Seek First The Kingdom | Nancy Dufresne

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Matthew chapter six my husband spent a lot of time preaching out of this passage but I want to take a bit of a different approach with it this morning Matthew chapter six and we're going to start reading in verse 31 of course we know that he was talking about take no thought for your life don't worry about the food don't worry about the drink don't worry about your clothes what he's talking about is don't worry about the daily maintenance of life why because God's our made provision for the daily maintenance of life then he goes on in verse 31 jesus is speaking Matthew chapter 6 31 says therefore take no Thought saying what shall we eat what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed for after all these things do the Gentiles seek notice this the Gentiles are seeking something and he tells you what they are food drink and clothes surely life is bigger than that what's Gentiles those who are without God those who don't know God are seeking after these temporal things but he says for your heavenly Father your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of these things but seek you or you're supposed to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you take therefore no thought for tomorrow so he says the Gentiles seek these other things but don't you see come because there's something more for you there's something greater for the purpose of your life the amplified says at verse 33 but seek aim at and strive after first of all his kingdom and his righteousness and then I like what the amplified says his way of doing so if we're not doing things his way then we're not seeking him seeking him involves doing things his way so seeking first of all his kingdom his righteousness his way of doing and his way of being right you know you may call yourself right but is it what he calls being right your mama may call you be doing that you're doing right and you may think you're doing right but we want to make sure that what he calls doing right is what we're complying with so notice this as we seek first the kingdom of God his righteousness his way of being his way of doing his way of operating and being right then notice all these things will be added meaning you don't had pray for him it's not your faith that brings these things that you're doing it's you're seeking that brings these things meaning you should not be spending your life believing God for your mortgage if you will make his interest your interest if you will love what he loves everything that your life calls for will show up and you say well I thought I had to use my faith for it these things are added they're added amen you know what this verse is seek first the kingdom of God His righteousness and all these things shall be added do you know what this is this is the jackpot of life you do this verse you just hit the jackpot it's a key scripture that tells us when we seek things when we seek God's kingdom first all these other things just flow we put ourselves in the way the flow of His blessing can reach us you don't have to try to get blessed just seek Him that's where the blessing reaches you amen seeking first his kingdom of his way of operating will put us in command of all other things that other people are dying to get the Gentiles are to get these things they're spending their whole life and they're wasting and losing their whole life trying to get these things and God says if you'll make me your center if you will make me your interest in what I'm involved in your interest all these things will come in command of that your obedience commands them to come amen seek first the kingdom of God and His diverse interests why because his kingdom involved in some and many things it's involved in blessing people it's involving involved in bringing people into the light it's involved in generosity it's involved in love it's involved in faith if you will put first everything connected to him and his kingdom it'll put you in command of everything else amen and then he says seek first notice this word seek is not a casual thing when you watch kids play hide and seek they don't stop until they're found out right I'm talking about a child that's really engaged in the game their favorite show may come on but they're not going to sit down and watch it until they found that person Tagum right when a we had a Bible School party at the castle and I had a couple hundred dollars on the grounds nobody was just you know they had been out seek and just say you know what I'm gonna go have supper right now they didn't give up seeking till they got it how much more so we don't give up til we get it we don't get up we don't give up until we move into and lay hold of the things that seeking provides and brings to us amen this verse shows us when it says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you it's about this one thing God centeredness God centeredness that when he's the center you're loving him with all the Jesus notice when he's a sinner you're loving him with all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength that means you're giving all to this you're giving you're not just treating it like it's when you got time for it you fit it in during your week amen God centered this will put you on top of all the other issues of life when he's the center you get above everything else opposition comes but you get above it it'll put you in command of all the other issues of life when things show up to challenge you you're so centered and focused on God you know I'm above it amen for the one who is God centered in his thoughts and his attention and his actions worry fear doubt or things of the past you're done with them why are people afraid their Center isn't where it should be why are people worried their attention is not where it should be they have left seeking first the kingdom of God and they have now put their sole attention on their opposition that put it on their circumstance seek you first the kingdom of God is easy to do when nothing's opposing you but the life of it is when something is challenging you you do not take your focus off of the kingdom of God amen to engage in his way of doing things remember that's what it says about seeking first engage in his way of doing things gives you mastery over all opposition it makes you the master in experience not just in Bible yeah not just written in the word it becomes your experience when you get the revelation of this verse you're done struggling you understand that when you get the revelation that I'm seeking him I'm putting him first I'm putting his way of doing his way of being his way of operating first in every situation every circumstance of life you're done struggling Amen yeah God centeredness helps us to see ourselves and walk in the position he raised us to what is that position far above far above remember what I used to say how far is far remember you used to say that to us far above not just barely above I mean when you're far above something it's out of view if it's in your view you have left the place you're to be seeking if it's in your attention if it's in your worries if it's in your concerns if it's in your conversation if it's the highlight of your dinner talk if you keep regurgitating and repeating what you're facing over and over at the dinner table it shows you've left what you should have been seeking your thought life it will reveal to you what you're seeking praise the Lord can we not see that this versus the jackpot for living the kind of life he authored for us now other verses don't miss her semi other verses reveal things that have been that had been provided for us but this tells you how to live in what he's provided yeah remember in fusions 1 verse 20 which God worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above far far when heaven says far it's like galaxies away it's not just down the down the view a little bit far above you know how Jesus how far Jesus was raised above demons they're still in the centre of the earth and on the earth and Jesus ain't anywhere near him he is seated how far above them that's how far our victory is above challenges that's how far but if we bring it into our tension we raise it up to our seat or we come down out of our seat to fellowship with it far above all don't you like that far above all the biggest three-letter word far above all principality power might and Dominion and far above every name that is named not only in this world but in also in that which is to come oh my goodness talk about the jackpot and have put all things under his feet gave him to be the head over all to the church or for the benefit of the church he handed that head he handed that position to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all and then it says in Ephesians 2:5 even when we were dead in trespasses hath quickened us together with Christ and hath raised us up together so his position is our position far above and when your attention and focus and your seeking is on that far above situation that far above position you are done live in common you're done living ordinary you're done just living the life the same kind of life your neighbor lives you're done and thinking the way you used to think you ever want to get over an addiction a bad habit remember you're far above it if you will remember and talk to that thing I'm far above you I'm far above you I'm far above you you're done struggling with it amen not just say it rest upon that yeah when you get the revelation that I'm talking about let's see we've been raised and see with Christ right but when you get the revelation of that you know it is it's like a divine coronation when you come into the revelation of that you get crowned with the living of that yeah you live on top no more beneath you live in supplier not like you live in peace not torment you live in joy not depression this God centeredness is really what he's talking about in Matthew 6 Matthew 6:31 through 33 it's really if you'll become god-centered if when you get up in the morning you start thinking about that and you start bringing your consciousness into that you you conduct your life differently yeah you are never afraid of what you know you're far above if you're afraid of it you've forgotten you're far above it that means no more afraid of being alone no more afraid of flying no more afraid of driving a car on the freeway that stuff is nonsense no more afraid of failure no more afraid I might not make it no more afraid the money might not be there for my mortgage no more do I have to go and say something underhanded or deal underhandedly my business to get money because I'm not afraid I'll never have enough I can be righteous in my money dealings I don't have to work under the table I can just lay everything out on the table because I'm far above everything on that table amen when someone's afraid their Center is off they're off when you talk doubt and unbelief your Center is off get back to seeking first Jesus is telling us when he told us seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness you know he is telling you he was revealing himself to you that's what he did that was the way he lived he sought first God's will he sought first pleasing God he saw everything everything was about God first and God was the center of it and that's why he would get up first thing in the morning and go out and pray why because that was his start that was that was where he was seeking amen you always start your day with what you're seeking so if you don't like what your start is showing to you change what you start with yeah philippians 1:28 on you know you gotta love this verse the amplified says do not for a moment the King James says in nothing be terrified by your adversaries in nothing you've got a verse a Cirie's now he tells you how to treat him now you're not afraid of him treat him like you're not afraid the amplified says and do not for a moment be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries for such constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign and proof and seal to them of their impending doom when the devil sees you unafraid he knows how oh I done I done hooked onto the wrong monkey I love I love what one preacher who was talking about when he was diagnosed with cancer and he went home and he said to the devil he says devil you done jumped on the wrong donkey if you know anything about a donkey we had donkeys growing up they don't like you getting on them you get on her and they will kick and kick and kick till you're off and the only time they're done kicking is when you're off and when that preacher said you have done jumped on the wrong donkey that was a man reminding himself I'm far above you I am far above you and you're not riding me you need to put off the bus things have been riding your life a long time that shouldn't be riding it amen and nothing terrified because when you show you're not terrified that's a that's a sure sign they're failing when are you not afraid when your attention is not on your opposition when your attention is on the one you're seeking when our lives are dominated by the kingdom that's when our Dominion is established in our lives our Dominion to seek first the kingdom of God and his way of doing things is to love God without reservation unreservedly absolutely nothing held back that everything we have is his and we show that we love him with everything we've got that means we don't struggle over ties if you struggle something's lacking in your love walk toward God you're loving him reservedly if you're still struggling about obedience in any area so to seek the seek first the kingdom of God in his way of doing things is how we love God unreservedly and it's going after listen it's going after kingdom issues with utmost excitement meaning you're thrilled I can't wait to get up and go to church today I can't wait to get there and bring my supply I can't wait to do my part I'm excited it's not common to me it I do nothing in my week that's equal to it nothing in my week is equal to when I put my hand to the work of his kingdom amen and so many people act like it's an inconvenience and intrusion in their life and the problem is their affections are not where it should be and that's why they are put off with being reminded of their lack of thrill and consecration to the kingdom amen well I'm just so busy I can't serve in the church that's your problem that's why you struggle financially the kingdom does not excite you when the kingdom excites you I clear my schedule to make room for it that means it goes on my schedule first and then I work in the rest of my week around the kingdom interests that's why you always have enough money to give your tithes and offerings if you give it first amen when you go after the kingdom with absolute interest with absolute thrill absolutely excitement that's when your faith works for you that Hagen used to say it's when you get thrilled with the word that it works for you when you get up and you say thank God I'm healed and on the end it comes out from the inside it just doesn't come out from a quotation you remembered that I'm talking about when you stir yourself up to where your insides are getting thrilled and you say well I'm not thrilled with that verse then get up and stir yourself stir up stir up stir up I'm not thrilled about going to church then start up because you're stirring the wrong thing in your life everything in your life that you got thrilled with you stirred you stirred it no some things are just thrilling no I know that when when my kids were little Disneyland was a great thrill and one day when I told grant I don't know he's about 12 we're gonna go Disney today he goes okay I thought we ain't going because if it doesn't thrill you if you've lost the thrill no use me spending my time going to a place where you've lost the thrill even things that are thrilling you can lose the thrill over the kingdom is the most thrilling flow of creation and if you've lost the thrill you quit stirring amen but when we treat kingdom issues with the most excitement it is the highlight of our day it is what we're after it is what is the fuel for our life I'm so interested and what he's doing because he has done so much for me can I not be honorable enough to be thrilled with what he's doing it's a flow of Honor and the word tells us in first Corinthians 2:9 eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has entered into the heart of any man the things that God has in store for them that love him this is for those who love him this is not for everyone this is for those who love him this is for those who seek Him this is for those who put the kingdom first and what God is interested in first God says your eyes haven't seen what I got for you your ears haven't heard your heart has not even conjured up and fantasize about that things that I have waiting for those who are thrilled with my kingdom it's time it's time to drop off the unimportant it's time to start going like this and say no longer do you distract me no longer do you rob me of my glorious future I have a glorious future awaiting me and TV and games and all this stuff video games or spending all the time on social media none of that's gonna rob me of my glorious future anymore I have to express my love for him amen you never have to pray for the things you need in your daily life when you are thrilled excited on the edge of your life seat about his kingdom the things that he has in store for you they're waiting for your thrill they're waiting for your excitement they're waiting for you to love him amen he added the castle to me he added it I mean he initiated that whole thing and he started it to my knowledge no we know he started it before but to my knowledge he brought me in on the knowledge of that four years before I had it but he all had it in mind for a long time I just kind of imagined some time just because I like imagining that I'm this important to God is that when he says just to strain me build that house you there's a lady coming who's gonna get it of course I'm thrilled to get to live in what she built but I'm hoping and I'm just I know I'm just I just think I mean this is important to God enough that he would think the same way you are that he let her in on this that you're not just building for you sister Amy keep building right right and he just added it to me you want to know why because when tragedy came I refused to change the course of my life I did not let my interest go somewhere else I did not let my attention go somewhere else and God rewarded and he added it had not even entered my eyes my ears or my heart that he had that castle for me until he said it to me it was in store waiting for my obedience waiting for my joy of serving him amen he'll just add things to you just add thing quit quit struggling to get things make him to focus and everything comes now you understand faith has to receive it you understand but when you and you when you understand all that when he's your focus you understand all the things that are we made yours and you start expecting them to show up and that's all faith is expecting it to show up amen praise the Lord can you think of some things that you need added yeah he has a home for you if you'll get your attention on him he has a business for you if you'll put giving to him first if he becomes first in every single arena I'm living in a paid paid for flow I'm living in a paid for flow why one reason I'm more interested in him than the flow many people are wanting the flow of a house the flow of a business you got to be more interested in the flow then what's in the flow he's the flow amen the more interested I become with him and his business the more the further I go in the spirit the less interested I am in the natural amen the more interested I become with him in his business the more I'd lose interest in the unimportant yeah amen I'm know you get where you there's no longer what distracts other people just doesn't even doesn't get your attention because you got your eyes on are you King him what he's doing how do you have your eyes on him have it on his word right I'm not talking about walking around fog yard with one eye kind of dimmed and another one cloudy and you just act like you're spooking now I'm not talking about that I'm talking about he is so seated at the center of everything you do that you run everything through that Center before you do anything you just run it through that and say should I be engaging in this should I give this my attention should I give this my time amen I'm not going to let distractions and the natural rob me of laying hold of his riches and glory amen therefore the one who's seeking first the kingdom why because the one who seeks first the kingdom gets revelation of the kingdom when you get revelation of the kingdom you step you stop struggling with the natural amen serving God and having his interest in his kingdom having interest in his kingdom is absolutely for your benefit for the benefit of your family when you're not wanting to put his interest in his kingdom first his interest first you're not interested in the benefits but you will benefit you your children your grandchildren it's totally for your benefit know what God says in it in Exodus chapter 23 you shall serve the Lord your God he will when you serve Him now he goes into action when you're worshiping him serving is involved in worshiping him and everything about your life it's not just the worship service on Sunday it's not just the serving in the ministry helps a time assignment it's about everything of your life is centered around him and when you are serving him he will bless your bread and your water he will take sickness from your midst and the number of his of your days he will fulfill it is for your benefit to make in your Center he blesses your daily resources he protects your health and he extend your life it's for your benefit amen this is the blessing that flows from serving being interested in being a part of hooking up with and making first and foremost in your life I know you've got to listen it says seek ye first the kingdom of God doesn't say seek e only he will let you have other interests so long as his is first all your other interests work when he is first all your other interests fail when he's not in that position anymore and he won't put himself there it's your job to put him there it's your job amen when you put his kingdom first you know what's gonna happen the abundance of that kingdom will start swallowing you up it will start there when you seek his kingdom what's in his kingdom abundance that is the flow of his kingdom abundance and you start don't you don't just get a trickle of that when your whole being is in that direction then your whole being is in line to receive of the flow of abundance now if just one day a week is in that flow well maybe one day a week we'll feel the flow of that abundance but I'm talking about when you start living in that place that Jesus invited us to write amen then the kingdom starts dominating it starts dominating you don't have to consciously get out and fight the devil you're just walking in Adam in a dominating position and living in a dominating flow amen God's kingdom when you are in when everything of your being is right in the flow of his kingdom you just stand there and let it hit you right just let it flow and feel every part that you may become a body Holyfield and flooded with God himself as what Ephesians says who's that far the one see yeah and when that kingdom comes it's an unending supply when that Kingdom I'm talking about comes into every part of your existence it's an unending supply it's not gonna run out you never run out you never run out the economy changes but you never run out situations change but you never run out because you're in an unending flow cannot it cannot stop it cannot stop you're the only one who can step out of the flow by not being thrilled with that anymore by not being excited about anymore but not being your attention by it not being your focus amen Matthew 6 verse 22 turn with me if you would Matthew 6 verse 22 Matthew 6 verse 22 if now this is Jesus speaking if thine eye be single then your whole body will be what's the next word filled with light is what the amplified says field field single field not distracted field nothing else first your field if your eye a single Amen then your whole body be filled with what with light your light is revelation it's revealed to the person who has no other interest first only God and His Word that's your sole interest first nothing else do you have trying to not a shared seating sharing the seat of first uh-uh-uh-uh-uh your business your family does not share the first seat with God there are many people that have walked away from this church because family didn't want him here what was their problem they were sharing the first with something first families never first families never first businesses never first your salaries never first your divine idea is never first he is first get everything else off that first seat nothing else nothing else no shared seating God will not share the seat if thine eye be single not if your pastors eye if your eye Amen is single so the light is revelation when you fix your desire and affections on one on that one thing first not only but that one thing first revelation will come in when revelation comes full is there fullness is with the revelation when people are struggling financially it's not because I need monies because any revelation if they see what's already theirs they quit struggling if you're struggling with addiction it's because you need to see something what do you need to see you need to see revelation that sins shall not lord it over you that sin has no dominion over you amen when revelation comes we see what we need to see we listen we can't live by what we hear you only end up living by what you see if you'll end up living what is made revelation to you only end up living what your spirit grabs hold up because everyone in this building hears but not everyone sees it and Jesus made it very clear there's four kinds of ground only one kind of ground saw what was heard only one kind of ground received the grunt deceide rightly and produced the others had the seed sown to him the others heard the word they all heard it but not all saw it and Jesus told brother Hagin in fact the three kinds of ground that don't produce won't even know what you're talking about they heard it but they don't even know what you're talking about to know what you're talking about means to have a revelation of the thing you say well I need revelations stay around stay around stay around keep here and keep here and keep here and keep hearing that's how revelation comes hearing and hearing and hearing and when you think you know it you don't know it because you need to keep hearing you and when you sit in church casually and just disinterested in counting the lights and stuff like that it's because because the like a revelation you're distracted people with revelation no this is my this is my answer this is my help and I don't share it with counting things right we've all been there deal with the flesh deal with the flesh stir your spirit up and keep your flesh interested keep your flesh in line amen there are some lives that will never change that have sat and heard the word preached for years why don't they because it's not mixed with faith in them that heard it you know what faith is it's thrilled its expectation it's expecting that thing to show up when you mix your expectation with what you're hearing you're gonna have some light show up and light cannot be overcome by darkness light comprehends the darkness swallows it up any part you're struggling in in your life is not because you need more money because you need more peace because you need more Joy's cuz you need to see what's already been made yours you got to see it you got to see it you got to see it well I want to see it then if you're gonna see it you're gonna have your eyes gonna have to get single meaning I'm gonna quit putting my attention in my interest on tinder for things that are unimportant I'm laying down the unimportant to go after what I need and button the word says if you ask you shall receive if you knock it'll be open you keep on asking just keep on just keep on just keep on keep on until it shows up he's not trying to hide rival revelation from you he's just purposing not to give it to someone uninterested therefore he retains it for the interested and you have to keep you have to keep seeking and seeking it with you're interested enough to seek it he'll make sure you come into it Amen Alleluia when something becomes revelation to you then you will experience all that that revelation contains and carries when it becomes a revelation it brings the honey basket with it you know what I'm talking about yeah I can put it this way revelation carries reward and when revelation comes it hands you the reward of finding it amen hallelujah when you seek you find when you seek revelation of the word and you see the revelation struggles over for the reward of the revelation shows up to replace the struggle Isaiah 40 verses 10 and 11 just let me read this to you behold the Lord God will come with strong hand and his arm shall rule for him behold his reward is with him his reward is with him his reward is with him it's not with your family it's not with your business it's with him and his plan his reward is with him Wow and his work is before him he shall feed his flock like a shepherd how's he gonna feed him with himself he gives them himself and the reward shows up in their life Wow people say I want more of God you find him in his word you've all God I would and you know he's a young person I remember saying this I want more God I want to know him you find him in his word his reward is with him go to his word and let it govern your thought life let it govern every action run everything you say do and take into your life through the center of him amen and how many of you know putting the love for God and for what he's involved in putting that first without anything else eating for that highest position in your life because the devil will bid high for that seat he bids high warning that position of first why because he knows if you put the right thing first revelation comes and if revelation comes he's done working his plan in your life the devil's done working his plan so he will bid high for that seat of first in your life he'll get you distracted but by thinking your your job is your answer your business is it this church is full of people who are wanting something called revelation people who just want to tend Church you really don't normally come here what is fed here this place should be packed but it's filled with seekers and not everyone who belongs to God is seekers not everyone is seekers otherwise he wouldn't have had to say seek first the kingdom of God he's speaking to people with a covenant when he said that because not everyone is seekers I was i brother richard roberts when he was here he's so gracious and precious you heard he's coming right yeah and every time nearly every time we'd bury boy from the cut from in the car when taking him back to the hotel he would say nancy this churches this church is so wonderful you're doing such a good job and I said brother Richard I said more people need what's in this church but we're holding out for the hungry we're not lowering our standard to get people in who aren't wanting to put God first we love people but we love God first we're gonna keep him first and if something comes along that would give you people but you would have to lay aside putting the doing of his word first we're not interested because it's only those who hunger and thirst after righteousness that are filled not those who are his that are filled those who hunger and thirst they feel because they're logged that are his that aren't hungry and I'm not I want them all to be hungry that's why I'm teaching on this because the devil will bid high for your hunger he'll he'll try to get your hunger on something different he'll try to get your hunger on something that that first seat can never be filled accurately and appropriately with anything less than God everything else that seated in that first seat will fail it will fail because it's not it's not made or anointed to sit in what's first your business that you put first it'll fail your family you put first that thing will fall apart anything you put first is not anointed to be there but God God is the only one who can successfully feel the seat of first and everything be blessed by it you put something else there into Arabiya it'll steal from you it'll it'll shortchange you from your destiny praise the Lord and like I said he won't share it there are a lot of people sharing trying to make sure make make him share that it's that seat first that first seat he's easy he it can't it can't happen that way no because jesus said seek you first meaning this is an unshared thing yeah now let's talk about when he says eyes not seniors not her neither's entered into the heart what I have prepared or have in store for those who love me seek first his kingdom God in His righteousness so we see it's about loving him more than anything we love him we love him we love him so let's see what the word says about how to love him okay we know this he said in John chapter 15 if you love me keep my Commandments don't say you love God and don't do what he says right the more we love him the more we do what he says revelations 2 verse 4 he was talking to the church I believe at Ephesus and Jesus was giving warning to these churches I believe seven churches and I believe it was a church at Ephesus in Revelation chapter 2 and I want to start reading in verse 4 because this is what he said regarding them nevertheless I have somewhat against you oh can Jesus have something against us mm-hmm he won't let the devil have anything against us because he's been defeated but there can be some things that are not pleasing to him right and that's what he's talking about nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy what first yea your love for me is not in the first seat anymore something else is sitting in that first seat you left it verse 5 remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works first love has first works with it meaning what you're working shows what you're loving so he says repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly that means suddenly and will remove your candlestick out of this place except you repent listen remember what I preached on at camp-meeting and God says I no longer accept slowness of obedience for a double portion anointing if you're going to walk in a increased degree of anointing will everybody have a double portion I'm not saying that but everyone can increase in it everyone can increase and he said I no longer accept slowness of obedience prompt obedience right because in prompt obedience is where the blessing is slow obedience will invite judgment and he said except thou repent when you see something's not right quit nursing it well I'm offended you better you better dump that I said you better dump that and you better go to the person you're offended with if they know you're offended with them and make it right if they don't know keep it between you and God and don't give them something over come but if you have made it known maybe not even verbally but sometimes they can even just pick it up because you were cold toward them or you you need to go get it right I'm saying this to help somebody you understand I'm saying this to help somebody because we want you in the reward a blessing not the reward of disobedience Amen if there's something that is not quite right in here get it done get it change right now right now say well I'm gonna go home hell no do it run right now in a fraction a moment I'm done with that I'm done with that I'm done I'm not gonna go home and struggle about it and work it through talk it out get some inner healing no such thing as inner healing there is no scripture for inner healing it's called repentance well people have hurt me that's your fault that is your fault for letting it in taking it in you can't control them but you can control what you take in and what you feed on if you are hurt it is your own unrenewed mind that allowed that praise the law we're so glad pastor Nancy is preaching but Kim Morgan please show back up it takes you no time to repent and believe me for the rest of your life you're going to have to be knowing times when you need to repent don't you ever buy into this mess that you don't have to repent don't you ever buy into that mess because it will remove things from you when you do not repent he says I will come suddenly and remove your candlestick if you don't repent when he removes something there's no getting it back praise the Lord that's not a threat that is to that's to safeguard us amen we're not playing with this thing of first he said put back first love put back first works do what you did at the first aim if we leave our first love nothing else matters doesn't matter if you're if your business succeeds don't matter doesn't matter if he removed his blessing it doesn't matter what but good things happen to you don't matter it doesn't matter what kind of increase you make it didn't matter aim it without him in first it makes him in first makes everything else matter so let's see what loving God first looks like in the last 20 minutes you want to okay as we said it's doing His commandments right it involves that and how many of you know walking in love right is the fulfilling of all the commandments right but let's go over here to mark 12 because Jesus broke it down for us aren't you thought aren't you thankful he broke it down and showed us specifically what it means so we don't have to guess what he means get some people are bad geezers one of the scribes came up to him and asked Jesus this this is mark 12 and I'm going to read on the amplified starting in verse 28 and then going on from there and it's gonna read a portion of verse 28 so in mark 12 28 one of the scribes came up to Jesus and asked him which commandment is first and the most important of all in its nature and jesus answered the first and principal one of all commands is here o Israel let's see what is he saying people hear what I'm getting ready to say because you need to hear it why because if you hear it that's the gateway in to seeing it if you see it that's the revelation of it hear this the Lord our God the Lord our God is one Lord now he's going to tell you the first and principle you shall love the Lord your God the amplified says out of and with your whole heart and out of and with your soul the amplified says your life when the word talks about the soul it means two different it can mean two different things the soul of course as we teach it primarily under the New Testament is this the mind the will and the emotions comprises the soul but there are times when the word uses the word soul and it's referring to the whole of man he that win souls is wise he's not talking about him winning his mind his will and his emotions he's talking about when you get the holy man so here he talks about that you love God with your soul because see the next word is your mind so there's a difference here he's talking about the whole of your being not just your heart let the whole of your being your actions your believing everything about you is wrapped up in this thing of loving him with all your soul loving him with out of and with your whole heart with your whole soul your life and out of and with your whole mind with your faculty of thought and moral understanding do you know that your moral life shows how much you love God your standard of morality is a measure of your love for him if your morality lets you do things that are against the word and you're not even convicted I'm talking about that you're out drinking you're having a little wine with supper well that's not a sin if you can say god I'm drinking this wine for your glory to worship you you have you have darkened your moral understanding if you can say I'm smoking a cigarette to bring you glory he's got a different kind of smoke he don't need yo proverbs says it's not good for a king to drink we're kings and priests unto Him if you're drinking you have just stepped down from your kingship no King does it I'm a I'm far above anything that would taint my ability of judgment well people say well medically they tell you medically they tell you to drink that want one one glass of wine is good for you you want to know why because medically they're drinking so they don't want to find in their medical findings something against what they enjoy you better put what God says first above what the medical profession this is all about first not real hard seriously they used to prescribe generations ago they prescribed go smoke it will come your nerves yes but it will also eat out other things and you've got to go calm your nerves when the word is not first but when the word is first your nerves are calm so you love him out of and with all your mind your Faculty of thought and your moral understanding you need to evaluate what is morally okay for you and out of look at this with all your strength ah he doesn't just want you to spend your strength on your hobbies he wants you to submit him on his purpose then Jesus finished it with this is the first and principal commandment what's this that you love God with everything of you everything of you so when he said hear o Israel remember he's prefaced it with here this people he's saying God's people hear this why because this is where people are missing it they're missing it at the very first then they're trying to believe God for finances and they wonder why they struggle with our faith because you've got you've got your job first you've got your budget first you're giving according to your budget instead of giving according to the leading of the Spirit when you do that no wonder you struggle financially you're always going to struggle because you've got something else first amen as I said families not first well my wife didn't like it here my husband doesn't like it here didn't come without them leave them behind oh I can't he'll get mad let him get mad she'll get mad let her get mad but it'll make hell in my home not if you know how to ignore when you get more absorbed with God it helps you to ignore those who are not absorbed with God because there will be people in your life you will have to ignore to go on with God I didn't say you don't love them you will have to ignore them and call their bluff when they threaten you call their bluff because jesus said if you put your hand to the plow and then look back you're not worthy to go on with me in other words if you lay down what I put in your hand and what is of me you're not worthy to go on with me you're gonna have what's that mean let people get mad if they gonna get mad let them get mad that's what it means well praise the Lord you've got to keep obeying God not everyone will be thrilled with what God tells you to do but you must be thrilled and your thrill would keep you going when they're not thrilled then Jesus breaks down telling us how we are to love God he said it has to it involves now notice your hole he doesn't just say your heart your soul your mind your strength he says hole all of it right so let's look now I want to see he said in verse 30 you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart notice this you cannot you can only love God with something you can't love him without something to love him properly we can't demonstrate our love without giving him something without doing something so we give him our heart as his our soul as his our mind people say well I've given him my heart yeah but what about your mind a nun renewed mind is a portion of your mind that does not yet belong to him amen love has to be in two places in your heart and in your actions it with something the doing if you love God people will know it by what you do right there has to be a doing involved when you love God right so love has to be in two places we aren't just have actions without the heart involved there are people that will show up in churches you understand I said churches not this church they will show up to serve in their Ministry of Health's position and wish they weren't there wish they did not have they weren't on the schedule why they brought their action without their heart and Jesus said you bring your heart if you're in it get in it get all the way in get all the way in get all the way in brother Hagin used to say this when you're part of a church get in it when you're part of a conference get in it meaning don't come to last night if you're there get all the way in if you're not going to give all reschedule your calendar where you should be give all of it don't come roaring in at the last five minutes why because you were out doing something else you know you say too long at the mall and no get all the way in get all get all the way in and when you're on the schedule get all the way on the schedule bring your heart because the last thing any pastor wants is someone serving wishing they weren't they they won't be treating people right and that's a misrepresentation of the pastor and a misrepresentation of Jesus he does not want to be represented that way so bring your heart so that he is properly represented and so that you can be rewarded God will not reward you for doing something halfway because then if he would he's teaching you that not enough is all right not bringing enough is not all right he won't reward partial obedience amen if you let me tell you something if you told your child we'll go get we'll go get a toy if you clean up all your room and they just move one thing you say okay that's enough well you've taught them that they don't have to obey fully to get something God's not gonna do that either there is no reward for partial obedience amen so bring when you're when you're serving bring your bring your want to there that's really what your heart is I don't know what you mean by serving down my heart have you ever told anybody you love them did you sit out your head or your heart that means you meant it when it's out of your heart you mean it when it's out of your heart you want to do it I remember there were times that there were times that I have been asked to preach and there I mean the ones who just was not there I don't want to go and God dealt with my want to before he even let me ever have me to get on the plane why because he wanted me to receive a reward for obeying but if my want to isn't with me on the plane I won't get rewarded for it and it won't bless the people and won't represent him rightly so I learned a long time ago anything God is involved in on you better get your want to onboard decide I want to do it well it's not my preference dump your preference bring your preference in line with what he says hallelujah and then there are people who they attend they they think attend church I I serve in the Ministry of helps but they won't give offerings they won't give ties all of you is not there it's not there what more could he want he wants you he wants your heart I mean I serve what do you want I want that you want to write hallelujah if your heart isn't in it why should his heart be in it you we want him wholehearted toward us right we want that what is important to us be important to him amen because we want his involvement cuz that's the only way it's blessed is if he if he's pleased with it so if we want him wholehearted toward us when you're when you're faced with a need you want you want to get his attention then he wants your attention on his things amen praise the Lord praise the Lord he wants your affections you know what he's signed us up for and what we have agreed to amen and then others say I love the Lord but they don't want to serve you don't love the Lord right then your loving the Lord with reservation you had when we serve we serve Him with something I remember I was there's one gal I she's in a particular church that I go and preaching and she refreshes me she just I love this guy I love being around her and I was in my hotel room at the church where she attends and I was just saying oh god I don't know I just think about hurting to say god I just love her you know how you just talked to I said god I just love her and he said then give her $1,000 he said cuz love does something learn that I love the Lord love does something you can't love God empty-handed love will bring you into doing something amen hallelujah so he says we have to love in number one with all of our hearts this is where the whole of life stems from if your heart's not part of it he doesn't want it if it's not important to you he's not interested in it amen our hearts are that unshared seat that only he is to occupy right then all of our souls that means our daily lives our picture listen your daily life is a picture of what's in your soul we can look at your life day by day and we know what your soul is involved with the whole of your life your daily life should he should be the center of your day now I know you've got responsibilities you've got children to take care of you got you've got jobs to work I understand that but still he can be the center of every one of those actions by your affections always turned your heart turned even quietly nobody knows what you're doing but inwardly your affection is toward him your thoughts are toward him in between your your the thinking duties of your job right that means that he's right there at the center of every single day that's what he's talking about every single day your daily life your soul that's where your soul lives is in a daily life amen and then he said your minds so what's this mean we have to renew our minds if we say we love the Lord an unruly or love him rightly because he'll think wrong toward him they'll think wrong about what he says and about what he wants us to do the renewed mind comes in to understanding and revelation of the word if you don't love him with your mind you're gonna like Revelation you've got to bring your thoughts in line you've got to not allow wrong thoughts against it well that's just the way I am change the way you am well I'm just rude to people change that because that's an unreduced me people just need to get over it you just need to bring yourself in line with the word so that people will be pleased to be with you if you're hard to live with in a marriage you got a problem and it's called a nun renewed mind it's called I am the way I am and so people got to take it I'm sure glad I'm so glad that other people don't handle you the way that way because other people that would come across you will pound you down there are a lot of people restraining themself around you I don't want to be around somebody I got to restrain myself to be around them and if you're proud about that something's wrong on the on the inside of here this this thing if mom ain't happy ain't nobody happy are you really that important no you're not no you're not you're not the center of everybody and if you're not happy no none of us are the center he is the center and if you're making yourself a center that everybody gotta jump to your tune and walk on eggshells to be around you you've got you've got a seating problem get yourself off the first seat and put God there in the marriage this first seat is not yours it's God's in the marriage amen praise the Lord and all the husbands and wives can thank me later and all the other ones could get mad and I don't care here o congregation write that what Jesus said here o Israel okay a renewed mind comes into revelation of who you are what you have and what you can do in Christ and if we are if we aren't knowing that not parading in that we're missing and falling short of the love he has for us he wants us to be on top not underneath then he says with all of our strength that means we exert and spend ourselves and showing we love him yeah we're obeying him we're serving him in it and it calls for strength not disinterest doing a half way job and then walking out as good coming come in as late as you can and leaving as quick as you can't just so you don't have to do anything just so you don't have to meet anybody and talk to anybody I don't like talking to people get your mind renewed because one day you're gonna need people and God's gonna bless your life through people and God expects you to bring the supply to people and not be a drain out of people's life just because you have a bad attitude toward people you don't care about people you think all people are stupid but you you think everybody's ignorant but you it's an unrooted and it's a dish and it's a dishonor towards God's body we love one another we care for one another we're interested in the success of one another get yourself off the first seat put him there selfish people have taken the wrong seat for themselves they have seated themselves in the seat that belongs to God and they put themselves first instead of God say this after me I love pastor Nancy sermon today followed up with this I'd like her to and smile at me we demonstrate our love for God with strength meaning he gets our best amen ready to work ready to serve can I tell you what is not loving him rightly using those strengths to worship Him ah fresh thought holding on to the chair is not the strength of worshiping him worship I don't dance I won't dance I don't like dancing well you take your strength to go to the party and you use your strength and spend it at the party act the fool at the party you know well I'll do that to have a good time right well do whatever but in church they won't why they withhold their strength from worst from their love from God if we love him we'll love him with all of our saying the Bible says David as a king got out and danced in the street so violently no clothes baby dance them off why I want people to know it's him it's all him it's all him it's all him and it put him in a kingship position with holding strength we'll keep you in the pepper in the peasant popper position the days that right peasant popper position how about a king position bring your strength to that seat bring your strength to worshiping him amen how they know you are you help today Oh your heart Oh your soul oh your mind that means you're not entertaining unlovely thoughts about somebody that means you're not harboring bitterness ill-will offence resentment all that because all of that's not worship to him and you can't love him with those thoughts you got a you got to kick out everything everything that is not right amen all our hearts all our what soul our life all of our mind all of our strength nothing left to spin on the devil it's all being spin on God amen are you help this morning how do you stand with me to your feet how many of you know you're gonna have to probably get to CD yeah did we not hear the jackpot of life today we heard it didn't we we know what's to be Center we know what's to be first we Victor everything else that we have left be as what do they call those when somebody comes in and they start living where they're not spy squatters ah have thoughts been squatting yeah there have been times that you realize that you've been thinking about something for a week before you realize it was you were thinking about it's called a squatter better evict it amen affections that have moved in and started creeping in towards that seat that that's first bettery victim amen hallelujah every head bowed every eye closed father we're so grateful for your word today it shows us it shows us how to live as you would have us live we're hungry we're not just wanna be father we want to be right every single person in here I know this they want to be right that's why they're here this morning but it's not just in the warning to be right that you're pleased it's when we do that which is right so father we thank you for you're working us so grateful that you are working in us both to will and to do of your good pleasure Jesus we know this you you warned us you said pray because the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak the flesh gets in the way and father today we say we bring our flesh under the Dominion of our spirits so that with our with every part of us we live a life that's pleasing to you and father every single one of us we say those things which we've allowed in that are not that's not right that's not pleasing we right now we repent about just in this moment of time we repent of that and we receive the blood of Jesus that cleanses us and makes us right we love you Father with all of our hearts but we also say we love you in the way we live in our actions and in our interests and with all that thrills us we say you're at the center of it we thank you for your goodness so much we thank you so much with every head bowed and every eye closed if you're here and I I know we're Church family but there may be someone here that you say you know I've never been born again I want I want this life that is full of blessing and good things well there's only one way into it Jesus said he's the door into it so Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life if you've never been born again you have to receive him then how do you receive him well the word says who serves shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved you don't receive him because you want to you receiving because you're cold you have to go from the want to to the coaling so this morning if you say I can look back and say I don't remember time in my life that I've called on the name of the Lord if that's you this morning raise your hand because we want we don't want you to leave this place without that opportunity to call or if you say you know pastor Nancy I remember the day that I was born again but I've been living like I was never born again I walk out of fellowship with the Lord I let other things get in the in the place of that first seat but today I want to I want to make that right if you want to get back into right fellowship with God you come up here let us know that raise your hand let us pray with you this morning because we don't want you walking out of here with less than what God has for you we want to lay hold of every single thing that he's laid hold of us for but we have to cooperate with him that hallelujah how many of you go from this places say you know something I can see some things that need to be fortified some things that need to be adjusted thinking that needs to change and it's our lifelong privilege to do that isn't it it's a privilege to be to be shown these things and to know it so that we can we can come into line with what pleases him amen hallelujah well while you're out this week anybody know what you're going to be doing each one reach one it doesn't say each one preach one you can preach if you want but don't think you have to preach in the sense of knowing a bunch of sermons and drown them in it just tell them what God's done for you amen just say listen God put my life on course he can put your life on course and just real simply share with people you say well you understand us that's not my personality we're not talking about your personality we're talking about what they need amen it's about what the people you're going to come in contact with need let them know that God loves them and let them know that it's not enough to love and they have to learn him you have to learn him the local church is where you learn him and so inviting to come to church so that they can learn amen how they do mortgages or anything else that we have I'm going to ask on the sickle nuns and brother grant if you would come up here we're going to have these couples up here that if you need someone to just agree with you in prayer the word says a to agree on earth is touching anything that they ask it shall be done for them and my father which is in heaven we believe in that so we have these people up here for you to agree with because we're not sure what kind of agreement you would get in the parking lot or in the foyer we know that people love one another but not everyone knows what these know and have been instructed in and so it's the safest way to have the prayer of agreement is with those who we have invited to pray with you so turn around to somebody before you're dismissed this morning and say I'm seeking first God in his kingdom and you can be dismissed god bless you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 27,153
Rating: 4.8905263 out of 5
Id: ozIkUA13DyU
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Length: 84min 39sec (5079 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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