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we just hit the fourth installment of the dark Anthology series drop called The Devil in Me And while this interactive story has much of the details up front for the audience to see there is also a hell of a lot to discover from small documents and collectibles found throughout the game itself now let's begin with an overall summary of the key events of the game however since the dark Anthology series gives the player multiple choices and main characters can die at different parts of the story it can get a little bit messy so we're going to stick to the stuff that doesn't change it also goes without saying that this will contain Major Spoilers for the Devil and me it will include identities events and take place before the main game storyline and a little bit of background stuff so if you have not played the game you have been warned We Begin the story as Jeff and Marie a couple that is visiting the World's Fair hotel in the 1890s the hotel itself is owned by a mysterious owner that helps the couple to their rooms things go as stray and ultimately this newlywed couple meet their end we find out the name of the Killer and the owner of the World's Fair Hotel was called HH Holmes if you are unaware HH Holmes was an actual person he did own a hotel during the 1890s also named The World's Fair Hotel much like what was depicted in the prologue scene in the game Holmes did in fact murder many of the guests within the walls of the hotel he was responsible for more than 10 deaths and while the exact number of victims is still not entirely clear there is a possibility that the number could be as high as 50 to 100 people he was ultimately found guilty of those crimes in 1896. he was sentenced to death and buried in concrete because he believed that the devil was in him and that he wished to be buried in concrete so the Devil Couldn't get out hence the inspiration for the title of the game we cut to an individual watching a documentary film crew talk about themselves and what appears to be some kind of behind the scenes footage the characters on screen later turn out to be our set of characters for the duration of the game they are creating a documentary on the killer of H.H Holmes same person we witnessed during the opening dialogue of the game now the events of the film crew take place in 2022 as we find out later on this means that this is taking place a whole 130 years later than the prologue Charlie is the boss of the group and the director of The Crew He informs them all that they have been invited to a replica Hotel of H.H Holmes by Mr dumep on an island and they are free to film footage for their documentary there which big old Charlie absolutely loves the idea of turns out that the documentary crew will be traveling in style as the hotel is offering a limousine pickup to take them to the island we get a little glimpse of our driver here and I will just say to pay very close to attention to those little misses because we will be seeing them a lot more later on once the group arrives they're greeted by Mr demit who will Ferry them across to the hotel and we see a few scenes that show Mr Demeter's incredibly jumpy and private which is the first sign that something's a little bit off since he invited the film crew to the hotel for the entire purpose of filming their documentary demit tells the crew to leave their belongings at the ferry and will organize them to be brought to the hotel a few of the girls find a few things out and around the premises such as a broken stiletto and a family photo of demet while also encountering what appears to be a groundskeeper of sorts we also see the groundskeeper with a luggage carton we can assume that they are the ones responsible for moving the luggage up to the hotel now outside the hotel Kate sees a small girl on the window at first glance this can be a bit of a horror Trope a little girl staring out the window and when you look back they disappear it's ultimately a red herring but I like the small little Easter egg once in the house demet gives the crew the room keys and explains for them all to meet back at the dining area for dinner at 8pm the crew agrees and begins to walk to their room on the way Aaron sees demit meeting with his daughter gets a little bit of a spook but goes back to her room with Jaime Jaime eventually sees the mint and his daughter running for the ferry now look this is a big red flag if the person that just invited you to their secret Island hotel is running to the ferry that brought you to the very Island you should probably be very worried now as far as the summary is concerned I want to leave it just there and if you've played the game you'll know that there is a hell of a lot more to the story that plays out in front of the viewer but I feel that this initial premise gives us more than enough to jump off from so I'll just assume that you play through the main story at this stage some of the characters will notice the particular pieces of the gear are missing from their bags for example Charles is missing his cigarettes that gets his boxes in a hell of a Twist while Mark has lost his camera lens this in particular is a cool bag to how H.H Holmes operates you see in the prologue Jeff mentions how has raising his goal missing from his back he assumes that he just forgot to pack it no big deal we later see that actually Holmes had stolen it and used it against the couple later on so when you contrast that to present day it's exactly the same our very first clue as to who the killer actually is the groundskeeper since he was the only person that had access to the character's bags prior to them receiving them again at the hotel lobby since he was the only one that went to collect them at the ferry but that also doesn't explain demit's involvement in this whole thing we saw him fleeing so is he in some way responsible a bit strange since this is his home and if he is not the killer then maybe helping or complicit in some way to answer this let's break down what happened before our group of characters arrived at the hotel in the hotel lobby there is a hotel registrar that the characters had to sign when they first arrived when you look inside we find a whole list of names of all the people that have checked into the hotel to begin with we have Brad Fisher Rachel Davies Jackie fiddles Scott Thorne and Grace Fletcher all of them checked in on the 29th of September 2022 and ultimately checked out on the 4th of October 2022. if you continue down the page we see a Harrison Lee Lewis Lee Thomas Hall Cecil Hall and Kurt Hall all checked in the very next day on the 5th of October and then checked out on the 18th of October now when I say check out you could probably get an inkling of what that really means in a murder hotel but I digress we see that Joseph Morello Michelle Morello Francis Morello Natalie Morello and Bethany Morello chick did exactly one week prior to our cast of characters who have also signed into the registrar obviously without the checkout date now we actually get an invitation letter that was sent from grathom DeMent the owner of the hotel to Joseph Morello it explains that Morello's publisher had told to met that Morello was interested in talking with him and he goes on to mention that the construction of his complete replica of the World's Fair hotel is essentially a tourist experience and and that a person of moralo's knowledge would be invaluable to provide insight into the hotel prior to the official opening he goes on to invite exactly five people of his choosing to come and visit and keep the invitation confidential Joseph agrees and says that he'll bring his family now there are a few things of note here to break down first and foremost the number of people invited to the hotel if you look in the hotel registry you will see that every single group that visited was in a group of exactly five people we later find a message that explains that the killer had realized that the perfect number of victims for the hotel that he could manage successfully was five at one time and also let's not forget to mention that Morello has a publisher and that he had some form of insight to provide for grafam to met now what exactly was that well in the library of the hotel you can find a book called was he the devil it's a book written about H.H Holmes a true crime author called Joseph Morello this explains the publisher and since the Killer is obviously very much influenced by homes it makes Morello a perfect Target now I'm sure many of you are curious about what happened to each and every one of those guests luckily we do have some information on exactly what happened so let's break it all down we'll start with the Morello family in The Butchery you can find a bunch of pigs hanging up pretty normal stuff for a Butchery but if you take a look around the corner you'll notice that this one is suspiciously non-pig-like turns out this is Natalie Morello one of Joseph Morello's daughters during the Paul area you'll find a hand you don't exactly know who it belongs to at this stage but later on once you're outside you'll find an ID badge of a Francis Morello not far from a wallet with a little photo of a young Bethany Morello and her uncle Francis Morello at a theme park it has Bethany thanking her uncle for riding on the ride with her you can unfortunately find out what happened to Francis and the shed not far from these items also missing a hand suggesting that that hand you find inside the pool area is probably his and then there's Mrs Morello who you find in a less than Stellar condition it's pretty gory and we want to keep YouTube happy so I won't show it but but you can pretty much put here on the dead list which leaves Joseph Morello and Bethany Morello now some of you have probably clued on already but you can find a book about a many Sherman a name that you should probably remember because we will be discussing just who that is in a bit but it was once again written by none other than Joseph Morello and when you flip that bad boy over it's our Fury friend so if you're a little bit confused the person that we were meeting at the beginning of the game is not Grantham demit it's actually Joseph Morello the previous victim of the murder Hotel just one week prior and the little girl with him Bethany Morello which explains why he wanted to split as quickly as possible when the new group arrived but it does leave a few questions unanswered why was he helping the killer did he escape and survive why was he pretending to be someone that he's not well you could actually find out their face later on in the game when you reach the docks you can find them both unfortunately killed and if you want to know how the devil enemy has a variety of different endings depending on the decisions that you make throughout and in one particular ending you can have Kate and Mark attempt to escape via the fury and it shows exactly how the killer dispatches the people that try to escape in that way I still have no idea why they didn't just duck when they saw the gun but whatever in an earlier part showing in that very ending Marcus trapped with Kate on a table it's not a fun situation but the killer puts on a TV recording of Joseph Morello explaining why he summoned them to the island and the situation he was in with having the safest daughter not much unlike the situation Mark and Kate find themselves in here so the killer gives them a choice helps summon another group of victims to the island to be a part of his murder game or the person on the table dies that leads them to make the phone call greet them while pretending to be Grantham to Mid and so on and so on the cycle continues and you begin to get the idea one hell of a revelation and to be honest it makes a hell of a lot more sense why he didn't want to be photographed or why he was cagey at the original meeting at the ferry now as for other groups we do find a wedding ring in a pool area that belongs to Louis Lee from the group that came into the hotel a few weeks prior to our cast of characters and at the beginning of the game Kate and Jamie can find a bunch of boxes outside near the groundskeeper that has a bunch of dangerous chemicals signs and stickers all of which were purchased by Grantham demet this is due to the ways that the killer disposes of the victims and separately how he preserves the bodies we saw a little bit with Joseph's wife earlier but it comes up a few times in the game we can find a clipboard that has a variety of steps experiments to preserve bodies it shows that the killer has been trying to figure it out as mentioned on the clipboard that Harrison Lee was one of the people that he has been trying to preserve now I'm not entirely sure if this is the case or not as there isn't really a concrete way to confirm if it is or isn't but I do believe one of the people dressed up as the doctors in this scene could possibly be Harrison Lee and another person from his group we also get a letter from Cecil to Kurt Hall explaining that she wished he didn't bring Harrison along on the trip even stating that he was a famous fiction horror writer not much unlike Joseph Morello and when you consider that the crew that we play are creating a documentary on the same kind of stuff not too dissimilar to an author you can begin to build an Mo we don't really get much information on many of the other characters on the hotel registry but what we do find out is that the construction crew of the building that helped build the hotel itself in 2017 also met some unfortunate ends down in the basement you can find logbook from General Contractors when open one of the workers is cataloging the events of the construction during 2017. five years prior to the events of this main story it explains that the crew arrived on the island on the 17th of January 2017 they met with the Mr belnap who is the proprietor meaning the owner they start the excavation of the basement and some time passes by the 2nd of February they have begun their work on the first and second floors and noted that some of the gear had gone missing they file a report and request replacements for Mr belnap and since we know that our killer has a proclivity for stealing stuff we can probably assume that this is our killer and now we also have a name Mr belnap but let's move on on the fifth one of the workers James Kelly left a note explaining that there was an emergency and that he needed to leave without telling anyone directly which I have to say is a bit odd a few weeks later on the 18th another one of these loyal workers left the project there's no explanation another letter but it is mention that they had left them high and dry they make quick work of the construction over the following month and on the 20th of March there are more reports of missing equipment and it actually marks the third replacement request for just the month of March once the main construction has completed bellnet requests additional work be done in the spa area under the hotel the crew agrees the terms after speaking to James Kelly violiners and a group of Laura moniker Ryan Frank and the rider stay behind to get the job done in a sort of skeleton crew on the 29th Laura went to install a tennoy system with Mr belnap and he says that she isn't feeling very well and that she's sleeping it off in one of the rooms another big red flag also James Kelly hasn't mentioned anything about the rest of the crew that was meant to come and help do this job a day later Laura has still not come out of her room and now Monica has resigned Kelly won't return any of the calls or letters and the writer says that they will leave for the mainland in the morning with Frank and Laura now you can actually find the resignation letter from Monica to Jesse uh Jesse being the name of the person that's writing in the logbook they say that they quit and not to come looking for them and I do want to mention there are many different letters and documents that you find throughout the game and we will go over many of them in this video but one thing that is noticeable is the handwriting for example this resignation letter I want you to pay very close attention to the way that the a is written and the f is written specifically they are very unique and very unlikely that multiple people will write them in that exact way but we will come back to that soon as you search much of the underground Spa area you will find IDs of every single member of the construction crew accompanied by a mannequin that looks a lot like the pictures on the identification since this was five years ago it's possibly unlikely the killer was able to preserve the bodies for that amount of time so the mannequins are the only way for him to be able to uh I don't know show off his kills and on the topic of mannequins I think the behavior of the killer could give insight into who this person is and we saw the use of these mannequins a lot earlier in the game at the dinner table when he replicated the dinner scene from earlier when the characters were discussing demet who was actually Morello but they didn't know that at the time and when he was fleeing the island the reason for this is relatively simple it's an intimidation tactic but also it's the Killer's way of bringing life to his victims a bit of a freaky contrast to him in reality taking the life from them but it's also a way to relive the moments when the characters find their way to the control room there is a lot of insight into the mindset of this killer you can find the characters pictures up on a wall next to a map of Chicago he knows where they lived prior to coming to the island and the little sticky notes next to the pictures depicted the personality traits of the entire crew fears that they have addictions that they have things that he can exploit once they arrive at the hotel there is even a medical file of each one of the crew members somehow the killer has managed to get medical files of doctor visits medications that they're on illnesses weaknesses everything this shows that the Killer is incredibly meticulous and doesn't do anything on impulse everything is calculated and each moment is specifically designed for every character we have further evidence of his proclivity to background checks on his victims ahead of time when you play Kate you can even find a newspaper that describes a very sensitive moment in Kate's past something that very few people know about when Kate was in college she had a friend called Shelby whom Kate was meant to meet up with one night Kate unfortunately slept in and while Shelby was waiting for her she was killed by a stalker Kate blamed this on herself and it actually gave her PTSD you can actually see it in her medical records which she takes anxiety pills for so the fact that the killer not only knew about the sore spot in Kate's past but also the fact that she blames herself for the death and to ultimately use that against her shows a high level of intelligence from the Killer we can also see a notepad in the control room that was written by the killer describing patterns that he observed in Michelle this Michelle mentioned is most likely Michelle Morello the wife of Joseph it describes that she's barely alone that she gets noticeably more tired towards the end of the day and how to try to separate her from the group which means that he is also keenly observant also did you notice the A's or the F does it look awfully familiar well we know that without a doubt that the person that hand wrote on this notepad is the killer responsible for the deaths of the people at the hotel and when we compare that to the resignation letter it's the complete same handwriting meaning that realistically Mr bellnap was forging letters to the construction crew as a way of hiding the disappearing bodies making it look like they quit over the course of a two-month construction he managed to pick them off one by one until there was nobody left not to mention his use of fake recordings that you can find of Charlie describing wanting his group to be killed and that he brought them there for the killer this is carefully placed for Aaron to find and creates doubt and distrust amongst the group and then you can find a doctor text message conversation from Jamie who is the love interest for Aaron saying that she is in her type another way to play with the heads of the crew and helps divide them as much as humanly possible since it's much easier for him to do what he does if they are not working together against him instead going on their own this dude's no slouch we also get some information on his entire get up the costume that he decides to wear in the mask that he wears we can find some concept pictures and art in the control room of different looks that he wanted to go with each of them is created with HH Holmes in mind as a clear inspiration in fact he wanted to look exactly like him from the clothes to the face there is also a receipt for the actual hat that H.H Holmes used meaning that the killer has a significant amount of money that wouldn't be cheap there's also a letter on the desk of an email thread between an Amber Harris and a Brandon day on the 6th of June 2017. it appears that Brandon day is purchasing a custom made mask and asked that the production be completely confidential so we now have another name that could be added to the mix of who this killer could possibly be so we have to ask ourselves a big question who is the killer exactly well I know who and I'll tell you right now at Scranton to met or Richard belnet also Brandon day and even a Ned yoke was used well it's technically all of them but they're all the same person these people are not separate people they're all just aliases used by the killer none of them has actual identity but if you are curious to what his real name is it's Hector whale on Monday now this is a name that I deliberately said nothing about up until this point since there's so much stuff that you can find regarding this character and there's a few pieces of law that you can find that are created to sort of throw you off the trail of Monday but I assure you that it is him and we will go over the ridiculous amount of evidence that shows that it is if you play the game without giving much thought to the Collectibles you'll probably finish the game with having really no idea of who the Killer is but after reading the evidence is pretty clear let's start with the mundane stuff that could easily be explained away the first noticeable thing that you find out about Monday is an audio recording between a man called Manny Sherman and an FBI agent Called Agent Hector Monday if the name Manny Sherman rings a bell it's because this is the name of a serial killer that Joseph Morello was writing the book about I mentioned a little bit earlier on you see Sherman was a serial killer that Monday investigated and ultimately captured he went on to interview him and Sherman mentions how he was inspired by H.H Holmes the main reason is the fact that he was the very first serial killer in America the one that wrote The Playbook as he put it Monday is curious and continues to probe him for more before the recording ends so now we know about this FBI agent Hector Monday a little later on you can find a badge of age of Monday in the waste disposal not to mention also being able to find his FBI Jersey as well now this alone is not enough to make any solid connection possibly Monday is a victim of the killer we don't know well there is a mention earlier in the game by Kate that explains that she used to investigate cases on serial killers like the Zodiac and H.H Holmes and that many people like them like to create alternate versions of themselves and don't like to use their normal selves or possibly don't even like their normal selves a way to escape their previous identity in order to assume a new one and one thing that we have not seen from the Killer is his face or his voice no matter the situation he does not talk instead gets others to talk for him and wears a mask to hide his face space now we can find agent Monday's ID card which shows that he was a part of the Behavioral Science unit in 1989. this is a little cool piece of information for anyone that might be a fan of mine hunter on Netflix just wanted to throw that in there but noticeably the picture of Monday has been completely covered up hidden is it a coincidence or possibly the killer wanted to erase his past self well we could also find an FBI photograph of new recruits at FBI training one of the people in the picture has had their face completely covered up much like the ID card was now there are no names shown in the photo but since we have only heard of a single FBI agent this entire game and have not been told of any other I think it's pretty safe to say that this is probably agent Monday in this photo as well with his face crossed out much like the ID card and I think it's important to listen to the rest of the tapes between many Sherman and agent Monday to get a better idea of who this guy is and the second recording it's all Sherman talking despite agent Monday being present he continues to praise Holmes explaining that unlike most killers that do their thing at the target's home or place Holmes however mastered what is called the Honey Trap bringing them to him in his own environment he goes on to explain how Holmes named his hotel the World's Fair Hotel only a few miles away from the world fair Hotel itself due to this people thought that the hotel was the actual official Hotel of the fair no shortage of targets Sherman learned from this and took over a block of houses that were scheduled to be demolished however Sherman would contact Realtors to sell the house and when they visit that would be his honey pot he goes on to say to age a Monday that he can observe and analyze him as much as that he wants but he will never truly understand never really know how it feels and he taunts him about it another thing of note which I think is important to bring up is that Monday appears to give Sherman a few cigarettes in a sign of good faith possibly a sign that he's warming up to him and we already established that the Killer is highly intelligent in their preparation and Research into the people before entering his hotel and also the ability to figure out what gets on a person's nerves or the way to disrupt a person's way of thinking like taking away Charlie's cigarettes for example there we have the fact that agent Monday is part of the behavioral Department of the FBI not to mention we have a degree certificate in Psychology in the lighthouse that belongs to none other than Hector Monday that would mean that the killer would have a degree in Psychology which would explain his ability to be able to find the weakest parts of a person's psyche and how to pray upon that the third recording opens up with Sherman mentioning that Monday brought him an entire carton of cigarettes instead of the normal individual ones like last time now this could be because Monday is growing more fond of Sherman as the interviews continue or it could simply be a tactic to help get Sherman to spill more info both are plausible Sherman goes on to ask Monday why he hasn't asked any questions and what's going on with them that he seems different and goes on to say that he wishes that he had more time to beat Holmes's kill count of over 200 and brags that even though the D.A knows about the Realtors they don't know about all the rejects or the Misfits the ones that nobody notices that goes missing he continues to explain in that his father always told him to make his mark on the world and that for him that was what his killings were if you were to ask anyone on the street to name serial killers that majority of them would be able to name between five or ten before starting to struggle to think of names but if you were to ask them what the names of the detectives were that caught them well they wouldn't be able to because no one cares nobody makes movies about the detectives he then continues to mock Monday by saying that he hasn't made his mark on the world but has he this is clearly showing Sherman is creating doubt and playing on the thoughts that are already running around in the Curious mind of Monday somebody that has a clear fascination with Sherman his thought process and the mind of a killer possibly leading him to want to see what it's like for himself in fact agent Monday had a psychological test done and it was concluded that his investigation into Sherman had become an obsession something that he was using as an excuse to not deal with grief particularly the death of his mother we also find out quite a lot about Monday's mother and more importantly the childhood of Asia Monday in the library you can find a book that contains a snippet of a newspaper about births we see a couple called Mr and Mrs Hall had a daughter on June 10th and another couple called right had his son on the same day while at the bottom the Monday family announced the birth of their son Hector Whalen Monday on June 11th if you remember back to previous guests at the hotel that we saw earlier in the registry a group of them have the surname Hall the same surname as the family on the sheet of paper announcing the birth of Monday could it be another coincidence or are things actually starting to add up don't worry there is still plenty more if you have made it this far into the video please do let me know down below and let me know if you think that this is enough to convince you that it's a Monday if not I have a bunch more background information for you on July 7th 1965 Monday's mother writes to his father to tell him that he has had a son and wanted to update him since he hasn't seen her in six months she goes on to say that she can't do it alone and needs him back there it's also mentioned that Monday was born only a few weeks ago which would make him 57 at present time and we also find out that the childhood of Hector Monday wasn't a great one we find notes from a doctor that assessed Hector when he was seven years old in 1972 And it mentioned that he had bruising that had worsened likely from an adult rather than other school kids further checkups suggest the same thing and eventually they found him to be undernourished and underweight so it was rough for him also the typical type of upbring serial killers not always but past trauma can be a big aspect this leads to Monday's Behavior deteriorating as he got into Elementary School and we find a message from his childhood principle that explains that he has been acting aggressively towards other kids and to get in contact with him immediately and now that we know a bit more about where agent Monday began let's get into the fourth and final recording between many Sherman and Hector Monday this one is a little bit different to the others since it's shown to you within a scene by the killer himself it's an interview room set up with papers on the desk and a preserved body smoking a cigarette with the killer on the side that normally the cop would be sitting at Sherman goes on to compare what he did as a serial killer to Art It ultimately says that Monday needs to become an artist Sherman says that he can see it in Monday's eyes and that he can't be fooled Monday is just like him deep down Monday ends up attacking Sherman and ultimately Sherman says that Monday has a lot of potential as an artist we find a newspaper titled the Beast of Arkansas Behind Bars which was addressing Sherman's capture by Asia Monday and while later this impressed the FBI so much that they requested Monday be moved on to a separate case of a potential serial killer in Chicago and it's mentioned that Monday had been working as a profiler training up new detectives in the FBI now if you're wondering what happened to Sherman there is an article that you can find in the third installment of the series House Of Ashes that describes his final sentence and ultimately he died as a result and what is equally creepy and interesting is the fact that you can find a local newspaper article titled Beast body burgle and it explains that the body of many Sherman was stolen from its grave and given the Killer's ability to preserve bodies along with the literal setup of the very interviews that were happening between Monday and Sherman and with the cigarette the body that was sitting in the room with the final recording played was Manny Sherman himself Monday's Mentor when it came to killing and it wasn't long until he put those teachings into practice you see Monday was sent to investigate the Chicago killer remembering that Monday had already resided in Chicago and the two victims found from the Chicago killer had some very strange injuries for example one was missing an ear while the other was missing teeth ironically you can find an animatronic head while searching the workshop which is where the Killer creates all of his mannequins the head that you find contains human teeth and an ear that had been sewn on these are clearly the trophies that the Chicago killer took which means that the person that owns the hotel is likely the same person that Monday was sent to investigate and as time went on police began to suspect that agent Monday could possibly be the Chicago killer in fact they put out an APB which led to a police officer to go and search agent Monday's premises upon doing so they found blood everywhere and a body within the premises while calling for backup they were ultimately killed by the Chicago killer FBI agent Hector Monday you can find this police officer's badge and we can see that his name was Carl Stanley if you watch the video associated with the badge itself you can see exactly what happened to Carl this is not the only stuff that happened around the stage with agent Monday you might have remembered how I mentioned that Monday's abusive mother had passed away while we can see that Lucinda Monday was put into a Resting Home in August of 1992 named Twilight Prairie they thank Hector for choosing their home and that visitors are encouraged to visit as much as humanly possible later on we also find a medical record dated in 1997 that Lucinda Monday while accompanied by her son visited the hospital complaining of a variety of ailments testing showed that she had actually developed lung cancer this caused Hector to fall off the wagon a little bit we can find an audio recording in the control room from the Twilight period retirement home ringing Hector Monday to address some concerns from the home and its residents it turns out that Hector had been recording audio from his dying mother getting her to say very strange things while the retirement home understood that you want to have lasting memories of loved ones the subject matter of the recording is Disturbed many of the other residents they then asked Hector to refrain from doing it any longer inside the safe at the end of the game using the code to open it you can actually find the funeral invitation for Lucinda Monday who passed away in 1998 it also mentions that she passed peacefully in the presence of her son and due to the fact that this is taking place so close to the many Sherman interviews suggests that Hector Monday actually killed Lucinda and faked it being her diagnosis and it doesn't get much better for Lucinda I'm afraid we find a letter from the cemetery caretaker explaining that he had noticed significant displacement to the grave of Lucinda and that while it could be Wildlife he would like Hector to view the grave unfortunately this isn't a case of wildlife exactly like Manny Sherman her body had been dug up and taken we actually get to see a shot of a woman sitting in a chair speaking into the groundskeeper when the crew just arrived at the island during the time that the groundskeeper was moving the bags to the hotel there is a shot from his side that displays a very unusual skin tone and much later in the game you can actually just see her sitting in the chair within the house once you find her it's it's obvious that this is once again a preserved body and the voice lines that come from the microphone that was attached to her mouth the very same recordings that the retirement home asked Hector Monday to stop doing while he visited his mother this shows that the only person that would have access to these voice recordings would be Monday himself the fact that he exhumed the bodies of Lucinda and Manny Sherman arguably the two closest people in his life and displayed them in the exact way that he had the most memories of them once we go back to the topic of the police officer that was killed in the home of agent Monday this meant that he was a wanted man he was being searched for his identity as the Chicago killer was exposed and Monday had to take action there is a newspaper that you can find shoe shine killer killed and that the remains of FBI agent Monday had been found within the abandoned warehouse since it was a fire that ultimately killed him there was no way to identify the body except for dental records so once they check the dental records they were able to confirm that it was indeed agent Monday now there are a few things to break down here it's confirmed by police that Monday is the shoe shine killer aka the Chicago killer secondly the fact that the body was found within the abandoned building is fitting since abandoned houses and warehouses where the hunting ground for many Sherman the very man he became obsessed with and viewed as a mentor and thirdly it's not outright stated since it's supposed to be ominous but the Killer is extremely proficient in creating animatronics and we have actual evidence of him placing human teeth into a head previously it suggests that Monday had removed his own teeth and placed those teeth within another person's mouth and since it's a fire there would be no way to identify the person by physical features meaning that the teeth will be the only option and since it's his own teeth it's the best way to fake your own death and to become who you really want to be in many ways Born Again In Sherman's own hunting grounds it goes without saying that this would look incredibly bad on the FBI since he was literally put on to investigate a serial killer that turned out to be him all along and all whilst doing that training the very FBI detective force on how to find the suspect it allowed him to direct the FBI's Focus however he saw fit and it almost worked after faking his death this is where he started to assume a variety of aliases we have further proof of this on a sheet of paper that literally contains his real name which has been underlined at the top Hector whale on Monday and all of the aliases that he chose to assume including Leonard Kemp Brandon day Ned yoke Benton T Lyman Richard belnap and of course Grantham DeMent and while I will say that the killer having a piece of paper with his own true identity and all the aliases that he uses is incredibly on the nose and very stupid in my opinion it's essentially supermassive's way of slapping you across the face with the fact that the Killer is FBI agent Monday not to mention that some other interest interesting tidbits and I suppose Easter eggs is the fact that two of Monday's aliases specifically Ned yoke and Richard belnap take the surnames from the maiden names of hh's home's real life wives also Grantham to met is an anagram of Hermann mudget the birth name of H.H Holmes and as to what Monday did once he faked his own death and assumed those identities we can find a will Amendment from a couple that owned the lighthouse the amendment was made in the event of their deaths that their entire estate would be left to Richard belnap meaning Monday who mainly goes by Grantham DeMent now tricked the couple into putting them into their will using the names Richard belnap and Leonard Kemp and as you could probably guess the couple ended up meeting an unfortunate end to nobody's surprise this wraps up every single piece of background information and story that you can find but the question has to be asked what happened to dumet after the game's main story has concluded well regardless of how many people die or if the entire group escaped the island we can see that Monday survives no matter what and the final scene shows a group of young people speaking about an invitation they received due to winning a competition the prize and all expenses trip to an island resort for five and who who was that cheeky old boy in the window over there none other than Grantham demet Richard belnap or Ned yoke or agent Monday you get the idea meaning that he is still up to his old ways even after the events of the devil in me and that is the full story of the dark anthologies the Devil and me if you've made it this far you're an absolute Legend it took a gigantic amount of research time and editing time to make this video so I really do hope it helped and if you could leave a like on the video it helps us out more than you could imagine remember to sub for more story explained videos and I currently have my eyes on Callisto protocol so be on the lookout for that until next time peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 4,748
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Keywords: the devil in me explained, the devil in me story explained, the devil in me collectables, the devil in me who is the killer, the devil in me killer, the devil in me lore, the devil in me story, dark anthology the devil in me story explained, who is the killer in devil in me, the devil in me, devil in me deaths, devil in me story explained, the devil in me serial killer explained, The Complete Story of The Devil In Me, The Complete Story of Dark Anthology The Devil In Me
Id: 1xNuNCxQkQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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