a knock at the door she casually pushes it open we've come to talk it doesn't have to be this way we were all friends Bruce we still are friends friends like Barry Batman asks her and Hal tells him that it was an accident because of who they are now their condition but if Batman joins them they'll see think of all the things that they can do while being Immortal as a God the good that they can do for humankind and vampire kind Batman turns them down immediately and as Hal and Diana get ready to fight Hal says that he had to try he uses his constructs to handle most people but Diana focuses on Batman with her lasso telling him that he can't beat her hell it's almost like he wanted to get caught and as the lasso tightens around yes I did as she begins to question Batman about why he doesn't want this power Red Hood tells the others that she's got him with the Rope let's go they press the button and the room is flooded with UV lights burning both Diana and Hal Batman gets up still nursing his injuries but manages to wrap Diana in her own lasso to keep her from moving and while trying to get Batman away Holly yells that's it this was the plan of the legendary Batman you assumed a lamp would stop us everyone is lifted up and Batman says that they all make assumptions in a fight well the lamp wasn't the full answer it did slow them down they assumed only people than masks would stand up to them at that moment Alfred runs in swinging an ax cutting off Hal Jordan's arm with no connection to the ring the constructs fade and Batman now declares that they can move on and finally get to work Hal declares that it's too late they didn't win the vampires have Superman now thanks to Bruce what will they do when he arrives Green Arrow leans in telling him that he wants to understand he wants to see if his friend is still in there somewhere and Hal looks up it is me Ali I'm the same person I've always been just changed but it's me in here all of my memories our adventures together they're not gone and green arrow tells him yeah that's what I was afraid of the friend I loved like a brother is trapped in there and even if you can't say it now he couldn't live knowing what he did to Barry Green Arrow jams a stake into Hal Jordan's chest this is for Barry and this is for you my brother Batman tries to stop Green Arrow but Green Arrow snaps at him telling him to shut his damn mouth he had to put down one of his own people I thought Mom when a call comes over the comms and Batman says that they've been trying to reach her and but Batgirl tells him to shut up and listen she's been on a separate adventure with Harley Quinn and they just found the Joker but he's dead the vampires killed him Joker wasn't their King all the clues all the evidence it pointed to the Joker the vampires wanted us to think that it was the Joker and there's only a few people who could have fooled us like this Batman looks back at the others I understand good work Red Hood asks him is everything okay Batman Begins to state that they know where the Joker is suddenly there's a shock as a fist punches through the back of Batman's spine and out of his chest and Nightwing tells the family I think it's time that we both stopped lying to our families Nightwing pulls back his bloody hand at licking it I really wish I could have turned you but we both know I never would have been able to fully trust you everyone charges in it better than all of you when I was still human it doesn't have to end this way orphan tries to attack again but Nightwing spins her around snapping her elbow Green Arrow fires arrows telling Alfred that he needs to get them out of here Batman always has an escape plan right a Nightwing catches the arrows I was going to offer you a place but not after what you did to hell Tim swings in knocking Nightwing away but Nightwing gets back on his feet slamming Tim to the ground I am the Lord of vampires now and you will respect me and Tim just wants to know how how did he pass every test a Nightwing lasts you all spent so much time looking at our own family when you really should have been looking at our other family dear Starfire we couldn't turn her but we found that her blood had fascinating properties it doesn't last long but a few drops is all I need to hold a cross touch holy water and walk in the Sun as Tim lays on the ground Nightwing places his boot over his head and now I can do all the things that you all can do but better and he's still bumps on Tim's head while the others escape out the back Damien grabs a bow firing arrows I'll kill you you're dead Green Arrow tries to convince him to go but Damian is too far gone in his rage to listen to anyone throwing himself at Nightwing and Nightwing catches him biting into his neck no you won't be killing anyone as red hood Alfred Green Arrow and orphan are running out the back Red Hood says that he is going back for the kid so blitzing back and he jumps into the fight and Nightwing tells him that there's no way that he can win it's not too late I'm suddenly in need of a lieutenant Jason I spent all those years in your Shadow I'm not gonna do that for an eternity he kicks Nightwing in the back onto a piece of bent steel I knew this day would come the Nightwing screwed up bigger than I ever could have Nightwing tells him sounds like you got a lot of issues to work out luckily he'll have centuries to do it before Red Hood could respond Diana jumps up biting him in the neck as red hood goes limp Diana begins to pour some of her blood in to his mouth and Nightwing asks this is better right I would have beaten you do it Nightwing asks what was that and red hood turns do it Archer settling an arrow shoots through hitting Red Hood in the chest shattering against Diana off in the waters Green Arrow lowers his bow telling offered to go ahead take them underwater it's over Diana's getting ready to follow but Nightwing tells her to let them go they're no longer a threat he just wanted at least one of his brothers to join him Diana tells him that the little one is still alive barely Nightwing explains to her that they're going to begin their plans because tonight they're going to topple their seats of power that makes everyone feel secure tonight they will burn their life-giving forests and jungles to the ground tonight their Heroes will discover that the war has already been lost before they even knew that it began the world is theirs now the Eternal Darkness has begun with the rise of vampires Gotham has gained the moniker of the Fallen City or the seat of power to the Vampire Kingdom humankind is next to be outlawed here but there is still a small resistance group working to try and evacuate as many humans as possible but as one group gets ready to leave the city they notice that their contact has a new friend the contact leading the group Martian Manhunter quickly drops his disguise telling the men to run that this one is not with them the recently turned vampire Damien Wayne sits up in a fire escape stating that he has been a very busy Martian all the vampires are looking for you martial Manhunter tells the child that if he wants to survive the night he will tell his Masters that he did not find him Damien flicks a lit match and it surrounds Martian Manhunter and fire nah afraid I can't do that later over at Wayne Tower home of the vampire King Nightwing Damien walks up to the front desk in Black Mask asks him name Damien drops it Martian man touches bloody Cape you know my name I'm here to collect a bounty Target is dead black mask laughs a member of the Justice League you're moving up on the world kid good and with that Damien tells black mask I want to move upstairs and see him black mask informs Damien that they have been over this for months nobody sees the king now run along before you get a spanking Damien is quick to quip it back but as the two are taunting each other Mr terrific steps out asking if there is a problem both quickly bow no but Mr terrific tells Damian to stand and for Black Mask to stay Mr terrific then tells him that if he really wants to speak to him he knows what needs to be done bring in one of the king's enemies alive a bit later in the abandoned subway station in myanche Street Alfred patches up Martian Manhunter as a Martian Manhunter says that he doesn't appreciate the child attacking him like that Alfred says that he had to make it look real in case anyone was watching Damien then slides down from above and tells them yeah and I was bored and you're welcome by the way the vampires think you're dead but after getting Damien some blood to replenish his strength Alfred then asks did you have no luck getting to Richard Damien tells him no dick is hiding same as us the only way to get him is if I bring in someone that he wants which Alfred immediately says no to however back in Wayne Tower Damien walks in with a duffel bag telling black mask wake up it's time for me to have that chat with the King black mask looks at the bag who did you get and Damien unzips it revealing Alfred pleading to let him go once they go up to the throne room Nightwing looks out over the room win the city I was warned that immortality can make one nostalgic but I didn't expect it to happen so soon I'm trying to remember what was that dessert Bruce made for us when he took us on that trip to Midway City for his birthday Alfred says that he's afraid he doesn't recall a trip to Midway on his birthday and Nightwing laughs very good was a test and even though I can't eat it anymore I'll never forget the taste of the chocolate I'll crumble de for us harder to do your tricks when you can to read a vampire's mind isn't it Jean as Martian Manhunter reverts from his Alfred disguise he says that the kill was his Nightwing tells Damien don't worry the Martian will be busy with some of our other friends first at several turned heroes and villains a run out attacking Martian Manhunter Nightwing begins to start the fight with Damien kicking him asking what was your play here do you want Power even if you took me out you're a bit off to be next for the throne Damien takes out one of his knives stabbing into his leg cutting along it to reveal a hidden stake but as Martian Manhunter fights the vampires push him over the edge of the balcony and Nightwing says that it seems that his co-conspirator is down leaving you all alone once again Damien leaps down grabbing Nightwing by the neck and Nightwing tells him you're going to have to answer me this if it's not power you're after what is it jealousy are you angry that I didn't pick you to be by my side Damien tells him that he made this mistake when he was human too always thinking that everyone looks up to him but I never did I always knew that I'd be better than you when I grew up Nightwing pushes Damien back asking then why are you here then explain why before I kill you Damien bites Nightwing's arm throwing an elbow back telling him because you killed my father Nightwing tells him Bruce was a father to me too but I would have to put him down when he found out that I was the vampire King Bruce was many things but he wasn't complicated he wasn't the person either of us looked to for compassion Alfred was a screen then lights up showing Alfred and the other resistance members captured and Nightwing goes on and I raided your little underground hideout thanks for bringing in so many targets to one place by the way Nightwing then takes a seat you have a choice we fight an Alfred and others die or you can race and try to save them Damien but if you are to leave now you will never get another chance to finish me Damien pauses for a moment but ultimately turns to save Alfred and Nightwing tells him your compassion is your greatest weakness Damien fights his way down to the lower levels of the tower killing every vampire in his path making it a point to kill black mass telling him I never did like you and as he reaches the room with everyone else all but Alfred is alive as fire begins to set her sights on him Alfred tells him that he shouldn't have come and Damien charges forward with his stake as fire blasts him with a concentrated beam of fire Damien slams The Snake into her chest and as fire begins to grow unstable she begins to combust releasing more of her energy and she begins to rip Damien apart Alfred crawls over can you hear me her Flames ultraviolet dying go Alfred picks Damian up tilting his head do it and as much as Damien tries not to he eventually bites into Alfred's neck and he begins to drink with enough to live Damien passes out when Nightwing walks in hello Alfred grabs the steak did you come here to finish him off if you did I'm ready for the fight Nightwing tells him I'm not here to kill you in fact I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to ask this before we parted ways would you like to become one of us you could have eternal life it would mean a lot to me Alfred Alfred looks at him glaringly respectfully go to hell Nightwing tells him I thought so but I figured I could still try I'm sorry about everything this isn't what I wanted Tim Jason but Alfred stops him don't you dare speak his name what do you want from me I I I don't really know Alfred maybe I wanted to make sure that Damien had been taken care of at this point you're no longer a threat you'll never get the chance to face me again so I just wanted to make sure that the kid was okay why because this is forever if our kind is going to share this planet Damien might be the key to it and he has something that the rest of us vampires lack passion or maybe because when I turned I had his support well he had no one Alfred picks up Damien's body and asks are you going to let us walk out of here and Nightwing tells him I promise Alfred tells him you do Nightwing turns this is goodbye Alfred and as Alfred begins to leave with Master Damien in his arms goodbye Master Richard the story is getting heated up but now it's time to see what was going on with Harley Quinn over in DC versus vampire's Killers here we go there was a war That Shook Humanity humans were lost overrun by the vampires and those fortunate enough to not have been turned they do anything by any means to keep things that way even if it involves promising false hope in the form of protection against vampires and that's where Harley Quinn and Selena Kyle come in they are here to put a stop to the Mad Hatter's little underground crime ring because that interferes with her underground crime ring but while Hatter provides tools to fight against the vampires Harley provides the same except Harley makes it very obvious that she is in it for profit not for the good of humankind though there is one thing that a Harley can offer that Hatter cannot a supposed way out of Gotham to which Harley makes very clear that she cannot do and going forward Hatter now works for her so he can keep doing what he does and she'll come by in a week for her cut Potter apologizes for making her life harder than it needs to be and he offers a means to relax her by shooting her in the back of the head with a crossbow however Harley is ready for that before he could even pull the trigger she had already pulled hers and killed him before leaving those Selena motions that she probably didn't want to kill a Mad Hatter the biters allow them to do what they do because they are beneath their notice if they start killing people or a consolidating power that might look bad for them Hatter helped take some of the focus off of them before heading home for curfew hardly decide to get a bite to eat at the underground diner with her crew which consists of clay face and Solomon Grundy who has been oddly quiet since joining but while eating their well what passes for food these days Harley notices a presence looming within the Shadows she throws her fork telling them to come out and from the darkness Jim Gordon steps out and Harley shouts at its Jeff Jim corrects her telling her that he needs their help they obtained a vial of Lex Luthor's blood there's something in it that can kill the vampires and they needed to get out of the city Harley asks why do people keep thinking that but Jim ignores her stating that Gotham is lost take this and get it to the people who will understand it save Humanity while Harley tries to tell him that she can't the turned scarecrow steps out telling Jim to come here Harley tells him look we're all plenty scared here why don't you try being a bit I don't know nice sir as midnight and Adam Smasher come out and stand behind scarecrow Clayface and Solomon Grundy get up and Harley separates the two groups dating that they all just need to relax and take a breath well you know those of us who can at least suddenly there's a laughter as Mr terrific comes outstating that it would seem that Miss Quinn is the voice of reason and the human Community but why is it that you are out past curfew the one that we clearly set five months ago Harley tells him that it might have something to do with them blocking out the sun kind of makes it hard to tell what day it is in any case I'm gonna finish my meal and but Mr terrific smacks her across the station floor then grabs are slamming her into the wall reminding her that this city belongs to the vampires those who are not vampires are just food now get out of here and leave Jim behind with that Harley returns home to Arkham Asylum where Selena notices the cut on her face and asks what happened Harley tries to play it off but Selena pushes the subject until Harley talks about her run-in with Mr terrific after a bit of persuasion Selena convinces Harley to just relax for the night while she goes out and gets the medicine to put on that she goes up like that she'll have biters swarming all over her but later while Harley is sleeping Selena sneaks in and finds the vial asking what is this Harley says that Jeff Gordon slipped it into her pocket and Selena is confused the the race car driver Harley tells her that she didn't ask what his Hobbies were he just said that it had some kind of magical power that hurts the biters said it could save the world Selena says maybe or we turn this over to the vampires how do riches in power beyond our wildest dreams and the vampire King being in our debt Sound Harley because that sounds a lot better than saving the world Harley snatches the vile telling her that it sounds almost as good as saving the world she'll think about it so later that night she sneaks out to the sewers to meet her contact to get the items out of the city she finds Solomon Grundy there waiting she asks if the boat is here yet it might be time for them to get the hell out of Gotham for a bit but suddenly Solomon Falls over and his head rolls away Harley realizes very quickly that oh no this isn't good and a voice tells her to run she turns around to find a talking turd and she responds to the turd with oh my God a talking turd this city really is magical Clayface says that it's him or at least what's left of him he's gonna have to get out of here they killed Grundy and took the boat he already doesn't have much left in him from the Shadows Mr terrific steps out he's right but you can still give me what I want Harley she yells fine she'll give let her get it out of her pants and after grabbing a small vial from the front of her pants she sprays water in a Mr terrific's face and then quickly turns staking midnight in the chest Mr terrific wipes off his face is that holy water I will kill you for that and he slams her into the ground getting ready to bite her he stops though when he realizes there's a stake in his chest and he begins to disintegrate Harley gets up dusting herself off you're not the first man to ever threaten me and now you're all dead and I'm still here guess they should call me Mrs unfreaking believable now where's my little turd-like friend with that Harley returns to Arkham as she tries to quietly sneak back in but Selena turns on the light asking where has she been Harley holds up the clay-face turd and says look who got a makeover and Selena backs off asking why did you bring that here but Harley looks at it oh ew wrong turd Selena then shows her fangs where is the blood Harley says that if she turns as he's a vampire it's gonna be real sad Selita lunges throwing herself telling her not to play with her the blood probably isn't even real Harley grabs a vase breaking it over Selena's face maybe not but I will at least make your night a crappy one as they begin to battle Selena grabs Harley and bites into her neck and after a few moments steps back asking what's what's wrong with you Harley laughs I was worried about more biters I thought they would catch me and take the blood vial away so I injected it into myself Selena begins to crumble away just like Mr terrific did and Harley says wow I guess it really does work after setting fire to Arkham Asylum she grabs her bag and bat and heads out as The Last Hope of humanity which she herself already isn't too thrilled about being it all happened so fast as the infections spread our heroes turned on each other falling one by one their leaders their protectors anybody who tried to stop the coming plague was killed as a warning shot to the rest to not resist and yet they didn't listen but it was too late those who fought fell those who ran were hunted down and after the big battles ended they plagued the forest the jungles and the crops people starved and choked on smoke while the whole world was plunged into constant Darkness the planet was theirs and NightLight one of Humanity's last safe havens has fallen or so the rumors say as the Convoy passes through the dead of night it is stopped by a roadblock of burning cars director bones gets out of his car telling killer frost to put out the fires Peacemaker and strange get those cars out of the way everyone else eyes up as Peacemaker and strange get to work moving the cars strange asks if he saw something Peacemaker says that it was probably a rat strange tells him no it looked like a snake and Peacemaker says that there are no snakes out there he'll give him 50 bucks if it was a snake just then a snake slithers up asking if any of them has seen his Apple by any chance strange grabs his gun yelling it's Plastic Man and plastic man says someone get this man his money as a fight breaks out bones yells to everyone behind that this was an ambush protected the vehicles Wonder Woman flies down telling them that she prefers to think of it as light housekeeping and at that moment Firestorm and heat wave surrounded the front team and Peacemaker says that they can take them killer frost focuses their ice on heat wave asking if this one can even do anything that isn't against defenseless civilians Heatwave goes to respond but Firestorm obliterates her telling him don't get distracted get back to work Raven gets to work pacifying Heatwave but as she turns her attention to Wonder Woman she tells Raven you're just a sad little goth girl before raven could use her magic Plastic Man coils up biting her on the neck as the remaining members of the team fall or are picked off Firestorm walks up the bones stating that he's going to ask him a question and if he doesn't like the answer is going to melt him Bones says that he always thought that he was the most boring member of the Justice League and Firestorm tells him funny because I never thought of you at all where is the secret City bones lights a cigarette off of firestorm's chest telling him that he has no idea what he's even talking about Firestorm says that he thinks that he does he can't save the city they will find it so if he was a smart man he'd be worried about saving himself right now Bowen says that he'd say the same for him but it's too late for that before a firestorm has a chance to respond he stabbed in the back from behind causing him to go critical and explode taking out about everything around him as that Smoke Clears a puddle of water lifts up taking the form of a person and Jaina appears as the voice calls out to her she quickly spins back ready to fight when the voice tells it to relax down here the skull of Bones says that he doesn't know who the hell she is but they need her help and Jaina tells him that there is no we The Vamps won't be down for long and she isn't sticking around to face off with Wonder Woman Bowen then tells her to take the first car it's armored and as jaina tells him that she'd rather travel on foot bones asks does it look like I give a damn what you want get in the car as they're back on the road bones asks if she's alone she says that she lost someone he always wanted to be a hero she just wanted to be with him and then after he was gone when it all happened she didn't know who to trust bones says that that's what they must do they must become what they take from them be the hero that you lost jaina she wipes say to you telling him that she doesn't know if she has it in her she just wants to make them pay for what they've done anyway this is the spot but there's nothing here as she looks over asking again she just sees Bone's head is just there she gets out looking at the swamp for a moment and then Killer Croc's head slowly begins to appear from the sludge he says password she asks him uh what and Croc begins to sink back down as she's yelling out wait no one told me that there was a password how many guesses do I get Mr Bones told me to come director bones I I never got his first name proc stands up hands are a small bottle and then the atom jumps out of it asking jaina what where is everyone else jaina says that they were killed in an ambush no one made it Mr Bones survived long enough to get her here safely Adam is shot wait did he actually pull it off please let her be okay Adam runs to the back of the car opening up the trunk to reveal Supergirl and Jaina asks are you freaking kidding she was in there the whole time why didn't she help Croc picks up Supergirl telling jaina to back off why not get that stick out of your butt and look up Adam tells her that there is no sun so there is no Supergirl just Cara and how about they get into the city we good Whalen Croc says that they're good and Adam shrinks both Supergirl and Jaina into the bottle and Croc walks back into the polluted lake as the city begins to unfold Adam welcomes jaina decandor the last Kryptonian City Supergirl looks around asking what happened to the kandarian and Adam explains that they bring refugees here to hide assuming that the kendarians would take them in but there was no one left in the bottled City when they got here Grayson's forces must have found the city before them Supergirl asks who got here and Adam tells her Wonder Woman Grodd Majestic Shazam and Kalel but come on let's get inside as jaina's Supergirl and Adam all walk in he finds Batgirl and green arrow arguing about what they plan to do next Green Arrow suggests that they go hit the human farms in Smallville while Batgirl says that they need to go over their other plans first and Dr Fate says that the priority needs to be clearing the ash clouds out of the sky they do that they get a tactical advantage over the turnt their best bet would be Australia Batgirl then says no as long as the vamp King is around the war continues and they will continue to lose she's going to Gotham to kill Dick Grayson Constantine then says well if you go into Gotham there's one poor soul who got out after it fell I could probably tell you how it's done only she's working with some nasty chaps on a little project and they're not exactly the sharing type elsewhere as Hugo Strange gets prepped he says that he's going to take another spinal fluid sample people anyone else need anything while I'm there across the roommate chained up Harley Quinn that lifts her head stating that she's going to take a moment to remind them that in case they forgot the last hundred times that she said it but once she gets out of these jeans she's going to personally beat up their big old brains out of their tiny head heads with a big freaking Hammer okay as what remains of the heroes in the world Gather in the shrunken Kryptonian city of Candor Black Canary walks by green arrows room when she overhears an argument inside Green Arrow yells that he's supposed to be enough for both of them but Constantine tells him my guy is already risking his life with this if you want I can teleport you into Kent's backyard to get more Canary opens the door asking what is this all about and Constantine tells her that she can ask her lover boy she then snatches the cigarette that he's about the light stating that she is asking him and if he can't get out of a man's room so that he can explain Constantine scoffs getting up telling her fair enough turns out I have to go anyway he leaves with green arrow beginning to explain to Black Canary but she tells him to stop she already knows that he isn't going to tell her the truth anyway so just don't you're leaving right Green Arrow asks what does she want him to say there are blood Farms humans are being kept in cages to be fed on so I'll ask one more time come with me you know trade shooter with you at my side she asks if he's sure that this isn't just him trying to confront Carter we can't save him we have a real shot at taking down Grayson and ending this entire thing you should come with us to Gotham Green Arrow asks what after who takes the throne Diana Jean the kid besides Constantine is never gonna let Barbara go on her suicide mission she's too valuable Black Canary's size damn it we've been over this a thousand times I didn't come here to argue with you I already know that I can't stop you and green arrow looks at her and I know I can't stop you so what now Black Canary pushes Green Arrow back onto the bed stating that they'll spend one last night together then so meanwhile in a fancy room Grayson Smiles it's all over I've won I don't dream anymore but if I did I couldn't imagine a dream greater than what I've accomplished there's one thing that I've always desired that I still don't have her as Grayson sinks his fangs into Starfire he asks is that why she's coming Barbara pulls out a steak telling him no you know why I'm here Grayson turns kissing her I do I'm just afraid that it is you who was unsure Barbara you could have everything you could be my queen but as the fangs bite into her neck she screams as she wakes up from the nightmare but then a voice says that they didn't want to wake her sounded like she was having a hell of a dream Barbara turns in the light telling Constantine that he has no right but as the light comes on she sees Constantine is actually slumped in a corner bird covered in Cuts she asks what the hell happened and Constantine says that he doesn't rightly know he went somewhere and there was a fire whatever happened someone made sure that he'd forget Barbara says that she's sorry but what can she do and Constantine says that she needs to go to Gotham make Grace and pay for what he's taken from them go to Gotham and kill the bastard so later as Barbara goes to the lab where Hugo Strange Professor Pig and the Thinker are experimenting on Harley Quinn Barbara tells them that she is sorry for doing this she is Here For Miss Quinn thinker tells her welcome but unfortunately the subject is vital to our work on a cure so we won't be releasing her Barbara tells him that Constantine sent her and she doesn't care they had their fun now she's taking Harley just then the wall bursts open as Frankenstein yells that she is interrupting important work Barbara grabs Professor Pig stating that she is going to stop monsters from doing Monster things Frankenstein swings his sword I am no monster Hugo yells that she knows that Quinn's blood is fatal to those Afflicted with vampirism she could be the key to winning the war Barbara says that she needs her too and she isn't going to torture her Fraga said attempts to grab Barbara but she tells him that imprisoning a woman and experimenting on her against her will is the work of monsters what do you call a person that protects monsters Frankenstein as Barbara turns grabbing her sword she puts it to Frankenstein's throat and he tells her you have a valid point take her but as Hugo is about to stab Barbara from behind Harley smacks him with a metal stand it's my turn to experiment on you after stomping Hugo's face in Barbara grabs her telling her it's okay and Harley tells her it really isn't Barbara yells that they have more important people that she can shove her foot in and as the two begin to leave Black Canary hops down asking if everything went okay and Barbara says no problems Frankenstein walks in asking if he could have a moment Barbara asks if he's looking for round two because she can promise him that she will not be as gentle as she was the first time but he kneels holding out his sword you misunderstand I would like to offer you my services meanwhile out at Sea John Steele asks if she's sure about this it's not too late to turn back Supergirl tells him that whatever is happening in Australia right now might be the only chance she has to get her strength back out of the Shadows Black Manta says that they've placed their trust in the wrong hands and now you will die for your insolence he throws his Trident and he lands it between Supergirl and Jon hitting an Atlantean obliterating its head as more atlanteans crawl up onto the ship Black Manta says that Arthur's Scouts have found them we're going to have to fight the rest of the way there take the girl below deck Supergirl tries to swing telling them that she can fight but Jon rips an Atlantean back telling her no Manta is right we can't lose you if we do we lose at that moment the entire ship is pushed and Jon Falls over but Black Manta grabs him stating that the atlanteans have command of the water itself remember the depths can claim you even on your ship as they get their footing in Atlantean holding Supergirl says that the whole world is searching for her and they bring her to the Seas but Black Manta does something in the Atlantean clenches his chest what are you doing seconds later a watery tiger bursts out of the atlantican's chest ripping out its heart and John tells Manta that he should have told him that he could make water Tigers burst out of people's chests Black Manta tells him this isn't my doing and then the tiger takes a human shape as the woman says that it seems like they needed help as she fully materializes John asks jaina how did you do that and Jaina says that she isn't sure since her brother died she seems to now have both of their powers forms of water and forms of animal so she stabs the Atlantean with a stake and Supergirl asks why is she following them jaina says that she made a promise to a dying man that she'd help her get to wherever she needed to go she doesn't know where that is but she'll be there Supergirl looks to her well welcome aboard we're on our way to save the world and Black Manta chimes in that or drown the sun continued to set over the Coral Sea as Black Manta tells Jon to wake up in a panic John Constantine gets up asking are they under attack again amanta tells him to be quiet they have not returned yet John looks over as Supergirl and Jaina are sleeping asking if they should be woken up and Manta tells him no let them sleep just a little bit longer John gets up looking at the land far away and asks if that's it he's informed that it is Australia that they wouldn't have made it this far without his determination John tells him that it was rough only fair that the ocean quiets down now to give them a smooth ride now that they're done Manta looks around he begins to panic quiet oh no wake the others were about to be under attack meanwhile over on the blood Farm in Smallville two vampires are patrolling the encampment when one of the humans yells out that they need food in here can't keep taking blood without replacing what they're taking one of the vampires tells the woman to get back or he'll make her dinner right now they'll eat when he says so a young man steps forward the old lady was rude to talk to you like that but she's right it's kind of getting dire in here Bruno good to you dead are we the vampire asks what does he want him to do the Moss shipments have been delayed so they're rationing but while they're speaking a man stands behind them and suddenly an arrow is shot through the back of the guards heads the other vampire watches is his partner Burns and he spins back with a young man grabbing him this is my favorite part and he too was shot Green Arrow walks up to the fence telling the man that he appreciates the assist but do I know you the man says that he doesn't think so his name is Cole cash they have about 90 seconds until the next Patrol comes by so he might want to get moving Green Arrow quizzes real quick though about when the big man comes out Cole informs him that they almost never see that guy the only people who have seen him don't tend to come back alive but he might be in luck the big guy flew out this morning and 10 seconds till the guards arrive Green Arrow fires two arrows into the next Patrol I'll come back when he's around thanks again back out on C John Constantine jaina and Supergirl and Black Manta continue to fight off the atlanteans with jaina stating that these ones are tougher than the ones before Manta says that that's because of the royal guard it also means that he is here as John asks what does he mean Aquaman Rises out of the Waves coming crashing down on the boat while the others are Swept Away Mantic yells did not be a coward and face him Aquaman stops eyeballing his former enemy you are not Black Manta he died a coward's death in the first days of our conquest and yet now there is someone else here pretending to be him sneaking through the waters like a lowly River eel I must ask imposter who would dare enter a kingdom and call the king a coward Black Manta takes off the helmet revealing themselves to be Queen Mara a queen would Aquaman hesitates for only a moment before reaching out but Mara tells him not to speak to her as if he knows her but back over in Smallville one of the officers stops by a guard post asking about the two Vanishing patrols the Lord has returned and he will want suddenly he's shot from behind by an arrow his body turning to Ash and green arrow calls out I'm here to talk to your boss so can we just go ahead and blow the little whistle just as he requested the alarms go off as an army of vampires all charged towards him Green Arrow begins to Rapid Fire as many arrows as he can trying to stop them among the group is a large vampire and green arrow says that that is not the big guy that I was referring to the vampire gets closer asking you don't know who I am I'm Loose Cannon and you will learn Green Arrow fires two arrows into loose Cannon's eyes but before Green Arrow could finish the job a man grabs the arrow telling him that is enough oh hello there Carter hello Oliver Hawkman tells him back out at Sea Supergirl and Jaina look over the edge of the boat we have to save her and Jaina responds we can't do anything here John tells them both no stay here Mara is buying us time that's our priority right now at that moment Aquaman jumps back onto the boat telling Supergirl that it's been too long you're looking weak powerless it's Unbecoming of you you should join us like Carlyle did Supergirl tells him that he is better than this and Jaina takes the form of a water bear grabbing Aquaman from behind freezing herself to hold him in place Aquaman laughs you take the form of water to attack me I am the Lord of water child it is mine to command where they liked Jester jaina is destroyed into thousands of little pieces Supergirl watches as her Newfound friend is murdered and Aquaman turns to her come now it's time for you to join the winning team Aquaman is then smacked on the side of the head by a hammer and as Aquaman looks at his own blood blood he comments that it's been a while since he's seen it it's so different now Jon goes for another swing but Aquaman grabs the handle you're strong but you are no match for Me Maybe not but she is and Aquaman looks back as Mara launches herself out of the water you always leave before the job is finished the impact destroys the boat and a Supergirl tries to stay above water she calls out for help as her legs are Tangled meanwhile in the outskirts of Gotham Frankenstein readies the boat and Barbara says that they go in Fast and quiet as soon as they land they're going to sink at the ship and get underground Harley asks what if they've been seen and a voice tells them that if they are then they're dead but he can get them into Gotham Barbara looks back Damien you're alive but Frankenstein informs her no he's not he's a vampire Damien flashes his friends who put the big brain into Frankie but spare parts is right I'm a vampire and I'm your best best last and only shot at stopping Nightwing as the small boat begins to sail towards Gotham everyone notices the flying vampires keeping watch over the city's Shores Black Canary says that if he has a distraction now might be a good time to use it Damien tells her not yet but at that moment Black Adam sees them and Barbara says yeah if you're gonna do something now would be a good time but again Damien tells her not yet Harley grabs her stake telling Damon that he better do it now before they all get burnt to a crisp fine Kate you're there it's time as Black Adam comes rocketing towards the boat he finds himself struck by something and he falls into the water Harley asks what was it and Damien tells her that he borrowed some of Constantine's people in order to get her though she might come in handy especially when annoying dick Damian informs everyone that Starfire will have to recharge they need to get into Gotham before they're seen again but meanwhile back over in Smallville Hawkman brings Green Arrow into the camp chained up the war is over your side lost a long time ago Oliver but it's nice of you to even come by if it was to kill me now we can have a chance to talk lead these humans be an ambassador tell them to lay down their arms yeah I'm not gonna do that Carter and if I wanted to kill you I'd have done it already what I'm offering is the same thing turn back on these Monsters free these innocent people save whatever of Carter Hall is left in there Hawkman takes green arrows bow and snaps it you are foolish you can sit here and rot with the rest of them back with the others Damien lights a torch tossing it into the boat that they've arrived on and Black Canary asks what the hell is he doing I'm sinking the boat we have to cover our tracks how are we supposed to get out then Canary asks but another voice laughs poor innocent the little birdie doesn't get it no one gets out of Gotham punchline walks out of the shadows and hardly grabs her stick oh I figured that trash like you would team up with King dick oh I don't work for Nightwing in fact quite the opposite I run the black market here in Gotham just like you and silly and it did poor Miss Selena Harley is surprised she took over her old gig and then realizes that punchline is just the worst not a single original idea in her head but the others then ask her if she's willing to help them as she doesn't appear to be working for Nightwing she informs them that she never said that back over on the western coast of Australia John carries Supergirl out of the ocean and begins to perform CPR on her she begins to cough as she spits up all of the water inside asking if she's dead where are the others John tells her that the last she saw of Mara she was fighting Aquaman and as for Gina suddenly the water the Supergirl spits up and takes shape and Jaina tells them all that she's there wait were you super girl asks and Jaina interrupts her inside you yeah I took the form of water and gave what oxygen I could to block out the harmful sea water okay that's gross and Jaina tells Supergirl that she's welcome but back over in Gotham punchline has her muscle throw everyone into a holding cell Barbara asks what does she plan on doing with them punchline tells her that she hasn't figured it out yet however she might be willing to let them go if they do a favor for her and this one isn't a biter Barbara tries to argue but punchline informs them that if they're not willing to work it out they can just stay here so back in Smallville green ever begins to wander through the camp and Nicole spots him asking that that was a heck of a plan green ever ignores the comment asking if there's any water that he can get Cole tells him not really it's actually been pretty bad so Green Arrow begins to take off a necklace and begins to unzip his pants Cole throws his hands up but Green Arrow tells him that he just needs the moisture once the two relieve themselves on the pendant Cole again what now suddenly the pendant then begins to grow green arrow says that he's sorry about that as Swamp Thing fully grows out of the urinated on pendant we will never speak of this again Oliver often one of punchlines enforcers come in to check on Harley and find a straw girl in her bed the man asks Quinn in a naked Harley Quinn jumps out of the Shadow slamming the man's face into the wall leaving him unconscious Harley sneaks out into the hallway seeing Barbara and punchline and asks wait am I having that dream again Barbara asks why are you naked Harley looks at everyone who isn't locked away in shouts am I again the only one that got locked up Black Canary tells her that punchline let them out and sent a guard to go get Harley Harley then blinks and asks wait did you realize how wrong it was to lock everyone up Damien walks in holding a bag no she just found someone who understood the importance of this Mission he holds up the head of Two-Face telling punchline that dent is dead in their Square now he then turns to leave as Harley asks what are they supposed to do with the kid because she should probably go get dressed now later out in the city Damien asks what trick does she have upper sleeve to try and pull this off and Barbara pulls off a tarp revealing a bat signal this as the light shines on it shines a beacon into the sky bright enough that all of the resistance Fighters can see it Damien shouts at her are you out of your mind everyone will know where we are at that moment a Vampire comes swooping in and Barbara turns the signal and incinerates him yeah I made a few upgrades to the bat signal at that moment another light turns on and another and another and Damien looks up you planted these throughout the city alright I'm impressed Harley bats away one of the vampires crawling towards him yeah don't get me wrong this is pretty cool but we may have the last element of surprise here Barbara says that he always knew that she'd come he's been visiting her in her dreams and he expected her but now he knows she isn't alone as the rest of the lights turn on they all Focus directly at Nightwing's Tower and the final battle will be happening soon with the assault on Gotham underway Harley makes it clear to her teammates that this is not her favorite plan but at least she'll get to die with a bunch of people who don't like her very much as Barbara's making her way through the vampire she simply tells them that they have to keep fighting they just need to hold out a little bit longer meanwhile over in Australia John Henry jaina and Supergirl are sneaking into the launch site when they notice that the guards aren't vampires but rather aliens apparently Nightwing made a deal that if the aliens avoided the planet Earth they would ship the aliens off of the planet John says that he doesn't trust aliens either and the Supergirl and Jaina remind him that they are aliens and that most aliens are peaceful but that's when they're interrupted with the flick of a lighter and Lobo arriving not all of us sugar lips Jon wants to know if Lobos turned and he tells him nope just mean they ask him if he's on the vampire side and Lobo blows smoke into John Henry's face last time I looked Humanity he wasn't right in the Chucks so I guess you'd say him with the vamps as they both begin to battle it out Supergirl stops them and simply asks Lobo can we make a deal back over in Smallville Cole is keeping an eye on the vampire guards and he turns back to see Oliver peeing on Swamp Thing again using the urine Swamp Thing grows hard in spines which Oliver breaks off making weapons he turns back to Cole if we're gonna need more someone else has got to pee on him Swamp Thing chimes in this joke just pleases me greatly back in Gotham Frankenstein tells everyone that he'll hold off what he can but they all need to fall back to safety Barbara yells out no we wait and Harley asks what are they waiting for right as they Gotham resistance speed in and Roy yells out have no fear the calvary's here everyone quickly jumps on the bikes and Barbara tells Duke that it took him long enough Damien jumps on a Roy's bike as he shouts hey is this one a vampire Cassandra says that it looks like it hers is a zombie Frankenstein corrects her I am not a zombie Madame I am a reanimated corpse back over in Australia while in their alien disguises that they picked up Supergirl asks if it's going to work Lobo tells her that he's never said that it was going to just that it'd be fun to try the four approached the launch pad and an alien Stomps them asking logo to State his purpose he tries to talk his way out of it but eventually Martian Man Hunter and Miss Martian walk by and Manhunter asks is there a problem Lobo looks at him problem yeah these people bribe me to sneak him on a ship but I told them that they'd cause a scene and you'd come down here and kill them looks like I was right John swings at Martian Manhunter shouting you tried her and Lobo shoots the alien I didn't betray you I just made this interesting man utter grabs John's Hammer telling him you shouldn't have come here you John is knocked down and as he lays there Martian Manhunter tells him I can sense relief into you you want this to end and end it I shall but before ending him he turns to Supergirl Aquaman couldn't stop you but your journey ends here I have become more powerful than ever before jaina the steps between them yelling to stay back and Martian Manhunter tells her that this is not her fight I will see that you all return to exor when this is done Martian Manhunter then grabs Supergirl's cloak but at that moment his eyes turned fiery red as he pulls the cloak off asking what treachery is this because the Supergirl that was there turns into water and Jaina says you're not the only one who's become more powerful we've been tricked Cora L is on that ship bring it down she can't be allowed to get above the clouds she can't see the Sun and get her powers back a Supergirl looks out the shuttle leaving Earth she smiles as it begins to get brighter but before the ship could fully leave it's destroyed as the war against the vampires rages across Gotham Batgirl and those among the living still fight their way trying to get to the vampire leader Nightwing but going into the Heart of the Swarm proved to be too much as the vampires slowly but surely begin to break down their assault after the sacrifice of signal activating a bomb Barbara Gordon and Harley Quinn are the only ones running forward until Wonder Woman stops them telling them good evening my lord awaits meanwhile back in Australia John Henry watches as the rocket carrying Supergirl explodes before his eyes signaling their defeat against Martian Manhunter however as things are beginning to look bleak a portal opens up in a projection of Constantine steps out asking what's happening over here things are looking pretty grim Steele says that Martian Manhunter found them but Constantine tells him not to worry help is on the way back in Gotham City Wonder Woman brings a barber and Harley up to Nightwing's Tower where he tells them I've been waiting an awful long time to see you Barbara Barbara tells him I had to kill an awful lot of your kind to get here Nightwing dismisses Wonder Woman and then asks did you come all the way here to kill me no dick I came here to stop you and if you can't be stopped just make it make sense how could you even do all of this how could I not we always surround ourselves with people who choose to do what's right and what is wrong we used to use our strength to enforce our will am I any difference from Superman or Bruce perhaps I've been a bit aggressive about my takeover but I fought it since the start even if I didn't have the courage to say it that's why we needed you your conscience your compassion think of how many people would still be alive if you had just joined me Barbara Barbara is confused but Harley chimes in don't fall for it he's just a dead guy Mind Tricks he's messing with your head Batgirl help me find a path that we can all coexist Barbara in a humane way if anyone can it to you Harley begins to push Barbara out of the way shouting don't be a dancer people back in Australia Constantine chimes in stated that he could really use a hand about now and as Steele asks who is he talking to Mary Marvel lands carrying Captain Colt stating that she is sure that he is talking to her Constantine points up to the Flaming wreckage falling to the Earth telling her that Supergirl is up there go find her back in Gotham Nightwing grabs Harley that is enough killing me will change nothing Diana or Clark will just take my place we have lost so much already think of the good that we could do if you would just join me Barbara argues she states that he ruined everything her father Bruce everyone that she cared about she's so tired of fighting so tired of losing Nightwing moves close I know I am too I didn't ask for this I was changed and I'm sorry he moves into bite Barbara's neck but back in Australia Manhunter and Lobo begin to get into it after lobo's deception but during that Mary Marvel returns with Supergirl's lifeless body I'm sorry man Hunter turns his attention to Supergirl and blasts her with his eye beams I don't know where you came from Mary but you should not have stepped foot on my continent cold chimes in actually he's got a point since Supergirl is now dead in Martian Manhunter is going to kill us why did you bring me here Mary was going to fly you around the world so that you could freeze the ash out of the clouds clearing the sky and bringing back the sun yeah I can't do that you should have gotten weather wizard you don't think we tried I thought we wanted but weather wizard died so we went with our second best bet cold asks what am I supposed to do I don't know change the damn weather I've never tried this but let's give it a go cold aims has gone upward and fires and even though the gun begins to overheat it does begin to have an effect on the weather it begins to laugh holy crap it's working the tight beam of air is forming a sort of polar vortex into the upper atmosphere but before he could finish the cold gun explodes killing Captain Cold back with the others Manhunter grabs Mary stating that they could have joined the family they could have been the defiant ones but now they will pay for at that moment two beams shoot manhunter's chest oh she survived as his body falls Supergirl floats there basking in the Sun's light over in Gotham Nightwing holds out his arm telling Barbara that she is dying and needs to drink she knew that she could never beat him she came here but this Barbara bites into Nightwing's arm to drink Harley is confused wanting to know what's going on Nightwing says that he gave Barbara what she wanted and Barbara gets up I want to have so much more though and she kisses nightly as she pulls back she looks over at a Harley we could have some more fun Harley tries to chime in you can't eat me but Barbara quiets a shh let the king eat and I will go next Nightwing bites into Harley's neck and then he pulls back after a few gulps wait what is happening to me her blood you made me drink poison Barbara Nightwing begins to burn and Barbara says that she never forced him to do anything she just knew that she could never kill him with her own hands Wonder Woman rushes in asking what they did to the king and Barbara tells her I killed the king unless I'm mistaken that is not how you're supposed to refer to me now is it Wonder Woman immediately stops kneeling no my queen Dick Grayson had a weakness me I couldn't fault him I had the same for him I wanted to save him and he wanted to save me but when I knew he couldn't I was willing to sacrifice everything to stop him he was not strong enough to do the same now that I have shed that weakness I won't make the same mistakes that he did our enemies have almost fallen and those who remain are broken I will now leave the vampire race there is nobody be left to challenge my authority the war is over I am the last casualty and when I died so did the last thing Humanity had left to cling onto hope but Batgirl is unaware that Supergirl has survived and there you have it today's full story I hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell right here on this channel as it will only ever be receiving full stories from the other channel and if you want to see the videos as they come out make sure you go check out the comic story and Main Channel where you get five days of videos a week I'll see you next time
Channel: Comicstorian Full Story
Views: 267,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, catwoman, batman beyond, the batman, batmobil, batman comics, batman variant, best of batman, bruce wayne batman, cartoon, batman v superman, superman, cartoons, paul dano, imaginext, action cartoons, robert pattinson, best action moments of batman, warner, gotham, action, kids cartoons, batman beyond the white knight, adventure, cartoons for kids, adventures, coming soon, bruce wayne, matt reeves, film warner, zoe kravitz, warner bros, cartoons for children, fun, comicstorian
Id: KCdneuY3VqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 59sec (5099 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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