Doctor Doom Kills The Marvel Universe FULL STORY (Comics Explained)

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so Dr Doom fights Kane the Conqueror and Mephisto in the story and it's amazing okay so check this out so this initially picks up with something called the antleon collider which is basically a black hole that's being created on the dark side of the moon it's more of a controlled black hole it's basically a minor Singularity but the reason why this is done is because the world or at least the scientific community on Earth in the Marvel Universe wants to start shifting more towards like nuclear power different things like that but with all the different forms of energy that are used the big question that people find themselves asking is what do we do with all this waste right this energy waste that we end up creating is it one of these things where we're going to just kind of keep on doing what we're doing which is driving to the side of a hill dumping our trash in the ground and then covering it up or are we going to come up with something that's a little more elegant and more of a fitting of our technological advancement and so that's the idea behind this black hole is to literally create a place whereby trash can be dumped essentially for Infinity right because black holes will break everything down on the atomic level and it may end up filling up up but I mean it's it would take an astronomically long amount of time in order for that to happen the kicker to all this is that while these interviews are being done with members of the the antleon collider Community they're also talking to Dr Doom and they asked him the question like what's your stance on this of course Doctor Doom being Dr Doom is like it's gonna fail right this whole thing's being done by Reed Richards as intelligent as he is the biggest problem Reed Richards has is that he's sloppy and because he's sloppy this is going to end up failing disastrously now the crazy thing about this is that you do have this guy named Steve who's one of the guys conducting the interview right one of these reporters and he literally says many believe that you're just upset because you were left out on the project and it has to be a failure because you weren't involved now here's the thing right anybody who knows anything about Doctor Doom in Marvel Comics knows that there are some things you just don't say right like pick your battles wisely this is one of those because when the interview ends Doctor Doom just kind of leaves in a huff and then tell tells one of his guys bring the reporter Steve to me bring that guy to me right like I want my hands on that guy he's been mouthing off and we need to help Steve understand his place in the bigger picture and so one of the things that kind of goes on here and it's cool is that while that's taking place you end up having Doctor Doom in his study and while he's there he's suddenly met by the arrival of King the Conqueror now when it comes to King and Dr Doom this is one of those things where it's kind of you stay away I stay away right in the sense that because these two guys are kind of distant relations to a degree Kang doesn't really do a whole lot in terms of intentionally going after Victor Von Doom the reason for that is that in Marvel Comics it's never been fully established if Kane the Conqueror is the descendant of Reed Richards or the descendant of Victor Von Doom but the risk here and even King himself doesn't fully know if he were to attack Doctor Doom anywhere to kill him he could actually prevent his own existence from happening and so he doesn't really go directly against Dr Doom and usually pick a fight although the two have fought in the past and the fights between Dr Doom and Kang are usually amazing like they're some of the coolest fights you're ever gonna see mostly because it's Kane to conquer brandishing all his technology and time travel escapades and as Dr Doom was just like the best one-liners ever in the history of comic books it's Phenom no no I will say apocalypse has better one-liners but Doctor Doom has great one-liners he's got great lines but it's just one of those things but it's also because of the fact that Doctor Doom is so astronomically intelligent and because he's so capable and because his lust for power in a lot of ways mirrors that of Kang there is a kind of respect that is grown between the two also because of the fact they've helped each other at different points in time and so Kang being here is one of those things where it's a little mysterious we don't really know why he's here in the first place the nature of the conversation is really more just kind of banter back and forth between the two and that's basically it and then Kang ultimately just sort of teleports away but what Doctor Doom ends up doing is as he prepares for bed then he actually ends up having this vision of of a woman that we haven't discovered yet and she and Dr Doom have a family right like they have a whole full-on family and so Dr Doom really kind of going back to his quarters right after this sort of hallucination which really even takes him by surprise he ends up opening the door only to find that he's on the moon where the entire antleon project has gone awry according to his prediction it's manifested a full-scale black hole and is sucking everything in around it now here's the thing to understand if a black hole opened on the moon if we would die so fast we wouldn't even be able to understand what had happened right like literally it would just probably be a flash of light and like that's it that's all we would see but the thing about this is that once Dr Doom of course the next morning he's basically told hey we have Steve that uh he ends up going to find where Steve is basically just kind of strung up and he's like make sure he's fed today tomorrow we might not feed him but today make sure he's fed and so as Dr Doom is kind of meditating and focusing on this Vision that he received suddenly the nuclear arms of vladviria fire off right they literally just start going off like all these nuclear weapons of vladveria shoot off they head toward the ante Leon uh Antion collider and basically destroy the whole thing and because they um because they originated from latviria and because Dr Doom had been like yeah man uh this the whole this whole thing's gonna fail the immediate suspect for all of this is Dr Doom and these guys come swooping in right just I mean it's it's shoot out of the okay Corral right guns blazing the first one to show up here is Union Jack he doesn't really matter all that much but he is cool right he's one of these characters where he never really gets a whole lot of appearances in Marvel Comics but he is cool and it is interesting to see him from time to time but the funny thing about this is that while this attack's going on suddenly Victor Von Doom is shot by Agent Zero now Agent Zero is a lot more capable Maverick was one of the original inductees into the Weapon X Program alongside Wolverine so while he's not necessarily on the same level as Wolverine regarding like adamantium bonding and all that kind of stuff he is probably one of the single greatest assassins and mercenaries in the entirety of the Marvel Universe it's crazy how good he is and he even goes as far as to say interpol's reward right the international police the reward just shot up for Victor Von Doom like literally everybody's got it out for this guy everybody's coming for this guy and so where Dr Doom is able to initially get the upper hand on both Union Jack as well as as well as Maverick he had instructed his staff immediately issue a surrender right immediately tell them we're surrendering here because the worst thing we can do is to actually face off against these forces because what it does is it implies guilt right like it wouldn't it would indicate like yes we launched the attack and I'll be damned if any is going to come to Liberia and give me you're never going to take me alive right I mean it's it's that kind of thing right and so ultimately he ends up basically just surrendering to various forces that show up here now once he's taken he's actually brought in by a combination of different things the first two are silver Sable and Amy Chen now these two are particularly important but only in certain circles in Marvel Comics so silver Sable runs a group called The Wild pack which is one part information brokering and one part mercenary work so they are guys that basically travel the world they pick up people who are supposed to be picked up by various governmental agencies or corporations or what have you but because silver Sable is networked with so many different organizations and groups out there she's basically a person tied into a ton of information so even if she's not necessarily coming after you if somebody else is coming after you they can actually hit up silver Sable and if they're able to offer the right price she'll give them the information that they need the other person that's brought here is Dr Stephen Strange now the reason why Steven strange is here is one because this story takes place before he died and two because as most people who are familiar with Dr Doom and Marvel Comics know Dr Doom and Doctor Strange have a very strong history together the most notable instance of the two of them working together was when they traveled to basically the realm of Mephisto they traveled to hell and the story triumphant torment in order to free Dr Doom's mother from from mephista right a free her soul so it could go to heaven which they successfully did and in fact that's something that I want you to keep in the back of your mind because we'll talk about that again in this story but Dr Doom's various mystical abilities are enough that they can match the powers of Doctor Doom so if you want to try some crazy you know Jedi mind trick mysticism stuff Doctor Doom would be there to basically bring it to an end but as we know Doctor Doom has no real intention of doing that now the irony behind all this and this is the important thing to understand based on the visions that Dr Doom has been getting which he doesn't really know the origin of of it and we don't really even know the origin of it at the moment is that these Visions indicate somewhere along the line Dr Doom does something which ushers in an era of peace all across the world and literally brings a kind of Utopia that had never been seen before and so that's why Dr Doom 1 allows himself to surrender because he's kind of curious about where these Visions are leading but two Kane the Conqueror suddenly appears inside this ship where Dr Doom's at and it's one of those things where literally Kings like I've seen your future right years from now you're the magnanimous leader of an eternally peaceful Earth and it would be the most preferable Earth for me to conquer and so that's kind of the on running theme like King the Conqueror will appear more over the course of the story and really if anything he kind of shows up I mean Dr Doom does fight him a couple times but he shows up more often than not in order to help Doom because he's like the things that you're gonna do are basically going to make the earth a Utopia but it's also going to make the Earth weaker and it makes it easier for me to conquer so like here's some stuff to help you because in helping you I'm helping myself right like that's really what he does for a good chunk of the story and it's hilarious the times that he shows up it's funny but one of the things that Doom says is okay if this future you see is true and it matches the visions that I've been having then free me right like if you want to be able to conquer the Earth in the future because of what I'll end up doing then free me and get me out of here and so one of the things that they do is they sabotage the the engines of the vessel and then they basically Escape now you guys are probably asking yourself why don't they just teleport out of it the reality is when you're dealing with king marvel plays it fast and loose right if Kang basically destroyed or or sabotaged the engines it's because in looking over all the different timelines it's the only one where they successfully Escape that's kind of the undercurrent that Marvel uses right like King does everything he does for a particular reason but the reality is that once this is done basically Kane teleports away and Doctor Doom casts a mysticism in order to save himself following that he literally goes underground he Dawns a kind of mask and hides himself and he takes off to the city of New York now when he gets there he basically ends up encountering what are these sort of visions of Morgan lafay now these Visions come in the form of her appearing on in like Times Square on TV screens different things like that only Doctor Doom can see her this is one of those elements of Marvel Comics that's really cool Morgan lafay has been around for an exceedingly long time and in fact she's been around about the same time as Merlin in Marvel Comics and the thing about this is she actually originates from Atlantis or at least the Atlantean territories before the gray cataclysm during the second host when the celestial showed up and then attacked the deviants that is to say she's been around for thousands of years and she's incredibly powerful she's not the most powerful person ever but it's kind of a loose knit family between like her and Dr Doom and Doctor Strange and like the Scarlet Witch and brother Voodoo people like that just these people that practice like magic and mysticism which is really weird when you think about it because like there was a time when Morgan lafaye and Doctor Doom banged so that's kind of cool but the thing about this is that while all that's going on what you end up having is Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four while it's off panel he comes to the realization that if Doctor Doom has actually escaped and Doctor Doom's out there on the lamb then what they need is someone who's every bit as intelligent as Doctor Doom meaning this person is one it like kind of shares the number one spot for the smartest person in the Marvel Universe but is also immensely powerful powerful enough that they can stand toe-to-toe with Dr Doom and so what you end up having is Herbie the robot who's kind of like the robotic assistant of the Fantastic Four basically traveling to Cornell and meeting with Adam Brashear and bringing Adam Brashear in as a person that can actually capture Dr Doom now a lot of people are going to ask the question how in the world is it that like blue Marvel is on the same level as Doctor Doom is this just something you're making it up Rob I'm not making this up at all and the reason why I say that is because there's a point when blue Marvel is meeting with uh with Herbie and you know at that point you know blue Marvel's like okay so Reed Richards is finally taking me seriously and Herbie's like well you are the top available right like you were using you were the next best choice which is kind of a crappy way to put it but then Herbie also goes on to say you match Dr Doom in intellect and strength especially since he's without his powers now the way that Herbie's drawing this information is based on the information that Reed Richards has in his database what that means is that in Marvel Comics what Christopher Cantwell is establishing here that Reed Richards is one well aware of who Adam Brashear is which is something that we already knew and then two looking at Adam Brashear the blue Marvel top to bottom from his intelligence to his strength to his powers and so on Reed is basically established that blue Marvel is as intelligent and capable as Doctor Doom what this means is that blue Marvel shares the number one spot as the smartest person in the world with Reed Richards Doctor Doom and Valeria Richards right it's a really cool moment this is one of those things that you're probably going to see people referencing when other folks ask the question where does Blue Marble reside in terms of intelligent strength so on and so forth and so following this what you end up doing is picking back up with doom while he's traveling with Morgan lafay and they travel to meet a guy called the witness now this is the one and only appearance of the witness at least in this form that I'm aware of in Marvel Comics but the idea behind this guy is he can basically look into the eyes of another person and then see exactly what their future is and what the witness says is that Dr Doom is going to die and it's the saddest day on Earth it's absolutely beautiful but we don't really find out exactly how this death happens but what it does seem to do is kind of fall in line with the visions that Dr Doom's been having where he becomes this person that literally saves the world that it would be a tragic and sad day because the world would have lost somebody's significant to them the kicker is that before any of this goes down and any other questions can be asked Dr Doom is killed on the spot and he's actually assassinated and the person who takes him out is none other than task master Tony Masters I told you this story gets amazing now again in this moment what ends up happening is because Dr Doom is by all standards of measurement dead he wakes up in hell he wakes up in the realm of Mephisto and traveling there he basically Dawns this kind of Hell armor which I gotta tell you guys is probably the second most badass doctor Dooms ever looked the only thing better than this was when he was God King Doom so he basically had his normal outfit but it was all white which was dope and I'm surprised no one's cosplayed as God King Doom at any Comic Cons it kind of astounds me but this looks dope oh my God like it looks so beast but what ended up happening is Doctor Doom comes face to face with Mephisto now the thing about this is Doctor Doom tells him right off the bat I'm not supposed to be here and the response of Mephisto is that's what they all say but I'm glad to have your your soul now and forever and Doctor Doom immediately attacks Mephisto now here's the thing to understand about Mephisto right this guy is a misnomer when it comes to how powerful the Fisto is with Mephisto himself he is at the peak of his power when he's in his own realm but he's not indestructible and he's not Unstoppable but the thing about this is that Dr Doom is immensely powerful the reality here is Dr Doom's not powerful enough to overcome me Fisto to beat him in his own realm like this and so what kind of goes on here is a bit of bouncing back and forth where Mephisto starts playing games with Dr Doom now one of the other things that I want to establish here is really kind of more of a background of what's taking place is that you do have the kingdom of latviria where Dr Doom normally resides what you have next to it is a place called simcaria and socari has kind of been a war-torn place for quite some time only recently has it actually established any measure of an organized government and so what's going on here is that Sim cardia is actually organizing battle formations and they're in the process of trying to conquer Liberia while Dr Doom is not there so that's an important plot point to keep in mind again we're not going to be talking a lot about that but we will talk about at the end because it does become incredibly important at the end of this but the thing about this kind of focusing on the Here and Now what Mephisto does is he tells Dr Doom if you can convince Valeria that you deserve to live then you can return to your life now here's the thing Valeria there's two different ones there's Valeria Richards who's the daughter of Reed Richards and then there's a different Valeria so no we're not talking about you know Valeria Richards right this 11 year old kid that Dr Doom was in love with that's weird right that's weird and creepy and really really gross Valeria is a character who's exceedingly old school in Marvel Comics and in fact she goes all the way back to Marvel Superheroes number 20 in 1969 Valeria was a person who lived in the same camp that Dr Doom did when he was a little kid they were basically you know they kind of fell in love as teenagers as much as anybody could but as Dr Doom became consumed by Vengeance and power Valeria basically left him behind right she just didn't want to be a part of that life and as a result of that she eventually fled Doctor Doom caught up to her and basically convinced her that he was going to leave all that Madness behind and all he wanted was her love and a life and so she ultimately bought into it what was really going on and probably one of the most just amazing stories that Mark raid ever wrote In The Fantastic Four back in volume three back in 2003 the idea here is that what Dr Doom had done is he had actually tricked Valeria and he effectively sold her soul behind her back so that he could attain mystical armor right enhance his powers and so when that happened her soul was sent to the realm of Mephisto it was a pretty shady thing to do and that's why Mephisto makes this claim if you can convince the only woman in the world who ever loved you that you betrayed her that you deserve life then I will give it to you and that's the crazy thing is Victor Von Doom tries to do it and he even tries to rationalize his actions no no I needed that because I'm gonna make the world a better place I'm gonna make a world of a way more interesting place your your soul right Eternal damnation for you that was a sacrifice I was willing to make in order to make that happen right the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few the reality here is he's not really apologetic for it and so in spewing all this stuff about everything he's seen suddenly you end up having Valeria that transforms into a demon really and like really Mephisto this could have been impersonating her and then like really tormenting Dr Doom and it's like I've seen this life that you say you've seen Dr Doom I see how you save everything and so on and so forth you're never going to attain it that's going to be your damnation here right your eternal torment is going to be that you know without a shadow of a doubt that your one dream in this world actually comes true that you become this leader of this Earth You Lead it into Utopia you become everything that you believe yourself to be and you're never going to be able to attain it that's going to be your health and so literally a fight breaks out between the two and it's pretty knock down drag out but in the middle of all this mistress death appears and is like done this fight's over right he will return to his life Mephisto now here's the thing even Mephisto himself regardless of any level his level of power he has is not stupid enough to fight mistress death She's the literal living embodiment of death all she has to do is will it and Mephisto ceases to exist that's it I mean that's literally what you're talking about here so not even he is stupid enough to invoke her ire and the funny thing about this is that where Dr Doom asks right like are you doing this so that I can truly go back to Earth and become the person that saves it and her response is no it's because you will become my greatest servant of all you will bring a level of death and destruction that the world has never seen it's a crazy thing because what ends up happening is that after this whole circumstance arrives or it really ends that Doctor Doom wakes up in the home of Morgan lafaye who had taken his body back to her apartment and of course the two of them are joined by uh by Blue Marvel now as soon as Doctor Doom sees Adam Brashear he immediately fires on him and gets him out of there because Dr Doom knows how powerful Adam Brashear is he knows how capable he is and if a true knock down drag-out fight between the two happens that given his current circumstance it's highly unlikely that Dr Doom will be able to overpower Adam Brashear and basically keep him from from being arrested right so that's why he literally sends them flying in the moment to sort of get him out of the way at that point yet again Kate the Conqueror pops up getting the Conqueror appears and it's one of those things where it's kind of an information brokering right at that point Dr Doom's like okay King I need you to Rattle your brain I need you to tell me what timelines there are where I was successfully killed in this moment Here and Now not five days ago right not 50 minutes ago if this moment right now I need to know who it was that killed me and the response of King is it was Taskmaster and he was hired by Advanced idea mechanics and so what literally ends up happening here is Dr Doom finds the base of advanced idea mechanics right he literally breaks in he steals their weapons and starts shooting the place up he kills everyone right he does he like every single soldier they have they all die now here's the thing I had previously stated that Dr Doom without his powers is basically useless I was wrong right I was 100 wrong unlike most people on the internet I can admit when I'm wrong when I'm when I think I'm wrong unfortunately I usually never think I'm wrong so I usually never admit I am wrong just kidding but here's one of the things right I never really consider Dr Doom to be capable when he didn't have his arms and Armament this dude's a beast man this guy's rolling through here with just the with just the biggest gun I've ever seen killing everyone he sees right just overpowering them all he duplicates himself several times over and all those different forces right all those different versions of himself start attacking all these different soldiers so we still use those powers to a degree but at the end of the day it comes down to him and Taskmaster now this is when you really get to see what Doctor Doom is capable of I never believed he was good when it came to hand-to-hand combat mostly because you never really see him doing hand-to-hand combat it's always like you know I'm Dr Doom and magical spells and just badassery all over the place that's usually all you ever see but seeing him facing off against Taskmaster like this and overcoming Tony Masters is impressive as hell right it's a pretty pretty cool thing because remember when you're fighting against Taskmaster you're not just fighting Tony Masters you're fighting everyone Tony Masters has ever fought right so you're fighting Captain America Spider-Man Deadpool Wolverine like all these different characters because this is the Rolodex he just pulls those fighting styles out and depending on the circumstance especially when he was fighting black panther he actually merged all those fighting styles into one to where he would punch like Captain America but he would Dodge like Spider-Man and he would kick like Deadpool it was cool man it was it was just one of the coolest things just some amazing moments that you see in Marvel Comics and so once Dr Doom gets the upper hand on Taskmaster knowing that taskmaster's mission was quote unquote finished with Dr Doom the next thing he wants to know is who are you supposed to go after next right because he literally asked him who hired Advanced idea mechanics to kill me right that's what I want to know who hired them to take me out who hired you to take me out and where he initially won't give that explanation the reality here is Doctor Doom's smart enough to know that if Taskmaster is going after Doctor Doom then Taskmaster is also going after people associated with Dr Doom and so that's when he's like I want to know who this is who is it you're supposed to go after next and that's when he says it's for Xena right it's a woman named for Xena and at that moment Doctor Doom basically ends up realizing there's a much bigger thing going on here and immediately goes after that chick right immediately goes after for Xena now the other thing that takes place here is kind of working his ranks up right basically continuing to take out Taskmaster as well as what seemingly the rest of advanced idea mechanics he's met by the arrival of Modoc now Modoc doesn't really offer much of the way of a challenge here for Dr Doom he kind of does but he kind of doesn't he tries to shoot him with like a mental blast Dr Doom has the shield of Taskmaster and his sword he just stabs Modoc in the chest but this killing is also a long time coming because remember Modoc was part of Intelligentsia which was the organization that stripped Doctor Doom of his intelligence if you're not familiar with that storyline we're actually covering it right now in my videos on Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four so we'll post a link to that video down in the playlist but in the midst of all this you end up picking up on Liberty Island now Liberty Island is a place that has these kind of weather stations that are being created or be being used by this woman named frezina and the idea behind this is it's basically an attempt even if only in a smaller localized space to basically control weather in Marvel Comics that kind of stuff happens all the time it's not really a new thing it's not really Landmark it's just something that Christopher cantwell's throwing in here to show what she's doing but in the midst of all this one of the things that we learned is she is from latviria and we know this because there are discussions that take place between her and the people around her where they ask questions like you know is Doctor Doom really an effective leader you know is it a good thing that he's gone that kind of stuff and she's like understand right the law of sedition and rendition those individuals who speak ill of vladveria and its leader especially Liberian citizens will literally be tossed in some kind of a re-education camp I don't want to be one of those guys so I'm going to go back to doing what I was doing right that kind of a thing it's just kind of bred into them in terms of how they function the other part of this here is that while you do have Doctor Doom in a library who's basically reading up on for Xena the reason why this name is so significant comes when he's visited by Kane the Conqueror yet again and when when the the two of them really start talking is Doctor Doom saying in these visions that I had the woman that I end up marrying is for Xena like that's the person that I end up marrying and that I end up having a life with so the reality is if she's a target of advanced idea mechanics and they're looking to kill her by using Taskmaster or somebody I've got to find a way to keep her alive she's supposed to end up becoming my wife and so this is a really significant moment here and there's actually history between Doctor Doom and forsina indirectly and the reason why this happens is because you do have a little bit of a skirmish that takes place between Dr Doom and Kane the Conqueror but the significance of this really comes in the form of the fact that when Doctor Doom ends up visiting for Xena she initially rebukes him right I mean at first she's kind of like oh my God it's Lord Doctor Doom you know that kind of a thing but once the veil goes away and he tells her just address me like a regular person she doesn't like him and in fact she hates him because he tells her like I've had visions and you and I are supposed to get married which is one way to propose all right just like run up on a random chick hey random woman over there I've had Visions we're supposed to get married uh you want to get hitched right that's not gonna work but the reason why frezina hates Doctor Doom is because there was a point during doomor when Dr Doom had invaded wakanda and stole its vibranium that a journalist in Liberia had spoken out against Dr Doom because of that and what Dr Dum had done is he had jailed that guy basically for his first edition right for speaking ill of vladviria end of Dr Doom and that guy is still serving a prison sentence that guy is the father of farsina and that's why she hates Dr Doom because the guy was just doing his job and the price he paid is is basically a life of imprisonment and even Dr Doom goes as far as to say I should have had your father executed for what he did just be happy in the fact that I didn't and I was feeling particularly generous now that's the most Doctor Doom thing to say to be honest with you but in the midst of all this a couple things happen the first is that you basically have the arrival of Adam Brashear alongside Herbie and then you have the arrival of silver Sable and Victorious now I've kind of held off on talking about them up to this point though way things had played out with their characters is that Victorious was kind of like the second in command to Doctor Doom whenever he's not in Liberia she's the one who runs the show and so where you basically had the simcardians who were attempting to invade Liberia successfully did so and then took over the country that Victorious was basically ousted but the other part of this is that silver Sable being as smart as she is had realized something else is going on here and she was actually being used and so she and Victorious work together to try to find Doctor Doom so they could basically put all their information together and figure out what the bigger picture is now of course blue Marvel being here is just for the purpose of trying to you know to grab Doctor Doom and it's really an amazing moment because a fight breaks out between the two and Adam Brashear holds his own against Doctor Doom and thus one of the things that I hope you notice here in terms of Doctor Doom facing off against uh against Blue Marvel it's really him just trying to hold off the power of Adam Brashear and this is due to the fact that in this moment Doctor Doom is not as powerful as Adam Brashear it's a pretty cool moment right it's a pretty cool and badass thing where literally blue Marvel is more powerful than Dr Doom In This Moment now of course yet again Kay the Conqueror shows up I told you he would show up at like the funniest moments and at the most inopportune times what's really cool though is that this is an exceedingly opportune time he shows up here with just this insane weapon and is like okay Doctor Doom this is for you because remember you gotta live so that you can make the world easier to conquer for me like I told you as his whole motivation of showing up here strictly for that and in fact what you end up having is Adam Brashear who immediately attacks Kane the Conqueror because Kane the Conqueror destroys Herbie and so in that moment Adam Brashear like the blue Marvel kills Kane the Conqueror right he kills him on the spot just incinerates that guy and that's when doctor Doom's like okay yeah we gotta get out of here like we gotta find a way to bail the other part of this though is that no one's prepared for what comes next because what happens here is that with Kane the Conqueror it wasn't simply just a weapon that he gave Doctor Doom what he also gave him was an advanced suit of armor from his own timeline right from King's own timeline and doing that what it does is it restores Victor Von Doom back to his full power he's got the full brunt of his technology combined with his mysticism and advanced Weaponry from Kane the Conqueror blue Marble's like look here's the thing Doom we have to put these grievances aside this black hole is going to emerge everything's going nuts with the antleon collider we have to do something and the response of Doctor Doom is no like I'm not going to do that I'm going to go home and I'm gonna take care of my country Reed Richards wanted to be the one to run the show that let Reed Richards run the show and if the entirety of the project goes awry and a black hole Singularity opens at the Moon I will deal with it and I will take care of it but I will take care of it because I'm better than he is but I want the world to know that Reed Richards is a failure I want the world to know that he's nowhere near as capable as I am literally Dr Doom is willing to potentially see the Earth destroyed just to make Reed Richards look bad and so where this picks up is actually the first time they've spent any meaningful time together over the course of the story arc now Dr Doom and Kang have a history a pretty the history and in fact back in the day in the original comic escapes me but back in the day in Marvel there was a point when came to conquer after he adopted the identity of Rama Tut and was defeated by The Fantastic Four in ancient Egypt he ended up coming back to the modern era and then after meeting Dr Doom basically fashioned the suit of his own that was similar to Dr Doom and started calling himself the Scarlet Centurion right so just one of those little bits of History here but the long and short of it is that these guys have a lot of respect for each other but their egos are off the charts right they're like they're like Dwayne Johnson cooking the books with Black Adam the hierarchy of power in the DC Universe is about to change right I mean like it's just a whole new level of ego like that's literally what this is and so that's why one of the first things they talk about here is whether or not they're actually related and that's one of the things that's just kind of a big question that's existed in Marvel Comics for eons and eons and the reason why is because Kane the conqueror's real name is Nathaniel Richards and of course you have Reed Richards and Reed Richard's father's name is Nathaniel Richards so for years and years in Marvel Comics and I mean when I say years I mean like decades right for like the last 50 years or so in Marvel Comics give or take a little bit fans always found themselves asking the question is Kane the Conqueror Nathaniel Richards is he descended from Doctor Doom as he descended from Reed Richards and in fact they're going to pose this question as to whether or not Nathaniel Richards right came the Conqueror is actually the father of Reed from like maybe a different universe or operating under a different change in his character's history or whatever the case happens to be we'll talk about that here in a second because it gets a little wonky but one of the things that happens here is that these guys are basically taking the long road right instead of just like teleporting somewhere or having some vessel from Liberia pick them up and take them where they need to be or came to conqueror using technology instead they literally have to lay low so they're going old school man they're hitching rides and like train cars and like walking and stuff it's cool unfortunately for a couple of these poor sets these guys basically decide to stow away on one of the trains literally hitch a ride and then like one of them gets into the train car with Dr Doom and Kang and is like hey what's going on gentlemen do you guys mind sharing this train car with me now is anybody who knows anything about Doctor Doom knows this guy does not suffer vagrants so they blast him out of the train car and send that guy flying to his Doom right after that it picks up with the two of them just kind of there like a campfire right and again that's kind of how this conversation continues on that what ends up happening is Dr Doom even goes as far as to say I've heard rumors that you're read Richard's father and the response of of King is I've heard that too but he looks nothing like me now the reason why this is being thrown out here is because this goes back to Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four which we need to continue because if anything after the the after where we stopped it's just a handful of like small ancillary stories right just like one shots and little mini series and this Jonathan Hickman just kind of cleaning things up so it's not Essential by any standard of measurement but it would be fun to go back right because we still have Franklin Richards from the future who's currently in the present day doing his thing in Crazy levels of reality warping and so on and so forth plus there's the ultimate fate of Ben Grimm which is kind of screwed up but the thing about this is that when Jonathan Hickman wrote The Fantastic Four and specifically when we got what was called the big hunt so all these different variants of Nathaniel Richards Keith's father across the Multiverse all facing off against each other and jumping in and out of different universes right Age of Ultron Days of Future Past different things like that that one of the big theories that Rose to prominence during that time is that because Reed Richard's father's name is Nathaniel Richards you had the great hunt you have variants of Nathaniel that they all end up becoming basically versions of Kang and so that's what that theory came from initially or really gained the most traction I should say is that Kang is potentially the father of wreath so again it's one of these really interesting things because when you're talking about a guy like Kang who does time travel while he has a lot has had a lot of identities over the years the reality of this is that Kang has actually forgotten a lot of the things that he's done over the course of his existence right a really good example of this if you want to put this to the test tell me what was on the wall on the left hand side and your third grade class what did your teacher have written on the wall what was the name of your third grade teacher and that's what you're talking about here right came the Conqueror jumps in and out of different points in time all the time right and so because of that it all just kind of turns into an amorphous blob of things he's done but that's why why you'll have comics where somebody will say well King what about the time that you did this and he won't know what they're talking about because he will have forgotten it and so again it's just one of those interesting things when it comes to his character's history so that's why the theory still holds traction and that's why it's entirely true but of course following this it's also Kang basically telling Doom I'm not I'm not your father and the response to Doom is I know you're not perhaps I'm your father right like it's one of the things where they kind of go back and forth we never get any definitive answers truth to tell I don't think Marvel will ever give us a definitive answer as to whether or not Kang is related to Reed Richards or to Dr Doom which one he's descended from because it's just one of those cool little Mysteries that just kind of exists out there now of course following this you have uh you have another poor bastard that decides to roll up on Kane the Conqueror and Doctor Doom as they're walking down this uh deserted Highway these two folks ride up on him right and one of them's like so what do we got here right I ain't never seen more colorific looking chuckle ducks in all my life what's your name fancy Cleopatra referring to Kane the Conqueror and they're like how about you Steely Dan what's behind your iron curtain and of course Dr Doom in response to this helps them finish with all their living anybody who is a Doom otherwise you will be made to meet your maker and that's literally it but one of the coolest things about this this is one of the reasons why I love this comic so much one of the coolest things about this is that again there's a lot of respect between the two depending on the story arc they're mortal enemies but the reality here is that the intelligence of Doctor Doom can never be underestimated by anybody even Reed Richards and people like Valeria Richards the daughter of Reed who's every bit as smart as Doctor Doom and Reed himself people like Moon girl who's that intelligent or even Adam Brashear who's as intelligent right at least that's what this story solidified they all basically go to Doctor Doom in some capacity as the guy that can answer questions that they have that they simply can't find answers to on their own he's wildly intelligent and that's one of the reasons that his character even alongside Kang is so cool because even Kang himself recognizes the intelligence of Doctor Doom and the reason why that needs to be respected but Dr Doom also respects Kang because between the two of them they have an unwillingness to be defeated to defy all the odds and to ensure they come out on top more so than that what Dr Doom respects Above All Is One a person's intelligence and a person's fortitude how hard are you willing to work to get what you want do you take the easy Road or do you take the Hard Road even if the Hard Road doesn't need to be taken do you take it anyway for no other reason than the fact that it'll make you more well-rounded and make you better and Kane the Conqueror is very much the guy who will take the hard road everything he has he worked for with the exception of the time travel device he stole that I mean truth to tell let's be honest with ourselves right it was literally doctor Doom's time platform in the 30th century and Kane just took it right but outside of that outside of that the guy the guy is unwilling to give ground and will always do whatever it takes to win and doom can always respect that and so that's why you have this this kind of conversation where Doom asks the question why are you even bothering to help me and the response of of King is I explained I will conquer the world that you save and the response to Doom is I will save no world and again King says no I've seen the Utopia that you've created and then the response to Doom is you've also seen seen a future where Earth is overrun by a cohort of mechanized dinosaurs and that's when Kang makes this amazing point and he says true still wherever Dr Doom stands there exists a lust for power one I can use to my advantage and that's where Doom calls us Bluff and he says honestly I think you're just lonely and the two of them just kind of start going back and forth I am not you're lonely no you're lonely I'm not lonely because I'm Dr Doom and I'm a misanthrope well I'm more of a missing I'm a misanthrope times two right it's literally just kind of this bickering back and forth and this sort of nonsensical and almost sort of a bromance that exists between these guys I don't know if anybody uses that word anymore but it's great to see doom and Kang relating to each other in this way because more often than not you see them as enemies it's cool because literally after they they share this laugh together the response of Doom is I will destroy you king and the response of Kang is I'll destroy you first Victor right so it's just one of those cool little moments that goes on there now having said that once they make their way to Texas what ends up going on here is Doctor Doom has what he calls an Ace in the Hole in the sense that he was able to kind of contact people through a kind of underground Network and say like I need something delivered to me at this location so at this point they're literally just biding time and waiting when out of nowhere they're met by the arrival of Paladin with a minigun who literally just starts spraying the whole place down literally this guy's just standing there with a minigun unloading everything honestly it looks like an M60 but he's just spraying everything down only for them to find out the way in which they were found was because of the orb now here's a few things to explain here is Paladin an important character no Paladin sucks he's always sucked he's never been a relevant guy there's never been an instance in the history of Marvel Comics when all these villains are all teaming up to face off against the heroes and they're losing and then Paladin shows up and the day's saved that's never happened right the guy's about as irrelevant of a mercenary as anybody possibly can be but more so than that the orb this guy's just downright goofy but it is still cool to see that they have their history intact so here's the thing when it comes to the orb this guy was completely and totally Irrelevant in Marvel Comics until a story was written it was called original sin and what this guy had done is he had discovered the dead body of The Watcher which had actually been killed by Nick Fury but he had taken one of the Watchers eyes and because everything The Watcher has seen over the course of his existence was stored inside of his eyes the orb but basically broadcast all that information to the world so everybody learned everything about themselves that they had previously never known a really good example of this is during oh my God Jon and Hickman's Avengers The New Avengers when Captain America was originally part of the Illuminati during the incursions when like the Multiverse was collapsing and the Illuminati were talking about destroying alternate Earth that when he disagreed his mind was white by Doctor Strange at the direction of Iron Man and then he was thrown out of the Illuminati so he didn't know any of that stuff but during original sin all those memories were restored to him and then he had lost his super soldier serum and just became this crotchety old son of a gun and was literally going like like going after the Illuminati like he took over shield and brought like the full might of the US Military and the intelligence community on to like find the Illuminati it was amazing man because for a Time Captain America was kind of a warlord and it was pretty boss like it was amazing it's one of the best moments in the history of Marvel Comics but again the orb still has one of the Watchers eyes Now The Watcher himself is back right but the orb still has one of his eyes meaning the orb sees all like it literally has like what you could argue to be Cosmic awareness although there's nothing to indicate that it operates on a universal level but literally like with the hunt for Doom it's Doom's over there in Texas right he knows right off the bat and so what ends up happening is King brandishes really one of his older weapons which is called the ultra diode but what it does is it basically just saps people love their willpower so it reduces you down to the most pathetic version of yourself right so most people on Twitter and Reddit and the result of this is that these guys just kind of cower into like a fetal position and just sort of cry about how like the end is an eye their lives don't serve any useful purpose or anything like that but the cool thing here is that once the this plane right this contact lands and Dr Doom is given his Ace in the Hole that what we end up finding out is that it's actually the ultimate nullifier now here's the thing man and I'm kind of amazed that Christopher Cantwell is just sort of treating this as a thing right like it's just sort of there the ultimate nullifier is quite literally the Ultimate Weapon in Marvel right I mean I would argue this thing is Way Beyond The Power of an Infinity Gauntlet because the thing about the ultimate nullifier is that the power that it possesses it's relative to the person who's using it initially it was created by Galactus and then it was attained by the Fantastic Four during the original Galactus Trilogy literally Johnny Storm and The Watcher go to galactus's ship tattoo they steal it they bring it back to Earth they give it to a read and the Reed starts brandishing this thing and galactus's face and then Galactus just flees for his life that's a very simplified version of what happens but like this thing scares the hell out of Galactus and the reason why is because if you put the ultimate nullifier in the hands of an idiot it may not necessarily work you put this thing in the hand of Reed Richards you could annihilate the universe Doctor Doom you could Wipe Out the whole universe the benefit of the ultimate nullifier is that doesn't just destroy whatever you aim it at it basically makes it so it never existed so a really good example of this is that if Doctor Doom were to point the ultimate nullifier at Spider-Man then Spider-Man would simply cease to exist not only that it would be as if he never existed so seemingly nobody would have ever heard of Spider-Man nobody would have ever liked any images of Spider-Man that exists would ultimately be gone right they would just disappear like this guy the entire evidence of this guy's existence would vanish forever that's really the major implication of the ultimate nullifier and there's really no way to bring them back so that's why I say I mean presumably you could point this thing at like The Infinity Gauntlet or any Cosmic entities probably even the Living Tribunal maybe I'm not really sure I guess it just kind of depends but the thing is insanely powerful so the fact that it's in the possession of Doctor Doom means this guy means businessman and so what ends up happening is that once he has the ultimate nullifier we end up finding out this is the reason why King was here in the first place now the reality here is that Kang wanted to attain the nullifier for himself off but unless you decided to screw up the time stream Doctor Doom had to get his hands on it in order for Kang to take it from Doctor Doom things have to happen in a certain order when it comes to the progression of time throughout the Universe and so as soon as Dr Doom gets the ultimate nullifier king turns on him and then steals the ultimate nullifier but before he can get away this is the crazy thing before he can get away Doctor Doom quite literally stabs Kane the Conqueror in the neck like literally stabs him in the neck right blood goes everywhere leaves him for dead and then just takes off on his horse right just like rides off on his horse and so following that Dr Doom basically ends up getting to Mexico and when he arrives there which is kind of weird to see he ends up basically grabbing a payphone and he calls Reed Richards from a payphone and the reason why is because during the time when doom and Kang were traveling together the question that they had is how do we do how do we end that black hole and they were asking questions like can we use antimatter it's like well antimatter is still composed of mass so literally Mass plus Mass equals more mass so if you fire some kind of antimatter cannon at a black hole all it's going to do is just absorb all that mass and grow bigger you're not going to do anything but feed it and so that's where Doom's mind began to sort of look over the entirety of the situation that's when he calls up Reed Richards and he says your black hole solution is simple read my guess is that it's standing right next to you and he says Brashear the blue Marvel send him inside the antleon experiment now the initial response of Reed is in antimatter Collision will just create more mass and the response to Dr Doom is listen you idiot right he says send him past the Event Horizon he can generate a massive amount of negative energy to dissipate the black hole I know he survived the nuclear explosion so there's a chance The Singularity will not incinerate him and then he ultimately leaves now here's the reason why that would work remember Adam Brashear is an antimatter reactor right he literally he's basically a guy that draws all of his power from the antimatter universe so imagine you're not like Superman draws his power from the sun right solar energy gives him all of his abilities like it feeds his abilities that's what happens with Adam Adam Brashear instead of him being fed by the power of the sun he's fed by a whole different universe but it's also why his power is seemingly Limitless because so long as the Negative Zone exists he'll be powerful and he can presumably Channel all the power of the Negative Zone in different forms and Fashions it's why when it comes down to like physical strength Adam Brashear is arguably the single strongest character in the Marvel Universe the best way to test that and I hope Marvel gives it to us one day I want to see blue Marvel versus like World breaker Hulk I want to see that fight because that would be dope but literally because he's an antimatter reactor that's the response of Doctor Doom I'm not a physicist so I don't really even know how all this works but as I understand it it would basically be two objects hitting and just canceling each other out right negative one plus positive one equals zero that's really what this would be so I'm kind of curious to see exactly how this would play out well the way this picks up is it picks up with Adam Brashear the blue Marvel basically traveling into the black hole for the purpose of using his power to try to cancel out the black hole and then literally dissipate it is basically what would happen for Dr Doom he's returning to latviria now so what we're going to do here is is with the Adam Brashear portion it's not overly necessary at this point in time but the hole just behind this is that as he travels into the black hole that the mission again is for him to basically expound as much of his energy as he possibly can literally Channel it outward inside the Event Horizon of the black hole or really inside the singularity and then basically collapse the black hole and then make it out before he's ultimately destroyed now obviously this is a Marvel comic it's defying all laws of physics as we know them because nothing escapes a black hole that's the significance of a black hole so as as Adam Brashear gets into this there's a few things that happen one he's met by an alternate reality version of Otto Octavius and that's when we end up finding out these different visions that uh that Dr Doom has been having over the course of this story where he has like a different life he basically leads the world into a kind of scientific Age of Enlightenment really where he has like a wife and children and so on that's what's on the other side of this black hole it's a wormhole is really what it is right it's a tunnel that leads from the main Marvel Universe to this alternate reality and that what's been happening is Doctor Doom has been receiving Visions from this alternate reality of what his life in that Universe looks like but the other part of this and for reasons that I'll never fully understand Christopher Cantwell invokes The Brood right so like this crazy looking alien race like attacks and of course Adam Brashear basically fights them off but it also leads to uh Doctor Octopus being killed in the process right this also reality Auto Octavius being killed but before we find out what really happens there what we end up doing is jumping back to Victor Von do right now with his arrival in latviria you do have what are basically is kind of inner Council right so you got Boris you got Petra Lara and a few other people but you also have Christoph Bernard now the reason why these guys matter is because one Christopher nard is the heir to the throne so as soon as this coup d'etat happened Kristoff Bernard was like Public Enemy Number Two Dr Doom of course being Public Enemy Number One because he was still alive out there somewhere but Christopher nard is like the adopted child of Doctor Doom and in fact he's gone so far over the course of his publication history to take his own mind and use Christoph Bernard as a backup for it so as we saw in Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four for example if something happened to Doctor Doom and he lost his level of intelligence he could download his mind from Christoph Bernard and it would be like restoring your PC right that's literally what it is here and so Christopher nard is so important because he's the rightful heir to Liberia now you've also also got Zora also known as victorious she was at one point a kind of Herald to a degree of Galactus when he showed up on Earth but has largely been like the number two in terms of doctor Doom's control of the military and so on one of his most trusted confidants but that's really what's Happening Here is because when they're out there just kind of surviving and whatnot and Doctor Doom shows up on the scene it's Doctor Doom riding a bear which is probably one of the most baller things that I think I've ever seen doctor do I mean he just looks menacing right like literally he's like riding a bear and he's like I have returned and like you see that and you're like yep he's returned and we're not going to argue with that are we guys and it's like nope we're not gonna argue with that at all because the Dude is riding a bear and none of us wants to die not only that his bear is his pet he named him right like literally his name is Novak and it's not even his pet he's like this is my comrade Novak see that he's fed right so like it's one of those cool things because for all the the the pop and Circumstance and all the arrogance that Dr Doom puts out there to the world the reality here is he's Goofy on the inside right he's he's gooey soft right gentle he's he's he's he's he's got a little a little bit of uh what a sensitivity on the inside there right so it's you wouldn't know it right but it's one of those those funny things so as soon as he arrives here what he says and literally addressing his inner counsel is he's like this coup d'etat originated from inside uh latviria as far as I'm aware and of course it started in some Korea but the reality here is that I ruled this country with trust I trusted my people I trusted that they would not overthrow me now he does trust to a degree but he also recognizes they could do that and in fact that was highlighted in Hickman's uh of Avengers and New Avengers when he was talking oh my God when he was talking to Neymar's Submariner in one of the best moments ever so literally like when the Multiverse is falling up heart and after the name of the Submariner had made his alliance with like Thanos and all those guys only to find out the Thanos is exactly what we thought he was which was just a crazy guy that loves to kill stuff he abandons the cabal he shows up at Dr Doom's doorstep and it's like you've got to help me and Dr Doom is like uh okay so here's the thing Namor I'm a king you were a king Once Upon a Time you understand the bigger picture here right like do you really think the people in liveria wouldn't kill me if they chose to of course they would he's like but uh I feed them and I protect them I keep them safe from whatever threats are out there so before they they pray to whatever God they believe in when they go to sleep at night they give thanks to me it's like one of the greatest speeches ever right and then he tells the name of the Submariner you're on your own right you threw in your lot with Reed Richards and then you went to Thanos and now you show up on my doorstep asking me for help no sir Dr Doom is no one's second choice he literally just rejects him just because of the fact that he felt like he was a second choice it was an amazing moment in in Marvel Comics but the thing about about this is that as he talks to them he does know that at any point in time his own citizenry could literally rise up against him but it's the fact that it's happened that now he questions everybody so he tells them all you're going to prove to me that I should trust you and as each person goes in turn and provides their own swearing of loyalty to Dr Doom we meet up with a guy named Vasily uh mccaff I think is how you pronounce his name and it's one of these things because as Dr Doom starts asking him questions like you know how in the world do you think this happened how do you think this this whole coup took place the response of Vasily as well as obviously traitors in our midst right subverting our security different things like that and doom says allow me to read you something and what ended up happening here is that Doctor Doom reads a letter that was written by Vasily to basically a woman named Katarina who is a Sim cardian and so that's when Dr Doom and really Vasily starts to realize Doctor Doom already knows vasily's one of the traitors that he's one of the people who worked against Dr Doom in order to orchestrate orchestrate the coup d'etat in latviria and so once this comes to fruition Vasily can't really lie like he can't really make anything up right it's at this point if Dr Doom asks him what do you know about this letter assume it's rhetorical assume he already knows the answer and so that's when Vasily is just like okay right The Jig Is up like there's nothing he could do and Dr Doom tells him I'll give you a two minute running start this guy hauls ass out the door because he knows Doctor Doom well enough to know he's not messing around Doctor Doom walks out there and at one minute 59 seconds the clock strikes two minutes he fires the shot and kills Vasily on the spot and then he's like feed him to my bear and like that's it that's how Dr Doom gets things done guys right it's it's I love how he's handled I love the way Christopher Cantwell writes Doctor Doom here it's absolutely phenomenal but the other part of this is he actually ends up meeting with Victorious now he knows Victorious well enough to know there's no way she'd be involved in a coup d'etat against him right so for for you know to a degree she kind of gets a pass but what he does is he presents her with the ultimate nullifier and says the ultimate nullifier takes an astronomically focused mind in order to use it otherwise the user will destroy themselves or accidentally cause any manner of things to come to an end so I'm giving it to you to hold on to for safekeeping because my mind is not as focused as it used to be but then following that he travels directly to his castle in latviria and it's one of the coolest moments because when the coup d'etat took place a guy named Dimitri fortunov was basically put in charge of ladveria as the new ruler of the Kingdom he's more of a puppet than anything else kind of the guy who's there to make it look like he's running the show when in reality he's just being told what to do so basically any American politician and the reality of this is that when Doctor Doom shows up he's just kind of like the ruler of Liberia an impressive title Dimitri right an impressive title you must carry it with dignity stand up straight after all your king and hold your head high he who Reigns looks down on those who don't but something's missing yes a true leader must have this and that's when Dr Doom removes his helmet and shows his face and says if you are going to be the leader of Liberia this is what you must look like and he forces this guy to start cutting his own face up right to disfigure his own face and then he turned he says the ruler of latviria must also be a god Dimitri ride can you fly as a god flies and then he throws him over the banisters and the guy falls to his death and he's like alas a mere mortal quite the pity but then in that moment he actually ends up getting a vision of his kids from the alternate reality but they've cut their faces up to look like him and the view of it is so astronomically crushing to him that he actually sort of collapses on the spot right he almost passes out from the strain because remember these visions that he has of his kids of the life that he could have is what he aspires to it's what he wants it's almost like this life is unsullied by everything that exists out there in the world right now and so what he does is he kind of gives us this little bit of a monologue where he says that over time you know once he was met by Victorious and I wouldn't say nursed back to health but Victorious was able to help him regain his bearings Dr Doom basically sits like he literally takes his throne back and with him having the ultimate nullifier one of the things to understand is the world is scared out of its wits now under any normal Circumstance the world would look at Doctor Doom retaking labyria with a bit of a questionable lie and just kind of be like can't we really trust this guy but the dude's got the ultimate nullifier in his possession and Dr Doom as far as the world is concerned albeit the world doesn't know the current goings-on of his mental state but doctor but the world sees Dr dooman believes this guy having the ultimate nullifier is enough to literally Wipe Out the entirety of the universe like that in the blink of an eye and so no one really questions what it is that he wants and in fact he goes as far as to say like now that I've taken my Throne back I don't want to conquer the world I don't want to take over the world I have no Grand aspirations for anything like that but what I am going to do is I'm going to put down this Rebellion that had taken place in Liberia I'm going to Route out everybody who was from sincaria that caused this coup d'etat in the first place and then I'm going to take some karya and that's going to be it and the world doesn't stand in his way so literally this guy launches an attack against the neighboring country and let me tell you something man this guy sun sun sun they they were not prepared this guy comes in and it's just like it's it's hell it's fire in Brimstone right it's Old Testament man this guy comes in and he's literally like I seized control of this entire country I conquered everything right he says like the Sim cardian invasion was over quickly my blood became charged with the Verve as we stamped out every conspiratorial smudge of scum every Whisper of usurping vermin I even dusted off my old Blaster buggy which is an actual thing that he used to have back in the day I haven't driven in ages what fun it was to lay waste to so much at such invigorating speeds here was Doom at his greatest I I am a strong proponent of Total War and no quarter if you're going to break the back of an entire nation you might as well do it right we even killed most of the livestock they just cleaned slated sankaria and it was as much of a message as it was anything else this guy goes full on Kaiser Soze right I don't know if we ever ran over that right but like Kaiser so it's like the story of Kaiser sose is amazing we're going to kind of scroll cover panels so you guys to see what's going on but the story of Kaiser sose is amazing because for those of you guys who never heard about this it was from The Usual Suspects right and it's literally Kevin Spacey who gives the story and he says that Kaiser sose was just like this drug Runner right this guy that ran like a small little drug operation and that was it but you had these these Hungarian Warlords that wanted to basically make a name for themselves and what they knew is that true power is not how much you have and how much you control it's about your willingness to do what the other guy wants so these Hungarian Warlords I think they were Hungarian basically show up at uh Kaiser sose's home they find his wife and kids right they basically do what they will with his family and when Kaiser sose gets back he finds his wife has been violated and his kids are crying and so these guys literally tell him we want your whole operation we want it all we want the drugs the money we want your contacts the whole nine yards right they wanted to show Kaiser so say that they were that they were men of will that they were willing to do whatever it took and so Kaiser so say show these men of will just what will really was this guy killed his wife and his kids and then he executed every single one of the Hungarian Warlords except for one and then he let that guy go and tell the tale and then once all these guys like once once his family was buried then he goes to work right he killed these Hungarian Warlords parents he killed their parents friends he burned down the homes that they lived in he burned down the businesses they worked out of he killed the people who owed them money and then he vanished and that was it right you never found out what happened to Kaiser Associates that well you do but you got to watch The Usual Suspects to find out that's literally what this is man that's really what this is it's like that guy said to John Lithgow and that movie Ricochet you didn't beat him you just pissed him off and now you're cause now he's gonna be out for blood and so what we end up doing here is we basically switch over to Doctor Doom basically finding Katarina right after the letter that he read to Vasily he ends up taking one of the swords him and Katarina getting a sword fight he cuts her down and that's the end of it following that Katarina tells him I'm not the one who started the coup d'etat in latviria from sincaria I'm not the one who caused it instead she points him to the to the person who did and what he ends up revealing is that it's a woman he's never met he doesn't know who she is doesn't know what she's about but ultimately these people launched the Rebellion against Dr Doom from some from some Korea to seize control of latviria and that this woman herself had a daughter and the daughter that she had was basically Left Behind when this woman fled after her husband was killed This Woman's been in some Korea ever since and been plotting to overthrow Doctor Doom but her daughter was taken by the rebel forces that sided with Dr doom and then raised as their own the girl is Victorious that literally the number one really the number two commander of doctor Doom's Army actually has some Korean blood now Victorious wasn't working against doctor do and in fact she didn't even know her own Heritage she didn't know that this woman who had orchestrated this whole coup in Liberia was her own mom she had no idea that was the case and so instead what Doctor Doom does really with with uh Zora herself is he orders her to kill this woman after telling Victorious that this woman is her mom and while Victorious does follow the orders as they were given to her at the end of the day Doctor Doom assumed that Victorious wouldn't really care that she would just see this woman as some Korean scum as a rebel right a person who tried to orchestrate a Revolt instead while it doesn't necessarily lead Victorious to Turning against Dr Doom entirely it does permanently fracture the relationship between the two of them she doesn't trust him as much anymore and she doesn't look at him the same way anymore following that every single person who was in some capacity as you know associated with the coup d'etat in latviria from sincaria whether they're in Liberia as as collaborators and orchestrators or whether they're from some Korea or not it doesn't matter they're all summarily executed by firing squad so literally like Dr Doom takes no prisoners and the funny thing about this is this kind of Final Act is what he does is he Muses to himself and he says despite all this violence and all these things that he's done at the end of the day he has no intention of staying this way that what he's going to do is he's going to travel to the Moon he's going to find a solution to fix this whole antleon collider problem and then he's going to become the version of himself that he saw in his Visions the version of himself that by all standards of measurement is much better and far more peaceful than he is right now and has led the world into a place where it becomes more more advanced right basically ushering ushering in a new era but notice this Dr Doom's not doing it because it's the right thing to do none of it comes from an altruistic motive he's doing it because he sees it as his best possible chance to rule the world and so following this once he completes all of his research and everything and literally develops a plan then what he says is he's kind of devised a whole like laser and experiment and so on which is way beyond my ability to comprehend but basically it keeps getting fired into the black hole which will help to reduce the black hole in size the problem with this is that doctor Doom's ego becomes his own problem that what happens here is that as he talks to Reed Richards who literally just wants to wish him good luck Dr Doom's own ego and really his own self-consciousness starts to become an issue when he starts to believe that Reed has an ulterior motive that reads just like yeah good luck Doctor Doom you're gonna need it man because maybe Reed Richards has realized something about doctor Doom's experiment that Dr Doom didn't realize himself but because of how much he hates Reed and because of all the insecurities that he has in this comparison to read that he actually starts recalculating all of his experiments he basically starts to second guess himself and when that happens he makes a fatal error because when he does the machine fires off it hits the moon and it blows part of the Moon in half and then following that Dr Doom disappears and so when that happens he basically wakes up in this alternate reality in this alternate universe where he's met by his alternate self and this is where things get really really cool because as he meets his alternate reality version of himself he doesn't really attack him but instead he's just like I want to learn I want to know how it was you successfully managed to conquer the world now notice the conversation between these two is starkly different because this good version of Doom right this we'll call him Victor right Victor does not use phrases like here's how I conquer the world here's how I subjugated Humanity different things like that it's we and us it's a collaborative effort from his perspective whereas Doctor Doom is seeing it as you did something that allowed you to seize control of the entire world and it's one of those cool things because Adam Brashear survived everything that had gone on and in fact he ended up in this alternate reality as well and what what really uh Adam Brashear says is that the visions that Dr Doom has been having of Victor's life where he's got a wife and kids and the world adores him and loves him that the reality is it's a mirror that what Victor's been receiving are the is really the life of Dr Doom and so it's one of those things where Victor looks at Doctor Doom and his actions in the main Marvel Universe and being a a kind of warlord and all that kind of stuff as a nightmare right he sees it as like the worst possible version of himself that he could potentially be whereas Doctor Doom looks at Victor and sees Victor as what could be the best version of himself but again the motivations are different Victor is afraid of the life he would have as Doctor Doom because he becomes the warlord Dr Doom loves the life that Victor has because it allows him to achieve his ultimate goal as a warlord so again totally different motivations totally different perspectives but at the end of the day they are in some capacity mirrors of each other and that's what's so cool here because as they begin to talk this Victor personality kind of starts to rub off on Doctor dude to a degree right where Dr Doom is perceiving all of this as Victor just because he's so much smarter than everybody and like that's it but one of the things Victor says is you're wrong about that and I want to hear you say that you're wrong I want to hear you tell me that you were wrong and the response of Doom is I was wrong right and it's really hard for him to say because he's got to swallow his pride to do it but then they get to the home of Victor which is a really nice and beautiful home but it's not the castle of doomstadt in Liberia and Dr Doom asked Victor like why would you give up our Birthright why would you give up this Castle to live in this this kind of this Hubble as he calls it right like this this small home that just does not really stand as a testament to the greatness of who we are and the response of Victor is because none of this is about how great I am none of this is about how awesome and intelligent I is Victor Von Doom am that's not what this is supposed to be this was all done for the legitimate betterment of humanity to make the world a better place for people more so than that what he also says is you are looking at this this and you're really looking at the world from your own limited perspective you look at it in terms of what you can make the world into being I look at the world from the perspective of what can I and the rest of humanity turn the world into what can we make the world because it's one of those things where he says the result is that regardless of how you perceive Humanity whether you're exceedingly misanthropic and make this argument that the human race is the worst thing to happen to Earth or you're more optimistic where you say the potential of humanity far outweighs the terrible things that we've done the reality is that the human race is greater than the sum of its parts as a singular entity with a singular ideology and a motive the human race cannot be stopped from achieving anything but instead it's it's literally barriers between countries and its motivations from world leaders right and different things like that it's the limited perception of the World by Humanity that makes Humanity so limited and so when he's like once you start breaking that down the possibilities are endless and what he reveals is it's like this isn't just Earth where this happens the every single Race Across the Universe we all collaborate now the shiar the cree the scroll the badoon the whole nine yards we share information We Share technology that we protect those civilizations as much as they protect us and while our technology was vastly more limited than theirs because Humanity as a whole had not achieved Interstellar travel there was a level of power regarding various superheroes that exist on Earth that those other other civilizations didn't have so we let them have some stuff they let us have some stuff and the universe is better off for it and that's what's so fascinating here because even Victor says like all these Grand weapons that exist out there and these Grand Powers the Infinity Stones The Cosmic Cube the Crimson Gem of sidorak you know the the casket of ancient Winters the dark hole there's no need for those things anymore there's no need for these crazy you know artifacts of power because nobody really views the world in such a limited capacity in that way anymore we don't need it we do what's right because it's best for Humanity and so as this whole conversation station takes place that what Victor tells Dr Doom is you can achieve this you can do this on your own home world you can literally bring this world or really bring what I've done to your own world but you're going to have to drop this facade you're going to have to drop this armor that you have you're gonna have to learn to forgive guys like Richards and you're gonna have to heal your face and he says the reason why you have to heal your face is because you know just as well as I do at any point in time you could heal your face you could restore your face back to a sense of normalcy but you choose not to because having a scarred face allows you to remember how Humanity has wronged you that instead of becoming one with humanity and leading Humanity you want to subjugate the human race because you see yourself as better than them you are the very definition of a misanthropic narcissist right like you believe people don't matter and they should be subjected or subjugated because you're somehow more capable than they are and he says think about it for a moment Victor it's all a farce A desperate it and honestly pathetic attempt to conceal your endless fear it currently permeates every fiber of your existence all the way down to the silly finger guns in your metal Gauntlet hand it's all ludicrous your entire mode of being is ludicrous you know that I'm right and when he says that it's the final straw Doctor Doom kills Victor on the spot then he sees his control of the ultimate nullifier in this alternate reality and wipes out the whole universe literally kills the whole universe on the spot he ends up having you know taking Adam Brashear out and Adam Brashear arrives back on Earth but Dr Doom is just like no I will not have it said that I Dr Doom Victor Von Doom the smartest being in existence has somehow joined the limited intellectual minds of humanity and I've somehow become a part of them I don't want to be infected by the human race I don't want to be that kind of a person if the human race will become better it's because I will make them better I will lead them into becoming better because I will subjugate them and turn them into something better but if Humanity could be better it would have already been better by now Humanity doesn't want to be better because people are stupid but I will make them better and so it's it's like the most misanthropic thing ever right but literally wipes out a whole universe on a spot kills that entire universe and then just goes back to his castle and it's just like nope I'm him like I'm I'm Doctor Doom there's not one ounce of good in me and there never ever will be and that's when Kang reappears to Victor Von Doom and it's just like so I see that you're back on your throne and the response of Victor is yes I will not become that guy he is a weak muelling pathetic version of me and that's never gonna be what's gonna happen to Doctor Doom if I conquer this world it'll be with an Iron Fist and all all Kane the Conqueror does is just look on and basically smile because at the end of the day I don't know if it was the manipulation of Kane that led to this but seemingly King always knew how this was going to turn out it was somebody just up to Doctor Doom to figure it out on his own but with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end Amazing Story I loved it thank you all for watching and I'll catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 437,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comic books, comic explained, comics, comics explained, dc, doctor doom, doctor doom comics, doctor doom explained, doctor doom fantastic four, doctor doom fight scene, doctor doom marvel, doctor doom origin, doctor doom powers, doctor doom scene, dr doom, dr. doom, fantastic four, fantastic four doctor doom, kang, kang the conqueror, kang vs doom, kang vs dr doom, marvel, marvel comics, marvel comics explained, superhero, top comics, victor von doom, Original Sin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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