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welcome to the story and lore video  for a newly released Atomic Heart,   which was developed by Mundfish. As usual we  will be breaking down the main story of the game.  And also providing background context from  the numerous files that we find throughout the   game on a final note if you want to see the  review of the game a separate video is up on   the channel called "Atomic Heart - Review". I do also  want to mention that due to the fact that majority   of the characters within the game have Russian  names there is a very good chance that I might   mispronounce a name or two, I want to apologize in  advance. All right let's jump into it!  Our opening scene brings us to a canal in the Soviet Union  influenced town named The Chelomey Complex.   As we take a nice relaxing ride down the town's Canal,  we have a small interaction with our glove who is   named Charles or as the glove pronounces it Char-LESS. We can see very early that this particular   world is jointly inhabited by humans and robots  alike robots becoming a very regular and ever   part of normal life within the Chelomey Complex  and I mean they aren't all bad... One even brings   us a nice ice cold soda while we enjoy our boat  ride and if we take a look to our right hand side   here we also see a perfectly normal situation as  a citizen is walking their Pig, but aside from the   pet pig thing there is another reason I decided  to include these particular civilians the older   lady clearly the mother of the other civilian  is asking her son why his robots are not doing   as they're told the son responds that they've been  acting up all day and the mother proceeds to take   control and correct them, essentially setting up  in the very first 15 minutes of the game that   something unusual is happening with these robots  we receive a call from Dr. Sechenov he asks us   how we're finding the glove and we mention that  it's better than our old one when we find out   the doctor session of is the one responsible for  Designing and creating the glove and ask that we   take special care of it and it's more important  than we think. He asks us to meet him at his   lab so we can complete our full integration with  the gloves since he has a busy day ahead of him   with the parade. We're told to speak to Michael  Stockhausen for all the details as we make our   way to the laboratory we have a chance to enjoy  some of the parade entertainment such as robots   doing some juggling not to mention that this guy  is selling a device called the THOUGHT device.   He asks us if we're being polymerized since without  it the THOUGHT device won't work as intended. We explain that we are polymerized and mentioned  that these devices weren't meant to be released   until Monday, he explains that since we're  in military uniform we're actually cleared   to activate our THOUGHT neuro-connecter they're  almost immediately. He says that the THOUGHT  device currently works as a personal telephone and  headlight. Now you can have him try to install it   on you or you could refuse to allow him to do  it. In my very first playthrough I personally   chose to refuse but if you do accept the THOUGHT device will essentially not work due to your glove   possibly hinting that the glove acts similarly  to the THOUGHT device. We find a Tereshkova a   female robot that we later find out was designed  using the appearance of a famous Cosmonaut and   famous actress. They're common robots for customer  the service jobs and this particular Tereshkova   is selling a freshly printed newspaper. She tells  us that the facility Herald is talking about all   the breakthroughs that are currently going on in  the USSR. Biology, Robotics, Gunsmithing you name   it just in time for Universal polymerization when  asked about the biology breakthrough she mentions   that scientists have developed an experimental  vitamin complex that increases the lifespan of   Soviet citizens to between 100 and 150 years of  age robotics believe that within the next five   years robots could be completely indistinguishable  from humans that the facial expressions will be   so subtle that you could be buying a newspaper  and not even know that you're talking to a robot   P.3 (the code name for our character) responds  that he would rather know who he is talking   to giving us our first sign that he might not be  very trusting of robots in general. Honestly, it   gave me a little bit of an I-Robot feel which  I appreciated. Anyway, we pick ourselves up a nice   chocolate-coated ice cream as our our reward for  walking 100 feet and continue on our way towards   the laboratory we hear an announcer mention that  Dr Sechenov will be making a public address in   10 minutes and we stumble across a war memorial  with this bald robot playing the piano we learned   the P3 fall in the war and when asked by Charles  if he remembers anything from it he mentions that   he can't remember anything prior to his injury  he essentially only remembers things from the   last two years we arrive at the laboratory and  the Tereshkova tells us that the poly education   is a new invention from Dr Sechenov. A new  neuropolymer injection that is encoded with the   education that you want. Up to a university level  curriculum, if you want to learn Korean simply take   the injection. Want a doctorate in nuclear physics?  It's only a single injection away with Kollektiv   2.0 meaning that Soviet citizens no longer need  to spend years educating themselves anymore and   they can use that time being more productive  members of the motherland. I'm going to stick   with the old but reliable proverb of if it  sounds too good to be true then it probably is.  We use a neuropolymer to synchronize the sensors  in our gloves with our own neural system before   continuing on our way to meet with Dr Sechenov. We're able to hear the beginning of his Public   Announcement he mentions that the USSR on the  brink of the greatest event in the history of   mankind. An evolutionary victory that would change  the world as we know it, they'll be launching a   worldwide version of Kollektiv 2.0 Network. This  will allow humans to be able to control robots   using only their thoughts and with this to be able  to completely forego unskilled labor to the robots   and dedicate ourselves to science no longer  needing control panels, loudspeakers, documents,   electronic notebooks instead all of this will be  transferred purely by thought it's essentially   communism but for thinking and the device that  will allow you to connect to the Kollektiv is   the thought device completely free of charge we  also hear from stockhausen as he mentions that   a car is waiting for us but we need to go and  retrieve the access code from Dr sheshinov's   office and his bodyguards and when we arrive wow  we whichever interior designer that recommended   the plane crash aesthetic deserves a race let  me tell you we get our very first glimpse of   the twins the Bodyguards of Dr shishanov and if  Twitter is anything to believe the internet's   brand new gaming waifus we retrieve the key and  head back downstairs to the vehicle shishanov   calls and apologizes that he couldn't meet in  person since journalists have been hounding   him all day he tells us that he's been creating  Humanity's dream and there are people out there   that will be looking to destroy this stream and  that's where P3 comes in to deal with those people   he tells us that the car will take us to the  vivolov complex When we arrive at our flying   car I must say that I didn't expect this type  of flying car I feel like there would be some   serious health and safety regulations that would  have been broken with the style of Transportation   stockhausen calls us and informs us that Dr  sheshinov has filled Us in and we don't treat him   all that nicely on the phone which causes Charles  to ask why P3 treats him that way he essentially   mentions that he doesn't respect Brown noses and  that Dr sheshanov has his respect purely due to   the fact that he saved his life on the operating  table while all of this dialogue is taking place   we can also see that the city that we were just  in is actually a gigantic flying City completely   reliant on technology now atomic heart is heavily  influenced by Bioshock so this gives off real sort   of BioShock Infinite Vibes which is pretty cool  as we head down towards our destination we can   see that it is completely autonomous facilities  that create design and deliver goods for people   as well as statues of prominent figures completely  created by robotic artists all under Collective   one of the robots flying past is named a drofer  begins initiating combat Maneuvers and shoots her   car out of the sky thankfully we were lucky enough  to land inside the vivol of complex through its   window the terrascova helps us out the car and  explains that all the other robots were caring   about their normal operations until they suddenly  became hostile we get back into the air only for   us to lose our one and only friend and end up  crashing back into the ground for I don't know   what the second time in 60 seconds we wake up  to a full-blown robot apocalypse and call Dr   shishanov we explain that there are bodies and  damage everywhere at the complex and whatever   is happening to the robots has clearly been going  on for a while now shishanov says that this is all   due to a person by the name of Victor Petrov that  he is a Trader who hacked the collective Central   Hub and caused civilian robots to attack facility  employees and since Petrov has access codes to the   central Hub we need to find him and bring him back  to the doctor alive we asked Charles to give us   more information on the Target and he mentions  the Victor Petrov as the lead engineer behind   Collective 2.0 he was arrested for treason and  ultimately sentenced to community service at the   vivolov complex he says that Patrol was likely in  the underground levels of the complex and we need   to start heading there we begin to realize that P3  might be lactose intolerant and that the ice cream   we ate earlier is starting to give us the runs we  head to the Outhouse and find a robot that looks   like he's recovering from a big night out on the  town and true to real life he begins to attack   us he tries to push us into literal crap before  beating the proverbial crap out of us like he's   Bruce Lee thankfully a nearby grandmother finds us  and helps us out she introduce herself as granny   Xena and tells us that robots have begun attacking  people and anyone that doesn't hide is dead we   get spotted and Granny Xena tells us to turn the  key clockwise slowly to open up the underground   facility and she reveals that she's been packing  some serious heat she buys us enough time as we   head down using the slightly dangerous elevator  we now get into the part of the game which is   very gameplay heavy I will be cutting back  and forth between interesting and vital story   points that come up but you have to understand  we might be going through large amounts of the   games or areas very quickly we find our first  living Survivor and he doesn't stay living for   very long we find some files that show directive  stockhausen and forming all employees of facility   2826 are required to undergo polymerization  on June 10th 1955. another is a note from   Smirnoff mentioning an evaluation of our Target  Victor petrol he mentions that he is nervous and   impulsive and they're working at the political A  theater has negatively impacted his psychological   State he's been obsessed with theatrical images  and recites poems in his sleep the psychologist   believes that there's no objective causes for a  psychopathy or Obsession and believes that this   is something more to the theater than just  his workplace He suggests sending a team to   investigate granny Zeta is also mentioned in  a security email telling employees the zeniera   muriova AKA granny Xena is not allowed in or  around the sapling Warehouse without authorization   she's been previously taken seeds and saplings for  experimental flowers back to her house under the   pretext of performing an inspection they deem  this very dangerous finally there is an order   about an incident in the germination Workshop  that requires the hospital to be corned off and   informed Dr sheshanov immediately we asked Charles  how our Petrov managed to hack Collective he says   that he was working with others all of these  people already being eliminated but since pitch   drove is a bit more of a slippery customer that's  where we come in he goes on to explain that Petrov   didn't exactly hack Collective he introduced a  false combat mode into the algorithm that caused   the central Hub to view all humans as invading  soldiers and while the collective scientists   can fix the issue it will take some time and in  that time many people will die in information   about the incident might reach the public or even  worse other countries and we ultimately cannot   risk the reputation of the country we get a very  unwelcome visit by a giant worm robot that causes   major damage to the building and us we wake up to  a woman asking if we're all right and we say that   we are she asked us for our help since this guy  is certainly not alright she mentions that these   guys saved us after the worm attack and tells  us that her name is Larissa and she is also   in position of a neuropolymer capsule we decide  you know what screw this guy and quickly use it   before she can tell us that we can't that's when  the Assassin robot comes in and completely ruins   this dude's day after some walking we hear some  singing coming from across a room when we enter   the room we don't see anyone until we realize that  it's actually a freaking refrigerator that was   singing now this robot is named Nora and she is  a weapons upgrade unit that is incredibly sexual   and has innuendos for days we managed to stop her  and proceed onwards we speak to Charles about the   idea of this robot malfunction getting added to  other countries and what that would mean he says   that Soviet Union's reputation would suffer  and that the Soviet robots are considered   perfectly safe and reliable all over the world  it's why picture of treason was so bad he was   literally stabbing his own country in the back he  wants the entire world to stop using the Soviet   Union's robots we also learn about the incident  in the germination Workshop apparently a plant   grabbed a student who was training there while  she was rescued she was in a critical condition   as a result of the injuries Burns that can  completely covered her entire body and is   currently in a state of anaphylactic shock all  Witnesses were told to sign NDA agreements just   to make sure to keep everything hush-hush and we  find a dead person on the ground with a thought   device on they begin to speak to us which is uh  you know obviously quite strange since they're   um you know dead it turns out that the  neuropolymer memory can also store a person's last   thoughts allowing the dead individual to speak  for a few days after they died but as time does   go on the information becomes corrupted we find  some more files that speak of a newly assigned   Doctor Who has been increasing the frequency of  her visits to Petrov sometimes even ignoring other   prisoners the facility increased surveillance  on Petrov due to this not to mention a full   psychological Rapport for Victor Petrov giving  him the following diagnoses pronounced narcissism   major depression based on developed inferiority  complex jealousy based on ego hyper-compensation   and obsession with theatrical imagery and a  yearning for recognition in other words this   dude's a mess as we continue through the complex  we finally reach Petrov speaking to a woman over   the radio she tells Petrov that well he has to  leave right now as there is an armed man wearing   a polymer glove that is coming for him Petrov  mentions that it has to be edition of sky and it's   revealed that the woman on the radio is actually  Larissa the doctor that helped us before he asked   Larissa why she spoke to us and she tells him that  they were attacked by a burav and that she didn't   know Larissa is also likely the same doctor that  was being monitored for her increased visits to   Petrov while the prisoner was at the facility  a real sort of Joker and Harley Quinn type of   relationship we approached Petrov and we actually  learn the name of our protagonist nachayev picture   of uses a code word to get some of the robots  to attack us while he makes an escape we find   out that while searching for Petrov that he is  also the one responsible for Nora's personality   issue the overly sexual weapons vendor from before  he hacked Nora due to the fact that he knew that   once he turned the robots against the people and  the soldiers they would require more weapons and   upgrades to well their weapons and he decided that  hacking the vendor for the weapons would become a   big priority causing Nora to become murderous to  humans that come contact with her and for whatever   reason incredibly vulgar when you're not finding a  body in the corner near a loaderbot our biometric   scanner confirms that this is indeed picture  of and was likely killed by his own robot the   child give a session of a call and informs him of  the status a picture of shishunov is disappointed   since petrov's head contained valuable information  that he could use to end this crisis quickly he   asked a picture of had any golden rings on  his person and we tell him that he didn't   and he tells the triumv to report to the vdnh  immediately as we leave we realize that we need   to activate a birch tree to provide enough power  to open up the main gate out of here requiring us   to go and collect four canisters from different  workshops within the facility a very first stop   is the LG Workshop once we get in there we can  see reanimated corpses walking around with flower   heads it is very last of us 2.0 Charles believes  the dead soldiers have been affected by Sprouts   likely something that went wrong with the Sprouts  after Petrov caused now malfunction we managed to   get the LG container and head towards the halt  Workshop during this time Charles asked Wayne   a child is getting angry so easily he explains  that he's disappointed in himself for letting   shisha knock down Charles thinks that this is  ridiculous since it wasn't his fault the picture   of died he goes on to say that shishana was always  disappointed in everybody since his perfectionism   is pathological every single person in his life  lets him down so there is literally no reason   to feel bad about it I must say I found this an  odd thing to come from a glove that was literally   created by shishinov but we will learn more about  this later we get a call from stockhausen who asks   if we've located petrov's girlfriend Dr Laurie  sir philatova he mentions that she must not be   hurt under any circumstances if she is threatened  we must come to her defense he goes on to say that   Petrov used it without her knowledge and that she  had no idea of her true intentions and she'll be   trialled in the court of law once the call ends  Charles May mentions that Larissa philatova has   actually worked with Dr sheshinov for many years  and even the fact that she was part of the most   crucial aspects of collective 2.0 since she  replaced the late Chariton zacharov in that   role naturiav asks who zacharov was and Charles  mentions that he was an esteemed neurosurgeon   and one of the few scientists that destroyed  the brown plague zacharov was a session of his   closest friend and trusted colleague Larissa  filatova was zacharov's student and assistant   she continued the professor's work after he died  but is now considered a traitor to the motherland   within the facility we find different experiments  that are all done to test plants and polymers for   Intergalactic travel heat polymer and cold polymer  just a few examples that are needed to handle   temperatures on Venus and Mars respectively plants  animals and algae are all specifically crafted to   be able to handle the harsh conditions of foreign  planets as we walk into the pesticide Workshop   we're greeted with a unpointed straight at our  head by a scientist thankfully due to our training   we disarm him quickly but he goes on to say that  we cannot wake up the plant and need to bring   polymer to the plant in order to blow it up if we  do this he will give us the container that we need   in the meantime he is pumping the plant with a  chemical that will keep it dormant for the moment   but mentions that he's almost out of the chemical  and that we need to hurry an exorbitant amount of   puzzles later we send the polymer canister to  the mutant plant and we reward ourselves with   a bit of the Cuban's finest the scientist uses the  cigar to ignite the polymer and begins to burn the   creature but not before it pulls out the old Uno  reverse card I mean I don't think a single person   expected the scientist to survive but I must  admit it was a pretty gnarly way to go we retrieve   all the canisters and make our way out of the  facility while in the elevator we asked Charles   how zacharov died he tells us that sheshanov is  the only person that knows the details but is   considered mystery various circumstances the story  The sessionov has said was that zacharov slipped   and fell into a lab bath full of hazardous and  experimental neuropolymer for some people were   puzzled by some of the aspects of the story  no footage of the moment was recovered even   though the labs are monitored at all times and  also the fact that the polymer in question isn't   even hazardous at all there isn't any way for it  to actually kill a person in fact it's the same   polymer that we've been swimming around in moments  throughout the game we finally reached the top and   are now in the local Village it has however been  completely overrun by murderous robots that want   to murder us specifically we find out that the  terrascovers the woman robot that tried to sell us   the newspaper and also the other one that tried to  help us when we initially landed in the facility   operate autonomously and are not connected to the  network this essentially means that they're not   controlled by Petrov we also get a phone call  from granny Xena asking what we thought of the   whole cute little Bush that they have down there  meaning that she has knowledge of the gigantic   creature that we just blew up she asks us to meet  with her and but when we do arrive at the location   I think she forgot to mention that we were going  to be greeted by this chunky boy however it turns   out that Granny's house actually flies and manages  to save the day once again she asks us to sit and   watch the television it shows sheshanov speaking  with a man named molotov in regards to the robot   malfunctionova shows Molotov that the malfunction  has been corrected and that there's absolutely   nothing to worry about Molotov believes it's  only a matter of time until the United States   finds out about the incident and that this could  be an international Scandal this could literally   jeopardize the atomic heart project sessionov  reminds Molotov that the atomic project was   actually his own something that he started after  the war but everybody refused to acknowledge   Molotov mentions that this is not going to change  the fact that they are being smothered by Western   sanctions sessionov thinks it is only a matter of  time before the full polymerization of the Soviet   citizens the collective Network and the atomic  heart project will help turn the tides Molotov   disagrees and states that if the Americans find  out that the robots can be switched to combat   mode then the entire project will be completely  dead in the water Molotov explains that the   politburo has decided that they will be having  a special commission investigating the robot's   malfunctions and will be at shishenov's facility  later that same day she tells them it's a direct   connection and not his business to know before  we leave we also find out that Granny Xena knows   that we were meeting with stockhausen and she is  literally like the apocalypse version of the CIA   we reach the train station and we speak to a robot  named rafik that makes our life a thousand times   harder by not accepting any of the train passes  that we give him but thankfully we do eventually   get permission to ride on the train we ride this  train for maybe I don't know 30 seconds before it   gets derailed and we almost die again luckily for  us we find stockhausen who is completely terrified   but gives us the debrief he tells us that Molotov  is on his way back to the vdnh and that sirsenov   wants us to go there right away and initiate  the emergency drill we reached the exhibition   and Charles mentions that there will be a huge  celebration on Monday in honor of the national   polymerization and the launch of collective 2.0  all the highest ranking members of the Communist   party will be there the triumv mentions that he'll  be able to fix everything by then he asked Charles   what Molotov has against shishanov since the  commission is happening just two days prior to   the launch of collective Charles thinks that it's  precisely due to the fact that it's almost ready   Molotov likely wants to get credit for Collective  2.0 and the malfunctioned picture of caused is an   excellent pretext to show that Dr sessionov is not  capable of overseeing the project and by extension   the polymerization of the Soviet Union the triev  and Charles begin to argue about the fact that   neither Molotov nor session I've actually cared  about the victims of this the tribe thinks that   sensation I've sent him to deal with the problem  then that ultimately means that he does care while   Charles believes that both Molotov and sessionov  have something to gain in preventing information   about the malfunction from reaching the rest of  the world since nobody would believe that a small   group of Traders is responsible for the entire  thing immediately thinking that the Soviet robots   are probably dangerous ultimately leading to the  conclusion that sessionov and Molotov should have   vested interest in ending the malfunction as  quickly assumingly possible yet even with all   that in mind neither of them have gone to the  government to have troops into the facility and   deal with hostile robots arrest Petrov or ended  in any other way sisinov is doing everything that   he can to conceal the malfunction from everybody  including the government the Triumph thinks that   they can't send the Army in because there  are too many people it's highly likely that   a single soldier could lead in Intel to another  country which would simply end at all the charge   reminds him that sushino could just simply send  in the argentum unit a group of soldiers loyal   to sessionov and his personal militia they are  perfectly capable of eliminating the robots or   having no chance of a leak to the outside  countries but sisinov cannot deploy troops   without the authorization of the pollen Bureau  and that means that Molotov wants to lead the   collective the Triumph fails to understand how  any one person can lead the collective since it's   actually meant to be shared by everyone I mean  it's false communism essentially Charles says that   certain leaders of the military and government  officials will have higher access and permissions   to Collective than the average civilian and that  there will be a single Alpha connector that will   be in charge of absolutely everything now that  Alpha connector is currently in the possession of   sessionov but Molotov wants that Alpha connector  we reach the main lobby and are greeted by a   terrascope over that tells us that the code will  require us to help her repair another terrorist   over as it requires two to activate the code we  speak to Charles later about the fact that we have   actually never noticed a bracelet on session of  and if his Alpha connector looks different Charles   says that his device is completely unique and its  shape and location are one of the biggest secrets   that he has he thinks that it's guarded by his  personal bodyguards the twins the Triumph mentions   how the twins are So Graceful and elegant and that  in fact they actually remind him of something when   asked of what they remind him of he says that he  doesn't actually know but he knows that there's   something good we managed to retrieve all the  terrascover parts and they initiate the code just   in time for molotov's arrival Molotov goes on to  address sessionov and mentions how the malfunction   is a complete worldwide catastrophe due to the  robot's combat mode in countless human casualties   the combat mode is information that Molotov should  not know so session of asks Molotov week came to   have this information he says that he was told by  Victor Petrov a trusted Ally of the Soviet Union   this should offer mentions that actually in fact  he's now a prisoner that has been found guilty   in the words of a Trader has no merit Molotov  explains that this was actually nov's personal   order and is in direct violation of Soviet law  he says that the launch of collective 2.0 will   now be canceled and sessionov will be subject  to a full-fledged investigation this causes a   session of tuas Molotov for a personal meeting  which she agrees to and leaves to arrive here   at the facility and at this moment that natra  begins to hallucinate and I kid you not when I   explain this to you because this is actually what  happens you become a white dog that has a ball for   a head everything is cartoony and you run around  collecting apples to say that I was completely   lost during this moment in the game would be  an understatement but it does make more sense   later sort of barely when the tribe awakes we see  the session of has actually arrived stockhausen   mentions that everybody is dead including Molotov  the child is confused about what happened and asks   how everybody is dead session of response saying  that the robots must have gotten and that he's   lucky to be alive he tells the right to handle the  body a Molotov if you're curious at all of who the   hell is right the name of the twin bodyguards are  literally right and left cesarov mentions that he   will inform the Kremlin of molotov's death and  that the collective 2.0 must continue its launch   this is where we get an unusual but I must admit  pretty cool cinematic of the twins as one pierces   the stomach of the other Wright takes out a golden  object that turns into a key and they begin to use   that on the bath nearby okay this causes the  bar to fill with a blood-like substance that   forms into the shape of a human it approaches  the body of Molotov and begins to infuse with   them look this crap is weird as hell but I promise  you that we will find out everything about it as   the blood subsides from the poor we can see that  molotov's remains have turned completely skeletal   stockhausen returns to the room and explains  that somebody was caught on the central Hub   broadcasting essentially attempting to send  information to the West sessionov asked who   could have done it and stockhausen mentions  that there are only two people that are able   to do it session of himself or Petrov but the  tribe reaffirms that Petrov is dead we saw his   body with our own two eyes sessionov says that  we only saw the body and that picture of us the   first and foremost a hid mentioning that with Dr  philatova as his accomplice and a neurosurgeon   of her caliber anything is possible we're told to  go into the scientific facility where the signal   was being traced in order to find and capture  petrol we asked Charles what happened down in   the room with the government commission since  we lost Consciousness he was also disabled at   the same time we ask about the red monster from  the bathtub Charles states that it was actually   a neuropolymer data storage and that Dr zakarov  died the exact same way the Triumph wonders why   it was in the shape of a person Charles says that  it was a session of's idea and he wanted to move   more independently it's pretty much his loyal to  session I was the ballerina twins while it walks   around on the outside world it will stay close  to session of as an additional security measure   this ultimately means that this red jelly man is  capable of sneaking out behind a person murdering   them and then leaving no Trace Charles points out  that the odd similarities to a particular doctor   named zakarov that died under similar strange  circumstances we managed to find both Petrov   and philatova in the scientific center but are  ambushed by a robot and ultimately knocked the   hell out when the Triumph awakes we see that  philatova is trying to help him while Petrov   tells her to let him die Petrov calls naturayev  only by the name of session of's dog and is deeply   concerned that he is already being threatened  after waking the tribe calls our picture up on   the number of innocent people that have been  slaughtered due to his robots suggesting the   number to be in the thousands this surprises  philadel since she believed that it was only   a local malfunction the trial points out that  It's oddly convenient that neither She nor Petro   has a single scratch on them considering this is  literally just apparently a malfunction beginning   with vavalov and the vdnh the robots are attacking  everybody except accept picture of them philadel   and that means the picture of is controlling them  she calls him out on it and picture of admits to   doing this on purpose Phillips over decides to  leave and picture on follows after him we escape   and get a call from Petrov asking us to leave him  alone and that after what we told Larissa she is   no longer returning his calls thankfully Charles  was able to trace his location and we find out   exactly where he is this time being the theater  we learned that the theater is one of the most   famous in all of the Soviet Union and the Petrov  was responsible for configuring and testing the   robots within the theater he also programmed and  studied the interplay of various crafts Charles   believes that you could even say that Collective  was born on the stage of this theater we finally   reached the main stage of the theater Patrol was  dancing with the robots and mentions that Larissa   dumped him after finding out the truth he asked  about Molotov and the child tells him that he's   dead he says that the collective will Now launch  and will be the end of everything this annoys and   the chive and yeah I was back at him but there's  nothing wrong with people controlling robots with   their minds and that he was the one responsible  for the system in the first place Petrov says   that he has no idea what session of wants or  was planning to do with it he states that it   wasn't him that reprogrammed any robots it takes  an eternity to write a functional algorithm for   just a single robot yet there are dozens out there  he says that the combat mode was programmed from   the initial design phase and while nobody thought  that it would actually be activated here in the   Soviet Union which he does take responsibility  for that session of his plans are much worse   than this and that they need to be stopped he goes  on to mention that he planned on proposing to her   in the theater this day the collective launched  but now he can't he throws something in the chive   and allows himself to be killed by the robot  afterwards in the Triumph calls session of to   inform him of the picture I was dead he tells him  to store his head in a container and to bring it   to him we have a moment not long after this when a  child is having a little bit of breakdown he feels   ashamed because once again he failed his mission  on top of that he is now carrying around a human   head and session of us completely fine about it  and the fact that Petrov gave him two golden rings   just before his death grinds his gears Charles  asked why that grinds his gears and the Triumph   says that he actually doesn't know why it does but  it does as we're driving on our way to session of   the tribe gets a call from granny Zena asking if  she heard right and that if we've killed Petrov he   tells her that he is indeed dead and Granny says  that as long as he has his head then it will all   work out she also asked if Petrov had any golden  rings on his position which the Triumph lies about   and tells her that no he didn't we arrive at the  facility and Charles arson triumv if he believed   that civilian robots in combat mode would be able  to complete the atomic heart project he thinks   that they would be able to do it with little to no  issue if there were Bots that all military bases   headquarters and launch sites there is a very  good chance that the American Military would   be called it by surprise just like here Charles  mentions that civilian losses would be very high   which in a tribe thinks wouldn't happen since the  Bots would only be programmed to Target military   Target this causes him to realize what the use of  the golden rings are anybody could take off their   thought device and disconnect from Collective but  a bot can't that means that your robot housekeeper   could totally drag you back to Collective whenever  it pleases or is ordered to the Rings are for   their own robots so they can listen to you and  nobody else including the collective we arrive   at the facility and have numerous dead bodies of  the volunteers and neuropolymer created animals   that are designed to inhabit future worlds not  to mention that we also managed to get the header   picture of to stockhausen and he's accompanied by  the ballerina twins left takes the head and places   it into the device while this is happening we see  Larissa running to a stop and they're throwing a   grenade at the ground in front of stockhausen  it blows up the machine and the neuropolymer   takes its way towards stockhausen we've seen a  child Begin to Fall unconscious as his eyes turn   white we hear the voice of sushinov asking why  he isn't sleeping naturia responds that he can't   fall asleep and refuses to take sleeping pills  sessionov begins to talk about the story of when   he was a boy his brother was scared of the dark  so his mother would leave the light on it helped   his brother but he personally hated it stating  that the light interfered with his imagination   he didn't like children books either for the same  reason there were too many colorful pictures they   weren't real he much preferred the books in his  father's library history medicine theoretical   physics he likes the fact that science doesn't try  to make the wood prettier it just simply gives you   the facts he says that he made another Discovery  a monster in the dark behaves predictably it can   be studied while a monster in the light wears a  mask and is therefore unpredictable which makes   it dangerous he proceeds to ask the child if  he can turn the light off to which he responds   yes we walked through this Asylum as a teardrop  made from polymers calling for us to find them   addressing the child as my love when he awakes he  finds stockhausen skullified from the neuropolymer   philatova calls the child and apologizes and  says they need to meet she needs to show him   everything with his own two eyes she states that  he trusts session of too much and that is keeping   him in the dark she will expose the truth as we  continue our way to the secret location in the   lighthouse Charles asks us to dispose the beta  connectors the gold rings the child proceeds to   throw them away in the ocean and Charles believes  that it's probably saved many many lives we find   a bunch of robots defending the lighthouse and  we get a call from sessionov who tells the child   that the access codes from petrov's neuropolymer  memory has been extracted and the sessionov has   now been able to turn off combat mode and return  the robots to their normal status he asks us to   me back up with him but NATO doesn't really want  to tell him about the meeting with philatova we   find her underground and she asked the child what  he believes shishenov would do with Collective he   tells her that people will be able to control  robots with their minds and will no longer be   able to stab each other in the back as a result  philatova explains that actually in reality his   plans are much more different she says that the  collective is not just about controlling robots   sessionov will be able to control every single  person connected to Collective she proceeds to   lead the child to the facility and he can see  for himself inside the facility we see a bunch   of boxes that contain people philatova explains  that these are volunteers who laid the foundation   for Collective the first few groups died group  30 win insane group 73 opted out and group 101   killed each other while group 204 was the very  first to survive all of their Consciousness is   now in an imaginary world that they call limbo  their bodies are all here under her complete   control she demonstrates to naturaya to show that  she can make them do whatever she wants the tribe   can't believe what they've done to these people  while philatover explains that chemically speaking   they're all completely happy that this is what  Collective is all about the entire word will end   up like this the child thinks it's ridiculous why  would sessionov want to turn everyone into a bunch   of idiots it doesn't make any sense villatova  mentions that memories Consciousness behavior   and speech patterns are all preserved but the  only thing that the individual loses is their   free will the Triumph says that this needs to  be stopped in Philadelphia mentions that this is   exactly what Victor Petrov and her were trying to  do before they got hunted down by him and now it's   too late she reiterates the session of design  Collective to be a mind control system he has   special neuro controllers and created an entire  Army of robots that will kill at his very womb   he wants to enslave the entire world on Monday  when Collective launches the world ends achieve   agrees to help villatova he begins having  hallucinations with a voice telling him to   resist philatova tells him that he was Crossing  into limbo but normally it can't be stopped and   asked how he's interrupting it he explains that  this big lump of polymer is speaking to him she   explains that it's likely hallucinary reaction  a side effect from the surgery the reaction of   a damaged brain to the presence of a neuropolymer  implant this confuses naturiaev and he asks what   she means she's actually quite surprised by  this the fact that sessionov hasn't told him   yet he goes on to ask Charles if he knows what's  going on he says that he doesn't but there is an   external data source that is accessing the polymer  implant within his head villatova asked nachayev   who is talking to and mentions that it's his AI  glove named Charles and Charles mentions that   the voscod polymer extension was developed from  later experiments that Dimitri and himself ran   the tribe asks Charles why he is saying this  and who he is philatova says that our glove   AI named Charles is actually Professor Chariton  zakarov when asked how she explains that zakarov   was developing the collective subsystems and  the module that is actually inside of his head   apparently zakarov who ran numerous experiments  on himself that were dangerous and unpredictable   which ultimately lead to his death it turns out  the session of stash sakarov's Consciousness in   the glove and used the abbreviation Charles as a  name remember at the very beginning of the game   that the glove actually pronounced his name  is Charles not Charles it's likely that after   the accidental death of zakarov that sessionov  placed his body within the neuropolymer to create   a version of himself that he could install into  the glove a type of AI Consciousness using this   knowledge we can now access the archive of the  laboratory using the details of zakarov this will   allow allow us to see the files on the Triumph we  begin with a film that is narrated by sessionov   he mentions that an event in Bulgaria left the  agents badly injured two of the agents were so   seriously injured that one ended up dying and the  other had much of their body amputated and given   Prosthetics the Triumph mentions how he already  knows that Harper's body is now prosthetic so   that nothing's particularly new here the next file  mentions how they installed a neuropolymer brain   function extension to eliminate the destructive  impulses triggered by traumatic memories they   mentioned that the patient is Sergey nachayev  his code name was plutonium they attempted   the surgery three times with the first two being  unsuccessful the Triumph suffered a severe brain   injury in Bulgaria that could not be repaired the  damage was so severe in fact that they thought   that the patient would need to be euthanized due  to damage of the frontal lobes this causes the   Chive to experience bouts of uncontrollable  rage and since he has steel prosthesis   it renders him dangerous to everybody around him  due to this temporary insanity he is immersed in a   surreal psychedelic reality that prevents him from  accepting aggressive behavior cesarov mentions   that he continues to have severe hallucinations  before asking the child if he's seen his wife   again he mentions that the voshcott implant will  give an achieve artificial memories that will   help him overcome the obsession with his deceased  wife the triumv states that this is just a bunch   of Lies since he's never been married sessionov  continues to mention that using the vosgod that   they can send the child's Consciousness into  the imaginary world of limbo using a pulse   aimed directly at the pituitary gland causing  him to go into combat mode on command this is   referring to the moments when the child was losing  Consciousness and people around him ended up dead   he adds that he is strongly opposed to it before  it cuts off villatova mentions the session Hopkins   send the tribe into his own private Paradise  at the push of a button and then turn turn him   into a murder machine she goes on to say that the  hallucinations are just his brain's way of Defense   especially sensation I've completely wiped out the  memory of his wife we begin to leave the facility   as we plan to confront sessionov the child begins  to call out Charles or rather Chariton for knowing   about this from the beginning which he denies he  sees the session of murdered him and turned him   into a blob of Paula Magoo brainwashed and  manipulated the chives so he couldn't know   who to trust that's why he pretended to be the AI  glove called Charles or Charles he needed to know   who was who he goes on to say that they need to  stop session of before Monday the tribe mentions   that they could just notify people not to wear  the thought device but Chariton states that the   person can take off the thought device it would  merely prevent them from making a call giving   orders to robots he reveals that it's actually  a neuropolymer injection that makes people   part of the collective it embeds itself into the  brain and connects itself to the neural network   once you get the injection it cannot be undone  you will be stuck in the collective forever the   Triad goes on to ask if he was actually married  and what was her name Charlton mentions that her   name was a Katarina that naturiaev and her served  in the argentum unit the Katarina or Katya is the   tribe called her was an incredible agent as a  child she studied ballet and had achievements   at both dance and martial arts revealing that  the ballerina Twins were actually designed from   the skill set and inspiration for me Katarina  and since zakarov's Consciousness was saved and   put into a glove and his wife was not so instead  imprinted her personal skills onto his bodyguards   as the elevator closes the tribe begins to pass  out and drift into limbo causing philadel to freak   out when we awake we hear the news channel  speaking about a press conference in which   sessional completely denied rumors of Civilian  robot malfunction it turns out that the news is   coming from a radio as we are now next to Grand  Xena she mentions that nachai was a good boy when   her daughter was around but since his accident  he's been a bit Haywire revealing that Granny   Zena is actually the mother of Ekaterina and that  makes her the stepmother of naturiaev she mentions   that she has been keeping an eye on him ever since  the accident the triaev remembers Larissa and asks   where she is and Granny Zeta mentions that she's  gone since he scattered her to the winds we find   out that Charles knew about granny Zena the whole  time and never mentioned anything as Xena begins   to begnataya to kill sessionov this is where we  have two very different deviations in the story   two endings essentially I will continue with what  I believe to be the true ending of the story and   then I'll explain what happens if you take the  other choice afterwards so for this one we will   accept and decide to go on to kill sessionov and  save the civilians we head to the main building   and find one of the sisters ready to attack after  defeating her we have an interesting cut scene   that shows the Triumph seeing a bit of his wife  and her on our elevator to the top of the tower we   learn exactly what operation atomic heart is the  goal of atomic heart is the complete suppression   of the United States of America the change of  political regime abolishment of capitalism the   establishment of Communism and establishing social  and moral ideals consistent with the beliefs of a   Soviet person the process begins with seizure of  strategic and Military facilities aided by the   infiltration of Soviet civilian robots followed  by the disconnection and shutdown of nuclear power   plants aka the deactivation of the atomic heart of  America complete surrender of the government and   transfer of power to top leadership of the USSR  the Soviet Union will sell robots and then slowly   give them away as Aid once it reaches a certain  Mass they will then take over the power plants   and cut off the power we arrive at the office  of session of both twins are now present and by   AI session of ox Chariton if he's proud of  himself mentioning our healer returns in the   Aida have been busy but didn't expect nichayev  to be so gullible the child was angry and he   asked if he was just a plaything decision of  he replies saying that he doesn't blame him   for being upset and tells Sheraton that he was  supposed to help the child not pull his strings   like a puppet Charlton says the session of can't  blame him Charlton tells ishirov that you can't   blame him he isn't the one trying to deprive  every one of their Free Will turning them into   mindless puppets and it wasn't his idea to be  a talking pile of goo either he feels session   of as happy it happened since he can achieve his  goal however he does feel the session I was happy   that it did happen since now he can achieve his  goal sisino responds that he saves zakarov and   the chai of both that they're both scientific  Miracles and that Chariton was his best friend   while the child is a son to him charlatan points  out that he probably views the twins daughters   and all the Collective people are just as adopted  children he cannot help but to use people sisinov   wants to give Humanity a spectacular future with  unimaginable achievements the tribe interrupts   them and tells him to give up and sessionov  orders the twins to kill him thus Begins the   very final boss fight of the game we initially  get our asses beat pretty badly but managed to   get the best of the twins in the end the tribe  walks around sessionov and pulls the gun from   his hand before shooting him session of yells  that Chariton is manipulating him as he falls   down and says that Charlton has been accessing  the voskod module in his brain and starting to   see in the Triumph into limbo since sessionov  was so busy with Collective he didn't actually   realize straight away he sees that Chariton  killed Molotov and asks if he used the child   to kill Philadelphia as well Charleston explains  that he did all the dirty work while session of   stay clean and sessionov mentions that they didn't  need to Die the tribe attempts to rip the glove   from his hand but is electrocuted which causes  him to collapse sessionov pleads for the child   to get up as the neuropolymer breaks out of the  glove Charlton makes his way through the bathtub   as he explains that he wants the human race to  realize that it has no future to step aside and   to make way for the next phase of its Evolution  Charlton becomes one with the red monster from   before session of course some Pure Evil and asks  what he plans to do Chariton explains that evil   is an abstract concept and that humans will soon  go extinct something he realized when he stopped   being a human Chariton proceeds to kill sessionov  while we see najayev slowly dying on the floor   before losing Consciousness Chariton begins  to destroy the alpha connector thought device   bringing an end to the collective forever we find  out in a final scene that Chariton actually went   on to consume shishinov and leaves no trace of  his body behind Chariton was seen leaving the   facility and has since vanished the final scene  shows the tribe and either limbo or possibly the   Afterlife with the twins that represented his wife  thus ends the story of atomic heart however I did   mention earlier that this was only one of two  endings however before I do go on to the other   ending if you are still watching this video please  put crispy Critters into the comments to let me   know that you are I'm genuinely interested by  the way that's the catchphrase that the child   uses throughout the game and I never really  found any information on why he does it but   thank you for getting this far now you might  be wondering why this is considered the real   ending or why I considered it the real ending well  this ties up much more of the storyline than the   other ending such as the twins Chariton and you  can hash it out with sessionov the other option   you have is refusing to confront sessionov and  deciding to stop being a puppet the tribe will   destroy his glove and Chariton and then we'll go  on to live on his own the game ends and you will   find out that nobody knows the whereabouts of the  triumv transition of ultimately goes on to launch   Collective Now you might think that that is like  a better ending in terms of outcome but atomic   heart doesn't really have a good ending both  endings are pretty bad for their own particular   reasons for example if you choose to leave then  zacharya will live and chariton's master plan   will fail but cessnov will go on to enslave the  entire world using his collector program while if   you choose to confront sessionov both he and  the child will die and Chariton will realize   his plan and look to eliminate the human race  but Collective will be destroyed and Humanity   at the very least will be able to attempt to  fight back using their own free will both of   these have their ups and downs I enjoy the story  of the game not a huge fan of the gameplay but the   story definitely captivated me and I hope that the  video helped you understand and enjoy the story as   much as I did I will also be creating a video in  the next few days comparing her atomic heart to   the by Bioshock series since there were so many  overarching similarities between both franchises   so remember to check that out another quick little  Easter egg that I think I picked up on throughout   doing the story and lore video was chariton's  name in particular it's sort of ironic when you   think about Chariton is so close to a charlatan  charlatan being a fake much like chariton's fake   AI personality or pretending to be the good guy  having an ulterior motive just thought I'd throw   that in there as well thank you so much for  watching if you enjoyed the video or found it   to be informative please hit the like button as  it helps out the channel very very much and also   please feel free to subscribe for more story and  lore videos in the future until next time peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 21,951
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Keywords: atomic heart, atomic heart gameplay, atomic heart ending, atomic heart story explained, atomic heart endings explained, what is the story of atomic heart, story and lore atomic heart, collectables atomic heart, atomic heart story breakdown, atomic heart twins story, atomic heart who are the twins, atomic heart breakdown, atomic heart explained, green links, atomic heart fridge, atomic heart background, atomic heart game, atomic heart review
Id: Lfj9RIVin3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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