Marvel vs DC Full Story: Marvel vs DC to Avengers vs Justice League | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin so a few months ago I had created a series on verses characters where I basically took two chemical characters from Marvel and DC and I pit them against one another to see who would win and it really seemed to be popular with you guys a lot of you guys really really seem to like it but at the time my channel was kind of going through waxes and wanes so I had to sort of vacate at for time but I want to bring it back but I figure if I'm gonna do that what better way to kick that off at least a test the waters and see if they're still interest in it then to do the DC versus Marvel crossover now for those of you guys who don't know Marvel and DC had had crossovers for quite some time and it really just started out with an experiment with Superman and spider-man but it proved to be wildly successful and Marvel and DC did this with their most popular characters there was a Punisher Batman crossover so on and so forth with the 1990s the comic industry was on the verge of collapse just because you had the speculator boom he had the great you know colored bubble of the 1990s and I've got a great big series on that in my valiant my valiant comics videos you guys are welcome to check out you'll find that video down in the description but the result was that Marvel and DC decided to pull out all the stops in 1995 and 1996 and basically bring these crossovers to a head and have a company-wide crossover and so what this does is it splits it basically takes the the 11 best heroes from Marvel and from DC and it puts them against one another to see who will win but the way that this was done is half of the fights were basically determined I guess six of the fights were determined by the publishers and the other fights were determined by fans and so what we do as we get into this is we initially pick up with spider-man now something to point out here is this spider-man is not Peter Parker this spider-man is actually Ben Riley now for those of you guys who don't know Ben Riley was the second clone of spider-man created by The Jackal miles Warren and the idea was to basically subvert spider-man's legacy the original owner I guess the first one was Kane but this all sort of led into the Clone Saga where the question was it's Peter Parker clone has been Riley or is Kane the actual spider-man yeah the actual beuter Parker I how does this whole thing tie into itself and actually clone saga in a lot of ways drove people away from comics but the result was that you know Ben Riley had kind of become a mainstay in Marvel Comics at the time and so because of this while Peter Parker had basically vacated his position as spider-man in order to basically raise his child alongside Mary Jane Watson Ben Riley had taken up the role of spider-man in his stead and there's some distinctions here in terms of the costumes you know so that we as readers can tell the differences between the two but what this story does is it shows Ben Riley going about you know New York and just doing his normal thing you know where he's just patrolling the streets so on and so forth but he eventually comes across an alleyway where he's pulled into a dimensional rift and the result is that he's yanked into Gotham City and he encounters the Joker in this is a funny thing about this because the Joker has met spider-man before there was a spider-man Batman crossover when they went against the Joker and carnage I believe and the result was that of course spider-man and Batman won but for the Joker he remembers spider-man the issue here is that because this is not Peter Parker Ben Reilly doesn't know who the Joker is and so Ben Riley's really trying to trying to gain his bearings around here and because he doesn't know how dangerous the Joker is he doesn't really provoke him he's just kind of like you know what are what's going on here who are you that kind of thing he's really more curious about a situation than he has anything else and the Joker kind of laughs things off here so the Joker basically just bails out and gives Ben Riley his signature card now from here we transition to the x-men and the x-men are basically battling you know the juggernaut which this isn't designed to be anything significant this is solely just designed to show us what the x-men were doing at the ton because the juggernaut was really one of the most formidable foes being the brother of Charles Xavier it makes sense that Marvel and DC would show us battling or show the X been battling juggernaut but in the midst of their conflict Cain Marko basically vanishes he disappears and when he re-emerged he's in Metropolis and he comes face to face with Superman now what it is that happens between the two of them is not something that we immediately see instead we actually pick up with a new creation a character who's named access and now access is an interesting scenario here because he was created in this story he had never existed in either Marvel or DC and we're actually going to learn there's a little about him then is initially given to us but he was basically the homeless guy who was sitting alongside this cardboard box when bin Riley was pulled into it and ended up in Gotham City and the indication here from access is for some reason these universes are starting to you know people are crossing over between these two realities and it seems as though this has happened before and it's continuing to happen even though it shouldn't now again this is left very mysterious here this is left you know very confusing to us and so what we do is we switch over to captured America in New York and Captain America is basically just fighting bad guys because again this these sections of the story whereby we're seeing what the characters are doing when they're being yanked in are just designed to show us what the characters are doing with Captain America he's just fighting bad guys he's just doing his own thing but again he vanishes and so what DC and Marvel do is instead of giving us these long drawn explanations on what characters are getting into at the time instead they play it very fast and they play it very loose in the sense that Wonder Woman is in the midst of saving you know people's lives while there's a bridge collapsing and then suddenly she vanishes we pick up with the Incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk Bruce Banner is spending time with Betty Ross and he vanishes now The Incredible Hulk is actually an interesting situation here and the reason why I say that is because this is not savage Hulk this is actually it's basically professor Hulk this is an instance where by The Incredible Hulk has the mind of Bruce Banner but does not have his full unbridled strength now this is something that I want you to keep in mind because when it comes to the Incredible Hulk Superman conflict we're actually gonna see things turn out an interesting way and it's gonna be one of the reasons why there's so much debate on the Incredible Hulk vs. Superman idea but from here we switch to Conner Kent now with Superboy this is again you know after the death and return of Superman and so for those of you guys who don't know about that story it was basically DC trying to find a way to make Superman relevant and the most logical way to do it seemed to be to kill him off and then bring him back but while he was gone DC launched a story called reign of the Superman where we got the Eradicator we got cyborg we got John Henry iron and steel and we got Superboy this is basically the continuation of his story just because he was so wildly popular when he first showed up he was your quintessential 1990s superhero he had the leather jacket he had the sunglasses the whole nine yards and fans absolutely loved him and so because of that he stuck around and again just like everybody else he gets yanked into another universe he gets yanked into a different reality and so we end up switching over to Lobo in deep space and again Lobos is doing his thing where he's just ripping stuff up and he gets yanked as well and this is this is basically the pattern that happens with every single person while the x-men are trying to figure out what happened with que Marko while they're trying to figure out where it was that he was teleported to we end up seeing that Wolverine that gambit and storm are teleported away kyle rayner electra thor the flash wally west Aquaman silver surfer Shazam name of the Submariner Quicksilver Catwoman you know all these characters are just teleported away and so what this does is it allows us to basically jump forward this is Marvel and DC effectively telling us there are a lot of characters that have been pulled in and so for us as the reader we're going to find that there are actually some characters that we haven't seen get pulled in that have been do have been forced to switch realities and the first of these comes in the form of bullseye now bullseye is well known to be a daredevil villain he really achieved the height of his popularity during Frank Miller's run when he killed Elektra but he has been teleported to the Batcave and of course because he's a villain the first thing he does is he immediately takes Robin hostage now because Robin has received such prodigious training at the hands of Batman Robin's easily able to counter bullseye the problem here is that because bull's-eyes accuracy is so precise when Batman throws his Batarang bullseye is able to dodge it the great thing here though is that this is basically an illusion this is more or less a trick and Batman immediately goes in for the attack and incapacitated bull's eye now the funny thing about this is bullseye makes a couple comments you know one of them saying that Batman hits harder than daredevil and this is really the height this is really the purpose of the DC vs. Marvel crossover this is purely a fan driven story and has played fast and loose and what I mean by that is whenever you see crossover events taking place between publishers or you see crossover events taking place within a single publisher Marvel DC valiant image so on and so forth they usually give us exposition they give us a lot of time to absorb everything that's going on and they usually played in a situation to where everything is given context explanations are usually given to everything in order to in order for it to make sense the issue here is that in the DC versus Marvel crossover this doesn't happen and so with you know Batman and in Tim Drake subduing bullseye Tim Drake's immediately teleported away and we don't really know why but what we do know is that he's teleported away into the bed of Jubilee in the Marvel Universe and so this is effectively how things work now the second iteration of this comes in the form of the Daily Planet and Jay jonah Jameson now as we know Jay jonah Jameson is he's the Daily Bugle guy and Marvel Comics but when he appears in The Daily Planet he basically just takes over the position of editor-in-chief we're not told how he does this and we're not told why he simply just is he's simply just the guy who's running the show now and again this is just an example of them playing everything fast and loose this is just an example of them playing everything you know without a whole lot of exposition here and so at this point it's basically just a scenario of Marvel characters versus DC characters and the question is what's going on here we initially pick up with with the absorbing man going against John Henry iron steel now this is actually a pretty formidable fight because you know crusher creel can basically turn his body into a material so long as he touches it and so going against John Henry irons going against steel if he touches you know John Henry irons uniform he'll make his body into that material and so from here we jump to how Rayner Kyle Rayner is going against the Green Goblin Captain America is battling Bane and of course daredevil is going against the Riddler we also have Batman who's dealing with venom we have Shazam who's dealing with Doctor Doom The Punisher dealing with Deathstroke as well as Martian Manhunter and firestorm going against Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm and this is the pattern that just keeps repeating itself and this is why this story was so huge because it's a dream scenario what happens when our favorite character is the most popular characters from Marvel and DC basically end up fighting one another now again a lot of answers aren't being given here of course you know Superman playing the role of car Clark Kent is asking the question to you know both himself and anybody who happens to see the situation what's going on does anybody have any idea what's happening and so what we do as we pick up with the end of this first issue is we basically follow the spectre and what we find out what the spectre is that you know he alongside the Living Tribunal in Marvel comic are also trying to understand everything that's going on but from their perspectives because a living tribunal is second in command to the one above all to basically God and the Marvel Universe and because the spectre is an agent of God the judeo-christian God in DC Comics the fact that they don't know what's going on is a huge deal all they really know is that things are changing but from both of their perceptions they also come to the realization that there are these two godly beings that have never been seen before and both of these beings represent or I guess one of the represents Marvel the other well that represents DC and they seem to be bridging the gap between one another in a sense that they're responsible for the reason for why these heroes are crossing over with one another as so as we continue into part two of DC versus Marvel this is where we begin to transition away from our discussion on heroes and villains from the DC universe who have been transported to Marvel and those from Marvel who have been transported to DC and we start getting into battles between the most prominent characters from both DC and Marvel but the first thing we get here is a little bit of explanation now I'm actually taking this out of continuity in the story because this is given to us later in the story but I think that at the beginning it's a really good place to put this what we're told is that unbeknownst to us as the reader at the beginning of all things there were basically two brothers one brother represented the DC Universe and one brother represented the Marvel Universe and the result was that while they were relatively aware of the other's existence they simply chose to ignore each other the problem is that because they were two halves of a whole each one desired to be unique and to be whole in and of himself the only way for them to do this or seems to you know seem to be able to do this was to basically battle one another and the loser would have their universe wiped out and so that's exactly what they've done they've basically created kind of a battleground using the characters of the Marvel and the DC Universe and they've chosen to pit them against one another and whoever loses basically loses their reality now one distinction to make here is that this is not a battle to the death this is simply an instance of proving who's superior so all that's really necessary is for one hero to knock out the other in order to gain the victory so you know Thor doesn't have to kill Shazam he just has to overpower and knock him out and so you're gonna see the in the story you're not really gonna see you know characters killing each other you're gonna see characters knocking each other out now the reason behind this is something that I'm not a hundred percent sure of because finding interviews from writers you know from Peter David or Ron Mars who wrote this story uh it is difficult at best and so there really isn't a definitive explanation coming from either publisher on why this decision was made but if I had to hazard a guess I would say because this was targeted towards kids and you know even though the comics code Authority wasn't really in existence even though there weren't really rules on the kind of content that comics could display in terms of violence there was still just sort of a social contract there was just a measure of decorum you couldn't have characters just killing each other arbitrarily not only that it was difficult for fans to make a distinguished difference between what's in continuity and was out of continuity and so if in this story Wolverine had died and then he showed up in the Marvel Universe perspective readers would have been like well what happened why is Wolverine not dead I thought he died in Marvel vs. DC and so you know for that reason again I'm just kind of speculating here I'm just sort of spitballing with you guys in truth your your answer is as good as mine but after this exposition is given to us we basically pick up with Wolverine and Killer Croc battling one another now and this is really just again another situation of these characters just fighting just just these characters battling this is just again showing us that Marvel and DC the the swish is taking place is requiring these heroes to cope with their own situations from here we actually end up jumping to Thanos and Thanos is again just monitoring the fluctuations of the universe itself now what we're told is if Thanos is actually sort of happy about what's happening here and the reason why is because again this is a point in Thanos history where he's constantly trying to appease mistress death and he's constantly trying to end life as best he can in order to make mistress death as happy as he can and so to see the universe fluctuating presents two scenarios one it presents the ability for him to rise to power by capitalizing on the confusion that everyone's experiencing and two it allows him to use one of these fluctuations are for the purpose of just destroying the universe and everybody in it which again would go towards making mistress death happy the problem is that while Thanos is analyzing this dark side shows up when a boom tube opens up now we don't immediately find out what happens between these two but I will say that later on down the line the Infinity Gauntlet gets involved which is it's both really cool but it's a huge letdown at the same time but from here we jump to a Captain America and Bane now the the Captain America and Bane section is again just a segment of the comic just a segment of the battle between the two you know this is this is designed to show us are the two of them are simply just going at it they're still fighting one another and that's basically what this is it just gives us small little highlights you know here and there between these two characters we switch to I guess we switch back to Wolverine and you know and Killer Croc going against one another and as the two of them are battling they're basically being watched by Dick Grayson big Grayson is watching this entire series of events unfold and from his perspective you know as as Nightwing at this point in time watching over blüdhaven he's just kind of like okay this is pretty wild but you know it seems as though even if Killer Croc is a bad guy if this dude with adamantium claws or I guess you know from from dick Grayson's perspective metal claws is tearing through you know Killer Croc and maybe this guy is worse than Killer Croc but what we also know is that while Dick Grayson is watching these events unfold that gambit is sneaking up behind him and so from here we switch to storm and we switch to Wonder Woman and it's simply just the two of them encountering each other for the first time now what we end up doing is we actually switch back to Captain America and Bane and this shows us our first victory of the story so far one interesting thing that that happens with DC versus modeling something that we'll see a lot is we'll see heroes being defeated or you know individuals attempting to beat defeat heroes using moves that they were most prominently known for for example with Bane he tries to break the back of Captain America in the same way that he broke the back of Bruce Wayne but there's huge differences here the Captain America's no pushover granted Bruce Wayne is on a pushover for Bruce Wayne doesn't have super strength Captain America does and this is exactly what happens he immediately overpowers Bane while he tries to break his back and he simply just knocks him out when he throws his shield and it comes back and hits Bane and now again this is just another example of how Marvel and DC are playing the story fast and loose you know we just kind of have to assume that the the shield was thrown we know that Captain America recalls his shield whenever it's thrown and that's it that's that's all we get he just knocked out Bane with his own shield I know a lot of you guys would probably want a little more in terms of explanation or you guys would probably want a little more in terms of well how does this all work it's not designed to be that way the story's designed to be just action it's a fan based story and so now what happens is we switch to Bruce Wayne and and you know at this point Batman is basically watching you know the lizard doc connors analyzing the skyscraper trying to get a grip of his situation but while this happens Dick Grayson is taken by surprise from gambit and so the result is that you know Bruce Wayne basically sides with Dick Grayson and ends up going to save him instead of keeping an eye on Doc Connors but what we learned is that while this is happening while they're distracted with what's going on you know while Bruce Wayne is checking on Dick Grayson to make sure he's okay Gambon and Wolverine steal the Batmobile and again the question we would ask his readers is how did they get past the defenses you know surely the Batmobile has defenses to keep anybody from you know eating anybody except for those approved by Bruce Wayne from using it but somehow he was able to take it and he was able to use it and in the end it doesn't matter because again this is all just fanservice this is all just what happens in this in the this crazy situation so with with gambit and Wolverine taking off you know the question is with his vehicle being as powerful as it is being as fast as it is you know maybe they can get back to Westchester maybe they can get back to Charles Xavier and they can find out everything that's going on instead we basically end up switching over to a combination of different things what happens is we basically pick up with Jubilee and Tim Drake talking to one another we pick up with you know this this explanation from access basically telling us that this dimension you know this this wall this barrier that's supposed to exist between the Marvel and DC universes is becoming weaker and weaker and the result is that because these brothers have noticed each other because of the fact that these brothers are now fighting one another in the end it's basically collapsing everything around them and all these heroes are going to have to fight and this is essentially just access you know becoming aware of the entire battleground that these brothers have made for the Marvel and DC characters to fight one another but from here we basically switch over to Thor and Shazam now this was actually a really interesting scenario to me and the reason why I say this is for those of you guys who are not familiar with Shazam he is a character who derives his power from the Greek gods so to speak um you know he's got the strength of Hercules and and you know so on and so forth the idea is that Thor represents the other half of this equation Thor is you know the son of Odin and so it's like seeing these two European gods battling one another based off European mythology and there's a kind of respect that exists between the two of them you know they're simply not just fighting one another arbitrarily instead because they are so powerful they actually take time to pray you know before they actually engage in a conflict and so while they're doing that we basically switch back over to Thanos and Darkseid in my mind these two were probably the most anticipated battle of the entire conflict because in the eyes of fans Thanos and you know Darkseid are effectively the same character in two different variations so this is how exists how it exists for a lot of this conflict you know Deadpool is basically you know Marvel's version of Deathstroke Lobo is more DC's version of Wolverine you know the characters were all influenced by each other you know they're they're designed for different reasons but in a lot of ways Marvel's copied DC DC's copied Marvel and that's one of the reasons why this series was so derisive and why so many fans read it because fans of characters wanted to see their characters win and if their characters didn't win they would get angry and that's one of the reasons why Marvel and DC actually allowed fans to vote on the outcome of some of these conflicts but instead of a initially battling one another Thanos and Darkseid actually take wagers on who would win you know on who would come out on top if the two of them were to fight each other and so from here we switch back to two Thor and to Shazam and the two that we're gaining engaging in a pretty you know extreme battle against one another a pretty monstrous battle and with Thor and Shazam we would expect it to be that way just because of the fact that with his hammer with Milner is a force to be reckoned with but Shazam is no pushover Shazam is effectively as powerful as Superman depending on the circumstances and so it's it was really just kind of a toss up to see who would come out on top here the result is that while they're in the middle of fighting at a you know at a carnival and when the ferris wheel collapses on to on destroy Sam he ends up shouting the word Shazam which turns him back into Billy Batson of living eyes who are not familiar with Shazam he was he was created after Superman in the 1940s but he proved to be more popular than Superman in the 1940s and it was actually because of a DC a lawsuit from DC that Shazam disappeared for you know 20 years and by the time he reached you know while he was originally called Captain Marvel Marvel Comics already had you know already trademarked Captain Marvel with their own character and so DC started calling him Shazam but whenever it is that Billy Batson the teenager yells the word Shazam he's bestowed with his powers and he becomes the superhero but there's pluses and others there's benefits and drawbacks to this you know the first is that if he shouts is Shazam as Captain Marvel in this situation he'll turn back into Billy Batson which allows him to get out of tight situations and this is exactly what happens with the ferris wheel collapsing on him he shouts Shazam he turns back into Billy Batson and he gets his way out the issue to this is that if he were to shout Shazam again he would turn back into Captain Marvel but also mighty has to do is stop him from doing that and so the result is Thor does this Thor basically takes away the lee Batson's ability to say his name again and he's he seems to effectively be knocked unconscious the issue here is that his hammer you know Thor's hammer is knocked out of his hand and when that happens Wonder Woman happens along and sees the hammer and when she goes to pick it up it seems as though she's going to be successful in lifting the hammer for but before we find out we switch to a conflict between Namor and Aquaman now this is a trend that I hope you guys are noticing Marvel and DC are basically giving us situations where characters who are almost identical in nature are fighting one another Namor an Aquaman are basically yet you know those they are two halves of the same coin you know of course Namor was actually around before Aquaman but the fact remains that each have their own legacies and their own histories and their own right but they both hail from the sea they're both kings of their own dominions undersea and you know they're both kings of Atlantis and so the result is that while two are initially going against one another we end up switching over to to the flash to Wally West and to Quicksilver now this is one of those instances where the question is asked who's faster the flash or Quicksilver now at this time at this point in time in Marvel and DC Comics this was a legitimate question because there were instances where Quicksilver was extremely fast wildly fast and because they had never met because they had never crossed over there was always this question being raised now at this moment right now with like DC rebirth and new 52 so on and so forth we know Barry Allen is much faster than quick so we know Wally West's much faster than Quicksilver in Final Crisis Barry Allen outran death you know Quicksilver has never done that this also took place before the storyline when Wally West outran the universe and so this was a legitimate question back then as to which one is faster and of course the guns are really stuck to here in the sense that despite Quicksilver being as fast as he is he's simply no match for Wally West Wally West is just way too fast in terms of his speed and he easily dominates you know Quicksilver he takes him over pretty fast it's really not a huge contest here and so what we end up doing is we switch back to Aquaman and to Namor the Submariner and initially the conflict seems pretty even between the two of them you know the conflict seems pretty straightforward the issue here is that Aquaman possesses an ability that named war does not name or you know is king of Atlantis he does have super-strength you know he is a human Atlantean hybrid but Aquaman has the ability to communicate with sea life now that's kind of where I'm gonna leave it because I know it's a very touchy subject when it gets to an Aquaman fans here people say that because Aquaman fans you know routinely say he doesn't talk to fish you know whether or not he talks to fishes are relevant here the fact is that he basically communicates however it is that he does it with an orca whale and the Orca lands on top of men with a Submariner and seems to incapacitate him and so from here we basically switch over to the end of the comic and what the end of the comic does is it reveals a few things the first is that we are going to see Santos and Darkseid fight one another but the second and the most important thing is Wonder Woman is successful in lifting the hammer of four and this is a huge deal because she's actually the first character that we've ever seen outside of Marvel Comics to lift Thor's hammer something that a lot of us didn't actually think would be that she'd be capable of but in any event again you know like the last video I post a comment down below let me know what you guys think about this one so far I'm kind of curious and yeah this this series is really fun the issue is you know I'm kind of a stickler for explanations and I'm a stickler for exposition and you know this story is more action than anything else and so it's it's kind of hard to do to explain a lot of the things that are going on behind the scenes but so as we pick up with part three of DC versus Marvel this is when we start to get into the idea that not everything is crazy battle high-octane instead we actually pick up with Jubilee and Tim Drake now the funny thing about this is when Tim Drake was teleported to the room of Jubilee they had begun talking with one another and Jubilee had actually sort of fallen in love even though it was a very very short amount of time the O Jubilee had always tried to find you know mr. right so to speak despite being a teenager being a young girl she was always a reflection of the teenage readers who were going through Marvel Comics at the time which is one of the reasons why she was so popular this was compounded with the fact that in the cartoon show x-men the animated series she was us as the reader in this universe of excellent she really you know she reflected us you know the fans who were running around in this reality where things were absolutely insane but after being teleported to a strange warehouse of sorts both Jubilee and Tim Drake are forced to do battle against one another and so of course again because this is not a battle to the death their goal isn't to kill each other other goal is to just defeat one another and so this is this is basically what happens while they're going through Jubilees using their little fireworks as so on and so forth but with Tim Drake he's received such prodigious training from Batman that he knows how to evade individuals who do have powers and this is what he does he starts dodging Jubilee he basically avoids her eye contact and he runs away and her initial thought is somebody trying to locate him but it's difficult to do because he keeps hiding in the shadows eventually she stumbles upon his cape but when she goes to it she realizes it's a trap in tinder he comes up behind her throws his lasso around her and basically and snares her and so again this is a little bit of romance here you know this is just a little bit of showing us that things aren't terrible you know that that sometimes you know good things come out of situations like this and so all the to share a little bit of romantic banter between between themselves and you know of course while Tim droid goes to let her go we end up transitioning to space and we pick up with Kyle Rayner the Green Lantern and Silver Surfer now those of you guys who were current Green Lantern readers this may be something that you guys will really really really have been anticipating because a battle between the Green Lantern and Silver Surfer is is on par with the incredible hold versus of Superman which is actually a conflict we'll see in this story neo between Batman and black panther or punisher or somebody like that it just seems to make sense you know it's just two similar characters Green Lantern's deal with space the Silver Surfer deals with space it'd be interesting to see the battle between them between each other now the one thing also take note of here is that these two Silver Surfer and Green Lantern have met before there was actually a story called unholy alliances that dealt with Hal Jordan who is still operating under the mantle of parallax as the main enemy and both Holloway nerd and Silver Surfer joining forces to defeat Hal Jordan the issue here is what Silver Surfer says is that the powers of these brothers who are basically kind of screwing with reality are well beyond even those of Galactus and so because the Silver Surfer you know is a Herald of Galactus and because he's used to such incredible power the fact that these brothers have power that goes well beyond Galactus means that they're not to be trifled with and so Silver Surfer and Green Lantern a condom in a situation from surfers perspective anyway that they cannot avoid this conflict and so this is really what kyle rayner his popularity came into play in for those of you guys who don't know you know Hal Jordans comics just weren't selling you know in in really the 60s 70s 80s and early 90s the four decades they were just not selling and try as they might DC could not make him popular and so what they did is they chose to ride him out with the story emerald Twilight and they replaced him with Col winner a car and it was a lot more popular because he was an artist and he would use his Green Lantern ring to make all kinds of crazy things like what you're seeing here you know Orion has a giant horse has armor and so on and so forth neo whereas Hal Jordan would use his wing to make like giant hands and fists and different things like that the result is that the two of them you know Silver Surfer in and Kuwait are basically charged in one another in something that's a little bit anti-climatic and it results in this massive explosion and Silver Surfer is completely unfazed or seems to be completely unfazed and so this is basically Marvel and DC telling us that the solar surfer is more powerful then Kyle Rayner now something that I also want to address here is Kyle Rayner the white lantern as it exists right now if Silver Surfer were to go against Kyle Rayner as the white Lantern it would be no contest so we're surfer with Holly be obliterated but you know again this is just another example of sort of inspiring debate so I'm curious leave a comment down below in terms of who you think would win the Silver Surfer or the white Lantern Kyle Rayner I have a feeling a lot of responses will be white lantern Calloway no but what we do here is we switch over to Selina Kyle and Electra now this is one of the interesting situations you know with this with a story because these are characters who are both of villains but they could not be any more opposite and what I mean by that is while you know Selina Kyle is very formidable in terms of her fighting abilities she's not an assassin but Elektra is Elektra is a prodigious assassin probably the best assassin in the world and the result is that she's ruthless she has no real qualms with killing people and this is a point that she makes - Selina Kyle you know while the two of them are fighting one another you know Elektra is at least originally it seems to be bound by Selina and her whips but Elektra Elektra turns the tables and she basically came Selina Kyle off the edge you know with Selina Kyle hanging under a whip and then Elektra says as an assassin she has her own code of conduct she has her own moral compass that she follows she's only willing to kill those this she agrees to kill but she's basically been forced into the situation and she says that she will not kill Selina Kyle but she still wants to win and so the result is that she suffers the rope Selina Kyle collapses down you know falls into this giant thing of sand and she basically following conscious meaning that Elektra is now the victor in this situation and so because the Daily Planet you know of course is again under the control of Jay jonah Jameson and it exists to sell itself is basically keeping track of everything that's happened so far and so what we know is that between the heroes and the villains Marvel and DC who've been fighting one another so far the battle is three and three it's deadlocked you know it's it's completely even and we pick up with Lois Lane and Ben Riley operating as Peter Parker and what happens here is is actually kind of funny you know Ben Riley had previously rescued you know Lois Lane from the clutches of the Scarecrow you know and I kind of become smitten with her you know had sort of developed an attraction towards her and he actually hits on her he actually asked her you know if she wants to go get dinner sometime and she says that she's engaged and then of course Superman immediately pops up you know Clark Kent shows up and said that he you know he's the one that she's engaged to you and Ben Ryland just kind of takes off you know he's extremely embarrassed about the situation you know he's extremely embarrassed about what it was that happened but what we also do is we switch back to the character of access now I know we haven't been I haven't had a lot of explanation on him and there's a reason for that you know the reason is actually want to wait into this video to do that what we're told is that you know access is yet another in a long line of gatekeepers is the best way to explain it you know in this story what Marvel in DC establish is that there is effectively kinda like a barrier a dimensional wall between the model and the DC universes and the role of you know this kid axel who's going by the name access and those that came before him specifically the the homeless man who's basically his mentor has been to always be the gatekeepers who always ensure that these universes never crossed over and that's one of the reasons why characters cross over occasionally because sometimes you know it would happen without access knowing that it happened and then they would go back to the respective universes and that breach would be sealed the result is that access is Arrakis access is kind of like this this shard of both realities merged into a singular being which explains why he's capable of jumping back and forth between the Marvel and the DC universes which is actually something that we'll see come into play later on but in truth he's really just a plot device you know he's really just a way for Marvel and DC to kind of give themselves an out when it comes to the end of the story something that we'll see they're in desperate need of you know by the time it all is all said and done but we end up switching you know out in space then we pick up with Wolverine and we pick up with Lobo now one thing I also want to point out here is that these characters are being teleported you know Wolverines being teleported by the brothers the realm of Lobo he's not simply just getting in a vehicle and taking off into space but again because this is being played so so fast and loose even if that wasn't the case we would just kind of have to accept that Wolverine is in space right now fighting Lobo but one of the big downsides here is that a majority of this conflict actually takes place off panel you know with Wolverine having a healing factor and having adamantium claws adamantium is the strongest metal in existence and what Marvel and DC seem to be saying here is that it's the strongest metal in existence whether it's Marvel or DC and that's exactly what happens he basically takes the fight of course with as healing factor he's able to deal with the the blows of Lobo and they start fighting each other behind a bar and the result is we don't see a lot of what happens we don't really see who it is you know I guess how Lobos defeated all we know is that Wolverine is the person who comes out on top smoking a cigar and and this is is it really designed to be a serious thing because of the fact that Wolverine was so over-the-top and crazy in terms of his character development DC responded by creating Lobo who was designed to be over-the-top and crazy designed to be a parody basically of Wolverine and so this is just kind of a really designed to be a comedic thing you know to be honest is designed to show just two ridiculously over-the-top characters fighting against one another but at this point we jump back to Wonder Woman and again in the last video we had talked about how Wonder Woman had discovered the hammer of Thor and she succeeded in picking it up and when she did it made her you know Wonder Woman with all the powers of Thor changed her outfit the whole nine yards but for her because she's gonna be fighting a storm and because Wonder Woman is a woman of Honor having the hammer would destroy any chance that storm has of being successful and so Wonder Woman actually drops that she abandons the power of Thor and just decides to fight you know the storm one-on-one mano a mano the problem with this is that despite her vaunted strength despite her you know her ability to fly and so on and so forth storm controls the elements and that's the one thing that Wonder Woman seems powerless against and that's exactly what happens you know storm starts calling down the the power of electricity and she just keeps shocking you know Wonder Woman over and over again but what also happens here is storm begins to develop a respect for Wonder Woman now it's not to say they didn't have a respect for each other before but with storm because she is you know such a strong female character it's kind of extending that you know with Wonder Woman being from thermosphere because she's raised or was raised in a society where it was it was predominantly women and it was women have you know those those women having a sort of a code of honor among themselves it extends to both storm and Wonder Woman herself you know and so storm sees her very much dawn is really a biological sister but as you know a sister on a very personal level in the sense that they you know they form a kind of bond here you know that they have respect for one another and so in the end or improves to be successful against Wonder Woman and in in the end you know she kind of cradles her in her arms it apologizes for attacking her in such a way but you know storm of course comes out on top here and so what we do is we switch to a Greenwich Village and we pick up with Superboy Conner Kent and we pick up with Ben Wylie now because of the fact that Monell versus I guess DC versus Marvel was a story that those who wouldn't normally read comics when in God for people who were getting into the story at the time there was some explanation on who these characters were Conner Kent was one in particular because a lot of fans who weren't reading you know comics after the death of Superman you know didn't really know who Conner Kent was they saw him as Superboy but they didn't know anything beyond that and so this is what's kind of given to us you know been Riley asked the question you know who are you what is it that you're capable of and you know Conner Kent says that he's basically a clone of Superman you know he emerged after Superman supposedly died and you know and even then you know it kind of takes Ben Rawley by surprise she's like really yeah you know clone and it's it's kind of a funny situation but again it's just designed to sort of refresh those of us who wouldn't wouldn't have known about Conner Kent and so while the two were going against one another because of the fact that Ben Riley has all the same powers as spider-man Peter Parker he's able to easily evade you know the attacks of of Superboy Superboy is fast he's very powerful but Ben Riley has the proportional strength of a spider and so the result is that while the match seems even between the two ones of happening here is Ben Riley basically outwits Conner Kent he stands in front of an electrical generator and when Conner Kent comes charging towards him Ben Riley jumps out of the way and then covers him in impact webbing and allows Superboy to be electrocuted to the point where it basically just knocks him off and so what we do here is we switch to downtown list and we pick up with Professor Hulk now again this is the Incredible Hulk with the mind of Bruce Banner but it costs a portion of his strength so this is not a full-powered Incredible Hulk and that's a very important difference to distinguish here because in this conflict metallo the villain of Superman is basically wreaking havoc in downtown metropolis and fighting against the Hulk and so you know what is up happening is that while the hope is at least seems to be taking on metallo the Superman makes his appearance known the two of them team up they defeat metallo but then they're teleported away to you know the middle of nowhere and they start fighting against one another did Matt the the battle actually seems extremely even between the two and the result is that Superman actually comes out on top here but what he says is that it took everything he had to take the Incredible Hulk down now this is why I say this is so important because if this had been like savage pull if this had been the Incredible Hulk from the onslaught saga whose mind was removed from the influence of Bruce Banner by Jean Grey he probably would have taken Superman out he probably would have taken him out pretty easily to be quite frank but because of the fact that this is Professor Hulk because a strength has been reduced you know Superman still had to use everything he had and so once you know once professor Hulk is knocked unconscious the Superman basically just lies in wait and so what we do is we switch back to Manhattan and we pick up with Batman and Captain America now as the two of them are going against one another Captain America is actually getting really frustrated with Bruce Wayne and the reason why is because Bruce Wayne is a prodigious fighter when it comes to you know hand-to-hand combat as well as using his surroundings and in fact the Bruce Wayne's ability to meld into the shadows is really his strong suit here and this is what happens Captain America is great when it comes to fighting a foe he can see he's terrible when it comes to fighting a foe he cannot see and Bruce Wayne picks that up and begins using it to his advantage he the problem with this is that because the two are so evenly matched Captain America comes to the conclusion that one they've been fighting for hours and two that would probably end up fighting for days and so what he says is that their efforts are probably better suited in finding a way to stop the brothers from screwing with reality as opposed to fighting themselves but in the midst of you know this conversation between the two of them the sewer system is flooded with water while Captain America does try to throw his shield - you know incapacitate that man and he ends up missing but Batman ends up hitting Captain America with one of his batteries and so you know Steve Rogers is immersed in this water and seems to be drowning and so while Batman does make it to the top you know he swims back down he grabs Steve Rogers and he brings it back to the surface the problem here is that because Steve Rogers was unconscious even if only for a moment he you know Batman was basically declared the victor but what is up happening is that as they emerge from the sewer system they're greeted by access and his mentor and this is basically where access provides an explanation he simply says that he is a character who represents a gateway between these realities he represents a way for you know Batman and Captain America to figure out our guest gain a better understanding of what's going on with these brothers but what isn't happening is that while they are in the middle of this conversation the two brothers join hands with one another and the two brothers stop existing as individuals and they emerge as a singular entity and what this did is an allowed Marvel to go forward I guess now Marvel and DC to go forward creating something called the amalgam universe now with that being said uh we're gonna bring this video to an end and we'll actually pick up with what the amount of em universe is because in the next video we'll run over it but I'm not gonna go super in-depth into it just because you know the Onaga universe was actually pretty huge there was a lot to it so as we pick up with part four of the DC vs. Marvel event we start out now with a quick explanation on the amalgam universe so because DC vs. Marvel was selling like gangbusters when it came out the both companies had the idea to basically create a self-contained universe and that's what happened at the end of the last video you know when the when the brothers merged with one another and they created the amalgam universe what Marvel in DC did is they went back and they started creating origins and they treated these characters as if they'd existed all along and so you know for example dark claw is you know Logan Wayne it's a combination of Batman and Wolverine and they provided an origin for his character you know they they did this with every single amalgam member the issue here was that it was it was weird to say the least and so almost immediately after this amalgam universe forms ah it gives us the opportunity to sort of go back and to catch up on you know these different variations of characters and so on but the spectre and the Living Tribunal both of the you know second-in-command to their respective God so to speak and in the Marvel and the DC Universe end up merging with one another and they were not really merging but they end up working with one another and they commune with access and access uses his shard or uses his powers to more or less cleave the amalgam universe in half and set everything back to normal and so this is we're not really back in all this with all the characters back to the way they were before and so instead of having you know spider boy instead of having Ben Reilly and Superboy Connor can merge into a singular being instead of having you know dr. strange and dr. fate emerged you know merged into a singular being we instead get them back to their normal selves and this is really where the story begins to go off the rails and what I mean by that is if it wasn't crazy before it gets crazy now and it's just one of those instances where Marvel and DC kind of wrote themselves and do a whole you know with Batman and Captain America and access working alongside one another and an attempt to bring these brothers down we're just kind of given like a mishmash of nonsensical things we have you know a Superman and we have we have the Incredible Hulk you know who go against the Malloys and Mole Man they're basically working together it's essentially the superhero is trying to deal with their own respective villains and set everything back to rights but it's also a living tribunal and it's also the specter doing what they can as well but in the end because the power of these brothers are so extreme they're basically sort of left without any way to combat the situation and so the result is Marvel and DC they kind of handle it on their own and they pit you know the brothers against one another the argument here is that because the brothers are so wildly powerful there are the only ones that can end the conflict and so once they start fighting each other you know in the midst of this battle they actually look into the past of both Captain America and Batman and when they realize why it was that they became heroes when they realized that Bruce Wayne became a hero because his parents were murdered when they realized that that America became a hero to save the world from the greatest threat you know from from the Nazis the brothers this is then at best the brothers are inspired by their reason for becoming heroes and realized that fighting among themselves is pointless that they're best suited to basically work together they they achieve a kind of inner peace and so what they end up doing is is they effectively just you know they shake hands you know they congratulate each other on on their own in achievements basically saying yes you know the Marvel brother has done some great things and the DC brothers done some great things they basically call it a day and everybody goes back to their own respective realities and in the end access just kind of goes back into the unknown the ending is the enemy of this is is a perfect example of anticlimactic it is not very good and this is one of the most this is one of the things that people are so disappointed about when it comes to the mall you know the DC versus Marvel crossover is it was a really cool matchup until the end because I felt like Marvel and DC didn't know how to in this story they didn't know how to set things back to rights but one thing I also want to point out here is that in a previous video something you guys have mentioned I had said the Infinity Gauntlet coming to play with with Thanos and Darkseid oh that's actually in the jla/avengers crossover which I was I was so caught up in you know the in our story up to this point that I actually totally forgot about that so as we continue with our discussions on Marvel vs. DC or at least dipping our toe into the waters of this what I want to do here is I want to cover the jla/avengers crossover event and this is the story where Superman lifts the hammer of Thor and has Captain America's shield and it looks amazing but the backstory or the basis behind the events that lead to the Avengers and the Justice League meeting one another are basically explained over the course of the over the course of the series in terms of prologues and so just for the sake of simple continuity I'm gonna provide the basis behind this entire event up front and then allow us to just go through the events after that now something I also want to point out here is that this story treats the model versus DC crossovers as if they never existed basically this is a stand story where the model versus DC crossovers Superman and our spider-man Batman The Incredible Hulk so on and so forth where all those led up to the Marvel vs. DC event that we previously covered this is completely standalone and so you don't need to know anything about the previous model versus DC events it's good because you don't need to know anything but it's also bad because if you're a stickler for continuity this is gonna absolutely throw you for a loop but getting into the basis behind all this we initially pick up with a planet called Paula MacOS I think it is but this point is not wildly important what we know is this planet seems to be a combination of technological advancement but at the same time it houses a very simple society in terms of their government in terms of the ruling class but almost immediately after we're exposed to this society a set of prying eyes appear in the atmosphere and the planet is completely and totally annihilated now the reason why this happens or at least what we're told in terms of the reason why this happens is because Crona has been traveling the multiverse in search of finding the origin of all things now for those of you guys who don't know Crona has a long running history in DC Comics explicitly with the Green Lantern Corps really with the Green Lantern mythos in and of itself within DC Comics Crona was considered to have been the person that led to the creation of the antimatter universe to the anti-monitor itself at least that was before geoff johns darkside war Geoff Johns Darkseid war changed all that it really just retconned you know all those things but the fact remains here that you know according to the old continuity before Darkseid war Corona wanted to witness the beginning of all creation and he did he used the machine to go back in time and see the beginning of all things the result was that it basically created evil it created the antimatter universe and it created the anti-monitor and so because of Cronus actions there was now evil in the universe which led to the guardians of the universe turning around and creating the Manhunters and eventually the Green Lantern Corps now what this story does is it basically makes the case that after his banishment Crona had taken to you know beyond the multiverse in and of itself into the omniverse and began looking at everything and eventually it led him into the Marvel Universe now upon his arrival in the Marvel Universe he was met with the Grandmaster now for those of you guys who don't know who were new to Marvel Comics because you haven't really seen much of the Grandmaster an all-new all-different marvel Grandmaster is a character of course we'll be seeing in guardians of the galaxy too but he's a guy one of the elders of the universe that is to say he's one of the oldest people in the universe and his claim to fame is gains what he really likes to do is play games out of whatever he can games that test the mind games that test the physical body if he can turn a situation into a game that can be played then he will do that and so when Crona basically appears you know in this universe and grandmaster recognizes him or at least is is drawn to his attention Crona immediately says that his goal here is to learn the secrets of all creation and while grandmaster initially refuses to offer him the way to find the creation of all things instead he says we'll make a game out of it and so what happens is the two of them go about effectively release a grandmaster goes about effectively turning this entire situation on providing Crona with the answers to the creation of all things into a game that involves both the Justice League and the Avengers now what this does is allow us to actually pick up with this event and what we learned is that initially picking up with the Justice League that there their existence their universe is much like we would expect it to be and this is really just curb music showing us how things exist in this reality you know in the and the DC universe the Justice League or fighting giant monsters you know finding some a giant machine but what's interesting about this is that this is not something that they're used to they don't recognize it as a kind of villain they would normally fight and the reason why is because they're worn by the specter Hal Jordan that there are various villains or various characters from other universes from the mobile universe that are crossing over into their reality now decide track here for a second for those of you guys who are not familiar with the whole house word inspector element what happened was when Hal Jordan was basically removed from the DC landscape during Emerald Twilight the issue was that DC still wanted to bring him back if they wanted to use him and so what they did is they rolled him over into being the hand of vengeance of God being the specter and it was basically just a way to keep him on the back burner for them to bring him back like Geoff Johns did with Green Lantern rebirth if they ever decided to use him again in the future which of course we know is something they chose to do but with the specter appearing here what he basically says is that all these different individuals crossing over come from another universe although he doesn't explicitly to the Justice League what this is in addition to this we switch over to the Marvel Universe in New York City and we pick up with the Avengers facing off against a villain named star oh now in truth this is really just curb music you know hailing back to the original Justice League story what I mean here is that when the Justice League first appeared in DC Comics they literally went against a villain named star it was a giant starfish and it had the ability to create smaller starfish that would take over the minds of whoever those flower fish attacked and that's what happens here these little starfish are taking over the minds of you know all these different superheroes and so on but the vision being an Android being able to analyze situations using his cybernetic components comes to the realization that these small little starfish all basically share a hive mind with a larger starfish controlling them with star Rho determining what it is a candy can't do and so what he does is he comes to the realization that if they effectively overload these starfish they can in turn overload star oh and send him running and that's exactly what happens they allow one of these starfish to be attached to the mind of Wanda Maximoff and in response she sends out a backlash a psychic energy that sends star oh just running for the hills due to the fact that the energy is so extreme really more so than sorrow can handle and so what happens is the Avengers travel back to Avengers mansion and they get they get word from from a character quasar from Wendel Vaughn now quasars kind of a weird situation in the realm of Marvel right you know he's this guy that basically just exists to try to protect the universe but he's one of a multitude of people that play this different role you know of course we know that Nova and the Nova Corps exist to protect the universe we know that you know to a degree Captain universe does the same thing but Captain universe only manifests in times of extreme need so Wendel Vaughn and his quantum bands are basically kind of the protector here but the fact remains that wendell bond also monitors everything in the universe and what he says is that there are various entities crossing over from other realities and their actions are why this is happening doesn't seem to make sense now we know that these are DC characters that lobo basically just shows up and the Shiar empire and immediately starts wreaking havoc that all these things are rooted in the idea of the DC universe crossing over with Marvel Universe and the Marvel Universe crossing over the DC Universe now again these superheroes don't know this all they know is that unrecognized characters are crossing over from other realities and they're trying to figure out why not from here we transition over to Wally West because again this point and the Flash's publication history is after the death of Barry Allen during crisis on Infinite Earths with Wally West taking over his role as the flash now with Wally West running on a mission you know for the Justice League as he's trying to communicate with him he suddenly crosses the dimensional barriers now what he's done is he's across the dimensional barriers into the Marvel Universe and he picks up with a mutant that's being run off by various humans now this is a huge shock for Wally West and the reason why is because people aren't usually shunned for their physical appearance in the DC Universe the only real exception of that that I can think of off the top of my head is like Doom Patrol or something like that but for the most part there doesn't really seem to be an analog in the DC Universe to the Warlocks of the Marvel Universe I could be wrong about this and if I am feel free to correct me down in the description but I feel fairly certain that that's the case but the fact remains here that because this particular mutant is being set upon by these humans in such an extreme degree that Wally West's idea is to get him out of there the problem with this is that because Wally West is not in the DC Universe he can't access a Speed Force in the same capacity and this is something that's really important here because what curb music says is that whenever it is or at least what he establishes on this point is that whenever a speedster leaves their universe their connection to the Speed Force or their ability to use their speed just doesn't suddenly stop it's not gone all of a sudden instead the Speed Force is much like a battery in the sense that it routinely keeps them charged but when that connection goes away just like a battery that's being used the charge will begin to dissipate and that's what happens with Wally West the charge of the Speed Force begins to go away and the problem is that while he does try to make his way back he is successfully able to do so with the help of the Justice League who effectively seem to teleport in there now we're not given a real explanation as to how all we know is that he's simply just there this is one of the issues that comes into play when it when it involves the Avengers versus Justice League crossover a bit in the sense that you know we're basically told that the Justice League saw that there was a dimensional rift they saw Wally West was in it and they pulled him out and that's it no we're not really given any explanation as to why but the fact remains here that you know for Wally West you know while he is trying to explain to the Justice League what it is that had happened suddenly The Watcher appears now we could go into a huge explanation about The Watcher the good thing about this is that we don't have to instead curb music immediately introduces the Grandmaster to the Justice League and the Grandmaster explains who the watcher is and what he tells them is that the watcher just watches things the Watchers immensely powerful that he could probably wipe out the Justice League if he chose to or the factory main to the watcher doesn't act The Watcher just chronicles events that take place and that's it that's really all he does not only that because the Grandmaster is able to make his way into the JLA Watchtower the Justice League is almost immediately skeptical of his appearance they don't know who he is they don't know why he's here and while Jon Jones can't seem to read his mind Kyle Rayner the Green Lantern is able to use as Lantern ring to create a box that the Grandmaster can't get out of and so while they initially begin to question him the Grandmaster is kind of hesitant here he likes to play games he sort of messes around with him and so Wonder Woman he uses her lasso of truth this is other a cool concept this is another really cool idea because what curb music says is that the lasso of truth does not seem to be bound by dimensional barriers the lasso of truth works regardless of who's ensnared inside of it whether they're from the native reality that that Wonder Woman happens to be in or a different reality it's all the same thing but what what Grandmaster says is that the barriers between the Marvel and DC Universe have effectively become weakened and because of that there are 12 items 6 items from Marvel and 6 from DC that have crossed over into the other reality and so six items from the model universe have crossed over into the DC Universe and six items for the DC Universe have crossed over into the Marvel Universe and so what Grandmaster says is that these items that belong to the Justice League the the Bell the wheel and the jar Medusa's mask the spear of destiny the Green Lantern power battery and so on are currently in the Marvel Universe and the Justice League has to go and retrieve them now the reason why Kurt Busiek did this is because the most powerful artifacts are these six artifacts now in DC Comics the Bell the wheel in the jar belonged to these three brothers of sorts who ruled the universe for something like three billion years and they were wildly powerful but they were eventually banished out however whoever it is that is able to to attain the Bell the wheel in the jar can summon these three brothers back and used them to do their bidding at the same time the Green Lantern power battery allows the wielder of ring Lantern ring to harness those energies for a multitude of different effects now while this does not mean that a person can just pick up a Green Lantern ring and use this what it does mean is that within the DC universe the Green Lantern power battery is one of the most powerful artifacts in existence now something to keep in mind is this is long before the arrival of you know the Red Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps and all those different cores at this point in DC's continuity you have Sinestro with it with a yellow Lantern ring and then you just have the Green Lantern's there's nothing else going on here and so what happens is Grand Master says in order to solidify in order to fix this problem you have to travel to the Marvel Universe you have to attain those items and you have to bring them back the issue with this is that Wally West recognizes that his Speed Force doesn't work in the Marvel Universe and so because of this he elects to stay behind in response the atom Ray Palmer takes his place and travels with the Justice League now what what Wally West does is he moves at such a rapid pace that he allows the Justice League - basically vibrate through these dimensional barriers and they land in the Marvel Universe now while this happens they basically land on the moon and the Avengers pick up what it is that's going on and so what the Avengers do is they travel to the moon to investigate the source of this energy signature they don't recognize but while they're traveling there the Justice League is being brought to earth under the protection of Kyle Rayner not only that because of the fact that Martian Manhunter has telepathy because of the fact that they don't really know much about the planet that they're dealing with they ultimately have Martian Manhunter uses telepathy to bind them all mentally so they can basically read each other's thoughts and know everything that's going on now when they initially arrive in the Marvel Universe they end up in an island off the sea of och och Kaka Tosk I think it is a cost I'm not really sure how to pronounce that which is actual it's a real location but the fact remains here that when they arrive they're met by all manner of beasts and monsters and different things like that and for the Justice League this isn't a real problem Justice leaguer easily able to take these monsters out but the reason why they've arrived in this location is because within this area lies the ultimate nullifier now the ultimate nullifier is somebody that the Justice League does is not aware of but John Jones begins to analyze it and comes to the realization that the ultimate nullifier allows its wielder to wipe out anything in existence up to and including the entirety of the universe and so for them this is an insanely powerful artifact and its power is actually overwhelming however almost immediately after they lay their hands on it hawkeye of the Avengers shoots an arrow and takes the take co2 Enola fire away however Wonder Woman's able to move fast enough to capture the arrow after which the Justice League initially move in on the Avengers within the Avengers suddenly teleport away and so what happens is that while the while the the Avengers are trying to figure out what's going on while they basically take off with the ultimate nullifier there's suddenly met by the arrival of Metron now in the DC Universe those you guys who don't know Metron is akin to the watcher but instead of you know all the dollars that he that he witnesses or all the offensive he witnesses being stored in his eyes like they are with The Watcher in the Marvel Universe instead it's all stored in his chair but Metron has basically seen the collapse and rebirth of universes and he's seen all these events take place and so he's essentially the keeper of all knowledge in the DC Universe and he appears to the Avengers and says the exact same thing doesn't really say the exact same thing but he basically makes the case to to the Avengers regarding what the Justice League are what they're about and what he says is much like the Grandmaster that's six of their most powerful artifacts have been transported to the DC Universe the Infinity stones the casket of ancient winters that these are artifacts that they have to retrieve in order to preserve their universe now the difference is that instead of telling the Avengers that the dimensional barriers have been weakened and that retrieving these artifacts will restore the dimensional barriers instead Metron offers a different story from what grandmaster said and tells the Avengers that if they do not retrieve these artifacts that their universe will be destroyed now the reason why this matters is because Ray Palmer as the atom had basically hitched a ride Metatron's chair and had overheard the entirety of the situation that Metron seems to be telling a different story from the grandmaster and the result of this is that Adam is trying to figure out exactly what's going on why two different stories are being told to do different people and so what happens is the Avengers are effectively given a boom tube and the Avengers travel back to the DC Universe alongside with the Justice League themselves who have already arrived now this is where things get really interesting because when the Justice League was originally in the Marvel Universe they were disappointed by the fact that the earth in the Marvel Universe was absolutely devastated that you know for the most part the superheroes had done nothing to make the earth better but when the Avengers rah arrived in the Justice League's universe in the DC Universe they realized that humanity idolizes their superheroes that the Justice League is kind of considered the savior of their own planet and so because of this when when the Avengers presence is detected by the Justice League the two of them basically engage in a massive battle now again this is really just a scenario whereby Kurt Busiek is giving us what we want to see we just love to see The Avengers fly we love to see the Avengers take on the Justice League it was really the question of which team is better than the other but unlike Marvel vs. DC where this is going to focus on the you know just the two teams fighting one another instead this is going to cover the entirety of the Marvel and the DC universes and almost every single hero and villain they've ever faced now picking up with Captain America and Batman this is where things begin to shift and the reason why is it's long been argued who would win Batman vs Captain America some people say that Captain America would always win whether or not Batman had prep time some people will say that Batman would always win you know regardless of whether or not he had prep time and others say that it would be a draw Kurt Busiek takes a stance of it being a draw he has basically Captain America and Batman make the case that the two of them continue to fight it would be a draw and there would be no end to it because they're so equally matched in terms of their capabilities not only that Batman comes to the realization of the two of them simply just seems to be pawns in this in this game in addition to the Justice League themselves and the Avengers and so the idea is for the two of them to work together and try to figure things out on their own now the reason why Captain America and Batman do this separately is because a two-man team investigating the bases behind this entire series of events will draw less attention than the entirety of the Avengers and the Justice League working together and so what happens is that over the course of this conflict so to speak we learn that whenever it is that these artifacts are located and attained that they're whisked away and what happens is it's more or less a scenario where the Grand Master in Crona are keeping score if the Avengers locate one of their artifacts then the score is one for the Avengers zero for the Justice League but if a member of the Justice League and a member of the Avengers both locate one of their artifacts it's one-to-one if that makes any sense and so the idea is that whoever it is that discovers all of their artifacts first effectively wins and so that would basically learn the situation to either crown out or Grand Master which we'll see that come to fruition at the end of the story but the fact remains that for the conflict in and of itself we basically have the Avengers and the Justice League just fighting it out with each other as best they can't we have Wonder Woman taking on Hercules you have Superman taking on Carol Danvers you know you have all these superheroes basically fighting one another from each of the realities and in truth this is really just a comic book fans best scenario it's the best way I can put it not only that it's actually Aquaman that discovers the Cask of ancient winters now for those of you guys who don't know the Cask of agent winters is an artifact that belongs to the frost giants for those of you guys who are coming from the Marvel Cinematic Universe that giant blue box that was glowing and that seemed to be completely frozen in the Thor movies that's the Cask of ancient winters and what happens is if somebody opens it it basically spills out the infinite cold of Jotunheim that could spread across you know realities and themselves and essentially freeze everything over but the fact remains here that each time one of these artifacts is discovered the artifacts are whisked away by Crona or by Grandmaster and each other side is awarded a point and so ultimately we transition again back to Captain America and Batman as the two of them begin to go through all this all this discussion all this evidence that they're that they've collected basically regarding the conflicts of these various heroes and the various I guess from various sides and ultimately they come to the realization that again this game is being set up that someone is pulling the strings having both of these teams fight one another not because the artifacts need to be captured but for simple sport simply because it seems to be entertaining and so the result of this is that their efforts ultimately lead them to the location of grandmaster and Crona and what happens when they come across this location as they realized that Grand Master and Crona had put them against one another that the situation again as we've already discussed led to the idea that whichever side wins will determine the fate of all things if Crona wins then Crona will be able to summon Galactus and essentially learn all the secrets of Galactus and god only knows what he would do after that but if grandmaster wins then Crona will basically lose access to Galactus and will have to go about his way in addition to this and this is something that's actually been a big source of contention is the Infinity Gauntlet that's really the big question that a lot of people have that I imagine a lot of you guys have what happens with the Infinity Gauntlet now this is not the first time that we've received an answer to this question but this is the first time it's officially been addressed there have been other times where it's been alluded to there have been other times where different different people have made the case about it but JLA and Avengers is the first time it was solidified in stone by Marvel regarding the Infinity Gauntlet what happens here is that on the planet of apocalypse which of course you know as we know resides arrogance is under the control of Darkseid the Infinity Gauntlet falls into his grasp and our first thought is oh my god Darkseid has the Infinity Gauntlet he's going to wreak havoc on everything the problem with this is that the Infinity Gauntlet only works in the reality that it hails from meaning that the Infinity gallon of earth-616 only works in the earth-616 reality the Infinity Gauntlet of Earth you know Rob core it only works in the Rob core reality and so because of the fact that the Infinity Gauntlet has been sent to the DC Universe means it's basically powerless feathers that it can be used for anything now this is also kind of a weird situation because we would expect something that can manipulate reality to work in any reality but it basically offers a caveat to an otherwise trump card within the Marvel Comics but what we end up doing is we end up following the Justice League and the Avengers to the final artifact and the final artifact the Cosmic Cube which resides inside the Savage Land and what this does is this leads to one massive battle between those superheroes who still exist here but we also see some really really cool moments for example Thor versus Superman now the reason why this is so cool is because the idea has always been assumed that if a person cannot wield the hammer of Thor then they cannot withstand the hammer of Thor now there's only been one instance that I know of where this has been rebuked and that was when Thor threw his hammer at juggernaut and nothing happened with Superman this seems to be the exact same way Thor uses his hammer and tries to attack Superman with it and Superman holds the hammer back now this also raises a really interesting question regarding its hammer and its relation to Thor for example if Thor were holding his hammer could you lift Thor off the ground but it's just weird questions like that that exists they kind of beg the question of is it possible you know would you effectively be lifting the hammer by virtue of lifting Thor and would the worthiness Clause come into play so while your brains are hopefully exploding based on that question we ultimately see the Superman actually topples Thor and so again we have the rest of the Avengers and the Justice League continuing their fight against one another now as this battle continues to commence the Cosmic Cube ultimately falls in the hands of Quicksilver who races to gravel or anybody else can either before Wally West himself and so what happens is both Crona and Grand Master appear here and Grand Master makes the case that the artifact has fallen in the hands of Quicksilver thereby creating a stalemate meaning that each side has effectively captured his own artifact but in the midst of all this Captain America throws his shield knocks a cosmic cube out of the hand of Quicksilver which lands in the hands of Batman meaning the Grand Master has won this conflict but because of this Crona is not satisfied with the outcome and instead he attacks the Avengers and so when he ultimately summons Galactus he basically says you know I want to know the secrets of all things I want to know the secrets of all creation now Galactus initially says no but because of the power that he possesses Crona seems to be able to overpower Galactus now while all the forces of The Avengers and the Justice League seem to concentrate their efforts on defeating Crona we ultimately learned that the entire game was a ruse by grandmaster for the purpose of allowing him to converge all the artifacts into himself and in turn essentially or at least it seems to recreate reality and so what happens is everything really everything seems to convene back into itself into a singular universe and what kirby seek does is he presents us with a scenario where the Avengers and the Justice League have been friends for years it's like it's almost like that like an amalgamation of these two universes combined for example dr. doom had tried to access the source and because of this he had become merged with the source wall we're not told what events led up to this we're simply told that this is the case and the result is that the Justice League and the Avengers celebrate with one another over their victory they basically party they enjoy you know everything that's going on and they have no reason to question each other in addition to this they routinely travel from one world to the other the avengers travel to the DC Universe the DC Universe travels to the Avengers universe and they basically help each other out within you know solving their various problems the issue with this is that in the midst of this conflict Crona seems to make his presence known and because of this memories begin to flood back to the Avengers and the Justice League regarding their previous lives now these are not full-on memories there's simply just fractions of their memories they're getting glimpses more or less into the way their life used to be but this is really just Kurt Busiek giving us an out this is critic basically saying that small things are coming back here and there in addition to this because of the actions of Crona with regards to his merging these realities into a single continuity is essentially unraveling the fabric of all existence and so the reality itself starts bouncing in and out of a cup Oriole forum and it begins to sort of break down at the seams and things begin to jump back and forth and things begin to shift back and forth and so ultimately once the Avengers and the Justice League begin to come to once they begin to realize how things are supposed to be versus how things actually are they more or less begin to band together but something else to take note of here is this not really until the characters of Hal Jordan and Barry Allen suddenly really own effort is actually involved here and the reason why is these various characters these various members of the teams are shown what their actual worlds look like by Grandmaster which is to say he basically gives them perspective he shows the Justice League the sacrifices of the DC Universe at Hal Jordan went crazy and became a bad guy they you know he shows the The Avengers the life of Barry Allen when he sacrificed his life in order to preserve the multiverse and during crisis on Infinite Earths likewise he shows the Justice League the fact that vision and Scarlet Witch had kids and those kids turned out to have been the shards of Mephisto he shows each each team as sacrifices the other team made the issue with this is that a lot of these heroes don't want to see things go back to the way they were instead they live in this idyllic reality they live in this perfect reality and they don't want to see things shift but by virtue of Hal Jordan who has again without any real explanation returned to his previous form before Emerald Twilight when he went insane because he speaks to the team and he basically says hey guys look our worlds weren't perfect but they were our worlds and we should keep them as our worlds the team's ultimately joined forces under the under the idea of going forward in attacking Crona in an effort to set things back to rights now from here Kurt Busiek actually wraps things up fritti fast he makes quick work as a story in the sense that I would imagine at this point it seemed as though he was basically writing himself into a hole and what I mean here is that situations like this could go on forever in a sense of the Avengers and the Justice League could basically team up or they could fight these scenarios could unfold for god only knows how long but because of the fact that Barry Allen's here you know because of the fact that Hal Jordan is here because things simply aren't right the idea is to basically fix all this and give us an end to this story and so what happens is that under the direction of Captain America they ultimately lead their forces to the remains of Galactus which Crona has formed into his own stronghold in addition to this Crona has basically taken all these different forms of energy and combine them into a single source that he can then turn around and use and converge all things into a single Big Bang basically Candice it down into a singularity witnessed the destruction of the multiverse the rebirth of a new universe and see how everything came into existence in the first place and so what happens is that while all these heroes attempt to defeat Crona this sort of convergence of all they're villains begins to take place in the sense that every single villain ever existed in the history in the publication history of the Avengers and the Justice League begins to emerge and begins to fight against these heroes and so basically it's more or less Crona creating a situation where it's a stalemate where as long as the heroes are distracted by the villains that they've faced then ultimately it'll give them a chance or it'll give him a chance to continue the process of converging all these different universes down into a singularity leading to the destruction of all things and the rebirth of a new universe and so what happens is because Superman is really the the core of the superhero element right you know because he's so capable because he's so strong and powerful he's able to hold his own against the various villains that he's going against the problem with this is that characters like molecule man are still extremely powerful because remember this is after the first Secret Wars event and so molecule man has the ability to whoop reality not only that Superman is sort of the symbol of superheroes and so while he is able to lead his latest forces against you know all these different villains in the end it just doesn't quite seem to be enough and so what happens and this is actually a really really cool moment what happens is that while Thor is momentarily defeated or seems to be defeated while all hope seems to be lost in the sense of the superheroes are being wildly overpowered Thor throws his hammer to Superman and Superman catches it while simultaneously wielding the shield of Captain America which is basely it's absolutely amazing and so what this does is it allows can be used the hammer to penetrate the Citadel of Crona giving them a way in and past the villains as well as allowing Superman to start laying waste to the villains using the hammer now again this is only a temporary moment that is to say the Superman won't be able to wield it again and we'll actually find out why at the end of this story but the fact remains here that with this portal open Barry Allen and Hawkeye effectively work together in the sense that Barry Allen sort of relives this instance where he died against the anti-monitor where he beams running around in circles as a distraction for Crona and when Crona turns his gaze away for the slightest second the result is that Hawkeye shoots an arrow laced with TNT into the device that crona's using to converge all these realities and destroys it thereby allowing all these different universes to be and breaking away in addition to this this also forces Hal Jordan to return to his spectre form and he again also assists and you know I guess operating as the hand of God in terms of pushing these worlds apart and keeping them from merging into one another and so in the fallout of all this once everything seems to be going back to normal we pick up with Superman trying to figure out why he couldn't lift the hammer of Thor again and what Thor says is that Odin was watching or at least it seems he seems to hint at it that Oda was watching the events unfold and granted Superman a momentary instance of being able to lift the hammer now again this is really just Kurt music giving us a reason why he could lift it it doesn't seem that Superman is actually worthy or if he was worthy it was only for a moment the fact is he's simply not worthy of wielding at any time he wants to and so what this does is this again wraps up extremely fast this is really curb music just telling us that the tale more or less comes to an end that these superheroes recognize the value of each other but we also have an instance where by they came together fought off an incredible foe and then the Avenger just kind of left open with Metron and Grand Master more or less making the case that if it should all happen again that the teams will come together again and they'll fight off fight off whatever foe they happen to go against just like they did this time around with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end and yeah it was it was kind of interesting you know this is a really interesting situation so because of the fact that the krona was kind of absorbed down into this cosmic egg and he would give birth to a new universe allowing him to witness you know all of creation but it was really just sort of curb music trying to wrap up a story where he seemed to ride himself into a hole but it wasn't bad I mean it wasn't the worst thing ever he was actually kind of fun to just see the Avengers and the Justice League fight one another but if you guys are interested in seeing seeing more model versus DC content make sure you guys drop a like when she you guys leave me a comment and also if you guys are new here to comics explain feel free to hit the sub button and become part of the robb core and yeah I will catch you all in it peace I want to give a shout out to Jason see Austin s Jason s Austin H Phillip and Austin B we have lot of Austin's and our patreon as well as G gnosis 916 de gnosis didn't give us a first and last name so we kind of had to roll with it I didn't mention your last names after you guys didn't want me to throw them out there but I want to say thank you to you all by the way your rob4 rings should be on their way for our honor guard members of the rob corps for these special patrons your custom rob four rings should be on their way they're being shipped to me after that I will have them shipped to you stay tuned keep your eye on patreon in your messages and you will hear about them coming to you thank you [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,266,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Marvel COmics, DC Comics, Marvel Vs DC, Crossover, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Amalgamation Universe, Darkseid, THanos, Infinity Gauntlet, Avengers Vs JLA, Full Story, Compilation, Justice League, The Avengers
Id: vhsIBwGysRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 2sec (4862 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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