Praying The Word, Part 2 | Nancy Dufresne | Prayer Conference 2021 | Murrieta, CA

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oh [Music] come on singer tonight [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on say it again god is great [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] come on sing it again come on say it again i will let the lord come on again hands together tonight come on come on let's have some church in here tonight i love jesus he's my savior when storms are raging he's my shelter where he leads me i will follow i love jesus he love me come on and say i love jesus [Music] hey i love jesus [Music] i love jesus [Music] i love the lord [Music] i love the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] oh stronger [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] say it again i don't like to believe it so good so good [Music] oh hallelujah father we bless you in this place tonight we praise you in this place tonight you're an awesome guy and we magnify in this way [Music] [Music] that's oh testimony hallelujah somebody make some noise for jesus in this place tonight come on somebody make some noise in this place if god's been good to you come on if he's brought you out if he's turned your captivity you've got a reason to rejoice tonight hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh one more time [Music] one more time hallelujah hallelujah come on just for a minute tonight touch your voice for a minute come on lift your voice in here tonight come on declare his goodness declare his faithfulness hallelujah father we bless you we magnify you we extol you great are you lord and you are greatly to be [Music] to be praised you are greatly to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down on the same your name is worthy hallelujah your name is worthy of the praise tonight father we worship you in this place you deserve the worship you deserve the praise because you've been so good to us glory to your name we give you [Music] praise [Music] praise give you praise we give you praise [Music] let's sing it all jesus we give you praise [Music] away [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] always [Music] fast [Applause] and our voices to the sky we give grace [Music] [Applause] to the skies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sing we give you praise [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] always [Music] oh from your own heart worship him magnify him jesus we saw you in this place there's no one like you no one deserves the praise and the worship like you do hallelujah i love hallelujah father we're so grateful for this opportunity to gather together around your word we thank you holy ghost for being our wonderful helper tonight to leading us and guiding us in the truth we receive it by faith our answers and the direction that you have for us and we give you all the praise and the glory all the honor thank you father for what you've done for us in jesus name amen you can be seated we want to remind you to go ahead and silence your cell phones and your devices we're excited tonight's double up night amen we want to remind you about some meetings we have we've got the dufresne ministries miracle crusades one in may one in august and one in november december that's in kentucky new york texas if you're watching by live stream you're welcome to join us these are not just for those regions or that church anyone can come we ask you to register we'll have morning services and evening services the mornings will be with reverend joel and pastor amy siegel and pastor nancy will be ministering in the night meetings we also have camp meeting june 7th through the 11th and ladies conference october 5th through the 7th we also want to let you know about some material we have pastor nancy's book a sound discipline mind amen uh when you have a sound and disciplined mind you will behave and act as god intended for us to behave and act so many uh things can be rooted in our thought life which affects our actions uh it affects how we handle situations and we want to handle everything according to the word of god and to his plan but often times it's not circumstances that derail us it's our thinking about those circumstances it's how we think about what we face determines whether or not we're going to be a success and the revelation from this book came from times of great testing in her life as she says the this is her life these books and materials are her life and that we are to be so careful with them and receive them reverently amen and the revelation uh in this particular book and uh the the peace one that's kind of a sister book to it that revelation you cannot find and i'm not saying that in a prideful way but she got the revelation on that through the testing of it and it was lived walked out she endeavored told god i want to know the steps so i can teach it to others i'm grateful she held out i'm grateful she didn't go another direction because with these steps and they accompany uh the the end result is the answer it book uh but they accompany each other and so if you can get a hold of those three but a sound discipline mime is the one you want to start with so we encourage you to have that in your library and his presence shall be my dwelling place this week being taught on prayer prayer is simply going into his presence with his word and his plan as your goal that you're seeking him and so we we invite you go ahead and get that book all of these if you don't know our book bookstore is a little bit different so if you have any questions we have attendance there that work in the books or ask them if you're looking for a particular book and you you can't find it ask them and and they can help direct you and then this book living a life of prayer or this cd series it's four cds uh so you can avail yourself to that tonight we want to spotlight something and that is our legacy partner club and we have our own website actually for defrayne ministries uh partners and it's you can access free audio teaching teachings downloads and exclusive have kind of an exclusive password to get in there partners get twenty percent off qualifying dm materials in our bookstore and now in our online store you can also give monthly if you're not like me and don't write a check still you can do text to give as a partner from any location around the world i'm guessing and that is you can do our text to give code partner so you're able to wherever you're at if you want to become a partner if you're not from here if you don't want to send take the time to send something in that's a very easy way to give monthly there's no minimum monthly we don't have a partnership requirement so you can give any amount how many in here are already legacy partners raise your hand look around we've got raise them high raise them higher we've got quite a few legacy partners in here already praise god but if you're interested tonight or you want to know a little bit more we want to show you a quick video brother mark are you ready go ahead every one of us have a job to do in the body of christ [Music] it's a new day of stepping into places in the spirit that will bring us into a greater flow you ain't called for anything else but to help people a fresh momentum that hits a strike what is the job of the body of christ just set people free get people healed get people saved can you say amen hitting a stride in the spirit realm in healing and in disciplines [Music] [Music] the partnership money that we receive you can see really does a lot to going around the world uh pastor nancy hasn't been able to travel quite the same this last year to the different countries that god has opened doors for her but praise god just even in the last year different tv broadcasts have opened up into countries and nations of course tv and russia goes to almost every country 186 countries but we've had some new broadcast opportunities that they have invited her we have not sought these out and one of those is tb and israel and that is a family network and how much is it 10 per 10 15 of their daily programming they a lot to christian even though it's tbn they a lot to christian uh station you know christian broadcasting a christian show but everything else is very family oriented and they have given her in that 15 the prime spot was at 7 7 pm every evening not one evening every evening so uh and that is a cable so tb and russia goes in via satellite to israel and to these other nations this is a cable so that is just increasing the amount of households in that nation uh alone uh and then uh there's about three or four we're on here in the united states so your money's going there sending uh her around the world and the materials it goes towards helps printing new materials so there's so many different arms it's not just going to go to one thing you never know when you're giving your partnership money every month what nation what city what state who that's exactly going to touch but you're a part of that that seed zone that's fruit to your account through this ministry and i tell you we our ministry partners with other ministries and one thing my husband we've always done if we're feeding regularly or continually on a ministry that's one thing that we take note of that says we need to be partnering with them if we're receiving regularly we should be giving regularly so if you're not sure whether to become a partner uh that is one only one way you know uh and and and one one way to look at it if you're feeding on any frame ministries materials that means our youtube facebook live you should be joining in with sending the word to somebody else and not just we don't want to just be receivers and takers for ourselves but sending that word out amen and if you just love the ministry say i just love i have a heart for the ministry well let that love turn into some action you say well you're just saying that because you're part of the ministry you sure am i'm a partner myself so i'm giving and increasing every year my giving to the to the ministry that has changed my life and i'm interested in others receiving exactly what i'm receiving all the time i should be you know we we should some of us around here we want to be the biggest givers of frame issues because we're the ones that get to eat from the table most often amen so we invite you to uh think about it if you're interested is anyone in here interested in becoming a partner that isn't one would you raise your hand uh the ushers have just some brochures take these brochures it's got more information for you hold your hand up so they can see you they've got information and then you can take these home and go through it they can you can go to the information booth i'll tell this quick i don't know if it's testimony story or what but when the de france first came pastor rancian doctor first came to my church when i was 20 years old uh they sent out these join us cards remember they were purple and you had long hair and uh yeah purple outfit anybody remember those that particular one i got some takers on that and we got these join us cards and i wasn't a partner or anything i didn't know i knew who dad hagan was and that was you know about it and and this lady had this beautiful big hair and she was coming and doctor was on there and i vaguely remember him from coming that spring and i took that join us card and i shoved it i had a wicker mirror and i shoved it in my wicker mirror and i was so excited and i kept that there even after they left because the impartation that the ministry was so significant it ministered to me and such of course i didn't realize the divine connection what was god was bringing into but you can even take this brochure put it somewhere amen believe god if you say i don't know if i have anything you put it somewhere so you don't forget the holy ghost is dealing with you dealing with your heart you don't want to forget that i left that there because i knew what the spirit of god had said to me in those meetings how he dealt with me in those meetings and i didn't want to forget and every time i saw their faces i remembered what god had ministered to my life and how excited i was to uh be exposed and to sit under the teaching and the ministry of this ministry so that that's uh what we have though so you can take those put it somewhere don't shove it in your bible shove it in your briefcase set it somewhere where you can be not only giving praying uh but talking to god about what he may have you do to partner with us amen are you ready to give pastor debbie did a wonderful job right there amen i get the privilege of receiving the double up offering and you know double up always helps the frame ministries go further obviously in this meeting whatever goes over the budget is going to go towards television so we definitely want to go over the budget and help someone else get what we're getting let me uh read a scripture to you uh first timothy 7 5 17. obviously this is where we get double up let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially those who labor in word and doctrine the reason they are to be counted worthy of a double honor which when you look that up it's double finances you know whatever the highest paid in the in the world system in the natural you know the preacher those that deliver the word is worthy of double of that you know and why why is that because of what they are carrying they're carrying the message they're carrying the word that changed people's lives and so it's biblical you know one thing that we learned last year it was a different year for all of us and we learned that we were going to have to exercise our faith in areas that we hadn't had to exercise it before but it was just about exercising our faith and we knew how to do that but you know not everybody knew how to do that and people that didn't know they struggled and ministries that didn't have the revelation that you and i have that god's going to provide for us no matter what's going on and so when things change and the way you have to do something you know we just recently probably you know we're way behind on you know ways to give you know when did we even start you know god maybe a year ago two years ago maybe two years ago you know everybody else has been doing you know everything you know your card and everything else i don't even know what to call it but you know we did the old-fashioned way you know put your money in your envelope or you know write a check but you know when uh just recently you know we thought well we better you know stay with the times this is what people are doing you know and so you know thank god we put that in place because you know last year somewhere around march you know we couldn't have church as regular and so we had to do everything different and you know one thing that i was so blessed because of the word that we sit under and the word we go back and we deliver to our congregations even though things change they put a premium on the word and even though we weren't having church they were uh putting their ties and offerings to our mail drop you know we have an old door with a put it in the slip and we put a bucket there so they drop and you know they knew how to text to give and all of that but i did talk to some pastors in our community and you know they weren't as settled as we were they weren't as confident of god's provision as we were you know they they weren't bold about no matter what god's taking care of us and in fact we really went up a level financially when that hit and we've stayed there why because of the word that we hear because of the word that we are taught to put into practice and where do we get it we get it here and double up is so that others can have that confidence that assurance that boldness that no matter what shifts around us god is still the same he remains the same he's going to take care of us and you know last year not by our choice but we got to experience that and you know i always teach my children no matter what's going on learn something even if it you know is uncomfortable don't let it be a waste you know when you're using your faith learn something and we learned something last year that even though things are different and we learned it not we knew the word but we got to experience it that god is god and we can trust him we put our confidence in him and really we were thrilled at the respond of the people that had been taught the word i mean listen we got old congregation members back through you know virtual whatever you know they're like you know they're logging on you know why because when everything went people became unsettled and guess what is the settling voice the church the church of the living god is the one that is telling people it's gonna be okay i got it on good sure you know i'm confident it's gonna be okay i walk into boutiques and people go i'm so glad you're here is it gonna be okay it's gonna be okay trust me it's all going to work out it's going to be okay they need answers we have answers why do we have answers because of where we get the word and that's why with joy the word and where it's being delivered is worthy of a double honor so that's why we come together and we say you know what whatever we did we're bringing double and i'm sure you prepared your double offering but think about the value of someone else having that confidence in through what looked like a dark time it was not dark for the church it's never dark for the church and we've got the answer and you know people really you know they're looking for answers even more and more easter sunday we had people come to church because their churches were not open yet i mean think about they they go we want to go to church on easter sunday so we went out there and go wait who are these people you know i said well hey you're having church well okay but think about that why why can why are we like that because of the word that is preached and the word that we receive and that's why it's worthy of putting a value on it and right here in defrayne ministries we have been taught well how to depend on god and his word so when things shift they don't have to unsettle us amen are you ready to give your double up offering and everything that goes above the budget is going to go to television ministry amen let me just go ahead and pray heavenly father first of all we're so thankful to be here together to rejoice together to come to receive together and we're thankful father for the revelation that we receive here and how it strengthens us and equips us and so it's a privilege and an honor to be a part and bring our supply father and we know that once we've released this seed we can believe your word that when we give generously we can receive abundantly and we can live fully supplied having what we need when we need it no matter what the need is and we declare that over this seat tonight in jesus name amen and amen they say this mountain can't be moved they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name they say that there is no way through they say the tide will never change they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name so much power in your name move the immovable the unbreakable god we believe god we believe glory from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe [Music] god we believe glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] god we believe no matter what there is power in your name so much power so much [Music] from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe god we believe god we believe glory yes lord we believe you were the way when there seems to be no way we trust in you god your word is what we say yes you were the way when there seems to be no hope we trust in you lord god your word is why we say you are the way you run away when there seems to be no way we trust in you that your word is what we say what we say move the immovable break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe for it from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe [Music] [Applause] god we believe yes lord glory from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] oh yes lord [Music] i believe it you said it it is done you said i believe you said it is [Music] oh yes you said it jesus i believe it is [Music] break me up [Music] we'll see a miracle [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we believe we believe we believe in the power of god i said we believe in the power of god alleluia praise the lord and all things are easy for our father amen hallelujah hallelujah we'll turn to somebody before your set before your seat and say i believe it hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord turn with me if you would tonight to the book of ephesians chapter three we have uh last night we began looking at verses that record prayers that we need to be building our prayer life on and [Music] we need to always when we say well we don't know what to pray well this is the place we start with the word we pray the word amen and if there are more specific things that the holy ghost would have us to articulate and release faith and and request of the father then the holy ghost will give us those utterances but until we have those utterances we always start with the word amen so last night we looked at ephesians 1 and we looked at philippians 1 but i want us to look at ephesians 3 because when we go to the word and find our prayers and our words from the word we're going to it's going to be effective we're going to get results and these prayers are to be foundational in our prayer life and the thing is i want to want us to visit these uh more uh specifically because when we have more light of what these prayers contain it helps our hearts to be more engaged that we're not just being mechanical in praying them we're not just reading off a verse and really have no concept of what this is involving and so we need light about it amen and it helps us to pray with greater expectations amen when we understand what it is that these prayers are requesting of the father so ephesians chapter 3 and starting in verse 14. it says paul of course is writing and he said for this cause i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ so we pray to the father verse 15 of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named part of the family is in heaven part of the families in earth but it's one family regardless of our location location doesn't matter where we reside doesn't matter we're all one family amen and we're all working toward that we're ought to be working toward the common goal amen amen verse 16. that he would grant you that god would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in your inner man amen amen so the riches he has made ours is in the glory the riches what he says according to the riches of his glory where are the riches in the glory praise god hallelujah the glory is god's power brought into manifestation amen amen so there is divine strength according to this verse there is divine might rather to strengthen the inner man yes yes we need to pray for one another to have that might that their inner man be receiving the might that strengthens them from within amen why to stand in the face of things that come against them from without that we win from within we don't win from without we don't win based on what's going on out here we win based on what's within us and so he says here that there is divine might to strengthen the inner man and it is a flow of the glory because it's the riches and the glory riches in the glory it's a flow of his glory that's imparted by the spirit as we pray for others we invite and give the holy spirit permission to impart that might into those who need it amen just because he has might he cannot move uninvited he will not and as dad hagen often said god is a perfect gentleman he will not force himself he will not insert himself uninvited right that's the way the devil operates but not god and so even though he knows what we have need of we still have to ask because asking grants him permission so as we pray and ask on behalf even of our own lives or of someone else that they be strengthened with might in their inner man then god's the god's power the holy ghost will meet that request and that might will flow as a outflow of the glory amen amen amen and when they receive that might in their inner man it helps them so they don't give up amen in the face of adversity in the face of opposition in the face of circumstances they don't back down but they keep pressing forward based on might in the inner man that is fueling them and it will strengthen it will fortify their spirit it fortifies from within that's right it sustains them it helps them to not waver and endure to the end because things aren't walked through in a day sometimes when people are going through very difficult tests sometimes it's easier to quit than keep going sometimes it's easier to leave than to stay come on and the mind wants to quit and give up but divine might imparted into their spirit will fortify them against quitting amen amen amen we receive from god with our spirits that's where we first lay lay the faith hand on our answers with our with our spirit you won't ever have anything manifested from god without your spirit receiving it first and when he strengthens us with mighty and our inner man we're fortified from within to lay hold from the inside on our answer and hold to that thing until it comes in a manifestation and that's what the might of god is for to bring us to the desired end result of the word amen to receive it from within because when you have when you know you laid your hand of faith on that from within not it doesn't matter what the devil threatens you with it doesn't matter those things that he may say you you're certain you are so certain you are so sure and so whenever whenever someone is facing a test and we know they're facing that test it is our privilege to say father father there is a divine might that's of the flow of your glory and we we draw on the flow of that glory for their strengthening amen amen when someone needs healing or any other need sometimes the first thing i don't pray for is healing many times the first thing i pray for is they be strengthened with might in their inner man because if they're not strengthened with might in their inner man when the flow of healing comes they won't be strengthened to lay hold of it so i i many times will pray first for the strength of their inner man to reach out and take hold amen amen because we receive with our spirits you remember the time that dad hagan talked about when there was a missionary who came back to the states after being years of being on the foreign field and he was diagnosed with a terminal condition and dad hagen was conducting a crusade or some meetings there in the city where this missionary was hospitalized here in the united states and dad hagen he had morning meetings and evening meetings and every afternoon he would go and sit in the hospital room of this man and he would pray for him and he would pray in the spirit and uh after praying after several days and spending several hours praying for him uh jesus came into the room and jesus said i've come to heal him and so dad hagan said to the missionary he didn't tell him that he was seeing jesus but he said he said the power of the lord is present in a in a special way to heal you and he said the man who was bedridden and really physically could not get out of the bed actually did and he jumped out of the bed and went and stood exactly where jesus was although he didn't see him ed hagen was seeing him he said he stood almost nose to nose with jesus and stretched out his hands like this as though he was going to receive and then all of a sudden he put his hands down and he said i can't and dad hagin said to him what do you mean i can't he says i can't i can't receive my healing he said yes you can and the power of the lord is present here in a special way to heal you and he said the man reached his hands up he said i can't and dad hagin says what do you mean you can't he says i can't receive my healing he said yes you can the power of the lord is present here in a special way and so he reached out his hands a third time and then let him drop and said i can't i know i can't and he crawled back in the bed and jesus turned to him and dad hagan said he had such a look of hurt on his face and said see i've come to heal him and he won't let me he said now he'll be dead and told him how many days he'd be dead and uh you see what was that healing came but no strength no strength in his faith no might from within you see so always be mindful that sometimes people don't just need what they say they need sometimes they need might to face the opposition amen and so this is such an important thing to pray for yourself to pray for others who are going through things and you don't have to wait till they're going through something just live with that divine might i've had times when just being at home and i remember one time in particular years ago and uh an angel came in and uh i said father what is the angel for and said he's here to impart might for the next phase of your ministry because see we can't accomplish any of the plan on our own abilities in our own strength it's going to call for his at every level at every turn at every phase it's by his might not by not not by our might yes not by our own power but by the spirit or by that which the spirit gives yes amen amen amen amen and so we have to remember we receive first with our spirit so by being strengthened with might in our man our spirit is fortified the word will fortify you other worshipping god will fortify you but this is a way we can help someone who they might not know how to access the word for their might they might not know how to enter into the anointing through praising god to strengthen and fortify them this is a way that we can ask and say father and we have the word that god will fortify them out of his glory out of the riches of his glory might will come amen amen that's good instead of saying i just don't know why they're they're so carnal all the time they like they lack the might right that's good to get past bad physical habits bad mental habits and this is this is now don't don't misunderstand me this might is not to replace the renewing of the mind and the doing of the word but it will assist those who are in the process of developing and growing up but not only that as we are maturing and as we as some are mature that might is still needed because it's a flow of the glory and we need the flow of the glory amen it's the riches it's a flow of the riches of the glory of god that comes in the manifestation to our spirits verse 17 that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that you being rooted and grounded in love now notice when we are rooted and grounded in love we're anchored against diversity we're held sure this is what pastor debbie was talking about during the offering the the strength of the word and what they've been feeding their people and what you as different pastors have fed your congregations and what we fed ours that when there came all kinds of wins and opposition it didn't move us because we were rooted and grounded that's what love does for us the word does that but also this divine love will anchor us so that we're not we're not drifting and shifting we're not floating off from the plan of god we're not floating back into the ways of the world because we're rooted and we're grounded that's good we can pray for this for people this is a prayer father that they would be rooted and grounded and especially over baby christians in our congregations and in the body of christ we must pray this because until they're rooted and grounded in love they can't help but shift they can't help but float away until they have some renewing of the mind that helps bring them into the thoughts of god they're susceptible to floating and drifting back into the carnal back into what the flow of their former life was verse 18 may we be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and the length and the depth and the height now he's still talking about that love yeah yeah another translation says i pray that you may be unable to understand how wide how long how high and how deep his love is meaning no matter how your life goes in other directions love went further you will never drift so far that love can't reach you and i don't care when somebody looks like a hard case they're not out beyond love love is further no matter how low somebody's life goes love goes deeper amen no matter how hard you think they are yeah love has already extended past their hardness amen amen praise the lord now see when you understand this when you pray this it means you're it's like your faith can wrap hold of this thing i love something that corey ten boom made a statement because you talk about of course she and her family helped hide jews during the time of concentration camps of world war ii and when she was released from a concentration camp she spent the rest of her life visiting prisons visiting others who were bound visiting others who were in dark places because she had lived there she watched her family die there and after seeing all the darkness and all the tragedy and all the all the horrific acts that darkness worked she made this statement she said there is no pit so deep that god's love is not deep or still well that's what paul prayed that you would see how deep the love of god is because his love is so far-reaching in every direction in every direction no one is hopeless no case is hopeless i don't care how perverted they were i don't care how damaged they were by other people i don't care the love of god can reach out and the love of god rescues that amen this is how we should be praying for people instead of and this is one thing i've all i've i've endeavored to remind myself not everyone was raised in the in the precious home i was raised in not everyone had the same start in life not everyone had the kind of parents i had and you have to remember that when you're dealing with people love remembers that and love makes up the difference so you cannot dismiss yourself from god's best because of your start in life or because of how someone treated you because love equals it out love makes up the difference it's so good i'm talking about the love of god i'm not talking about someone else's attention toward you amen amen your situation is not too hard and not too far gone for love to reach it amen now verse 19 and pray that we would know the love of christ which passes understanding so know this that his love goes beyond anything we can understand and that's the love he wants us to know amen your might your human mind cannot even conceive no no ed used to he would talk about he said in this last day revival god is going to reach out and rescue people you wouldn't have [Music] he's going to heal people you wouldn't have healed amen thank you he's going to work miracles for people you wouldn't have ministered to amen why because love goes where others think it shouldn't amen then the next phrase verse 19 again and to know the love of christ which passeth knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of god the amplified let me read verse 19 of the amplified that you may really come to know practically through experience for yourselves the love of christ which far surpasses much mere knowledge without experience that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of god may have the richest measure of the divine presence and become a body wholly filled and flooded with god himself that is a mouthful of heaping adjectives trying to show us the fullness amen that is that belongs to us and that god planned for us but what i want you to see when verse 19 talks so much about the fullness notice what it talks about before the fullness the love the love of god is listed before the fullness of god is mentioned amen being filled with all the fullness of god is preceded by first walking in love knowing love without a revelation of divine love we can't live in the fullness god has for us so you can say i'm full of the word and i'm full of the spirit but if your love walk is faulty you you'll never arrive at fullness you cannot arrive at fullness apart from love amen we can't live full of god when we're yielding the things that are not of the flow of love did you hear that we can't live full of god when we are yielding to things that are not in the flow of love amen no matter how many verses we confess no matter how long we pray in tongues if we're yielding to things that are not the flow of love fullness is escaping us in the love of god and not what i'm talking about what about the flow of love yes toward others but what about toward yourself you have to believe the love of god is what the word says believe the love so many people believe their past they believe their faults they believe their failures they believe their weaknesses but we have to believe the love of god that makes up for all of those amen because if we don't believe the love we'll dismiss ourselves from what love worked for us amen in the love of god now let's look at us just personally you think of your own self in the love of god there's no guilt in the love of god there's no accusation in the love of god there's no doubt right there's no condemnation there's no fear there's no dread there's no shame there's no grasping trying to win our victory there's no frustration with self anybody ever been there yes sir that's not the flow of love amen love is not frustrating amen you're yielding to something else other than love if you're living frustrated frustrated with yourself frustrated with your spiritual life frustrated with your just your home frustrated just frustration very good yeah disappointment with self allowing yourself to live so mindful of i'm so disappointed in myself i'm so i should i should have done better i should have you'll never be full allowing those kinds of reminders of the flesh to take a place in your thinking what about about a bad self-image is someone who has stepped out of the flow of love because god is not pushing your image into a bad place your image is in him find out who you are in him and quit being so occupied with amen itself right all of these things that i listed are the flow of the enemy yes they are strategies and devices he uses to hold you out of fullness how does he hold you out of fullness because this isn't the love of god anything if he holds you out of the flow of love he can hold you out of fullness he'll let you read your bible all day as long as you don't think right about yourself he'll let you pray for hours and tongues as long as you beat yourself up throughout the day come on preach it that's good very good when we have a sense of any of these things now don't misunderstand me when we miss it we ought to have a repentant heart we ought to sorrow under repentance not just treat it lightly and say well god loves me that's not what love is done is doing so that you can push your blame and act like you didn't have a role in the fault of that but the love of god is to bring us to repentance a godly sorrow brings us to repent so that we stand up say i did that father i shouldn't have done that now i depend on you your might and the strength you give so that i don't go back to do that again because in myself and my own ability i'm going to repeat that but in your ability it's done it's it's a thing of the past in my life amen that's what love offers us so when any of these things these words that i just read off guilt accusation doubt condemnation fear dread grasping frustration disappointment whether it's in you or somebody else because you can live disappointed well i'm just disappointed how they treat me do you want to do you want to live less than full to hold to that amen amen if you don't want you don't want it held against you don't hold it against someone else well you don't know what they did to me but what have you done that's good amen amen that's right we have to decide are we going to exchange our feelings for fullness are we protecting our feelings at the cost of fullness that's it amen so just as we want to be forgiven we forgive them we just let it go let it go well if they would repent that what if they never repent forgive them forgive them without them repenting amen that's right well they need to make it right well that's between them and god don't you hold them to making it right amen and i don't make light of how people have wronged others but i'm just saying you don't have any control over that just well praise the lord so any of these things these words that show such negativity of this they're from the devil resist them because they're trying to rob your fullness amen it's a strategy when bombarded with accusations of what you're not how you should have done better how you could have done better well we all could have so let's not have a testimony on that let's not turn that into the testimony of our life amen that's good god let me just tell you what i do when i miss it i know you have a hard time believing those last words but let me tell you what i do and when the devil will take that miss and try to [Music] grind that into your thinking and your remembrance you know what i say is i say well that's just proof i need a savior and i have one [Music] i qualify for a savior if i did it right i wouldn't need a savior so i'm not going to beat up my future and rob my destiny by forgetting that i qualify for a savior and i tell the devil that i qualify for a savior you don't but there again when i miss it i want to be quick to repent i acknowledge i take the responsibility of my miss by bringing it to the blood of jesus and letting the blood of jesus cleanse it and and purposing to not repeat it amen amen because that's what repentance is purposing you're you turn your back you you don't intend to repeat it yes amen amen but when you're bombarded with accusations and all these things resist them talk to them answer them there are a lot of people who don't know that they can answer those things and run them off but you know what your prayer life can assist them in this yes that's why paul said praying for these amen amen praise the lord learn this your faults your failures your weaknesses and your past the devil may have been involved in that in the past but today it's none of his business your weakness is none of his business that's right your faults because being in flesh and blood we have to make sure we take the word and deal with those things and as we grow those should become less and less and less they should not be repeated behaviors amen and we should deal with those but as we're growing we have to remind ourselves my faults my weaknesses are none of the devil's business i don't belong to him they're my father's business and my father is dealing with my weaknesses and faults not through accusation and condemnation and fear but through the word and i allow that word to do its work and i allow the holy spirit to bring that word to me so that my weaknesses faults and failures are dealt with and remind yourself what you are not that's right it's not the devil's business you don't belong to him you do not answer to him for your weaknesses your faults and your failures and your sins you answer to god for it amen that's good and you answer to god for it and he'll forgive you you answer you try to answer to the devil with it he'll condemn you and steal from you and rob and and and take everything from you that god's ever blessed you with because there is no appeasing the accuser very good no matter how much you were to agree with him he's not going to back off that's fuel for him and people don't know this in the body of christ and so they live under guilt condemnation and shame all those things should be put under the blood and then resisted from then on out they're put under the blood and they're resisted and you tell the devil my problems are none of your business my my flesh is none of your business i've been delivered from the kingdom of darkness translated into the kingdom of his dear son now don't misunderstand me you play with the world and you'll leave god's territory and then you're on the devil's territory and then he's gonna he's gonna trouble you and you won't you won't be done with that troubling till you get off of his territory but when you're sincere when you're genuine and you're in your fellowship with god and in your desire to be pleasing to god your desire to do the word even when you miss it you that doesn't mean that the devil has a right to again enter your life that's right that's right very good praise god amen and even if you miss it you don't have to go into a week of depression beating yourself up to feel like you earned forgiveness you fall into that and you'll open the door and it to the devil and he'll bring depression he'll bring condemnation and it can it it'll rob from you praise god we can't live full of god who is love when we permit and believe things against us and ourselves and others that isn't love now let me read that to you again because some of you just looking at me [Laughter] you can't live full of god who is love when we permit and believe something about ourself or others that isn't love you got to run everything that isn't love out of your thought life out of your mouth out of your out of your communication out of your deeds amen wrong thinking and wrong believing will take up occupancy in you and the place those wrong things occupy are the places god can't fill because they're already occupied you can't have fullness with a measure of condemnation you can't be full with at some degree of guilt you understand that because any space that guilt or condemnation or fear occupies robs you robs that that measure of fullness from you amen that's what listen when paul said casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god why because those things are robbing you of being full fully holy filled and flooded with god himself that's good spend your attention not getting rid of things but filling up amen you don't get rid of things by dealing with them you get rid of things by filling up with the right thing and the right thing pushes out the wrong thing so many times people are trying to get rid of things when if you'll just focus on feeling with the word feeling with the holy ghost that flow will push those things out until you reach fullness whenever you've heard me talk about it when my dogs at this one house that we had we put the dog food in water in front of the garage right between the doors there was a light right there you'd go out every morning and there'd be dead bugs floating in their water if and they'd be whole but if you tried to pick them out with your fingers they just disintegrated and there went ahead there went a wing there went a leg why because you touched it and it broke it apart and became worse and multiplied that's what happens when you with your flesh and mind try to handle and get rid of things you are giving full attention to that and it multiplies and gets bigger and spreads further so i'm i love my dogs but i'm not touching dead bugs especially ones with guts coming out so what would i do all i did was get the water hose turn it on and that stuff would flush out i didn't have to dig them out the water pushed them out and that's what i'm saying don't focus on getting rid of things the love of god poured in washes and flushes it out [Applause] that's where our tension and focus and occupying should go put it in put it in put it in put it in put it in instead i'm not this i'm not that no i'm not this stop that that never arrived you at god's best and you've been doing it for years listen you say how come you say that to me because i've done the same thing very good stay on the positive side of the flow the positive side of the flow is pouring in the negative side is trying to pull out amen amen there were times tangibly and no doubt you've experienced it there's times when tangibly on your mind you can almost feel a bum you can feel a bombardment that just pushes and pushes against you what do you do at those times believe that because i'm going to tell you something the bible says that there are many voices in the world and none of them without signification what's that mean when the devil speaks to you he's not going to speak something insignificant to you it's going to apply to you he's not he's not going to accuse you you shouldn't have stolen that truck last night when you didn't steal a truck last night he can't get you into guilt over a truck you didn't steal he's going to find something significant to your life a miss a fault a failure something of the past and he's going to accuse you with something significant that voice is going to take significant things and accuse you with it is it a fact that you did that yes but that's none of his business that's what i need you to understand it's love's business now it's love's business now it's not the devil's business and when bombardment comes and pushes against your mind and tries to push you down hold you back condemn you accuse you you're going to have to answer it and there's so many people who don't know that and they live tortured defeated lives but we can pray this is what this prayer is about we can pray that they would grow and abound in the love of god once they begin to come into the light of what love is they they quit permitting what they used to permit they quit putting up with what they used to put up with when somebody's life is earmarked by decade after decade after decade of depression and love the reality and the revelation of love starts dawning on them they start realizing wait a minute this is not the flow of my father and they stand up and they say no more no more no more and we can assist them in that victory [Applause] we can't do it all for them but we can stock the shelves all around them so that everywhere they turn is victory everywhere they turn is victory amen when you become frustrated with yourself it's for one reason you're occupied with you your focus and your tension's on you and that's where the devil enters amen when you take your view and your attention off of god the devil loves to torment you by something lower than god to look at yourself is to sink to stay focused on him is to rise so how do you get out of depression change where you're looking how do you get out of guilt change where you're looking you've been looking at yourself you've been looking at your guilt but i did it yes so what it's significant to you yes i know but the blood of jesus washes away what's significant to you how many people would love to know this tonight they could get off their medication and i don't make light of that people are medicated because their minds are tormented they can't even function i tell you what the devils mean but the love of god is so brave it's victory on every yes flower the flesh is intent the devil's intent is to hold your focus on you so you can keep going down so you can keep committing those faults failures weaknesses but love's intent is to turn your turn your turn where you're looking amen your victory is easy as a changing of your focus every christian who is sick can be healed by looking at health instead of looking at a sick body every christian who is struggling financially can change their future by looking at the provider instead of at their bills it's only where you look your life is a picture where you're looking at every day it's not enough to look on sunday praise the lord again verse 19 of the amplified second portion of it that you may be filled through look at this through all your being unto all the fullness of god may have the richest measure of the divine presence and become a body wholly filled and flooded with god itself what's a holy field what's that mean whole ev holy field what is that our heart our intent our motives our thoughts our mouth our deeds every arena every flow of our life be in the flow of love and then god feels that amen love is the forbidding of the entrance of that which isn't love you get that love is the forbidding of the entrance of what isn't love against ourselves or against others some people in all honesty i really don't have i've never really dif and i'm not saying this in a prideful way i'm saying this in more of kind of a my natural makeup and my temperament i'm not one to really if people if people do something to violate me i don't give a rip i mean that's my natural bend i just don't care come on now don't misunderstand me when the demons involved it'll feel different but i'm just saying naturally where my natural thing is to turn against myself for not doing better but i still got to deal with that or it'll rob me a fullness yes amen to be holy filled you got to where what trips you up what trips you up don't allow don't allow anything less than love thoughts toward that arena love love will push that out amen amen so love forbids the entrance of anything that isn't love whether it's against ourself or against someone else you're going to have a difficulty ever experiencing the fullness of what god has for you while you blame others for your life for where you're at for what hasn't been done to you or has been done to you or what wasn't given you and the media loves to feed that somebody else is the problem your life is between you and god that's right and what we're doing with the word amen i'm not making light that some people have been treated horrifically by others but jesus freed you from that take that freedom take that take that grab hold of that and run man but when we forbid the entrance of anything that isn't love against ourselves or against anyone else then what we do then it frees us up to be full of god because nothing is taking up space and occupying us that really god should be occupying them yes i'm going to read the out of ephesians 3 19 this is the doddridge translation let me read it to you because i'm pretty positive you don't have that one with you tonight the doddridge translation says i wish you more enlarged apprehension of the love of christ so that you may be filled with all the fullness of god and your expanded hearts what's that mean your heart developing enlarging what happens with something enlarged when something is larger it can take in more so that you may be filled with all the fullness of god your expanded hearts being dilated more and more may be rendered capable of admitting larger degrees than ever of divine love and more ample indwellings of divine consolation consoling right till at length you arrive at that happy state in which you shall attain to a full perfection in the knowledge and enjoyment of god when you see when all you're doing is focusing on yourself you're exchanging the enjoyment of god for that i remember whenever uh um several years ago and i had when ed went home to be with the lord and i was along with the staff we were working on these unfinished projects and god helped us to finish those there was an unnecessary situation that rose up and it demanded attention and it was just unnecessary and i wasn't pleased that in the midst of all things i was handling somebody was conjuring up a problem that wasn't uh conjuring up something that wasn't there to create a problem that i had to deal with now on top of everything else and so i was sitting at home putting on my makeup 30 40 minutes all right an hour and i'm sitting there in the mirror and you know ladies you know you can kind of go into neutral when you're putting on your makeup not even thinking about anything you can just float those are your floating moments you know or because you're in neutral it can be something pounding on you because you're not doing anything that requires much of a mind so i'm sitting there putting on my makeup for this time and i'm just thinking i wish they hadn't done that what's the matter with them you know why are they doing this that's unnecessary that's so carnal all this 30 40 minutes i got done with that i had to go on to the next thing and god spoke to me and he said this you can think about that if you want to he didn't correct me and say that's wrong that's not what because that's really what was going on i'm not making this up and i'm not just throwing it to my view this is really what's going on and he didn't even mention whether what was going on was right or wrong he said you can think about that if you want but to think about that you're going to have to give up fellowship with me meaning you could have taken that time to fellowship with me but you fellowshipped [Music] with what somebody else did even though what they did was a reality just because it really happened doesn't mean it has to occupy you you choose what you're occupied with you choose yes you choose what was that to give up fellowship with god is to give up enjoyment of god and i like this phrase that you may arrive at full enjoyment of god you know you can get married and over time not even enjoy that marriage what determines whether or not you enjoy your marriage how you treat each other in that marriage what you do what you pay attention to what you say what determines whether or not you enjoy god what you do what you focus on what you say amen your enjoyment of any situation is up to you not up to the other person well they don't treat me right why don't you just focus on what you do and you can enjoy your fellowship with god saying god i thank you i thank you that i'm free from what they do i'm only responsible for what i do well praise the lord good marriage counseling anyway that you may be filled with god is god inside-minded to the full to be full of god you're mindful of the greater one inside you to the full our whole knee our whole mind focus and attention on him instead of us and that will shut out the devil at every turn god had instructed me several couple years to do something and it it put me in a place financially at a lower point than i had been since ed's homegoing and god told me to do it and so i'm rehearsing to god now you do know that if i do what you're telling me to do what my numbers look like i'm just wanting you to know i'm aware and i'm holding you to your word amen but i knew god was telling me to do it so i did it don't don't misunderstand me it didn't take me into the negative it just i saw bottom i don't want to see bottoms i once he bought them right right and so i obeyed god and did it and for the next day and a half the next day and a half the measurement of okay and i knew it was coming from outside i knew it was the enemy saying you have put yourself in a risky position because you are so low financially that you are now putting yourself at risk financially and i s and i would answer it and say obeying god never puts me at risk never puts me at risk never puts me at risk god told me to do it i have peace in my spirit about doing it see you better tell the devil you better tell him what you sense in your spirit so that he can't succeed at tormenting your mind and i have every time when the devil tells me i missed it i'd answer him saying no i had peace in my spirit about doing that and i'm led by my spirit i don't need a voice i don't need a dream i don't need a prophecy if i have that peace in my spirit i'm following that and i'm safe in following that see i have said that so many times when the devil accused me of missing it but see i can't say that if i didn't wait for peace i i'm a slow mover why because i need the argument of peace because the devil's going to accuse me missing and i'm going to need to have my argument of peace in place no i have peace no my mind might be harassed but my heart knows my heart's at peace so for a day and a half just from the outside this mental you put yourself in a hard place i'd answer it he'd say it again five minutes later you put yourself not i keep answering it after a day and a half god said to me if you would just focus on living full of me and being in my presence you wouldn't have to listen to that what is it fullness puts you outside of outside of the reach of threats a bombardment yes why because you're in the glory there's a flow of the manifested presence of god there was uh one man i i didn't know of him so i i saw him real briefly so i couldn't even tell you his name or anything about his ministry but he had the experience of going to heaven and when he went to heaven it was interesting because he's the only one that i've ever heard of that had this experience of heaven and he saw stephen in heaven and he said to stephen he said they spoke for they had a bit of a conversation and then he worked it around you know because this would kind of be inappropriate as an opening statement he said in the word it spells out that you were stoned and he said that must have been a very painful death and stephen said no i was in the glory i didn't feel it remember it says that he said i behold i see i behold the son of god's standing you see what was he he was in another realm fullness puts you in another realm put you in another realm to where things come but you don't notice them that's the life god authored it's not a life where things don't come it's where you don't notice because you are so occupied with the flow that fills you amen and the only way you're going to get full is to be occupied with the flow that fills you well praise the lord now to be filled with god is to be god inside minded to the full that means depression anxiety fear is no longer any part of our focus and therefore it can't get an entrance amen now go back looking real quickly at verse 16 kind of where we started praying that god would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man a god-filled man is living by the divine might that the holy spirit gives to the inner man did you understand me a god-filled man is living by divine might that the holy spirit gives in the inner man he's not trying to live function and operate by his own ability he's doing it by divine might he's carrying on living by divine might and it fills him it's part of the flow of fullness and it's that divine might that is a flow of glory remember what we said the riches of his glory the divine might comes as an outflow of the riches of his glory that's part of what the riches contain for you it's your inheritance the riches of the glory is your inheritance so the god-filled man is accessing and drawing on glory because divine might is an outflow of the glory he's drawing on glory and that glory as i said contains our full inheritance power miracles healings and we learn how to make a draw on the glory not just for ourselves but for other people a god-filled man is causing that glory to come in a manifestation because he's learning how to live with that flow he's learning how to draw and turn himself toward the glory flow which is the love flow the flow of the fullness of god all these things are wrapped up in one another amen the devil fears this man the devil fears the man who's living as an outflow of glory darkness has no access to this man has no entrance all he can do is create commotion around him but he can't get in think of what kind of life that means for us what god's plan that our lives are to be god-filled not only does the word bring us into that these prayers help us bring others or helps god to help others to bring them into this amen fullness for you but fullness for all of us and our prayers can assist each other as we come into this and move into this i've just i've lived life on less than full too long in the past too much and it and it arrives us nowhere good let's decide fullness is our future amen fullness is our present fullness is our choice because fullness is a choice and not a feeling and you better make the choice so you can have the feeling of it amen well are your help tonight that we would see that as we pray what this will work for other people to bring them out of death flows and to bring them into love flows amen stand with me to your feet father we thank you tonight we're so so grateful we're so so grateful how about we pray this i said how about we pray this father we worship you for the word tonight we honor your word these are words from heaven that paul gave us these prayers were authored by heaven and they they bear fruit they bring results they take a man's life and bring it into the fullness of your plan so father we thank you for these words so we pray unto the father of our lord jesus christ say this after me we pray unto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family and heaven and earth is named father that you would grant unto them according to the riches of your glory that they be strengthened with might by your spirit in the inner man that christ may dwell in their hearts by faith and that they being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and the length and the depth and the height and to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that they might be filled with all the fullness of god hallelujah all of that that i preached tonight is contained in all of those just that that short prayer you you say very little and god works very much it's so large the workings that meet those few heaven anointed heaven-sent words amen so anything we could come up with in our mind would be so much less of what we're offering for someone else's help amen pray the word pray the word pray the word hallelujah we praise you father when you are strengthened with might you can overcome anything i don't care what it is mentally physically spiritually materially relationship wise when you're strengthened with the might of god which is a flow of the glory of god because it comes out of the riches of his glory you can you can overcome anything jesus purchased it for you but you have to have strength enough to walk out what he purchased it's like a truck with a big engine pulling a big load because of what's in it the strength in the engine it can go up hills it can go up mountains and it's not compromised in that situation but you have some little car little four-cylinder banger you know and trying to hook on a trailer and trying to go up something and you'll you hear grunting you you ju you can burn up an engine doing that kind of stuff griping and complaining means not enough strength to get past this my engine is lacking on some cylinders but to the want the engine that's large and fully stocked and fully provided for and fully supplied doesn't go seek to go around the problem it just goes right over that mountain and actually actually the owner of that truck loves showing that that feature off right watching what my truck can do which show truck could [Music] right they start measuring truck power well we're not to do that but that's what the might strengthen with might it'll put might in the inside of you that no matter what comes you can overcome it many people think they need healing and yes you may need healing but make sure that there's might on the inside of you to lay hold of the healing that's offered you because you can think on the wrong thing and you can feel your strength leave you amen praise the lord praise the lord the word is good so no matter what it is no matter what it is might is always available to you and it's always available to someone else if you'll ask god in their behalf always available always available why because it's part of the inheritance of that is ours the riches of the glory god's not withholding it god's waiting on us to understand what's available and put a demand on that flow praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord strengthen with my divine might the inner man hallelujah [Music] you know we have to be strengthened with might in the in our man for this era it's going to call on a whole nother level of the might of god amen why to take to lay hold of what this all what what his plan offers us in this era because every revival every era holds its own fruit and people have to become skillful enough to bear to bear that fruit amen and we need to be strengthened with might in our inner man amen amen father we we take it we take it it is that divine might [Music] it is of the flow of glory it's an outflow of the riches of our glory of the glory that belongs to us and when we are operating in might love is the easy flow and that love brings us into a place of fullness when we forbid anything but love to flow in our lives we thank you for it we thank you for it we thank you for it we thank you for it hallelujah we take it father we take it we take it we take it you can pray this ver these verses for yourself but i'm more inclined to just take them for myself i take unto myself the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of my spirit are enlightened that i do know what is the hope of his calling what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is exceeding greatness of his power to us word who believe i mean i take these things why because he's already offered it made it available waiting for the taking or you can pray it for yourself either just whatever suits your heart amen but we can also take the might of god father i take that might i take that might i'll never be a quitter because might will not permit me to quit might will not permit me to back up to get relief how many times have i said i'm not after relief i'm after victory and so many have settled for relief and and given up their victory because they just wanted the pressure off they just didn't want to have to hat deal with that opposition anymore so they backed up in their spiritual development they backed up in the in the plan of god just to get relief because the devil can put pressure but he can also relieve pressure whenever you go his direction just to congratulate you and to bind you well praise the lord the might of god the might of god doesn't settle for relief it goes for victory amen we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father [Music] we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father [Music] remember that 16th verse said that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit by his spirit by his spirit it is a flow of the holy ghost it is a flow of the holy ghost so when we're in the when we are in the flow of the holy ghost we can receive might out of that flow amen i it just it just came to me real strong when i came into the service tonight to just uh we're going to do that by the holy ghost take of that might just grab hands with the person next to you grab hands with the per this is the this is what we're laying hold of might why to strengthen by the spirit in our inner man why to to to be fueled for where we're headed yes the word does that yes speaking in tongues is the help of that but we also need might our paul would have said but i pray for you to have the might amen we thank you for it father we thank you we thank you we thank you father we thank you father give me your hand babe we thank you for it father we thank you father we thank you just receive you have to yield to it it's a flow of the spirit that has to be yielded to hallelujah we thank you for it father strengthened with mine strengthened with might strengthen it is a flow of the holy ghost it is now is an outflow of the glory of god the manifested presence of god we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father hallelujah hallelujah give me your hand love [Music] we thank you for it father we we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you for it father we thank you we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father [Music] my sata no you don't devil no you don't you take your hands off that situation you take your hands off that situation concerning her no you don't no you don't you have been defeated you will not work that plan we abort that in the name of jesus in the name of jesus that is aborted we thank you we thank you for it father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you for it father [Music] praise the lord praise the lord i said praise the lord praise the lord [Music] praise the lord [Music] praise the lord [Music] we thank you for it father thank you for it father we thank you for it now if you follow what's in your heart it'll be a new day if you get off track it'll slow you down and it'll cost you years follow what's in your heart not what's in your head follow what's in your heart not what you figured out prize what your heart knows and protect it hallelujah hallelujah we thank you father we ah we thank you father a new day a new day for you jaime a new day a new day for you [Music] a new way a new day a new way give me divine assist the angels of heaven assisting her in the fullness of the plan they come they come to assist and i'm talking about miss donna in your business you send angels to go work on things you you send angels with the properties and with the contracts and with the deals and for them to go and bring those people not to say you don't but there's more angels to assist you in that [Music] we thank you father we thank you um we thank you for it father we thank you for it father hallelujah we thank you for it father [Music] praise the lord we thank you how pleased the father is how pleased you're his delight how pleased he is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] an unfailing and an unfolding of your future caitlyn he's going to show you a fuller glimpse of what's ahead what you're in is not all there is it's not even scratching the surface amen and it's precious what he has for you we thank you father we thank you [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] is put your hands together for the next for the next leg of the race father ah the joy of it the joy of it oh the glory of it oh we thank you father it's your plan ah it's your plan ah hallelujah hallelujah we thank you father we thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ah brother joel just do what's on your heart let's do it here [Music] filled with his goal filled with his life strengthened with power and filled with his glory filled with his life yes i'm strengthened with power in life filled with his glory filled with his life [Applause] filled with his glory filled with his life and i'm strengthened with power in mind i'm filled with his glory filled with his life i'm strengthened with power and might fill with his glory filled with his life i'm strength i'm strengthened with power in mind i'm filled with [Music] glory filled with his life yes i'm strengthened with power in my can you sing it fill with his glory fill with his life i'm strengthened with power in my i'm filled i'm filled and i'm strengthened with power [Music] [Music] [Applause] i feel [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is i'm [Music] i [Applause] [Music] [Music] with his [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] overflowing [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] oh it's oh it's overflowing [Music] over [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so filled with his glory filled with his life strengthened with power and might fill with his glory filled with his life strengthened with power and mind filled with his glory filled with his life of strength [Music] strengthen with power in mind i'm filled with his glory filled with his life strength [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is i'm storms [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory strength [Music] strength [Music] strength [Music] strength [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] [Music] stripping with power and mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] strength [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] strengthened with power and mind filled with his glory filled with his life strengthened with power and mind filled with his glory filled with his strengthened with power and mind filled with his glory filled with his life strengthened with power and mind filled with his glory and filled with his life strengthened with power and might fill with his glory deal with his life strengthen with our mind filled with his glory filled with his life strengthen with power and mind fill with his glory fill with his life [Music] strength [Music] strength [Music] no [Music] now if you see somebody who needs a dancing partner don't let your friends dance alone uh friends don't let friends dance alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh yeah oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] with his glory deal with his life strengthened with power [Music] hallelujah we worship your father [Music] glorify you hallelujah father we thank you we thank you father we give you glory we give you honor we're so so grateful we're so so grateful we're so so grateful pastor noel just come up here and obey what's in your spirit in the globe i take a shot of evil i a precious night a precious day a precious moment precious time precious precious precious precious for the glory because the glory miracles the glory miracles it will flow it will flow from this moment on from this moment forward not only in the church time not only in this church time but every day in your family in your home in your school in your place support in your place of business and every place you go you carry the miracle power of god from this day on this is the message this is the message this is the information that you have received tonight oh oh a miracle house a miracle house for you for your family you will say it and you will see it and many others many others you enter into a new place where you're waiting for no more hardship you enter into a new place the grace enter a new room a new room a new room for a third face of your ministry now a new room in that third phase a new room a new room and in this room it's the greater glory meaning greater increase meaning greater increase ha ha for the importation that you have received tonight ah the anointing deliverance for many praise the lord the miracle crusade miracle crusade miracle crusade will be filled with miracles this is it this is the anointing this meetings will precede the miracle crusade the miracle crusade as the word being preached and thought the holy ghost he will hear the word of faith and the holy ghost will work the miracles the will work the miracles as you say it as is say it by faith as as the holy ghost here the spirit of faith this word of the spirit the word of faith the word of faith the word of faith the word of miracles the spirit will begin to do his work the working of miracles oh my lord in heaven you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it you will see it even right now it is amen hallelujah amen hallelujah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah of course the glory came and the glory shall flow it shall be it shall be it shall be it shall overflow it shall overflow it's the overflow it's the overflow it's the overflow if it's tacky it will overflow in your home in your place it shall overflow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh as the joy flow as the love flow as the fullness of god in you flow so it's the miracle flow the holy ghost will meet your faith will meet your faith will meet your faith and the glory shall name our curio it shall increase an increase from this day on amen thank you pastor thank you hallelujah hallelujah we receive it we receive it hallelujah thank you jesus we receive it we thank you we receive it we worship you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah when i hear what the spirit of god said about miracles i so so appreciate what richard roberts quoted of what his dad said every day miracles are coming too you're going past you we're becoming skillful taking them taking them taking them taking them taking them amen hallelujah hallelujah we receive them we receive them hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord let's just stand to our feet and lift our hands and worship him tonight jesus you're so wonderful you're so wonderful [Music] you're so so wonderful we magnify you we glorify you father thank you so much we glorify you we magnify you we magnify you we magnify you oh glory and honor to you all glory and honor to you all glory and honor to you all glory and honor to you o glory and honor to you all glory and honor to you all glory and honor to you oh we magnify you we worship you we worship you let's sing that together [Music] [Applause] you [Music] me we glorify [Music] your wonderful [Music] lord we glorify you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah just raise your hands father i speak and declare over them divine increase so that we may be a part of furthering your plan in this hour [Music] that every single arena of their life increase and be blessed and we speak for financial increase so that they may [Music] run with their pastor's vision and be a part of funding its fulfillment we worship you father thank you for increase that your harvest may be reaped we thank you for it we thank you for it we thank you for it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah well thank god for his plan amen his plan and of these things that you've heard in the morning services the evening services we purpose to be doers as we leave this place it's the doing that's going to glorify the lord amen praise the lord praise the lord pastor noel thank you for being a part of the meeting's precious gift precious supply to our lives and uh for the pastors that have come thank you for coming and bringing a precious supply and a precious part of it and father i thank you pastor michael for the buildings the buildings so easy so easy every aspect so easy every single aspect and the enlarging of the vision father we thank you we thank you for it father we thank you for it father and father he's seen nothing of the reward the reward the reward is you've only seen a trickle of the reward but the fullness of the reward i mean people are going to look at your life in amazement say how it was reward that did it the reward he is a rewarder the rewarder the rewarder and father i thank you for great increase for them personally personally personally personally dramatic dramatic increase undeniable movement of god we thank you for it father and to my staff thank you to the congregation here thank you for all you've done to serve you're such a vital part of what god can do in these meetings and all the others who some of you came from different congregations the romans congregation and the keys congregation different congregations probably pastor pastor debbie's congregation different ones thank you so much for coming and being bringing your supply it matters and i love my fit amen i love that i'm fit with you and uh it's our pleasure to move together amen hallelujah you got anything else good you good anything else okay brother philip thank you for coming thank you so much hallelujah hallelujah holy ghost thank you thank you holy spirit thank you we thank you we thank you thank you thank you holy spirit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah turn to somebody before you're dismissed and say i receive the fullness and you can be dismissed god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 7,993
Rating: 4.7931032 out of 5
Id: UawiTCLwiEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 25sec (10405 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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