Thor Becomes Unworthy of His Hammer (Original Sin: Full Story)

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice so in an event to stay current with the events in Marvel Comics we're going to begin discussing the story of original sin and the reason for this is because again we want to stay current we want to maintain this element of keeping up with the current events and Marvel comics so that we can always know what's going on but also going back and touching on some previous events like the Infinity Gauntlet and the siege Dark Reign in the House of M so that we can understand how some of these events unfolded we can understand how it is that the superhero community has been led to the place that it is now for the most part issue number zero of the original sin storyline doesn't do too much for us with the exception of giving us an understanding of the background of the watcher of uatu the watcher and so we're gonna skip ahead a little bit and what we see here is that Sam Alexander the current Nova is traveling to the moon to the Watchers watchtower because Sam Alexander is faced with a quandary of sorts the question Sam Alexander has is that if we walk to the watcher watches if he simply just observes things and he chronicles these things then the question is why why does he do this there has to be some kind of basis behind it there has to be some kind of reason as for why he does this then this of course was a question that he had asked of Captain America and Iron Man and Captain America had simply replied that it was a question no one ever thought to ask before nobody ever really asked why The Watcher watches they just simply accept the fact that he does and so what we see is that Sam Alexander arrives at the Watchers lair and meets with The Watcher but because the watcher doesn't really talk Sam Alexander is a little unsure how to conduct himself under these scenarios but what he does is he maintains the normal etiquette for appearing at an individual's house and he brings The Watcher a gift he tells the watcher that he's not really able to buy any kind of wine or anything which for the most part is customary when visiting somebody but he says that in return he is he's brought a piece of the territory whereby the Avengers were able to stop the expert or the Avengers and the x-men rather we're able to stop the Phoenix five and so this is kind of a souvenir it's really the best thing that Sam Alexander knows how to do in terms of presenting a gift to watch you The Watcher from here we see the watcher go back into his lair and Sam Alexander is a little tentative he's not really sure what this means but he assumes that what the watcher means here is that he's intending to invite him in and so Sam Alexander begins to follow him the Sam Alexander looks around and realizes that there's really no no paraphernalia with regards to family of mementos or any kind of pictures of friends or anything like that it's basically just this vast technological hive and it seems a little a little barren it seems a little depersonalized in the sense that there's really nothing here to make the watcher up here anything more than some kind of vague unknown individual - Sam Alexander and so what we see is that almost immediately when Sam Alexander begins to travel further into the Watchers lair that his helmet goes off now if you recall our discussion about Richard Rider as Nova we talked about how Richard riders helmet will inform him when there's some kind of danger it would give him a warning which you would be able to interpret and of course a counter that danger accordingly and so think of this as a kind of spider sense for Nova what we see going on is that again as Noah continues to enter or continues to travel further into the lair of The Watcher he sees these various forms of The Watcher and for the most part at this point in time we don't really know what these are all we know is that these are just different forms of The Watcher perhaps it's the watcher from different realities perhaps it's all the possibilities or all the possible places The Watcher could have been but for the most part we're just kind of left to our imagination in terms of what these Watchers could be but what we see Sam Alexander going through here what we see I'm understanding is this idea that his helmet gives him information that his helmet is warning him but at the same time he doesn't seem like there's a doesn't see what there's a reason for him to be concerned now what we see is again as SF Alexander continues through the lair of The Watcher he realizes that amid his his investigation of all these ghost versions of The Watcher as he calls it that he's lost the lost track of the real watcher and so he begins to go on this sort of hunt he begins to look around for the watcher himself eventually he comes across what he thinks may be some kind of a of an armory of sorts when he opens the door he realizes that's exactly what it is then what we see in this armory is a vast collection of various weapons some of which we've seen before and some of which we haven't and among these weapons is the ultimate nullifier now this is a very big deal because again we discuss on several occasions what the ultimate nullifier is and the ultimate nullifier is exactly what it sounds like it nullifies it eradicated things from existence and this ultimate nullifier will become important later on when we get into the mindless ones and we see Nik theory and various other superheroes responding to a crisis with the mindless ones in in New York City what we see here is that Sam Alexander is surprised to see that the ultimate nullifier simply just there he understands the effect of the no ultimate nullifier despite the fact that he's never actually seen it used in person but he knows that this is a very dangerous thing in addition he speculates here that The Watcher was by virtue of chronicling various events also collecting things he was also collecting different artifacts collecting different weapons and things like that and maybe it was for safekeeping we're not really sure what what the Watchers intention was here but what we see is that again Sam Alexander's helmet begins to go crazy it begins to alert him that something very significant is taking place with regards to to his immediate surroundings indicating that there is a vast amount of danger that could be approaching him what we also see here is that Sam Alexander begins to travel around he begins and to look around in search of The Watcher and again encounters more of these ghost versions of The Watcher and ultimately what we see is that Sam Alexander is able to find the watcher he's able to locate the actual watcher of this reality and he simply asks them if he may join and again the watch remains silent here the watcher doesn't answer what we see is that Sam Alexander is looking at the watcher in such a way to where he understands why it is that his helmet has been gone awry the helmets gone awry because of something called the multiversal friction engine and this is what is used to power the Watchers Watchtower and the multiversal friction engine as I understand it is energy that is the the result of all the multiverses coming into contact with one another or bumping up against one another but more or less it's what's left over as the multiverses exists and so this if I understand it correctly is what feeds the the power source of the Watchers Watchtower in addition we see that Sam Alexander is looking at The Watcher and realizes that he seems to be waiting for something he seems to be looking for something and that he doesn't really know what it is he doesn't really know what it is that The Watcher is hunting for but then we see that as Sam Alexander gets closer to the watcher that various screens begin to light up and this is when we get the backstory of who watching the Watchers race and what we learn here is that who watch the watcher is a member of one of the oldest races in the history of the universe and that these races at that time or this race at that time existed to both chronicle and possibly to interact but for the most part they were a very proud race and so what we see is that one of the individuals a person named M nu I believe is the is not necessarily the leader of the Watchers but is one of the more respected members of the Watchers and what we see is that Ecore or Ike or I'm not exactly how to pronounce it who's the father of a wat to is in a debate with M nu and Ecore says that it's their job it's their goal as a more advanced race to reach out to other races to help those races that are less advanced to be guided properly to take the right steps towards the direction of becoming a more advanced race but also be a better contributor to the universe as a whole we see that M nu is avidly against this M nu says that it's not their place to involve themselves and the goings on of races which are lower than them of races which are are irrelevant to them we then see that that lot - The Watcher speaks up the watch of the Watchers says that because the Watchers have such vast strength that if they don't use it to help other people if they don't use it to help other races advance themselves then all their vaunted strength is simply just a sham so what we see is that is that M nu is in effect over he's out voted he's overruled by the council and I cores I guess I horse ideology stand that the Watchers are going to involve themselves and helping to assist other races and the first race that they choose as a race called the present Prostate proselyte khun's I guess is how you pronounce that I'm not sure why that name had to be chosen but what we see is that the Watchers appear to this race bringing them the gift of nuclear energy and we - we see the Watchers tell the prosecute Priscilla Coons that the nuclear energy will give them the opportunity to advance themselves technologically and it'll move them lightyears ahead of where they currently are and so what we see is that over the course of about a decade or so this race is able to advance themselves they're able to eliminate hunger and disease and they're able to usher in a new era of what appears to be peace and so due to the success of this we see that the Watchers begin to expand their reach out further into the universe they begin to move forward and move in the direction of touching other races but ultimately what we see is that the the efforts of the Watchers bring them back to to the prostatitis planet and when they arrive they realize that what had happened is that given the nuclear energy that had been gift from the Watchers that the process of Lincoln's had in effect destroyed themselves they had devolved into a state of nuclear warfare and annihilated their entire race and so from here we see that I Corps is a very distraught by this he is absolutely devastated by this and so as a result he comes to this realization that M knew was wise that M knew was smart and making the decision that The Watcher should simply just Chronicle events but they should never interact we see that who ought to try so plead with his father and tell him that this is not the case that this was simply just one example but that other races still may chair or still may flourish they may still grow and expand and not succumb to the same kind of a fate that was left to the Priscilla khun's but we see that his father won't hear it and that his father has taken the stance that the Watchers should not involve themselves and their goings on of anybody else and so from here we transitioned back to Sam Alexander and what we see is that Santa Alexander begins to maybe express some kind of remorse for what it was that had happened to a lot to his father he says that that he doesn't really know what to say here he says that he tries to start by saying that he's sorry but it just doesn't really seem to de comprehend it it doesn't really seem to - I guess maybe quell the kind of grief that who walked to the watcher has knowing that his race had effectively contributed to another race completely wiping itself out due to a gift that was given in addition he has to watcher what it is that he watches how much of the observable universe is it that the The Watcher looks at and what we see is that who watch of The Watcher reveals to Sam Alexander the fact that he watches everything and when we say everything we mean absolutely everything not just this reality but all realities in addition the idea here is that the watcher is looking for something and what the watcher is looking for is given to us by Sam Alexander when Sam Alexander comes to the realization that all these various images all are from different realities when he sees that there is an african-american version of Captain America which may very well be a future version of the Falcon which indicates to us that this may not be all reality said it may simply just be this one reality but then we see that as Sam Alexander 's helmet begins to to warn him that the constant motion the influx of energy from the the multiversal engine would ultimately result in his destruction we see that he realizes there's a set of images there are there's once one event that seems to repeat itself every single time and every single reality and it's always the same it never changes and this is the instance whereby his father had given nuclear energy to the prosthetic uns and they had destroyed themselves and so we see that this is what the watcher is looking for The Watcher is looking for one instance whereby this didn't happen where this race didn't eradicate itself given the energy of nuclear power that was given to them by the Watchers and so this is what the watcher looks for this is what he's been hunting for all this time and all this really does is give us us understanding that The Watcher has emotion so the watcher has feelings the watcher despite the fact that he doesn't voice them despite the fact that his for the most part the facial features or his expressions don't really change that he is part of a race that is hungry for something that he's hungry for a way to prove that his father was right and to prove that his father wasn't wrong and saying that the Watchers should relegate themselves to simply observing and never interacting in addition we see Sam Alexander begin to I guess move away begin to tell the watcher that again he didn't necessarily want to intrude here that he didn't want to to play the role of somebody who didn't need to be there and so again he pleads with The Watcher one last time and he asked The Watcher if The Watcher knows where his father is because one of the big character aspects of Sam Alexander is the location of his father who would simply just vanished and again this is something that we'll get into when we do a further explanation on the character Nova and we get into the role that Sam Alexander plays but we see the Sam Alexander says The Watcher watches everything and so if The Watcher sees everything in this reality then surely The Watcher knows where his father is he recognizes that The Watcher may not be able to tell him that The Watcher may not be able to tell him exactly where it is it his father sad and so we see Sam Alexander accept the fact that and effectively effectively tell The Watcher if he can't tell Sam magazine Sam Alexander woods father is and it's okay it's not a great big huge problem and so we see that Sam Alexander begins to move away but then we see the watcher tell Sam Alexander that his father is alive and so for Sam Alexander this is a big deal and Sam Alexander celebrates this this fact he celebrates this recognition that his father is very much alive as like colic begins to come to a close what we see here is again this element of The Watcher having remorse of this element of The Watcher not being an individual who is devoid of any kind of emotion whatsoever when the watcher takes out the trinket that had been given to him by Sam Alexander the piece of ground where the x-men of the Avengers were able to stop the the Phoenix v and he puts it on a pedestal as a way to to remind him or maybe as a way to to keep it as a memento that somebody out there is concerned about him this brings an end to original sin issue number zero and again all this was designed to do is to give us an understanding of The Watcher to give us this idea of what the possible impacts could be if the watcher were killed which is something that we'll pick up with with original sin issue number one so original San issue number one brings us into the original sin storyline proper and the way that Marvel has organized original sin force is actually pretty good it's actually pretty interesting what we see is that the the groupies or the individuals who appear in the original sin event are grouped in such a way where we see the most common individuals ranked first along with these subsets the I guess the subset teams or the teams that will form as a branch off of different superheroes and the order in which they will appear in what we see here is that Wolverine Black Widow Captain America and Nick Fury Thor and Iron Man are the first ones to appear and in fact these are the ones that we will largely pick up with as the story begins but then we see that the smaller groupings here black panther and man and Emma Frost Doctor Strange and the Punisher Bucky Barnes and Moon Knight and Gamora are going to be teams that are formed for particular tasks each individual team is going to perform a task that's been laid out in order to understand or to discover the mystery of this whodunit story of who it was that had killed the watcher and so what we see here as the story opens up as the story progresses is that we join up with various superheroes we join up with Captain America with Nick Fury with Black Widow and and Wolverine and all we really see here for the most part is them just having some witty banter talking about the best steak they ever had and and so on and so forth there's no real purpose here except to maybe show us what these characters do or how they relate to one another when they're on their off time but what we see here is that the phone of Captain America rings and Captain America as we see is contacted by Thor now the fact that we're only given one half of the conversation isn't really it doesn't really take away from the effect what we see here is that apparently Thor is very panicky on the other line Thor is is very excited or at the very least is speaking in such a way that it gives Captain America pause for concern Captain America hangs up and tells everybody that they need to gather together and they need a head they need to head out they need to meet with Thor Nick Fury and chooses to stay behind he elects to tell everybody that he will pay for the pay for dinner that the tab will be on him the Captain America responds by saying no that this is such a significant event that Nick Fury needs to join them Nick Fury asked what it is that's so bad that Captain America requires his attendants and Captain America says that this is on the moon this is an event that's taking place regarding the moon and Nick Fury says okay he finally agrees to travel with them from here we switch to the perspective of Wolverine and black panther I'm sorry yeah Black Widow Thor Iron Man Captain America and Nick Fury and we see that someone has murdered the watcher somebody has killed the watcher and this is very important here and the reason why is because as Nick Fury will explain later on there are not very many people that can do this and so what we see is this may be crime scene investigation of source where we see various individuals trying to understand what's gone on here trying to figure out what's taken place but because of the fact of The Watcher is so enigmatic to them they don't really know how to prove how did it proceed for example Captain America says or ask if they should check for a pulse but they don't even know if he ever really had a pulse to begin with they don't know exactly how it is a day that he functions the fact that he can be killed indicates of course mortality and indicates that for the most part the fact that he was shot in the head and died that he probably functions in the same way as a normal human but again this isn't necessarily guaranteed we also see that Tony Stark says that he's taking readings energy readings of The Watcher and realizes that there are no energy readings that The Watcher is dead what we also see here is that Ironman says that the question has to be asked here who could have done this who could have killed who could have shot the watcher and the head was a nose was it maybe red skull in the Cosmic Cube and we see that black widow chimes in and Black Widow says this was done with a gun she says that given her expertise her experience both investigating deaths and being the person who's perpetrated multiple killings that she's well aware of what the effect is when a person's shot with a gun and this was most certainly a gun from here we see that wolverine asked the question what kind of a gun could do this what kind of a gun could be powerful enough to kill the watcher what we also see here is that Nick Fury chimes in and says that the Watchers eyes are gone now this is extremely important here and the reason why is because we going to see referred to as we progress through this comic towards the end and especially into other comics is something that's referred to as the unseen something called the original sin and we will find out what this is until much later on but what we see is that Nick Fury investigating further says that both of them were carved out postmortem most likely then he asks a question what kind of a person would take another person's eyes what we also see here is that for says that this is madness this is total insanity for somebody to kill someone and take their eyes and we also see that Wolverine says that there's really no scent for him to pick up here there's no way for him to track the person because of the fact that the machines that were used by the watcher to keep the place clean we're very good at their job and so there's no scent left from here we switch to Captain America and Captain America more or less takes all the information that we've gained at this point and throws it in such a way that we can understand it clearly and and quickly any simply says that there's a killer on the loose somebody armed with a gun that can kill the watcher and also has all the weapons or presumably also has all the weapons that were in the possession of the watcher what we also see here is Captain America talking to Nick Fury and Captain America tells Nick Fury that he needs to get everybody on this that he needs to get as many groups as he can which includes shield and sword now sword is a group that we haven't talked about and in fact sword actually appeared during Joss Whedon's run of astonishing x-men but sword stance for a sentient world observation and response department and sword is a counterpart to shield where shield exists to monitor earthbound threats to monitor earthbound individuals both superhero super-powered and otherwise sword monitors extraterrestrial worlds they monitor other aliens to ensure that there's no kind of I don't know I guess that's a terrestrial threat against the against the planet Earth and so we see that the fact that somebody could have the kind of technology or the kind of weapon that will be apparel for how powerful enough to kill the watcher is a weapon that needs or that may very well be owned by an extraterrestrial of some kind and so we see that of course Captain America is including sword to rule this concept out but what we see here is that Nick Fury says that the number of people who even realize The Watcher was alive is a very small list and the number of people who could successfully kill the watcher is smaller still and so he tells Captain America that not all the names on that list are bad guys that not everybody that had the power to kill the watcher is a bad guy that in may to lead to some friends Captain America responds by saying that The Watcher was murdered and that all he cares about is the truth from here we switched to Wakanda we switched to Black Panther and we see the Black Panther is talking to some unnamed individual in the shadows and black panther for the most part just gives us this understanding that he's will away of what's taken place or at the very least he understands the concept of what's gone on that the watcher has at some point been killed and that the attempt is being made to find out who it was that killed him but what we see here is that this individual is asking the question why is it that that this individual that this unnamed person isn't listening the aid of Black Panther why is he coming to Black Panther and asking for help this person says that the Avengers despite the fact that they are a formidable team are sometimes just not cut out for everything and this is an instance where by they're not cut out for the task that's going to be necessary in order for this mystery to be unraveled we see this individual has sent some some pictures or some files of some kind to Black Panther and Black Panther after looking at these asks him what it is has been sent here this unnamed individual responds by saying that it's a trail it's a trail that goes in different directions but it all leads to the same place and when Black Panther asked what it is he says it leads to the unseen that it leads to the original sin from here we see Black Panther a little irritated here because this person's being cryptic and of course we see that black panther asks if the the one linked if the common theme that all these things all these roads lead to you is the person that killed the watcher then we see this individual say yes this individual says that appears to be the case from here we see the Black Panther again says if this is the case if you have all the evidence here if you have all the answers here then send the Avengers to capture this person and we see this unnamed individual telling Black Panther that these aren't answers that these are questions that may lead to answers and so we see that this individual says that he's formed several teams he's formed various individuals who are going to come together to try to decipher this this chaotic mystery try to come to an understanding of what it is that has gone on here from here we see the first team beginning to form where we see Scott Lang and again Scott Lang is the the reincarnation I guess a newer version of ant-man and to make a very short summary regarding his character Scott Lang was originally an electronics tech and a genius-level electrician's I'm sorry a genius-level electronics guy and there came a point where he was down on his luck where he had a few problems and eventually when he was watching a crime being perpetrated he stole the outfit of ant-man and he had used it to to keep this crime from happening and so as a result we saw that Hank Pym allowed Scott Lane to continue using his ant-man outfit and Scott Lang took on the moniker of ant-man and what we see here is that ant-man is joining forces with Emma Frost and again this is all post-civil war this is all post Avengers vs. x-men and so on and so Emma Frost is still considered by many to be an outcast she's still considered by many to be part of the force that created the Phoenix 5 a member of the Phoenix 5 and so of course after the events of Avengers vs. x-men she's been cast out by quite a large number of people what we see here is switching we see this kind of a scenario I guess taking place where Emma Frost who under normal circumstances would never join forces with Scott Lang is now on his team but we don't really know what the whole purpose of this is we don't really know why it is that they've gotten together but what we see is this transition to the Punisher in Los Angeles and we see that Frank castle is apparently torturing some person for information Frank castle is attempting to get answers out of him and this person is telling him that he knows the answer to the question that Frank Castle is asking he tells Frank Castle that he'll take him to where these individuals are buried now in terms of these individuals who they are it's not really relevant to this story all it is is simply us at being I guess a scene Frank Castle and his element and what we see is that as Frank Castle is torturing this individual that dr. Stephen strange appears and Steven train estranged tells the punisher that this individual is telling the truth The Punisher replies by saying that he knows that he knows this person was telling the truth he says the first 15 minutes or for making him talk and that the last hour was because he deserved it and so we see dr. strange replying by saying that this individual has had enough and that Frank hassel and dr. strange need to leave they need to go on their mission and so we see the doctor strange teleports this individual away from here we switch to moon night and and Bucky Barnes and what we see is that again the the final team here is being formed the final team is finally coming together and as the two progress as the two come along there I guess travel on their route to wherever it is that they happen to be going we see that these individuals finally come across their third teammate and this third teammate is revealed to us to be Gamora the daughter of Thanos from here we switch back to Nick Fury and Nick Fury is pondering this circumstance Nick Fury is pondering this this mystery of who could have possibly killed the watcher what possibly could have happened that would have would have would have led to this he also I guess thinks on the fact that the individual who was successfully able to kill the watcher was a person who was seasoned this was not the very first time a person's ever done this that it was not done with the shaky hand and this person had precision accuracy this guy knew exactly what it was that they were doing we see that Nick Fury says that this person has killed before this is not the very first time this person's ever killed anybody and so what we see is a Captain America joins Nick Fury and the two of them begin talking we see that Nick Fury says that shield is working with sword and they're using satellite and all different forms of surveillance to try to figure out what in the world happened here to try to figure out what it is that has led to this led to this situation what we also see is that as some bullet fragments have been dug out of the skull of The Watcher and that's the bullet fragments were where gamma-irradiated now this is extremely important here this is a very important clue regarding this mystery and it's very important that you guys pay attention to this we see that the initial idea here is to talk to Bruce Banner to find out what's been going on because Bruce Banner is the foremost authority on gamma radiation from here we see that Captain America's conversation with Nick Fury is interrupted when he gets an incoming call or he gets some resonance of a conflict taking place in New York involving a Fantastic Four and from here we switched to the mindless ones and the thing now the mindless one is a general term the mindless one is a group of individuals they don't really have particular names they're simply just referred to as the mind of the mindless ones and the mindless ones are interdimensional beings they exist beyond I guess in between universes beyond our universe or in different realities and dimensions but they have no real will of their own their their mindless by their very nature and so they exist to do the bidding of whoever it is that is able to gain their servitude what we see here is that as the as the thing and and the mindless one are fighting one another that Spider Man comes to the aid of the thing and Spider Man is the first one to realize that this is one of the mindless ones he realizes that these are extra dimensional monsters that he's fought them before and that the power of these things is incredible but what we see here is that the mindless one is telepathic the mindless one is able to communicate using his mind and according to Spider Man this is something that should not happen now again this is yet another thing that's very important here and I hope you picked up on the number of things that are out of the ordinary here the number of things that are happening regarding different characters or scenarios that shouldn't normally happen that seem very very strange in addition what we see here is that as the mindless one is communicating with Ben Grimm and Peter Parker that while his speech initially started out as broken English while he initially starts out as being unable to form proper sentences that his speech will become inherently better he also says things like why was he made to know that he was better not knowing that he understands what pain is now that you know what pan knows what pain is and that he was better not knowing what pain was we also see that at this point the thing begins to physically attack the mindless one and is joined by by Peter Parker but again what we see here is that the mindless one is telepathically communicating the mindless one is that they never should have this as they never should have gone they never should have gone to the moon now again we don't know exactly what this means but we're led to believe here that perhaps whoever was at a The Watcher had enlisted the aid of the mindless ones and that through some kind of a act maybe some sort of power that we haven't seen yet maybe some sort of ability that hasn't been displayed to us now this individual was able to endow this mindless one with telepathy what we see here is that the mindless one says that they found things there they found things that were changing them that were making them different that we're making them see and they said that sorry the mindless one says that the man on the moon is the one who knows the man on the moon is the one who's aware and the man on the moon was getting revenge on them by making them know by making them aware but again we don't understand what this means for we see here is that the mindless one is wielding the ultimate nullifier now again if you recall our discussion on original san issue number zero we had talked about how the the ultimate nullifier was in the armory of the of the watcher and so the fact of the mindless one is now in possession of the ultimate nullifier indicates to us that the the mindless one was in fact on the moon from here we see that Ben Grimm is trying to talk the mindless one down he's trying to get the mindless one not to use his not to use the ultimate nullifier he's trying to get the mindless one to to to disarm himself from here what we see is the mindless was a mindless one is saying that you can't change what I've seen that nothing can change what he's done we also see that he was more content he says he was more content being mindless being mindless before he was more content not having a will of his own but the fact that he's been made aware now the fact that he has in fact been able to been made to see means that he's now aware of sin and that sin is all that he can see at this point we see that Captain America and Nick Fury arrive on the scene and we see that when Captain America initially out okay the the thing Ben Grimm says not everybody and of course were left here to see that the mindless one had destroyed itself at this point we again see that Captain America initially takes over the scene captain a Captain America initially says that they are going to of course leave the ultimate nullifier what it where it is that nobody needs to touch it and that a D containment team needs to be brought in order for them to animal the circumstances analyze the environment to see if they can perhaps gain some evidence regarding the mindless ones and their possible involvement with the death of the watcher but what we see here is that Nick Fury takes over Nick Fury says that this has been turned into a crime scene and that he is officially in charge from here we switch to two Gamora I'm sorry to Emma Frost Scott Lang and Black Panther and what we see here is that they're traveling to the to the center of the earth they're traveling to perhaps maybe a deeper layer and not necessarily the core and it seems a little strange to Scott Lang that they are following I'm sorry traveling to the center of the earth to perhaps find who it was that had killed the watcher what we also see is that the that Frank castle with the Punisher and Doctor Strange are travelling to her own location that they're in fact traveling to a different dimension they're traveling to places beyond the main earth-616 universe or we also see here is that Gamora and Moon Knight and Bucky Barnes are again continuing their own search as they've banded together and that they are traveling throughout various places they're going to be traveling through space they're going to be looking through all these different parts of the cosmos to try to find what's been going on to try to find perhaps the individual who has killed the watcher from here we switched to the mindless ones and we see that there are a multitude of them and we see an individual saying that he can't control them anymore that he can't he can't make them bend to his will this individual saying that they're changing that they're evolving most likely due to the power that has been used but what we see here is that this develops are that these mindless ones are evolving because of what this individual is in possession of and that this individual is in possession of one of the eyes of the watcher from here this brings an end to two original sin issue number one and I hope you guys enjoyed it for the most part the beginning of original sin was pretty riveting it was pretty exciting and it was a very enjoyable read but I think that what you will find a little disappointingly so is that as we progress with the original sin storyline but the story will sort of begin to take a downward spiral that will begin to move in a direction it's maybe not necessarily the best but again I leave that to you guys to decide for yourselves so as we pick up with original sin issue number two it's very important that you guys pay close attention to what's going on because what we're going to see here is that these stories are going to take off they're going to move extremely fast and so there's not going to be a whole lot of explanation in terms of who individuals are and so on and just because for the most part there won't be a whole lot of time for it we're going to get quite a bit quite a bit of information at a very in a very short amount of time as we progress through these videos so what we see going on here is we're with Emma Frost Scott Lang and black panther as they are near the centre of the planet and what we see is that they've encountered the Malloys now the Malloys are the de facto henchmen of mole man more or less and for the most part they're not really relevant to this story although I would like you to keep them in the back of your head because what we're going to see is that when we get to our discussion of old man Logan the Malloys are going to play a role and so if you're unfamiliar with them you're going to be a little confused as to what the relevance is regarding their characters in that storyline but what we see is that Emma Frost and Black Panther are looking at the Malloys and they're trying to figure out what's going on in this environment what we see is that they've encountered a giant skeleton of sorts and they more or less figure out that whoever it was that had been here whoever it was it had been depositing bodies here is a person who didn't want anybody to find it who thought this was a very well hidden dumping ground in addition we see Scott Lang is looking for various sources of radiation Scott Lang is looking for some kind of indication maybe gamma or radiation or something that could help them lay out or find this trail that will lead to who it was that was dumping bodies in here what we also see is that Emma Frost is telepathically speaking with the Malloys telling the Malloys that she's not there to hurt them none of them are there to hurt them that they're simply just conducting an investigation and they'll be out of their hair soon but what we see is that the Malloys simply state or as far as I'm a fraud scandal that the Beloit don't really know what's going on that every few months somebody comes down there and some bodies are deposited but they don't really know where the bodies are coming from and then at this point we see a depiction of the fact that there are a multitude of bodies here and they all seem to be of alien origin or some kind of extra dimensional origin all these bodies belong to monster some of which are relatively recent and some of which are skeletons and make a team they've been there for quite some time from here we switch to a New York City and we follow the story of Nick Fury Captain America and others and what we see going on here is that Nick I'm sorry that I Captain America Black Widow spider-man and Wolverine are pursuing somebody in particular they're pursuing something although at this point we don't really know what it is but what we see is that this is one of the mindless ones and again these are extra dimensional beings that for the most part don't really are not supposed to really have their own will they simply just do as they're told more or less and what we see is that while Captain America and in spider-man Wolverine and Black Widow were chasing the mindless one they're giving Nick Fury information Nick Fury's flying around the side of the building and they're informing him of where it's at what we see is that the mindless one jumps out of the building and lands in the car in a Nick Fury's hover car and we see that again this mindless one is displaying telepathy here dis- ones displaying the fact that it does have a mind we see that it pleads with Nick Fury to let it go that he has to keep running and then he has to keep running to outrun his own mind indicating that this was just a sudden burst of intelligence this was a sudden introduction of entitle intelligence to the mindless ones and they don't know how to deal with this influx of knowledge and in telepathy indicating that maybe the thoughts of other individuals are pushing their way into their mind because again they don't know how to control their new newfound telepathic abilities from here we see that Nick Fury engages the defenses of his car to try to subdue the mindless one but it's not working and this is very important here the mindless one says that being on the moon was the first time that he ever knew what sin was and he asks whether or not a person deserves to died for their original sin Nick Fury thinks this is an admission of guilt he thinks that the mindless one is admitting that he had killed the watcher and the mindless one simply replies by saying that he still can't look I can't bear to look at the Watchers eye at this point we see Nick Fury jettison from the car he initiates the ejection mode and with his jetpack on is able to escape and effectively crashes the car at this point and we see the mindless 1 pleading that he wants to be mindless again that he wants to he doesn't want to have any sort of intelligence that he demands to be made ignorant again but we see that of course this is not something Nick Fury can grant and Nick Fury simply just shoots the car and blows the car up from here we transition to Doctor Strange and the Punisher and we see that this system we just listed as elsewhere that simply described to us as somewhere far beyond the realms of men but what Doctor Strange tells us is that this is a realm of man-eating shadows and again if you recall our discussion on Doctor Strange what we had talked about is that dr. strange during his solo storylines or even during his storylines of strange tales would constantly visit various dimensions some of which were extremely strange some of which were very interesting and relatively familiar but this is an instance of visiting a dimension whereby the things are very weird and very odd we see the Punisher saying that are asking the question if they thought they were supposed to be hunting a murderer and Doctor Strange says yes Doctor Strange says that's what we're here for and the Punisher deduces that they're simply supposed to be bait in addition we see Doctor Strange say he's conjured Birds he's conjured these sort of energy based birds and that they will find a murderer murder victim regardless of where it is from here we transition to them teleporting to the location of the discovered murder victim and the murder victim appears to be some kind of an ancient king of the world as I'm sorry king of the ancient world rather as Doctor Strange tells us and that this creature is quite massive it's pretty huge in size in addition we see that the Punisher immediately gets to work on trying to figure out what in the world was going on here what in the world it was that maybe killed this this creature caused its death and again at this point The Punisher is not really sure why he's along he's really not sure why he's been brought here if they're going to be traveling to other dimensions whereby dr. strange is really the only one who has any power in these locations but what we see is that the Punisher deduces why it is that he's here that he's here to more or less figure out what killed these beings while dr. strange keeps them protected to a degree and we see that the Punisher is able to locate a pretty massive gamma-irradiated bullet now from here we transition back to earth and we're back with the mindless once and again the mindless ones are or quoting different things their their minds are catching up to the fact that there's a lot of intelligence to be gained and we don't really know again how it is it this happened we don't really know how it is that the mindless ones were able to gain their abilities shy of looking into the eye of the watcher in addition we see that the two unnamed individuals that we had yet to see are again in possession of one of the Watchers eyes and they're talking about how the the mindless ones are evolving how they are expanding in terms of their overall abilities with its so are these two individuals so they are gaining more power simply just by being in possession or maybe he's looking into the eye of the watcher from here we see these individuals continuing to talk these individuals are saying things like you know the idea of I'm sorry facing the Avengers the idea of the fact that the Avengers will eventually come for them and we see this individual simply saying that the Avengers will not be able to handle this when they arrive that when the Avengers show up to confront this individual that the Avengers are going to be faced with the power of the Watchers I from here we see this individual yelling out calling to various individuals but what we see is that this this group of individuals are in fact the Avengers proper that for the most part all the Avengers including Nick Fury's team the team of of Black Panther Scott Lang and Emma Frost and dr. Strange's team are converging on the honestest tower where these individuals are housing the mindless ones in addition to the Watchers eyes and what we see is that the mindless ones and exterminate ryx who is the daughter of dr. Midas begin to attack the Avengers now exterminators as a character that we haven't really talked about yet and in truth she's not really relevant she's a one of these instances of a character who's being elevated but is it really a character who matters that much but what we see going on here is that the mindless ones and exterminate tricks get into a very drawn-out brawl with the Avengers we see that Richard I'm sorry that Sam Alexander of Nova Corps along with various other individuals are fighting the mindless ones and exterminate ryx but what we also see here is that the possessor of the Watchers eye is leading someone who appears to be the thing down a set of stairs but what we see is that this is in fact dr. Midas now for those of you guys who were unfamiliar with doctor - dr. Midas is an individual who has the power to turn anything to gold once he touches it but he's also a genius-level person now why it is a doctor - as part of this story is something that I have yet to figure out I'm not really sure why he's here but what we see is that this individual and dr. Midas are talking about the Watchers eye they're talking about how The Watcher has seen everything in human history and this individual who's in possession of the eye believes that everything that the watcher has seen is still within his eye and he's simply trying to find a way to to take it out we also see here is dr. Midas asks this individual how do we get the secrets out of there how did we get the secrets that the watcher had and this individual says that he's been trying to figure that out but he doesn't know the answer to that in addition we see that once this individual and dr. Midas get down to the ground level we see that the mindless ones have for the most part been totally defeated by a combination of the thing of the fantastic for the full new Avenger Sam Alexander and storm of the x-men including daredevil and various other superheroes and what we see is that this individual begins to reveal himself this individual says that the Watchers eye is a bomb and that all bombs go boom from here we're gonna bring him into this story and we'll pick up with issue number three where we learn what happens when everyone is exposed to the to the eye of the watcher and what happens when everyone is exposed to the secrets that they had long since thought dead or the secrets they didn't think anybody else so with original sin issue number three what we see here is that we're picking up almost immediately after the events of original sin issue number two but this issue is very very important for the original sin storyline and the reason why is because this storyline will not just lay the foundation for future actions and the storyline involving other characters as well as the tie-ins but it will also pertain to the production or I guess introduction of newer characters in the realm of Marvel Comics as a whole and this will become doubly so when we get to the section of original sin where we talk about what it was that Nick Fury had said to Thor that caused him to lose the ability to wield his hammer and what we see going on here is that again this takes place immediately after original sin issue number two and so we're all these members of the superhero community the Avengers and some of the x-men had gathered to confront dr. Midas and the orb the orb in turn uses the powers of the Watchers eye to expose everyone's secrets and what we see here is that a vast array of things are going on here there is now new information in the minds of various superheroes involving other people all these secrets that belong to anybody they had ever known are now inside their heads and so they know everything now with regards to the Incredible Hulk what we will see and hope versus Iron Man is that we'll see this sort of storyline playing out whereby we get a little more information in terms of how it was that Bruce Banner became the Incredible Hulk in the first place and when we get into the story of spider-man we'll learn about the these circumstances that led to spider-man or Peter Parker becoming spider-man and the fact that he was not the only one that this happened to from here what we see going on is that dr. Midas oubliette and in the orb or attempting to make their getaway as a result of the fact that the superheroes for the most part are entirely distracted by the fact that they're seekers have been laid bare but what we see is that before the org can get away he's confronted by Nick Fury and Nick Fury tells him to put his hands on his head and that he's under arrest for murder what we see here with the orb is the orb says there's no need for that he says that he's not the one that Nick Fury's after that the orb wants to know who killed the watcher just as much as Nick Fury does because it wasn't the orb did it from here we transition back to through black panther Emma Frost and Scott Lang and what we see here is that they're talking about the idea of these bullets that they've collected through the corpses of these bodies these gamma-irradiated bullets and we see them talking about how all these different creatures all these different uh I guess monsters or mutants or what-have-you are here but somebody had put them here and if somebody had the power to kill these things and somebody must have been doing this for a very long time and the question has to be asked what does this have to do how does this tie in to the watcher being killed on the moon we see black panther telling us that again our killer that the killer that has eliminated all these monsters has been doing this for a while and has the skills to remain hidden and so he says that perhaps the watcher was killed because the watcher saw this happening the watcher saw that this individual was killing all these things and as a result the watcher lost his life because of it Emma Frost goes as far as to ask the question was it because he saw the killer is that the most likely case and black panther replies that the watcher sees everything even the unseen now the unseen is a very important element with regards to this comic and again I'd like you to keep this in the back of your head because what we will see later on as we get into or I guess as we progressed further is that we'll learn what the unseen is from here we transition back to Doctor Strange and the Punisher and the Punisher says that this individual was shot from some distance away that more likely most likely it was somewhere around maybe 4,000 yards and that regardless of the kind of gun that was used it would take an incredibly accurate person to pull off a shot like this frankly Frank Castle says that this can only be done by a handful of people on the planet earth that maybe 10 people actually have this skill to do this from here we see dr. strange pondering this information dr. strange simply say that this is a little weird this is a little strange and he's a little um dissatisfied by the fact that there are killers that are roaming these dimensions and he doesn't really know what the ramifications that this could be regarding other dimensions we see a frank acerola asking dr. strange if dr. strange referring to him and dr. strange says what's the difference he says there's really no difference between Frank hassel and whoever this anonymous killer is where Frank Castle says that when he kills somebody he doesn't hide it which of course is something that I that we're quite aware of reading through the The Punisher comics what we see here is that dr. strange then tells Nick Fury I'm sorry tells how the Punisher that if only ten people are able to kill on this scale or able to kill somebody from this far away with this level of preciseness then he wants to know who they are he wants the exact list of those individuals that are capable of this kind of thing from here we switched to Bucky Barnes Moon Knight and Gomorrha and again these individuals are conducting their investigation off the planet Earth or investigating space as a whole but at this point in the story they haven't really encountered anything yet where Emma Frost and Black Panther and Scott Lang had traveled to the center of the earth and encountered aliens and monsters that have been killed and Doctor Strange and Punisher had encountered their own sort of extra dimensional beings we see that for the most part Gamora and Moon Knight and Bucky Barnes haven't found anything and because they have a phantom II thing they feel like this is a fool's errand Gamora says that this is silly she says there's really no need for them to be here that if they're going to be looking for the murder of The Watcher there really be no reason why the murderer would be out in space the The Watcher was on the moon and so most likely the murderer is on the planet earth or hails from the planet Earth and that they should be investigating the earth instead what we see here is this this weird kind of circumstance where the the ship that they're traveling in begins to encounter all these bullets they begin to effectively fly into a field of bullets into shell casings and for the most part they're not really sure what in the world is going on here they don't really understand how it is they're flying in a bullet casings but they continue to follow the trail from here we see that again they're reporting their and their information they're reporting their investigation to an anonymous individual who can't see and for the most part we're led to believe that this is the same individual that had given their information or given the information to black panther that had set this entire investigation in motion and a first place then what we see with this individual is that he's saying it won't be long he's talking to we assume a henchman of some kind and says that they need to make things ready for when their visitors arrive that they need to prepare for the worst should the worst happen in addition he says that they're going to need a lot more of these gamma-irradiated bullets indicating to us that perhaps this unknown individual is the one behind the entire conflict in the first place from here what we see is the orb and the orb is being interrogated so to speak by Wolverine and the Incredible Hulk and again this isn't necessarily a torture session of any kind whereby they're actually inflicting harm but they're both using their extreme physical prowess will rein in his violence and The Incredible Hulk with his sheer strength to to attempt to threaten the orb to try to get the orb to confess to try to get him to tell them when the world's been going on but what we see here is that the orb says that while they're looking for the person who killed the watcher while they're looking for this individual that he will not give them any information that the only person he wants to talk to is Nick Fury and that unless they bring him Nick Fury he's not going to say anything from here we see that again the information this interrogation is being seen by some some individual which of course is uh I guess introduced to us as Nick Fury now what it is that Nick Fury is actually doing here what it is that he's actually monitoring is a little strange because what we see for the most part is that he's keeping an eye on everything he's monitoring everything that has gone on here we see for the most part that he speaks to Captain America and Captain America says that they've lost the trace of dr. Midas in addition they can't find the mindless ones apparently Ironman has lost track of their of their scent more or less or the ability for him to to locate him and so for the most part they are right back at square one what we also see here is that as a result of the orb bringing everybody's secrets into the light a multitude of the superheroes about of the superheroes have run off they've gone to different locations we don't really know what they're doing all we really know is that they've disappeared but most likely they're trying to deal with this idea that secrets they were previously unaware of are now common knowledge in addition we see that Nick Fury is examining the eye of the watch or the eye that he had gotten from the orb and what he says here is that this thing seems to be a living storage device and of course this information came from Reed Richards that everything The Watcher sees is quite literally recorded within the eye itself and that when the orb had I guess exposed everybody's secrets that it was like filling a series of grenades and that everybody was previewed to everybody's information but what we also see is that he again continues to examine he says the good news here is that only people who are in the immediate vicinity were affected me the entire world has not been made aware of everybody else's secrets but he says the bad news here is that half their team is gone from here we also see that Nick Fury asks an interesting question he asked Captain America what it was that he saw when he was exposed to the secrets that he didn't that he wasn't aware of but what we see Captain America say is that he's not going to tell him that it's not part of the mission from here what we see is that again Nick Fury kind of talking to himself while at the same time talking Captain America he said that it's a little strange here that Captain America wouldn't give him any information wouldn't tell him what it was that he saw because as far as Nick Fury now as Captain America doesn't have any secrets but Nick Fury says he has a lot of Secrets says he has all kinds of information and the question is why didn't he see anything when he was exposed to the eye of The Watcher from here we transitioned back to Kimora Moon Knight and Bucky Barnes and what we see here is that they've traced the location of these bullets to a planet and as they're investigating this planet they're trying to figure out what in the world's going on there for the most part it appears that somebody has managed to kill an entire planet somebody has quite literally shot bullets into the planet itself but they can't really figure out why they say that as far as I can tell the radiation levels on this planet are extremely high and so it's quite possible that at some time or another a civilization inhabited this planet and the civilization itself had been wiped out but what we see here is that there's no signs of any kind of civilization having been there there's no signs of former settlements that if an individual had arrived on the scene arrived on the planet and annihilated the entire civilization there would be structures there would be something to indicate that people had lived here in addition we see that Bucky Barnes is able to dig out one of the bullet fragments around sarria a four bullet rather and he begins to say that these are bullet holes that the planet itself is completely shot and riddled with bullets and that only two circumstances are most likely either this individual was a terrible shot because he shot straight down into it or he was intending to shoot straight down into the planet in which case the question has to be asked why from here we see that Bucky Barnes is able to piece together this puzzle and he tells them to initiate a camera to throw a camera and to orbit around the planet and what we see here is that as the camera begins to to shoot around that of course Gamora and Moon I'd ask him what what he's doing this for that if a planet's dead they really serve their purpose there's really nothing else to investigate here but what we see is that as a planet I'm sorry as the camera begins to pan around along the the bright side of the of the planet that the planet itself is revealed to be a living planet more along the lines of something like ego the Living Planet or something similar which of course is very interesting here because what this tells us is that this individual that's been killing a multitude of aliens has in fact killed an entire planet which would require a vast array of both power and prodigious skill in using various forms of weaponry from here we transition back on the the surface of the planet with Bucky Barnes Gamora and Moon Knight and what we see is of course they're shocked to see that this individual or this entire planet has been eradicated that this is this entire planet has been killed by presumably one individual and what we see is that Bucky Barnes is again able to piece this together Bucky Barnes says that this narrows down the list of people who are capable of doing something like this this narrows down the number of people who are able to achieve a feat like this and so their list of suspects becomes much smaller than it was before what we also see here is that Bucky Barnes sabotages the spaceship and leaves Gamora and moon Knights stranded on the planet and with no real means of escape now we will see them return but for the most part as far as we're concerned in this story we don't really know what's gonna go on with them we don't know if they're actually gonna make it back or not from here we see that the idea and the mind of Gamora is that Bucky Barnes is a prime target that Bucky Barnes is by a virtue of sabotaging their spaceship the I guess enemy number one he's the most logical person to have committed this act in the first place and that he was simply just hiding among their ranks from here we transition again back to two Nick Fury and we see that Wolverine reports to Nick Fury saying that the orb will not divulge any of his information to anybody except for Nick Fury and Nick Fury says that's what he was afraid of he says that he was afraid that the orb would only want to talk to him as opposed to talking to anybody else now we don't really know why but that's simply just the case as far as Marvel has explained it to us what we also see here is he's asking the question of himself that this is an eye a single eye that's full of secrets but the last he checked the watcher had two eyes so the question comes what happened to the other one does somebody else have the other eye at this point we see the Bucky Barnes teleports to where Nick Fury is currently located and Nick Fury is a little shocked to see this Nick Fury didn't actually expect to see Bucky arrived but he asked Bucky word is that he came from and Bucky immediately without any questions whatsoever shoots Nick Fury from here we transition to Nick Fury on the ground unconscious and Nick Fury of course I'm sorry not unconscious bleeding and injured and we see him asking Bucky why it was that he did this why would he shoot him Bucky says no more hiding Bucky says that there's no more running from our sins he says that there's no more turning a blind eye here and he in effect decapitates Nick Fury and simply says no more secrets at this point we bring an end to original sin issue number 3 and I hope you guys enjoyed it from here we'll continue this investigation in terms of the original sin storyline but we're we're gonna be v-8 and we're gonna talk about a couple of times we're gonna talk about Iron Man versus Hulk and we're going to talk about spider-man now for those of you that recall our discussion about Civil War this discussion on the tie-ins is going to be very similar to that in the sense that we're not going to go in-depth and to everything that's going on with spider-man at this particular point in time if you recall her discussion about Civil War for example we had talked about Heroes for Hire but all we had done when we talked about Heroes for Hire is that the Heroes for Hire had been contracted by Reed Richards and the remaining members of Reed Richards inner circle of the Avengers to attempt to find a way to capture Captain America and so that's what we're gonna do here with our discussion on spider-man we're only going to stick with the elements of the story that pertain to original sin now with the way the story kicks off there's one thing that I want to get into before we get into the main discussion and that is the revelation of Secrets involving various characters in the original sins story the way that Marvel has done this is very ambiguous Marvel hasn't really explained exactly how this works now maybe it's ambiguous because it's something they didn't account for maybe it's something they simply forgot about or maybe it's intentionally done that way in order for the reader to interpret it on their own but the way that Marvel reveals secrets is strange not everybody learns the secrets of everybody else but some individuals do and I think the way that Marvel has done this is that individuals only learn about secrets with things that pertain to them directly for example with the Incredible Hulk and Iron Man we learn how it is that Bruce Banner actually became the Incredible Hulk and Bruce Banner is the one who initiates the entire Incredible Hulk vs Iron Man storyline but this is only revealed to Bruce Banner by virtue of the fact that the that Iron Man had directly contributed to him becoming in the Incredible Hulk which is the reason why Bruce Banner doesn't know the secrets of Peter Parker as we'll discuss later in this story likewise Peter Parker doesn't know the secrets of how it was at Bruce Banner actually became the Incredible Hulk and so it seems as though these events are contained only to these individuals and so it's not as if everybody everywhere knows everybody else's Secrets is simply just that they know the secrets that are relevant to them but what we see here as the story progresses is that Peter Parker learns that he was not the only one bitten by a spider that had that had been radioactive and caused him to become spider-man in the first place then in fact there was somebody else there was a girl who was bitten and the way it's explained to us we're kind of able to piece this girl's name together and we learned her name is Cindy moon but this girl when she's bitten is not able to control her abilities whereas when Spiderman was bitten he almost immediately went out and began to demonstrate his powers began to capture his powers in addition we see that this girl Cindy moon is taken before Ezekiel as IRA a character named Ezekiel an Ezekiel says that he can help her now we're not going to go too in depth into Ezekiel just because we begin to getting into territory like more loon and totems and Peter Parker representing a spider on a totem and all kinds of different nonsense when it comes to Peter Parker's character but we see that as Peter Parker learns this once he realizes that he's not the only person to have been bitten by a spider and once he learns that Ezekiel had in effect locked Cindy Moon away he goes on a hunt for her he goes on this quest to find out who she is and to try to find a way to locate her in addition what we see is that once he's able to locate this place where she's at he breaks in and when he breaks in of course he smashes down the door and someone so forth but he's really talking to himself and us at the same time simply telling us that he's familiar with this area he's familiar with this location it's an old hideout that belonged to Ezekiel and as he makes his way into this location an automated message appears from Ezekiel and Ezekiel tells spider-man that if spider-man has appeared here if spider-man has found this location then that means that Ezekiel was killed in a conflict with more loon now again without going too far in a more loon and the idea of totems all this really was was a circumstance whereby Peter Parker represented an element of a totem and that these totems were based on animals they were based on creatures and that more loon was on a hunt to kill each one of these and to effectively consume them and to take their powers and this was how it was that Peter Parker and more loon came into conflict but what we see is that Ezekiel says that there's a reason why he kept this girl hidden from him there's a reason why he kept the two of them separated the Peter Parker immediately cuts him off before he can go any further and so we don't really know what it was that happened from here we see Peter Parker approaching the door whereby Cindy moon is being kept being held and he hollers for he calls for her and she responds she says is anybody there and he says yes he says this is spider-man and she's kind of shocked to to learn that Peter Parker is here indicating to us that maybe there was something going on with her character that maybe she wasn't immediately handed over to Ezekiel perhaps she was in the public eye or she was part of public society long enough to know who Peter Parker was and again a lot of this has to do with the time the sliding time scale of various Marvel characters and Franklin Richards existence of the Marvel Universe and all kinds of different things that go on but we see that Peter Parker tells her that he's here to get her out is he here to here easier to save her and that nobody should be made to live under these kind of conditions Peter Parker says that he knows what the code is but Cindy moon says not to open it she says that if he opens the door then more loon will come for them what we see as a Peter Parker is able to unlock the door and and allow her out and almost immediately after she is a release from her binds she attacks Peter Parker and she tells Peter Parker that he's killed them all that for whatever reason they're all going to die from here we switched to Africa and we switched to more loon and more loon becomes aware of the fact that the female spider spider-woman or I guess the first official Spider Woman to have ever existed in Marvel Comics is I guess up here so she's she's free and that she's available for him to to attempt to capture at this point we switched back to speeder to Peter Parker and Cindy moon and Peter Parker and Cindy moon are of course continuing to fight one another and she again tells him that more loon is going to kill them that more loon is going to not only attack and kill both Peter Parker and Cindy moon but everybody else that is a totem along the the animal chain from here we see that Peter Parker says that that more loon is is not dead you know that more the Molina is not alive that more loon is dead what we also see here is that Cyndi moon is able to demonstrate powers that Peter Parker doesn't have she is much faster than Peter Parker is but on the off side of this we learned that Peter Parker is actually stronger and so it's kind of this trade-off here whereby neither of them are equal either one is more powerful than the other they're simply they're almost opposite sides of the same coin but what we see is of course once she tells him or once Peter Parker tells her that more Lena's dead that she embraces her freedom she embraces the fact that she's no longer being held captive and that she can for the most part delve into the role that she's created for herself or delve into the possibility of being some kind of a superhero in addition we see that Peter Parker tells her that she can't simply just run around without having any kind of a mask or any kind of a of an outfit that she needs to be able to keep her personal identity secret so that she can avoid confrontations like Peter Parker's experience with Wynn Stacy and so what we see is that she fashions an outfit for herself she fashions a costume and what she does is she goes by the name silk now one thing I would like you to take personal note of a very important note of here is that I would consider Cindy moon to again be the first official spider woman in Marvel Comics and the reason why is because black hat and Julia carpenter and various other individuals who have adopted the role of Spider Woman have their own powers but they're not the result of the same spite of the bit Peter Parker biting them this is the first time we ever learned that the the spite of the bit Peter Parker bit somebody else and so a lot of people including myself will look at Cindy moon and say Cindy moon is the first official Spider Woman to have existed in Marvel Comics now whether Marvel will actually do anything with this whether or not she'll have a short run or she'll be a long-lasting character as something that we don't know yet we don't really know what the the grandiose plans are for her character in terms of Marvel we simply know that she's being introduced to us as as possibly a replacement or maybe a counterpart to Peter Parker is spider-man in the Marvel Comics with that being said we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end and we'll pick up with the next video when we get into the incredible and we talked about the backstory involving Tony Stark's I guess involvement with the Incredible Hulk and how it was that Bruce Banner became the Hulk in the first place so like our video on spider-man we're not going to be going in depth into the entire event involving Hulk vs Iron Man and there's a couple reasons for this the first reason is simply just time the Hulk vs Iron Man story is for parts and for the most part up until issue number four all we really see is this kind of cat-and-mouse game with the Incredible Hulk is chasing after Iron Man and both individuals are trying to unlock for trying to discover what it was that it truly happened and all these different things taking place but the other half of this is that we are wanting to move forward past original sin and into Infinity Gauntlet and so in order to ensure that this happens we're gonna go ahead and jump a little bit when it comes to the Incredible Hulk vs Iron Man story now if you're curious with the backstory if you're interested in knowing the kind of things that went on and and what the relationship was like between Bruce Banner and the incredibly and Tony Stark then comic story and Benny has a really good video up where he covers a lot of this backstory stuff but what we need to do before we get into the original sin' revelation is we need to jump back to May of 1962 and we need to go over the Incredible Hulk issue number one and Marvel's revelation to us to how it is that Bruce Banner became The Incredible Hulk and what we learned here is that Bruce Banner along with a colleague named Igor is looking to set off or to detonate something called the gamma bomb now the gamma bomb was supposed to be the next step in the weapons arsenal of the United States it was supposed to be a bomb that was designed to have such a high yield such a high magnitude that were it would in effect just scare people off people just wouldn't want to confront the United States because of the kind of weaponry that's being developed here in addition we see that a teenage kid some young kid was able to make his way into the testing area where the bomb was supposed to detonate and that if this bomb goes off while that kid is there then the kid will be killed and so in an effort to to ensure safety all around Bruce Banner races off to try to rescue this young teenage and try to get him out of the danger zone but what we see here is that his colleague Igor is actually a Russian in disguise and he's a spy for the Russian government and so what he rationalizes here is that he can kill Bruce Banner by setting off the bomb prematurely and that when Bruce Banner is in the testing area Bruce Banner will be totally eradicated and the egor will be the only other person who is aware of what's going on and how to use this gamma bomb technology that Bruce Banner has developed over the years from here and we switch to the testing area and as we can see this young kid just seems to be sitting here playing a harmonica just sort of hanging out and and chilling and whatnot but what we see is that while Bruce Banner grabs this young man and throws him into a trench Egor presses the fire button and the expectation here is that this bomb is going to kill Bruce Banner but instead what we see is that Bruce banners body is saturated with gamma rays his entire being is completely filled with it and so he survives but of course we learned that later on this leads to him becoming the Incredible Hulk now from here we switched to original sin issue number 4 and what we learned here is that where previously it was assumed that maybe you that the the bomb going off that Igor's involvement was the cause of Bruce Banner becoming the Incredible Hulk that while that was the catalyst that was the actual action that led to it though there's actually more to this story and what we learned is that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner we're actually colleagues at one point in time they had worked together but the way that Marvel has explained the fact that nobody seems to remember this is actually a little disappointing Marvel simply just chalks this up to Tony Stark's alcoholism and just says that you know because Tony Stark was an alcohol alcohol ik because he has blank patches in his mind he just doesn't remember it which if I can be a little frank here I think is sort of lazy writing but what we have seen previously is that general Thunderbolt Ross who of course Bruce Banner had approached with regards to the gamma bomb gamma bomb project had enlisted the aid of Tony Stark to investigate the shield and due to an argument that a stark and Bruce Banner had wear by Tony Stark said that Bruce Banner was holding back the capabilities of the bomb by shielding the explosion and so what we see is that general Thunderbolt Ross has tasked Tony Stark with investigating the shielding to seeing if maybe this is true to seeing if there's a way to get the most bang for their buck so to speak to make the bomb as potent as possible while still allowing it to still be controllable and so what we see is that Tony Stark is he's continuing to investigate this bomb begins to talk to us about how it's just one of these pieces went bad it's just one of these pieces were missing it could set off a chain reaction that would be added absolutely catastrophic and initially the way he explains it to us he's kind of arguing with himself that maybe in his drunken state he's considering allowing this to happen he's considering maybe removing one of these pieces and allowing Bruce banners bomb to screw up and possibly Bruce Banner being either discredited or maybe even killed in the process but we see that Tony Stark rationalizes with himself that Bruce Banner is his friend and that while he may not like him very much that he doesn't need to take the road of effectively murdering him we also see that again this the alcoholism of Tony's start coming into play when he says he doesn't care for himself too much either but that's no reason to take out this on on Bruce Banner what we also see is that Tony Stark while he's continuing to investigate the bomb comes to the realization that the shielding that's been placed over the bomb will actually do the opposite of what Bruce Banner is expecting that the shielding is going to cause the bomb to explode on a much higher scale instead of confining the explosion of the bomb and so try to think of this in terms of the damage that could be done if you had a maybe a grenade that you set on top of a table and you allow the grenade to go off the grenade would be very destructive it would destroy a lot of different things but if you wrapped a grenade in sheet metal and then you allow the grenade to go off the destruction would be even worse and so what we see is Tony Stark rationalizing that this is the case that because there is too much shielding the bomb is going to be far more destructive than anybody thinks it is and so we see that he begins to go through the process of modifying the gamma bomb and he simply modifies it in such a way to where he removes some of the shielding so that the explosion the destruction won't be nearly as bad we also see him in a little bit of a comedic way talking about how well Bruce Banner is a pacifist that he's able to take out are able to make one heck of a bomb but we also see Tony Stark again arguing with himself in debating as to whether or not he's actually going to tell Bruce Banner that he's made these modifications and that these modifications will keep Bruce Banner safe that it will keep the observers along with Bruce Banner from being killed in the explosion from here we transition back to Bruce Banner and II and Tony Stark as the two of them are having a conversation out in the desert which of course is where we had picked up before we had gotten into our discussion on the original sin memories but what we see here is that while Bruce Banner in the incredibox are Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are talking Bruce Banner is is satisfied with his explanation Bruce Banner doesn't realize at least as far from far as he can tell that Tony Stark had basically saved his life and saved the lives of various observers which include Betty Ross and so we see that for the most part Bruce Banner who was initially angry with Tony Stark is now calm down he now feels like it's really his fault that he was that he became the Incredible Hulk that it's not actually the fault of Tony Stark but what we learn as Bruce Banner begins to leave is that Tony Stark didn't tell him everything that not everything involving the the events of Bruce Banner becoming the Incredible Hulk we're explained by Tony Stark to him and what we see is that Tony Stark is in a drunken state on his bed and he's mulling over what he's going to say to to Bruce Banner he activates the voice dictation system and he begins to effectively just speak what it is that he wants to say in an email and what he tells Bruce Banner is that he's fixed his bomb that he has enabled the bomb to to detonate the way it's expected to removing some of the shielding in addition the part that is most poignant here the part that is the most important here is Bruce Banner I'm sorry I'm Tony Stark's revelation of the fact that he was aware that the possibility existed that the saturation of gamma rays into the cells of an organism could very well transform that organism and this is what he tells Bruce Banner he tells Bruce Banner that he looked at the energy emission spectrum and that there was all kinds of crazy things in there and that he he knows some individuals who have worked with morphogenic technology and that most likely the gamma-ray explosion will cause a I guess a a change in the bio matter will causing the change I call the change in the cells of whichever organism is exposed to that much gamma radiation at one point in time now this doesn't mean that Tony Stark knows that Bruce Banner is going to become the Incredible Hulk or that if he was exposed to the gamma rays that he would become the Incredible Hulk it's simply Tony Stark telling Bruce Banner that exposure to the gamma rays would cause some kind of a cell mutation would cause something to happen within the body that could have an adverse effect or could have a beneficial effect and so he asked Bruce Banner to take a second look to to take a look before he sets off the gamma bomb but what we see is that when Bruce Banner arrives at his lab the next day to analyze the gamma bomb to go over his his findings and studies that he sees the email from Tony Stark but that he promptly deletes it without ever looking at it to see what it is from here we see Tony Stark kind of again talking to us we're talking to himself telling us that he knows that after he said that email that Bruce Banner didn't look at it and the reason why he didn't look at it is because Bruce Banner is the Incredible Hulk and that it would drive Bruce Banner insane if he was informed that the only reason why he became the Incredible Hulk is because he didn't check an email that he was so much like Tony Stark in the sense that he was being so proud but from here we're gonna bring the tie-ins to an end we're really not gonna discuss any more tie-ins here just because for the most part again we want to continue on with the original sin storyline and eventually move forward into Infinity Gauntlet so before we get into our discussion about original sin issue number four we need to do a rehash we need to go back and make sure that we're refreshed on where we stand following the events of the previous original sin issue original sin issue number three then with the way things stand now what we know is that Nick Fury is dead Nick Fury was killed by Bucky Barnes after Nick Fury had gained the eye of the watcher from the orb the individual who had first appeared to us holding the eye of the watcher and who had exposed a multitude of secrets to the Marvel superhero community what we also have going on here is an independent investigation of sorts of course we have Wolverine and The Incredible Hulk trying to piece things together on their own trying to figure out what in the world is going on but more than that we have three groups of superheroes who have been set on the path of this investigation as to what the unseen is and to who it was that killed The Watcher by some anonymous individual some person who we just simply haven't been told what his identity is yet then these groups are Moon Knight Gomorrah and the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes who were investigating space and of course they came across a planet that had been killed by this unknown individual but we also had as Black Panther Emma Frost and Scott Lang ant-man and they were investigating the center of the earth and they found a multitude of different bodies that had been placed there over the course of years and years and they had been building up for quite some time but again we don't know who it was that had killed these what we have for our last group is Doctor Strange and a Punisher then they're investigating extra-dimensional things they're delving into the realms of Doctor Strange into the various dimensions of Doctor Strange and they're conducting their own investigation as they come across various bodies that have been destroyed or bodies that have been killed by whoever this anonymous individual happens to be what we had also seen is that the common theme throughout all these groups all these investigations is that the bodies they had been to stay have discovered had been riddled with gamma or radiated bullets which tells us two things that one gamma radiation is a lot more potent than we thought it was and that it is a force that can be used to kill pretty much anything but that also there's only one person that we know of who is for the most part an expert when it comes to gamma radiation or is most commonly associated with gamma radiation and that person is Bruce Banner from here we're going to start with original sin issue number four and what we see going on is that a frank castle and dr. strange are still within the dimension the dimension of of man-eating shadows and what we see is at Frank castles reaction to dr. strange talking about how there were only a handful of people on this list who could have done this is crazy talk and that he wants dr. strange to stop but dr. strange simply replies by saying that it's inherent it's a part of who he is because he's dr. strange because he deals with strange things that craziness is just an inherent part of his personality but that just because he's talking this way doesn't mean that he's wrong and what we see Frank Castle saying is that the reason why dr. strange is wrong is not because of the way he's talking but because he doesn't know what he's talking about from here we see dr. strange challenged the Punisher and dr. strange tells Frank Castle that if he is the expert on mass murder and he is the person who for the most part we would assume to have actually been the cause of all this that he would have the best explanation of to what's most likely taking place and what we see the Punisher replying with is that someone has been going into the backyard of dr. strange and killing monsters killing his enemies and they've effectively been doing his job for him and been doing his job better than he has and so Frank Castle theorizes here that this pisses off dr. strange that it makes him angry that maybe somebody is more effective than he is at doing his job and it maybe it strikes a kind of personal chord with him but what we see here is that Steven strange says that would make some angry is the fact that he's being lied to it's not necessarily the fact that these different beings have been destroyed what we also see going on is that dr. strange begins to challenge the the very basis the very concept of the Punisher with with Frank Castle what we most commonly see is that when he's on his endeavors and he's killing various individuals or he's attempting an investigation of some kind very few people lie to him and the reason why is because for the most part they know the Frank Castle is a no-nonsense man that he is he'd be just inclined to kill the person that he's interrogating as continue to let them talk and so it's in their best interest to tell him what he wants to know in order to continue with their life and so we see dr. strange using this dr. strange asks Frank Castle if it's been so long since anybody lied to him or is it simply that he's so used to lying to himself that he's unable to detect what he's being lied to and what we see is Frank Castle countering this and saying that the guy they're standing on probably didn't think that he could die of a gunshot wound but he believed that right up until the point where he did die which of course is Frank Castle more or less telling dr. strange that despite the vast powers that he possesses he can probably be killed just like anybody else in addition we see that dr. strange more or less walks away from this argument and makes the statement that their killer has been very busy for a very long amount of time they've been doing this for quite some time and that whoever this unknown individual is is the person that set them on this path and they knew exactly where this path led to and that they this under an individual wanted dr. strange of Frank Castle to discover this to discover this evidence of what it is it's been taking place from here we see the Frank Castle begins to more-or-less I wouldn't go as far as to say reconcile but to understand where dr. strange is coming from and he simply replies by asking him if he doesn't trust anybody else and he answers his own question by saying good he says that he that dr. strange isn't necessarily dumb as he thought he as dumb as he thought he was but what we see Frank Castle doing here is demonstrating a level of intelligence that is actually kind of uncharacteristic for Frank Castle not to say that he's a dumb character but we see him saying that the one person they need to be talking to you right now is the one person they trust the least which is more or less this individual that set them on the path of this investigation what we also say is I'm sorry what we also see is that Frank Castle and presumably maybe other members of these investigation teams don't know about the other investigations we see that Frank Castle asks that or else or replies by simply saying that if dr. strain said there's all of us he's if he said there's more of us than who are the others and Doctor Strange says it if he if Frank Castle thought that their team-up was a little strange then wait until he meets the rest of the group and this is an indication to us that maybe there are only there's only one individual in each group that knows for the most part everything that's going on or the very least knows about the other investigations that are taking place we know the Black Panther is aware that other investigations are taking place because this unanimous are anonymous individual had spoken with black panther about the team that he had formed but we also know now that dr. strange knows about the other teams but we're not really sure if Bucky Barnes is a way of the other teams or Gamora or even Moon Knight from here we switch back to Bucky Barnes and what we see is that Bucky Barnes has arrived on the blue area of the moon now again Bucky Barnes is currently in possession of the eye since he had killed Nick Fury and taken the eye from him but what we see as Bucky Barnes talking into his wrist into some kind of a communicator maybe and telling whoever it is that is on the other side of this communicator listening that he knows he's out here and that he knows he can hear him and that he's coming for him and so we see that Bucky Barnes holds up the head of Nick Fury and simply says that he's bringing a friend from here we transitioned back to Black Panther Emma Frost and Scott Lang and what we see is that again they're getting news reports they're getting information to them which tells them that tells them two main things one that dr. Midas is supposedly behind this event that dr. Midas is in some way to hide into what it is it's going on then we see that Scott Lang chimes and by saying that he's heard of dr. - but he's extremely rich rich but he's extremely weird he says that he could see him being the one that that killed the watcher but not the one that's killed all these different aliens and organisms and monsters and whatnot but then we see Emma Frost using her experience with the Hellfire Club to chime in and to say that when men get bored when extremely wealthy men get bored they'll do almost anything to ease the boredom and so we see her talking about how this idea of perhaps going on a hunt for various monsters and various individuals would be a very challenging thing and would pile we eliminate the boredom in the life of this very rich and powerful man she goes on to tell us that when she was in the Hellfire Club presumably when she was with Sebastian Shaw and of course jason wyngarde and various other individuals that she had seen them used their powers to manipulate other individuals for sheer enjoyment for no other reason than the fact that they could what we also see here is that Scott Lang tells white panther that they're heading to the surface that they're almost at the surface and that they need to slow down but we see the black panther doesn't do it the black panther continues on at the same speed for the most part indicating that they're actually getting ready to leave the planet entirely we see that Emma Frost tries to use her ability to read the mind of black panther but this is unsuccessful now again as far as my understanding goes with white panther due to his mystical abilities and various technologies at his disposal he's able to disrupt the ability for individuals to read his mind but again this is something that I wouldn't go as far as to say that I'm 100% sure of but what we see black panther doing is replying to Emma Frost to simply stay out of there and Emma Frost describes white Panthers mind as a bear trap wrapped in barbed wire that someone set on fire which indicates to us that a black panther does indeed have some kind of mental conditioning that keeps telepaths from being able to read his mind what we also see is Black Panther replying to a question of Scott Lang the Scott Lang asked Black Panther what it is that he knows that they don't and Black Panther says nothing he says that's what worries him because for the most part Black Panther is one of the most intelligent beings on the planet Earth and so he's able to decipher clues and evidence and so on far ahead of anybody else due to his vast experience with technology and with science and just his overall intellect but the fact that he doesn't know anything more than anybody else does gives him cause for concern but what we see is that their ship is actually heading into space now their ship is traveling towards the moon from here we transition back to wolf rain and the Incredible Hulk and what we see is that they've arrived at the vengers tower where they've learned that Nick Fury is dead and Nick Fury of course has been beheaded but what we see is that when Wolverine uses his ability to track sense that he did he realizes this is Bucky Barnes now again this is one of the elements of Wolverine that's very important to his character that when he picks up a scent of a person he never forgets it and so from the first time that he ever smelled Bucky Barnes he's able to track him and he can recognize his scent no matter where he goes which is the reason why Wolverine is able to determine that this is Bucky Barnes rather than some random person and what we see Wolverine realizing here is that he thought that Bucky Barnes had been dead but apparently he's alive or that he never really liked him that much in the first place but then the other question becomes how was he able to kill Nick Fury how was this able to happen but before he's able to get too much further into his questioning we see the Doctor Strange and and Frank Castle up here at this point we see Wolverine beginning to plead with Doctor Strange and Frank Castle telling them that it's not what it looks like that they weren't the ones that hit he and the Incredible Hulk weren't the ones that killed Nick Fury and what we see is Doctor Strange may be perceiving the fact that that seems to be the case then it looks like Wolverine and The Incredible Hulk killed Nick Fury and because of all the lies that they've experienced because of the fact that they're wrapped up in this whodunit mystery of sorts and they don't really trust anybody they're erring on the side of caution and assuming that Wolverine and the Incredible Hulk were the ones who killed Nick Fury from here we see Doctor Strange use his powers to bind Wolverine now again these are the the Crimson wraps I think of asset auric of Sid Iraq and again if you guys remember our discussion about Doctor Strange we had talked about the octet ins and various things and while the SID Iraq had lent his gym to the juggernaut for power we also know that Doctor Strange derived some of his abilities from from sidorak himself and so this is one of those powers where he's able to wrap Wolverine in an unescapable bind and Wolverine simply just can't get away from here we see the Incredible Hulk begins to go on the offensive and encounter to this we see that Frank Castle shoots at at the Incredible Hulk with a multitude with a barrage of bullets of course the Incredible Hulk doesn't really care he thinks is sort of funny that Frank Castle would reply in such a way and he asked Frank Castle if that was supposed to hurt and Frank Castle says no but what we learn here is that the bullets were miniature explosives that had pierced the skin of the Incredible Hulk although not killed him however what we see Frank Castle doing is detonating these bullets and the detonation sends the Incredible Hulk flying out of Avengers Tower and out into the streets below from here we see Frank Castle sort of investigating the the death of Nick Fury and maybe talking to himself a bit when he says that there's no such thing as retired they're simply just dead we also see him discuss how the Incredible Hulk may very well be an idiot but that trick is only gonna work one time and so he tells Doctor Strange they need to work fast they need to find some way to either do their conductor investigation as fast as possible or to simply just leave now what we see is Doctor Strange again saying that he's working on this that he's trying to find some way to figure out what's going on we see Franco a friend Castle asked if the body is worth a closer look and Doctor Strange says no that it's not indicating to us that maybe dr. strange knows something that we don't know which of course is something that we'll learn later on in this story from here we see that Doctor Strange uses the eye of agamotto the third eye and he's able to to realize that the orb is within the Avengers Tower and it's currently being held prisoner and what we see is him saying that the orb is somebody with which they need to to speak with from here we see the Doctor Strange and the Punisher are with the orb and the orb asks if they're here to kill him and Doctor Strange says no but Frank Castle says maybe what we also see going on here is the orb saying that somebody stole his eye and we see that again dr. strange replies by saying that somebody stole a lot more than simply just his eye but what we saw is I'm sorry what we see here is that the orb replies by simply saying that that he did that some individual did send them that this unknown individual this mysterious man this anonymous benefactor is the one behind all of this but we see the Doctor Strange who apparently doesn't realize what's going on saying that no one's sent them that they're simply just here for the truth to which we see the orb replying that the truth is they don't know who they're working for they have no real idea what's going on that they haven't seen this anonymous man not truly and we see that the Orbitz replies to this individual as the unseen now again this is very important here and the reason why is because with this idea of the unseen this is how we're going to see this story play out that this individual is referred to as the unseen this individual the actions that he had committed in the past are referred to as his original sins and so this for the most part seems to be the way this story is based around but what we see is the orb realizing or I guess telling us that this unknown individual this mysterious man is the one that had killed all these different organisms both in other dimensions as well as the center of the earth and in the vastness of space that he's been doing this for quite some time from here we see the Incredible Hulk has returned to the building albeit not to the immediate vicinity of Doctor Strange the orb Wolverine and and Frank Castle and so we see that that Frank Castle puts his bullet to the eye of the orb and tells the orbit simply just start talking or he's gonna see what happens when he goes blind what we see is that the or begins to say that the problem here is that the eye seems to be calling him it seems to be communicating with him which maybe gives us the sort of idea that the relationship between the orb and the eye can best be compared to Gollum and the ring from Lord of the Rings but what we see going on here is that maybe the orb has formed some kind of relationship with the eye the orb says that if he listens hard enough if he tries hard enough the I can find him that he can he can locate where the eye is at but he says the problem here is that the eye is going to want to show them the truth once they find it and they're going to want to look but that some things that simply just don't need to be seen from here we transition back to Black Panther Scott Lang and Emma Frost and what we see is that a new set of coordinates had been determined and that black panther is sending them on a new heading now what this new heading is is something that we don't know just this second but what we learn is that while Black Panther won't necessarily tell Emma Frost and Scott Lang what it is it's going on immediately that he begins to to actually explain that it begins to take a step away from keeping things routed and mystery from his team and actually offers an explanation and what he says is that the call that he got was a call on behalf of this anonymous individual if you guys remember our discussion in the early videos of original sin we had talked about after the death of the watcher that some unknown individual had contacted black panther and sent him various forms of information various documents which led to this investigation then what we had seen is that by Panther had begun the process of triangulated the signal triangulating where it was it had come from and so what we learn is that this had come from a satellite this had come from a satellite that had been totally uncharted that had been undetected no one knows when it launched where it launched or how it got up there it's simply just there and so this is very disconcerting to Black Panther and to other superheroes because no one really knows what's going on inside here or what the purpose of this satellite is from here we transition to Black Panther and Scott Lang and Emma Frost docking inside the satellite and we're docking on the satellite rather and what we learn here is that again as they're investigating as they're looking around that despite the fact that watcher has been gone that there's already always somebody watching here there's always somebody looking and so it could just very well be that they're walking into a trap but they're the next individuals to be killed on this list of dead beings but what we see is that somebody is looking at them somebody is monitoring them and presumably has a gun pointed at them and what we learn here is that this person is Frank castle at Frank Castle tells Black Panther Scott Lang and Emma Frost to keep their hands up to not make any moves and we see him talking to each individual in turn telling them what not to do detail Scott Lane that if he shrinks it he'll shoot him and he tells Emma Frost that if she tries to read his mind that he's going to shoot her in the head and from here we see that Doctor Strange appears and tells T'Challa tells Black Panther that he would much rather that Frank castles hand twitch then dr. Strange's hand twitch just because dr. strange will be capable of far more incredible feats than Black Panther when I'm sorry then Frank Castle would but what we see is him also asking Black Panther whose side is he on which side has he chosen here what we also see is why Panther and Doctor Strange conversing directly where Doctor Strange and Black Panther begin to sort of debate with one another Black Panther says he's not sure what side they're on that they're trying to figure that out and what we see is Doctor Strange saying that's the same thing that's the same thing they're trying to do trying to do that they're trying to figure out who's the right side they're trying to figure out what in the world is going on here we see him asking Black Panther what it is that he found that led him here and black panther says it's the same thing that Doctor Strange found a series of lies and a lot of bodies and we see that he says he doesn't know who who began all of this he doesn't know where all this started but he does know where it is that all the lies began from here we transitioned to again Doctor Strange telling these individuals telling Scott Lang and Emma Frost and black panther that they managed to get here by virtue of the orb doing its best to communicate or to track the location of the eye what we also see is that the orb is no longer as Doctor Strange explains it is no longer in possession of the Watchers eyes that the Watchers eye is now missing but no one really knows where it is what we also see the orb saying here is that the eye is screaming that the eye is near the eye is relatively close to where they're at but we see again Black Panther Doctor Strange pretty much everybody except for the or arguing amongst themselves saying that the orb has to have had something to do with it because he admits being on the moon and he was in possession of the Watchers eye and so all evidence points to the fact that the orb was the one who killed the watcher but what we see is the or more or less stopping everybody and saying that the eye is here but that the eye is not alone and what we see going on is that Bucky Barnes is standing on a catwalk of sorts and peering down on everybody monitoring everybody and what he says is that he doesn't trust anybody but he says that in a minute or so the feeling is going to be mutual what we see Bucky Barnes doing is jumping down and Bucky Barnes simply says begins to communicate with them telling them that he has Nick Fury's head and the or view I'm sorry that Emma Frost replies by saying is he the one that killed Nick Fury but what we see is again this sort of argument going on between Frank Castle and and Bucky Barnes where Frank Castle says he never really liked him they never really cared for him and that Bucky Barnes needs to get on his knees before Frank Castle shoots him and Bucky Barnes who of course has prodigious skill that is beyond anything Frank Castle has replies to Frank Castle by saying that that he's not a dope pusher that he's not of afraid he's not afraid of a man that can't protect his own children and again sort of a taunting Frank Castle here but what we see going on is Bucky Barnes says that the reason why he's here is because he's in possession of the head of Nick Fury and the head of Nick Fury is the reason why he showed up at this location although at this point we don't exactly know how or why that's happened but what we see is that before he can continue that another ship docks with the the satellite and our Gamora almost immediately begins running in and attacking Bucky Barnes from here we see that Bucky Barnes and Gamora engage in this extremely deadly cat-and-mouse fight where Bucky Barnes is able to stay on the defensive and avoid the the killing blows of Gamora look at more abuse Bucky Barnes at a traitor due to the fact that Bucky Barnes had previously just a Batoche their ship and abandoned them on the on the dead planet from here we again see that Moon Knight arrives and moon knife simply explains to everybody that Winter Soldier had blown up their ship that Bucky Barnes had left them stranded in deep space and so Gamora Buse him as a traitor and that they had to catch a ride in order to get back here with a friend of theirs and what we learned is that the individual that gave them a ride is actually rocket racoon now as far as I know this is the only real appearance that we see Rocket Raccoon in the original sense story from this point going forward we hadn't really seen him previously and it was interesting to see his character arrive in original sin because what we get is this really cool confrontation with with rocket racoon and the Punisher but again we see the Gamora and and Bucky Barnes are continuing to fight and for the most part what we see going on here with regards to the set of events is this breakdown of teamwork we see all these individuals all these superheroes who have arrived on this satellite and all of them are mistrusting each other none of them trust anyone and so they're all suspicious of everybody else and this is kind of the scenario you would expect when so many people who possess so many formidable abilities all exist in the same place but nobody trusts anyone in addition what we see is that Bucky Barnes holds up the head of Mick theory as Gamora goes to effectively attack him and when she does she strikes the head of Nick Fury and the head of Nick Fury is revealed to be a robot and this was when we learned that this Nick Fury was actually a life model decoy that this was not the Nick Fury that we're familiar with and that this is the most sophisticated life model decoy that Bucky Barnes had ever seen Bucky Barnes had used the chip within the head of the life model decoy to bring himself here to determine the origins of where it came from and that his origins came from that satellite from here we see that again that Emma Frost goes as far as to say that all this started with Nick Fury that that that's what Black Panther had said indicating to us that maybe Black Panther I'm sorry that Emma Frost was able to read the mind of Black Panther or the Black Panther had simply just said it at a previous point in time in addition we see Black Panther rationalizing that none of them were told the truth that they were that they're they're not all here by coincidence that this anonymous individual had effectively given them all different pieces of information but all the information that had been given to them would inevitably lead them to where they are right now which is the location of this satellite from here we see Emma Frost replying by saying this doesn't make any sense that none of them were working for Nick Fury or at least they didn't think they were working for Nick theory but then we see that the doors open and we see some persons saying that that they still are that they still are working for Nick Fury at which point we see Nick theory and what we see here is that Nick theory is an odd man and that Nick Fury is much much older than we had been expected to believe in addition he's currently surrounded by several life model decoys of Nick Fury and so this is a very puzzling circumstance to us we don't really know what's going on here all we know at this point is that Nick Fury is an old man with that being said we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end and in the next video we'll picked up with what's happened we'll pick up with the backstory of Nick Fury with what have been going on with this whole origin so original sin issue number five is going to bring an answer to a lot of questions that we guys that we have one of the most common questions being what is the unseen what is that referring to and how is it the Nick Fury ties and all of this now in order to make this video make sense I would highly suggest that you guys go back and watch my discussion on Nick Fury and the reason why is because that video will give us Nick Fury as he'd been presented by Marvel Comics up until this point and so what this video will do is fill in the blanks it'll tell us what Nick Fury had been doing on the other side of that video what he had been doing when he wasn't appearing in Marvel Comics when he wasn't a part of any major storyline now what we see going on as the story begins to take off is that Nick Fury is starting immediately after his discussion with the superheroes at the end of original sin' issue number four and what he tells us is that in order to make this make sense we have to go back to 1958 in Kansas then what we see here is that Nick Fury along with several other soldiers is fighting some kind of invading alien race they are breaking into the planet Earth by way of a portal for whatever their intentions or goals happen to be now Nick Fury at this point is part of Army Intelligence and so this is shortly after a Nick Fury has been introduced to us in the Marvel Comics as part of the military but again if you recall our discussion about Nick Fury we had talked about how there came a point whereby Marvel was publishing two instances Marvel was published in Nick Fury are publishing Nick Fury when he was in World War two but they were also publishing his character when he was a part of the CIA and this takes place in between that what we see going on here is that fury along with these soldiers while they're fighting these various aliens are doing the best they can but for the most part they're almost entirely outnumbered they're almost entirely outmatched just due to the technology at the disposal of these various alien races in addition we see some kind of an explosion when the grenade goes off and what we see going on here is that as a result of this explosion almost all of Nick Fury's team is killed and the aliens are continuing to advance out of their portal from here we see that Nick Fury for the most part begins to embrace the most likely possibility that he will die that the planet Earth will most likely be taken over by these aliens and that there really won't be a whole lot that anybody can do about it Nick Fury tells us how during this time they had fought various aliens here and there they had fought different organisms and whatnot but he had never seen an alien invasion on this scale before he was totally unprepared for it but what we see is that at the last minute an unknown individual appears and begins destroying the forces of these aliens in addition he began saying things like the package has been delivered and tells someone named Howard to do it now we don't really know what this means that we don't really know who he's referring to or who this individual is and for the most part in terms of his name he's not extremely important but what is important here is the rule that he plays in the Marvel Universe what we see here with Nick Fury's reaction is he really doesn't know what to do he says that if this individual is part of Army Intelligence maybe or part of the Armed Forces that he's way above Nick Fury's pay grade in addition we see that as this individual is fighting various aliens that he is injured and when he's injured the result is that he's injured in a mortal way Nick Fury runs to his side and realized that he's been impaled and Nick Fury ah tells him try not to move he tells them to stay still the response from this individual to Nick Fury is that if Nick Fury is saying this then most likely his injury is mortal Nick Fury says that he's seen worse but this individual replies by saying haven't they all in addition this guy says that he always thought it was going to be the scrolls that would do him man not this unknown race of aliens and we see that he begins to warn the experior to tell make fury to watch out for the scrolls because one day they're liable to do something but before he's able to tell him he begins to struggle and sort of begin to succumb to his injuries in addition what we also see Nick Fury saying is that if this individual has somebody to write to if he has somebody that he wants to pass a letter to then he should do it now and Nick Fury will deliver that letter for him but this individual says that the only people that are waiting for him are the people that he'll be seeing almost immediately when he dies and those are the people that will see him in hell most presumably due to the actions that he's committed or possibly the the people that he's killed what we also see going on is that the portal has for the most part been totally destroyed but on the other side of this portal is some kind of again alien race and Nick Fury begins to reflect on this Nick Fury says that he didn't really know what to do in this whole situation that he was simply just sitting in Kansas in 1958 with a dead man in his arms steering in an alien portal that had been totally destroyed and didn't was really trying to make sense of it all he said that you know of course he saw a different alien screaming and so on and that you know while they were being killed that in the end it was just strange that it was something that he wasn't really wasn't really used to that he wasn't really able to deal with because he'd never experienced anything like that before we see that in the end this individual succumbs to his injuries but then we see that another unknown person runs up and he says that the the bomb has been used is going to make him make a small fortune for him in addition he refers to this unknown man as woody and this is when we learned that this individuals name is Woodward McCord or at least we learn it later on and what we see going on is that Nick Fury immediately stands up and points a gun at this unknown individual this on an individual tells Nick Fury that he's a good guy that he's not here to hurt anybody and Nick Fury thinks that he begins to recognize him but then we see this unknown individual sees the body of woody and he asked woody or asked Nick Fury if woody is dead Nick Fury says yes and as a result this man introduces himself to Nick Fury what he says is that his name is Howard Stark and begins to say that he believes they may have met before but before he can say anything else Nick Fury cuts him off and asks him who is this man that just died to save the world in addition we see that from here Nick Fury and Howard Stark are travelling to some unknown destination and Howard Stark begins explaining what it is has been going on what he tells Mike Fury here is that this wasn't the first time that the planet's been invaded by aliens he says that this is actually far from the first time he says for every encounter like the one that's been experience for every encounter whereby aliens are able to step foot on the planet Earth there had been dozens more whereby that had never happened where the aliens had been destroyed before they could ever arrive here and he said he was all done by because of men like woodrow McCord now what he says is that would Woodrow McCord is the man on the wall more or less that he is the man that stands between absolute destruction and the ability for humanity to continue existing now at the moment we don't really know what this means but what Howard Stark tells us here is that inside this facility that they've arrived at there are various forms of technology here this facility actually appears to be quite advanced and he tells Mike Fury that this is the domain of the man on the wall and that the man on the wall doesn't answer to anybody the man on the wall does not answer to any kind of authority a group he doesn't answer to any kind of federal government or any kind of a national government that he answers only to the people of the planet Earth and that his only mission is only role is to ensure that any kind of a force whether internal from the planet Earth itself or external beyond the planet earth or even extra-dimensional does not succeed in bringing him into a life or bringing it and into life on the planet Earth and so what he asked Nick theory is whether or not he would be interested in becoming the new man on the wall to take the role of Woodrow McCord what we see here is that Nick Fury takes his assignment without question Nick Fury accepts that without any kind of regard and decides to accept the offer of being the man on the wall and what Nick Fury tells us here is that for him he had always been a soldier in a spy at least as far as he could remember and so for him this was pretty much the same thing he was simply just on a much your scale in addition we see that the time eventually comes when Nick Fury becomes the director of shield and what he tells us here is that while he was the director of shield that his role as the man on the wall was still a part of his life this was something that he still had going on and so again this is something that Nick Fury had been doing the entire time that he had been in in existence in Marvel Comics after the events of world war 2 and so this is something that Marvel had never told us this is something that Marvel had never explained to us directly in addition what we also see is that Nick Fury is using life model decoys which is an indication to us that Nick Fury of course as far as his first encounters what the scrolls go is most likely an event that took place between the Kree squirrel invasion and the events of Nick Fury versus shield now whether or not this means that the most likely scenario here is that one came before the other there's something that we're not entirely sure of because in a lot of ways Marvel is sort of bad when it comes to chronology in terms of establishing dates we really kind of have to piece it together and we have to make sense of it on our own especially when you're when you're dealing with sliding timescales and the actions of characters like Franklin Richards and so on but what we learn here is that Nick Fury is interrogating a scroll and Nick Fury is attempting to gain some kind of information from it now we don't really know why but what we see here is that Nick Fury is presumably trying to attain whatever it is that he needs by using physical force in order to to force this information out of this scroll from here we transition to New York City then what we learn here is that Nick Fury is again fulfilling his role as the man on the wall and observing a possible threat in some being that has appeared and is a radioactive being that could most likely cause a multitude of different kinds of havoc or could at the very least become a danger to life on the planet Earth but what we see here is that Nick Fury while he's now using gamma bomb bullets while he's now using bullets that are modeled after Bruce banners gamma bomb experiment has a change of heart and decides not to shoot this individual and what we learn here is that this individual is in fact Piderman indicating to us that nick 3 was doing this around the time the spider-man first appeared in Marvel Comics which again gives us this sort of strange explanation gives us this sort of a strange timescale we're not really sure if this explanation as Nick Fury is giving it to us is going in a chronological order or if he's simply just kind of bouncing around all over the place from here we see that Nick Fury is explaining to us this entire concept of what it means to be the man on the wall and Nick Fury is telling us that for every single conflict that it ever happened for every event that had ever taken place involving the planet Earth this has simply happened because Nick Fury wasn't able to stop it that the secret invasion that the kree-skrull war the arrival of Galactus and the Silver Surfer the very first instance of a space bound character having being affordable enough of a threat to the planet Earth the instances of the maximum security storyline whereby Ron and the accuser is the ruler of the planet Earth as its turned into a prison planet these had all taken place because Nick Fury wasn't able to stop that threat but that for every single one of these events that had happened there had been dozens that had gone on here there have been dozens of instances whereby this had taken place where these threats had been destroyed before they could actually reach the planet earth before they could reach their maturity in addition what we see here is that while Nick Fury tells us that Howard Stark and various other individuals almost anybody who knew that he was the man on the wall had long since been dead that while he believed he was the only person who actually knew everything that was going on but there was one other person who had seen everything and that person was who watching The Watcher which tells us that this is the unseen this is what Marvel's referring to when they say the unseen and the reason why it's called the unseen astana the earthbound superheroes or even anybody else in the universe aside from The Watcher knew what was going on but also because we as the reader didn't know what was going on we had no idea that any of this was taking place and so for us it was unseen it'll be something that we were entirely unaware of from here we transitioned back to Nick Fury in the current time and Nick Fury tells the that's why they're here he tells them that this is the reason why they've all arrived in this place and he asks them if they have any questions what we see is these superheroes dealing with them in their own way dealing with this news in the best way they know how we see that dr. strange says that this doesn't make sense that when Nick Fury is confessing to can't be true because this isn't the Nick Fury that he knows but the question that has to be asked here is has dr. strange ever actually dealt with the real Nick theory or is every instance where he's met Nick Fury been Nick Fury using a life model decoy has it been Nick Fury simply hiding in on a satellite near the moon and dr. strange and various other superheroes all talking to life model decoys which seems to be the case it seems to be that ever since the introduction of life model decoys and the Marvel Comics that no one has ever actually talked to Nick Fury that everybody has been communicating with life model decoys all this time but again this is some of the Marvel doesn't really go into a deep explanation about what we see here is of course the Punisher saying he doesn't see a problem with it but then we also see the orb telling us that Nick Fury isn't explaining everything but before he can get to what it is that Nick Fury is not explaining he begins to succumb to the expanse knowledge that he had gained by manipulating the eyes of the watcher and so as a result he goes into shock from here we transitioned to the remaining superheroes beginning to again try to absorb this information try to absorb what's been going on here and black panther speaks up and says that he has a question for Nick theory and what he asks him is what happened to the watcher Nick Fury replies here by simply saying that the watcher died and that now he supposes his turn with that being said this brings an end to original sin issue number 5 and what we'll see with issue number 6 is this continuation of this story we'll find out that there's actually a lot more going on here than we were initially led to believe and that Nick Fury despite the fact that he pretends as though he's not really sure what's going on with the watcher that he actually has quite a bit of knowledge in terms of what it was that happened wotcher so as the original sin event begins to wind down the series begins to come to a close what we see here is that there's going to be an answering of questions more specifically Nick Fury is going to give us a little more information regarding regarding his relationship with The Watcher now for the most part he's not going to answer the question of Black Panther directly that is to say what did Nick Fury have to do with the death of the watcher but we're more or less gonna get an answer to this question at the end of the comic in addition Nick Fury is going to explain to us why it is that he's so old now what it is that it happened to him and we're gonna get a better understanding of just what it is that Nick Fury is capable of and what we see going on as the story begins to open up is that the orb is somehow transforming something is happening to him and he doesn't quite know what it is he simply just describes it as his insides being on fire we see Doctor Strange reacting to this and asking what it is is happening to the orb and where it is that the Nick Fury life model decoys are taking him that he's a witness to murder and that he needs to stay there so that he can be questioned properly we see that Bucky Barnes replies by saying they're not taking him anywhere that they're going to keep him here until people start getting some answers and of course we see Moon Knight say the Bucky really has no grounds here because Bucky had destroyed his ship what we also see going on is that why Panther continues to create this case continues to ask this pressing question of Nick Fury of what is it that he did to The Watcher what happened to The Watcher why is it that some of Nick Fury's gamma-irradiated bullets were dug out of the skull of the watcher and what Nick Fury tells us here is that his relationship with the watcher was something that was questionable it was a circumstance whereby neither of them really liked each other due to the very basis of the Watchers existence and what it is that he does then the fact that Nick Fury almost felt like the watcher was hounding him that the watcher was constantly monitoring him and waiting for him to presumably die and what we get here is a flashback to a few weeks ago and what this flashback tells us is two main things the first thing is that the age difference between Nick Fury a few weeks ago and Nick Fury at the current time is Sigma freaking indicating that Nick Fury has aged by decades over the course of a few weeks what he also tells us here is that Nick Fury appears to be dying Nick Fury appears to be succumbing to the fact that he's aging rapidly and so his body is catching up with the fact that he's growing old very very fast but what we also see here is that the watcher is watching him that who watched The Watcher is simply just hovering in his presence but again the watcher doesn't really say anything so we don't know what his motives are we don't know if he's simply just waiting for a nephew to die we don't really know what the case is here and I've been in most part The Watcher only appears in times of major upheaval major instances where there's going to be some sort of catastrophic earthbound event and so the death of Nick Fury could very well trigger this we're not exactly sure what this means but what we learn here is that Nick Fury says that if the Watchers watching him and that must mean that it's inevitable that he's going to die but Nick Fury refuses to Nick Fury refuses to accept the fact that he's going to die here he said that he simply just has too much more to do that he's not going to die at the feet of the watcher presumably because of the fact that he hates the watcher would feel like maybe it's some sort of acquiescence he says that his works not done that there's so much to do that he has to protect the world no matter what the cost is even to himself and so what we get is this transition back to the current day and Nick Fury simply tells Bucky Barnes and others listening that he's dying that the Infinity formula that had existed within his body is now used up now Nick Fury previously did have extra batches of the Infinity formula but this had simply been used by I believe Bucky Barnes in order for Nick Fury to assist in Bucky Barnes staying alive due to some injuries that he had received and so for Nick Fury right now there's no escape there's no getting away from the inevitable outcome that he is going to die of old age he says that every morning he wakes up that he's just a little bit older and then he doesn't think he has much longer what we also see here is Doctor Strange kind of challenging this dr. strange asking Nick Fury if this is some kind of deathbed confession that he recruited all of these individuals that he brought them all along strung them along on these series of Investigations only for Nick for them to realize that Nick Fury was the person who had been committing all these crimes and that maybe this was simply a cry for her this was Nick Fury trying to get everybody to notice what it was that he has done Nick Fury says this isn't really the case he says that none of them are here by chance that all of them are here with the exception of rocket racoon that all of them are here because of their capabilities because Nick Fury specifically chose them which is the reason why they were organized and it kind of teams that they were he says that some of these individuals are his friends that some he only knows by reputation and thus some of them owe debts while others don't owe him anything they're simply just individuals that he considered to have been capable of coming along for whatever this investigation would eventually yield he also speaks directly to Black Panther saying that some of them are without a doubt the smartest and most capable people on the face of the earth and what he says is that the reason why he brought them on this investigation is not because he wanted to be caught is not so that so he could be stopped so that he could be replaced is his argument he wants one of them to step forward he wants one of them to take on the role of being the man on the wall or even the woman on the wall someone who is going to protect the planet Earth from this idea of some kind of external or internal threat that would challenge the way of life on the planet Earth what we see here is a transition we see that we now join Captain America Black Widow Wolverine and Iron Man as they are investigating the body that was discovered after Bucky Barnes had killed Nick Fury and what they see here is that this is a life model decoy and it's not actually Nick Fury Tony Stark also goes as far as to say that it's the most sophisticated life model decoy that he had ever seen we see Captain America reaction to this by simply saying that he can't believe that he was fooled by Mick Fury like this that they had spoken with this life model decoy and had dinner with a life model decoy a few nights ago and so the fact of a life model decoy was so true that it seemed so I guess exact and really had all the many reasons of Nick Fury down is a testament to how far the life model decoy project has come in addition we see Black Widow asking the question that if Nick Fury is not dead then where is he that he's getting under them sorry she's getting a dozen different emergency numbers for Nick Fury that she's not contacting them but that nothing's happening he's not answering any of them that all his known safe houses are empty and so the question becomes what's going on here what is taking place in this entire event but we also see his Wolverine saying that the Punisher and Doctor Strange are off the reservation the various other individuals are no longer conducting their investigations and that the The Punisher had shot the Incredible Hulk through a wall and he says that this is a kind of operation that is indicative of something that Nick Fury would run this is the kind of thing that Nick Fury would would in fact direct and so what we see is that Captain America asks Iron Man if he has the ability to track down where this life model decoy came from Iron Man attempts to - more or less I guess can be accessed the circuitry or to somehow tap into the the computer chip and the mind of the life model decoy but when he does the life model decoy explodes what we see here is Black Widow asking what that was and Iron Man replies by saying that it was some kind of a self defense mechanism this was designed to activate should the life model decoy ever be breached in terms of its via the breachers attempt to access its internal workings or even its computer chip and so what we see is that a Tony Stark says that before I blew up that it has sent a signal and that he's able to trace the signal and he says that everybody needs to pack their oxygen tanks because they're going into space from here we see Captain America telling everybody they need to assemble whoever they can't they need to assemble virtually all forms of the Avengers all the Avengers that currently have that do exist or currently have existed in the Marvel Universe need to be brought together and he simply says this by Avengers Assemble from here we transition back to Nick Fury on the space station along with very other various other superheroes and of course we pick up with him with the explanation of Nick Fury and him telling them that he wants one of them to be the last man or woman on the wall and what we see a Scott Lang replying to the Scott Lang finds are very hard to believe that he's somebody who would be capable of being the man on the wall that for whatever reason he doesn't seem to possess the kind of fortitude or the willingness to kill that would be necessary to play this role we see that Nick Fury telling Scott Lane not to doubt himself that Scott Lang has the ability to carry out this kind of a role even if he doesn't miss we believe it himself in addition we see that dr. strange says that he thinks that maybe the physical conditioning of Nick Fury has affected his mind that for whatever reason he's not necessarily functioning the way that he's supposed to he's somehow maybe looking at things weird he says there's no need for this kind of a role to be played out that the superheroes have fought various foes day in and day out and they've succeeded in defeating pretty much all of them and while some weren't defeated immediately they were to feed it in a long run but what we see a Nick Fury doing is replying to this by saying that someone who's been and had the kind of experience that the Doctor Strange has had really shouldn't be this naive and that the fact that Nick Fury was out there being the man on the wall and disjoined the the foes that Nick I'm sorry that dr. strange and these individuals weren't even aware of is a testament to the fact that one they don't understand the bigger picture and to his actions allowed them to be naive his actions allowed them to play this role of saying that they defeated pretty much anybody not realizing they hadn't defeated all the foes that were out there from here we see that Black Panther goes as far as to say that he's going to ask Nick Fury one last time he's going to ask Nick Fury who killed the watcher from here we see that Nick Fury realizes that one of the life model decoys the life model decoy that was accessed by Iron Man Captain America Black Widow and Wolverine had self destructed and so he says they're simply not much time left that they're going to have to hurry things along and so what we see is that he uses his walking stick to electrocute Bucky Barnes from here we see the other life model decoys activate and they begin to turn guns on these superheroes but we also see going on is Nick Fury taking the eye of the watcher from Bucky Barnes and we see that again Doctor Strange says that Nick Fury needs to stop this that Nick Fury needs to understand that what he's doing what he's doing here is an effect turning arms against the superheroes and that there's no possible way that he could succeed here but what he says is that he has thought about this he's thought about this for a very long time that he's going to die and that the job still needs to be done he said that he has a world to protect and that's exactly what he's going to do we also see is that Nick Fury says that before he dies before this event comes to an end that hopefully one of these superheroes will be able to understand the role that needs to be played and they will undertake the role of being the man on the wall at this point we see that again Black Panther says that if that's the way it's going to be then that's fine he said that he tried to reason with Nick Fury he tried to get an expiry to discuss what it was it happened with The Watcher dying of his own accord but the fact that he chose not to it means that he now has to take some kind of physical action which he does and we see the superheroes begin to attack the life model decoys from here we jumped to - Nick Fury as he's reentering his I guess going back into his laboratory and what we see is that he approaches the orb and the orb says that he thinks he's beginning to change that he's like a Calla pillar a caterpillar with an eyeball for a head and that he's changing into something new now whether this is true or not as something that we don't know we don't really know what it does this taking place with the orb all we know is that for some reason he's reacting to the eyes of the watcher in a way that nobody else really has while other individuals like the mindless ones took on some sort of telepathic abilities or took on enhanced mental powers more so than they had ever previously had that the orb is somehow changing physically that his body is physically reacting to this we see that Nick theory begins to assault the orb and begin to try to get information out of him specifically how it was he was able to access the secrets of the eye how it was it he was able to access what it is that the eyes had seen over the course of the Watchers existence we see that Nick Fury continues to tell the order they don't have time to play games that dr. - is still out there and he wants to know again how it was that the orb managed to open the eye what we see here is that while Nick Fury is interrogating the orb that one of the life model decoys approaches him and says that they'll be here soon and if Nick Fury should be it should get suited up what we also see going on here is that Nick Fury takes the eye and puts it into a container of sorts puts it into some kind of a box and what he tells us here is that while The Watcher is dead while The Watcher never really cared for him while The Watcher didn't really like Nick Fury in particular that there's no reason why the Watchers secrets should die with him and so what we basically see Nick Fury doing here is what appears to be putting the eye of the watcher in some kind of a securing container from here we see that one of the life model decoys who is continuing to fight the super heroes outside of this laboratory door that Nick Fury has locked tells Scott Lang that they have to understand what Nick Fury was doing that the truth is that Nick Fury was simply trying to save the world from here we see that this life model decoy has for the most part been destroyed and that Doctor Strange is trying to open the door to the laboratory but the laboratory appears to have some kind of magical safeguards and Doctor Strange is curious as to how it was Nick Fury was able to do this how he was able to safeguard against the magic that dr. strange possesses what we also see is that while these individuals are trying to break into this room that dr. strange using the third eye realizes that they may not necessarily have to be the ones to break in there that for the most part help is on the way and what we see is that the life model decoys are reacting to the fact that there's been a whole breach in Sector nine and they begin to activate all of the existing life model decoys on the space station from here we see that a full full organization or a full grouping of the Avengers have arrived and we see the Falcon Thor The Incredible Hulk spider-man miss Marvel Iron Man and various other individuals as they begin to descend upon the satellite and effectively do the best they can to more or less destroy Nick Fury or to the very least bring a stop to his actions from here we see that Captain America demands of one of the life model decoys the location of Nick Fury where the real Nick Fury is and to tell him that the Avengers are here he says that there's no more secrets that there's not going to be any more lies from here we see that there's some sort of flash of bright light and some individuals says no more secrets and that they agree and then apparently so does everybody else and what we see going on here is that Nick Fury arrives in his complete suit saying that his eyes are all open and what we see is that Nick Fury actually has both eyes of The Watcher indicating to us that it was in fact Nick Fury himself who had actually been the one to kill the watcher from here we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end and what we're gonna find out an original sin issue number seven and especially an issue number eight is the full story we're gonna find the full event of what it is it's a case why it was that Nick Fury had killed the watcher and what it means for the Marvel community now that The Watcher is dead so original sin issue number seven is going to bring us the second to the end of the original sin series and what we're gonna get is a lot of information in a very short amount of time in this comic book and so this story is gonna go very very fast but what we're gonna see is this transition between the past and the present we're going to see a lot of things taking place and we're gonna get a lot of information especially when it comes to who it was that had shot The Watcher now we're not gonna find out who it was that had killed the watcher what the fatal injury was to the watcher were so we just going to learn who it was that shot him and we're gonna learn there's a lot more to this story of original sin then had initially been brought to us and what we see as the story progresses is that we're transitioning into the past we're transitioning into several days into the past and what we see is that the orb doctor - the daughter of doctor - exterminate ryx and the mindless ones have arrived on the moon now again if you recall our discussion previously in original sin we had talked about how the mindless ones were exactly what they sounded like there were extra dimensional beings who remind us they simply just existed to carry out the will of whoever it is they could curry their favor and at this point they haven't been exposed to the eyes of the Watchers so they haven't developed any kind of abilities this simply just gives us information as to how it was that the initial explosion of the Watchers Watchtower took place and what we see is that the purpose of the orb and dr. Midas and and these other individuals being here is that they intend to rob the watcher of his armament and his arms now what this means in terms of what they intend to do with the various guns and armors they intend to obtain is something we don't know but I would go as far as to say that the only real motivation here for dr. Midas is to to expand his empire given the alien technology that the watcher has on the fact that there would really be nobody on the planet who would be able to oppose him just be cuz of the power that he would possess what we also see here is that the orb says they've come here to be reborn they've come here to go presumably evolve or to take the next step in possibly their evolution or become something better than what they are exterminate replies that she thought they were just here to rob the watcher and the orb says that - and what we see is that as the orbit is forces approached the entrance to the watchtower the door doesn't immediately open and dr. Midas thinks that the orb has brought them here under false pretenses and of course he gets a little angry because of it but then we see the door begins to open up from here we see that the group immediately takes off towards whatever they consider might be the armory and they shout out to to tell anybody if they find anything that seems like an armory in addition we see exterminate ryx saying that the watcher watches everything that he sees everything and so it's important that they move quick because they won't have before long before the watcher shows up but then we see almost immediately after they enter the Watchers watchtower that the watcher appears through here we see the Watchers say that he sees them and dr. Midas says to go to plan B in which case we see an explosion at the Watchers watchtower from here we transition back to the current day and what we see is some sort of battle taking place on the moon this presumably being the battle between Nick Fury and the Avengers we see that the Incredible Hulk has been not towards the moon onto the surface of the Moon and that Luke Cage appears to either be incapacitated or possibly even dead we also see the Captain America is sending a priority alert saying that the Avengers are requesting any sort of spacefaring assistance because they're in in combat on the earth in the Earth's orbit they're in combat on the moon and that the target is Nick Fury now with Nick Fury fighting the Avengers one thing to bear in mind here is that while Nick Fury is able to single-handedly combat all the Avengers and successfully oppose and defeat them that he's able to do this for several reasons the first is because he possesses arms and armament there are of alien design and so he's able to combat the superheroes just on a base physical scale but also what we will see as the story progresses is that Nick Fury is in possession of both eyes of The Watcher and because he has both eyes of the watcher he knows all the secrets related to the superheroes and he's going to use these secrets against them from here we transition to new Tony Stark attempting to attack Nick Fury and Tony Stark of course asked the question why it is at Nick Fury so old and whether or not he missed anything make fury replies by saying that Tony Stark has missed a lot of things over the years that he couldn't possibly imagine all the things that he's missed all the things that he doesn't know about but we see the Nick Fury says that he doesn't miss in which he shoots Tony Stark and doesn't necessarily incapacitate his armor but is able to to keep him off-guard for a moment or two what we also see here is that the Falcon and Wolverine attempt to oppose Nick Fury and Nick Fury is able to for the most part despite being detained eventually throw them off he's able to eliminate them from being able to keep them keep him confined but we also see him staying or see a Wolverine saying is that Wolverine and the various superheroes trusted him and maybe that's where they went wrong that they put their confidence in him despite the fact that they didn't know exactly what it was that he was doing at the time or everything that had been going on what we also see is a black widow trying to rationalize with Nick Fury asking Nick Fury to tell them what it is it's going on to help them understand Nick Fury says he wished that he could that he wishes there was more time from here we see that Captain America intervenes in Captain America again attempts to rationalize attempts to speak with Nick Fury and get him to understand that he's crossing this line he's crossing a line that he can't come back from that there's still time for him to turn back there's still time for him to come back from what it is that he's doing but that if he does cross this line and he stays across it that this window of opportunity will close Nick Fury says that he wish he could explain things to Steve Rogers but that if he did explain to Steve Rogers Steve Rogers would hate him more so than anybody else Steve Rogers replies by saying that he always respected Nick Fury that again he doesn't want Nick Fury to cross a line that he can't come back from especially after everything that they've been through but Nick Fury says that he crossed that line a long time ago and that he believes he crossed the line for right reasons and that's what we see going on here we basically see this conflict but Nick Fury and the Avengers both of which I believe that they're doing the right thing that they have done the right thing and with this much like Civil War it's up for debate it's up for a discussion as to whether or not who's right here is Nick Fury right because he believes that the end Zoro I'm sorry that the means are appropriate if the ends are satisfactory or is Captain America right here and is saying that there has to be some standard there has to be some line the superhero simply just don't cross what we also see is a Captain America once he realizes that he can't oppose Nick Fury directly due to the fact that Nick Fury possesses armors with enhanced physical strength causing Thor and we see the Thor arrives to again attempt to defeat Nick Fury on his own Thor says that this will simply take a few moments or so but what we see as this progresses is that Nick Fury is able to single-handedly hold his own against Thor but again this is going to touch on the element of Nick Fury speaking with Thor and using the secrets of various characters against them but before that happens we transition back to this to the satellite to the space station and what we see is that Scott Lang and the various other superheroes that Nick Fury have been speaking with before Hydra had retreated to his laboratory are still attempting to open the laboratory door and what we see is that these superheroes are aware of the conflict that's going on outside Scott Lang says that they should be helping him and are helping these various individuals then we see that Emma Frost says they should be trying to get out of here that if they don't leave if the other superheroes come back and find them in here now the superheroes may believe that they were fighting on behalf of Nick Fury Moon Knight says that they were that they were fighting on behalf of Nick Fury and that is the truth of the matter and that some individuals may still be working for him what we also see here is that when when black black panther says this when black panther says that some individuals may still be working for Nick theory it appears that he's speaking directly to Bucky Barnes and Bucky Barnes takes notice of this and says that he's the one that cut off Nick Fury's head that he's the one that brought Nick Fury's head and revealed to everybody that Nick Fury was a life model decoy and we also see that Black Panther says that in response to this that Bucky Barnes was the one who was in possession of the watchers I the watchers I that had previously been held by the orb we also see that Bucky Barnes responds to this by saying that maybe black panther missed the part where where Nick Fury had shocked Bucky Barnes with his walking stick and that Bucky Barnes had been incapacitated at which point Nick Fury took the eye but then we also see the black panther responds by saying that Bucky Barnes had blown up Moon Knight ship and for the most part what why Panther is trying to attempt to establish here is that Bucky Barnes is not really presenting any evidence to indicate that he's not working for Nick Fury did all his actions up to this point make him appear very guilty the fact that he had killed Nick Fury but took his eye the fact that he was in possession of the eye when Nick Fury electrocuted him and the Nick Fury took the eye which could very well have been something that was set up between Nick Fury and Bucky Barnes the fact that Bucky Barnes had blown up Nick Fury or blown up Moon Knight ship all this evidence points to the fact that Nick Fury may very well be working with Bucky Barnes what we also see is black panther I'm sorry Bucky Barnes accusing Black Panthers saying that black panther is the one who recruited all of them into this investigation in the first place and that's what's basically going on here is that everybody is sort of devolving into this kind of situation where they're all accusing one another well there's so much distrust here that no one knows who's working for Nick Fury or who's not or if anybody's even working for Nick Fury they simply don't know the answers to these questions and because they don't know they're all very accusatory they're all very confused but they're all very unsure of what it is is taking place from here we see that Punisher Gamora and Rocket Raccoon attempt to leave they say that they simply just don't want to be here anymore that there's some better place to be than to listen to all of these superheroes arguing amongst themselves but then we see the doctor strange times end and Doctor Strange says and nobody's going anywhere that everybody here is together in this so they're all part of this situation and that they're all going to decide together what their next course of action is that regardless of what Nick Fury's reasons were that they think that Nick Fury or he argues the Nick Fury is still a mass murderer and that Nick Fury needs to be taken down for this we also see that Doctor Strange says that at the end of the day when the history books come out and people discussed this that they want to be on the right side of history and so he asks them who chooses this path who it is that wants to be on the right side so here we see that the orb shows up and the orb asks if he gets a vote here that because of the fact that the watch or because Nick Fury took possession of the eye because Nick Fury had tortured him to gain information about the eye that he votes at they kill Nick Fury we then see that dr. strange reacts to the fact that that the orb appears to have a vast amount of power here or the very least has somehow been modified so that he looks similarly the same but he has a sort of a purplish aura about him and dr. strange asks what it is a fury did to him Emma Frost comments by saying she doesn't think that it was Nick Fury but what we see the orbs saying is that he stole all the secrets that he stole all of the secrets of presumably The Watcher including the one that he's about to demonstrate at which point we see him apparently use some vast amount of power or some kind of energy against the superheroes at this point we transition back into the past again and we see that when the the villains the orb dr. Midas exterminate ryx and the mindless ones had attempted to combat the The Watcher in order to rob him that the watcher appears to be using the same kind of power against the mindless ones and what this seems to be is the watcher releasing secrets into individuals and that appears to be the power of the watcher to simply just release secrets to people that as we had established in the original sin issue number zero when we learned about the backstory of the watcher that despite the fact that his race is very old and very technologically advanced that they're very humanoid that they can be killed and so they're not these abstract entities that we had previously been led to believe that the watcher does have power but if power simply seems to be to just release secrets to people to inform them of things that they were previously unaware of or maybe to even wake up Lincoln abilities that they previously weren't aware that they had from here we see the orb admiring the power that the watcher has the orb is admiring what it is the Watchers capable of and he talks about what it would be like to have power like that in addition we see exterminates saying that they found the armory and that they should grab everything they can carry and then get out of there what we also see is that the orb is again completely admired by what it is the Watchers doing and he's almost hypnotized in this situation and he asked the watcher if he's scared he simply says you're scared on you and so we see him take one of the guns from the armory then he says the Watchers holding back the Watchers holding back because he saw but then he asked what it was that the watcher saw what it was that the watcher had seen when he had presumably looked upon dr. Midas the orb exterminate ryx and the mindless ones when they had entered his base or possibly even before and then he guesses that the watcher had seen his death that the watcher had seen that he was going to die but that the orb had also seen it himself and at this point the orb expresses some kind of pity for the watcher but it seems to be more of a of a morbid kind of sadistic pity more so than a genuine empathy related pity and he says that he can make sure that the watcher never sees anything again and so we see that the orb shoots the watcher from here we transition back to the current time and what we see is that during this conflict the Watchers eyes has somehow left a possession of Nick Fury and so spider-man uses his webbing to capture the eyes and to keep them from floating out into the depths of space in addition we see that spider-man comments on the fact that the eyes are growing brightly that these eyes these eyes are glowing in a way that he's not really sure what to do with that he doesn't know whether this is normal or not from here we see that again the comet is being made here about what happened the last time that the eyes had gone off that these secrets the secret bomb so to speak had been detonated in which voice which case spider-man is talking about how all these various secrets had been revealed to all these superheroes and that all sorts of crazy things were taking place in addition we see Thor continuing his fight against Nick Fury and that Thor says it is time for Nick Fury to explain himself his metal suit is not able to withstand the might of Thor and his hammer and so what we see is Nick Fury replying by saying that that the Thor is not going to be able to withstand the power that Nick Fury possesses that despite Thor's vast strength that Thor also has secrets just like anybody else and so we see the Nick Fury using the eyes of the watcher touches back on Thor and Loki storyline where he says a Thor has a sister and he says one last thing he also says that he sees something else but before we find out what that is we see that Thor accuses him Thor says what it is he demands to know what it is at Nick Fury is talking about we demand to know he demands to know how it is that Nick Fury was able to access the Watchers secret and so what we see is that Nick Fury mutters something to Thor he whispers something and what it is that he whispers to Thor results in the fact that Thor loses the ability to wield his hammer now what it is that Nick Fury whispers to Thor is something that we don't know at the moment although I believe I have my speculations one of which but again this is simply just speculation here at this point we see that Captain America is standing on a satellite and he's asking if anybody can see Thor we see that Thor's hammer has fallen to the ground along with an unconscious Incredible Hulk again what we also see here is Captain America asking Tony Stark if he sees Thor if he's able to locate Thor I can I'm sorry Tony Stark Iron Man says that all you can see here is that Thor is trying to lift his hammer on the moon that he's trying to pick his hammer up we then see that Captain America chimes in and is a little confused here he asks if what Tony Stark said is correct the Thor is trying to pick up his hammer from here we see that Nick Fury approaches Iron Man from behind and issues the override code for Iron Man's suit to force him to return to Earth we see the 20 stark doesn't know how it is that that Nick Fury knew this but we see that Tony Stark's suit immediately takes off for the planet Earth removing Iron Man from the conflict that's taking place on the moon at this point we see that Captain America doesn't really know what's going on here he's asking Tony where he's going but he's not getting any response from Tony Stark's suit what we also see here is that that spider-man is simply just floating out into space and again this lends credence to the real place of spider-man in the Marvel comics and while it's not necessarily a popular opinion the fact that spider-man is simply floating out into space and can do nothing there's no one that can help him shy of anybody flying out to grab him and bringing him back I think is a testament to the fact that in a lot of ways spider-man is is part of a group that is way above his league that for the most part he can't really maintain with these major spacefaring adventures from here we transitioned back to Captain America and Captain America again is speaking with with Nick Fury and Captain America here is trying to trying to rationalize once again with Nick Fury but Nick Fury at this point has laid waste to pretty much all of the Avengers because at this point we had the Incredible Hulk who is unconscious on the moon we have Thor who's no longer able to wield his hammer Iron Man's suit has been sent back to the planet Earth spider-man is floating out into space and he tells Captain America about how Wolverine had murdered one of his own children about how Natasha Romanov is more like Captain America that she is like Nick Fury and that for some reason or another this secret or the secret he had revealed to her had put her in a place to where she's just simply no longer interested in fighting anymore that she's no longer capable of fighting and so between the power that Nick Fury possesses given his suit and his armament and the secrets that he has revealed to various superheroes all of the Avengers have in effect been defeated and so what we see is that Nick Fury says to - Captain America that he's going to bring an end to this conflict that years ago he had watched a man die and that this man had asked him when he's speaking about Woodrow McCourt about whether or not all of it was worth it that everything that he had done was worth the result that the ends had justified the means and Nick Fury says that he didn't have to previously and that he wish he had said yes he wish he'd told him that yes it was worth it that sometimes it takes the worst of people to walk the worst of roads in order for the best people to follow and to do the things that can be left behind to do the things to make the rational decisions as to whether or not this should still be maintained and so what we see as Nick Fury saying his goodbyes to Captain America he says he's very glad that he met him and he says goodbye from here we see that Nick Fury turns a calm Stern's a communications of his suit off and sets a course towards the moon from here we see that dr. Midas exterminate ryx and the mindless ones have landed on the moon they have reentered the conflict of the original sense story and we see that what they're going to do is in effect take everything they're going to do everything they can at this point we see that the Incredible Hulk reawakens but then the orb uses whatever power he has at his possession presumably again to use people's secrets against them to incapacitate the Incredible Hulk once more and again we see that Thor is continuing to try to pick up his hammer at this point we see the orb telling us that this is the reason why he's here that his dreams had led him to this place that he was meant to be here and that he's here to see the Watchers last secret from here if we transitioned back to a few days ago again and we see that Nick Fury has arrived on the Watchers watchtower after the explosion that had taken place in order to investigate what it is that had gone on and what we see is that Nick Fury is communicating with one of his life model decoys saying that that he thought it was a good idea or he knew it was a good idea to have bugged the place that he knew it was a good idea to to set the devices in here to where he could constantly monitor what it is that was going on but the question that has to be asked here is did The Watcher allow this to happen because of The Watcher sees everything The Watcher had to have known that Nick Fury had entered his base and planted bugs in order to keep an eye on him and the watcher was simply okay with this which begs the question why was this okay with a watcher or was assuming that Watchers simply just wasn't concerned about from here we see that as Nick Fury states that he's going into the - the watchtowers or the Watchers watchtower that one of his life model decoys asked the question of whether or not it's a good idea that given his physical condition the fact that he's not as agile as he used to be and his past history with the watcher as to whether or not is something that he should do but what we see is that Nick Fury tells his life model decoy that or one of his life model decoys that if he doesn't come back then if he dies in the watchtower to contact all the Avengers and to inform them what it is that's been going on all this which basically means that he would have his life model decoy communicate to them that he is a life model decoy that all these life model decoys exists they haven't really dealt with the Nick Fury for the real Nick Fury for quite some time and the Nick Fury has been travelling around the around various dimensions the universe and the interior of the planet Earth doing everything that he had previously admitted to he tells the life model decoys simply just revealed to him to the Avengers the unseen to tell them exactly everything that's been going on and what we see is that when he enters the watchtower he realizes that there has been some kind of a break-in he realizes that someone has gone in here and stolen almost all the arms and armament that the watcher had but the watcher at this point is still alive and he's saying that for the most part that the watcher probably did his best to fight these forces off whether the watcher wasn't able to stop him stop them on his own from here we feel that the watcher takes note of Nick Fury and Nick Fury is a little shocked - shocked to see this the watcher or Nicky are correctly guesses that the watcher says that he didn't simply just do this that that he didn't simply just do this to mock Nick Fury that he didn't remove one of his eyes to make fun of Nick Fury he asked what it was that happened here he asked Nick I asked the watcher what is it this taken place to tell Nick Fury what it was that he saw from here we see that Nick Fury that we transitioned back to Nick Fury as he's entering his base and Nick Fury simply says that even back then the watcher must have known what it was that was going to happen the watcher must have been aware of what it was it was going to take place presumably the fact that he was going to die and Nick Fury says that at least this time that at least when he enters the Watchers base that there's not going to be anybody watching but what we see what Marvel reveals to us is that there are multiple Watchers of watching this entire conflict take place that all these Watchers are monitoring Nick Fury entering the Watchers base and that presumably they've been monitoring the conflict the entire time with that being said we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end and what we'll see with issue number 8 is the conclusion to original sin and we will basically have a multitude of questions answered but with the way the original sin event will end we'll have more questions than the questions that we had answered when the entire original sin event took place so as original sin comes to an end we see the series conclude with issue number 8 now the issue here with original sin and one of the big criticisms that a lot of us in the Marvel community had is that original sin raised just as many questions as it answered and Marvel didn't really do a good job of answering a lot of these questions that cropped up what we're also gonna do here in this discussion is we're going to for the most part focus on Nick Fury's involvement with regards to The Watcher we're gonna focus on what it was it took place and we're gonna learn the truth about what happened with Nick Fury and what happened with The Watcher when Nick Fury arrived on the moon and what we see here as the story opens up is a transition into the past into a few days prior to the current events of the original sin event and we see that Nick Fury has arrived after The Watcher has been robbed and Nick Fury asked The Watcher who it was that robbed him that how this happened now he says that the issue here is that the watcher is in possession of a vast collection of weaponry a vast collection of armament that The Watcher sees everything and so he knows most likely who it was that robbed him and where they're going but that if they take these weapons from the Watchers armory if they take things like the ultimate nullifier and various weapons of badoon origin and they fall into the wrong hands that it could lead to total destruction of the planet earth it could lead to a conflict on a scale never seen before and so he says that the watcher needs to explain what it is that's going on The Watcher needs to tell him what it was this happened what we also see here is that Nick Fury says that because the watcher sees everything that it's the Watchers duty that despite the fact that watcher doesn't necessarily involve himself in various events all the time that this is one event whereby the watcher needs to take some kind of action but the watcher simply replies by saying that Nick Fury is correct that the watcher does see all things even the unseen and this is when he reveals to Nick Fury the fact that he can see everything or has seen everything that Nick Fury has done regarding his actions of fighting various multi-dimensional beams of killing various multi-dimensional beings of killing beings within the planet earth and this upsets Nick Fury this angers Nick Fury and the reason why is because Nick Fury tells The Watcher that he's always acted on the side of the planet Earth that he's always fought to save the planet Earth but that the watcher always just watched that very rarely did he ever actually step in and do anything despite the fact that he had the power to stop it that virtually any conflict that could have arisen as a result of these alien forces appearing had Nick Fury not been there to stop him was something that The Watcher could have helped with The Watcher could have acted in such a way to where it wasn't necessary for Nick Fury to be the man on the wall but instead the watcher never did The Watcher simply just watched and Nick Fury is angry about this and what this does is this gives us this dichotomy this inherent I guess difference between Nick Fury and The Watcher that Nick Fury's belief system here is that it's not enough to simply just watch it's not enough to simply just observe there has to be somebody that's going to actively oppose threats and so Nick Fury views himself as the true protector of the earth as the one person who actually did anything to ensure the earth was kept as safe as possible and that the watcher despite the fact that he never really did anything had the power to do it but never did always chose not to and so for him The Watcher is a representation of total apathy of an individual that has the power to stop something but chooses not to and so what we see is that Nick Fury again begins to shout at the watcher Nick Fury tells the watcher who it is or ask the watcher who it is that stole from him about what it is it happened here then about who it is that he has to kill next from here we see that again the Nick fear Nick Fury asked the watcher why it is they took his eye why it is so they took the important the eyes within his head and he says that for the most part he searched this place over and over again that he has looked within this place time and time again that even when the watcher had passed out then he had bugged the Watchers Watchtower in order to keep an eye on him that the one thing that he never noticed the one thing that he never saw the watcher doing was recording things physically the watcher was never right anything down the washer was simply just observing all the time and so Nick Fury deduces that most likely all the knowledge and everything the watcher has ever seen it has been stored within his eyes that the reason why one of his eyes was taken is because it possesses a multitude of secrets now whether or not that eye possesses all the same secrets as the other eye is actually a question that Marvel doesn't answer but for the most part because both I saw the same thing that seems to be the case and so that would explain why both eyes weren't taken from the watcher from here we see Nick Fury pointing his gun at the watcher and again telling the watcher to answer him telling the watcher to tell him what it is that he saw what it is or who it was that came in and stole his place I saw his stuff then The Watcher simply just says that he's seen too much that he's seen too many things and then it's time for somebody else to watch that it's time for somebody else to undertake the role of the mantle of watcher we see that The Watcher begins to raise his hands against Nick Fury and then he appears to be emanating some kind of energy and that perhaps he may be putting Nick Fury in a place where he's going to force Nick Fury to shoot him where he is in effect going to commit suicide by cop but what we see as the story continues is that we transition back to the present day and what we see is that the superheroes Doctor Strange Hank Pym Emma Frost and various other individuals have arrived to aid Nick Fury in his fight against the mindless ones and dr. Midas who of course are laying siege to to the Watchers watchtower and Nick Fury respectively and what we see Doctor Strange saying is that this is all going to come to an end now that all of this is going to end we also see that Nick Fury says that he thinks they're here because they've seen the truth in what it is that he said and what it is it needs to be done that there has to be somebody to be the man on the wall that he regrets the fact that he has to pass this burden off to one of these superheroes but somebody is going to have to undertake this role but for him it's a necessity it's something that needs to be done so that the rest of the superheroes can turn a blind eye so that they can keep their hands clean but so that they can also deal with whatever let's left over whatever it is of the man on the is not able to stop but what we also see dr. strange saying is that they haven't come here to redeem Nick Fury they came here because Nick Fury has one last cent he has to confess - and Doctor Strange demands to hear it Doctor Strange demands to hear what it is that Nick Fury did to The Watcher and Nick Fury finally after the entire original sin event admits it Nick Fury says that he was the one who killed the watcher but what we see is that for the most part it appears that The Watcher had put Nick Fury in a position where he had no choice but to kill him that it was either kill or be killed that the watcher didn't really seem to have a desire to live anymore now why it is the watcher didn't really have a desire to live is again something that Marvel doesn't explain to us it's one of these things that's left open but I would go as far as far as to speculate that after the events of original sin issue number zero we had learned at The Watcher that who watched The Watcher was looking for any reality that existed where by his father's actions didn't contribute to the destruction of the the civilization they had first encountered had never existed that he was never able to find this that he had for the most part just kind of given up that he just didn't really seem to have a reason to live anymore and so we see that once Nick Fury kills The Watcher that Nick Fury takes his eye from here we pick up with Bucky Barnes confronting Nick Fury and Bucky Barnes tells Nick Fury to simply put the eyeball down but Nick Fury says that that it's not finished yet this isn't done that dr. Midas is still within the stronghold and that he's gaining power and that somebody needs to stop him and that Nick Fury thinks he's the only one who can Nick Fury says that this is his final act this is his final way to save the earth his final action in the role of the man on the wall and he hopes that Bucky Barnes will one day recognize what it is that he's done here that Bucky Barnes will recognize the necessity of what it is it has to be done here and that maybe Bucky Barnes will be the one to undertake the role of the man on the wall from here we see that Nick Fury enters the domain of the Watchers watchtower and confronts dr. Midas and doctor Midas appears to be absorbing some sort of energy from the watcher herb from the Watchers watchtower seems to be emanating some sort of force now how it is it he gains this as something we don't really know it just simply appears to be that he's up whenever cosmic energies have been channeled through this place and so what we see is that dr. Midas simply says that if Nick Fury hands the eyes over to him then he promises Nick Fury that he won't have to watch what happens next that he will not let Nick Fury see whatever it is it has taken place now whether this is some kind of taunt saying that he's just going to kill Nick Fury or what we don't really know but before we get into what it is a doctor - actually does we end up transitioning to the orb and what we see is that the orb is I guess being taken over by one of the eyes of the watcher the Watchers eye is merging itself with him but what we also see here is that all these different Watchers are watching this event take place and the Watchers say that it's their sacred vow that all they can do is observe that they can't act despite the fact that it's within their power to do so but what we also see is that all these other superheroes are continuing to fight all these other superheroes are continuing to take on the mindless ones but for the most part they really can't they really can't understand what it is it's going on here they really can't fathom what it is this taking place here all this that's going on with regards to dr. Midas using the Watchers power Nick Fury's actions the Watchers observing what's going on and the orb I guess being taken over by one of the eyes of the watcher it's all way above the head of a multitude of these superheroes and so what we see Nick Fury doing is that again as he transitions into the past telling us that he had no choice that it all had to be worth it for him that he took the eyes of the watcher took the eye of The Watcher under the guise that he would be able to find who it was that had killed the watcher had a robbed the watcher in the first place and continued to fulfill his role of the man on the wall and that the Watchers I would go towards him being able to do his job in a way that he had never experienced before that he would be able to see almost all the forces that were intending to attack the planet Earth and that he wouldn't have to rely on investigation or the normal means of finding who these aliens were or the the standard practice of whatever it was a shield used for their intelligence gathering and so what we see is that as we continue with this story that dr. Midas gets the eye of the watcher plunged into his chest as Nick Fury attempts to kill him and for the most part it seems that the power within the eye of the watcher is able to totally override any power that dr. Midas has and as the superheroes are gathering outside of the Watchers Watchtower they simply say that whoever it is it comes out of this that whoever it is it shows up after all this is said and done that they take down hard that they're going to ensure that whatever it is that they're doing that in bed it's stopped but we see that bucky bond says that again kind of mirroring the sentiment of Nick Fury that they can't just stand here and watch we see Nick so we see a Emma Frost comment that whether or not Bucky Barnes is sure about that and they look up to see that all these different Watchers are watching this event unfold from here we transition back to dr. Midas and dr. - is again being overtaken by the power of the watcher and the Watchers eyes the power simply just too much for dr. - is more than his body can handle and so it appears that his body is entirely disintegrated that his body is totally destroyed and so as the comic or as this this begins to wind down as a comic begins to come to a close we see that Nick Fury is left next to the body of the watcher and appears to have been dying appears to in fact died from his wounds suffered after the event of this entire infinity storyline this entire original sin storyline from here we transitioned back to the super heroes and the super heroes are simply gathered around the the various parts of the Watchers watchtower and what's the left of it having after it had been destroyed and Captain America simply says that that The Watcher is dead that Nick Fury is dead that all things all these different things that have taken place are going back to normal but one thing I would like you to take particular note of is this oversight that was made I think by the artists of original sin where Thor is continuing to hold his hammer despite the fact that Thor has previously been seen and will actually be seen after this being unable to wield his hammer and this I think was actually something that was first spotted on reddit but what we see Captain America saying is that for the most part there's really nothing left of Doctor Midas there's really nothing left of Nick Fury that after Nick Fury had died that his full of the lmds had all just disappeared that the mindless ones have gone back to being mindless again but for the most part everything has gone back to the way it was before the watcher had died before anybody had manipulated his eyes and so for the most part Captain America has no idea of what it is is going on here he doesn't know what drove Nick Fury to act this way and he asked Doctor Strange and black panther if they may know for the most part what we see here is that Doctor Strange asked Black Panther why it is that he didn't tell Captain America what it is that he knew and black panther says he never tells anyone anything and he asked Doctor Strange why he didn't tell him and Doctor Strange says that maybe he will one day that after this is all said and done maybe he'll tell Captain America about what's going on but that after the eyes were used against the superheroes after their secrets were revealed to each other that for the most part nobody trusts anybody and that they've all become even more secretive than they were before and that maybe this secret whatever it is should die with Nick Fury that Nick Fury is presumably dead and that all these things have finally come to a close but what we see is that there's some individual that's cloaked that is wrapped in a cowl of some kind that's simply just standing behind Doctor Strange and black panther in a very eerie sort of way and what we get is this this bit of information or I guess this sort of epilogue telling us what's happened after very after the original sin event had come to an end at this point we transitioned back to some sort of alien forces that are discussing the fact that The Watcher has been killed that various superhero groups are in shambles and that now is the time for these superheroes or for the planet earth to be conquered and for their forces to in vain but before they're able to get too far one of his one of them is shot in the face and we see that Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier has undertaken the role of the man on the wall and this as Marvel has explained it to us is the precursor to the Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier solo series where we're going to follow Bucky Barnes as he is part of the as he is the man on the wall and is actually something that I'm extremely excited about to see what it is it happens and how his character played out from here we see that as Marvel completely brings the original sin event to an end as we get to the very end of this comic that Marvel tells us that things are winding down that things are beginning to come to an end that all these secrets that all these sins are for the most part beginning to come to a close and that there is an individual there is a man that stands on the moon and that his job is to forever watch for eternity to watch but never interfere to always be unseen and what we see is that this man is Nick Fury that Nick Fury is still alive but seems to be chained to the to the moon seems to be chained and stuck to the moon so that he can never leave and so that for the rest of eternity he will simply just monitor he will simply just watch the planet Earth and that he will never ever be able to be allowed to interfere that he'll never be able to undertake the role of being the man on the wall with that being said we're gonna go ahead and bring an event or bring it bring it into the original sin event I really hope you guys enjoyed it if you did let me know and I will catch you guys later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,603,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Original Sin, Hulk, Thor, Iron man, Thor's Hammer, Mijolnir, Captain America, Spider-Man, The Avengers, Thanos, infinity Gauntlet, infinity War, Full Story, The Watcher, nick Fury, Captain Marvel, Nova, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, AGe Of Ultron, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Odinson, Crossover, Compilation, Event, Super Heroes, MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther, Secret Wars, Time Runs Out, Doctor Strange
Id: hD_nqJC4VoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 25sec (10705 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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