Control - Story Explained

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hello and welcome to the latest installment of Law and Order the video series where I look at and unpack stories from games in this one we'll be looking at remedy entertainment's 2019 action-adventure game control this game features a government agency named the Federal Bureau of control a Top Secret Agency dedicated to containing and studying paranatural phenomena this game was incredible in terms of its gameplay and it has connections some minor some more obvious to other games by remedy such as Quantum break and Alan awake this game was deep but as is the case with these very complex games it's extremely easy to miss things whilst playing even I had to scrub through my captured gameplay footage to re-understand certain story elements I'll begin with a brief explanation of the plot for this game and then we'll unpack certain story elements afterwards feel free to use the video chapters below if you wish to skip the plot explanation here's the usual spoiler warning for both control and Alan Wake with all that being said let's get into the video it's October 2019. Jesse faden is in New York City in search of her brother Dylan who went missing after being kidnapped 17 years earlier and Jesse has been searching for Dylan ever since that day Jesse had been led to a building called the oldest house she has been LED there by a mysterious entity an extra dimensional companion called Polaris who communicates with Jesse via her subconscious the oldest house is a top-secret U.S government building which is itself home to the FBC or the Federal Bureau of control the bureau is dedicated to the Discovery containment and research of paranormal phenomena and the investigation of things called awes or altered world events the building at least at first glance seems to be completely deserted the truth of the matter is that the entire building is in lockdown heading up to the second floor Jesse meets the building's janitor a man named Attie who quite bizarrely indicates that he's been expecting her and tells her that she is there for the job as his assistant Artie gives Jessie directions her interview she ascends towards the director's office in the elevator but she hears the sound of a gunshot coming from the director's office she finds the FBC director Zachariah trench dead in his office with what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound Jesse is told by her companion Polaris to pick up trench's gun called his service weapon after picking up the service weapon a gun that carries paranormal power Jesse is transported to another place called The astral plane she speaks to something called the board an extra dimensional being that is depicted as a large black upside down pyramid the board then appoints Jesse as the new director of the FBC and then an apparition of trench gives her a task to protect the bureau and to find something called the hotline Jesse agrees but she is still determined to find her brother she finds that she is able to use the service weapon and after stepping out of the director's office she is attacked by FBC agents these agents though seem to be possessed by a glowing orange entity that Jesse nicknames the hiss this explains why the entire building is on lockdown the hiss has spread through the FBC like a virus corrupting the entire building and everyone in it except it seems for Ati Jesse comes across more hiss corrupted individuals which appear to float in the air and seem to be chanting some are dormant but some attacked Jesse on site shortly after this Jesse cleanses his corrupted points name control points and these cleanse control points restore an area to relative safety again after cleansing the area upon the guidance of another trench Apparition Jesse eventually meets an FBC research specialist named Emily Pope she was serving under the leadership of the FBC head of research a scientist named Dr Casper darling Emily explains that Dr darling is missing but the before he went missing he designed a Contraption called an HRA a wearable device that protects people from the corruption of the hiss which explains why the agents walking around uncorrupted Jesse agrees to help the FBC agents reclaim the building back from the hiss Jesse was tashed by the board to protect the bureau and that means means defeating the hiss and cleansing the oldest house of the corruption that has taken hold of it Emily tells Jesse that the hotline itself something called an object of power is located in the Communications Department through the mail room she also mentions that the Communications Department was run by a man named tomasi on the way Jesse with the help of Polaris has to cleanse an object of power called the floppy disk or as the board refers to it the nuke this gives Jesse the ability to use telekinesis the board tell Jesse that the hiss is now burrowing into the astral plane sure enough Jesse gets to the mail room and finds that tomasi is his corruptor due to his lack of having a HRA device a fight ensues and Jesse defeats tomasi but he isn't completely defeated he is forced to retreat and disappears Jesse sees a pull cord and yet another vision of trench who tells her to travel through a place called The Ocean View Motel and casino and to find the door with the Black Pyramid a sign tells Jesse that the rule of three applies and Jesse pulls the chord three times and lo and behold Jesse is transported to the motel finding the door with a Black Pyramid Jesse goes through it and reaches the hotline chamber trench tells her that his management team are the ones who know the secrets of the bureau Dr darling tomasi who we've already met Salvador and Marshall Marshall is described by trench as his head of operations returning to Emily they deduced that with darling currently missing and tomasi his corrupted Jesse's only two remaining options are Salvador who is head of security and Helen Marshall Emily explains that she took a team of Rangers to the research sector in order to secure production of hras Emily explains that getting there will be impossible due to the building's lockdown status she mentions that Jesse could perform a directorial override but this can only be done in the maintenance sector problem is that Jesse needs to find a way to get there due to the lockdown making certain areas inaccessible Jesse leaves and hears singing coming from an elevator it's Artie the janitor Jesse hears his voice telling her it's time to work and to meet him in maintenance unable to access the directorial override control Jesse goes to Artie's office he's been waiting for her and he says that he needs an assistant Artie says that he can get her to the override in order to lift the lockdown but that he himself needs help too Artie says that the oldest house has a Vermin problem and that This Vermin problem has messed up the cooling pumps and the power generators atti mentions that this puts the entire plant at risk of blowing up and killing them all Jesse enters the NSC power plant and meets a security chief called Simon Irish he explains to the NSC which is believed to be a nuclear reactor is constantly overheating and his colleagues are being shot up before they can get to repair it Irish also mentions that Dr darling knew a couple of days before everything went to pot not only that the hiss were coming but also that the NSC would be a Target what's bizarre is that darling was apparently tearing his own clothes off anyway Jesse gets to work in removing the problem afterwards with things back to relative normalcy Jesse cleanses the control Point inside the NFC control room and using her service weapon she initiates the directorial override removing the internal lockdown this fully opens up the sector elevator and gives access to the research sector along with another mysterious sector returning to Emily again Jesse comes Kleen as to why she's there in the first place because of Dylan she explained that when they were kids they found an old slide projector in the landfill site in their hometown of ordinary in Maine a slides inside the slide projector then open doorways to other places essentially things got out of hand and bad things came through the doorways into the Earthly Dimension if you like she explains that despite the bad things coming out of the doorways they found help through Polaris they shut the projector are often the bad things that escape through the doorways simply disappeared Jesse then explains that after that happened the FBC turned up and tried to grab them both Jesse escaped but Dylan was taken she explains that her primary goal is to find her brother they talk about the slide projector and it's being an object of power Emily mentions that she peeked at the files for the ordinary incident something referred to by the FBC as an altered world event and it appears that both trench and Dr darling were involved in it somehow and that a large part of the containment sector was reserved for it Emily also mentions that she found two files in darling's classified records she couldn't see the files fully but she says that one of these mentions something called P6 which referred to a prime candidate for a potential future director of The Bureau Jesse instantly links P6 to Dylan's disappearance now the other file referred to something called hedron the HRA and the devices that the agents are wearing stands for headron resonance amplifier so Emily assumes a connection there somewhere given that Helen Marshall went to the research sector to try and secure production of the hras Jesse heads there next in order to try and find Marshall she enters the parapsychology sector and hears Marshall over the intercom asking for help as they've encountered heavy resistance Jesse speaks to Marshall and after taking the elevator she finally meets her Marshall explains that darling created the hras in his lab which is nearby and that they need more of them but Marshall explains that the Rangers aren't capable of clearing the area surrounding it Jesse offers to clear out the hiss Jesse eventually clears the hiss out and finds the HRA machine and activates it however the BlackRock prism on top of the HRA machine basically blows up disintegrates they'll need more prisms in order to make the machine work there is a Black Rock processing site in the maintenance sector and darling has a lab there Jesse asks Marshall about Dylan but Marshall plays Hardball once Jesse helps them get the HRA machine working then she'll talk to her about Dylan assuming that darling will have stored more prisms in his lap Jesse heads towards the BlackRock processing site on the way she sees arish he mentions that a hiss monster has decided to move in he also says that Salvador took a team into the containment sector just before the lockdown but that no one has seen him since Jesse finds a container for some prisms but they've been shattered she is attacked by the monster that Irish was talking about it's no match for Jesse though and she defeats it entering the lab Jesse finds a key card which will grant her entry into the black rock quarry where she hopes she will find prisms there instead explosives have been set up in the Quarry in an attempt to excavate the prisms and thankfully all Jessie has to do is detonate the existing explosives she collects the BlackRock prison him Marshall now and Central executive is delighted and gets HRA production running again now for the information that Jesse has worked so hard for Dylan is right there in the bureau Dylan true to Jesse's earlier suspicions was Prime candidate 6 or P6 Dylan was to be the future director that was until his power changed him and he hurt people Dylan is being kept in the containment sector in a place called The panopticon Marshall tells Jesse to be careful as in her words Dylan is dangerous and that she shouldn't let him out Jesse goes to the panopticon she meets with an Opticon supervisor a man named Frederick Langston Langston mentions that there have been cell breaches the panopticon is basically a repository for altered items and objects of power Langston reveals that Dylan is in the maximum security cells on the upper level of the panopticon first though Jesse needs to deal with a small problem a benicoff TV according to Langston the TV is a level 5 object of power and that if they don't contain it soon it'll tear the panopticon apart Salvador and his team went to deal with it but as mentioned earlier no one's heard back from him Jesse heads to the fourth floor and approaches the TV it starts to shift the world around it and Jesse comes across the remnants of Salvador and his team all hiss corrupted she defeats them all and cleanses the TV at the same time Jesse binds the TV to herself and inherits the ability to levitate having removed the threat to the panopticon she can now go and find Dylan she reaches the P6 cell and well it's a mess the cell is empty Dylan has escaped and Jesse's name is schooled on the wall Emily contacts Jesse through the intercom and says that Dylan is there in central executive waiting for her Dylan has given himself up and has been affected by the hiss upon speaking to Emily in person again Jesse finds out that although Dylan got affected by the hiss it's manifest investing in him differently to other people going to see Dylan Jesse finds that he's been contained again on the upper floors of central executive Dylan is floating in true his style spouting all sorts of mumbo jumbo and is talking in third person saying that he's not Dylan he says that darling and trench made sure of that and that the hiss made him better she asked Polaris for help getting the hiss out of his head Dylan or rather the hiss inside Dylan gets very angry when sensing the presence of Polaris his corrupted Dylan says that hiss got out into the oldest house through the slide projector that they found in ordinary Jesse figures that if they shut off the slide projector then maybe they can stop the hiss Dylan then tells Jesse to go to the prime candidate program in the containment sector upon arriving another Apparition of Trent reveals that the bureau needs a director he mentions P6 who we know is Dylan and then he also mentions p7 another Prime candidate Jesse sees a video from Dr darling obsessed by Dylan's potential and he mentions someone called North Moore but we'll discuss North more later in the video Jesse then enters a room dedicated to p7 no prizes for guessing who p7 is yep here's Jesse herself the FBC have been observing her activities for a long time Jesse goes to the ordinary altered world event area they've made a model of the environment and the town in there Jesse discovers that the FBC moved the entire landfill site to the oldest house she then sees a video made by DR darling I'm setting up a new Department dimensional research in the research sector transferring the slide projector there that's where my focus will be now the ordinary site remains as is we'll be back to I don't know when Jesse needs to head to the research sector an area called dimensional research a whole area dedicated to the slide projector Jesse needs to go through an area called the ashtray maze he needs to track down R2 who can help her get through the shifting corridors of the maze Artie leads Jesse to a very strange restricted area ATI is off on vacation but he shows up and gives her his cassette player he says it will help her get through the maze returning to the maze Arty's cassette player does just that Jesse crosses the Maze and reaches dimensional research she finds where the projector is kept but alas it isn't there it's been moved again tapes from darling show that the Expeditions into the doorway on slide number 36 to a dimension they creatively dubbed slidescape 36 resulted in lots of casualties but they discovered a living organism there called hedron what's more is that hedron is Polaris and that is another reason why she brought Jesse to the oldest house because darling and trench took hedron to the oldest House Jesse investigates the hedgeron chamber and comes face to face with Polaris however the hiss attack Polaris inside the hedron chamber despite Jesse's best efforts in cleansingly attacking his siphons the his destroy hadron and Jesse's mind is invaded by the hiss Jesse enters a loop sequence in which she is just a normal FBC employee doing admin work she has to complete a number of tasks and then eventually she will deliver some mail to trench in his office Jesse quickly realizes that this is in fact a nightmare in which she is trying to find Polaris within herself but she cannot feel or find her what makes matters worse is that the hiss is trying to corrupt her just like it did with trench she learns through this nightmare that the hiss got to trench whilst on an expedition to slice game 36 meaning that trench was the first to become corrupted then back at the bureau the hiss LED trench to turn on the slide projector allowing the hiss into the oldest house she receives a crawl in the hotline and it's Dr darling he's in the astral plane and he tells her that she needs to go to his office and that it's the end game she travels through the Ocean View Motel again and inside she finds Polaris even though hedron is gone she manages to evade the corruption of the hiss realizing they are the enemy and she rediscovers Polaris within herself cleaning herself off his corruption this is because even though hedron was destroyed hadron transferred itself to Jesse and bound to Polaris and Jesse essentially became the new resonance point to which the hras would connect to and draw power from she heads to The Nostalgia Department in order to shut off the slide projector but when she gets there she finds a fully corrupted Dylan being used by the hiss to stop Jesse from turning off the projector given her colossal Powers now that she's essentially the new hedron Jesse purges Dylan and cleanses him of the hiss turning off the projector Dylan due to his ordeal is in a coma the hiss has lost their source which was the slide projector but there is still some remaining his resonance inside the oldest house the lockdown therefore needs to stay in place until the last remaining shred of hiss is removed and cleansed so the main storyline for the game ends there there were a couple of expansion DLCs released one was an Alan Wake altered world event DLC and the other one which we'll be discussing in this section is the DLC title the foundation so let's begin after the long ordeal of locating the slide projector and turning off the source of the hiss Jesse still has a job to do to protect the bureau and has to go and talk with the board when she talks to them on the hotline they mention that there is a new threat to the bureau in a place called the foundation it's the location of something called the Nail Jesse travels to the maintenance sector the mysterious location where hati previously gave Jessie his cassette player and she sees a large stone column which depicts a tree she touches it and is taken to the foundation the foundation is essentially a network of caves covered with red sand not only that but there appear to be remnants of FBC investigations in the foundation and they have been abandoned sure enough Jesse encounters more his corrupted agents it's not long before Jesse receives a message from the hotline it's Helen Marshall who you'll remember was head of operations this explains what Helen Marshall told Jessie after she procured the BlackRock sample for the hras I need to go check on some something I cannot let the hiss find it shouldn't take long but you must watch The Bureau while I'm gone Jesse figures that she needs to find Helen Marshall or at least find out what happened to her so she starts to search shortly afterwards Jesse comes across the nail its appearance resembles that of something from the astral plane there's a reason for the resemblance the nail acts as a go-between or a conduit for the oldest house and the astral plane the problem is it's being damaged and the astral plane is beginning to leak into the oldest house which will be disastrous the board Grant Jesse one of two powers in order to Aid her in her Mission and she chooses one there are four nodes that nail uses and Jesse needs to find these nodes at some point during her journey through the foundation Jesse meets the former as the name suggests the former is an ex-member of the board Jesse actually met the former during a side mission involving a fridge object of power but don't worry we'll get to that later in the video the former against the wishes of the board grants Jessie the second power which kind of infuriates the board this Fury doesn't last long though as all they really want is for Jesse to repair the nail after taking care of all four nodes Jesse heads all the way down to its base and she finds Helen Marshall there deceased but of course she's his corrupted after a brief battle Jesse defeats hiss martial and the threat has been contained Jesse then gets to work and cleanses the nail Jesse discovers that Marshall actually tried to blow up the nail herself this was because she knew that the hiss would be coming for it this action wasn't what killed her though not directly anyway an astral Spike came through probably sent by the board as a defensive measure and it came into contact with Marshall damaging her HRA and therefore she got hiss corrupted it seems Marshall didn't trust the board at all a distrust that Jesse herself was starting to feel too Jessie is angry that the board effectively killed Marshall Jesse's aim is to run the bureau how she sees fit but to do so in a way is to not make the board suspicious to let them believe that they are still in control as Jesse leaves she sees the former disappearing into the foundation setting up a potential story continuation in the next game in the series but that's it for the plot before you attack the comments section I am aware of the AWA expansion and its connection to Alan Wake and we will be discussing it shortly anyway we've got a lot to unpack so let's start with the history of the bureau the Federal Bureau of control the FBC or more simply the bureau is a top secret U.S government organization their role is to contain and study objects with paranatural energy attached to them essentially normal items like TVs refrigerators and VHS tapes which have been altered by spiritual power or forces From Another Dimension these are termed by The Bureau as altered world events objects of power altered items and places of power the bureau are based out of a building called the oldest house now the interesting thing about the oldest house is that it exists outside of reality at one point it's even being described as only being there if you are directly looking for it but the oldest house isn't where they started operating from so let's get into some brief history it seems that the first part of learning and knowing the history of something is knowing how old it is except no one really knows how old the FBC is although the agency was definitely founded sometime in the 20th century and that they used to be located in Washington DC the first known director of The Bureau was a man named Theodore Ash senior I say senior as his son Theodore Ash Jr was head of research at some point Theodor senior died and a man named Broderick North Moore replaced him as the Director albeit in a temporary capacity whilst investigating an altered world event in the subway tunnels of New York City the FBC discovered the oldest house itself a place of power through the discovery of the oldest house they came across the foundation the nail and of course the ash plane they also then discovered the service weapon the weapon that Jesse inherited from Zechariah trench North Moore then due to him handling the service weapon met with the board for the first time and he bizarrely became imbued with powers of a thermal nature instead of becoming a good director North Moore became obsessed with power he said that the board were in charge and that the FBC were essentially their guests inside the oldest house the bureau eventually accepted this and began investigations inside the astral plain Theodore Jr had let's just say a different opinion on the board as he believed they were a hostile entity who invaded the oldest house and settled there Ash then tried his best to keep the bureau and the board away from one another through careful investigation the bureau would continue to find altered items these altered items would Grant specific Powers we see this through the various items that Jesse obtains her powers from anyway these altered items are linked directly to the board the bureau investigated objects of power and found that they could be used to transport people to the astral plane something called astral Dives northmore however was unraveling and he became unable to control his thermal Powers his Deputy who happened to be Zechariah trench convinced North Moore to contain himself inside a huge sarcophagus and his thermal Powers serve to be the power source for the oldest house remember the mission where Jesse had to do something with the power the NSC power plant well Northmoor was inside the reactor providing power then trench became the director it was apparently under a dare that he picked up the service weapon but trench was a proactive director he had the panopticon built which was a containment area for altered items and objects of power he also established the dead letters archive a database for the FBC researchers to be able to investigate paranatural phenomena of which may be present in the letters and more importantly trench oversaw the prime candidate program a program dedicated to finding a successor for his role as director trench then appointed a new head of research Dr Casper darling but more on him later so when we talk about the board itself we're talking about a group of paranatural entities they are pretty much invisible and they live in the astral plane as we've previously discussed they speak to Jesse in particular via a language that few even understand although Jesse is able to grasp the gist of what they're trying to say they communicate via a massive upside down Black Pyramid which is itself located in the astral plain Casper darling surmised that the board only control the pyramid rather than the entirety of the astral plane despite the board being invisible they do potentially have physical form this is seen through another paranatural entity the former it's not really clear as to what happened but former as the name suggests used to be a member of the board and was exiled the board feels very strongly about the fact that the former is someone or something that Jesse should avoid and in the foundation the boards say that the former is trying to build an opposition to the board a former does say at one point that they were blamed for something by the board and the boards show their anger when Jesse accepts former's offer of a second ability in the foundation and as we see at the end of the foundation Jesse doesn't trust the board at all now in a side campaign Jesse can encounter an FBC agent sat there watching an altered item a refrigerator known as the Arctic Queen the agent named Philip had been supervising the item for 24 straight hours as his replacement hadn't turned up Philip dies and Jesse has to cleanse the item and inside she meets with and fights former who was in control of the item in their Foundation it appears that although they fought here later on it appears that there was no animosity as it was a misunderstanding so we now turn our attention onto what happened to Jesse and Dylan and how they ended up in the interests of the FBC in August of 2002 an 11 year old Jesse faden along with her brother Dylan were playing around at a local landfill site in their hometown of ordinary in Maine they stumbled upon an old slide projector containing eight slides these slides actually acted as physical paths or doorways to other dimensions the FBC turned these places slidescapes Jesse and Dylan explored a slidescape called slidescape 36 reaching the slidescape Jesse and Dylan found themselves in what appeared to be a desert-like location featuring Five Pillars later named the hand due to the Five Pillars resembling fingers on the hand no sound existed in the slidescape but it was home to a mysterious type of resonance Jesse and Dylan spoke to and communicated with an entity something Jessie described as being like a star this entity would be named Polaris and would communicate with Jesse via her subconscious and you entered the building when it was already in the lockdown before you became the new director how I'm not ready to tell her about you yet Jesse became good friends with Polaris but Dylan well let's just say that Dylan didn't feel the same affection for Polaris but we'll get to that Jesse and Dylan also placed in and explored a few slides with their friends but the things they experienced and came across started to affect the real world community of ordinary some of their friends called Tom Freddy and Hugo became influenced by an entity in one of the slidescapes called the not mother the three boys became violent and they attacked their teacher killing them Tom went a bit further and bashed the poor woman's head in leading to him being arrested and dragged off by the police but whilst he was being taken away Tom screamed and said that the not mother would make them all go away a curfew was then put in place for the children in the town it didn't end there the next morning in line with what Tom said the adults simply vanished Jesse Dillon and other children attempted to end what was happening and discovered Tom and his friends residing in the not mother slidescape they'd been transformed into horrific creatures by the not mother and they were chased Jesse changed the slide to stidescape 36 and Polaris informed her how to turn the projector off she did so and the not mother along with Tom and his friends disappeared Jesse then burned all the slides except for slidescape 36 the ordinary altered world event had ended then of course years later hedron awoke the dormant Polaris inside Jesse and she was led to the oldest house [Music] the following month after the ordinary altered world event director trench and Dr darling LED an FBC team on an investigation to ordinary Jesse and Dylan were questioned by the FBC and they told the agents what had happened with the projector the agents attempted to detain the siblings and Jesse managed to escape but Dylan was captured the slide projector was then considered to be an object of power and was taken back to the oldest house not only that but Dr darling had the entire ordinary landfill site moved to the bureau's containment sector now here's the thing the bureau found seven slides six of them were as previously mentioned burned by Jesse and couldn't be used one was slidescape 36 but what happened to slide number eight well trench secretly kept that slide for himself the projector itself ended up in the dimensional research sector and Dr darling researched it extensively him and teams of Agents went to slidescape 36 but there were many deaths due to the high resonance inside the slidescape trench would go with the FBC teams into slidescape 36. he was wearing a special suit to protect himself but he claimed to have felt something reverberating inside of him but nothing was found to be wrong A Team found a massive entity made up of resonance and they called it hedron the FBC then relocated this entity to the bureau inside the dimension research sector darling would spend so much time researching hedron that he began to see visions Dr darling then became convinced that there was a hostile resonance viral in nature which was about to enter the oldest house Dr darling then developed the Hadron resonance amplifiers that agents were wearing inside the oldest house trench on the other hand was actually affected by the something that he felt reverberating inside of him in slidescape 36. he started to think that hedron wanted to harm the bureau and viewed Dr darling as corrupted by hedron along with every other person who wore the hras he stole the slide projector from its keeping place and inserted the burn slide that he secretly kept for himself this slide would be the Catalyst for everything that was to happen next slide projector to The Nostalgia Department I'll turn it on I'll bring the hiss in this I can hear them plotting against me the hiss the exact hostile resonance that Dr darling foresaw entered into the oldest house and began its Invasion the hiss is essentially just interdimensional resonance when the hiss invaded it began to corrupt anyone not lucky enough to be wearing an HRA device these people were unfortunately killed the moment they became his corrupted some of these poor individuals in question were tamasi along with the FBC head of security agent Salvador strange things happen to his corrupted as they float in the air in most cases and attack when they sense a threat they repeat something called the hiss incantation although it's not exactly clear as to what purpose this serves anyway the his goal was also unclear but Jesse along with Emily Pope had a theory that this aggressive resonance was in fact after the board trench saw the hiss as a good thing as a positive thing and he hated Polaris and hedron another who shared this view was Dylan faden but again we'll discuss him shortly the hiss didn't just affect and corrupt humans though it corrupted objects of power too the danger of the hiss is that it would be game over if it was to enter or get out into the world so due to this the oldest house was locked down and all FBC C departments were cut off from one another hadron just prior to the invasion sensed that this would happen and used Polaris to lead Jesse Fade Into the oldest house leading to the events of the game itself but what exactly is the hiss and where exactly did the hiss come from [Music] the control wiki and referenced in the altered world event control expansion it appears that the hiss was heavily influenced by Alan Wake I have already covered the story of Alan Wake in a separate video so if you haven't seen that one the link is in the description so when Alan Wake rewrote reality from the confines of the dark place he used this to create a crisis for Jesse along with the FBC along with this crisis wake also wrote the hiss incantation to convey an alien force mimicking human intelligence in the story for Alan Wake who was a troubled fiction writer Alan and his wife Alice visited a small town called bright Falls Allen was struggling for inspiration so Alice decided he needed a break they rented a small cabin but Alice had an ulterior motive she had arranged for him to meet a psychologist there in bright Falls a man named Dr Emil Hartman eventually Alan found out they had an argument and Alice went missing as she was dragged into cauldron Lake which was itself a paranatural location connected to an alternate Dimension called the dark place Alan dove into the lake after his wife Alan after being pursued by a dark force called the dark presence which can be defeated by light eventually meets Hartman in his search for Alice and after Hartman offers Alan a place to stay at his Clinic he punches him sometime later Alan does end up at Hartman's clinic and Hartmann claiming Alan is experiencing a psychotic break claims that the dark presence is all in Allen's own head Hartman had been researching cauldron Lake and its power for years the dark presence however does attack the clinic and Alan escapes with the help of his agent Barry Allen basically works out that the dark presence is trapped within cauldron Lake and is trying to use Alan also trapped there to write things into reality through a novel called departure Alan is being coerced into this as the dark presence is essentially holding Alice hostage it's trying to engineer its own escape from the lake at the end of the game Alan confronts the dark presence and destroys it using a light switch called the clicker Alan figures out that in order to maintain balance you must stay there and write a new novel called return and the game ends during this story Alan met a sheriff sheriff Sarah breaker Sheriff breaker's father Frank was himself an ex-fbc agent he then reported the altered world of rent and strange goings on in bright falls to the FBC and they went to investigate at this point Allen was obviously nowhere to be found and Dr Hartman's research on cauldron Lake was discovered and he was subsequently arrested by The Bureau they released him shortly after afterwards and he dove into the lake he became possessed by the dark presence he wasn't on the run for long as the FBC captured him and took him back to a special area in the oldest house called the bright Falls awe in the investigations sector the FBC found Alice who was given a psych evaluation and was found to have trauma and memory loss she also reported seeing Alan and this is the picture she took of him pretty creepy but Hartman sensing that Alice was nearby in the oldest house being interviewed escaped and caused the entire sector to be locked down this is where the hiss come in two years after Hartman broke out of containment the hiss Invasion led to the dark presence and the hist to merge inside of Hartman and he grew into a horrific monster known as the third thing Alan appears to Jesse faden on the hotline at one point and this leads to her fighting with and destroying Hartman for good now this expansion did give birth to theories is control real but was it just a story written into reality by Alan for Jesse to become the new director as she gives him a real shot at getting out of the dark place so that she will go to Bright Falls and get him out the hotline even shows Alan writing things about Jesse faden the Jessie a call it was faint reaching for from a dark place was sensitive to visitations she had them all the time from her guiding star she was the perfect receiver as if she'd been made for this faden paused to feel it the force at play here changing things around her subtle trying to make her act faden didn't like that her guide felt it too Polaris didn't flare up in defense as with the hiss so it wasn't all bad not a hostile transmission it was powerful but it was coming from far away and made weak because of the distance it wasn't just stress call fadens sensed a drowning man a man desperate to escape she sensed something else to a hunger in the dark not unlike the Hostile resonance we knew that desperate acts can have Grim consequences it was this more than the man's despair that made her follow the call who knows but with sequels for both control and Alan Wake confirmed as being in the works I guess we'll find out more soon the bureau also found various items which became altered items such as the oh dear Dyna thermos a collectible in Alan Wake along with a typewritten page which was contained within the panopticon so let's talk Dylan or more largely the prime candidate program the program was actually formed before trench took over as director it was formed to find as the name suggests a candidate to replace him as director the program was ramped up by trench such were the heavy burdens upon whomever was the director at the time that the game takes place there were seven potential candidates although candidates one to five were considered to be dead ends candidate number six was Dylan as we've already discussed Dylan was under the supervision of Dr darling a series named threshold kids was created to try and teach Dylan about para utilitarianism and para natural phenomena but Dylan became violent increasingly so over time he eventually killed an FBC agent and a lot of people considered Dylan inherently dangerous darling managed to convince a lot of these people that Dylan was just reacting to this dress applied by The Bureau nonetheless Dylan was put into strict isolation the continued examinations resulted in more violent outbursts and more agents being killed due to this Dylan was further isolated inside the panopticon and simply became yet another failed candidate the bureau then aware of the existence of Jesse after she escaped them at the landfill site in ordinary was earmarked as a prime candidate number seven and the bureau watched her for a long time Dylan know would remain in that quarantine up until the point that he broke out after being possessed by the hiss during its invasion of the oldest house unlike others though Dylan managed to retain both his life and his mental faculties due to his childhood connection to Polaris but after being cleansed by Jesse as discussed Dylan fell into a coma as a side note one of the Prime candidates for the role of FBC director was none other than Alan Wake after the bright Falls awe that was until Alan Wake went missing so he himself was also considered to be a lost cause so we know that for the entirety of the game Casper darling is missing but what exactly happened to him we've already looked at when Dr darling started work at the bureau and we see parts of his work throughout the game in that he made a series of educational videos on paranatural topics and these videos were shown in various departments around the oldest house as previously mentioned darling's supervised Dylan and his prime candidacy but the truth is that when Dylan was isolated and let's be honest imprisoned within his cell in the panopticon darling actually made the choice to completely abandon Dylan darling was in fact rebuked by the bureau's investigations department and they call for him to face the consequences of his inhumane experiments on and his treatment of Dylan but darling and his research were both considered extremely important to the goals of the bureau and the investigations Department's concerns were effectively washed away now again as discussed earlier darling exposed himself to the high amounts of resonance emitted by hedron up until the point that hedron warned him about the coming his invasion he then created the hras saving many lives potentially including the lives of the entire human race darling like in his educational videos would document his degrading mental state in these videos darling indicates that hedron had showed him a final message in his words something wonderful he built a huge HRA and used it to protect hadron's Chamber from the malicious his resonance then darling shut himself in with hedron it's not explained where exactly darling went at this point but it's considered that he ended up in a completely different plane of existence again maybe we'll find out more if and when the next game comes out for this last part we'll take a look at my favorite character Arty the janitor earlier in the video we looked at the bureau's expedition to the foundation upon their discovery of the oldest house whilst there it's here that Dr Ash came across Artie a seemingly finished gentleman who claimed to be the janitor of the oldest house and knew pretty much all there was to know about the place whilst atti is technically a janitor he is actually essential to everyone's safety and survival inside the oldest house you see Arty is a paranatural entity who performs duties like any janitor would cleaning maintenance looking after the plants and so on and so forth he was labeled by The Bureau as nta001 the importance of his duties are shown throughout the side missions where Jesse performs various tasks to help Attie out one of these tasks involved restarting the North Moore sarcophagus containers coolant pumps it failed there would be a complete reactor meltdown and everything and everyone would be destroyed another involves Jesse throwing barrels of toxic waste into a furnace this is actually to feed an entity inside the furnace which apparently makes wheezing noises and feeds on humans the bureau did actually attempt to film and observe ATI but this ended up resulting in yet another altered item the VHS cassette tape this cassette tape is effectively stuck inside the VHS player of a television set and anyone who watches it is rendered incapable of movement speech or thought for an unknown amount of time but that's it for this video on control there's likely going to be a sequel at some point and I for one am looking forward to it in the meantime Alan Wake 2 has been confirmed a few months back so we've also got that to look forward to if you do want to have a more detailed look at control then I'd suggest a channel called gaming University they do a much better job than I did in explaining certain parts of the law I'll link their Channel down below so that you can go and check it out for yourself but if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like And subscribe to the channel to support and leave your thoughts and theories down below but for now take care and I will see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 277,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: control story explained, control lore, control story, control lore explained, who is ahti, control ahti, gaming harry control, control alan wake link, remedy games, control explained, control game explained, alan wake 2, control 2, control foundation explained, the nail control, gaming harry
Id: oV_j101md54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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