Aussie Coin Pusher EP 60

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[Music] g'day jason what's the coin pusher here take a look at the top tray left and right side hey oh yeah couple of silvers uh i don't like it when they put flat notes up the top there because they could be hiding anything underneath that or lack of so the top tray is incredibly light so i've only got 250 bucks here that's all the money i've got with me today i actually thought there might have been a tower in here uh i don't know i just had that feeling there was going to be a tower in here and look where the smart bugger did do you see this that's a smiley face he put a smiley face in there so i don't know if that's aimed at me or aimed it i don't know anyway it's there so i'm going to say it i know i'm just going to say it's aimed at me anyway 250 coins i wish 250 50 coins yeah i don't like my chances on this one the other side has been smashed somebody's absolutely hammered that this side well there's not a lot of money in this one so um yeah you know i'm basically risking my money to get even pretty much but we'll wait and see whenever i think there's not you know there's nothing on there and nothing's going to happen i end up coming out really good so i'm just going to play it see what happens i think i've got something to play with geez it'd be nice if i got that note off i don't think that'd ever be possible i'm trying to play smart [Music] right sides forming a nice big mound that's nice well uh middle nothing much left hand yeah not too bad at all so i think i'm going to play the right and the left if i leave the middle alone just a little bit [Music] [Music] and that was my last coin oh i needed that all right let's turn it up so what i got okay as i normally predict i lost about half of my coins there's probably about 25 coins there keep going i'm not worried yet so i i'll get worried fast if i keep doing that so come on please give me a nice push last coin going in come on come on oh no i think i'm in a bit of trouble here all right let's go tally it up okay there's like nine coins yep nine coins that's all right one at a time hopefully i can get some sort of a push on any type of a push-up well that's a start i suppose last coin going in oh oh um yep let's go tally it up yep uh yeah this isn't good not good at all i think what i'm going to do top tray looks like the middle looks like as if it's pushing me out the most so i think i'm going to aim for the middle and hopefully that just gives me a nice push oh thank you oh i needed that oh all right i'm gonna get my one coin [Music] ah bugger i have got a hundred dollars in my car um that i i try to keep in there for work just as an emergency uh i might be going and getting that i don't want to but yeah i can't walk away from this that's my last coin oh bad spot oh good spot all right let's tell you that all right four coins four coins lakes i mean there's so much just take a look there are so much coins hanging over the edge i wish i could just give it a bit of a bump but i can't and i wouldn't one coin at a time oh oh this i got something to play with come on come on please oh that whole bottom tray shifted okay right in the middle oh wow yeah not cool jase all right let's go tally it up all right back to eight coins eight coins hey we're going all right i want to stay away from the very far left i'm seeing a very big gap up there and that that will just absorb coins [Music] oh there's got to fall man i just hope i get the coins i need the coins come on give me a push plug i mean what i got to do one coin left oh come on that was so close last coin come on holy okay uh yeah that was a butt pucker moment that one all right let's tell it up so what i got all right got about 25 coins out of that hey that's not bad at all look at it one there big one over here little one over this side see what i can get oh really come on oh that's what i'm talking about [Music] still got to be very careful well one for the dealer that's annoying when i don't have a lot of coins god i love that sound right about now oh there can this be a comeback come back of all comebacks oh yeah it's happening now it is happening now all right that's my last coin [Music] all right let's tell you that's what i got and why were you guys worried for hey um it's probably like 55 coins there oh thank you [Laughter] yeah i got more i'll get them ones next time at least i know i've got something to play with oh i tell ya hey that one made my butt pucker come on oh thank you [Music] oh [Music] i don't know if you guys saw that queen's gets stuck up stuck uh you probably can't see it just above the red light they get stuck up there uh and another coin literally oh hello another coin literally came down hit the one that was stuck flicked that over to the other side and the one that was stuck on this side came into this game that's pretty cool ah thank you [Music] holding one coin left oh thank you all right let's fill it up see what i got all right 15 and probably about 50 coins [Music] thank you very nice all right let's get stuck into this [Music] so really a smiley face isn't smiling much now is it hey [Music] so come on come on there's some comments [Music] i'll take it [Music] holding one coin left now i don't really want to go to the far left let's go about there ah close enough all right let's tell it up see what i got all right 25 yeah um joe's in the game now so um yep uh there's probably they wish there's actually a lot of coins there that's probably 70 75 coins [Music] so [Music] come on no another tenor so i'm already seeing that the left is moving very easily right not so much it doesn't help when i double stack can you believe i got down to one coin [Music] i think even that fell without me putting in a coin [Music] nice oh that's a silly drop [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right another 20 bucks at least we're earning money coins they're we're doing really really good on coins uh there's got to be like 85 coins or 80 coins in there at least [Music] could you tell in my voice a bit earlier when i had like three coins and one coin how nervous yeah i was actually really starting to sit myself in oh isn't it amazing what one coin can do oh i like that [Music] oh i thought i double stretched it again oh that silver on the on the left hand side looks like it might want to come off i don't really have the coins to chase after it right now but i think i'll have a little crack at it i'll just slip straight back again i think i'll wait i'll wait until i got more coins [Music] so oh i nearly got that other one off that was a booth i didn't even mean that i'm just going to be a bit patient no i don't have the coins for it okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] all right about 90 coins i just wanted to throw them in my hand so i can get a bit more of an accurate reading on them um but yep there's about 90 coins there probably 85 90 coins i can hold 100 coins in my hand plus the 10 bucks sorry i'm not trying to poke your eyes out how many of you just moved your head back then uh such a professional oh sweet there's a shift in the drop [Music] thank you [Music] come on drop the hundred oops sorry come on right now drop the hundred oh yeah [Music] i'm just going to pick up the pace just a little bit to start getting things moving [Music] oh nice that was a good one i got one coin left i'm just going to wait for him to head over to the right side close enough all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] take a look at that little bloody ripper um what's there like 150 170 yeah you little ripper i must be getting very close to being um debt-free on this game [Music] well over 100 coins there there's probably like 120 coins you know what that means don't you let's have some fun [Music] it takes me a while to sort these coins out i still don't know how to get that 100 off [Music] [Music] [Music] end [Music] i'm sorry [Music] i guess you always know when i'm enjoying myself because coins generally go flying all over the place [Music] yeah i don't think i'm smashing the top like that's actually going to do anything apart from waste coins so i might start just pulling some of those coins off [Music] because nothing looks like as if it wants to shift [Music] yeah i think for this game i'm looking for a profit that's it just a profit two silver's up there yeah it's gonna break my heart to leave those behind um right now i must be borderlining on having that profit so i'm not gonna do anything stupid and just waste all my coins up the top there trying to get something off that i don't think would even come off anyway so i think what i'm going to do i'm just going to play it very smart i'm getting down to getting down to one coin uh that actually that actually put the shift up me a bit so it made me nervous so uh yeah [Music] i think right now i don't want to end my winning streak i gotta kick ass winning streak going at the moment and i don't want to end it by chasing something that's probably worth 30 or 40 bucks each anyway [Music] oh yes okay i got one coin right in the middle i reckon [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got oh all right we still got a lot of coins we got a lot of coins there so there's probably like 110 115 coins i know when it roughly gets up to about there that's about 150 coins so there's still a lot of lots of gaps there let me get my hand out of the way sorry so yeah it's about 150 coins when it hits the bottom of the tape there or should i say the bottom of joe's shirt so he's wearing a pretty nice dress shirt at the moment [Music] [Music] so so i'm pretty much just trying to clean the top tray off i want to get the excess coins off get them into the game get them start earning me money right now they're not earning me nothing so and that's no good for anybody i thank [Music] you whoops oh that silver nearly came off like a mate thank [Music] so [Music] you're oh can i get that note off it's so good if i get something off the top there i really don't care oh the 50 the 50 i got the silver i haven't got it yet but i got it off [Applause] that will be a bonus if i come out with 10 bucks on top and that silver i'll be a very happy man okay that was my last coins all right let's tally it up so what i got all right we got a fiver you'll never ever hear me whinging about just winning five bucks uh coins we i think we put a bc ball hey uh i think we lost a few not too many probably maybe 10 or 10 or so so that's all right we still got over 100. [Music] so it's so nice to get that 100 note off [Music] oh thank you another father [Music] [Music] so i don't really know how to get that 100 off of there i'm just winging and dropping coins all around and hoping i do the right thing [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay i've got one coin left and right over to the far left well within reason all right let's tell it up see what i got yet another fiber i'll take you any day of the week all right coins we are definitely losing coins here so um yeah there's probably like 70 coins there maybe 75 i'm not concerned seymour does this so he'll let you get up fairly high with with the coins and then it will just start ripping them back off here so right now he's just ripping it back off me but take a look at that i'm looking at that and that's probably seven anywhere between seven to ten coins thick but that is really thick it's so thick it's not actually moving very much but tell you what when it does so so so this time at this time i'm watching that uh that round 50 cent piece or a half dollar i'm watching him very carefully so i don't drop coins on him like i did the last time i had a chance to win some come on oh yes [Music] sometimes that's all it needs just to get convinced so [Music] that was uh probably somebody posting something on youtube okay that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up see what i got oh hang on no yeah chase too early mate okay now let's delete up to what we've got [Music] okay yeah i was right that was a youtube those adventures with purpose um if you don't watch them you should check them out hey they're so good coins i don't think we lost any or many um so yeah i don't know there's probably like 65 70 coins there but just take a look see what's on the edge i mean it is all along the edge when that goes if i can get that to come off in one big hit oh man it's gotta be [Music] loud so i learned something the other day as well i do try to learn stuff i can't they say you can't can't uh teach an old dog new tricks but hey i do try um i updated my phone i probably even mentioned it to you and it's changed everything including that message um whenever you know somebody posts something on youtube i always get a message obviously and that noise is the worst noise ever i'll tell ya but to be honest with you i've got no idea how to change it courtney's coming around tomorrow oh there you go see that one coin one coin drops that whole thing oh man courtney's coming around tomorrow so i'm going to throw her the phone so yeah can you fix this all right let's clear this thing off [Music] well i'm getting greedy here oh i must be holding like 15 coins nearly dropped the ball [Music] all right where's my little 50 oh i forgot look there he is that's her eyes getting closer [Music] so how's that for a triple stack okay one coin left ah might as well stick it to the left ish all right let's tell it up so what i got all right back to about 75 maybe 80 coins in there that was a nice cornell anchor here future's getting closer i'm going metal detecting tomorrow i'm doing my first solo for a long time courtney's not with me anymore due to her being pregnant according to courtney's my daughter if you're wondering i absolutely cannot wait [Music] oh nice i still give her the shits every time i find something decent like a ring or a necklace or or something like that if you're wondering what i'm talking about i've got a second channel it's called aussie beach hunters so basically my daughter and i we go down to beaches all over perth and we go metal detecting and that's what we do now we've been doing it for you know a little over 12 months um youtube channel for 12 months um probably before you even watch this anyway i've got to keep an eye on my 50. i still manage to give her the um even when she's not with me because every time i do find something nice like a ring necklace watch phone whatever um i take photos of it and i send them over to her i played some pretty good jokes on it too they were funny as yeah we got it we just got a really really good relationship we just give each other the all day we do it on camera too funny guys i'm talking about that channel i was thinking about this last night um weirdest things you've done i wasn't thinking about my channel i was just saying the weirdest things i've done um not really stupidest things but just things that people wouldn't do [Music] and the main one that comes to mind i went metal detecting solo um courtney wanted to come and i said no it's too dangerous um i went metal detecting uh right at the start of a cyclone [Music] and i'll tell you what cyclone over in australia it's the same as a hurricane it was only like a category two i think or something it was sideswiping um where you know perth and uh i've always wanted to metal detect in bad weather now not i'm not talking about rain obviously you stay away from lightning now that's not a good thing to be in um but yeah just bad weather general bad weather so um on the news they were telling everyone to back down the hatches because we're going to cop this cyclone right so first thing i think of us let's go metal detecting and i did oh i tell you what i have never known wind to be so strong i'm 100 kilos i actually a little bit more than that i don't even like 105 kilos i don't i really don't know what that is in pounds but 105 kilos i'm not a light person and this wind it was howling that hard it was literally i was still standing but it was pushing me down the beach and i filmed the whole lot too if you get a chance if you get a chance just for a good laugh because it's funny uh just as a good laugh jump into my other channel and search the one where it says um beach metal detecting in the cyclone slash hurricane and watch that leave a comment if you're in if you think it's like really funny all right that was my last coin let's tally it up okay yeah we're doing really good on coins now um there's well over 80 coins in there so it's probably about 85 coins [Music] oh what have we got what's my plan here i've got my 50 on this side here uh can you see my finger here it is over here in this corner so i got my 50 just there in the corner i've got 100 right there 15 20 bucks there so 120 [Music] plus a bunch of coins right here so this is really where i'm going to be targeting this guy he will fall on his own anyway [Music] i've always given up getting anything off the top i'm not getting i'm not going to get that off in a hurry i knew that before i started the game working on it a lot of 50 is about to go over 50 cents that is [Music] nobody fought oh how's that going there he goes all right i'm gonna go and get it i'll be back in a minute [Music] we got silver you little bloody ripper that makes me happy um yeah look it's not worth a massive amount of money but around 50 cent piece it's i mean these are all circulated too uh i don't know about these ones i'm holding you know this one i'm holding it i mean the coins coming out of this machine they're in mint condition um some of them still have sheen on them so i don't think they are circulated but anyway that coin is just special for me i just absolutely love it all right now i don't need to worry about looking at that oh is that 100 gonna come off nah surely not oh it might come off [Music] come on off you come i know you want to i don't even know how to push along the bottom tray what's holding it on there why is everything so stubborn for me nothing's ever really easy is it come on how are you still on there [Music] all right slipping back on top onto the top tray how's that possible [Music] [Music] [Music] so you guys just saw that right this thing nearly came off and i thought it was going to come off but it's walked its way back to the top tray how is that even possible [Music] okay that's my last three coins all right let's tally it up see what i got we're doing absolutely smashing on coins it's gonna be like 130 135 coins there and i totally forgot to guess again didn't i totally forgot i swear i'm going to tell you that on my forehead but then i'll forget to look in the mirror i can't believe that hundred walked its way back onto the top okay [Music] i know heavy stuff can do that but i mean that's not heavy i don't need to play the left hand side at all there's nothing over there that i want oh there goes 100. uh 20 bucks yeah now that's going to take me some time to get that off it hasn't been shifting much at all nor is the five so that's it i'm done you little ripper um so 20 bucks there you go there's your 20 bucks so is it going to take me more than that to get that off plus the queen's back yeah absolutely smart thing to do is walk away i've got to have some sort of a profit by now so um anyway i'm going to tell you everything up and i'll see you in a minute take a look at my baby hey oh wow look at the sheen on it that is shiny shiny i don't know um if you can see that properly in this camera let me just move it back a little bit that is so shiny is ridiculous um i mean i can see that without my glasses on so um yeah i mean that is intensely nice i have to say that would have to that would go very close to being uncirculated that guy and to find those coins uncirculated is nearly impossible take a look at that hey considering i got down to one coin and that one coin just fell on its own too by the way um [Music] i think yeah um i'm completely out of cancer we'll pass so um yeah i'm a bit considering one coin to this and my little favor there so the telly goes i got 98 coins from one coin to 98 hey even i'm quite impressed with that one um that's worth 294 dollars for those coins uh the chips i've got 320 and the notes i've got 30 bucks so um add all that together 644 minus the 250 it cost me to play this game 394 total profit [Music] who thought that at the start of the game i tell you what it pays just to keep fighting you know keep fighting it doesn't matter one coin 50 coins it doesn't matter um yeah i mean there's always that chance um so anyway i'm going to cash this in and i'll be back in a sec okay so um i'll tell you what hey rose nearly fell over what i got here 200 um so i've basically gone halves [Music] i've basically gone halves with a tin so i put 194 dollars into the tin i took 200 200 of it and the reason why i did that is because i should not have won that game uh it's just plain and simple i got down to one coin and that one coin fell from here and i did nothing it just simply fell off it was supposed to happen it was meant to be so um yeah i'm a big believer in karma too so uh i'm absolutely more than happy to do it i've got a profit and i shouldn't have it i shouldn't even have this so um yeah don't forget about my little baby so um i'm so over the moon it's just ridiculous i mean that was a tough fight at the start i thought i was gone i thought i was oh there's another one i'm gonna be deleting so um as it turned out did that be nope good game anyway if you like what you see throw us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe uh don't forget to check out that um that footage that i've got beach metal detecting in a um cyclone slash hurricane it is some funny stuff uh you probably won't do that again no i probably will but anyway i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,521
Rating: 4.955224 out of 5
Id: UGgBuQ-vX3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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