Scarlet Witch Eliminates All The Mutants (X-Men: Decimation Full Story)

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so about a month ago at least I want to say about a month ago egoraptor over at game grumps had a question about Marvel you know he was like well I just finished reading house of M I want to read more x-men where do I go next and it was a really good question because I was sitting here thinking about this and I was like man that's true like a lot of people don't know because the x-men just kind of like spun out into a litany of titles it's always been that way you originally had x-men back in the 1960s and then you had uncanny x-men in 1975 which was like the creation of a second line of titles and then in 1992 you had x-men vol 2 so then you had x-men and uncanny x-men as two publications running at the same time and as the x-men grew to be more and more popular he had all kind of things you know x-men deluxe and yet x-men unlimited you know and then eventually that's spun out you had extreme x-men and then you had new x-men and astonishment and you had so many different x-men publications then it just baffled the mind people didn't really know where to start or where to go so ah this video goes out to egoraptor and whoever else is interested in this but when joe cassano took over Marvel in the early 2000s Marvel was coming out of the comic bust writing to mean the comic-book industry almost collapsed Marvel had to sell off the rights to a bunch of their characters and movie form in order to stay afloat which is why Fox has the x-men the Fantastic Four that's why Sony has spider-man that's why Universal had the Incredible Hulk for a while I think they might still have the Hulk now that I think about it but you know Marvel was was selling off things left and right and joe cassano said okay here's the problem we spent far too long building you know doing world building what we need to do is we need to get back to basics we need to get back to a core set of groups we need to get back to a core set of people focus on those and then basically rebuild it was effectively a reboot in a lot of different ways it's just Marvel doesn't do new 52 they don't line wide reboot they don't start everything back at zero again they just say let's revamp it and change things up now joke decided to this in a couple forms it was Avengers disassembled - in-house event The Avengers were very very easy to basically reset I mean they're just a team all you have to do is just break the team up no you have to do is just give a reason for why the Avengers can't be Avengers anymore the issue was a Tony Stark bankrolled the Avengers team those are guys were wondering how the Avengers made their money how they got paid Tony Stark was the one that took care of all that he gave them a place to stay he basically paid their bills made sure they had money they received a stipend but it was enough for them to take care of the things they needed to do all joe cassano did was come along and say hey look if we're basically going to reboot the mutant landscape if we're going to get rid of the Avengers there why not kill two birds with one stone and so what he did is he grabs Scarlet Witch a character whose powers had been ambiguous for years and years and years and said okay let's go ahead and just change this up of it let's go ahead and just use her as a way to get rid of the Avengers and then eventually reboot the mutant landscape and so what he did is or at least what Marvel did with Avengers disassembled is they had a segment in the story where the Scarlet Witch had basically controlled the mind of Tony Stark or at least modified his body's physical structure to the point that he appeared drunk and the result was that because people thought that he had relapsed about gonna back into alcoholism as bad as he was during the events of demon and a bottle the stocks of Stark Industries just plummeted now they didn't fall so bad that Tony Stark couldn't take care of himself but they fell bad enough that Tony Stark could not fund the Avengers anymore and so the Avengers basically had to break up now of course the whole basis behind this was because of Scarlet Witch was convinced that the Avengers had taken her kid she was convinced that her kids were real the Avengers had taken him and she basically waged the war against them but at the end of Avengers disassembled after this great big huge conflict in the death of Hawkeye and so on and so forth Marvel went into the house of M and that's what this does this basically picks up with the idea that at the end of Avengers disassembled magneto had taken his daughter Wanda Maximoff and said I'm sorry I had I'd abandon you for so long I'm sorry I ignored you for so long clearly you have a serious illness that we need to sort out an illness of the mind come with me to Genosha and we will go sort that out of course Genosha being a mutant refuge that was wiped out during Grant Morrison's new x-men by Cassandra Nova you'll find that video down in the description by the way where Cassandra Nova's sent sentinels had wiped out 16 16 million mutants but this initially picks up with with Wanda Maximoff giving birth to children now this is really kind of cool because keep in mind for years and years it was one to maksimov and it was vision they were not really like a power couple but they were an interesting couple within the realm of Marvel Comics essentially an Android in a relationship with with a biological woman of course the question being how in the world are they going to reproduce but somehow they managed to find a way but remember this is basically Wanda's perfect dream this is her you know situation where she's like yeah you know we finally had kids myself envisioned finally have a family everyone who loves her is there she doesn't feel neglected she doesn't feel abandoned of course Doctor Strange was delivering the children her brother quicksilver's their magneto is there this is a perfect dream the issue with this is that Xavier appears and says you need to stop you have to stop doing this and this is the first step to casada and Marvel showing us the powers of Scarlet Witch up until this point it had basically just been probability manipulation it was a plot device it was scarlet witch's powers do whatever it is that she needs to do in order to defeat whatever villain she's facing at any particular point in time that's basically how her powers worked now it wasn't as though she would single handedly do it it would just be like oh man the x-men are on the ropes if only we had this one thing with Anne suddenly it's there suddenly the one break they need to when the battle is there because that's just what scarlet witch's powers do and so because of that she was basically this character that was just kind of out there in left field and because there was no real foundation for her abilities because there was no real you know solid concept for her powers aside from some measure of magic or hex or something like that that eventually fans just kind of stopped caring about her and so because of that this is basically cassada and everybody's saying The Scarlet Witch is warping reality she's literally changing reality around her and that's what's happening here not only that something else that I'd like you to notice is that with regards to her powers they're growing they're progressing they're becoming more and more potent to the point that Xavier can't curtail them anymore and that's effectively what's been happening here during the time when she's been in Genosha during the time that she's been under the care of magneto that somewhere along the line Xavier that basically arrived here and he had shown up for the purpose of trying to figure out how to control Wanda Maximoff hours how to bring them back under her ability to maintain and again this is always one of the focal points with Charles Xavier because keep in mind with a Sun Legion legions multiple personalities always ran amok you never knew if you walked up on David holler you wouldn't know if you were talking to David holler himself if you were talking to Susan and sunshine if you were talking to the origamist you wouldn't know which personality you were talking to you could have been talking to like in-game for all you know so the idea was for Xavier to always go through and try to find a way to keep his son's powers under control and so because of this this you know history with dealing with Legion is basically brought over to Wanda Maximoff the issue is that as far as savior is concerned this can't be controlled her powers can't be contained they're growing too extreme they're growing too potent to the point that she'll become a threat to the entire multiverse and that's actually something that will focus on once we get to the end of house of M it's how far-reaching the powers of Wanda Maximoff really go because at the end of this story she basically becomes a multiversal threat like it's it's stupid how powerful she is at the end of the story but in response to the increasing powers have wanna match them off the fact that they can't be kept in check Xavier basically calls a calls a meeting of the Avengers and the x-men now the reason why this is done is because in the end these are the two top teams and Marvel Comics it just makes good sense right I mean you know sure he could call together the group of the x-men but there are individuals who have a lot of experience with Wanda Maximoff because she was part of the Avengers at the same time the x-men have faced off against her and so it's just one of these things was kind of grabbing everybody this had any kind of a role in in Wanda's life and the reason why is because Xavier is quite seriously pondering the idea of killing one two maxima it's him basically saying her powers are growing too extreme to control somebody is going to do something and for all we know she could just destroy the universe itself and so he says her powers are too extreme we basically have to find a way to bring it down now the cool thing about this is the way that Bendis wrote the story business is really really good when it comes to like interpersonal relationships among comic book characters he's extremely good when it comes to writing characters and how they relate to others is one of the things I love the most about a stories that's why Doctor Doom being Iron Man right now an infamous Iron Man is so cool because it's a huge change for the status quo that were used to when it comes to Tony Stark but the idea here is a Quicksilver essentially has to you know it's confronted by Magneto of course Quicksilver spending all this time you know with a son but the issue here is a Quicksilver is like you got to do something you know they're going to kill your daughter and you have to do something now the funny thing about this is that when it comes to magneto he's always been a bit disconnected from everyone from mutants from humans so on and so forth sure he's looked to protect mutants but in this scenario he's basically walking a knife set on one hand his daughter's powers have grown to the extreme and they can't be controlled on the other hand it's his daughter and it's one of these situations where it's like you know a father of any real measure would stand against the world and would watch the world burn if it meant that he could keep their child he'll keep his child alive that's the kind of sentiment that Magneto's feeling right now but the issue is he's kind of torn because it's like the world could literally burn because of garlic which at her stream extreme powers and this is a question that he has to Quicksilver what would you have me do would you have me just kill everyone would you have me just stand guard here like a sentinel in Genosha and anybody who comes knocking on the door of our home willing to tell you check out one a Maximoff gets killed what would you have me do you know and so it creates this really weird situation because in the end there's art there's arguments on both sides for example Cyclops is like this Charles Xavier you've stood for the preservation of life even preserving the lives of people who would see you dead you stand for the preservation of life this is no different but it is and that's the huge thing here this is Legion all right it's not like he's just gonna read the minds of people I mean surely Jeanerette launched Legion quest he went to the Past he intended to kill Magneto Xavier jumped in the way but he was him doing what he thought was the right thing to do he was still in full control of his faculties The Scarlet Witch is not it would be like if Robert Reynolds turned into the void lost his mind and decided to eliminate all things in existence you know if the century basically became the bad guy that's basically what's happening here and that's the case of Charles Xavier is making this is not her in full control of her faculties she's insane she's lost her mind and so in the end what they agree on is I say look if we're really pondering the idea of killing Wanda Maximoff if we're really pondering the idea of killing someone who's been in friend and enemy and Ally you know one of the most powerful beings we've ever met then the very least we should do is ask her how she feels I mean at least ask her what she thinks now I don't know I'd love to see how that conversation goes now hey Wanda we're thinking about killing you but we just want to know how you feel about the fact I'd love to know how that conversation would go down the problem is that once they all race over to the location of where Wanda Maximoff is supposed to be she's gone not only that Charles Xavier is the first one to disappear now we'll find out why Charles Xavier is the first one to disappear but Charles Xavier is the first one to vanish after that people just start disappearing left and right they're just gone no one knows where they go to they just vanish from one location to the next finally spider-man's the last guy left things just sort of distort and then we wake up with Peter Parker when he's in at his apartment you know with a baby crying and he's married to Gwen Stacy now this is one of this is already cyclists dealing the scar of which effectively created a perfect world that's that's kind of you know what she did not really perfect perfect but perfect in you know 90% of the time I mean there were some people for like Ben Grimm the wall just absolutely sucked but for the most part it was perfect in in almost every way in the sense that everybody basically got their heart's desire for example we initially picked up with Steve Rogers and that's kind of the crazy thing is because for him he basically didn't have to outlive his friends he was able to fight in you know continue fighting a world war two he survived the experience and he lived a life alongside his friends now there is a tie-in for Captain America and it focuses on all that basically how married to Peggy Carter for a while they eventually got divorced but it was the idea that for a time he got everything that he wanted his life progressed the way that he wanted it to initially but that was the whole crux here is Steve Rogers was literally always living in the past and so what he got was the life he wanted in the past the problem is with the modern day he was never about the president he was ever thinking about the long-term all he wanted to do was go back where his life left off pick up from there and continue on that's what he got but then everything began to go south from here we actually end up joining with Cyclops and Emma Frost now this actually makes a lot more sense and one of the reasons why I say that is in Marvel Comics Cyclops and Emma Frost being together was something that had long since been running I mean really you know with Jean Grey where their character kind of being out of the picture with her being killed off coming back and then being killed off again it basically set the stage for Grant Morse and it kind of mixed things around you know dance things around it was a chance for Chuck Austin to do the exact same thing and to basically remove Jean Grey from the equation and to pair up Cyclops and Emma Frost the result was that once they became headmaster and headmistress of the Xavier Institute after the events of the house of M that it made sense of the two of them were gonna be together but it was really this idea that they always shared a connection and so even if their minds had changed only recently the two of them very much saw themselves together they saw themselves as a legitimate couple but again this is really only because Jean Grey is not part of the picture but even if she was it wouldn't matter because this is still part of Cyclops if this was a perfect world Jean Grey could be brought back by Scarlet Witch Jean Gregg could be resurrected and Cyclops would be with Jean but instead he's with Emma Frost and so from here we kind of pick up with with the irrelevant characters that became relevant and this really hits home at the heart of what the Scarlet Witch did we're basically talked about the idea of characters who basically get a perfect life who get a perfect world for example we pick up with Allison Blair we pick up with Dazzler and no matter what it's super effective might say no matter what else might say Dazzlers never been relevant she was never a relevant character but neither was Simon Williams and neither was Carol Danvers now people will look at me and they'll say Carol Danvers was never really relevant character no she was cool while she was on the Avengers but she was never able to hold a solo title for any measure of time outside of her initial appearance and the reason why was because back then she was a sex object she was one of the earliest characters that was used in order to bring in young boys in the comic books but once more and more characters started popping up like that road and so on and so forth when mystique was kind of transformed her physical design was transformed to make her very you know very interesting to young boys the result was that you know Carol Danvers just kind of took a backseat nobody really cared about her character that much anymore we know that just because of all the changes our character went through and so on and so forth and so you know her and Anne in Simon Williams and Allison were kind of like the the lower echelon of characters and Marvel Comics but in the house of them also has her own TV show Simon Williams is wildly popular Carol Danvers is the most popular superhero on the planet they all have the lives that they were looking for they all have the lives that they were wanting now from here we actually switch over to Cincinnati Ohio and this is kind of cool because what this shows us is that not everybody goes on to live this huge grandiose life or even amount to any measure of a superhero instead we actually end up joining Kitty Pryde and Kitty Pryde is just a mutant who's a teacher now that's the cool thing about that is because what that tells us is that Kitty Pryde is when she was part of the x-men all she ever want to do is be a teacher she just wanted to teach the next generation of kids that was it she didn't want to do something great big huge grandiose thing she didn't want to be massive in terms of being a superhero so on and so forth she just wanted to make sure the next generation was able to function adequately when it came to understanding their abilities understanding what they were capable of now from here we actually end up joining with with Doctor Strange and this is actually kind of a cool moment here and the reason why I say that is because Doctor Strange is actually speaking to his client Robert Reynolds now the funny thing about this is this basically shows us how the void compares to Scarlet Witch one of the questions that I get a lot is when it comes to the ability of beings to warp reality how do they compare to one another is one stronger than the other when it comes to that level of power it's really not a measure of which one's stronger than the other just because of the fact that if they were to actually fight and use the full potential of their powers it would just lay waste to the universe I mean it would just it would just results in the end of all things I mean that that would really be what would happen we saw that during Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers wouldn't it beyonders these you know beings that were just stupid powerful from beyond the multiverse invaded the multiverse started killing off all the cosmic entities and then fathe fought the Living Tribunal it just resulted in the death of everything I mean everything all these different cosmic entities started getting obliterated because they couldn't stand against that kind of power with regards to the void the void is the evil aspect of the century Robert Reynolds novel Reynolds again is one of Marvel's versions of Superman alongside Hyperion gladiator a few others here and there but the other half is he basically deals with multiple personality disorders the void represents every dark ambition every ounce of hatred every bit of distrust that Robert Reynolds has in his body the problem is that the void being so filled with anger and power is insanely powerful there's the what-if story for siege I think it is with a void kills the Marvel Universe it wipes out everything in existence of course you'll find that video in the description as well but what this also tells us is that within the house of M the void still exists and so this gives us two ideas here the first is that the void is an intrinsic part of Robert Reynolds as long as Robert Reynolds exists the void will be there the second is that the void is too powerful to contain the void is too powerful of a being for the Scarlet Witch to just eliminate because if this was the dream life that everybody had Robert Reynolds wouldn't have the void the void wouldn't be there and so because of this this basically tells us the Scarlet Witch cannot contain the power that the void possesses the void will always come back the void will always be there and of course we find this when Robert Reynolds is talking to dr. strange about how there's this black wall this this black darkness it always tries to encroach on him but it always ends up going away and so of course what we also learned here is that dr. strange is not the sorcerer supreme dr. strange is just a psychiatrist that's it like he literally just listens to people's problems all day long and again this ties into the idea that dr. strange was just tired of listen you're tired of being the sorcerer supreme he was tired of having a jump from dimension dimension losing his humanity he wanted his simpler life and a simpler life is exactly what he got and so from here we actually ends up to end up transitioning over to what Colossus and that's one of the coolest things about this is we guys with the character of Colossus he doesn't he's never part of the x-men the x-men were never formed and what this basically tells us is that was his sole purpose the only reason why Colossus ever came to America in the first place was because Charles Xavier went to him and said we want you to be part of the x-men I want you to be part of a team that can helps you know help fight off evil in the world and Colossus said ok without Charles Xavier being there and we'll find out why Charles Xavier isn't here now but without Charles Xavier being there Colossus didn't have a reason to leave Russia and so he's basically been there ever since he has his mutant powers but he's not a superhero he just lives a solitary life in Russia by himself and so it creates a really interesting situation but at this point we basically pick up with Wolverine himself and I know a lot of you guys were kind of like women do we get to all right we pick it with Wolverine himself and then the issue here is that Wolverine basically just remembers everything he know he remembers everything before the events of house of M now Bendis does not tell us why and at least not initially he does not tell us why it is that Wolverine remembers everything before the House of M he just does now bindus will do this Dennis will do this in stories that he writes he'll basically introduce plot devices he'll introduce some character that will just serve no other purpose than to give him a way out then to give Bendis a way to end the story it doesn't mean it's and everybody does that but doesn't mean it's bad it's just sometimes the way he does it is bad for example Ulysses in Civil War - bidness didn't know what to do with him so he basically just made him a cosmic entity and then little ulysses just kind of went out into the universe and that was the end of him he'll probably never be seen or heard from again but that's essentially what happened to his code that's what Bendis does sometimes when it comes to these things and so with Wolverine waking up right off the bat he wakes up to what appears to be Jean Grey but has actually revealed to be mystique not only that we actually also find out that like toad that Jessica drew that all these people are here and then he finds out that he's actually on a shield Helicarrier but it's not shield that is basically Magneto's own personal Helicarrier or I guess is one of the the mini helicarrier's that magneto has at his disposal and so again it's kind of jumping through these memories of of Wolverine is he's you know recollecting all the way back to and his powers first manifested his first battle with the Incredible Hulk the Weapon X project you know his wife the conflict with Jean Grey Charles Xavier all these different things and it's basically him saying what in the heck is going on here right now things are not supposed to be this way now something that I want to talk about here for a second is the nature of reality warping when it comes to Marvel comics whenever a reality is distorted or whatever reality has changed like a new reality a new universe is created like the house of M what happens is it's not like it just picks up all of a sudden it's not like if you were walking down the road you know you're walking down the road of this universe and then you just hop over to the sidewalk it's not like there's nothing behind you there's everything behind you there's a whole backstory to the House of M universe there's all kinds of things were there and so essentially what is happening with regards to this House of M universe with Wolverine is that this universe when the Scarlet Witch created it she created this universe dating all the way back to its initial introduction you know during some Big Bang that led to the creation of this reality and things began to unfold the way universe is always unfold the creation of planets and creation of solar systems and galaxies and so on and so forth all leading up to this point essentially what's happened is it's like the mind of Wolverine has been transferred over to this House of M reality version and the result is that he just kind of wakes up now the way this was initially written it wasn't that way the way this was initially written the main Marvel Universe had just been gone it was just it just disappeared and this took its place but when Marvel went through following the events of house of M and they started talking about this universe and how everything was affected Marvel basically said this was an alternate reality the main Marvel Universe still continued on but Wolverines mine had just kind of been sent over it was it was a strange situation that's one of the issues that Marvel had with their multiverse and one of the reasons why they got rid of it going up into Secret Wars was because it got to the point where was really difficult to maintain and it was really difficult to explain it and to understand what was going on in comparison to normal stories but the long and short of this is that Wolverines basically coming to the recollection that everything is wrong here you shouldn't be in a relationship with mystique or they shouldn't be sleeping together at the very least you know he doesn't know anything that's going on his recognize any of these ships you know when he jumps off the Helicarrier he lands on the ground you know you've got Simon Williams who's really popular you've got Mary Jane Watson who's an actress out of Hollywood that has anything you know one of the best actresses in Hollywood you know you've got people that are celebrating spider-man you know you've got all these weird things going on and he doesn't understand why so for him he's like reality's been screwed up reality's been destroyed and so of course the journey of Wolverine takes him to the most logical place right I mean when it comes to Wolverine I wouldn't really say that he trusts people but I would say that he does have things that are familiar to him and the most familiar thing resides in Westchester County in New York which is of course the Xavier Institute and so when he gets there he literally just kind of breaks into the home only to find out that it's not Charles Xavier home this has never been the home of Charles Xavier this was just the home of some random family and he literally just kind of showed up in their house and it was just a really weird situation but at this point he kind of takes off to a local diner you know basically calls for one one says I need a name Charles Xavier based out of New York Charles Xavier doesn't exist Charles Xavier isn't there and so what this does is it's basically follows Wolverine as he begins to try to go through and try to discover everything that's happening and that's what makes us kind of cool because of the fact that we're literally following him we're following the only guy that seems to know what's going on the only guy who seems to realize that this reality has been distorted this reality has been screwed up and so of course along the way he's being chased by mystique by Jessica drew Nightcrawler toad and rogue but this is basically kind of like a reimagining of Team X you know when it came to the concept of team X that was basically where Wolverine first got his start you know Wolverine of course developed his powers when he was a kid and he just kind of went on the run for a little while he was part of the Civil War World War One World War two he fought alongside and in a lot of these event conflicts this all eventually led to the 1960s when he was paired up with with Sabretooth and a handful of others in a joint venture between the United States CIA and Canada's clandestine group Department K to basically operate his team action they carried out a bunch of black ops emissions but because of the fact that a team actually basically governed by the CIA eventually he was rolled into the Weapon X project was led to the adamantium bonding process and all that kind of good stuff but the idea here is that this is basically a reimagining that it's a government-sanctioned black ops team that carries out missions for really for magneto since by Eidos one running the show here but again this really just kind of unfolds with him just be going against his own team and it really makes sense here because if the thing you got to keep in mind is that Wolverines basically the leader of this team because he knows how to counter every one of them and that's one of the cool things when it comes to his character in the House of M universe it's still intact his history is still intact you know his experience as a fighter is still intact his ability to to basically challenge a multitude of people and fight all them at the same time whether they have powers or not is still intact and so he can literally take on the entirety of his team and hold his own against them the problem is that as he's making his escape from you know this I guess his former teammates he suddenly met by cloak now cloak is one of these characters alongside dagger that just kind of appears on the background of stories they're basically just kind of exist for the purpose of forwarding the plot I hate to say that because I'm really excited about the cloak and dagger TV show but that's all they ever really were they were just kind of plot devices they just serve the purpose of helping the story move forward they were always background characters they were always small Todd they had some important roles here and there for example you know cloak had a really important role during Civil War when he teleported the entire conflict from the negative zone all the way to New York but it size on that he was always just a small-time guy but cloak basically has the ability to imbue people in his you know in his cloak and then just teleport them to any location and so because of this Wolverines teleported to Luke Cage now Luke Cage runs this kind of criminal underground to a degree and it's interesting because again this basically shows us that Luke Cage himself while he was a hero for hire he rather would have been a guy on the ground level he rather would have been a guy that was you know I guess not really fighting crime so much as maintaining control of the streets and so this seems to be more like a power play for his character and the sense of when it came to Luke Cage being a good guy was cool but he rather would have been a god that was running more of a show that had more of an influence on what happens on the street level and that actually makes sense because that was the same thing with like with old man Logan and old man Logan we saw were the villains took over the world dr. doom had his own section of the country and dr. doom turned it into a safe haven he was like anybody who comes here will be safe from all the other villains out there from all the other bad guys he made it a refuge instead of ruling it you know with an iron fist like kingpin did by The Incredible Hulk did like Red Skull did dr. doom turned his area into a refuge and that's really seeming what was going on with Luke a Luke Cage ran for the streets with an iron fist but if you were an innocent if you were a bystander if you were doing the right thing he would make sure that no harm came to you and so it was really kind of cool with regard suited to his character and what he did but with regards to Magneto this is basically switch over to Genosha and again Genosha was a safe haven that it existed for quite some time the way this worked we just went all the way back to the 1990s and magneto was basically being re reworked as a traditional villain in the 1990s because under Chris Claremont magneto had kind of been changed up to where he was he started out as a villain he became an antihero then he became a good guy where he was leading the x-men but Marvel had always kind of felt especially when it came to the Scott Liddell era after Chris Klieman and Jim Lee Marvel always felt that magneto should have just been an archetypical villain he should have been V villain of the x-men the one they keep facing off against and so this led into the events like fatal attractions this led into onslaught saga it led into a lot of these really really cool stories but magneto had basically threatened to wage war against the earth and the governments of the world gave him Genosha and island unto himself we're mutants could be safe from the persecution of humans eventually this led into Grant Morrison's new x-men in 2001 with the first story arc es for extinction which saw this weird persona this weird aspect of Xavier 's sister something strange like that basically a chick named Cassandra Nova taking control of sentinels and wiping out 16 million mutants in Genosha and so after that after the events of use for extinction Genosha was always just a wasteland it was always just this barren place that was once the home of millions of mutants and nobody ever really wanted to go there it was like you know there's this place that magneto ruled where there was no one to rule but it was the place he always called his home and so again with this House of M this shows Genosha restored not only that Genosha is much greater than it ever was it's a huge illustrious futuristic city is how magneto always envisioned it is how we always imagined it and so again this is just kind of us being told everything that's going on not only that the Scarlet Witch has children but her children have the ability to control reality as where kids are wildly powerful in terms of their capabilities but this is when bindus starts to introduce a plot device and it's what he always does in house it's a girl named Leila Miller Leila Miller is presented to wolf rain by Luke Cage and the reason why is because Levine says this isn't how things are supposed to be this reality has been screwed up this reality has been distorted now Leila Miller the reason why we say she's applied device is because her powers are never explained her powers there's there's no real explanation in terms of what it is that she can do it's just she knows how universes work she's like I just know how things work I just know how things supposed to be there's no explanation to exactly what her powers are she's just there and she's just like I know that things have been screwed up I know the things have been distorted that's it that's and that's that's basically been to say here's a character that's going to get us out of house of am now from here it's a matter of going through and waking out people and that's what Leila Miller had been doing Leila Miller had been going from person to person initially starting out with Luke Cage going to cloak going to you know these various individuals and waking them up to the way that things are supposed to be and the first person they go see is Emma Frost of course again will range basically kind of guiding them here because he remembers all these different members of the x-men and who it is that's the most prominent who it is it's the most powerful and who it is that would likely be on their side because the last thing they want to do is wake up somebody like juggernaut who's gonna turn around and just start attacking them all so that's that's something they don't want to do here it'd be funny but it's something that they don't want to do so waking up Emma Frost this is when we basically find out that when scarlet which had worked reality that she had done it using the mind of Charles Xavier that's why he's not here of course Charles Xavier is also basically dead of course we find that out you know and we'll find that out in the next video but it's something that I think is well known with a story being twelve years old or something like that but the idea is that she it basically sees the mind of Charles Xavier she had used his mind to read the minds of everybody in the world and what she did is she altered the house of Emma she altered the universe to give everyone in the world their hearts desires now it wasn't surface thoughts it wasn't like they were walking down the street and they were just thinking at the time she happened to read their minds man I really wish I was the most popular superhero it wasn't like that it was her basically reading the core of who they are the most fundamental part of who they are and what they're about what it is that they want the most in their heart and soul and gave them that and so even if they didn't know what they really wanted the Scarlet Witch did and she used the mind of Xavier and then she altered reality in order to achieve that and so this is when Emma Frost basically lashes this is her saying this entire place the you know the reason why magneto is running the show here is because magneto always wanted to run the show that he always wanted to be the one in charge he always wanted newtons to be at the top and humanity to be subservient to mutants in return Magneto's you know I guess monarchy is called the the house of Magnus as why it's called the House of M it's the house of Magnus it's the house of magneto he's the most powerful being in the world he's the one that runs this show and so in response to this Emma Frost basically says we have to go find Magneto and we're gonna kill him because if all this happened then it had to have been because of Magneto it had to have been because he basically got his daughter to do it he told Scarlet Witch alter reality change things to this perfect world and then everybody will be happy everything will be okay okay so continuing with House of M now that I think about it after recording that last video because I haven't uploaded I usually record like four or five videos in a day but after recording that last video I was sitting to thinking I was like maybe we should like do a really quick explanation of what happened in the House of M universe so for the Civil War event there was a house of M taya actually there was a handful of House of M times I want to say it was a story arc but the idea was it basically laid out how magneto rose to power and all that really happened over the course of those stories was that magneto was basically attacked you know he was it was an attack on mutants in like the late 1970s I want to say close to 1980 and that resulted in magneto discovering a plot between the government and basically the military in an attempt to get rid of mutants and the result was that the president of the time I think it was Richard Nixon was basically Elstad and then mutant lives were put at the top of the list in terms of priority that is to say mutants could not be harmed now this had the benefit of making sure that Xavier dream of a peaceful coexistence came to fruition but it was only ever temporary what end up happening here was that mutants basically began to infiltrate all different forms of government because nobody could attack that nobody could harm them going through and in killing a mutant who was treated harshly and then killing a human and the result was that new laws were passed by mutants for mutants and that eventually magneto used the entire conflict as a rallying point took over Genosha and then made himself leader he literally became Charles Xavier but on a more on a not really an evil scale but on a more power hungry scale and the result was that magneto basically rose to prominence as the most powerful being in the world in terms of political power as well as his capabilities because remember magneto controls anything that has to do with metal with the electromagnetic spectrum and so he could kill people by just pulling the metal out of their bodies so on and so forth and he's wildly capable in terms of his abilities but again you know kind of following out to where we left off in the last video this is again another instance where Venus just kind of shows in depth nobody knows what Lela Miller's powers are and the reason we say that is because when it comes to fleshing out people's a people's abilities this is one of the foremost traits of Emma Frost it's not the sole purpose she serves but when it comes to different mutants whose powers are investigated it's usually Emma Frost who does that for example she took control of ice man's body one day and then came to the realization that if he ever gained full control of his abilities and pushed them to the extreme he would be mega level mutant the same thing with Jubilee that you believes basically detonating matter on a subatomic scale she's just not doing it on a huge degree but if she ever tapped into the full gambit of her powers the result was that she'd be able to display secrete nuclear explosions on the world she could just detonate matter on a scale that would just create the equivalent of atomic blasts she'd be able to wipe out entire cities it'd be insane how powerful she is Emma Frost is always kind of the go-to person for figuring out how it is to people's powers work and even non mutants for example during the events of New Avengers which will actually come out after this Brian Michael Bendis lost the story reintroducing Robert Reynolds as who is the century and the idea was to basically explore the personas of Robert Reynolds and the void and this is when Emma Frost began to dive in and began to realize if the void ever reached full potential full power it would be totally unstoppable and so again Emma Frost serves this important role and so with her showing up here and basically investigating the mind of of Layla Miller trying to figure out how her powers work and then saying well we don't know and Layla Miller just kind of saying well I just know stuff again as Ben is basically saying she's supposed to be a throwaway she's supposed to be a character that's supposed to go away at the end of all this now the cool thing is that she won't and in fact Layla Miller will become one of the coolest characters in Marvel Comics for a little while like she was really interesting for time especially with her whole part of I want to say x-factor investigations is that right extract or investigations with Jaime mad rocks I want to say that's what x-factor became following the House of M and I want to say he was they operated out of mutant town he's I'm pretty sure that was the case but that was all part of decimation which comes directly after this but the idea is it again you know with Cyclops coming back again Cyclops and Emma Frost being a couple Cyclops is woken up as well and this is what Cyclops is just like what you know and he just kind of starts puking his guts up after realizing that he and Emma Frost were kind of together not only that it was also the notion that everything around him has been screwed up everything a man who's been changed now at this point it's just kind of like this mad dash to start waking up people left and right first they go to Peter Parker and I think Peter Parker is one of the best parts of this because in this world that Spiderman lived in this house of M universe Peter Parker was married to Gwen Stacy Aunt May and which was still with opal Ben because Uncle Ben was still alive he literally had everything he wanted the issue here is that for his character he basically had a kind of masquerade as a mutant he had to pretend that he was a mutant because if people found out he was a human he wouldn't be in we're near the same kind of freedoms that mutants have and so instead of simply saying well hey I was bitten by a radioactive spider one day and I gained the powers of spider-man he just said well it was a genetic mutation I have a genetic mutation that gives me the abilities of a spider and so because of this where he's waking up is basically him realizing it's all gone you know the death of Gwen Stacy at the hands of of Green Goblin venom being married to be married to Mary Jane Watson all these aspects are part of his life that everything he's left is not real and it's a crushing experience for him because he learns this while he's out shopping with Gwen Stacy Uncle Ben and on May so he basically has to look around and has to realize that everybody that he knows is gone everybody knows that everybody that he cares about is no longer part of the equation here but continuing this trend of going through and waking up various people I mean this extends to Kitty Pryde to dr. Stephen strange to Carol Danvers Carol Danvers is kind of the messed up one because it's light it's like they go to her and they're like hey look remember you know like you're the most popular superhero in the world and she's like yeah it's like well you're actually really irrelevant like you're powerful but like no one really cares about you that much sorry it's kind of a mess it's kind of a messed up situation but again you know daredevil Matt Murdock I mean all these people are just being woken up now the cool thing is they actually run up on Steve Rogers and the idea is like well they know who he is because remember in the immortal colonies Captain America's a rallying point I mean Captain America but what he says is is almost lost like when Captain America comes along and says hey guys look I think we should take this course of action the discussion is over people are like okay let's do that like Dutch that's how Captain America functions and Marvel Comics and it's so cool it's one of the coolest things because people trust him that's one of the reasons why Hydra Captain America is so cool and that's why I am a hide for secret empire because it's gonna be it's gonna be one of the coolest things to see what happens when the superheroes learn the hero they trust the most is a bad guy but in the end they basically say look it'd be cool to have Captain America on our side Steve Rogers is an old man physically he can't fight and so even if they were to wake him up and let him know what was going on I mean one the shock might kill him and two he would be virtually useless to them because there'd be really nothing he could offer which is a total change over from the things that were used to seeing I mean it would almost be like Steve Rogers is the one guy you want in your corner but they don't have him there's there's no need for him because he's not there now from here we also end up picking up with Clint Barton now and Clint Barton effectively learns that he was killed by Scarlet Witch remember during the events of Avengers disassembled we talk about to this in the last video during the events of Avengers disassembled when the Scarlet Witch basically attacked the Avengers and started manifesting all these Kree warships out of thin air that Clint Barton basically sacrificed himself to destroy the Kree mothership now why he couldn't just take the quiver off his back so he wouldn't die I have no idea but the fact remains here that he ends up just sacrificing himself because of what it was of the Scarlet Witch did he learns that here he learns you're supposed to be dead but you're not supposed to be alive you're supposed to be gone and so for him as a crushing experience because what he does is he temporarily runs out now of course he ends up coming back but this also coincides with the arrival of like toad mystique Jessica drew rogue all these characters basically being told hey look what you know in this house event is not how things are supposed to be their memories are basically restored or at least they're woken up to how things are supposed to be now the funny thing about this is that it is that when Miss Nude finds out that she was sleeping with with Wolverine the two of them were together like she freaks out and slaps him how dare you like she just freaks out and slaps him and it's just a funny reaction because you know it's a very human reaction for her but mystique is very inhuman in a sense that I mean she's a mutant but like she's really cold and calculating too and so it's kind of a funny situation here but with Hawkeye effectively running out the idea is look we don't have time to worry about him because only really does to shoot arrows anyway who cares we have bigger fish to fry and so what happens is that all this should we start making these battle preparations they start making these battle plans of course they take over one of the shield helicarriers and the idea is we have to go take out Magneto we have to force him to basically set things back to the way that they're supposed to be now from here is kind of like this ribbit huge gala that's being held this day there's almost like all roads are leading to this particular moment and we have the arrival of dr. doom now this is a tie-in that came into the house of him by way of the Fantastic Four and Victor Von Doom really you know like Reed Richards Susan storm all those guys they were dead the only one that survived the experience of the whole cosmic radiation thing was was Ben Grimm but the idea here is that Victor Von Doom isn't so much like an equal to magneto I mean nobody is but he has been plotting to overthrow him but even then Victor Von Doom knows this is a fool Aaron just because of the fact that magneto could easily kill him if he chose to but the whole idea was that Victor Von Doom was trying to find a way to subvert Magneto's control of the world and what does is this really begins a sort of go into what Jonathan Hickman would focus on some four or five years after the story was written with the Fantastic Four when the Council of reads that has to say this council of all these different Reed Richards from the multiverse would basically say no matter what universe you're in Victor Von Doom will always try to acquire absolute power that's what he does that's how he is no matter what his circumstance is he will always try to attain absolute power it's the intrinsic basis behind himself now in terms of the house of him being a dream the universe and in terms of Doctor Doom getting everything that he wanted this is basically him you know replacing the Fantastic Four the Fantastic Four never existed here but again this is just kind of a business interpretation of what it is a Doctor Doom would want in truth I think the best interpretation of what Doctor Doom wants most was during the ultimate Fantastic Four when he switched bodies with Reed Richards when he became Reed Richards that was one of the coolest things when it came to that that line of stories but that more or less seems to be the goal here within this story that there are no Fantastic Four there's no one there to challenge the rule of Doctor Doom except for Magneto and even then he's working against Magneto to take his place now magneto knows this and Doctor Doom knows that he knows but magneto pretends that Doctor Doom doesn't know and Doctor Doom pretends to believe that he believes that magneto doesn't know but he knows that he knows everybody knows under siege to dark territory I love you but regards all the characters that are going on you know all the things that are happening here by now this is again really just kind of like a last-ditch effort I mean you have really like a combination of heroes and villains working with one another for the purpose of setting thing is setting everything back to right so what this does is this coincides with a sentinel basically crash landing or intending to crash land in Genosha of course magneto is able to keep this from happening but that is basically this huge onslaught by spider-man she-hulk all these different characters all showing up at the same time in order to basically fight off Magneto now the cool thing about this is that while that main conflict is going on it serves as a distraction that's really all it is pay a lot of attention to everything going on here so that you don't look over there and the reason why nobody wants anyone to look over there is because cloak-and-dagger Leila Miller and Emma Frost are going to try to find Charles Xavier but the issue is they basically run across his headstone and remember because of the fact that Hooke can teleport make himself intangible he goes on the ground only to find out that there is no casket there's no body there's no nothing this is more of a memorial than an actual grave for Charles Xavier so the question is where is Charles Xavier now at this point we transition over to dr. Stephen strange who basically makes his way into the personal quarters of Scarlet Witch and this is cool because Scarlet Witch knows everything I mean it's not like she altered her own memories in the process she remembers everything that's going on here right I mean she's just like when dr. strange shows up and he says you have to set everything back you have to make things normal where's Charles Xavier she's like I don't know where Charles Xavier is and then this is when she basically starts to go through and give everybody or at least give us as the reader an explanation of what's going on and what we learned was that back in the earlier part of the story when Quicksilver and Magneto had this great big huge argument it kind of left with Quicksilver and Magneto in the room and then switched over to Xavier is meeting with the Avengers and the x-men that magneto basically left and Quicksilver was talking to Scarlet Witch and said you know you could fix this you can make everything right you could basically warp all existence you could change reality and give everyone the world a dream of you could give everyone the world that they loved now this was done by Quicksilver out of love this was done for the life of his sister to make sure that she stayed alive but it was also done for the purpose of the family it was done to basically make sure that no one would have a reason to seek out her death and destruction and so with this particular revelation coming to dr. strained of course it gets passed on to Emma Frost but then they're interrupted by magneto now this is probably one of the coolest moments in the story absolutely loved this story and the reason why is because when magneto is basically woken up by the way things are supposed to be he's woken up with the memories he had Plus whatever everybody knows at the time and so it's kind of like this shared state that is to say you know Emma Frost just kind of gives him the knowledge of what led up to this moment and this is when magneto basically learns that Quicksilver screwed everything up and so this one we get this really cool moment where Maggie you know just kind of lashes out and just shouts what have you done in my name boy and I love that so much because this is Magneto at his angriest and we've never really seen him in this state before we've seen magneto irritated we've seen him IFFT we've never seen him like lashing out angry at the world I think the closest that we ever really saw to this was when he ripped out the adamantium of Wolverine but even then he was more like irritated he was it was more like I'm tired of the x-men getting in my way let this be an example you know which of course led into the onslaught saga when Xavier shut down his mind but in his wrath in his anger Nino kills Quicksilver and in response to this Scarlet Witch loses it now this is why I say this is called a twitch at her most powerful the most powerful that she's ever been in the history of Marvel Comics because her emotions come into it for those of the guys who don't know when it comes to characters with superpowers in Marvel Comics their emotions usually govern the state of their powers it is to say they usually keep their powers in check with rational thinking they keep their powers in check by trying to make sure things don't spiral out of control but when a person's emotions get the best of them their powers just run amuck those mental safeguards they put in place to keep themselves protective end up losing it they end up going absolutely insane the only real exception to this that I could probably think of would be like Franklin Richards like Franklin Richards in its most powerful state was during Hitman's Fantastic Four but that was because he had lived long enough that he was able to channel his powers in whatever way he needed to plus he basically absorbed the powers of his younger self so it was like - Franklin Richards in one but that's just an instance of how a person can basically control themselves without allowing their emotional state to cause their powers to run amok molecule man's the same way but with Scarlett which she was already mentally unstable right I mean she was already basically insane now she's insane and she's grieving so she literally lashes out at Magneto and takes his mouth away I mean alters reality so he doesn't have a mouth anymore he can't talk and that's why I say these are kind of crazy because when it comes to people who can warp reality on a on a cosmic scale they're usually just kind of like modify things or they use their powers to make other people go away they don't usually use them for like small purposes like taking someone's mouth away the only time I've ever actually seen this done or seen something done like this where reality itself was distorted in such a fashion was during the crooked world storyline with Matt Jim - purrs ahh where you literally had Captain Britain trying to face off against Jim Jasper's and Jim Jasper's kept changing reality around him we're like you know Captain Britain would suddenly be like in a schoolboys clothes it was weird the way things were unfolding but it was basically showing that there was nothing he could do to stop Jim Jasper's was actually kind of a cool moment here but this is also a Scarlet Witch effectively lashing out now something to keep in mind here is this not just her emotional state I mean it is she's very very emotional here I mean she literally you know she's really just like resurrects Quicksilver ah but it's also all the pain and all the suffering that she's experienced and the reason why is because you got to keep in mind she remembers everything from before she altered reality with the House of M so she remembers being chased after by people in all villages who considered her and Quicksilver to be freaks she remembers being abandoned by Magneto but then magneto coming back and using them for his own ends for his own evil schemes she remembers having a relationship with vision only for it to come crashing down when visions basically his personality was removed and he was just reduced back to a sentient robot she believed that she had kids and she did at one point only to find out but they were basically just the shards of a demon entity named a Fisto who had been conquered or been defeated by Franklin Richards all she's known is struggle and strife all she's known is lost that's it and all that emotion all that anger all that wrath all that pain and suffering all finally comes to a boil it all finally comes to a head and when it does just like anyone who can't take anymore she just lets it all out the problem is that when it comes to someone like The Scarlet Witch and the kind of power she possesses there splash over all right everybody gets a piece of the pie whether you want it or not and so she ends up just saying no more mutants and so things just kind of snap back reality goes back to normal but when it does 98% of the mutant population lose their powers now this is not something known right off the bat and said it's discovered over the course of a few minutes instead well I guess it is kind of right off the bat it is a few few minutes but basically we just kind of jumped back to New York we pick up with Layla Miller and then of course we end up joining an Avengers tower or Peter Parker is back with Mary Jane Watson but then we jump to the Xavier Institute and what we end up having is Emma Frost outside the Xavier Institute with a full recollection of everything that had happened during the events of house of M with the last utterance being no more mutants when she gets into the Xavier Institute all but 27 kids have lost their powers they're all gone I mean vanished they're humans they have no abilities whatsoever now there are a few people here that do have powers for example Nightcrawler still has his abilities wolf rein ironically enough remembers everything like from his whole life every single thing all the memories that he had that were screwed you know that were scared that were screwed up where he couldn't tell what was true and false all of those have come back to him and he remembers everything and it's kind of interesting because this is basically a soft reboot for the character of Wolverine that's basically what had happened to him because one of the intrinsic aspects of his character over the course of his publication history was his memories I mean let's say that like tomorrow you wake up in a house of people that you don't recognize you seen any of them before and you say what in the hell's going on what am I doing here and they said what what are you talking about this is your home you've always been here I mean you you wouldn't know what to expect well then let's say like as you're trying to figure out what's going on some you know kid comes to you and says hey like they're lying to you you've never been here before this is not your home well then what's true and what's not suddenly you're your entire life's in a tailspin because you don't know if you've really been in that house the whole time you don't know if they kidnapped you and and mess with your head you don't know what's going on that was always the aspect of Wolverine and one of the core concepts of his character was trying to flesh out the memories of which ones were real and which ones were false now he remembers everything and so again this is Marvel kind of going back and clearing out a lot of that history removing a lot of those things the downside to this is that this will began the downward slope of wolf rain this will begin the downward fall of Wolverine where's character will become more and more of a plot device of a punchline within the realm of comics as opposed to becoming someone that you can really kind of not really identify with but you can really kind of follow the struggles up as he's trying to regain his life now with regards to the huge impact of the Scarlet Witch when Emma Frost goes to cerebro remember this device that allows her to are really allowed Xavier and those who use it to see the entirety of the mutant population they find out there's only a few like a handful here and there there's you know five or six dots kind of scattered around the world what this means and what we'll find out is the entirety of the mutant population has been reduced down to 198 people where previously there were hundreds of thousands if not millions of mutants around the world now there's only 198 now keep in mind this happens before civil war and so this is the reason why during the events of civil war the mutants never became involved there was a time where Tony Stark showed up and said hey like I would really love to have you guys on my side Emma Frost and Cyclops said no we're we have a hundred ninety eight mutants we're certainly not gonna put those lives in jeopardy for your stupid civil war against Captain America so they basically stayed hands off the entire time now the reason why they were able to do that is because as this story goes on what we end up having and going into the events of decimation which we'll talk more about that in another video but what ends up happening is with the mutant population so low humanity says well we kind of have to step in we have to do something because of the fact that something happened here even if it's only for the sake of self-preservation to make sure that we keep all the mutants in one place they basically turn you know the Xavier Institute into a safe haven whether 198 meetings were at least a handful of them most of them end up residing there and so they were basically under government protection the government was basically saying you guys are not bound by the restrictions of the superhuman Registration Act that Act doesn't apply to you you do not have to register your identities which doesn't matter anyway because we all pretty much know who you are and we have you in one location but of course with magneto being one of the people who lost his powers as well the question everyone has at least those who remember the events of house of M the question they have is where is Scarlet Witch where is Wanda Maximoff magneto has no idea and so what this does it just begins to sort of bring this story to a close and we end up joining this this really cool monologue with Hank hem and what Hanks basically saying here is that when it came to mutant powers they were composed of things they were composed of matter they manifested themselves as physical matter and they resided within the body whether it was you know Wolverines healing factor whether it was somebody's ability to warp reality whatever it was those powers manifests it physically which means they couldn't all simply just vanish they couldn't just disappear into thin air those powers had to go somewhere either those powers formed another planet those powers became a star those powers are just kind of dispersed on the atomic level and just floating out in the atmosphere floating out in space but they had to have gone somewhere and the question is where did those powers go now eventually this will all sort of come to a head and Avengers vs. x-men almost 10 years after the story was written but following the house of M going into the future of Marvel Comics it stopped being about the x-men versus the x-men and it started being about character development it started being about growing or kind of reestablishing the x-men mythos with the numbers being reduced how the x-men deal with that that all these different concepts that delve into that very idea okay so uh I am moving I am moving to Colorado and usually whenever I go on like trips around moving or something like that um I just kind of throw out some pretty easy to digest stories nothing too complicated or nothing too wild we finished Jason Aaron's run on the Incredible Hulk which i think is a pretty good stopping point after that I think it doesn't really get very interesting and we can just kind of dead end into the events of of all-new all-different marvel but for this video I wanted to cover the 198 because this deals with the god Newton it deals with mr. M Absalom Mercator this guy is nuts like it's crazy the kind of things that he can do now he had appeared in Marvel Comics prior to the events of house of M and he take up residence in a place called mutant town now those are guys who don't know mutant town was one of these places in the realm of Marvel Comics and it was basically home to mutants for a lot of different people so the idea was that it was really like a mutant only area but it was really kind of like for castoffs or people who really hadn't just found their way who weren't part of the x-men they weren't part of a villain team it's kind of like a no-man's land for a lot of the mutant population some chose to live there some chose to live regular lives and live other places but the fact remains that Absalon it kind of found a place for himself there by just being a handyman that's really all he did he just kind of hung out and that was really about it but he's a guy that has the ability to work reality and so it was really kind of crazy in terms of stuff that you could do truth be told what we see here in this story I think is about as extreme as his powers ever got in terms of us seeing what it is we can do but it's pretty impressive to some of the things that he can pull off but the 198th this story takes place almost immediately after the events of house of M which is to say after the Scarlet Witch works reality and in fact it actually picks up with magma now magma is a character who's been around for a long time she was made by Bob McLeod I think it was in Chris Claremont but she goes back quite a way she was part of the New Mutants she was part of the Hellions she had a relationship with empath for a while which is actually something this invoked in the story but at the time that this aspect is being done you know this era in her life she is a teacher for the Xavier Institute and had actually gone on vacation with her boyfriend Antonio now as far as I'm aware there's not a lot of information given about Antonio where magma has the ability to you know literally manipulate magma and so on and so forth and Tonio it looks like a guy who can manipulate fire and the two actually go together pretty well so he actually convinces her to leaf-like to take an extra extra week on a vacation let me just go so like la cumbre thing is what it is to a volcano basically and just kind of poke around and have fun and explore their powers and so on and so forth the problem with this is that remember when the Scarlet Witch warped reality and she basically created house of M and then said no more mutants and set everything back what it did is it created this wave that spread throughout the world and just started stripping people of their powers so it's like an ocean of power that was just riding around the planet and people were just losing their abilities when it passed over them in this instance the loss of Antonio's powers coincide with the fact that they're inside a volcano so he's literally melted alive just by the sheer heat and the magma itself magma would have been able to stop this right like she would have been able to prevent it but it happened so quickly and so suddenly that there was no saving this guy so in a fit of rage she loses her mind and lashes out now from here we pick up with a couple of ancillary characters you know for example a group called purity now purity is not to be confused with William strikers purifiers there are a whole different organization and they'll be focused on you know in the events of Messiah Complex assuming that we get around to it but the purity group is really more of just like street thugs masquerading as hey we're making the streets pure of mutants so on and so forth but following the events of house of M with word getting around to a lot of people in the world that you know 2.8 some odd million mutants have basically lost their powers that what this does is it sets in motion the idea of a lot of these anti-mutant groups rise in a prominence more so than they were before instead of slinking around in the shadows taking potshots here and there they effectively came out of hiding because now they have the courage where they're being so few mutants left and so because of this it immediately draws the attention of a guy by the name of toad of course a young woman is attacked you know because of the fact that these purity guys are kind of crazy but toad of course helps her out where this girl is basically scalped in the process now in terms of Absalom mercator himself we actually end up picking up in bellevue hospital with the psychiatric wing and the arrival of Absalom Mercator now of course what he does is he actually meets a girl by the name of Hannah Levi now Hannah Levi was a girl who basically had a tongue like a prehensile tongue like toad but she has no real like crazy powers right like she's not like a telepath or a telekinetic or anything like that what she's drawn the attention of mr. M because they were friends of mutant towns so again mr. M's kind of going after those people that he was friends with individuals who may have lost their powers or something along those lines but Hannah Levi is basically a crazy chick you know she's more or less insane and Absalom mercator actually cures her of her insanity by basically reworking this she's in her room but of course absalon's also aware of the fact that mutants everywhere have been deep powered and so hannah basically you know beseeches him to actually travel over to the Xavier Institute and see if it's possible to fix the various mutant population to see if he can either restore their powers or the very least try to provide some measure of order now the crazy thing about his character is he actually arrives at the Xavier Institute and when he does he phases through a solid wall and immediately takes out the sentinels now these are not the signals that you're used to these signals belong to the office of national emergency now the office of national emergency was basically organized and structured up for two purposes the first was to deal with the possibility of mutant threats and the second was to protect the mutant population in the event that something like this happens and so what happened is you know following the events of house of M what we had talked about in decimation was the idea that the office of national emergency was mobilized the sentinels as they exist here are actually man meaning they're not autonomous they're controlled by individual people and they basically stand outside and around the Xavier Institute to keep people in and to keep people from getting out and so because of this with epsilon just kind of showing up and just walking through walls effectively uh some people view him as something akin to a to a mutant Messiah while others view him as a dangerous now of course the x-men are the ones that view him as being the most dangerous in this example Emma Frost and Cyclops but of course they're also in somewhat of a weird situation too because prior to this there was a lot of Xavier going on the since the prior to Xavier taking off hanging out with magneto while The Scarlet Witch was being dealt with before she warped reality Xavier would basically answer these questions teach people the things they needed to know but right now Cyclops and Emma Frost are flying by the seat of their pants because the first instance in which they basically become headmaster and headmistress of the school officially meaning that they are basically running everything on their own absent Charles Xavier in his entirety which means no one knows where he is things go absolutely arrived everybody's looking at the Xavier Institute as a safe refuge things are about as crazy as they can get and then suddenly they have this guy epsilon to just shows up and he's doing things like automatically evolving organisms manipulating reality on a scale that people can't really begin to comprehend not only that this girl Lorelei who had basically you know been scalped by these purity guys he just immediately regrows her hair this is the kind of power that we're talking about here and so leading to the war room a conversation between the x-men you know the core members of the group addressing everything that's going on the first thing that comes up you know for discussion is mr. M himself now of course going through their analysis looking at his powers looking what he's capable of the first thing they say is this guy is an omega-level mutant now in truth mr. M is beyond omega-level there's only a handful of mutants who are like that but he is a beyond omega-level mutant meaning that there is no limit to the abilities that he has and he's a universal threat which means that he could presumably be you know kind of evolved into this Universal being a cosmic entity or something along those lines now that's usually the case when it comes to people who can warp reality on such a scale in the same way that he can't so force where the x-men can't really wage war against a guy like this because of the fact that he seems to be coming in peace they just kind of let things go and say look you know we'll keep an eye on and put us kind of keep things in check and we'll eventually see what's going on now with regards to the 198 in this sort of turmoil that begins to erupt this all really starts from the idea that some of them want to leave and this is when we start running into the issue of no one gets in no one gets out so for those people who are in here some of them look at it as a safety place you know look at it saying look these various extremist groups cannot get to us for others they look at it and say this is a prison we're not allowed to leave now of course what this does is this brings in Valerie Cooper now Valerie Cooper has a long-standing history in Marvel Comics she was basically you know the the government liaison for X Factor but by being associated with the X Factor team which in turn was associated with the x-man it made her friends to a wide array of the mutant population when it came to superheroes and it made her an enemy to a lot of villains Valerie Cooper's about the closest thing the x-men have to a friend when it comes to the government sector of the United States so because of this Valerie Cooper's the one that basically organized all this stuff she's head of the office of national emergency she's the one that's basically safeguarding the mutants but ultimately this rebellion are this this revolution of sorts is leading to some turmoil just because of the fact but there are those who want to leave but they're not really allowed to leave now of course Absalom Mercator steps up yet again in the middle of this conflict and basically says look you guys don't need to be fighting he literally brings everything to a halt like he just stops his sentinels and simply just again gives us another display of the extreme power that he possesses here this is just the tip of the iceberg the stuff he's gonna do later on it's gonna be absolutely nuts but we also picked up with a guy by the name of John Dee now John Dee's kind of a weird situation here and the reason why I say that is because of the fact that that John Dee or Johnny D or whatever you want to call is basically a new introduction to marvel comic's but he's kind of strange he has this weird appendage in his chest but what it basically does is it creates voodoo dolls of people so all he has to do is introduce a strand of DNA and it'll pop out this little voodoo doll that he can basically control to make it do almost anything he wants to in this first instance because of the fact that he had spoken with magma because he had pulled a piece of her hair it ultimately gives him the ability to make a sort of voodoo doll of her that he can use for you know whatever purpose and her physical body will do whatever it is and he does with that doll now of course from here we pick up with his first major revolution among the 198 and the reason why is because of the fact that these mutants who are residing within the Xavier Institute are basically told look because of the fact that some of you guys wanted to leave we can allow you to do that but the problem is you cannot leave unsupervised and this is the danger of this whole thing and truth' valerie cooper has the best interest of the mutant population at heart she's literally doing what she believes to be the right thing and what she says is we are going to allow you guys to leave under two conditions the first is that you guys carry an emergency cell phone you know so that you guys can basically contact the office of national emergency if anything pops off people try to attack you or ever the case may be but we're also going to tag you guys so that we can keep track of your location now the first part isn't a huge thing walk around with a cell phone whatever most folks will probably just make long-distance calls and probably abuse it but the problem with being tagged is that now they feel like animals and rightfully so because that's the whole crazy thing about this one thing you guys got to keep in mind is that when it comes to a lot of these mutants who are residing within the Xavier Institute they all come from different walks of life some of whom who have extremely exotic appearances took up residence in mutant town where they didn't have to worry about the oppression of people others were Morlocks they resided underground not all of them had the benefit of walking around like Emma Frost with no one having any idea that they have telepathy or some power that's simply undetectable by physical appearance and so for a lot of these folks all they've known is struggle and strife all they've known is people giving them a hard time because of their physical appearance or because of the way their powers manifest or because they can't control their abilities or any number of things and then to be told hey look this is a safe haven that you cannot leave unless you allow yourself to be imprinted with a tag this inevitably leads to conflict it inevitably leads to battle between all these different individuals now of course what also ends up happening here is we end up finding out that again Johnny D's been going through and making all these different voodoo dolls of all these different mutants that reside within the Xavier Institute now he doesn't have all 198 but that still makes it pretty dangerous because he had single-handedly instigate a rebellion in and of himself now at this point we actually pick up with a guy by the name of Mamo max I think it is how you pronounce his name but he's a guy who basically has the form of an elephant for the problem with this is he's one of a handful of individuals who left who agreed to getting tagged and then ultimately ended up taking off the problem with this is that when he's basically insulted by a normal person and begins to lash out what we end up finding out is that where Valerie Cooper was told these tags only serve the purpose of monitoring where these mutants go we actually end up learning that these tags also contain an electric shock that will literally keep them in check that will keep them from lashing out and if they do lash out it'll basically shock them and subdue them now the reason why this is so significant is because of the fact that the fear of these mutants comes true they're basically being treated like animals if they act out they get an electric shock and so they learned what to do and what not to do they're very much being treated like dogs the other half of this is that one of these guys basically goes about sort of you know doing his own thing but he's a drug addict now we're a voodoo doll had been created by Johnny D Johnny D begins to experiment begins to toy around and in the process strangles the voodoo doll which in turn kills this mute now the problem with jazz basically dying here is that people don't know exactly why and mutants see various mutants who feel threatened begin to make false corollaries what they basically say is well mammal max over there said that he was shocked by his tag and jazz over here died so that means that the tags are killing people that's the conclusion that they come to you now Valerie Cooper is basically told look here's the whole reason why this is being done of course getting the information from her superior general laser at the Pentagon who's really the guy kind of spearheading this whole thing and what he does is he actually makes a legitimate case he says look the reason why we tagged these guys is because when you have that many people from that many walks of life who are all confined in a singular space it's only a matter of time before something pops off whether we're the ones that caused it whether they caused it on their own they were inevitably going to lose their minds you know the paraphrased Star Wars they're animals and we're treating them like animals because in a lot of ways they're acting out just like children but the other half of this is that they're terrified all they know is that some of them died and they don't know why or at least one of them died and they don't know why and so when their life is on the line and they feel like prisoners it's a return to the life that they to escape from when they join the Xavier Institute in the first place and so ultimately what ends up happening is in the middle of all this fray Absalom Mercator shows up and starts taking people's tags out of their necks you know because the tags are attached to their skulls they can't pull them off on their own but he begins popping out you know their tags using his ability to transmit matter and basically says look by the declaration of cyclops himself those who don't want to be here are allowed to leave so if anybody wants to leave with me we're walking out of here and there's nothing they're going to be able to do to stop me which there isn't there's nothing they can do to stop him and this is when we get another example of his reality-warping power he walks up to the eastern wall and transmits matter so he basically breaks the wall apart and creates a doorway for himself that's the kind of power we're dealing with here that's why it's so crazy and that's why it's so extreme because what do you do with a guy who can literally do anything when he's leading all these people when he's doing things like walking on water that's why things become so dangerous because now Absalom Mercator is not this mutant that has the ability to warp reality now he's a messiah people look at him and say oh he's gonna lead us to the promised land they look at the extreme power he possesses and they start viewing him as a mutant God and so that's why things get really really dangerous here because now faith comes into the equation this inevitably leads to Cyclops and Emma Frost and so on these guys showing up where Absalom Mercator has taken these mutants this little island right outside of the UK of your Institute and says you guys have to come back now keep in mind Cyclops does not want a battle here one because they have no hope of winning if they were to actually find Absalom Mercator under normal circumstances and to because of the fact that he's trying to preserve what's left of the mutant population the mean population when it comes to people who gain powers it's not like normal humans with mutants there's no guarantee that if meat was procreate then another mutant could be born we've seen a litany of stories where the mutant gene suddenly just ends it just stops and that's really the concern that mutants have here is because with there being no guarantee that two mutants procreating will lead to another mutant their numbers at 198 are small enough as it is and it's entirely possible that with 98% of mutants losing their powers there will be no mutants born now of course that's really the premise of everything that takes place between this story and Messiah Complex with the birth of Hope Summers but that's still a very legitimate concern for Cyclops and his crew and so what is up happening here is where a conflict initially you know begins to erupt and we end up finding out that Johnny G is basically manipulating the bodies of these various mutants to instigate a conflict we also end up learning that Johnny D is basically working for the office of national emergency working for general laser and putting his powers to nefarious uses literally instigating a conflict that will result in this sort of mass destruction among all these mutants and so what is up happening here as epsilon just kind of lets loose he literally just like in cases everybody and says no one is going to fight there is not going to be any conflict here you will not harm my people now again this is an extreme demonstration of power because of the guy that can work reality if he's angry at you then you're probably done with all your living and that's exactly what's going on here I mean he's not really killing people but it's the possibility that with a wave of his hand suddenly everybody except his people are gone any number of things could happen that's the kind of power that you're dealing with we end up having Johnny D using his powers along you know to basically create this conflict between these mutants but with Absalom mercator having such extreme abilities his attention immediately focuses on him and so where a lot of these mutants are acting against their own characters where they're doing things they wouldn't normally do Johnny D basically uses the power of leech to touch Absalom Mercator and take his power away now this is a pretty significant thing because remember when it comes to the character of leech he was always identified as a mutant that had the ability to touch other people and suppress their mutant powers but we didn't know how far that went really up until this story we didn't know if there was like an upper echelon where there's just a level of power they just cannot deactivate because it's intrinsic to the environment around them that's really the way a lot of heating powers work whether the character of Absalom Mercator if he can work reality on a universal scale does that mean that he's part and parcel to the universe itself and if so is leech trying to deactivate his power the exact same thing is trying to destroy eternity Absalon being able to manipulate reality is just a byproduct of his mutant factor and if leech can shut off his power he can shut off the power of anybody that he comes across so I would surmise that in truth leech is probably the most powerful mutant in the world by virtue of the fact did the best defense or the best offense is a strong defense if you can shut off the power of any body that exists who's going to oppose you I mean all the way take his leech with a handgun walking around the world and the mutant population doesn't exist anymore the fact remains shutting off the power of Absalom Mercator also allows Johnny G to basically manipulate the power of magma and destroy absalon's physical body so it's kind of a MacGuffin kind of a caveat that leads to Absalom Mercator being defeated and it's effectively demoralized the entirety of the rebel population among this mutant group but ultimately what this means now is they just resigned to their fate they don't know what's going to happen next and so in this last little moment here what we end up finding out is that we're funeral's more or less being held this kind of visitation for mr. M that his coffins actually empty and that he's kind of evolved into a next you know stage of evolution in the sense they just kind of manifest as butterflies it's kind of weird the guy like two butterflies he comes back his butterflies I don't really know but it really just kind of ends on this high note basically saying that nothing ever really dies things just sort of evolved and this is this kind of positive note that is going it's kind of the calm before the storm in the sense that everything following this gets pretty dark for the x-men things get pretty brutal okay so we are jumping into our x-men chronology and I'm not sure what day I'm gonna upload this on but whatever day it ends up being will probably just be our x-men day x-men I've been reading forever I mean it's the first you know one of the very first comics that really got me into comic books per se the first comic I ever owned was sovereign 7 and something by Batman although I cannot remember what in the world it was there's an old Batman comic and I cannot remember what it was but the villain was like this guy that were all black and he had like sharp claws it looked like and like you tried to drown Batman and like the sewers I think maybe he was after nightfall I'm not a hundred percent sure I mean I'm I'm pretty sure it was but I remember if it was Bruce Wayne Batman or if it was like John Paul Valle Batman but I cannot remember for the life of me but it was just a Batman comic and I know it's a needle in a haystack considering we've got nine hundred some-odd Detective Comics and god only knows how many hundreds of Batman comics but I've been trying to figure out one in the world that is I'm trying to figure it out forever so if anybody knows if just on that little description alone you have an idea of what I'm referencing post it down in the comments I will be checking so hopefully somebody has it but when it comes to the x-men it's interesting because the x-men have existed in Marvel Comics for a decade the problem with this was that with Chris Claremont riding the x-men for 17 years after he left after Gimli left as artists in the early 90s the x-men just sort of began to falter because nobody was really able to bring the kind of character development to the x-men comics that Chris Claremont was able to do this was compounded by the mid 1990s comic bus and we don't need to go into that suffice it to say it was a point whereby marvel almost went bankrupt and so by the early 2000s Marvel was basically reshuffling everything and the result was that we got something called x-men reload now x-men reload was this mid 2000s initiative that was really kind of this idea of just reshuffling the whole x-men mythos and then just kind of boiling it down to its core roots because over the course of the 17 years Chris Claremont wrote the x-men over the course of the subsequent years and other writers like Scott Liddell and Eno Grant Morrison and so on and so forth with the x-men the issue was you would get mutants who would be rolled into a story they would appear once and they would never be seen or heard from again and the problem that Marvel faced was that the number of mutants out there had just grown too high and so because of that x-men reload was designed to literally reduce the number of mutants down to the most popular characters that's why we got the event called House of M it was designed to basically eliminate so many mutants that were there and just boil it down to its core roots and so following the events of house of M we got this sort of branding initiative called decimation and so with uncanny x-men what this does is this picks up with the fall of the graves and I remember with our x-men days we're covering almost everything so you guys will basically find out what all was happening unlike the x-men universe side of things of Marvel Comics we've done with almost everybody else to this point you I mean we're in the process of doing it with Avengers and New Avengers we've done it with Captain America we've done it with Ironman we've done with spider-man because of that with death of the greys this is designed to actually wrap up in a lot of ways the character of Rachel summers none of the sense of its gonna kill her off but in the sense that is basically sort of allowing her to quote-unquote start anew now under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have covered this but Rachel summers is gonna have a pretty significant role once we get to the story of x-men deadly Genesis which basically brings back the character of Vulcan which is the third summer's brother who's an omega-level mutant but Rachel summers will be the means by which he basically learns everything that's going on but with Rachel summer she's really really intriguing so in Marvel Comics as most of you guys probably know they had a story called x-men Days of Future Passed an x-men Days of Future past at the time that it was written was basically a worst-case scenario right it was the answer to the question what if the x-men failed what if Charles Xavier more macabre the mutant geneticists and what if a political figure Senator Robert Kelley were all taken out by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants what would humanity's response to that be well of course as we know from the story humanity responded by restarting the signal program the Sentinels became autonomous they conquered the entirety of North humans and mutants alike and set their sights on the world and so the story was kind of a race against time because it was the idea that the very various European nations had effectively bonded under one goal of eliminating the Sentinel threat or North America so it wouldn't infect anything else and so they were basically launching nuclear weapons at the US the result is that Canada the United States all these different territories were at risk of being totally obliterated and so you basically had the efforts of a handful of mutants who had survived and we're living in internment camps that were trying to keep this from happening Rachel summers is one of them now the way in which this timeline fits in is a little bit weird so bear with me here for a second and Marvel Comics when you see a story that takes place in the future for the most part that's the guaranteed future usually the story involves somebody going back and changing things the Days of Future past was a story where the Sentinels conquered North America and so the question had to be asked if that was a future were sentinels conquered North America and they were trying to stop that future then what happens to it when they succeed to that universe where the Sentinels conquered North America it becomes an alternate reality is exactly what it does and so essentially with Kitty Pryde mind being sent to the Past one of the x-men what was going to happen and ultimately saving the day it made the Days of Future past future became an alternate reality the future was unwritten we had no no indication of what the future was going to be until somebody came along and wrote a story that involved the future and the Days of Future past reality Jean Grey and in Cyclops had had a child and that child's name was Rachel summers but Rachel summers like her mom was a telepath and telekinetic and that was it that was really all there was to record her initially but she was the one who sent the mind of Kitty Pryde into the past and won the x-men days of future past would happen and what would start that whole process the problem with this was that because it became an alternate reality the future was basically unchanged in that universe Days of Future past progressed just like it did the long and short of this is that because Rachel summers basically looked around and realized the future didn't change the question was why why is her world still the same and so what ended up happening is Marvel wrote a story called days of feature present and what that was designed to do was role Rachel summers into the main Marvel Universe and so what she ended up doing was in truth basically jumping from her own universe into the main Marvel Universe and into the past of the main Marvel Universe and so the result was that we basically got this new character who was the daughter of Jean Grey now all of this came out of the death of Jean came out of the Phoenix saga the Dark Phoenix August it's up worth so Jean Grae had been dead for quite some time you know she had been gone for a little while and then of course she ended up coming back as we all know but the idea of bringing Rachel into the fray you know really kind of brought in a new dynamic and it was really interesting following Chris Claremont leaving the title she just sort of bounced around from one story to the next and nobody ever really fleshed her out there were a couple times where she went to go visit the home of Jean Grey but she never really tried to bond with the family or anything along those lines and so following the events of house of M because of the fact that Rachel Summers was basically in the white hot room which is to say this sort of multiversal space meaning that when house have been happened and all the mutants lost her powers she was unaffected when she showed back up in the main Marvel Universe she realized everything had just sort of gone to pot and so what this did is a kind of Center on an existential crisis because deal with her being a mutant and so many mutants having lost her powers and her having been you know one of the few who retained her own that it get really get kind of you know inspired this desire to travel back and visit her family now remember this is not Rachel's real family and I say that because of the fact that she's from a different universe she's the daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers from an alternate reality so but the bonding process happens almost immediately I mean basically she kind of shows back God she starts talking everybody and this had been something that had been a long time in coming I mean she'd met them like once or twice but they knew who she was I mean in terms of her being the daughter of Jean and Scott you know from different universes so on and so forth but it was cool because this bonding basically gives her a home that she never experienced before because one of the things about rachel is that because she was universally displaced admit that she didn't really have a home of her own but for her it wasn't that bad because the home she came from was was awful but the cool thing is that with her bonding with everybody learning about her own past talking to various people one of the other people that she comes into contact with is basically her grandma and the irony of all this is that her grandma doesn't like Rachel she hates Rachel in every sense of the word but a lot of this really stems back to you know this woman and her husband giving up Jean Grey to Charles Xavier now I remember at the time when Jean first started to manifest her powers it was one of those those things where no parent really knew what to do because Jean Grey was one of the first of a handful of mutants that publicly began to display powers so it's not like her parents had a template it's not like they knew where to go Charles Xavier popping up and basically saying I went to school for gifted children for people that have abilities like your daughter's I can help your daughter cope with her power so on and so forth it was a welcoming thing the problem with this was that Jean Grey's Furion says a lot of us know as part of the x-men was tumultuous she was the weakest member of the team she eventually was catapulted to the strongest member of the team she was a harbinger possessor of the Phoenix force she died she was resurrected she died again she was resurrected and then finally died I mean a lot of these things started taking place with her character bouncing around and all these sort of scenarios happening but at the end of the day her parents were largely left in the dark they weren't really told everything that was going on instead it would just see their daughter on TV fighting crime it would learn that their daughter had died and so it created a really strange sort of scenario you know Rachel summers being there basically reminds the parents of Jean Grey of all the things they missed out on and the idea that it may very well have been a mistake to am I'll Jean to go with Charles Xavier so again you know she's very much a reminder of the mistakes they feel they've made and so ultimately what isn't happening is there's this massive family reunion that takes place and is cool because Rachel gets to meet all these members of her extended family that she never knew about before the problem with this is that almost immediately after this this family you know begins to have their whole get together people start dying rapidly and it all happens within the span of 24 seconds from right now until I say that we've moved on everything that we talked about happens in the span of 24 seconds first member of the family dies John grey following that we end up having Fred Harriman he ends up dying to all these members are killed from being impaled they're killed from having all these assassins start jumping in out of nowhere and they all start dying we have Nightcrawler who immediately teleports in alongside a handful of other x-men you know getting people out as best they can and the reason for this is because of the fact that when Rachel summers immediately starts realizing that people are dying she sends out a kind of psychic backlash now this is kind of a a side effect you know so to speak for lack of a better word of her being in the situation that she's in remember Rachel summers having operated having lived in Days of Future past hardened her in a lot of different ways she was combat trained combat focused and so in this scenario when you suddenly have all these Grey's dying you know that so far happened in the span of eight seconds rachel panics this massive psychic backlash that goes out hits Emma Frost first Emma Frost immediately picks up what's happening alerts the x-men Nightcrawler teleports in all that happens in the span of eight seconds and so it's crazy because these assassins take no prisoners they're there for one goal and that goal is to take out every single member of the gray family they can find this is a very powerful and a very capable group and the reason why is because this group is part of the Shiar Empire they're basically an elite squad of assassins they were sent here for the purpose of eliminating what was left of the Somers line now remember Rachel is not a weakling she's not a person easily taken out and by all standards of measurement by this you know she our assassin group they can't really kill her she's still in possession of the Phoenix force to a degree and the result is that she can't be killed through traditional means instead what they do is they effectively brand her and what this means is they'll be able to find her anywhere in the universe no matter where she goes now the other half of this is that because this is a she our elite guard this allows us to sort of bring in a discussion about the Shiar Empire now in Marvel Comics you got a lot of different empires that exist out there humanity is just a bunch of folks who live on earth and there's some really powerful people but that's it we reside on one planet most people don't even know about the various alien races that are out there and so does she our Empire is a massive Empire it basically spans almost the entirety of its galaxy consisting of thousands and thousands of worlds but they are an amalgamation of racism you know unlike the the Scrolls which is basically the scroll Empire and they're all scrolls the Shiar is a variety of different races who have all sworn fealty to the to the magistrates or the Magister whoever it is that's running this show at the time but this assassin group going through is is designed for one purpose to take out these various people now the x-men are a threat but at the end of the day they're not necessarily in defeatable by this group and in fact because of the fact of the x-men have faced off against the Shiar empire at different points over the course of their publication history what this means is that the Shiar does have a pretty solid understanding of how to get into earth deal with the various superheroes who were there how to avoid them if at all possible how to get their target and how to leave without being being seen the problem is they didn't really bank on Rachel summers being there and that was the cog in the wheel broke the whole scenario wide open the other half of this is that the grandmother of Rachel summers the mother of Jean Grey despises her existence and this is one of the crazy scenarios because her mother is basically grieving within the span of 24 seconds which you know we've basically ended this 24 seconds every single member of her family has been totally obliterated they've been totally wiped out destroyed in a multitude of different ways it happened so fast that half the people who were there didn't even know what was happening before they died the whole idea of a lane looking around and saying everything I know and love is gone and it's because of you she blames Rachel the cool thing about this is her blame is not necessarily misplaced while Jean Grey was the Phoenix force and while Jean Grey had died following the battle between the x-men and the Shiar Imperial Guard during the original you know Phoenix and Dark Phoenix saga what this meant was that the Shiar Empire was largely hands-off the problem with this was that when Rachel summers appeared and then basically wielded the Phoenix force for the first time what it meant is that the Phoenix cannot only be possessed by Jean Grey it can be possessed by the bloodline of Jean Grey and that presented a whole new credible threat because with the Shiar Empire looked to the Phoenix force and sees it as a harbinger of the end of all things meaning when the Phoenix force if it loses its mind it'll destroy all that is the Shiar Empire is operating in the preservation of the universe but if Rachel grey can have the Phoenix force Rachel Gray's child can have the Phoenix force and her grandchild can have the Phoenix force and so on and so forth and so even if Jean Grey was able to maintain control to a degree even if Jean Grey was a benign host for the Phoenix force even if Rachel hasn't necessarily displayed herself as an overt villain with the Phoenix force it does not mean that a grandchild or a great grandchild or some descendant later on down the line would basically use the power of the Phoenix to destroy everything in the universe and so this is an act of preservation by the Shiar Empire is not an act of aggression in the sense of being rooted in malice and so because of this the anger of a lane is not misplaced Rachel summers is a good person she is a hero but she's the cause of all this whether it was her intention or not is irrelevant the fact is her actions brought this down on everyone now of course with the rest of the x-men showing up the battles of foregone conclusion there's no possible way for this Shiar assassin group to possibly succeed it's not gonna happen as a result the Shiar assassin's group basically bails out and they essentially just take off and so what ends up happening here is this religious sort of this bonding moment between Rachel and Scott Summers when it came to Rachel and when it came to Cyclops their bonding was strong insofar as they were more friends as opposed to father and daughter and it's been that way with the offspring of Cyclops and Jean in a lot of different ways Kable who was time displaced and came back to the the relationship between the two was very strenuous at first it was really one of those things where cable was more like look your emotional attachment is a distraction and I've got a mission to fulfill so I'll catch you later while you did know they were father and son albeit cable looking vastly older than his biological dad they weren't didn't really bond as a father in son only did it took quite some time in Marvel Comics before that was fleshed out but it was interesting because with the character of Rachel she never really bonded on the same level I mean she did to a degree but it was really one of those things where it was hard for her and Jean Grey to bond together it was hard for her and Cyclops to bond together because Rachel represented a future where they died and everything had failed she represented the worst case scenario for everything the x-men did as basically all for nothing so it's sort of it's sort of interesting the problem with this is the story sort of putters out it sort of ends in a lackluster way in the sense that Jean Grey basically takes her family into the white-hot room that afterlife more or less that's really kind of it the reason why I say this is kind of lackluster is because I mean with the white-hot room it's weird so okay here's one thing I want to flesh out in this view I want to talk about this for a second I want to talk about the afterlife in Marvel Comics Marvel has depicted the afterlife in a variety of different ways where does an average person go when they die in the Marvel Universe so originally you just had hella and Marvel coming so I know this has almost nothing to do with the x-men but bear with me for a second originally you just had a helot and when the old Stanley Jack Kirby's stories were detailing you know tales of Asgard and you know that oz Guardian mythos basically anybody who died went to the realm of health and that was it those individuals who died in battle they went to about how when mistress death came along then it was basically an argument of okay we have to split the difference we have to find a way to reconcile the tube so what Marvel said is you have the realm of mistress death and you have the realm of hella hella takes the souls of those individuals who believe in Asgard but did not die an honorable death those individuals who believed in Asgard and did die an honorable death in battle presumably they've got about how everybody else goes to the realm of mistress death and that's it well then you had Chris Claremont come along and he started writing the x-men Jean Grey becomes the Phoenix and she learns about the white hot room which is depicted as one of the various iterations of death and so then that question becomes how does that reconcile into everything now if I remember correctly Jean Grey met with a guy when she was in the afterlife and that guy was an aspect of mistress death and it was basically mistress death saying that when people are in the afterlife how they perceived that afterlife is contextual based on the life they live so not everybody goes to like heaven not everybody goes to like Hell or someplace like that but then again you also have all those realms that exist out there you've got the realm of Mephisto basically this demon entity who takes the souls of those he tricks you've got a heaven in Marvel Comics you've had an actual Hell in Marvel Comics there really hasn't been this sort of consolidation and Marvel about how all those things intertwine and how all those things reconcile with one another and so the white-hot room is just kind of this place where the Phoenix goes to do its work and that's really yet that was the explanation that was given by Grant Morrison that was the explanation that was continued by Greg Pak during Phoenix in song but the general gist of this from what I've been able to grasp when it comes to the white hot room is that Jean Grey is basically able to take those individuals to sort of Usher them to the afterlife this is the only instance that I believe I've ever seen Jean Grey lead anybody to the afterlife but it does bring that into the equation and it does say it's possible but it is kind of interesting because it does bring a lot of these things into fray and so ultimately what is of happening is that with her entire family being totally eradicated by this assassin group from the Shiar Empire what is up happening here is Rachel summers basically swears revenge and so what this is going to do is lead directly into the events of deadly Genesis it's going to lead into the events of Rachel summers coming across Vulcan Vulcan basically waking up and then her meeting in omega-level mutant so powerful that he can overwhelm and overpower Rachel summers even with the power of the Phoenix force okay so picking up with our whole x-men chronology at this point we start to transition away from the traditional x-men team and we kind of jump back to really the aftermath of the whole event of decimation remember this was a huge branding initiative so I mean almost all the x-men related titles tied into it in some form or fashion but the other thing to keep in mind is that because this was x-men reload and because it was designed this sort of reworked the x-men mythos that's exactly what happens here the whole publication with regards to new mutants and new x-men and the x-men title and uncanny x-men all that kind of stuff because the publications had grown so just out of control for the most part the idea was to consolidate them all down into a handful of titles and progressively start reading out other publications and condense them into a more manageable form and so really while this is called new x-men it's kind of a misnomer this is really more of like a continuation with regards to like Generation X so a little bit of history here in Marvel Comics you have different versions of the x-men teams for the most part originally you just had x-men by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby because it wasn't that popular Marvel relaunched it under Chris Claremont as uncanny x-men and it stayed is uncanny x-men for something like 17 years this continued on until about 1992 and then what Marvel did is they split the publication in half and they basically launched the second run of the second volume of the original Stan Stan Lee and Jack curry run and that's where you get x-men vol 2 but the whole idea is you had x-men and then you had uncanny x-men and there were two different publications and of course you had the x-men roster split in half which was you know the Gold team and the blue team by the time we got into the early 2000s we started getting things like the extreme x-men we got things like new x-men from Grant Morrison which was kind of like a reworked x-men vol 2 we got all these different publications that sort of tapped into the whole x-men roster the x-men line so on and so forth but Generation X was actually a really really popular x-men related team and it really focused on the nature of a character by the name of Emma Frost now Emma Frost was really really interesting in Marvel she was introduced by Chris Claremont all the way back in 1981 I think when she was actually the leader of a mutant school of her own called the Massachusetts Academy and the whole idea behind this was that it was one of those really prodigious prep schools that also had ties to the Hellfire Club of course the Hellfire Club of least talked about before being one of those organizations that kind of operates behind the scenes the whole idea behind this is that su is part of the Massachusetts Academy where Charles Xavier had the x-men at the Xavier Institute Emma Frost had a group called the Hellions and the whole idea behind this was that it was a way to sort of provide an antagonist ik team to the x-men but really more to the New Mutants in the sense for the new mutants were the younger generation of x-men and the x-men comics themselves and so for the main x-men team had like the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants as their main villains the new mutants had the Hellions to face off against but the idea with this whole thing was that what we found was it eventually in the 1990s I think they introduced a villain called Trevor Fitzroy but basically Trevor Fitzroy had shown up in the present day and launched an attack using the Sentinels the problem is that because of the fact that it was kind of a reshuffling of the x-men in the 1990s as a response to the comic bus at least I see what Marvel ended up doing was killing off the Hellions and then bringing Emma Frost into the x-men proper and so when she was basically vouched for by Charles Xavier 'he's having basically turned over a new leaf the result is that she taught a new generation of mutants within the Xavier Institute called Generation X and they were largely hands-off I mean there was really no involvement from Charles Xavier it was strictly ran by Emma Frost herself but by the time we got into the early 2000s Marvel had revamped you know some of the x-men titles to new x-men and that was basically this idea of Grant Morrison coming on as writer and revitalizing interest in the x-men and so that runs all the way up to this volume which is really kind of like volume 2 of new x-men but while it's titled that it's really more akin to new mutants or to Generation X but what this does is again because of the fact that this picks up immediately after the events of house of M we basically end up joining with a guy who wanders into a church that belongs to someone named William Stryker now we have talked about William Stryker so much on this channel really you know we've talked about immoderately you know recently but I love the character of William Stryker God he's one of the best villains in Marvel because he's one of the most dangerous villains who has no powers instead he is extremely good at just swindling people to his cause and we're gonna find out exactly what do you know how he does that in this story he basically travels to this place two years before the events of house of M and of course you know swearing and being angry at God because he believes God forsaken him suddenly he's met with a massive bright light and we never find out where it's coming from instead what we do is we pick up to the morning after house of M happens and it's cool because we're a lot of the excellent stories after house of enemy ordering destination follow the main x-men team this follows the teenagers so it's an immediate aftermath with regards to the kids who are being affected and the kids who are losing their powers so we have all these different former mutant sees of different teenagers Kevin Ford known as wither who basically has a death touch that he can't really control Dallas Specter who could kind of put on a shadow form he got all these different characters who were basically waking up and all their powers are gone some people are terrified and some people love it and that's why I love the x-men story so much is because when we look at superheroes we imagine man you know what would it be like if you could fly or how awesome would it be to shape-shift or something along those lines but for a lot of these kids even if the powers they have is something that we would they don't want it because it makes them a cast-off in society because a lot of these kids have powers that don't take on physical forms you wouldn't know they had any powers if you walked by them down the street but because of the fact that they know because they're educated in a special school different things like that there's kind of a stigma that's attached to them but a lot of these folks are celebrating a lot of these folks are excited about it while some are terrified of it because when they gain mutant powers they finally understood their place they finally understood where they resided in the grand scheme of things but when that's yanked away they end up right back into the this existential crisis they've been suffering the whole time well they didn't know what their place was anymore but we also end up doing is picking up with Emma Frost who basically communicates with the three-in-one now the three-in-one is actually a really cool concept the best way to think about these is really just kind of going by their name the Stepford cuckoos but they were basically in attempt by weapons plus the creators of Weapon X to clone Emma Frost now originally there were four but the idea is that I think you had a Quinton choir who launched a sort of revolution in the Xavier Institute and then one of them died but basically they're one of these things where they have a hive mind but they are individual telepaths they're not nearly on the same level as Emma Frost but they are pretty powerful the problem with this is that the Stepford cuckoos are sort of experiencing this massive backlash from all these people who are panicking this huge surge of emotions from all these kids who are freaking out but we also end up learning is that where Kevin Ford had this death touch and really praised the idea that he'd be able to touch people now suddenly that's not the case anymore and so again it's kind of crazy and it's kind of wild because for some of these kids for a brief moment they believe they have a life of normalcy for others they want a life of normalcy in the case of melody Guthrie you know arrow she has the ability to fly leaps out a window believing that she still has her powers to be saves her on the off chance that she doesn't now one of the saddest things that takes place is with a kid named hydro now hydro was interesting because he basically had the ability to control water in a lot of ways but the problem with this is that he basically drowned he ends up dying because of the fact that he loses powers in the process and so it kind of shows us this impacts people in a multitude of different ways now one of the individuals who does maintain his powers is Josh Foley he's also known as a lick sir he's basically a character that has bio manipulative healing what this means is he can heal anybody from virtually anything but again it's cool because we're sort of getting this refresher for a lot of these different characters but one of the I hope you guys notice is much like the main x-men story in the aftermath of house of M were rapidly figuring out who the stars of this story is going to be the ones who maintain their powers and get the most limelight are the ones who are gonna be the stars everybody else their background characters or they get sent away what this also does is it picks up with Danny moon star Danny moon star was one of the original New Mutants when the first story was when that story was originally launched she's been part of the x-men line for years now where she did have the ability to sort of create these telepathic illusions meaning that she could basically create the sword of a holographic constructs using her mind based on what other people were feeling at the time her powers are gone and Emma Frost immediate response is you have to go and that's was so ruthless about this Emma Frost and Marvel Comics in a lot of ways is pretty hardcore she's pretty cutthroat and it did work for her students in some ways but remember all the Hellions died so while she is kind of hardcore here she's not nearly as hardcore she was when it came to the actual opinions themselves but the other half of this is this stance of Emma Frost is that this is a school for mutants this is not a school for humans if mutants have lost their powers they have to go and that's pretty cold-blooded and so because of this we of course pick up with Wolverine with regards to the character of x-23 now remember Laura Kinney has been part of the XR have been part of the Marvel Universe for a little while now by the time this took place so for the most part Laura Kinney was always just kind of off by herself the idea of the Wolverine is to say if you still have your mutant powers intact then you have to come here it is interesting because you basically you know like any parent says you need friends you have to basically form social attachments because remember she doesn't have friends and so grabbing those human aspects and saying you need to be able to socialize with people you have to be able to like start conversations is basically an attempt to bring her back and to try to you know continue this connection that he's been trying to build all this time and so again following this what we end up doing is picking up two weeks after the events of house of M and we basically join with a kid named Jay who simply shows up with his wings having been amputated so it's really a crazy scenario so what we end up doing here is we jump back to a year before House of M so remember we're kind of following William Stryker here but what he ends up doing is basically grabbing a guy named Jack Abrams but notice what William Stryker does here who you have Jack Abrams who's gonna catch a cab and then William Stryker pulls him off sends the cab away the cab is hit by a bus and basically it would have killed jack Abrams if he'd gotten into it but William Stryker doesn't pawn himself office oh man I am a guy who has all these abilities and the answer to life's mysteries no no no it's subtle it's easily believed all he simply says when Jack Abrams says you know how did you know that all he simply says is do you believe in God because God believes in you that's why I love his character because it's not some grandiose display of power or anything like that is basically him just kind of subtly manipulating people now of course the aftermath to this is exactly what we would expect it to be with regards to the whole event of house of M mutants losing their powers you know the kids are channel surfing they're sort of going through all these different things and the news broadcasts are all the same that you know there's this reported massive reduction in the mutant population but following this they basically end up on this broadcast with regards to William Stryker who's directly addressing all these different people but notice the people in the purple cloaks those are his followers they are basically the purifiers and it's kind of crazy because once he actually does this full-on interview we get a little bit of the backstory you know with regards to his character the fact that he first popped up he was basically a mutant hunter he was on TV pulled a gun on Cyclops he was arrested ultimately freed there was a massive battle took place between him and the x-men in Madison Square Garden so on and so forth all these different things that go on to the history of his character but notice the things he says he constantly brings in religious tones that God has a plan that God has a goal if this happened is because God wanted it to happen but what he says here really one of the final statements he makes is of the most ominous one of the things he says is that sure all this happened because God said it in motion now is up to us to take the next step he's advocating for the elimination of mutants he's telling everybody mutants have to go away but from here we really kind of joined back in with it with the students and dealing with issues and so on and so forth one thing to bear in mind is that with Emma Frost basically sort of you know coming back to the Argos going to the Xavier Institute sort of launching her own out her own training program so on and so forth inevitably a group form that was kind of like a continuation of the Hellions it was sort of Emma Frost favourite kids more or less now of course with this whole scenario you gotta have infighting among these kids you have those who are aspiring to be x-men bushes those who are aspiring to be hellions and so it creates a little bit of infighting but also notice the interpersonal relationships the argue the fighting the romance you know you have like Hellion who's chasing after a girl this girl doesn't really like him you know Julian's like look you're kind of a jerk I don't want to have anything to do with you he insults one of the people who have gone back to being a normal human while insulting her at the same time it's the the nature of what it means to be a teenager and so what we end up doing is of course joining with Wolverine showing up alongside x-23 and basically saying this is your new classmate she can kill every last one of you if you wanted to so don't give her a reason to you guys are introduced peace it's classic Wolverine a man of few words but with regards to the whole idea of Cyclops Emma Frost the the arguments that go on between the two you wanting to bear in mind is a cyclops is very old-school when it comes to the x-men Charles Xavier believed in a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants and as terrible as the circumstance is with regards to so many mutants losing their powers in the mind of Cyclops it's an opportunity to extend an olive branch and to show humanity mutants are not a threat why because some of the kids who are mutants lost their powers they're human now but they're still allowed to stay there in the mind of Cyclops all Emma Frost is doing is driving a wedge between humanity and mutants even more so than their re is they both have these diametrically opposed views but they're both right in a lot of ways in the mind of Emma Frost you know if these kids are here it's gonna make them a target it's gonna draw people here but if the kids go out into the world they're also gonna be targets as well that's the argument of Cyclops but in the minds of both of these characters they staunchly believe they're right when it comes to their own viewpoints so of course at this point we have the Hellions and we have this you know the new mutants more or less kind of coming together into a makeshift Danger Room that have been you know they prepare for themselves and it's kind of cool because we get throwbacks to a lot of these old stories for example fall of mutants and elixir Joshua Foley's kind of like you know I don't I have no idea who I am right now you know I've got a mullet and I got blond hair he's actually a character called longshot one of them becomes destiny another one it's arc angel another one's havoc is a classic story there's the whole scenario with the brood all these different things are going on you know these last little tidbits of storytelling that are jumping in with regards to getting some history here but at this point we jump bat six months ago continuing to follow William Stryker with regards to a guy who's taking out someone named Bob forward now Bob forward isn't really relevant here but this guy gets a call and basically says if you don't get your family out of their house by 4:01 a.m. which is roughly 45 minutes from now they're gonna die and so this guy of course Matthew Richman who's basically an assassin for hire treats it as an absolute truth and then runs grabs his family just because of the fact there's a storm there's a mudslide gets them out of the house in time and he's met by William Stryker this is why I say I love his character you know he basically called this guy and said your family's gonna die if you don't get him out of the house soon enough when he shows up he's there to greet the guy and to say look just because of the fact that you're a man who's done some bad things does not mean that you don't stand the right to be in God's army God needs soldiers just like anybody else and sometimes what you need to catch the sinners is a sinner himself William Stryker is so charismatic he's so good at drawing people in praying to their weaknesses and inducting them into his ranks and so it's really interesting it's really fascinating to me how his character is written the other thing I'd like you to take note of here is how Emma Frost views x-23 with Emma Frost herself her perception of Laura Kenney is that she's a killer and she's nothing but a killer and in a lot of ways Emma Frost is right Laura Kenney was trained to be an assassin for hire she would be sold out to the highest bidder who in turn would have Laura Kenney take out whoever it is they wanted to have taken out the result is that where she's been trying to find her way ever since Emma Frost does not see her as a potential asset to the team she sees her as someone who's a legitimate danger now remember this was kind of cool because in a lot of ways this is designed to mirror the original x-men stories when Wolverine first showed up there was a lot of opposition when people learned about Wolverines past what little tidbits that we got as a reader that kind of thinks he's done how ferocious he is there was a lot of opposition to Wolverine being on the team this was compounded by the fact that Wolverine was basically sniffing after cyclopses girl he was gunning for Jean Grey and it was kind of funny in terms of how all that works because Laura Kenney is much the same way but where Charles Xavier gave a shot to Wolverine and said you can be on the team but mind your P's and Q's Cyclops is extending that branch to x-23 because Wolverine vouchers for now that's designed to show the trust that's formed over the years despite the fact that they don't always see eye to eye despite the fact that there have been times where Wolverine and Cyclops have gone to blows where you're not sure if one of them is gonna survive at the end of the day when it comes down to it they've got the others back 100% of the time every step of the way and that's the kind of camaraderie that forms in the x-men team Emma Frost doesn't see it that way Emma Frost's argument is this girl is evil she starts playing mind games with x-23 tricks x-23 into seeing her dead mother trying to run 23 out of the school trying to get Laura Keaney out of there the response is one way or another you're going to leave this school whether it's because you leave in a body bag or if it's because you leave willingly you're going to be gone and so what we end up doing here is we basically pick up a little bit when it comes to William Stryker again joining right after the events of house of M so again this is the point at which you know the characters are starting to realize their powers are gone you know and so on and so forth again this is the multi-faceted nature of William Stryker it's not always calling somebody up and saying hey man your family's gonna die you got to get in there you got to save them sometimes it's just preying on the weak and emotional when people are in a weakened state when they're in a vulnerable state they will believe almost anything they want to believe if it makes them feel better and where William Stryker shows up to Jay who's basically questioning his role in life whether or not he should really be part of the Xavier Institute so on and so forth his idea with William Stryker showing up is to basically say hey look man there was an angel there the day that you lost Juli and these terrible things happen in your life God has angels to protect people you have angel's wings you are a servant of God and you are going to send a message to the x-men and so what seems to be happening here is that William Stryker is the person responsible for severing the wings of Jay when he showed back up at the Xavier Institute with his wings amputated now that is classic William Stryker on the surface he's nice you could see him being the kind of guy who would show up to his grandkids give him presents you know and they were bouncing his life and he tell him stories be the nicest guy ever and then as soon as they go to bed he's plotting and scheming on how to kill all the mutants that's classic William Stryker but of course Emma Frost basically initiates an exercise to essentially stem out those who can't hack it those of you who succeed will become the new mutants you'll become the new x-men those of you who don't will be dismissed you'll be on the sidelines and we'll use you if we need you now what she's really doing here if she's using this as a scheme as a smokescreen she basically tells Hellion I want x-23 taken out of here this is all designed for the purpose of trying to find a way to get rid of X 23 but by happenstance everything seems to benefit X 23 even when Emma Frost shuts her body down and keeps her from being able to move where other members of the hell use try to take her out where other members of the x-men try to take her out at the end of the day Hellion is the one who basically saves her and tells him a frost I'm not gonna take this girl out we need this girl just like we need everybody else now of course initially x-23 is not given a spot but of course Cyclops steps up and says yeah she is she's gonna be given a spot on this team and so what we do as this starts to wind down is we pick up with William Stryker who's basically amassed a massive following there's hundreds of thousands of people here to say nothing of the millions who are watching again feeding on the weak feeding on the desperate and so the result is that he basically comes out and he says God's taken the next step it's up to us to finish it the mutants are a credible threat we have to get rid of them because they're not like us and instead of people shying away instead of people saying this is bigotry this is racism this is evil people celebrate people cheer but notice this they're not thinking rationally because what would happen if somebody came along and they said you know if magneto popped up and they said ladies and gentlemen you know because of everything that's going on mutants are in danger now in order to keep things safe we're gonna kill all the humans we're gonna kill every human we come across because look at their history the world is better off without humanity how many of these people would celebrate that how many of these people would cheer and say yeah yeah humanity's dangerous we all need to go away of course they wouldn't because the standard is OK when the standard doesn't affect them and so again it's interesting with regards to how this whole thing unfolds and how these people view the world and so what we end up having is basically all these kids who have essentially lost their powers and they're basically sit on a bus you know when they're sent about their ways I mean presumably they're gonna go back home you know they go back to their families but before they get even 20 feet from the house a missile comes in and blows the whole bus up killing everybody on board okay so following up to decimation what I want to do here is I want to cover Wolverine origins and endings because I think this is gonna give you guys a pretty good idea of the direction that Marvel was going in with regards to the different characters and teams of stuff like that so this focus is almost entirely on love reign it involves Bucky Barnes Captain America so on and so forth but this is an example of where Marvel was kind of going back to the drawing board with characters because by this point we're at the tail end of Wolverine vol 3 and what this story does is it actually sets the stage for the start of Daniel weighs Wolverine Origins which was really kind of cool and involved Romulus and involved the introduction of bacon and involved all kinds of really cool things but what this does is it kind of follows up to Wolverine regaining his memories because remember at the end of house of M Wolverine remembers everything about his past and so this is a little ambiguous in terms of how it starts because it initially just kind of starts with a conversation between Wolverine and Emma Frost over the phone but this was the most logical course of action because with Wolverine regaining his memories now we had a lot of questions and that's one of the things that he says here is that for him regaining his memories he thought would be like an answer to all of his life's problems but all it's done is open up more questions in terms of what's been happening so far and so what happens is his journey has basically taken him to Tokyo Japan and the reason why is because he's basically tracking down the Prime Minister of Japan now on the surface he's not intending to find the Prime Minister what he's intending to do is find the captain of the Prime Minister's personal security detail the silver samurai now the silver samurai is the son of Shingen Yashida I think it is as part of Clan Yashida it's one of these many clans that existed in Japan for quite some time that was involved in criminal activities but the silver samurai have served a pretty significant history in the realm of Marvel comics not really popular the silver samurai was like never part of the avengers or anything like that but he was part of like the Japanese Japanese team big hero six different things like that and by the way that was kind of an interesting thing what Disney did with big hero 6 was borrow the name from Marvel Comics just because of the fact that I wouldn't really go see a movie about the big about big hero 6 and my whole comics but it was kind of a cool cool situation of a big hero 6 was really like a like a Japanese oriented a-team who is based with like like I want to say Sunfire a silver samurai a handful of small-time characters and it was kind of interesting but the reason why Wolverine is here this is a basically question silver samurai just because of how far back his his knowledge in Japanese history goes the various ties that he has to his aspect or their being the son of cleinias Sheeta it makes a really interesting situation because Wolverines basically trying to retrace his steps now what he's doing is basically tracking a guy down and who that person is we'll find out but what we end up doing is we basically switch over to two dum-dum Dugan along with Captain America Jessica drew Spider Woman and Iron Man the reason why is because they're panicking at the mohuru Burt Wolverine is a one-man army I mean if you want to wipe out a government you send in Wolverine like we saw that with enemy of the state right I mean when when war ring was brainwashed by the hand and Hydra he ended up going through and fighting off against a multitude of superheroes now the what-if story that I covered where he kills the entire Marvel Universe saw the the fruition of that where every single time superheroes try to stop them he killed him and it got to the point where he killed them all eventually Kitty Pryde had to kill Wolverine by phasing her hand through his head and basically destroying his brain she lost her hand in the process but by the time that happened heat killed Captain America he had killed Iron Man he killed most everybody at shield and when he killed every single person that tried to track him down so it was a really cool situation and that's what Emma Frost says Emma Frost says you know we're we're shield what everybody wants to know what Wolverine was doing why he went after a head of state you know the the or at least it was believed to be the Prime Minister of Japan the question they have is why is he doing this and Emma Frost says because he's regained all of his memories and this sends the world into absolute panic or at least a sim shield and absolute panic and the reason why is because now wolverine remembers all those all those abuses wolverine remembers all the times that he's been tortured he remembers all the times that he's been used and his memories been altered so he would forget I mean the shield is just kind of in a position now where they're just like oh my god because now there's no telling what he'll to you with the memories of Wolverine while Logan himself is kind of a mishmash the different people in shield dum-dum Duke and of course the one-time friend of Nick Fury at least fighting alongside Nick Fury that eventually you know took the Infinity formula to keep him young as part of shield they were able to consolidate all these different pieces of Wolverines life and kind of bring them together to figure out what direction his life had actually taken but even then a lot of things were left ambiguous and so between this fight with Wolverine and with silver samurai what is up happening is the journey basically takes him or at least it leaves him injured to the point that he kind of makes his way aboard a ship at least aboard a a ferry of sorts and then just passes out from the experience but what it does is it allows Daniel way to kind of go back a little bit focus on some of these memories at Wolverines having about a wife that appears to be pregnant so on and so forth but it creates kind of a funny situation because there was a person that apparently killed his wife and we don't know who that person is the question being who was that they killed his wife eats ooh which is the person he's presumably tracking down now of course once he comes to what this does is it leads him to Canada's department cake now this is when Daniel way begins the process of going back and retconning a bunch of things we talked about this before in our video on the origin of Wolverines adamantium where we talked about how you know the adamantium bonding process was done that he had his home memories based on that what Daniel was gonna do is he's basically gonna go through here and he's gonna begin changing things up he's gonna begin altering the history a little bit and the way that he does this is by showing that Wolverines time of the facility was not exactly what he expected it to be where he believed there was you know Carol Hynes dr. Cornelius all these different people where he believed that they may have been there where he was lashing out and he was going through and he was tearing things up what he's coming to realize is that his memories were not exactly like that that his memories were not exactly in the same capacity where he believed but he had escaped the containment unit where he believed that he had gone through killed all these different members as part of a part of candidates department Kane and the whole Weapon X project that instead it wasn't just him that in all reality he had help escaping the Weapon X facility somebody engineered his escape somebody went through and they basically let down the security precautions so that Wolverine would escape in an animalistic state kill everybody and then get away and that's what Wolverine himself says he says in his mind the way that his memories were before they were restored during the events of house of M that he was able to make his escape from the Weapon X facility because the people who are running it just got careless that they considered him to be an animal but he still had thinking ability he just waited for a moment when they were at their weakest when they were at their most careless and then engineered his own escape basically got away that is not actually what happened now in terms of who it was an engineered his escape will basically get to that here in a second but whatever happening is that as he's making his way through this weapon X facility he basically contacts Captain America and when he gets ahold of Steve Rogers Steve's is like him and like you got to come back in they literally try to corral him back and Wolverine says no I've got stuff to do but one of the people that I'm looking for is your old friend Bucky Barnes and so what this does is this transitions over to Belgrade Serbia how you pronounce the vel agree I'm not really sure but it transitions over to Serbia where Wolverine is trying to track down Bucky Barnes now with regards to Bucky you got to keep in mind this is that whole point where he's still underground like he's still operating hidden away from the world because remember following the return of Bucky Barnes in male comics during Edie Brubaker's Captain America vol 5 that Bucky Barnes had basically had his memories restored by by Steve Rogers and then Bucky Barnes just kind of taken off that was really kind of like the magnum opus of that whole run of a true Baker the whole idea was bring Bucky Barnes back he doesn't know who he was he's still operating as the Winter Soldier half Captain America used the Cosmic Cube Bucky Barnes memories restored and then he just kind of goes back to recollect himself so it was very similar to what you guys saw in Captain America the Winter Soldier when Bucky saves Steve Rogers and then just kind of roams off and tries to go understand or try to piece his life back together that's really what was happening here now what uh what Wolverine did when he had left Canada when he had left Canada's apartment department cave is he basically put the word out but he's looking for for Bucky Barnes now here's how things work when it comes to Marvel comics with regards to this whole criminal criminal underworld there are all kinds of contacts that are all sorts of resources is really just like this giant underground now a lot of it has roots and mad rapport which is basically this city where all the criminals hang out and even shield doesn't go there but when someone says I'm looking for a person word will get back to them people will whisper you know birds will talk and they'll say hey like somebody's looking for you they're trying to track you down and so by the time that Wolverine got to Serbia where he discovered that Bucky Barnes was hanging out Bucky Barnes was lying in wait now when he gets in of course he's basically being shot out by somebody on the roof and when he gets in he basically walks into an old news facility into an old you know newspaper facility and the reason why this is so significant is because this goes to the intelligence of Bucky Barnes it shows us how smart he is and that's one of the great things about his character when Bucky Barnes was part of the old Captain America stories back in the 1940s the 1950s other to the point where Captain America was basically killed off and Bucky Barnes was gone when he was brought back in and Brubaker basically wreck Honda's history and said the Bucky Barnes wasn't just like a 1940's you know sidekick like yeah I love you Captain America that he was actually uh he was trained to be an assassin but the reason why Bucky Barnes was paired with Captain America is because Bucky was willing to engage in torture he was willing to engage in murder if it meant that his mission would be achieved he was willing to do things the Captain America wouldn't do and Captain America tolerated that because they were in World War two because there were some things that were necessary in order to in order to ensure the axis didn't succeed and so it was really just kind of like the lesser of two evils but once Bucky Barnes time had basically come to an end once the explosion that led to the presumed death of Captain America when he was frozen in ice once Bucky Barnes was taken by the Russians and transformed into the Winter Soldier well then at that point he just kind of became an assassin like that's all he did he just went around killing individuals carrying out all kinds of different missions but what that did is it honed his skills as an assassin it made him more capable he had a mission and it was complete this mission do whatever you have to do and he would have to learn to adapt with regards to Wolverine Wolverine senses are some of the best in Marvel Comics his sense of smell is sense of sound his ability to see so on and so forth are some of the best in Marvel Comics Bucky Barnes leading Wolverine into a printing facility into a newspaper facility is done for the purpose of Bucky Barnes covering himself in ink and so basically Wolverine senses cannot detect him he wouldn't be able to smell him he wouldn't be able to track him down he would just have to rely on his sense of sight now this is genius because it's almost like that instance from the movie predator when all Schwarzenegger covered himself in mud so the predator couldn't see him because a parent wouldn't be able to see through the mud to detect body heat that's basically what's happening Bucky Barnes hides himself from the senses of will range so it's so cool because it's basically him just drawing on all this experience as an assassin that's one of the reasons why I love Bucky so much in the end Bucky is able to get the upper hand on Wolverine and the womanís that was on the roof that were shooting kind of shoots Wolverine from behind and effectively kills him and so the result is that Wolverines more or less dead or at least it seems like he is now of course the cool thing about this is that there's an exchange between Bucky and this woman that he hired and this woman says you know I'm staying here until I get paid Bucky says go to this location get an ATMs ATM card take money out of this old slush fund from the KGB and then get out of here like just go into hiding never allow anyone to see you know when the question is asked why it is Wolverine had come after Bucky Barnes in the first place Bucky says he came after me because I killed his wife and his unborn child now this is a huge red con in the realm of Marvel comics that that Bucky Barnes basically killed the wife and and the unborn child of Wolverine because what this does is it goes to the heart of the fact that Bucky Barnes had many things that he didn't read did so many things that he wasn't aware of because remember when he was the Winter Soldier he would go on a mission his he would be brainwashed his memories wouldn't really be wiped away so much as they were replaced and then he would go on and complete another mission he was kept constantly in a docile state and while he is still recovering a lot of his own memories this particular memory of being involved in the the death of Wolverines wife is something that's come back to him and so that's why he realizes that's why Wolverines there now for here we transition to a place called Jasmine Falls and we actually jumped back to the past to this memory of Wolverine and what had happened is over the course of his life following his experience as part of a candidate's department Kaye following you know his whole time being a killer kind of being this mindless animal that he had traveled to Jasmine Falls for the purpose of trying to basically find solace and he comes across a man by the name of bando Sbarro and this is a guy who is essentially kind of like this instructor or this man who's at peace with himself but Jasmine Falls is basically where we're assassins go in order to find inner peace and that's the whole basis behind this that's what Saburo says that at this location this is where men who are previously killers go to cast off who they were before and become better men and that's why Wolverine is here Wolverines and Jasmine Falls to cast aside that dark nature of himself and to be a better man now the cool thing is that master Saburo goes to him and says this plot of land will be your home and when Wolverine goes to lay down to basically sleep Saburo says you're not an animal you're a man this will be your home when you build it and that's the cool thing about this is because it's very Doctor Strange esque in terms of Stephen strange more or less tearing down the barriers of his own mind it is Wolverine tearing down the barriers of who he was to reveal who he can truly become and it's really cool because with each brick that he builds with each you know piece of of wood that he constructs to make his home he's building himself up to be a better person along the way he falls in love with eat sue and the two of them basically become become pregnant they bear a child now the cool thing about this is that this also initiates a ceremony when each is revealed to be with child Wolverine basically celebrates with master Samara Master saguaro says this is a time of celebration this is you becoming a better man because now you have something to live for and that was really the significance of Wolverines wife being pregnant that's why it was so big for him is because now he had someone to live for now he had a reason to be a bo and that's one of the reasons why this whole wolverine dichotomy works so well is because for us is people for you and me right like if we have a goal to aspire Schwarz if we say you know well I'm having a son I want to be a better man then that's what you become that's one of the reasons why they say motherhood is when girls were when women stopped being girls and they become women they step into motherhood they begin to realize that they have a responsibility to a life beyond their own and in turn they stepped into that role and become better people and that's what Wolverine was doing he was trying to become a better human being now the issue is that in the midst of this celebration the celebration is designed to serve a couple purposes the first is to literally just be a celebration is to say yeah man like Wolverines wife is preggers but the other half is to also show what Wolverines become just to show that he's left his animal instincts behind that he's left his darker nature behind the problem is that in the midst of this whole dance his animal instincts take over temporarily and in doing so his claws come out and he accidentally injures one of the guys that he's uh that he's kind of dancing alongside or fighting alongside and the result is that he's basically failed this test of him leaving his darkness behind now what this also does is this coincides with an explosion out in the mountains and this is when Saburo reveals the identity of a guy named Muramasa and so this ties into that whole origin of the Muramasa blade those of you guys who were intrigued by that element of Wolverines Wolverines were that you know how to kill Wolverine those of the guys who were intrigued by that whole more Amasa blade concept this is where we basically learned about this you know Wolverine origins and endings and so what Saburo does is he basically gives us rundown on Muramasa but you know we're Saburo says that he exists as a man that's designed to basically cleanse men's souls to help them become better people to help them remove the stench of past beads and lay the foundation for them to become better than what they've been that Muramasa is the opposite that Muramasa is basically a bad guy we're a masa Pheebs on the darkness of men's souls by putting that darkness into weapons forged by Muramasa which in turn those men use to carry out evil deeds and so with Logan kind of taking time to himself and I you know in the mountain side and sort of realizes that he had basically failed his test in the sense that he had lashed out accidentally during this dance that he wasn't quite at peace enough with himself to raise his own son that he had gone back to see Itza but when he got back there that she was dead of course having been killed by Bucky Barnes and so what this does is jump back to the modern day and this is the conversation that he has with Bucky Bucky basically says look my mission at the tar was to lure you out my mission was to kill eat sue and to get you to follow me and then lead you to Matt report now the reason why this was done leads into the introduction of a character named Romulus and that goes into the whole you know Daniel way Wolverine Origins think and that's him basically retconning the entire origin of the Weapon X project it wasn't John sublime or anything as crazy as that that instead it was Romulus running the whole thing what Bucky Barnes says is where you were supposed to follow me instead you didn't that you traveled up the side of the mountain and you went to go see Muramasa and that's what happens here is what we went to go meet Muramasa and he told Muramasa i want a weapon I want a blade that will kill them all and so a Muramasa says fine I will help you I will take a fraction of your soul I will take out the darkest elements of it and I will put it in this weapon the issue is he says it'll take me years to do this it'll take me years to make it happen what is up happening here is Wolverines basically kicked off the side of the mountain and no uncertain terms and he's more or less just sort of left out there and muramasa's argument is if Wolverine is able to survive however long it is that he's out there he's able to survive the rest of his life then in the next few years he will come to me and he will look for this weapon and so what this does is it kind of wraps back around with with this this conversation between Wolverine and Bucky Barnes and Sophia of course Wolverine says hey look you know you and me aren't done but the reason why he doesn't kill him is because keep in mind all these things that Bucky Barnes did prior to really his return and we know when when Captain America used a cosmic key bond and all those things were done without Bucky intending to do it he was basically being used and Wolverine understands where it is a Bucky's coming from because there in terms of how their minds work they're skewed memories the fact that they don't remember everything about their lives the way they actually work did they share that concept they share that that entire standard now Wolverine will come back for Bucky Barnes eventually but in the meantime he basically just sort of dumps a whole bunch of information on Bucky Barnes with regards to the past deeds that he done now I don't really know what it is that he said and as far as I know Bucky I don't think had an origin story or had a solo series at the time so I don't really know what it is it ends up dropping here but what Wolverine does is he basically throws on you know a fake identity and he basically takes back off to jasmine falls again and when he gets there he comes back into contact with Muramasa and Muramasa says I finished crafting this sword I finished crafting the Muramasa blade this blade will give you the tool to kill anyone that you come across wield it like an angry god so again this sets the stage for Wolverine Origins by daniel way this stage-four that a great big huge channel how long it was 30 40 50 issues long it says a stage for that whole great big huge story art with the introduction of the Muramasa blade itself so keeping on with our whole x-men chronology for the next few videos we're gonna be covering Wolverine Origins just because when you go through the chronological order of the x-men you pick up with like new x-men or I guess new mutants really is kind of what it is it's really called new x-men but it's basically new mutants you pick up with like uncanny x-men follow the greys and then you go into like three stories of Wolverine Origins now this is kind of weird because I feel like I've done this before I know we did origins and endings and that picks up immediately after house of M and is basically what happens when Wolverine first gains as memories back which is kind of the after effects that happen instead of him losing his powers he regained all his memories but that goes into like the formation of the Muramasa blade which of course is one of the only blades that's out there that's capable of shutting off the healing factor of Wolverine if it's plunged into him and left there for any real measure of time and so because of that I was going through and I was like I feel like I've done this before but I searched all over my channel and I have been able to find it so it may just be one of those things where it's like I read through it a whole bunch of times there's something along those lines and it just feels like deja vu but regardless of the circumstance Wolverine Origins by daniel way is one of these stories that Marvel produced where it got mixed reviews on one side you had Wolverine traditionalist people who didn't want to see things change and who liked the way Wolverine have been progressed over the years in this publication Wolverine vol 1 Wolverine vol 2 his run and car mats x-men all those different things that have been fleshed out the Weapon X story you know the 12 issue limited series on the other side you had people who kind of said Wolverines origin is an absolute mess like you have to go through all these comics you have to read you know three four hundred comics in order to be able to gain his overall origin and so it was easier if it's all just in a concise location overall the idea is at a desk consolidate things it basically goes through the whole origin of Wolverine introducing his son all the things he'd done in his past when he first met Deadpool all those things go into this great big huge fifty-some-odd issue thing I think was 56 issues but I kept him off top my head but it goes into all this stuff but initially this basically just kind of picks up with Wolverine kind of going on this mission of sorts because remember with him regaining his memories what Daniel Way does is he grabs a lot of the things that we know and then he makes up things that we didn't know about and then just kind of throws them all into this comic and so what we actually end up doing here is picking up where the Secretary of Defense or whatever it is for the president United States there we go and the whole idea behind this is that it basically just sort of coincides with Wolverine breaking into the White House now this is a huge deal the idea of Wolverine breaking into the White House is huge because it's designed to say two things the first is that he's brazen that he's really like a man on a mission but the other half is to show the ingenuity the stealth the guile and the kind of espionage that Wolverines involved in because remember for a guy this lived for a couple hundred years he's seen and done it all for the most part I mean he's fought in various wars he fought alongside Captain America too as part of Weapon X he worked with the CIA as part of Team X he's very well-versed and how to infiltrate out places that are not supposed to be accessible now all hands are on deck here the president's Secret Service response the military responds and shield response and so Wolverine has in the blink of an eye become the most wanted man in America by finding a way to get into the White House at the same time somebody fired a missile that offered some measure of a distraction now it wasn't designed to actually hit the White House the missile was basically designed to take everyone's attention away from the actions of Wolverine so that's why it's kind of a big deal because when it comes to shield their main goal is to basically maintain safety in the United States but monitor all these different threats different things like that and where Wolverine is a blip on a radar where suddenly someone's in the White House that that's not supposed to be there and the Secret Service is responding a missile comes flying in that's where Roddy begins to panic and everybody begins to scramble but with Wolverine making his way in there what he immediately does is seemingly go after this secretary now how long that's because of the fact that what's established here is that she's not supposed to be in it though she's basically working for another agency where Wolverine goes after her he's basically met by the arrival of a Shiva which was stationed inside the rocket which crash-landed on the grounds of the White House now the Shiva's are pretty interesting they're basically robots but they were designed for the purpose of tracking down and neutralizing members of the Weapon X program that went rogue that's one of the reasons why Wolverines memories were kind of scrambled for a time is because over the course of the Weapon X project what you had before Wolverine is you would have people who would be inducted into the project individuals would go in they would receive whatever kind of training something along those lines and then at some point their memories would come back to them and when they did they would basically defect from Weapon X the shiva's would be tasked with finding them and either bringing them back in if at all possible or so neutralizing them ie taking them out and so because of this these Shiva's are designed to withstand a pretty significant amount of punishment now one thing to keep in mind is that the Muramasa blade because it's designed to basically nullify healing factors and it's kind of a combination of some of the hardest metals in existence come on with a little bit of mysticism and magic and so on and so forth makes pretty quick work out of this Shiva the problem is that Wolverine comes to the realization whoever sipped that Shiva was also the same person this Secretary was working for and so ultimately they end up taking her out now in response to this the federal government taking shield off the whole thing and saying look if you guys couldn't even stop a rocket from crash landing on the White House then we're gonna take things into our own hands and the result is the federal government initiates the launch of Frank Simpson also known as nuke now nuke has been a long-standing member of the Marvel Comics landscape for a really really long time l'm he's been around for ages and ages and the cool thing about this is that he was always one of these guys that was kind of tied into the Weapon X project and it really kind of goes back to like 1989 with Wolverine vol 2 in terms of you know the the kind of stories that dealt with a little bit of Wolverines origin different things along those lines but again this is designed to sort of consolidate all that information and bring it together in a easily accessible way and so this is gonna kind of retell the origin of Frank Simpson to a degree but the idea here is a French Simpson as a guy over the course of his life he's basically had various aspects of his body replaced with cybernetic implants and so at this point in time he's more machine than human but he still functions according according to the wishes of what the federal government wants to do the other half of this is that instead of having him pop pills which are something that he can either choose to do or choose not to do what's happened here is they basically replace the red and blue pills by putting in a second heart and so what this does is it allows the government to remotely decide whether he gets amped up or whether he whether he calms down now in terms of his actual origin this is where things get kind of interesting we actually sort of jumped back to 1968 in the Vietnam War and this is really just Wolverine operating as part of weapon acts remember because weapon acts in his earliest days was kind of a joint venture between the CIA and Canada's Department K what this men is that Wolverine as part of Weapon X would carry out missions for Weapon X and the result was that during these early days when he was part of the black ops team before he underwent the Weapon X project he was basically just kind of carrying out these various missions one of these missions dealt with the idea of Frank Simpson being brought and kind of being transformed into a sort of killer where he was kidnapped during the Vietnam War and then you had Wolverine who is part of the CIA and so on and so forth operating as a Russian advisor for the for the Vietcong what this meant was that he jumped in and started going through and torturing Frank Simpson but while he was doing that he was planting a keyboard which comes with a phrase of no VC and what this means is that no VC was basically a way of saying I'm not Vietcong the idea behind this was that by planting that phrase in there Frank Simpson when he hears the phrase no VC will simply snap he'll lose his mind and he'll just start killing everything in the vicinity again because of this what it also does is it picks up with the silver samurai conversing with the federal government now silver samurai is a guy who's been around for a really really long time I want to say he was introduced in daredevil number 11 back in like 1974 but he is a guy and I can never pronounce his first name so it's like it's like Kenny you Oh Chi Hirata I think it's how you pronounce his first name I apologize if I butchered that I've never been able to pronounce his first name but silver samurai is actually the illegitimate son of a guy named shin Jin Harada now a shin shin Hirata is actually the father of a woman named Mariko Yashida and Mariko Yashida was at one point the fiancee of Wolverine so it really all kind of goes back to Waring himself now of course Shinji and ultimately met his demise which meant that Mariko became the head of Clan Yashida and then following her death silver samurai took up leadership of the group but the idea behind this is that silver samurai is very much honorbound you know he's really one of these guys where he sort of maintains this old-school code of honor among his own people as well as when he makes a vow of silence meaning that he won't tell anybody anything about what he's heard he takes it to the grave so he's like one of the most trustworthy people out there the kicker to all this is that what he ends up doing is kind of spilling the beans to the federal government not in terms of what he was asked not to tell but what he was asked to tell in the sense that Wolverine basically says look tell them about the Muramasa blade and let them know what's going on because in the end it doesn't matter so this is really kind of like Wolverine taunting the feds in a lot of ways now of course silver samurai basically says hey look there's this thing called the Muramasa blade it's the only thing capable of destroying Wolverine but he asked me to tell you this which is why I'm telling you it's kind of interesting because this isn't this is you really serve like any major purpose it's just kind of again a little bit of a reminder that Wolverines life and times span of great deal amount of time in Marvel Comics and there's all of these different characters that he's impacted over the course of his life now because of the fact that nuke has been sent in what this means is that his Wolverine basically confronting Frank Simpson now again this really kind of hits home at the nature of the fact that Wolverines regained all these memories from its own life and so the reason why this matters is because him confronting Frank Simpson is not necessarily for the purpose of killing him it's for the purpose of making amends because Wolverine was the one that transformed him into the person that he is and the reason how that happened is it all really kind of goes back to the early days of his life and this shows us how involved will rein in the CIA and the Team X and even the early stages of the Weapon X project it shows us how it all kind of came together when Frank Simpson was a little kid the government had basically targeted him for project homegrown now in truth there wasn't really a rhyme or reason for it it was just we need someone and so this kid's gonna be it what ended up happening is the whole project homegrown crew had basically grabbed this woman and threw her into Frank Simpsons family as a maid of sorts now Frank Simpson himself was subject to a very you know drunken abusive mother and his father was more or less a coward but the idea behind this was that because he had been targeted this maid had been brought in for the purpose of surveying the family and deciding whether or not it was a good choice and because of the fact that Frank Simpson in many ways came from a broken home basically what it meant is that his mother had died if his father had died then he would just kind of be out there and there would really not be anybody else and so where this woman it's made kind of so you know subliminally implants this idea of you should take out your mom it's kind of left out there in the background and then of course you know where the father of Frank takes the maid back home we end up having a Wolverine show up who basically shoots the maid and then gives the gun to the father and saying hey look this is your gun it came from your house the whole world is gonna believe you killed this maid after trying to take advantage of her and so the result is that the father of Frank Simpson turns the weapon on himself following this Wolverine goes back to the house of Frank Simpson to find that the subliminal implants of this maid worked when Frank Simpson took out his mom and so this basically leaves him an orphan and every single sense of the word and all loose ends are tied up but because of the fact that this combined with wool rain visiting Frank Simpson later on in his life when he had enlisted in the Vietnam War and then basically he planted the subliminal wording into him basically meant that from the time he was a child until the time that he was an adult Wolverine had quite literally crafted Frank Simpson into the person that he is these these memories sort of being restored back to Wolverine basically means he's trying to make amends here but because of the fact that Frank Simpson spent so much of his life being mentally tormented and tortured by the federal government being turned into a living weapon of sorts having various biological parts of his body replaced with cybernetics means that he's almost completely inhuman now and so as a response to this because of the fact that this will inevitably result in the destruction of Frank Simpson at least that seems to be the case and because the feds and you know basically invested a hundred and thirty million dollars in it what they end up doing is sending Captain America in to neutralize Wolverine to bring him in and to bring Frank Simpson back so the friendships can be recovered and it can still continue to be used as a weapon now this is interesting because this basically pits a battle between Captain America and Wolverine and this is actually a topic of a pretty big battle that still goes on on the Internet one of the questions people ask is who would win in a fight Wolverine or Captain America because where Wolverine has studied all manner of martial arts he doesn't quite have the super-soldier enhancements that Captain America has meaning Wolverines body has not pushed to the peak of physical perfection and he certainly doesn't have the learning capabilities that Captain America has at the same time Wolverines been around for a few hundred years and so he does have all this wisdom and all this experience under his belt and so even if they stand on equal footing it does come by two different means the cool thing about this is that what it does is it does actually put them on an equal footing and that's what's cool about this is it really just kind of says hey this is probably how this would turn out Captain America and Wolverine fighting at the end of the day Captain America's not really a better than Wolverine any more than Wolverines better than Captain America is we're just kind of the nature of who they are Wolverines healing factor combined with his adamantium combined with all of his experience puts him on par with Captain America who's got a healing factor of his own not quite on the same level as Wolverine but you know his enhanced stability and speed reflexes and so on and so forth and so the fights pretty drag out it's pretty knock-down drag-out and pretty brutal in a lot of ways now of course Frank Simpson who's basically kind of like half a man at this point really just kind of throws the Muramasa blade to Captain America who in turn turns it on Wolverine so this is kind of interesting because at this point Wolverine doesn't have a whole lot of an opportunity here now the other half of this is that when it comes to Marvel Comics with regards to weapons plus we've talked about this before so if you're familiar with us bear with me for a second when it comes to weapons Plus that's the umbrella organization under weapons plus you have weapons one all the way up to ten also known as weapon acts and even beyond weapon ten yeah weapons eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen different things like that by and large it was always believed that when it came to the weapons plus program that it was all rooted on the nature of Captain America Captain America was weapon one and the goal up until they found Wolverine was to duplicate Captain America and create a version of himself with Wolverine it was Weapon X and because of his healing factor combined with the fact that he was the first successful implantation of adamantium to a person's bones grafted to their skeleton the goal after Wolverine was to not duplicate Captain America it was to duplicate Wolverine one of the big controversies in the story is that it really kind of comes back and it says no Frank Simpson was designed to duplicate Wolf Ray but that assumes that Wolverine came before Frank Simpson which isn't necessarily true and so because of this it is kind of interesting because remember chronologically Wolverine was weapon ten Frank Simpson was weapon seven so again it is it is kind of weird it's a little bit of a controversy here I mean it still works for the purpose that it serves but it also kind of begs the question how far along was the planning for the character of nuke by the time he was brought in a project homegrown but again it's Wolverine basically saying hey look they were trying to duplicate you Captain America they were trying to duplicate me but in truth they were trying to duplicate Captain America so again one of those little oversights made by Daniel way with writing of this story but the fact remains here with Wolverine kind of you know using the distraction of Frank Simpson to overpower Captain America to take the Muramasa blade where it seems as though he's initially gonna go after him instead we end up with the arrival of Cyclops Hellion and Emma Frost but the whole idea behind this is that Emma Frost had previously tried to enter the mind of Wolverine while he was fighting Captain America and the reason for that was because by going through and reading the mind of Wolverine as well as kind of you know looking around the world or looking around the world as it exists Emma Frost started coming to these realizations but there's a whole nother side of this equation that Wolverine doesn't know about specifically the son of Wolverine Wolverine does not know that he has a son now of course this also goes in and it grabs things like Silver Fox so for Fox was kind of an on you know an older standard when it came to the Wolverine comics hadn't really been a reference for quite some time and she was never really essential the only real role she served was kind of like the reason why it is that Wolverine and Sabretooth hate each other so much so if this was a video on the topic of Wolverine and Sabretooth and certainly it would be vastly important but because it's not because it kind of deals with the early days of Wolverine regards to him learning about his own past and kind of you know consolidating all this information to the realization that his sons alive Silver Fox was really just kind of a person that will rain fell in love with for a while saber-toothed ended up showing up and taking out silver fox now the motivation for why saber-tooth did that will become important later on down the line especially when we get into the introduction of the character Romulus but for right now he was just a person that took out silver fox and it kind of engendered a hatred between Wolverine and Sabretooth now of course you know Wolverine was overpowered in the experience he was kind of left for dead and that was really about it but this kind of led him on the eeo into this path led him into the circle of coming across all these various people and sort of set him on the path of becoming part of Team X the CIA you know all those different things like that you know kind of bring all that back together again and so on and so forth but again with this whole scenario because of the fact that you know Wolverine realizes that he does have a son his son has been brought into the Weapon X project his son it's basically werewolves reign was however many years ago when he was originally brainwashed and part of that whole system Wolverine comes to the realization that this is eventually gonna boil down to him fighting his son and so if that happens and he has the Muramasa blade one of them will use it to kill the other and so as a result he hands it over to Cyclops he simply says I do not want this plate with me because I do not want to be forced to kill my own son assuming it comes down to that now of course this also kind of gets into at by Emma Frost that Wolverine son hates them which of course you know we'll see that later on with the character of Dakin and how all that unfolds but again you know the Wolverine Origins stories were very much designed to sort of introduce these small little nuances here in there everything will build on everything else and so we'll go back and we'll reference this first story well reference the story after this you know as we get further on down the line we'll end up finding out that the Wolverine origin line of comics is very important especially once we get to like dark Wolverine the rise of day Kent the events of Dark Reign the dark era of the x-men all those different things like that it's all gonna play a pretty significant role okay so continuing our x-men chronology we sort of pick up again with Wolverine Origins now again those of you guys who saw my video on the Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 1 one of the reasons why I really emphasize the idea that Wolverine and the Marvel Cinematic Universe would serve the purpose of basically explaining the back end to everything that's going on is because of the fact that Wolverine Origins did exactly that Wolverine Origins took the character of Logan as we knew him and basic went through the entire publication history of Marvel ever since Logan had been born and covered like all these really cool important points that the other half of this is to remember because of the fact that Daniel weighs Wolverine Origins was designed to be this huge fifty-some-odd issue origin story for Wolverine basically covering everything about his past a lot of former elements a lot of these disconnected themes concepts that were sort of out there but we didn't really know where they stood with regards to the larger picture and even some of these concepts that contradicted other pieces of information they were all sort of brought together and consolidated into one great big huge origin and that's one of the reasons why whenever people say like what's the origin of Wolverine my advice is go read daniel ways Wolverine Origins because while it does change some things and while there are Wolverine fans who don't like some of the things that were changed the fact remains that as it stands right now even in Marvel legacy the definitive origin story of Wolverine is basically found in this story now remember one of the things that we found with regards to the the post house of them event was that all of Wolverines memories were basically restored and what this did is it allowed Daniel way to set the stage to essentially say there was some hidden hand behind the scenes someone somewhere was pulling all these strings when it came to all these events that took place in Wolverines life now historically speaking in Marvel Comics it was largely just Weapon X there was no singular person really operating behind the scenes it was simply just that Wolverine found himself working for Team X in the CIA he would do these black ops missions he was grabbed by Weapon X he was thrown into the program he had adamantium bonded to his skeleton he escaped in the rest is history what this is designed to do is to say there's actually someone out there who was controlling all these things now with regards to the formation of Weapon X with regards to like Grant Morrison's new x-men we found out it was John sublime this bacterial entity that was taking possession of different humans and realized that mutants could basically withstand his mental control more or less and he wanted to create super soldiers to kill mutants hence the reason why weapons Plus was created and the web and projects started with Weapon 1 ie Captain America and so the cool thing about this is that again a lot of that stuff gets wiped away with regards to all the original history of the Weapon X project John sublime and all those things that went into it all that stuff gets replaced and so the best way to really think about Wolverines history is that if you don't see it in this origin there's a really good chance it doesn't exist but of course with this whole idea that he came to the realization that someone was pulling the strings it basically set in motion this mission whereby he was trying to figure out who that person was but Jemmy back to the past shelling to around 1963 what this does is this really kind of fills in the idea that as part of Team X to a degree Wolverine would go on these missions he would basically be sent on these tasks and when that wasn't hot wasn't happening it was more or less kind of being held prisoner but he was effectively fed a red pill and when he ingested it it turns out it's carbonadium now with Marvel Comics we've talked about this before but for all the new folks who are getting into this just because it's called Wolverine Origins with regards to carbonadium this was an attempt by the Russians to duplicate adamantium and what it actually did is it created a kind of you know radiation aspect to it it's kind of like a death touch more or less and we'll actually find out the extent of that with regards to really Omega red in this particular story because this will see his return for the most part but the idea behind this was that carbonadium was a lot more malleable it was a lot more durable than traditional metals but it was nowhere near adamantium in terms of indestructibility this carbonadium basically slows down Wolverines healing factor now in truth in a lot of ways Daniel Daniel way is borrowing this from just the publication history of Wolverine but that's what carbonadium does it basically slows down the healing factor of Wolverine it doesn't actually end it and so what this does is it really kind of jumps back to the modern day which is to say an instance a Wolverine just kind of sneaks aboard a freighter and then just basically starts making his way taking a few people out here and there and then that's really about it at this point we transition to Eastern Washington State where he finally manages to reach the PIAT sound and the cool thing about this and is one of the funny exchanges remember when it comes to Wolverine it's usually his way or the highway and where he comes across the trucker and says I need to make my way to Queens I need to get back to New York this trucker is initially just kind of like look man I can't take you that far that's kind of ridiculous but if I do what are you gonna give me and the funny exchange here is it's not necessarily what Wolverine is gonna give him it's what Wolverine is gonna allow him to keep presumably he's going to remove the most important thing that any man has in his possession so following this of course it really just kind of allows him to sort of go forward and basically discover a kind of safe house and the reason for this is because Wolverine is looking for a particular person he's looking for one guy and this guy's name is Christopher Nord now again because of the fact that this is part of a cohesive line of comics of the follow the events of house of M really running up until like endangered species is all just kind of under the umbrella name of decimation is really what this is but the whole idea behind this is remember a lot of mutants lost their powers in fact all the 100 ninety-eight mutants Loffler lost their powers give or take a few who in there who were you know basically undocumented Jubilee is one of those but this safehouse is basically a place whereby mutants who formerly had powers can basically stay underground in order to avoid a lot of the anti-mutant groups who were out there because remember after the mutant population decrease and it hit the news and all these different anti-mutant groups friends of humanity and the purifiers and things like that once they began to learn that the mutant population had been decimated they saw it as their chance to wipe out what's left of the mutants or to wipe out those people who were well known to have been mutants and lost their powers the other half of this equation is that along his journey Wolverine kept picking up this scent now this is where Daniel way gets a little off and that's one of the reasons why there's a little bit of inconsistency here historically speaking when it comes to Wolverine one of the most most well known aspects of his character is his ability to pick up smells when Wolverine picks up a scent he never forgets it and he never loses it and so because of the fact that he's getting whiffs of this scent here and there the idea is that he believes it to be familiar but he can't quite put his finger on it if we looked at the publication history of Marvel he should have immediately known who it was and the reason why is because the scent of the person he picked up is Omega Red now Omega Red is a character who actually appeared in x-men vol 2 issue number 4 but he is a guy called arkady rossovich oh my god i pronounced it right but the funny thing about Omega Red is he was kind of a new influx of villains you remember back in the nineteen nineties really the early 1990s in Marvel Comics stories were moving from being more character focused to taking care to development and inner xx and in with super high octane and violence stories but the whole idea of Omega Red is he is basically the attempt by the Russians to create their own Super Soldier now he wasn't really designed to mimic Wolverine he was actually designed to mimic Captain America to a degree now the issue with this was that he was largely unpredictable there was no real way to know what did what was he was gonna do was he gonna follow orders or was he gonna just kind of go rogue go off and do his own thing so eventually he was kind of shunted away but one of the major aspects of Omega Reds character is that he has what are called carbonadium tentacles and what these do is they basically draw a life energy out of individuals but he can also use them just like slash and pail people with different things like that usually they're used to ensnare and then drag the life force out of a person but he's always been one of Wolverines most notable enemies with regards to Marvel Comics now the idea kind of being a spinoff of Captain America that wasn't actually introduced until Edie Brubaker's run with Captain America vol 5 for the most part in the original introduction of his story back in the first the first you know maybe six or seven issues of x-men vol 2 he was basically just an attempt by Russians to create their own super soldier and faced off against wolves right now it worked I mean Omega Red was wildly popular when he first showed up but the idea behind this is he's always in pursuit of something called the carbonadium synthesizer now what this story is going to do is this gonna grab a lot of those themes and it's gonna sort of rework them so we'll cover the kind of back into that in terms of how it used to be versus how it is now as we progress through this what we end up doing is we actually end up leaving the modern-day and we jump back to about 40 years prior to this and this is after Wolverine consumes that red pill now of course after taking the red pill after being knocked down essentially what happens is these doctors on staff begin going through and dissecting him of course they remove the Canadian pill out of his system which means he immediately begins to jump back to because of the fact that carbonadium suppresses it if carbonadium is removed his healing factor will kick back in again so the idea here is they basically show us that when Wolverine goes on a mission they feed him a carbonadium pill the carbonadium hill knocks him out it basically suppresses his healing factor he ends up collapsing they throw him into a machine they wipe his memories and then when he comes to they basically say oh man here's everything that went on and here's everything that happened that's how they kept him under control now because of the fact that you know they had really kind of undershot exactly how this would happen what is it taking place is Wolverines healing factor kicks in faster than it's supposed to and the result is that he actually attacks the doctor now one of the other big changes that's made here is the time that Wolverines claws pop now on the surface people will try to find a way to reconcile the Wolverine Origins one shot when his claws popped as a kid to Wolverine as he exists right now now one of the things he says here is look I remember everything I remember at all it was almost like he basically makes this connection of yes my claws popped when I was a kid and my memories have been altered and I basically forgot about it all but he'll actually make a comment later on where he talks about his newly discovered claws and so that's where sort of brings in this idea that this is when his claws pop for the very first hunt the one thing to bear in mind is that when it came to the Wolverine Origins story by daniel way versus the Wolverine Origins one shot the Wolverine Origins one shot was rushed by Marvel Comics it was basically just throw it out there and the reason I was because word hit reached the ears of Marvel that Fox was going to launch in an x-men film and it was entirely possible that they were going to tell the origin story of Wolverine so in order to beat Fox to this Marvel rushed out the origin of Wolverine in a six-issue limited series and basically introduced the idea that Wolverines caused a pop for the first time when he was a little kid and so the result was that it kind of went forward as just part of this origin story because Wolverines origin was always aiming matic he was always kind of cloak-and-dagger which is one of the things that made him so curious how did we get to the point from Wolverine presumably being born up to the modern day when he joined the x-men who was part of Team X and all I kind of good stuff now of course again this is kind of designed to go back and retell all that to sort of alter all those things so again there's really not a lot of information offered here at least in this part of the story with regards to his cause popping for the first time outside of this so a lot of people really choose to ignore that and stick with the original six issue limited series from 2001 to 2002 now following this Wolverine basically goes forward and says look when I'm searching for is a carbureted synthesizer he's basically hot on the trail for it he believes that maverick or I guess Christopher Nord is the one that has access to it so jumping back to the modern day Jubilees among here because she's one of the people that basically lost her powers but with Omega Red hunting for the carbonadium synthesizer the last one to be in possession of it according to Omega red wasn't maverick was Christopher Nord now Christopher Nord exists in a couple different forms there's basically the pre legacy virus Christopher Nord and there's the post legacy virus Christopher Nord of course legacy virus basically being this sort of a disease that was introduced to Marvel Comics with regards to mutants that presumably could wipe them away in their entirety and it was Marvel kind of toying with the idea of you don't real mutants go extinct you know and that kind of a thing but Christopher Nora basically had the ability to absorb kinetic energy and then reach handle it now after the legacy virus that was amplified several times over so in a lot of ways he had the same powers as Bishop Christopher Nord was also on Team X alongside will rank Christopher Nord was accepted into the Weapon X program so he's played a pretty significant role with regards to the life that Wolverines had and this goes directly into the origin the funny thing about this is that with Omega Red under any normal circumstance when Omega Red subdued Wolverine he would have killed him on the spot the issue with this is that Omega Red basically allows we're going to be knocked out and then leaves and so what this means is that Omega Red was never there for Wolverine in the first place Omega Red was there for either Jubilee or maverick or somebody else but presumably someone who has the carbonadium synthesizer now the basis behind the carbonadium synthesizer and something that will actually be covered later on so we can go ahead and sort of jump into this the carbonadium synthesizer basically means that it can effectively liquefy or create carbonadium and so the result is that if it's sold to someone they can in turn use it to create something akin to add a man to remember adamantium is very very difficult to make but what this will do and what it'll basically lead to is the idea of a mega red trying to find the carbonadium synthesizer and then selling it off for a cure to his carbonadium and the reason why is because the tentacles in his arms are effectively poisoning him and so if you can find out find a cure that'll basically nullify the radiation put off by the carbonadium that's imbued in his body then it means he'll continue to survive up until this point the only way for what for a mega red to live is to basically draw the life force out of other people to sustain his own life energy so again that's why he functions the way that he does and that's why he does the kind of things that he does but again the idea behind this is that once wolverine gets inside christopher nord seemingly appears to be on his deathbed in the sense that he basically says hey look what you're looking for is in like russia or something like that omega red grabs Jubilee takes off leaves a message behind says if you come for me I'm gonna kill Jubilee and so it's basically a way to keep Wolverine at Bane I remember because of the fact that Omega Red had been an on-again-off-again villain of Wolverines for so incredibly long he knows a lot about Logan he knows about his interpersonal relationships he knows how to keep him at bay that's why Jubilee is so important here because Jubilee is like a daughter for Logan and so if Logan knows that going headstrong into a megared means that he will kill Jubilee which he will and it basically means Logan can stay hands-off for the most part and so following this he travels directly to Berlin and when he gets there he basically does sorts of thousand code to a person in particular different things like that and it basically draws in this idea that he's well versed in you know accessing all these different themes for different groups that operate underground and so on and so forth now what this does is this transitions back to the past with regards to one of the first major missions really one of the final missions of Team X with regards to the carbonadium synthesizer and the only thing that we're really given here is their first encounter with omega red in the sense that Wolverine and Sabretooth and and maverick had been sent on a mission to basically retrieve the carbonadium synthesizer now again the reason they were still on this mission is because it was ordered by the hidden hand pulling things behind the scenes so again once they go on this mission while Sabretooth was very much kind of a rogue guy which is to say he would sell out his own teammates if it meant saving the mission ultimately it ends up with Wolverine kind of saying look whoever it is it's pulling the strings here isn't giving us all the answers they're not telling us the truth and so Wolverine had intended to actually go off reservation to take the carbonadium synthesizer into leave with it the result is that where he initially gets the assistance of maverick Sabretooth actually kills the doctor that's being escorted out by Wolverine and company to basically remind him look your job is to stay on this mission and if you don't then I'll take out the people who were closest to you if it means keeping you in control so it was a way to basically keep things contained now back in the modern day once we pick back up with Berlin what we end up finding out here is that the whole reason why Wolverines here is to get back in contact with natasha romanoff with Black Widow now a little bit of history here where this part of the story will go through and it'll basically change up a lot of the history when it comes to Natasha Romanoff one of the things that I want you guys to know about is how the history of Black Widow fits into the larger Marvel picture in a lot of ways the history of Black Widow with regards to the average comic book reader and Marvel Comics is still pretty ambiguous they know she hails from the Red Room but in terms of how the Red Room Academy fits into everything else a lot of folks find that kind of cloak-and-dagger but in Russia again because of the fact that a lot of their attempts were to basically create a kind of super soldier program of their own all that fell under the umbrella of department X that was really their whole thing over there but Department X was not just about traditional super soldiers and Avengers teams you also had things like project the Winter Soldier when they grabbed Bucky Barnes and they turned him into the Winter Soldier Omega Red an attempt to create a super soldier the other half of this was that not every conflict needs to have somebody who's super capable and able to do all these different things the CIA had Team X and so they basically had their own covert super black ops team the Russians wanted the exact same think they had the KGB they had their spy organization but what they needed was an extremely secret organization that could operate behind the scenes and be virtually undetectable just like Team X Russia's answer to that was the red-room Academy and what they would do is they would go out and they would grab these young girls they would basically be orphans they would throw them into the red-room Academy and they would train them to be the absolute best assassins where they could essentially infiltrate almost any situation now this goes into the early days of Natasha Romanoff and it actually feeds into the Tasha Romanoff and her ability to escape the Red Room Academy the way this plays out is that Wolverine initially stumbled across a guy named Terrace Romanoff and he's effectively this guy that basically wrote the book on espionage and I work he's like this spy spy and so because of that Wolverine is kind of brought in by terrorists for the purpose of essentially teaching him everything he knows now it's really kind of happenstance that leads into it but it is kind of cool because while Wolverine is being trained by terrorists he's also training Natasha Romanoff the way this plays out is initially she just kind of seems to be the daughter of terrorists Romanoff and that's it she's just young young girl so with regards to Wolverine from his perspective he's teaching the daughter of terrorists how to fight and how to hold her own the problem with this is that one night she suddenly vanishes and of course Terris comes running in with a sword and a handgun pointing in at Wolverine thinking he's the reason why it's been done we end up having all these different members of the of the guards who have all been killed how their throats slit they've all been basically assassinated now of course Wolverines response is this is a trap stay here I'll go out and find your daughter because they're looking for you you're the most wanted man in the world right now when he gets out there Natasha Romanoff makes her appearance known and that's what all this information begins to come out that it's Hacha Romanoff as a young girl was thrown into the red-room Academy she was trained to become an assassin and she's been operating on her mission this entire hunt now her mission was to assassinate Eris the problem with this was that Wolverine had the exact same mission he was there for the exact same purpose and he's the one that killed Harris his mission was to get there figure out what Terrace knows and if he knows too much take him out and because of the fact that terrorists did know too much he eliminated him in turn Wolverine basically tells the Tasha Romanoff as far as everybody here is concerned you're dead the world believes you're dead and what this means is it allows Natasha to leave the red-room Academy the red-room Academy will believe she died in her mission and so she could escape her captivity then go out and try to find some semblance of a normal life now of course she makes a promise I'll pay you back you know for this you know I owe you a huge favor and essentially she doesn't really keep it up here where we would expect the favor to be returned what she ends up doing is she basically says look I know that you're hunting for Omega Red I know that you're looking for this carbonadium synthesizer the one that I have here is a fake the safe one is locked up somewhere and it'll be kept there no one knows it is actually there but what I've done is I basically contacted shield and I told him there with Omega Red the problem with this was that at the time the Black Widow did that she didn't know that Jubilee was being held by Omega Red and so we'll raised initial response it's one of panic because what this means is that in turn shield is going to show up at the location of Omega Red and is gonna keep his promise and say if anybody comes here I'm gonna kill Jubilee effectively meaning that natasha romanoff is about to get Jubilee killed and that's when wolf rein immediately shows up to the scene he basically travels over there but of course Wolverines showing up with a fake carbonadium synthesizer offers a distraction of sorts for Omega Red because that's what he wants that's what he's hunting for and so despite the fact that Shield is there and despite the fact that Omega Red could easily just eliminate every single one of these shield agents while he does do that his main focus is a carbonadium synthesizer so like a dog chasing a bone bull Ryan throws it over the edge and in turn Omega red goes to chase after it shield uses their sticky goo stuff or whatever it is attaches him to a rooftop and basically Omega Red is allowed to be taken prisoner following that wolf rein goes in and tries to rescue Jubilee now this is kind of interesting because Marvel toys with the idea that Jubilee might die what is up happening is that where she's on the verge of basically dying Wolverine simply hands himself over to shield he says look save this girl saved you believe and I'll go with you willingly I'll go wherever it is you guys want to go so of course this leads to Wolverine basically being taken into custody by shield and kind of being held in a sort of a medical containment unit that basically holds him in stasis the problem with this is that somebody starts coming along now of course dum-dum Dugan one of the closest members of Nick Fury and really part of the original Howling Commandos who consumed the Infinity formula which means that he'll never really aged he's the guy who's basically watching Wolverine he's kind of keeping a tab on all this kind of stuff making sure that nothing really happens the issue is that somebody comes walking in and this person has claws just like Wolverine does they come walking in they stab dum-dum Dugan in the chest they slash full frame across the gut and they free him this character is a guy that refers to Wolverine is that just for the sake of immersion while a lot of this information is readily known and a lot of you guys are like I know exactly who that is just for the sake of immersion I'm not gonna tell you who he is for those of you guys who were really immersed in this I'm not gonna spoil it for you we're gonna kind of let the story continue on and that kind of a thing I do not advise looking at the comments because people will spoil it in the comments because some people are just dicks like that but what I might do is I might go through and just ban people who spoil the identity of this guy in the comics I might do that but the fact remains here ah this guy just refers to Wolverine his dad and so this sets the stage that Wolverines son does exist Wolverines son hates his father just like Emma Frost said and this kind of begins the process of expanding on the origin story and basically delving more into what's going on behind-the-scenes with the character of Logan as well as dealing more into his past and how it all really kind of comes to a head with regards to this particular character okay so we are getting me back into Wolverine Origins and of course we're going through our whole x-men chronology so this is really just kind of designed to feed into a really a lot of stuff that we've covered so far and the overall idea here is that in the last video we had talked about how Wolverine had basically kind of handed himself over to shield Mears because of the fact that he had gone on this crusade to basically track down the guy who was running the show essentially this new introduction some character that have been pulling the strings behind the scenes the entire time and it actually just kind of like manufacture the life of Wolverine which is to say they had engineered all the circumstances that led up to Logan being thrown into the Weapon X program and even some of those events afterwards all leading up to the time when he joined the x-men and so handing himself over what we ended up having was someone who basically broke in slashed him and then freed it what we end up finding out in this story is that the person who basically freed Wolverine was his son it was a sunday kid and this is cool because Dakin's a new introduction it had always been this kind of idea that maybe Wolverine had kids but it was never really anything fleshed out there was never really anything to believe that Wolverine had a kid oh this whole introduction this whole idea kind of brings this all to a head kind of takes the most logical step in the development of his character and I remember Wolverine Origins is also designed to basically consolidate the life and times of Wolverine and it was cool because you know following him basically being freed he does what Wolverine does that initially goes to free himself you got to basically get out of the whole facility now the funny thing about this too is that this really kind of highlights the evolution of Logan's character over the years we know what he would really want like we first popped up for example you know the old Incredible Hulk stories he was really kind of introduced as a character who was pretty ruthless to a degree and even when he was rolled over into the x-men the giant-size x-men number one and then was written under Chris Claremont it was kind of cool because you basically had this idea that there was like a darker side to Logan and every once in a while he would pop up but as the years have gone on his character's been fleshed out and a lot of old-school Wolverine fans will actually say that he's become softer over the years but when it came to a situation like this he would have killed every last one of those soldiers and left but in this instance he's kind of like well I mean these are young guys or they don't really know what they didn't know what they were getting into you and they're probably shanghaied into this situation just like me and then of course it basically you know ends up with him taking out one of the GAR only to steal his costume run out say hey Wolverines behind me and then basically make his escape and that's about it but it is kind of a cool little tidbit here because switching over to the character of Dakin this is what we start to get a lot of development with him and you know in terms of how he sees himself and what his characters about now this was one of the first indications yeah I mean if we hadn't really picked it up already in the first you know 10 issues this is one of the first indications at the Wolverine Origins line of stories we're gonna be moving pretty fast because what would normally happen over the course of this as you would see little tidbits peppered in about the nature of accurate little things take place here and there instead we get this development right off the bat and what we end up finding out here is that he's pretty cold-hearted I mean basically ended up just kind of you know pairing up with some chick and of course her parents said hey look this guy's bad for you but like any young girl and even any young guy it's all about bad decisions this is all about making bad choices and so the result is that she basically been used by Dakin having no idea that that was the case and the way he responds to this is ruthless I mean he basically says look you're an object you're you you serve a particular purpose you're a fork or a spoon you're a knife when your purpose is served you are discarded and that's that's the nature of his character is that he's classic Wolverine the way he acts here is classic Wolverine in a lot of ways now what [ __ ] basically says is when I went into that bar and I met with that guy I knew that you were following me I could smell you you know I knew that you were there and I knew that you were watching and I engaged that whole scenario because I knew that it would send you back here and you would get drunk and this whole purpose the whole basis behind this was that I basically fill that entire bottle of alcohol with sleeping pills and I knew that you would come back and you would be sad and you would drink all that alcohol just to spite me and you would basically get yourself killed and that's how everybody's going to view it that's the nature anybody who walks in and they see this the scene with this girl who's dead the [ __ ] is gonna say you didn't you know she did it to herself something happened and she was sad that guy she ran off with left her and then she just took a whole bunch of sleeping pills and died you know and and that's this is gonna be the story of her it's actually pretty intelligent but from this point we switch over to another part of the story with a guy named meelo now Mino is kind of cool in a lot of ways he's a throwback to the old Colossus character you know - Pietro when he was first introduced in giant size expert number one and the reason why I say this is because while meelo has the brain of a child and the but you know the physical structure of a full-grown man I mean Colossus was a he like he was smart I mean he wasn't you know he wasn't by any means like dumbed down he was one of those archetypical examples of like brawn over brains you know strength over over intelligence for the character of Neela the way were introduced to him is that he was petting the horse and he was cleaning out the horse's stable and the horse kicked him and it made me lo mad and Milla punched the horse and knocked its head off and so as a result meelo basically has super strength but it's interesting because his life and that you know that the fact that a problem like this has arised indicates that other problems like this have arisen because his father's response is we should have registered him we basically should have gone to the government and said here's a person with superpowers you know here's a person with super-strength and so on and so forth and we feel like you guys should be aware of him and the result is that they would have taken him and they would have thrown him into a facility now for his father is just kind of like look good riddance to bad rubbish I mean that's really kind of his father stance which is pretty cold-hearted but his mother of course is the opposite that hey look it's our child and it's our job to take care of him and so it's really interesting because in the middle of him basically crashing out for the night he is met with a kind of psionic presence basically met with a guy that really calls himself cyber I have no idea why they brought him back for this story cyber is not relevant at all cyber had like a very short stint of relevancy and that basically happened in the old Marvel Comics presents stories and then in the old x-factor stories that's where he got one of his biggest appearances really he was just kind of like a main enemy of x-factor sabra was killed off pretty quickly he was literally eaten alive by like cybernetic bugs that was really about it it wasn't until this story came out years later you know in 2007 that he was basically brought back so he was absent for really over 20 years you know he was gone for quite some time now the cool thing about this is that cyber has different abilities and different aspects to his character the most notable is that in his old appearances he had these kind of adamantium tips but he also had like an adamantium coating on his body so he looked like Colossus except for his face but it basically made him indestructible and so the whole idea was that because it coated his skin all you'd have to do is take out his head and the bugs just eat him from the inside out but one of the other abilities he had this is actually something that's kind of introduced here is he had the psionic ability to basically detect anybody anywhere and so the result is that it kind of allowed his consciousness to sort of exist out there basically he ended up taking over the body of Neill oh and that's it you know essentially kills his dad and calls it a day but it is kind of intriguing because what this also does is it feeds into the idea of who it is that's pulling the strings now with the character of Dakin you know we're not initially told all we're told is that it seems like to a degree he's terrified of this guy and we're you know this this head honcho sends a messenger and says stay away from your dad and not mingle with Wolverine do not do anything with him the time will come when you can fight but for right now you need to say hidden away and you need to stay removed they can of course kills the messenger but ultimately it seems like he's basically gonna defy these instructions he's gonna go off and he's gonna do his own thing now what this also does is this picks up with the character of the tinkerer now Phineas Mason he appeared back an amazing spider-man number two in 1963 he was made by Stan Lee if Steve Steve Ditko and the funny thing is he's just like this super genius or not really super genius but he's a really really good at like inventing things or working on things different stuff like that and the funny thing about this is that originally he was a villainous spider-man he was called a terrible tinkerer eventually he was basically a guy whose services were available for hire but so he was brought on board by people like Quentin backhand rocket racer and so on and so forth but he's one of those characters that you see in Marvel Comics where he'll just appear from time to time and he'll never really have any major role aside from the fact that like some villains somewhere will go to him or even some some heroes will go to him and say I need you to work on this or I need you to tell me how this works or where it came from or something along those lines and that's what is up happening with the character of cyber he ends up showing up and basically you know telling his whole back story to the tinkerer and what we end up finding out here is that somewhere along the line he was brought on board at a training academy where Wolverine had worked and this seems to be the Academy he partook in up in Hudson before he became part of like Alpha Flight so the whole idea behind this was that he was basically designed to Train Wolverine that was really about it and the result was that eventually his escapades and exploits led him to Nick Fury whereby he became an informant for shield just providing him with all manner of information now eventually he was freed and that run into when he ends up you know being killed basically by these little robot bugs it is kind of crazy and then of course he provides a little bit of an explanation with regards to him basically showing up on the doorstep of meelo and then taking over his mind and so on and so forth but for the character of Wolverine remember the carbonadium synthesizer is what he's been hunting for this entire time we had that in the last in the last video the carbonadium synthesizer basically synthesizing a metal that can weaken people healing factors and that's what will range hunting for especially now because his hunt as son is hunting for now notice Wolverines not going after the Muramasa blade the initial indication here is that his goal is not to kill Dakin his goal is to disabled a it would allow him to injure Dakin just enough that his healing factor would shut down and then in turn subdue him or whatever it is if he ends up you know feeling like he wants to do and so where he ends up going into this to this bacon Brussels more or less to access the safety deposit box where he'd been told by a black widow natasha romanoff that the actual carbonadium synthesizer was being held he suddenly met with the arrival of bacon now again this is old-school Wolverine versus new-school will rank they give is designed to represent classic will rank ruthless hardcore hunting but also remember he's headstrong and he's a bit arrogant here the other thing to bear in mind here is that Dakin does not have adamantium he's just got bone and so again that's one of the reasons why it's character works here is because it's kind of a response to the way Wolverine used to be now again this is kind of cool because we're in even comments this does look like you're weak and again that's true I mean we're talking about classic we'll rant I mean let's say for example this fight took place when Wolverine was in his feral State then like naked would get torn to shreds but again because of the fact that he's grown soft over the years because of the fact that he's not nearly as hardcore and ruthless as a you used to be and because as his son and he's not really fighting to kill ultimately bacon gets the upper hand temporarily now of course again slashing across the throat doesn't make much of a difference in terms of killing Wolverine what it does is it slows them down because while his healing factor will kick in and it'll basically heal his throat the problem with this is that he's bleeding out which means oxygens not reaching his head and it'll ultimately cause him to become woozy and then pass out now of course once the healing factor kicks in his throat heals and Blood starts pumping to all the veins like its supposed to he'll be right as rain but until that time comes we're met with the arrival of cyber and this is interesting because the responsive cyber is I'm here for you like I have been sent here on a mission to find you by the person who's pulling the strings and so again this hidden hand behind everything is the one that's running this entire show and that's what's cool because with cypher basically having gone to Tinker and said I want you to put adamantium on this new body while Deacon is capable big is not strong enough to be able to take on cyber by himself I mean in this body cybers got super strength and he's got adamantium bonded to his physical form and so there's no way that they getting to be able to take this guy down and so if the result is that we just kind of end up having wolf rain of course coming to he subdues cyber for a bit of time trying to give taking the ability to take this guy out and then of course they can just kind of says whatever and then just ultimately ends up leaving but we also end up finding out here is that this body that cyber is in is an happening at the moment actually has a heart defect his body grew too fast for his heart to be able to handle and so the result is that you know if you push himself too hard too fast he'd suffer a heart attack and that's exactly what happens to cyber he literally starts to suffer a heart attack will reign just kind of you know takes some rescues him and then that's really about it now this is not done because Wolverine is legitimate like a good guy where he's like oh man no I can't let you die because that would be the wrong thing to do instead it's basically like I need information and in the here and now you're the only one who has it it's really more of like I'm going to preserve you if for no other reason than in fact I need your help with this and so if the result is that it's really kind of an exchange of source so that's what theme to bear in mind when you get into this level and that's one of the reasons why I like you know a lot of the Wolverine stories and even street-level heroes stories when you get into this level of storytelling what you're talking about is people who have been forged in the fires of conflict and there is a kind of bond that forms between those two guys even if they're the most mortal of enemies there's a bond that forms between the two of them and with regards to you know Wolverine and with regards to cyber because of the fact that they have such a lengthy history together it really kind of works now the other half of this is that when Wolverine takes a cyber back to the tank work just because of the fact that you know so hours like Halo tinker is the one that put this stuff on me ultimately wolf right hands the carbonadium synthesizer over so say look here's what I need tinker ends up giving harbor you know some pills to basically help him recover from his injury and then we start to get this whole backstory and what we end up finding out here is that the training facility that Wolverine had been stationed at was actually ran by a guy named Frederick Hudson now Frederick Hudson is the grandfather of James Hudson also known as Vindicator for you know those of you guys who are familiar with Alpha Flight if you're not familiar with Alpha Flight the only thing you really need to know is they kind of feed into the history of Wolverine which is to say that James and Heather Hudson had basically come across wolve reign while he was in the woods and the result was that they brought him in and then wanted to induct him into the Alpha Flight team but ultimately Wolverine turned it down awful flight is is really kind of like a black ops super human team more or less early it's kind of super human team in general operating as a joint venture between canada's department h and their federal government so the fact remains here that what we're told is that on the back end a part of the story that we didn't know about was that where wolverine was being trained in this facility by you know at least that was being led by frederick hudson that silas burr had been brought in due to the fact that there was a previous point in his life when he had managed to convince a handful of guys to engage in all these heinous acts and so Frederick Frederick bring him in was basically saying your job is to train specifically wolf ray to make him an animal because the whole idea here was that's who he is that's his nature is to be an animal is to be violent sadistic and your job is to make sure that happens and so why not what Silas ver basically ends up bringing up is that werewolves reigneth fall in love with a woman named Janet and then Silas bird had killed Jen and under the orders of Frederick Hudson that this was actually a recurring theme every single relationship that Wolverine was ever in you know all the women that Wolverine loved and were killed that was done intentionally it wasn't just because Wolverine was in the wrong place at the wrong time or because he brings doom and gloom to everyone he ever falls in love with it was orchestrated to be that way by this guy pulling the strings behind the scenes in addition to that we also enough finding out that Wolverine had basically had the tanker of foreign bullets out of carbonadium using the carbonadium synthesizer the other half of this is that with a character of cyber because of the fact that he literally suffers from a heart condition what the tinkerer did is essentially attach a pacemaker to his body but it's funny because he's you know when cyber says like like how in the world is you pull this off like what is this I know is this thing adamantium the teacher says no it's carbonating what called radium is radioactive it'll kill you if you have it on you long enough and that's what's I were really you know immediately realizes this dude no way this is gonna get me killed man you have to take this off you have to get this off of me and what Tigger says is there's no way you can it's stuck on there forever there's no feasible way to remove it now what this does is it creates a ticking clock some point along the lines in the story a cyber is gonna die that's basically what that means is it's really the only conclusion you can draw from that just because of the fact that we know that again if a person is exposed for carbonadium for any measure of time meaning if it's part of their body if they walk around with it and they keep it that way for however long it'll eventually it'll emit so much radiation it'll just kill them so again that's the that's the crazy thing about this but the fun little tidbit of the story basically comes in an epilogue and what we end up having is Bucky Barnes and essentially Bucky Barnes has been told by Wolverine Hey look we got to settle up you know and again this all goes back to the origins and endings video if you haven't seen that yet but it's basically saying we gotta settle up and so in a bus station at Locker number 93 you'll find something and you'll find a note and when he gets in there he ends up fighting those three carbonadium bullets and of course a note that's left there by Wolverine that says I'll let you know when to use them so again Bucky Barnes being drawn back in the story is really kind of progressing and actually moving pretty well I love Wolverine Origins it's definitely one of my favorite stories okay so continuing on with our x-men chronology which we've moved to Sundays we're gonna cheat a little bit we're actually gonna kind of take part of a story and cover that not really part of a story here's the deal so as part of the whole aftermath to the House of M which is to say the Scarlet Witch taking everybody's powers there were a whole bunch of ancillary stories that came out of this and it was really kind of like reworking and revitalizing the x-men for the villain apocalypse who had long stole Ong stood as one of the x-men's most dangerous villain he had always had something called the four horsemen and the four horsemen originally as they were introduced well really with Louise and Walter Simonson the whole idea was to basically have the four horsemen be this kind of Marvel Comics embodiment of like the Four Horsemen of Bill of the biblical apocalypse from the Book of Revelations now the idea was that originally Apocalypse would grab mutants whose powers complemented the role he would give them so for example one of the the really one of the first members of the f were horsemen was a Morlock called plague who had the ability to spread like disease and illness and apocalypse turned her into pestilence now because of the fact that apocalypse having horsemen was such a popular concept which is really kind of like bolstered by exid in the animated series the idea of the horse and themselves became wildly popular and so it was one of those things where every time apocalypse showed up he usually have a different set of horsemen just because of the fact that the horsemen he had before had been defeated but over the years Marvel began to kind of move away from the powers have to complement the role they play to just what would make a really cool horseman now by and large when apocalypse has his four horsemen really like the beam death it's kind of like the the cut above the rest usually when apocalypse sits down and says Who am I going to make it to my horsemen there's pestilence there's famine these different roles that people play and then there's death and death is like usually the most popular one that was a trend that was set in motion with angel with when Warren Worthington became the horseman death and it was cool because I mean he was leading like famine and war and pestilence and it was cool to see him leading those those particular roles but the fact remains here that the the character the person who plays death is always the most popular the only exception to that I think is the Incredible Hulk who was war but like Wolverine for example was the horseman death at one point along line and so the idea and we'll talk more about this once we actually cover the blood of apocalypse story but the idea was that with this story blood of apocalypse it was essentially a scenario whereby apocalypse had been woken up from his slumber by virtue of the fact it's many mutants had lost their powers just this massive reduction in energy I just kind of snapped him out now remember when it comes to apocalypse he usually lays down and slumbers to kind of rejuvenate his abilities and it could depend marvel he just kind of plays it fast and loose on how long he sleeps for the most part it's usually for anywhere between a few thousand years sometimes even a short is like a few hundred years but the idea is that ever since apocalypse first woke up within the last you know couple thousand years or so the idea was that he's been on a constant crusade to try to take over the world now eventually he'll go back into its slumber and he'll sleep for like another two thousand years and then when he emerges he'll try to take over the world again which he successfully dead in cable's future but the whole idea is that when he emerged when he basically woke up he actually showed up on the grounds of the X of the Xavier Institute of the x-men mansion and was like I come here with vials of my blood those who believed in me drink my blood and you will basically gain your powers you'll get your powers back or get some kind of powers back and those of you who don't feel free to just kind of live down here in the slums so to speak and so what you ended up having was kind of like this mutant civil war to a degree you had those who were faithful to apocalypse and those who were not the idea was that gambit turned himself over to apocalypse and we didn't know why what this does is it explains why but it kind of gives us like the transmogrification of gambit which is to say the process he undergoes to a degree on how he becomes the horseman death now it's kind of funny because when he first showed up to apocalypse it was well the x-men never appreciated me so I'm turning myself over to you because hopefully you could show some measure of appreciation I remember most all the x-men know who apocalypse is and for those of you guys who were not familiar the apocalypse you saw in the Fox movie that was a sham that's that's nowhere near how powerful apocalypse is apocalypse is crazy powerful like he can augment any of it he can honor in his body to become anything he can give himself the power of flight he can change his lens and like weapons and shields and like energy projections and you know like like shoot energy beams and things like that he can grow to like any size he can shape-shift it's crazy the kind of powers he displays he's a one-man army and if it really came down to it this is kind of a funny thing about the character of apocalypse but because he's so powerful you don't really see him fight the x-men all that often and usually the way the fights happen is apocalypse shows up he sends forth his horsemen his first were defeated apocalypse says you know he says fine I'll see you guys next time but if it came down to it and apocalypse like you know you wanted right a story where apocalypse killed the x-men he would just show up in the Xavier Institute he would just blast the entirety of the Xavier Institute every single x-man that tried to face off against him would stand no chance they would be totally obliterated and apocalypse would just walk away that story would be like three pages long it would not be huge and it would fit in because he's just that damn powerful it's crazy how capable he is but gambit showing up it's one of these interesting things because when you're gambit and you've been part of the x-men in a lot of ways he has the right to feel betrayed because he has been multiple times you're a gambit first showed up back in the old Exedy on the old uncanny x-men stories his appearance came with the fact that he was very ambiguous nobody really knew anything about his past when the x-men discovered that he had basically led the the Marauders of mr. sinister into the tunnels of New York and then the Marauders had engaged in the Morlock massacre while gambit did not partake in the massacre the x-men thought he did and they immediately kicked him off the team they wouldn't even let him plead his case they just kicked him off the team and that was the end of that no gambit eventually came back but has always been this idea - despite the fact that gambit is been part of the x-men the x-men have never fully trusted him now a lot of us because gambits never really like put all his cards on the table so to speak he's never laid his whole life to bear for the x-men to see he has with rogue to a degree but even the conversations with rogue have been like don't tell anybody else what I've told you because this is very important to me that kind of a thing and so because that is it's one of those scenarios where he really is very mysterious even in the eyes of the x-men in a lot of different ways and so when he shows up here and he hands himself over to apocalypse in a lot of ways he kind of wants to believe it's kind of a desire to belong somewhere you know where apocalypse shows up it says I will make this world better I will give you guys your powers back you know gambit kind of wants to believe that it wants to say look you're going to make the world a better place I hope you will because you can but it's also kind of funny too because gamma ask questions like what in the world is that thing do and an apocalypse is like ah that's the cloth Horace and I actually don't really know it just kind of messes with your body a little bit I guess now this is kind of funny here because in truth apocalypse inherently like let's say for example we strip away all the technology of apocalypse he's just a mutant who's immortal and is like really strong and that's really about it apocalypse is the ability to access celestial technology that's what grants him all the special powers that he has that's what elevated him from just like an external illegitimate Lee immortal mutant you like ungodly like a demigod you that's that's the only thing that really elevated him to that position is a celestial tech but it's fine having meddled with it to a degree apocalypse doesn't understand it fully he understands like if you expose someone to it and you set the Machine in motion it'll start augmenting their powers and they'll come out either with a new set of powers or with like a heightened heightened level of their existing powers but apocalypse doesn't understand it 100% of the way and that's kind of the interesting thing is because for him if you go back and you read the old like cable and Deadpool stories where it talks about how cable was the traveler and he went back and met apocalypse for the first time and like fought him and was the reason why apocalypse was able to augment with celestial technology anyway despite the fact that he had this access his mind couldn't necessarily comprehend this technological stuff that was there that was hundreds of thousands if not millions of years way ahead of anything humanity was able to achieve even it right now in the modern day apocalypse being able to use celestial technology is essentially you being exposed to like an alien spacecraft and then being able to turn it on that's basically what it amounts to like okay cool you turned it on awesome all right now like you know if I do this this thing happens but I don't really know why it happens I just know that it does happen that's just kind of how apocalypse functions when it comes to that celestial tech now the other half of this is also ascribe Ozymandias now remember Ozymandias was one of the generals of kay in the conqueror back when Cain the Conqueror lived in ancient Egypt an apocalypse first rose to power now parklets of course uses power to essentially turn Ozymandias into like living stone and the idea was that from that point until the end of time Ozymandias would be doomed to do nothing more than just chronicle the events of apocalypse every action apocalypse makes every action that takes place as a result of apocalypse all those different things that's the entire role Ozymandias plays and nothing more than that but it is kind of funny because apocalypse initially tries to play on the idea of gambit feeling abandoned by the x-men which game it kind of allows them to do to a degree but then we learn gambits true motivation and what gambit basically says here is I'm not doing this because I truly believe in you I believe you might do something good I believe that like you're you say you want to do some good things but I'm doing this because somebody's got to keep an eye on you that as the horseman death my powers which were already formidable will be augmented and heightened and in your hubris you will likely believe that I cannot take you down and so when these events unfold when everything begins to come to fruition if what we find out is that this whole charade like I'm here to make everything better and I'm here to bring you guys to a better place you know if that's all just a facade and if it's really just classic apocalypse who's using the moment to try to seize control of the world if that's really all it is then gambit will be there to stop him now whether or not gambit could truly do it on his own we'll have to wait until we get to the story to find out but this is the process by which gambit undergoes to become the horseman death and let me tell you some man like as horsemen death he looks amazing dude he looks so good he's one of the coolest looking Horsemen of apocalypse that there's ever been with like the all-black and the red eyes and like the long hair it looks so beast he's pretty amazing but I figured you guys might enjoy this I thought you guys might dig this whole thing of like gambit becoming a horseman of apocalypse becoming the horseman death all right so continuing our videos on the x-men chronology which we need to get back on track with this remember all this stuff comes after house of M and this is kind of cool because this is basically like the return of pockle of apocalypse after the events of house of M now apocalypse has always been a really really interesting villain he's one of these characters that nobody ever really knows how to write and the reason why is because from the time he was introduced in over the years especially in the 90s and like the x-factor stories with the original team and the x-factor stories with the second team the government-sanctioned team apocalypse was always one of these villains where it's like if he chose to he could eradicate the x-men he could just destroy them in their entirety he's just that powerful so the question became what do you do with a villain like that now in truth all that goes back to x-factor issue number four or five when he made his first appearance by Louise Simonson at Walter Simonson and he always used horseman and that was kind of the caveat that Marvel would introduce but it was always kind of a skewed I like okay apocalypse sends out his horsemen the x-men are the x-factor defeat the you know defeat the horsemen so why does an apocalypse step in instead of just leaving apocalypse just kind of takes off and the way that Marvel works to basically explain this was essentially saying but Apocalypse believes in a social darwinism apocalypse makes efforts to conquer the world because in his mind he believes that he's making people in the world stronger and so if he has horsemen and if he sends those horsemen out and the x-men defeat the horsemen the x-men have proven themselves worthy for the time and apocalypse just leaves that's kind of how a Marvel managed to work that whole thing in in terms of providing an answer of why apocalypse doesn't just destroy all the x-men now there have been times where apocalypse has made moves and jumped into different schemes that are outside of determining whether or not the x-men are worthy and is for a specific goal and it's taken the power of multiple groups the Avengers the x-men Fantastic Four x-factor so on and so forth to like get him to go away but one thing to bear in mind it's really as far as I'm aware when it comes to the character of Apocalypse he's never truly been defeated he's just kind of been staved off it's kind of been like okay I don't feel like dealing with this anymore and then he just leaves but the cool thing about this is that after the events of house of M because 98% of the mutant population lost its powers apocalypse just woke up and I remember apocalypse slumbers right like he goes through like these one or two thousand years slumbers or he'll just kind of stay dormant for a while and it's away from all over to kind of ride him out and then just bring him back you know five years or ten years down the line whenever they want him to return but he basically shows up here with this massive Sphinx that he's built of course modeled after himself alongside a character named gazer and gazer was just one of these mutants out there that was pondering ending his life more or less and the result was that he was basically taken by apocalypse and he's gonna be transformed into a horseman now this is one thing to keep in mind whenever apocalypse turns someone into a horseman he usually doesn't take individuals who lust for it there are people out there who want to be a Horsemen of apocalypse and he usually rejects them because what he wants is to basically grab a person who is deemed to basically be weak whether they're weak in mind or spirit or they're weak physically you know it's the idea that like he can push them and make them worthy by subjecting them to genetic modification to brainwashing and turning them into a horseman so it's kind of like you know I'm making you someone worthy and then in turn you'll go forward and do my bidding but at this point we switch over to the horseman of pestilence and of course the whole role of pestilence is to basically spread illnesses across the world now depending on what era were talking about this can be done in different ways whenever Apocalypse chooses a person to become a horseman he usually selects an individual whose powers will complement whatever role they're going to be playing and so historically speaking when a person became pestilence it was usually a mutant sometimes a human but usually a mutant that had the ability to basically kill things with you know they had like a death touch of sorts or the ability to like spread disease or to make a person sick or something along those lines that was the original pestilence in this instance with the mutant population being so low to be quite frank the pickings are slim that's really all it is and it's kind of cool because in this instance Essos is actually going to like various places around the world and grabbing all these different diseases that bubonic plague and smallpox and things like that just rallying all these illnesses that humanity would normally have a kind of cure for and then in turn destroy the various cures that exist for those illnesses so it's essentially having all these illnesses in his possession and no way to stop it now at this point we jump back to gazer and again this is the nature of becoming a horseman for the most part most horsemen are already like tried and proven in the sense that like they've been forged in the fires of combat or they know how to fight or whatever the case may be but this goes all the way back to the original x-factor story the idea was that when apocalypse first made the horsemen there was no real leadership among the horsemen it was just four horsemen and so what he did is he had them all fight each other and whoever won would be the leader and it turned out to be angel or I guess arc angel who was the horseman death who became the leader of the horsemen the result is that in this instance and because of Apocalypse is basically in a rush it's let's test these guys let's see what they're worth we're gonna put their mettle to the test essentially to see if one of them is gonna become a horseman and whoever wins they're the one who will become the horseman war of course Ozymandias steps in and takes out one of the other guys and spares gazer now Ozymandias is of course the chronicler of apocalypse the only real role he serves is to essentially write down the whole life and times of Apocalypse and so the result is that awesome anteus has really kind of become the scheming guy now a lot of that goes into the origin of Ozymandias which you're welcome to watch the video down in the description which will give you the origin on his whole character suffice it to say he was unwillingly forced into his position and the result is that he's really been working over the millennia to try to find a way to like destroy apocalypse and free himself from his imprisonment and possibly even replace apocalypse and so that's the whole basis behind his idea the issue with this is that for Apocalypse himself he has to find a new Horseman you know he's fine you know the the third horseman that he's looking for and so what we end up doing is switching over to Sun fire now this picks up out of an existing story that would there really was no reason for us to cover it was basically an idea where Sun fire was you know had kind of jumped into a conflict he was double-crossed and he had his legs cut off by Lady Deathstrike who was the one time love interest of Wolverine turned into a villain having cyborg modifications the reason why he's kind of in this infirmary is because of that because his legs have been removed but the idea was Sunfire is he's always been exceedingly proud if not arrogant now he had a huge empire under his belt and that's why he was all really happy that's why I kind of maintain that mindset but the idea that he's now bedridden because he lost his legs is a pretty crushing blow because in his mind he's kind of like half the person he used to be but the idea is that apocalypse showing up on his doorstep and basically saying hey look I recognize you lack faith in yourself now I can give you the means to return yourself to who you were before Sunfire almost leaps at the opportunity the problem with this is that Sunfire knows who apocalypse is and when the devil makes deals those deals always have caveats and that's what this is about it's really kind of this situation where sun fires like yeah you show up this gift is too good to be true there has to be something with it but in the end he ends up going with it he ends up taking the offer it's provided to him by apocalypse and so what we end up doing is jumping back to the Xavier mansion now one thing else wanted want you guys to bear in mind this takes place before the events of deadly Genesis and I'll throw this under that playlist before that story so that you guys don't really get confused in terms of where it's supposed to reside but the ideas that Xavier hasn't returned yet the issue with this is that Polaris has basically gone missing now of course Lorna Dane the daughter of magneto or at least you know it was believed she was a daughter of magneto at this point in time was a love interest of both havoc and Bobby Drake havoc being the brother of Cyclops Bobby Drake being Iceman the issue of this is that while she wasn't really dating them at the same time they've dated her at different points in time and so they both have a romantic interest towards her now at this moment havoc was the one who was believed to be romantically involved with her but ultimately things kind of went awry and she just sort of vanished and that was about it but the issue is that apocalypse pops up on the scene and suddenly people begin to panic and the reason why is because again when apocalypse shows up your head turns because that's when things are about to pop off the guy can do all manner of things he's one of the most powerful mutants to ever exist and when the x-men face off against apocalypse is always preceded by the horsemen and then the question has to be asked is this the day of ha caliphs will kill us and by all rights he should be able to destroy them the other half of this is that apocalypse doesn't show up looking for battle he shows up and says I'm here to save you all now what you guys are at right now because of the fact that you guys are basically at 10% of the population that you used to have you guys have proven yourselves worthy now that's kind of the irony of it because they had no hand in that it was like a massive battle went on in the you know whatever 198th mutants survived to be the ones who'd be allowed to keep their powers they have them all stripped away by the Scarlet Witch but apocalypse deems them worthy and that's kind of a thing to bear in mind when is with this character when it comes to who the who's worthy and who's not its we'll just kind of left to his own devices its whoever he likes the most it is cool because when apocalypse shows up he basically says I am planting the seeds of like plague in disease illness and like 90% of humanity is going to be destroyed but what I have here is something that can keep you protected the other half of this is that famines suddenly start showing out now of course famine like you would expect basically has the ability to force people into believing that they're they're basically starving that they're you know dehydrating you know because they're exceedingly thirsty an apocalypse says well I have this this drink here one sip of this drink will quench any thirst you have it'll satiate any hunger that you have if you want it all you have to do is pledge your loyalty to me people just come flying at them some of them kind of stand back and sure they're struggling just like everybody else and they're they believe they're starving just like everybody else but they don't really give in and those individuals who don't really give up are the ones who are experienced with this we're like look this is the game that apocalypse plays this is how he does this but for the most part people don't care they're just kind of like whatever you know this guy has the ability to satiate whatever hunger I have I will do whatever it is he asks me to do if he gives me some measure of nourishment so again this is why he kind of shows up as a messiah of sorts the issue is that in the middle of all this we're suddenly met by the arrival of gambit who effectively hands himself over to apocalypse now again we covered this in terms of like gambit becoming the horseman death so if you want to know what happens after this moment between you know what we're about to talk about here in a second and like this point where he shows up that's covered in that particular comic but it is kind of intriguing because gambits always been one of these guys who's kind of an on-again-off-again an x-man and you know felt betrayed by the x-men but he always comes back so there is a lot of loyalty to the x-men there and in fact that's something that he says when he's being turned into a horseman I'm not doing this because I believe in your cause I'm doing this because someone needs to keep you in check but again there's a lot of scheming and stuff going on here behind the scenes with Ozymandias and this is kind of the funny moment because Ozymandias is talking to apocalypse and he's basically saying look you should have just obliterated them like why not destroy humanity like why not wipe out humanity in its entirety they're weak and if though if they're weak and the weak don't deserve to live then destroy the weak destroy humanity and war apocalypse kind of counters with this and saying you have no idea what's going on Ozymandias his initial response is well you've grown weak over the years and apocalypse slams his head into a wall and that's what I love so much about that because he's like I've had enough of your trash talk man like and that's that's that's what's so ironic is apocalypse could just kill him apocalypse his belief system of social Darwinism of the fittest only the strongest deserve to survive it is both a platform by means by which he makes his case and his own prison will only the strong deserve to survive and a person who's strong enough to kill me must be exceedingly strong if I'm destroyed by this person then that person deserves to destroy me I deserve to die whereas he looks at this circumstance and it is well we can't destroy humanity because they have to prove themselves worthy but life would be easier if humanity was obliterated off the face of the earth and all that was left his mutants but again with this whole idea of scheming sneaking behind the scenes all this cloak-and-dagger stuff initially Ozymandias tries to strike a deal with with war simply showing up to gazer and saying look man I saved your life when you were gazer so that you could become a horseman you are now I told you a debt would be owed I'm asking you this favor I need you to help me destroy apocalypse and initially gage doesn't really offer an answer war doesn't really tell him what direction he's gonna go in he just kind of shuffles around a bit now this is something else I also want you guys to notice too when it comes to characters and Marvel comics take like Franklin Richards for example exceedingly powerful as powerful as they always are Marvel always builds in caveats or at least they try to in this instance there is a way to basically shut down the powers of Apocalypse you have this guy named pulse who seemingly has the ability to do that you know pulse has this ability to kind of take down of how apocalypse has powers even if it's only temporary even if it's only for a short amount of time the issue is that a being of that caliber a being of that power almost seems beyond pulses ability to basically take down on his own and so of course you'll play the role and you'll do whatever it is that he needs to do but it is kind of cool because it's like you trying to benchpress 500 pounds having never lifted weights before and so ultimately we basically pick up with the idea that Sunfire is famine having made his arrival and you know forcing everybody to believe they're starving and so on and so forth he basically been captured by the x-men and what this did is it allowed the x-men to hold him in stasis and then in turn decide how they were going to revert him back to being Sunfire because bear in mind when a person becomes a horseman there are modifications genetic modifications that are made to them sometimes they're given new powers and their old powers are wiped away sometimes their old powers are enhanced sometimes they have no powers and they're given powers but when it comes to like believing that they're horsemen death or their horsemen war or famine or pestilence they're brainwashed into believing that for the most part it usually works depending on the character but Marvel always builds that in is like a way to bring them back when Wolverine became a horseman of apocalypse it took like I think it was Lior kitty pryde I could have remember which one it was one of the two who basically showed up and said it look like you have to come back like you have to be one of us remember who you are and then he regained his mind and that was really about it but of course Ozymandias shows up basically sneaks into the x-men mansion you end up having war who runs through apocalypse spills the beans about the traitorous nature of Ozymandias and so Ozymandias says look I want to take down apocalypse just as bad as you guys do our motivations for why we want to take him down are different but we both want to take him down he leads them inside the Sphinx through a secret passage and when they arrive apocalypse is basically ready for them all and that's what's so ironic this moment right here this moment when like havoc shows up and rogue shows up should have been the destruction of these guys apocalypse should've just been like nope and then just wipes them all away you know and just obliterates them in their entirety which he could but instead he's just like I am NOT alone here are those who follow me as well as my horsemen and it's just kind of like okay I mean I guess that works but then you also haven't revealing the newest Horsemen of gambit the horsemen death and I want to say right now he looks so amazing as the horsemen death my lovely he's got the whole like you know like early 2000s goth like I'm so misunderstood by the world you know the whole emo look but initially Rogue tries to bring him back and again you know the the kind of inner turmoil that you deal with when it comes to these various individuals who end up being turned into horsemen rogue tries to bring him back by sort of building on that connection the two of them have shared over the years of fact that they've been in love it doesn't really work not initially anyway Lisa doesn't seem like it instead he just kind of continues this campaign to take on these various x-men now of course this leads to the destruction of the cure which of course forces apocalypse to kind of scrap the plans as they exist now and modify them a little bit apocalypse says okay fine look it's time to go we got to get out of here like like we'll go modify our plants we'll worry about the x-men later for right now we need to go focus on bigger things on better things and so what is up happening is apocalypse alongside his horsemen shows up at the United Nations and essentially makes this giant declaration to all of humanity he but you know he basically says look here's what's gonna happen only 10% of the mutant population is left and so humanity will call its population by 90% meaning they'll eradicate 90% of their own population you guys will be on an even keel but it's kind of cool because he backed him into a corner he says right now my horsemen pestilence has all these illnesses and diseases that are out there and will unleash them across the world either you can sacrifice 90 percent of humanity or we'll wipe out 100% of humanity the choice is yours and you have a week to decide what you want to come up with now this is kind of cool because logic would dictate you would wipe out 90% of humanity like you you would say okay fine we got to wipe out 90% and maintain the last 10% is utilitarianism the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few but when you're dealing with numbers that are almost that small when there's there's a 10% difference between the mini and the few is there really a difference at all percentages make huge differences when it comes to like numbers and things like that so it is kind of funny when you look at it from that perspective but the fact remains here that what is up happening is we end up switching over to you know Valerie Cooper meeting up with x-men and havoc now of course Valerie Cooper was at one point the liaison between the government-sanctioned x-factor team and like the federal government itself and so she would pass information to them and she would keep the government abreast of what x-factor was doing and they would usually get their missions from the federal government and the result was that once Valerie basically left that position she kind of went on to other things but still worked alongside the government in fact she was originally part of project wide-awake which was the government program to control and contain the mutant threat when it first started popping up so she's been around for quite some time but the idea here is that what they basically been working on or like these more advanced versions of sentinels basically signals that are still man that are still controlled so they don't have to worry about like a Days of Future past event but they are they are more capable of taking down more powerful threats it's basically them just kind of stockpiling weapons and planning for like bigger and more dangerous things and so what we end up doing is switching back over to apocalypse in a conversation that he's having with with pestilence only for us to find out that pestilence is actually pilars that when she had gone missing it's because apocalypse had taken her and shanghaied her into becoming one of his horsemen where she fought and she didn't want to have anything to do with it ultimately she was pressed gained into it and she's become a horseman this entire time and so she's the one kind of operating behind the scenes now the cool thing about this is that with apocalypse you know at the United Nations in New York what we end up having is like the arrival of the Avengers and the x-men these massive superhero teams but the Avengers aren't really there to like defeat apocalypse I mean they're there to beat him if they can but the whole idea is to try to like take him out take out his various forces take out his horsemen which for the most part happens now this is usually what goes on with apocalypse in comics these horsemen pop up and by whatever manner and whatever means the horsemen are systematically destroyed and it's away from all this kind of knock over the different pieces remove two different pieces from the board so they can whine this story down and so in this instance apocalypse basically just kind of retreats he disorder says okay come to get while the getting's good and that's one of the things about him is usually whenever he leaves he's always got a back-up plan to bail out as fast as he can of course gambits defeated essentially knocked unconscious Colossus knocked unconscious and so they're basically taken away and so apocalypse retreats to the core of the ship with the intention of just sacrificing himself and killing himself and that's what's so important about this story is because apocalypse has never done that before he's come very very close to dying but apocalypse usually always escapes sometimes by the skin of his teeth sometimes because he just walks away and says enough is enough but this is one of the first times if not the first time they basically sacrificed himself and tried to die and the reason why is because what we end up finding out is when apocalypse was younger and he first encountered celestial technology he didn't know how to use it now largely that was all due to the fact that he was living in ancient Egypt and so I mean if I went back there with a TV he wouldn't know how to use it but he was basically a technology way beyond his ability to understand even right now in the Marvel Universe for the most part with the exception of like Reed Richards and maybe Tony Stark so let's show technology is way beyond anybody on Earth's ability to understand it's you know thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years into the future in terms of how advanced it is and what it is that people can do with it but what apocalypse is given is basically all the information on how to access this technology and how to use this technology so for those of you guys who are familiar with the cable and Deadpool's story where we basically get the the origin where like cable jumps back in time and he basically fights apocalypse and then apocalypse merges with celestial technology and then becomes uber powerful this takes place right between that that particular story this one right here takes place between that cable and Deadpool story before that story happens but when apocalypse is basically you know met with the arrival of the Celestials they basically say we'll teach you like we'll give you all the information you need you know what Wilson is like well beam it into your brain and you'll know exactly how to use all of our technology but there will be future payments now this is where things are ambiguous because we're not told what those future payments are but because of the fact that this is all part of x-men reload which again was Marvel's way of basically getting rid of all these older characters or shuffling them around or taking them off the board or whatever the case may be it was away from woful to essentially remove up ha clips who had just kind of being been a lingering villian for a couple decades who just floated around from time to time you know honesty Marvel didn't really need to do that it's not like apocalypse showed up all the time you know he'd show up whenever so I mean if he never if we didn't see him again for 20 years fans would've been like yeah he was probably just sleeping you know whatever and they would have just written it off that way but Marvel decided to kind of take this story to basically remove him from the equation and as far as I'm aware the original intention was to actually kill him off so that we would never see him again which of course didn't happen because he comes back later on okay we're getting into x-men deadly Genesis and to be honest there are a couple of stories that we've left out so far a lot of those stories are because I'm just kind of pacing them out to cover them later on for example uncanny x-men the first Forsaken that deals with the idea of storm moving to Wakanda and taking up residence in Africa then of course there's a Black Panther story which follows that up where storm and black panther get married there's also cable and Deadpool like bosom buddies and living legends and so on and so forth we're gonna cover that when the when cable and Deadpool drop or at least when Deadpool 2 comes out and that brings us to what it is that we're gonna do next so right now x-men deadly Genesis leads into a few stories I mean really expedited genesis kind of wraps up the decimation branding so to speak which is to say the aftermath of House of M and it starts moving the x-men into the new era of storytelling which is really I call it like the Dark Age of the x-men and that goes into things like Messiah Complex Messiah War and all that kind of cool stuff you know but because of the fact that Deadpool 2 has been moved up to May from June or July whatever it was supposed to be one of the things that I'm thinking about doing is going back to the mid 90s and covering the story of x-men of Nate gray after the events of Age of Apocalypse and covering the solo series and then running into cable and Deadpool so regardless the cool thing remember when it comes to the after you know the the House of M aftermath and really when it comes to like the x-men titles as a whole for the most part they're really just kind of stand-alone you don't have to read through all the x-men publications that again I'll provide a reading order for everything that that happens between house of M running up two deadly Genesis so you guys can kind of pick and choose what you want to read but you can read them in isolation if you want to for example if for whatever reason you're interested in like multiple Man and x-factor you can just read the x-factor stories you know if you really care about the x-men you could read uncanny x-men new x-men different things like that there's a lot of stuff that you can do when it comes to picking and choosing what it is that you want to cover but deadly Genesis is a read con so for those of you guys who have been on my channel for a while or you're new to comic books or something like that and you've heard me referenced the phrase of a retcon this is that in real time so you're literally gonna be watching it unfold in real time now what this does is it picks up with regards to the you know office of national emergency well the whole idea behind this was that following the events of decimation when a Scarlet Witch stripped 98 percent of the mutant population of their powers the office of national emergency mobilized and then they basically stationed sentinels around the Xavier Institute to keep anybody from going in and to keep anybody from getting out and so the x-men are prisoners but they're also protected from any external threats but regardless of the circumstance what we do is we pick up out in space with a giant chunk of the earth that was catapulted into space and it's a guy who basically wakes up and this is cool because when this person wakes up what he does is he basically obliterates the entirety of this astronaut team and then in turn goes into their ship and starts analyzing everything going on only to find out that he's in the 21st century and this is cool because again we'll figure out who this guy is because he's actually crazy powerful but from here we pick up with you know how each individual person is largely dealing with not only the events of decimation but the vanishing of Charles Xavier remember when it came to the main House of M storyline one of the things that was established was the Charles Xavier had died you know well at least it was believed that he had died nobody could find Charles Xavier and for the most part he's just largely been presumed dead and that was a big question people were asking where's Professor X and was he just wiped from existence how did he die that was a lot of the questions that were being asked here now of course picking up with Emma Frost and of course the use of cerebral which is the huge computer system they use to basically analyze mutants across the planet different things like that this is basically one of those attempts where Emma Frost goes in every day and sees whether or not there were new mutants who were popping up because remember it from their perspective the number was reduced but beasts made a really really good point one of the things that Marvel does is they'll use like real world science but only when it's convenient and this is one of those things where it's convenient when they basically say look you know mutant power whether it's telepathy whether it's reality warping whether it's energy projection or what-have-you it takes a physical form when you shoot energy out that energy comes out like it impacts things if it can impact something it has mass and according to you know the law of conservation of matter mass can't simply just disappear because of the fact that these powers whether it was telepathy that was influencing the mind of others you know whether it was energy production someone who can just like shoot energy out of their body or something along those lines that energy had to have gone somewhere I can't simply just vanish now as we know that energy is orbiting earth is nobody's really aware of it most likely because it's kind of a you know noncorporeal form and it's just kind of out there and you know just it's not necessarily detectable regardless of the circumstance with Emma Frost going into cerebra and trying to analyze whatever mutants are out there she's suddenly hit by this massive blast of energy that actually knocks her unconscious and the first question everybody has is one of the world's going on here because remember Emma Frost is one of the most powerful telepaths in the world and in fact right now at this moment with Charles Xavier out of the picture she's the most powerful telepath on the planet the fact that somebody was able to overwhelm Emma Frost and send her into a catatonic state is insane because it means that their power is so extreme that her mind couldn't handle all the energy that was put off but the fact remains here because this energy signature emanated from a shuttle which is since crash-landed into the earth of course the x-men respond the other half of this is that varying members of the x-men begin to see these like horrific images for example Kitty Pryde sees a dead body Nightcrawler is forced to basically relive his experience living in West Germany and this is kind of a big deal because what this means is that all these different mutants are basically being forced to kind of relive some of the most horrific moments in their lives once they also arrive on to the scene they end up finding out like this giant hand was basically reached out of the ground and you know grab the space shuttle to keep it from smashing into bits but at this point we kind of pick up with with a couple things that are going on the first is with Sean Cassidy and the second is with the arrival of the x-men now Sean Cassidy has been in Marvel Comics for quite some time and he was a Chris Claremont creation I want to say but he goes by the name of banshee and he's actually the love interest of more McTaggart who's long since died in the realm of Marvel Comics but Shaun Cassidy of course was was head of like Cassidy keep and part of like the whole Cassidy family but because of the fact that more has been gone for quite some time when Cassidy are you know when Shaun basically cut it has these visions where he sees more on then the question is what in the world's going on so of course like anybody he chases after her now the exact same thing happens with the x-men with regards to like Cyclops and Rachel summers and so on showing out with a Shuttle crash and then Cyclops seeing Jean Grey and chasing after her now of course once Cyclops and Wolverine chase after Jean Grey because of course you know back in the day they were both in love with her they turned the corner only to find out that Rachel Summers has been captured and she's being held by this super powerful guy now picking up with Shaun Cassidy for a second this kind of a mental image of more McTaggart that he's seen has led him to this office that she had that he never really knew about and inside this office she kind of has like this diary she basically talked about how terrible the human being Charles Xavier was that he was a horrible person he was manipulative he was duplicitous that he didn't really do anything that wouldn't benefit him and this is huge because this is one of the first times in Marvel Comics where they basically come along and they say that while Charles Xavier on the on the outset was like really firm and really harsh with students with regards to their training but was more of a loving father figure this is them coming back and saying actually he was a horrible human being he was a terrible person and it's really really interesting because when this story first dropped things like this were huge why the fact remains here that with with regards to the the current moment in the x-men dealing with you know Rachel summers who's been captured this guy dominates the x-men I mean it's crazy well really at Cyclops and Wolverine but like dominates them in their entirety like he levitates Wolverine you know knocks him unconscious he slows down the impulses to the brain of Rachel summers effectively knocking her out but the coolest Display of power this is one of the things that I love the most is when Cyclops goes to shoot his optic blasts the guy forces the blast to go around him and right back to Cyclops which is cool because we've never seen a person control optic beams like that before and you know initially when I saw this I was like okay so this guy's like a reality warper which is crazy but he's not he's not really a reality warper but he almost might as well be because of the kind of things that he can do but the fact remains here that we end up having the Office of National Emergency responding due to the fact that the x-men had basically left the grounds without permission more or less they just kind of you know flew the coop without telling anybody and of course you know once they arrive Cyclops and out Rachel summers have been taken and Wolverines the only one left and so I mean from here is kind of a straightforward moment in this sense that Emma Frost and the other x-men fly over to where the military's hanging out at where they're holding like Wolverine and so on and Emma Francis uses through telepathy in order to free Wolverine and that's really about it I mean it's it's pretty straightforward in terms of what we would expect for them to break Wolverine out the cool thing about this comes with Rachel summers and Cyclops now we'll talk about Rachel summers here in a second because she's a character that we really really really need to explain in order for you guys to understand where it is you know her character's coming from and why she's here but the initial exchange between the two of them is that you know with with this guy basically using his powers to slow down the brain impulses of Rachel summers it's all she can do to stay awake but the other half of this is that where she and Cyclops are talking to one another what we end up finding out is this guy shut off the powers of Cyclops now technically speaking this should be possible and and in truth it's kind of interesting because this means a couple of different things one it means this person can control the mind of Cyclops and effectively turn off its powers but Cyclops those powers don't work that way if there's any scenario where Cyclops has this as a visor off and its eyes open optic beams are gonna come flying out because his eyes are portals to another dimension and so what this seems to indicate is that this guy was basically you know by virtue of shutting off Cyclops his powers blocked access to his eyes being portals to this other dimension and again if that's the case it's still pretty extreme but for the character of Rachel summers I want to talk about her for a second so Rachel summers is basically a time-displaced character one of the things that we've talked about when it comes to Marvel comics is the nature of like alternate realities Marvel uses something called branch universe theory Marvel basically says here's a singular universe there's well there's the main Marvel Universe and then at some point along the line and you know events will take place like spider-man will get the venom symbian and the Fantastic Four will get their powers and Charles Xavier will form the x-men or something along those lines but like an event will occur that will branch off to a different universe and sometimes it creates a new universe sometimes it's the guaranteed future of the existing universe for example the guaranteed future of the main Marvel Universe was Days of Future past at some point in the future mystique was gonna form a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and they were going to assassinate senator Robert Kelley more McTaggart the mutant geneticists and Charles Xavier and response humanity would jump start the Sentinel program the centrioles will become autonomous and they would basically conquer North America that was the absolute future what Chris Claremont also said is in this future this Days of Future past landscape Jean Grey and Scott Summers would have a daughter named Rachel and Rachel would have all the powers of Jean Grey and none of the powers of her father the result is that Rachel summers would use her powers to send the mind of Kitty Pryde into the past and stop Days of Future past from happening now this is where Marvel began to experiment with the idea of the multiverse because the questions fans had is okay if the Days of Future past is a guaranteed future and then Rachel summers sends the mind of Kitty Pryde into the past to stop the Days of Future past then it creates a paradox if the Days of Future past is stopped then why would Rachel summers send the mind of Kitty Pryde into the past to stop a feature that never happens and so what Marvel did is he said well it's an alternate reality now because of the fact that Days of Future past was stopped now it's an alternate universe and that alternate universe Days of Future past continues on just like it always did but the the guaranteed future in the main universe is still unwritten now we don't really know where that future is going to hold and so because of that Marvel started using that as a way to basically explain all these alternate universes all these alternate realities but because of the fact that the Days of Future past became an alternate universe after it was stopped Rachel summers didn't understand why her future didn't change and so in an effort to understand why it didn't change she traveled into the past and because she went back she basically travelled along this line and then back to the point before Days of Future past was supposed to happen that before the assassination attempt basically by mystique in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants what it meant is that she jumped from her universe into the main Marvel Universe and into the past of the main Marvel Universe and so that created a story called Days of Future present alongside like adult Franklin Richards showing up going insane different things like that but the whole idea behind this was that with Rachel summers in the present day she was one of those characters that Marvel had just kind of brought in and then never really knew what to do with and so she was rolled over onto like the Excalibur team different things like that but she's just kind of been free-floating in the Marvel Universe ever since because nobody ever really knew what to do with her she was originally designed to kind of be a stand-in for Jean Grey but fans immediately rebuked it they were like we do not want anyone but Jean Grey and so eventually of course Jean Grey made her return different things like that and which was so much a relationship with Jean Grey was a little tenuous you know but it was still a pretty cool scenario but the fact remains that's why Rachel's here so having said that hopefully we didn't know we didn't burn your mouth your mind out too bad we didn't fry your brains but at this point we pick up with havoc with Alex Summers now Alex Summers is actually a pretty cool character when it comes to his whole story I mean he just kind of shoots an energy and different things like that the fun fact about this is that he and Cyclops are immune to the others powers because the brothers so it's actually a cool little caveat when it comes to the two of them but the cool thing about Alex summers is that this deals with the idea of Iceman Bobby Drake and then Lorna Dane pilars and the cool thing was that originally he was having him pilars who were together and then she bailed on him for body drink and it was kind of cool because that really went into like x-factor that line of storytelling the kind of dealt with this whole tenuous love triangle the fact remains is really just you know Alex summers being forced to relive these darker memories that he was really just kind of rather avoid now the other half of this is it again this guy shows up and just kind of taught Cyclops to a degree basically saying I know everything about you I know everything that makes you who you are we've met before you just don't know it and so again it's kind of cool when it comes to these characters interact with one another because what we ultimately end up having is Sean Cassidy reaching out to a Nightcrawler and and Wolverine is saying hey look I have something you guys need to see it's effectively the last will and testament of Maura McTaggart and so you guys have to be aware of this what we end up having is that the actual Blackbird is basically being controlled and she's gonna fly directly into the plane that you know Shaun Cassidy's flying on he basically jumps out and he attempts to try to stop the plane which he might have been able to do using his voice but it's just not powerful enough and the result is that he's actually killed in the explosion which is big I mean it was one of those things where if you were only reading uncanny x-men then basically you had house of AM you had destination and then like three story arcs later Sean Cassidy dies and it's not really often that Marvel kills off an x-men like that at least you know of one that's been around for so long and so it was kind of crazy because the response is Neil from the x-men okay so anybody who looks at this crime scene is basically gonna say the x-men's blackbird tried to fly into a commercial aircraft a mutant jumped down and was killed in the explosion what are the x-men doing and they're immediately gonna come in and they're gonna start storming the place because remember the office of national emergency kind of takes precedent here and so while it is one of those things of you know hey we're here to keep you safe it's also we can raid your house anytime we want to we're basically gonna have the Office of national emergency raid the place trying to figure out what in the world is going on why someone took the Blackbird and try to fly it into another facility now picking back up with Alex summers with havoc the cool thing about this too is we end up having this sort of mental image that he picks up when he sees Charles Xavier talking to Corsair now course Eric's is a really really cool character him and the starjammers we're actually really really fun and he was an attempt by Chris Claremont back in the 70s and 80s to kind of expand the greater Marvel landscape remember when it comes to like the model cosmos one of the things that we talked about is that there were a lot of people who were working on building the marvel cosmology but it wasn't a cohesive effort it's not like Chris Claremont sat down with jim Starlin roy thomas i said okay so like how do we flesh this out it was one of those things where they each contributed their own piece and isolation from the other and so course eric was basically the father of Scott Summers and Alex summers now what's going on is that this whole idea at least in terms of Charles Xavier talking to Coursera what he's really saying is Scott Summers and Alex summers they can't know you know and it seems to be you know seems to indicate that easterly course Eric you can't tell them that you're their father that's the the impression that's being put on we're actually gonna find out is that's not necessarily the case not only that with regards to you know everything going on with Scott inand Rachel summers what we end up finding is these psychic images that are being put into the minds of people are being done by this guy he's effectively seizing control of Rachel summers mind and then forcing her to put all these images into everybody's head now a lot of this is because of the fact that Charles Xavier kind of left the psychic imprints what it does is it allows this guy to use the telepathic abilities of Rachel summers to scan the Xavier Institute and grab these key moments from either his own life or the life of Xavier when he was there and then broadcast those images into people's minds or take some of the most horrific moments from their own experiences and forced them back into those people's minds so it's basically this guy pushing the powers of Rachel summers in order to instigate his own ends but not only that the Rachel summers provides these little tidbits where she says look you know when this guy was controlling my mind I was also reading his a little bit and I've learned that he trained with the x-men as there is these small little tidbits this guy was at some point along the line in x-men but piecing together this this you know this video of more McTaggart after rating the crash site and basically grabbing what it was a banshee was bringing beast and Wolverine kind of break it all down and in this last little moment what more McTaggart says is that Charles Xavier was a terrible guy because he had gone to more McTaggart and asked to use her x-men and then got them all killed now this is a very important part of her characters history because with more McTaggart she was a mutant geneticist but it was one of those things where she also helped to Harbor and find mutants that were basically kind of cast offs now whenever it was as she found care it was like Wolfsbane or somebody along those lines the characters that would basically go on to form the new mutants Charles Xavier would serve the purpose of being a training ground for them so more McTaggart in Charles Xavier who actually quite the team and it was really cool and so what this does is this jumps back into the whole idea of the Battle of krakoa now longtime x-men fans will be well aware of this and in fact as soon as this was called x-men deadly Genesis they were like giant-size x-men number one this goes up to the nature of the x-men right and we talked about this before when Stanley Jack Kirby Roy Thomas you know these major contributors I think Alan fine when they were working on the x-men stories back in like the 1960s and going into the early 1970s the x-men were not popular after about 63 issues running over the course of like seven years the comic was canceled and then reprints were issued for the next thirty some-odd comics this ran into 1975 when Marvel relaunched with a giant-size x-men number one by Lynn Wan and the whole idea is this told a story of krakoa and this was basically a living Island it was a sentient Island that had captured the x-men the original man of Jean Grey and Scott Summers and Iceman beast and Angel and Charles Xavier had to form a second team which is where he brought in the new generation of x-men Colossus Nightcrawler Wolverine all those guys the ones that you're most familiar with with regards to the x-men roster the result is that with those newer characters being rolled in with them being brought in what it meant is that fans kind of got the best of both worlds they got a more diverse lineup of x-men combined with the x-men they were already used to now eventually that went out into Bob Layton's whole you know initial launch of x-factor with like the first like five issues and then Walter Simonson and Louise Simonson took over and they wrote it for a little while but the fact remains here that this is how this all kind of kicked off and this is basically what ends up happening in this store we have this flashback of sorts where Charles Xavier shows up to two more McTaggart and says okay my x-men have been captured and the psychic League I had with him has been cut off but here's the last few images that I saw before that happened and it was the x-men doing the best they could but the problem is that it seemed as though the x-men it either had been killed or had been captured and so the result was that the desire of Xavier was to find a way to bring them back now following this what Xavier did is he had gone to more McTaggart and said I need to use your x-men team and so in effect this was a secret x-men team that nobody ever knew about the first of these members was a girl named zwei and so I had the ability to like slowed down or stopped on in a localized space meaning it was only in like a small vicinity and so basically it would be like in a bubble and so if you traveled outside her sphere of influence ty would pass just like normal but after zwei came a character by the name of Petra and Petra was basically a Geo morphine he could alter the structure of earth she could basically you know create things she was able to evolve a coal into a diamond different things like that but she was basically able to manipulate the planet earth funneling this is the character of Darwin we've already done an origin video on him but Darwin was basically a guy who could adapt to any circumstance he could adapt to anything it didn't matter what it was if it was fire he wouldn't really feel it his body would adapt so the fire wouldn't burn him if it was dark he would develop you know night vision I mean his body would physically adapt to any situation but one of the more powerful versions of these characters are one of most powerful characters on this team was a kid named Gabriel and nobody really knew anything about Gabriel's past all they knew was that he was an orphan somewhere along the line but his power was to manipulate energy and it didn't matter what that energy was exotic normal whatever he could control it and manipulate it so if you had like a gun and you shot a gun at him that let's off kinetic-energy he can effectively stop it that's why one of the arguments that's made is that Vulcan border lines on reality-warping because everything is composed of energy and if he can manipulate exotic energy in the form of energy blasts or something like that what would stop him from manipulating the energy of the universe and so if it's pushed high enough he could be a reality warping character on the highest order because he would be manipulating the energy of the universe as opposed to just energy beams and different things like that so again Charles Xavier basically enlists these kids as hey look I need your help we have to go rescue the original x-men they're immediately on board because they're all vying to be part of the x-men and so Charles Xavier instead of training them in real time throws him into the mindscape but doesn't tell them and this is where Charles Xavier starts to demonstrate this kind of duplicitous dishonest nature in the sense that as far as you know Darwin and Gabriel and Petra and swag as far as they're aware it's real everything they're experiencing is real but xavier is basically tricking them and not necessarily telling them the truth but the reason why is because they're on a tight schedule tom is in such short supply xavier does not know how long the original x-men are gonna last and he needs them to be rescued as fast as humanly possible and so trading these characters in the mindscape seems to be the most efficient way to do it but it's not and so what ended up happening is Charles Xavier had basically sent these kids out into a mission and they all got killed and so what we end up having is Scott Summers and we end up having Rachel Summers who basically make their way out of this holding facility that you know that this guy was putting him in and we find out this is Gabriel summers this is the energy manipulator that we were seeing and he's also the brother of Scott summer she's a brother of Cyclops the Cyclops never knew about now the cool thing about this is we do have an origin story on Vulcan I'm pretty sure either it's an origin story or it's an Omega beyond Omega level video I can't before one but basically he's not born of Earth instead what ended up happening is in the history of Cyclops in and have it alex summers where you know they were basically kind of thrown out of a plane by corsair when you know Corsair and his wife were being kidnapped by the Shiar empire and in turn you know Cyclops and have it were given parachutes and they were said hey get to safety you know what have you worked for Sarah and his wife were taken by the Shiar empire to basically be thrown into a work force and what we ended up finding out was that Cyclops his mom was about two months pregnant by the time that Gabriel had popped up and so the result was that when they were in the Shiar empire she effectively gave birth to him and then he in turn was thrown into a matrix where his growth was sped up and then he is kind of forced into a work him now eventually he was able to make his escape he arrived back on earth the rest is history but the idea was that he was just kind of inducted into the x-men and that was really about it and so following this because of the fact that he's made such a huge display and the fact that you know the office of national emergency is able to lock on to his energy signature after realizing that he's the one that Cynthia said the Blackbird crashing into banshee effectively killing him he of course overpowers the entirety of the you know the Sentinel and kind of obliterates everybody but his whole stance here his whole goal is to draw out Charles Xavier which works because when he goes to Muir Island what we end up finding out is that Charles Xavier is alive the trials Xavier is not dead not only that Charles Xavier when he shows up basically confirms everything that that Gabriel Sommers has been saying that like yes Gabriel summers is the brother of Cyclops yes Gabriel summers was one of the egg one of the members of the secret x-men team that no one was supposed to know about and so again it's a huge deal because what ends up happening is that in response to this all the other x-men basically starts showing up it was kind of this huge audience that Gabriel Somers was shooting for in the first place the problem with this is that where Gabriel Somers says show everyone the truth use their powers show everyone the truth where Charles Xavier shows up with the ability to walk he also shows up without his powers and so he can walk around but he can't use telepathy and this is kind of like a curses that he really kind of interprets it as but the Scarlet Witch said fine I'll give you your legs back but I'm gonna take away your powers just like 98% of the rest of the meeting population and so the result is that we end up having this branching scenario that takes place you know where Rachel summers steps up and says okay fine you can use my mind to broadcast the truth into the minds of everybody else and again this is what we thought end up finding out the whole situation that this Gabriel summer's LED x-men team did show up they did seem to rescue the original x-men but Cyclops was the only one who was able to get away with the help of the original team where Cyclops took off you know where he was told go find help that the reality of the situation was that for Gabriel summers and for Charles Xavier himself that this x-men team was seemingly obliterated the living Island had basically adapted itself to all their attacks it killed sway it killed Petra you know it seemed to kill Darwin and it seemed to kill a Vulcan at least that seemed to be the case the problem with this was that while this battle was going on and these younger xmin were being killed Charles Xavier modified the memories of Cyclops so the sock ops would believe the island sent him back to the x-men to find more mutants which is what the original giant-size x-men number one story told us and so what we end up finding out here is a Charles Xavier mess with the - Cyclops tricked him into believing something happened that didn't actually happen and in turn the rest of the mutants that were left on that island they all effectively died now Gabriel Summers in Darwin technically lived but nobody else knew that and so when Charles Xavier had rounded up this new generation of x-men Colossus Nightcrawler Wolverine so on and so forth and sent them to the island alongside Cyclops to rescue the original x-men team where that version was successful and Jean Grey took the giant landmass and shot it into space what they didn't know is that Vulcan and Darwin were still in that chunk of land and so because of that they were basically sent out there you know and they were just kind of floating in space Darwin basically merged with with with Gabriel summers in order to keep him alive and then they've just kind of float in there ever since because of the fact because of the events of house of am with this massive amount of energy being given off by the 98% of meetin's that lost their powers it woke up Gabriel summers it kicked him up out of this you know catatonic state and then he in turn went on this warpath because he remembered virtually everything and the question was why doesn't anybody else know and so as a result of this Darwin basically reconstitutes himself more or less because it's Darwin and in response to this with Cyclops learning the truth that his mind had been tricked by Xavier that Xavier was being duplicitous he was lying Cyclops kicks him out of the Xavier Institute and says you're no longer welcome here this works because remember Cyclops and Emma Frost had been running the Institute following the vanishing of Charles Xavier they've been running it for quite some time not only that as far as Cyclops says he says you're not a mutant you don't have to live with the anymore so you don't really even have a place here if we've told every person this that's not a mutant that they can't come here that same rule has to apply to you so you have to leave and so what this does is it sets in motion the story called rise and fall of the Shiar Empire where basically Gabriel summers races into space in order to gain vengeance against the Shiar Empire who are responsible for the death of his mother and the presumed torture of his father you know Corsair and so on and so forth but without being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come as explained make sure you guys have the sub button to become part of the robb cork if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 8,776,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel comics, comics explained, comicsexplained, dc comics, comic books, marvel comics explained, comic explained, dc, top comics, secret invasion marvel comics, comics, avengers, x-men, wanda maximoff, wanda vs illuminati, wanda vision, wanda vs thanos, wanda kills illuminati, wanda kills vision, wanda, marvel, marvel snap, marvel entertainment, marvel studios, marvel edit, marvel avengers, captain marvel, ms marvel
Id: Pn6NIMeikqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 56sec (14036 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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