Atomic Heart - Story Explained

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hey guys and welcome today we're going to be going through and explaining the pretty complex storyline of atomic heart when going through the story there are so many different key areas of dialogue just thrown into random sections of the game that it can be in fact quite difficult to follow at times and to figure out what's going on with who and what what means and to be completely honest I had to re-watch my entire 13 to 14 hour playthrough just to write this script and to actually understand what I just witnessed and what happened so this video will be very helpful to a lot of people this explanation video will work slightly different to the other ones that added on the channel by the way a playlist link below if you wanted to check those out and view any of the other ones just because in this game there's so much copyrighted music that I had to add all of my own stuff in over the top almost the entire way through so that was fun but nevertheless I hope you guys are going to enjoy today's video If you do a like would be very very much appreciated subscribe if you guys are brand new as well for plenty more content like this and much more according to the channel over the years there is going to be so much content this year in terms of new games throwback reviews and stuff like that as well on the channel so a lot of you guys will really enjoy that but without further Ado everyone let's dive straight in atomic heart starts in a boat flowing through a river in the middle of a city known as cellame this place was built in order to provide all working here with a comfortable peaceful and stress-free working environment the city was built in the 1950s and is home to many leading Soviet scientists and even some of the German SSR USB extremely qualified and highly educated in order to even be considered to live and work aboard the chalamay complex here robots are completely autonomous helping civilians move objects terraforming and even Landscaping they can do pretty much anything you can think of however we then hear from a doctor sechenov sectionov programmed and gave us a glove in order to help us along the way a glove that will challenge Us in dialogue and also guide us across the land this glove is named Char less or Charles if you want to say it like that why it's pronounced in this way well you'll find out a bit later on into the video section I've designed this glove and exclaimed that it's more important than we might think so be very very careful with it he wants us to report to the lab to complete our integration with the glove and someone by the name of Mikhail stockhausen will be there assisting us without the boats and begin walking down the pathway of cellame here we can see that this is no ordinary 1950s setting but a much more advanced one crowds of people lining up in a parade taking place in front of a giant headquarters civilians dancing with robots and busting out some moves to the street scientists preaching the exciting new technology called Collective and the neuropolymer as we walked toward the lab here we see a true vision of the people the leaders Humanity to one day thrive in space colonizing other planets across the solar system and then eventually the universe creating artificial atmospheres on these lands to support human life with the people of this facility eating up this propaganda anyway on to the lab that we go and at the front door they're greeted with a robot us major nikayev known as comrade major will today take a step into the future known as collective Collective is the future of Soviet education a project created by Dr sechinov this was an idea to allow All Humans within the Soviet Union and eventually the world to be able to learn things almost instantaneously all that you need to do is inject a special neuropolymer encoded with the education that you want to learn a science degree a new language a doctorate in nuclear physics or even learn an instrument in an instant Collective allows you to be able to do this without any hard work involved our capsule has been specifically created to suit our needs personally so be walk over and inject it into the glove anyway as we walk outside we start to make our way to section of seeing the parades of robots marching and suddenly a giant screen shows sechinov's face today is the launch of collective he says this technology has been in development for decades at this point and just look at how this transformed the Soviet Union the Leaps and Bounds that we've taken forward in technology just from this point the invention of something called neuropolymers the things we injected inside of us in the lab and through the process of mimetic adaption Dr sechinov wants to launch Collective globally in a new version called Collective 2.0 a network where humans and robots become one where humans can control machines just with their thoughts alone all of this can be done with one simple device a neural connector this connector is named the thought device this device will be a part of a wider Global Network placing all of the knowledge of humans into one big database uniting all intellects across the globe to one powerful mind free of all boundaries essentially anyone that wears this thought device is able to learn anything that's in this thought database in an instant and everyone around the globe is wearing one of these devices it's going to be just full of literally everything you can ever want to know anyway we make our way into this building and take the elevator to the top and make our way through the door into the boss's office foreign style science is power I tell you the boss has a way of looking down on insurmountable obstacles I really respect that there are no obstacles science cannot surround other than an electronic love that never shuts up here is your vehicle activation code comrade major [Music] got it the vehicle is waiting downstairs you should hurry you don't have much time here we're greeted with two robots inside the ballerina twins who both give us a key to a vehicle waiting for us down in the courtyard so we make our way back down there however as we descend down the elevator setting up radios to us he apologizes that he can't speak to us in person however with the launch of collective 2.0 he's very much being swamped by any reporter that's able to get five minutes with him however we state that we love what is built here in chalamet and that there's nothing like it in the hold of the USSR which is the Soviet Union Humanity are on the brink of something special with that have Collective 2.0 and one day we'll venture out into the Stars Humanity was born to dream however unfortunately there are those that wish to crush those dreams and that's where men like us come in Swan to defend Mankind and its Destiny it's a really important piece to note that when we address section of we always call him boss we are very very fond of him and extremely loyal to him too however more details in this later and it become more apparent as to why we make our way outside of the building and to our vehicle where a bumblebee attached itself to us and we fly off onto our journey it was in the car that we turn on the radio and we hear concerns being spread from the US around skyrocketing unemployment figures following the delivery of robotic workers from the Soviet Union however as we continue to ascend facility 3826 is not just a normal City it's a floating city but not the only one it's surrounded by many of them we'd Ascend through the clouds the weather starting to turn and suddenly we see land this whole place was designed from the ground up by the use of robots controlled by Collective 1.0 this was the design dedicated to the Soviet Union and how they're able to make such Leaps and Bounds in technology and innovation in the 1950s even leading to the Soviet Union winning World War II and building a statue named The Majestic call of the motherland in commemoration of this exact feat this place looks brilliant right robots controlling the whole country Innovation miles ahead of anyone across the globe this place couldn't get any better right creature for Drovers initiating combat Maneuvers initiating what's for real watch out what am I supposed to do about it until the vehicle has come to a complete stop your destination by hand comrade major I will escort you to the Babylon complex all robots have suddenly activated combat Maneuvers and are actively trying to fight us however a Terrace cover robot escorts us to an elevator and attention [Music] your messages we wake a short time later and it wasn't looking good [Music] now we use our gloves to pull up an ax wedged into the ground to help protect ourselves before radiating to section of codenamed wizard we ask him what the hell is going on here and he mentioned that this is all the doing of a man called Victor Petrov he's a traitor who hacked into the collective Central Hub and caused the civilian robots to attack facility employees and now the wider civilians of facility 3826 Petrov has the access codes to the hub we need to find him and bring him to session of alive so that he can stand down all of these robots so they don't harm anyone else we push our way down to the streets to try and find the complex entrance when suddenly we hear a voice from inside a porta-potty shouting for help as the noble citizens we are we open the door and all we can see is a robot sat in the corner so we peer down the hole to see if there's a human down there asking for help and suddenly the robots brings to life and attempts to suffocate us when out of nowhere the robot receives a boss to the back of the head by someone named granny Xena what are you gawking at almost choked to death there give me a hand yeah I didn't see that coming she doesn't tell us much about herself however she does confirm our suspicion robots are attacking people and those that couldn't find a place to hide are probably dead already granny Xena tells us of a complex below and that if we want a weapon we need to go down there however before we could finish our conversation a patella comes out of nowhere a robot with a portable camera and we have around 30 seconds to get the hell out of here move your ass 30 seconds until what ah 30 seconds until we're [ __ ] Sonny Boy royally [ __ ] granizina calls us Beefcake and tells us to come here and turn a key before going absolutely [ __ ] Ham on the robots that are coming down suddenly however a bumblebee comes crashing down letting lose a huge robot and sends us flying into the elevator foreign [Music] time for a quick smoke break and then we can go on to the next part we find ourselves inside of this compound called vavalov This is said to be where patrob is located so we need to locate him and bring him alive to sachinav however there's a huge armador in the way we need to find a way to open it and to do that we need to find the handle however before we do this we ask Charles a bit about Petrov 's portrayal was discovered by Mikhail stockhausen and Petrov was subsequently arrested by the argentum unit a Squall of Specialists loyal to sachinov but how did he end up here after Petrov was arrested and sent to trial he was sentenced to community service and ultimately sent back to vavalov as a prisoner to continue his work because Petrov is so sought after and extremely knowledgeable they had almost no choice but to bring him back and continue his work on Collective and with Collective launching only a few months away at that point replacing the lead designer would have been extremely foolish and really wouldn't have helped them at all latrov had to finish what he started and that's exactly what they made him do as a part of community service he was previously the lead engineer of a top secret Department within the Academy of consequence dedicated to programming robots for Collective 2.0 anyway we finally find the handle to the door and as we open it thank you hang up hang up [Music] [Music] as we make our way through this facility we ask Charles for some more information on Petrov as he can grab information directly from a database of information wasn't working alone throughout this process and had several of us helping him out too technically speaking Collective was not hacks at this point by betroth no one could possibly circumvent the algorithms that were created at the Academy of consequence which is essentially the location of the Hub of where Collective was tested on different patients and things like that but we'll learn more about that later on however these people must have introduced a false combat mode into one of collective's algorithms that caused the central Hub to see all humans were invading soldiers which is why they're attacking normal civilians and also people within these Labs as well the scientists of the Soviet Union are able to fix this without Petrov however it will take way more time and which in that time more and more people are potentially going to die get hurt and the news of this incident won't just go across the Soviet Union to the governments but also across the globe and it will damage the reputation of collective 2.0 in other countries especially the US Soviet robots are considered to be perfectly safe and reliable all over the world and they have been for decades this is why petrov's treason struck at the very heart of it all because of his acts against his country and their technology progression with robotics he was imprisoned with treason and this has just added that even further he wants the entire world to stop using our robots does Petrov know something that we potentially don't know again we'll find this out a bit later on so we continue to push through the compound and move through a door when suddenly oh [ __ ] [Music] come on get up Soldier great just a little more you okay I'm fine how many fingers ah four great now get up I need your help we wake a short time later to a voice that seems to be attending to us she makes sure that we can see what's going on and tells us that we need to get up and help her Two Soldiers pulled us out from under the rubble but we're injured by a large robot this lady is a doctor named Larissa however as we pass her some equipment we see a neuropolymer capsule on the countertop we'll decide to leave the doctor to her devices because she wasn't being communicative with us and she didn't tell us any information about herself who she was what she did what anything like that we walk over to the capsule to heal ourselves and Larissa was stunned where we got that glove from and how we did that all of a suddenly a robot smashes through the door and lasers straight through one of the soldiers we finally take out the robot and continue to find Petrov however we come to a door when we move through the corridor's dark with a lady singing a lullaby in the background [Music] a lullaby I don't like this Charles what's on the other side of the door that's Nora's voice she's very dangerous foreign [Music] don't let her bind your arms can't you see I'm trying open to suggestions bring me to the sensor manipulator quick oh titillating rebellious dominant men really turn me on oh I'll turn you on all right just let me yeah I love tough guys I'm on fire closer I can't reach her I'm trying I'm trying she's strong ass [ __ ] I'm at your surface sugar anything from my master what can I do for you oh my God what is happening oh no Nora what are you doing much much filler later into the game we find ourselves at a cable cart compound below the facility itself of avalov and Charles tells us where we should be able to find Petrov it was working in the vavalov called Workshop before everything turned sour so we should probably start there so if we jump in one of the cable carts and make our way down the track what could possibly go wrong [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [ __ ] I knew it was gonna be rough it was only a matter of time before something went wrong right so we make our way through this place and have one or two close calls that was a bit off right a tunneling robot indeed it was finally we hear a voice in the background so we go and investigate and there is Petrov are you okay is everything ready did you pull it off don't worry honey I'm right as rain the operation was totally painless he seems to be talking to some lady Larissa the one that we seen earlier the one that saved Our Lives and Petrov refers to her as honey however it's very clear at this point that the betroth has control over these robots whereas they turn on everyone else so that's an interesting point as well well you should have it would have saved us a whole lot of trouble that scares me when you talk like that I'll meet you at the exit I'm right behind you honey October not too late hope can be dangerous hands up what's going on you deaf hands behind your head the hell are you major Special Operations and that's the last question you get [Music] save yourself of course comrade major intrusion huh intrusion the drive quickly escapes and takes a device that was holding the door open called a candle which was the power object for this door and without it we're not able to get through so we need to go and find a candle and then push through to find Petrov we find where Petrov had run to however it doesn't look too good butrov's head was decapitated by one of the rampant robots roaming the facility radio to session of and tell him of the news he's understandably disappointed with this news and if the head was still in one piece it could have been used to obtain the codes within his mind sachinov does ask us if petrov's body had any gold rings on him there would none but he didn't really explain much more than that what could these Rings be and why are they important section of such enough wants us to report to the vdn age at once as apparently we have bigger problems than Petrov to deal with stockhauser more debrief is there so let's get the hell out of avalov we get back to the main room with this giant tree in the center and also get out of avalov we need to activate the generator for the facility which happens to be this giant tree called the PEC for birch tree this tree interestingly enough would typically be the power resource for any Colony when Humanity attempted to live on other planets within the solar system although to power the tree we need to find four canisters each one of these canisters built with a cryopolymer liquid used for powering the tree in order to obtain these canisters we need to visit four Workshops the hot Workshop the algae Workshop the pesticide workshop and then the cold Workshop we start off with the algae workshop and here we can see that multiple scientists and subjects have all mutated into these zombie-like things something must have went wrong with the Sprouts that were being grown here after the malfunction took place and as we walk through the compound we also see a civilian gardening tool turn really hostile this thing is does not look like you want to mess with it she's lost it [ __ ] my life this is huge hugely harmless geodesic geology robot harmless my ass anyway we collect the canisters from this room and we return to the tree on the way back Charles asks us if something's the matter we mentioned that we're pretty angry that we didn't capture Petrov and didn't bring him back the section of alive comrade major doesn't like failing section of he saved his life he's like a father to him however Charles makes a pretty good point here how much of our old life do we really know so what were we before now we say but remember around two years or so previously but not much before he got hurt but more on this a bit later on we collect the canister from the hot workshop and then move to the pesticide Workshop to collect the canister there however the final canister was a little bit more difficult to obtain s this is some kind of joke you could you could wake it up at any time first time in the pesticide which is critical load it'll wake up do you understand I need a canister a pesticide polymer there's a canister right there inside to find a PA 400 polymer container we blow the [ __ ] to Kingdom Come then you can take whatever you want okay fine have it your way but won't the canister be destroyed [ __ ] the pump the hemlock needs to be sprayed constantly we're almost out of PA 400. you need to find that polymer container [Music] please tell me what it looks like it's a yellow kind of a the canister of pesticide polymer is inside the hemlock in order to get it we need to destroy the hemlock by just blowing it up and using a polymer container the hemlock is being kept asleep by a solution named pa400 and we're almost out of it and if this thing wakes up it's probably gonna kill us all pretty faster and gruesomely we look around the workshop and finally find this yellow container and we send it where it needs to go Rick did you find the container I'm out of PA 400 you don't figure out something soon we're toast take it easy pal I found it look down there there's your container you got any idea what it took to get it here what do we do now it's awake we gotta ignite the polymer your cigarette night polymer with a cigarette this one yeah die you prick holy [ __ ] it's going ape [ __ ] we gotta run before it God damn it the [ __ ] my leg you okay buddy yeah we did it [ __ ] Sprouts get the [ __ ] up my leg is stuck shooting already there's too many of them hurry I'm trying not aiming better they're almost here get up get up I'm trying I'm trying [ __ ] no help me let's get it on me hang on buddy oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] canister well it's something he's mutated no [ __ ] Sherlock crispy crap get the [ __ ] off me [Music] oh [ __ ] that was insane so a quick little recap Behind These killer shrubs why the hell would they create these things it makes absolutely no sense Charles basically says that it was a scientific mistake you can't avoid making mistakes if you don't tried things that are new so they were just containing this giant shrub monster that could kill everyone below ground and rather than killing it keeping it alive with this pesticide thing spray okay okay so now we have all four canisters we return to the birch tree and get the hell out of vavalov we enter the elevator and as we Ascend upwards Charles tells us about someone named Chariton zakarov he was one of the head scientists from a while back and apparently an absolute genius he died under very mysterious circumstances though Dr sachinov is the only one who knows the details of his demise however the story that was cascaded out to the other scientists in high rocks was that Sakara slipped and fell into a lab bath full of hazardous experimental aeropolymer however the problem with that was no footage was ever recovered of this even though the labs are monitored 24x7 and neuropolymer isn't toxic like at all in fact it was something that we swam through whilst collecting these canisters with no issues at all and if it was a batch of neuropolymer that was toxic do you not think that zakara would have known about it zakara will be very important later on again just to reference that we reached the top in the elevator and Charles tells us that we need to reach lesnaya station and take the train to Solange Naya we will meet stockhausen there for a debrief we make our way outside and can seriously see the damage that these robots have caused however as we're attempting to make our way through to the station we hear a familiar voice on the radio where's the fire Sunny grin is that you so you haven't forgotten oh granny Xena huh good for you Granny Xena invites us to her place however when we get there she doesn't seem to be there so we ring this Bell thing that's just kind of calling out to us and suddenly are ambushed by a huge robot the one from the start however the robot met his match when Granny zina's Hut landed directly over it crushing it completely the stairs and the hoods extended and we make our way up to speak with Granny Xena well I'm here now Sunny thanks for the assist granny Xena so where are these big guns of yours this cutscene is a very important part of the storyline so just pay attention here kettle's there help yourself uh okay nice TV what's on cartoons have a seat and watch what the hell are you doing I want you to launch questions at facility 38 26. the malfunction has already been corrected comrade Molotov everything's back to normal there's nothing to worry corrected or not our American friends are likely to find out about this outrageous incident do you realize what this could mean for us an international scandal I am fully aware are you our atomic heart project is in jeopardy my project a project I started before the beginning of that damn War a project you all refused to acknowledge how many millions of Soviet citizens died in that Bloody meat grinder of a war I swore that the world would never see its like well well I'm glad to hear you still value human life over your mechanical toys comrades such enough but that does not change the fact that we are all slowly being suffocated by Western sanctions comrade Molotov I value human life Above All Else and the age of capitalist exploitation is coming to an end soon the Western I understand my duty all too well comrade Molotov the polymerization of the entire Soviet population the launch of the collective neural network operation atomic heart what Duty are you referring to comrade section of do you even realize that if the Americans find out that your robots can be switched to combat mode I guarantee your project will be dead in the water they're not going to find out I repeat the malfunction has been dealt comrade such enough some members of the politburo may be willing to take you at your word as an honored member of the Academy of Sciences but I'm afraid your word is just not enough for me what's that supposed to mean granuzine isn't supposed to have this television feed and no one is sure how she actually accessed it but she shows us this meeting between the politburo and such enough the polit bureau has come to a decision and I have been ordered to head a special Commission investigating your malfunction we will be at your facility later today do I make myself clear comrade well comrade Molotov if the party deems it necessary then holy [ __ ] granny Zena how the hell did you get out direct connection I've got eyes and ears everywhere sweet cheeks so just to summarize this so everyone's aware the bureau who are essentially the governing body of the Soviet Union are missing with sechinov because of what's happened with his robots they're not happy that this has happened as this could spark a huge amount of backlash across the globe the countries that have purchased these robotic helpers from the Soviet Union comrade Molotov mentions a project called project atomic heart however we know nothing of this just yet but we will later on this project was created before the war and the bureau would refuse to entertain it however after they'd seen the success of these robots they sided with the section of and agreed to sanction Collective 2.0 on a global scale however Molotov is enraged as if the Americans who have a lot of the Soviet Union's robots find out that these robots could be switched to combat mode this project and all of the work will be dead in the water the same of the Soviet Union's reputation the poly Bureau have advised that certainov's malfunction needs an investigation so comrade Molotov will be here shortly to conduct this investigation we must get to the train station to continue on and learning about this section of is going to want us there so we make our way onto the train and get a hell out of here we're laying on the platform and then suddenly stockhouse and Sprint pastures from the right he tells us that Conrad Molotov is on his way to the vdnh we must get there as soon as possible and activate something called an emergency drill this is under sectionov's direct orders stockhausen gave us this small device with legs that was given to him by sectionov this will help us get into the vdnh stockhausen runs off and we well I'll have to fend to ourselves again we finally find our way into the vdnh compound after ziplining in and oh no this is a hog7 unit and is typically used as a civilian gardening robot how is this thing so lethal anywhere we eventually take it out and make our way down the long flights of stairs to the vdnh's entrance Charles makes it very clear that on Monday a few days away will be the global launch of collective 2.0 all of the highest ranking officers and leaders from the Soviet Union will be there to see the unveiling of this project so we need it fixing by then however as we attempt to open the door it doesn't seem to work something seems to be jamming the mechanism so of course we need to unjam it to get inside there's some really important dialogue throughout this part of the playthrough speaking around the bureau's motivations and comrade Molotov and also potentially section offs too comrade Molotov and his commission want to steal the fruits of sechinov's Labor two days before the launch of collective 2.0 this malfunction is the perfect scenario for showing the commission that sessionov is incapable of overseeing facility 3826 and ultimately the polymerization of the Soviet Union AKA Collective 2.0 and the neuropolymer injected into people however Charles mentions that neither Molotov or saturnov really care about the casualties of this situation both have something to gain from preventing this information around the robots turning on innocence not getting out and becoming known across the globe no one AKA U.S would believe that it was a bunch of traitors within the Soviet Union responsible for this but the exact opposite that these robots are dangerous this means that both saturnov and Molotov share a vested interest in ending this nightmare quickly as possible this is a common power struggle between two people instead of the government sending troops into the facility 3826 to destroy this hostile robots arrest Petrov or other methods is doing everything that he possibly can to conceal this tragedy including hiding it from the government because the bureau want to take Collective away from sechinov they want him to fail they'd want him to look like he's not worthy of controlling it everything that he's built taken away by someone with a badge Molotov wants the jail section of so that he can take over Collective and the neuropolymer program however the main goal with Collective is that everyone on this program is equal everyone is hooked up to the same data store so how can someone be the leader how could comrade Molotov or sectionov be the leader of collective for example high-ranking Communist party members will have more Authority in Collective than ordinary citizens that's a given right there has to be someone who can take responsibility like a mayor a prime minister or someone like that without that one authoritative leader no one will be able to make important decisions if there was no leader right however this isn't necessarily true in some cases you see Collective is a collective mind having all of humanity merge into one mankind will instantly know everything anyone wants to express so just from this information and knowing all of this people can come to a conclusion on how to solve things by knowing everything about everyone people will connect to Collective through a neural connector the thing that you see on the side of people's heads a thought device this is for ordinary citizens however individuals in privileged leadership positions will have a special engraved connector that grants them overall higher priority on the network all of these leaders are equal but Collective can only be launched via something called the alpha connector it's the key to everything including assigning discretionary authority to people so Dr sechnov has the alpha connector right now and comrad Molotov wants to remove such pose kick him out of the facility and take the alpha connector for himself to be the number one leader of collective the number of deaths are of little concern to either of them right now what we do know is that Conrad Molotov wants to take control of collective and that's why he's on his way here right now to jail section of and take the overall projects for himself I hope you guys are still with me after that this game just loves to be explained a really key story plot points in random places and trying to piece them together can be quite difficult if you are stuck with any points or confused leave me in the comments down below and I'll do my best to reply to people and also people in the community will reply to anyway we finally unjam the doorway and enter the vgnh stockhouse and radios and tells us that Conrad Molotov has left Moscow and is on his way here right now we must get there as soon as possible so we push to reach the main desk of the vdnh and now walks a terror scover robot however in order for us to access drill mode we must find her old assist that was taken from her and ripped apart by a bunch of other robots two terrascover robots are required in order to activate this mode the drill mode so we go and find each individual body part which you can imagine has taken the ages this other robot is called Claire and we need to find her arm head leg and some other parts again more really intreported dialogue at different points of this section and it's all broken up so I'm going to try my best to summarize it for everyone and just try to skip past the less important parts we ask Charles what these special neural connectors look like that sectionov's team would wear the ones of higher authority and these would have the Greek letter gamma engraved on them and worn on their right arm like a bracelet however there were once connectors called beta connectors these were the first experimental prototypes of the neuro connectors with these discretionary Authority ingrained within them however nobody knows where they are what happened to them they were just a test project and nobody knows if they actually carried on or not however we then asked Charles about sechinov's Alpha connector we've never seen such enough wear a bracelet so could his Alpha connector look a bit different Charles then goes on to mention that it does and it's very unique and is guarded by the ballerina twins his personal bodyguards comrade major US mentioned that these twins remind him of something to which Charles responds what in a pretty smug way almost like you know something that we don't which I thought was a really interesting thing when first playing through and this is going to blow your mind when we get to the end of the video so stick around for it however why would such enough take the beta connector away and decommission them why are they not used functionally today the ones that these would have been given to would have been provided with discretionary Authority sessionov wasn't convinced that there was any need for it within Collective he originally wanted total equality but volatile scheme changed his mind however we mustn't forget the alpha connector exists from the beginning as well if satyanov wanted complete equality from the start then why would he create a connector that allows him to lead the rest so after the whole beta connector idea flopped and done a huge huge turn we decided to create a new method of discretion near all connectors this is what is directly injected into a person rather than having them to physically wear one of these connectors to show that you have this Authority however this was only offered to members of the USSR and everyone else including other countries will only have access to the standard version which will only be through the thought connector itself so what are these beta connectors why give people this Authority what does it do for these people well the basic connectors are there for a select set of users allowing them to be a part of collective without them actually being a part of it so they have total autonomy whilst retaining access to the informational network of collective however if these beta Rings were to be placed on I don't know robots for example personal robots of a person no one else within Collective would be able to control them so using this outbreak as an example and the ballerina twins they've not turned on section of or any of the others because they could have had these rings on them meaning they're on a completely separate Network to Collective whilst still being ingrained within it so if for example Petrov took over and encoded a virus of combat mode the twins would not be affected by it because they're on a separate Network which is controlled by a section of these twins can't be hacked controlled or anything like that so after Dr section I've created these new gamma connectors he must have destroyed the old beta connectors right he will tell you that's right but only the technology used to manufacture these beta connections was destroyed they were known as experimental Rings removed from all record and declared as recycled however sectionov kept them as souvenirs and they're somewhere in the facility when we found petrov's body the first time sechinov asked us on the radio if we'd found golden rings on him could these be the golden rings that he was referring to the beta connectors these were in such enough Science Center here on facility 3826 but disappeared after the malfunction so someone has them anyway we finally build Claire and the drill is activated just in time the elevator in front of us opens and how walks a group of our gentum soldiers followed by comrade Molotov stockhausen tries his best to play the current situation down in the facility and place it offers everything being under control and that we've dealt with it however the giant blood spatter on the floor in front of him doesn't reassure comrade monitor too much until we play off as it just being paint Dr sechenov couldn't be here in person so he shows up on a glass monitor in the vdnh molotov calls him out for playing a dangerous game here the current local malfunction robots switching into combat mode is actually a potential worldwide catastrophe if this can happen in the Soviet Union right now imagine what it would look like if this was activated on a global scale however section off is very concerned by this he did everything he could to keep this from the bureau and everyone around him was very tight-lipped also so how does karma Molotov of this outbreak here Molotov mentioned it was from Victor Petrov sechinov's lead engineer and an honored citizeni says of the Soviet Union however sectionov tells him that the trough was sentenced to prison for committing treason so how can he be trusted well Molotov seems to think on the contrary he States the section of his indirect violation of Soviet laws and as a minister you should know the consequences of breaking these laws Molotov pulls out an official procurator General's decree which is an official order enforced by the Soviet governing body against sechenov and his project Collective the upcoming launch of collective on Monday two days from now will be canceled completely and sechinov will be the subject of a full-fledged investigation however sachinov wants a chance to speak with comrade molotov in person so he agrees to meet him at the vdnh in person in 15 minutes stockhausen meets sechinov at The Landing Pad and we well we stay down here but something's wrong comrade major completely blacks out and when he wakes we're in a really unfamiliar place come to me walk around outside and everything is Frozen in Time with objects surrounding us looking very out of the ordinary as we move through this strange place we hear a voice we follow the red apples which look to be leading us down a pathway until finally we reach the end P3 my boy you're alive enough the government commissioned they're dead molotov's body is here what about the others how many people were with him 15 or so some of them may have survived find out what the [ __ ] happened here who the [ __ ] did this guess the robots got in you were fortunate to escape unharmed good conversation of all the members of the commission are dead all of them this is tragic but it changes nothing Collective must still be activated I couldn't agree more but what should we do with the dead police Bureau member we don't have a lot of options here right handle it Mikhail head to the radio station and make sure power to the government line has been cut make it quick yes sir but the Kremlin will be expecting a report from I will personally inform the pilot Bureau of this tragedy we don't have much time left helper how are you doing my boy [Music] I failed you again this is too much it's too much for all of us this terrible incident [Music] twins right and left seem to be performing some form of ritual in order to deal with the body of comrade Molotov left reaches into the body of right and pulls out a golden tube in which it activates and splits into two pieces revealing two keys they both move over to two large containers and place these Keys Within a bathtub full of red polymer was sat behind and suddenly it grew to resemble a human figure this red figure hovered over the body of Molotov and picked him up I'm very conscious of demonetization here by the way so I'm not going to show all of it and the body was pulled into the bathtub of this red for a polymer and completely dissolved it discarding any evidence Molotov was even here stockhausen then walks towards us stating that there's a big problem taking place right now the central Collective Hub seems to be broadcasting someone is trying to send information to the West trying to reveal this incident to the rest of the Soviet Union and the government however there's only two people that would have access to do such a thing section of and betroth but but trov's dead right we found his body his head completely sliced off however sectionov makes the point that when we found Petrov the only found his body not the head his partner or girlfriend Larissa Larissa philatova the one that we encountered at the beginning of the game is a neurosurgeon of great caliber meaning that with the technology advances of this facility anything is possible she must have been able to save Patrol's head and reattach it to another body allowing Petrov to come back stockhouse and traces the signal to one of the scientific centers section of tasks us to go and find Petrov immediately we speak with Charles on the way up the elevator what the hell happened down there who killed the government commission how did we only survive however Charles mentioned that once we lost Consciousness he was also disabled so he couldn't really tell us but we also used this chance to ask Charles what the hell was that red human looking thing that come out of the bathtub that red stuff was a neuropolymer data storage section of mentions that this was a tribute to The Departed however what this stuff does is it absorbs all of the knowledge and information from one person's mind and uploads that information and their Consciousness into a database so that section off can still have access to their Consciousness memories and expertise this is the exact way Professor zakarov died as well the doctor that we were told about in vavalov however why did it look like a person well this is Dr sechinov's idea comrade major refers to this thing as the jelly man so I'm also going to refer to as the jelly man just so it's a bit easier he wanted this at Jellyman to have the ability to move independently this polymer is as loyal to Dr sechinov as the ballerina Twins and will always remain near him as an additional security measure meaning this thing can move freely and has the ability to attack people if it's needed because he can sneak up behind people and dissolve them immediately without leaving a single trace or anyone knowing that it happened to them it makes you think did Professor sakarov really fall into this polymer hmm anyway we need to make our way to such enough's computational Center to stop the signal from being broadcasted by Petrov communication outside of facility 3826 isn't really possible through normal frequencies due to section of ensuring that blocks are all over the network to stop the Trump from doing so and the word from getting out about the robots however there's still one line that hasn't yet received the same treatment and that is such enough's secret and personal line into the government the feed that somehow granizina had access to when we were in a cabin but trov looks to be trying to impersonate sectionov on this line and tried to tell the rest of the Soviet government about this outbreak preventing the launch of collected 2.0 and really hindering it as well so we need to get there as soon as possible thank you look what we have here foreign and we wake a short time later I just knocked him out he's unconscious okay to appear not to be that is the question whether it's just not blowing the Mind yourself the slings and errors of Outrageous Fortune to take arms against the secret troubles and by imposing him you know it's it's all wrong it's wrong I don't agree I'm sorry Larry said but I don't understand he ruined everything and you you I'm a doctor enough people have died today people Larisa he's an animal he'll rip anybody's throat out of such enough orders him too Victor he's tied up I'll program a treatment and then we'll go where no one's coming for us and this [ __ ] lunatic takes ruined our Escape Plan I know we'll come up with something I doubt it just let me go and I promise I'll make it quick and painless such enough stock and talk huh look he just came to and he's already threatening us yeah I am threatening you how many people have your robot slaughtered without so much as a warning a drove two thousand three thousand Victor's fault it was a local malfunction a local malfunction then why the [ __ ] doesn't your boyfriend have a scratch on him huh what the hell are you talking about isn't it obvious first vavalov then the vdnh the robots are attacking everyone except you two why is that if you're not controlling them Victor you said you had nothing to do with this and you believed him what other [ __ ] has this guy told you oh man Victor [Music] how could you hmm foreign how could I you said it yourself the whole world might end No don't touch me you really didn't tell her anything did you a big mistake hey what the hell thank you Larisa wait Larisa nothing can save you now [ __ ] but 12 goes chasing after Larissa and our little robot sets us free then we radio to section off and tell him that Petrov has again managed to get away however we must find Petrov he cannot interfere with the launch of collective as we make our way out of the building Petrov radios directing to us detaining that it's our fault that Larissa won't return his calls and that she's essentially broken up with him his ignor was traced to the pozeskia theater so we need to make our way there to try and track him down we finally entered the theater and it's very clear that Petrov knows this place extremely well he's hiding somewhere on the main stage creating traps for us along the way and plenty of puzzles too trying to slow us down and ultimately kill us so that he can bring down the collective Network throughout our time progressing through the theater though it's very clear that Patrol is distraught about the loss of his girlfriend Larissa in fact he was going to propose to Larissa on the day of collective's launch the day they brought the network down for good however with him keeping such a big secret from Larissa and him promising that it was a technical malfunction and not nothing to do with him she can't seem to face him anymore the amount of lives lost because of Patrol's doing and the simple fact he denied it at every chance he got she wanted no more of it so Petrov has turned pretty crazy lost his mind in fact and now he doesn't really care what happens he just wants this network to be completely shut down and its only goal of this is to bring down Collective for good we're getting very close to patrol at this point and he's doing everything that he can to stop us from getting him whilst we're solving one of his puzzles the Tropic begins to talk what around when he knows apparently we have no idea how Insidious our Real Enemy is not even such enough truly understands it while we're really all going to end up with is emptiness powerlessness and a mushroom cloud meaning a nuclear bomb probably from the US or going to the US one of the two or other countries around the world the feeling that you have been had taken around the bend played by someone some think we asked Charles about this in a bit more detail why is Petrov saying that Collective is going to kill us all is collective dangerous Collective itself cannot be dangerous but the owner of the program can be we don't believe such enough will do that as his goal for everyone is to be equal which again brings back the question if everyone was meant to be equal why create the alpha connector we finally get to the backstage door and as we walk inside there's Petrov look I can't play this cutscene because the music will be copyrighted so I'm just going to summarize it here Collective was originally designed to be a program to make everyone equal in terms of knowledge and binds across the globe right also giving the person the ability to control robots for terraforming gardening cooking completing strenuous tasks or tasks that you don't want to complete however these robots during the planning and development stage were ingrained with the combat mode butroth couldn't have reprogrammed the code for every robot in facility 3826 writing a single functional algorithm for a single robot model will take weeks months and doing all of the robots in this facility will take years of preparation behind closed doors but the fact that this combat mode was already programmed into these robots during the design phase of these robots creation is the giant concern here and it's where we're starting to get the real picture of what's going on sure no one ever thought this com mode will be activated within the Soviet Union but suchnov's plan for this projects are way worse than what we've seen so far and he must be stopped because of it we tell Petrov to switch these robots out of combat mode but he just straight up refuses to do so all of his plan is already in motion he suddenly throws a box to us containing two gold metal rings and then the robot slices his head straight off again can't really show this demonetization is a big thing so I've got to keep it to a very very minimum we radio interception off to tell him what had happened however this time we have bushrov's head section off sends a robot with a container in which we'll store petrov's head and keep it safe we place petrov's head inside this container probably in the events of sechnov can use the neuropolymer to absorb it and absorb the knowledge and then get the codes that way so if we make our way out of the theater and Charles asks us how we are comrade major is losing it at this point he's logging a human head around and section of and everyone else is just fine with that but not only this the rings that Petrov gave to him throughout the entire story we've been constantly asked by people about these golden rings every time we ask what they are we're kept in the dark but why what are these golden rings what are they used for why are these rings so important and why does everyone seem to be interested in them so we enter the lifter make our way to the service and stockhouse and radios to us we will meet him at the Pavlov complex however he asks us the same question here just one more question no falativa wasn't there I understand you didn't find any cold drinks on petrov's body did you two rings with better one and better two engraved on the inside although this question from stockhausen is even more interesting because it doesn't just ask about the Rings but he mentions that they were engraved beta 1 and beta 2. earlier on in the video Charles was telling us about two rings that were concepted and called a beta connectors however they vanished within such enough's scientific facility just as the outbreak occurred these connectors would allow two beings wearing each ring from listening intercollective without actually being a part of the network and granting them discretionary Authority on the network or if they're placed on a robot it means that those robots will not listen to the people in the collective Network everyone wants these rings so badly because they work and people want to have the chance to listen intercollective whilst not physically being a part of it however as we get to the surface and walk outside granny Xena radios into us we tell her about betroth and again she asks us the same question each person that's asked even though we have these rings in our possession we've denied having them saying that we don't have them Charles questions this and asks us why we keep denying that we have the Rings and comrade major is sick of everyone deceiving him he's pondering what Petrov told him in the theater combat mode was programmed in these robots during construction and couldn't have possibly been able to do it himself I mean look at Petrov couldn't fight at all he wouldn't know the first thing about combat how would he know how to program this level of combat into each bot an example of this a robot that we fought in the theater before we left it was a construction robot so why does it have missiles attached and but trough couldn't have armed each and every other model of robot with Weaponry like this because he's not an engineer he's a programmer all of his Hardware was there upon the construction of these robotic models all Petrov did was reprogram the central hub to make the robots believe that people were invading as an army so this begs the question why could a construction robot armed with missiles a flying robot to assist with maneuvering around this facility of 3826 to be armed with a machine gun and a railgun on a heavy duty robot to move heavy duty items it doesn't make sense stating that our hunch may not be a hunch at all when we were watching the live feed with Granny Xena where suchnov was being interrogated by comrade major do you even realize that if the Americans find out that your robots can be switched to combat mode collector 2.0 will be dead in the water this statement doesn't sound like the politburo and combat Molotov were surprised to hear that these robots had a combat mode but in fact that they knew from the very start they were in on all of this this whole project the project called atomic heart is a project for the Pollock Bureau and the Soviet Union to try and conquer the US and the entire world anyway we progressed down to the Pavlov complex throughout this though the atomic heart project becomes much more apparent of what it entails sending our civilian robots off to America having them work in power plants the headquarters of high-ranking U.S officials the military and many other places when combat mode then activates there will be enough of these robots around the country to take them by surprise killing everyone in their way and seizing these landmarks but why would the person who programmed the combat mode want to kill regular civilians farmers and scientists it becomes very clear why people want these golden rings so badly here a person is able to remove their thought device at any given time however when they do they're no longer a part of collective and can no longer control these robots which means that if someone else does enable combat mode then their robot will turn straight against them however if a robot has one of these rings on them and even if their thought device is removed it will only ever listen to you so you can connect your device on at any given time disconnected at any given time and your robot will not turn against you this is why granijina wanted them so bad and even stockhausen as well however we finally entered the facility and walk inside with petrov's head and to there is stockhausen and the ballerina twins again demonetization I'm going to show nothing of the head or anything that looks like blood so that's why there's a couple of bits cutting and that's why I might look a bit choppy we hand over the head and he's placed into a neuropolymer container which will of course upload all of petrov's Knowledge from his head into this Central polymer database storing his memories there for good allowing us to disarm the combat robots however as we're doing so we see someone running towards the room Larissa she throws a grade into the room and the neuropolymer flows out onto the ground after the explosion and covers stockhausen however we suddenly black out again and enter this dream like world what keeps causing this we make our way through to the end and finally we wake up everything is in complete ruins where's Larissa she him before the explosion so what happened to stuck stuckhausen was knocked into a vat of polymer by the explosion and is now deceased you hypocrite I'm a doctor I'm a doctor some doctor you are you grenade tossing [ __ ] and we move on to find a way out of here in the elevator though we receive a radio from Larissa she firstly apologizes for almost killing us with a grenade but then tells us that we can't trust suchenov and that we trust him way too much he's seriously keeping us in the dark about a lot of different things and she tells us that we need to see things with our own eyes and that we're not going to believe the truth she's situated at an Old Lighthouse and invites us to push there to see exactly what she means underneath this Lighthouse is the Academy of consequence we finally reached the top of the compound as you walk outside Charles insists that we destroyed the beta connectors we question him as to why he's so insistent that we destroy them and here he mentions something really kind of worrying something that shows how much of a puppet comrade major really is such enough we can continue to lie to session of granizina and anyone else about not having the Rings but when we return to sechinov and we still have these rings in our possession all items that we have is recorded in Charles's log and it cannot be erased the first thing that we would do is review the log once those beta connectors so he's going to get them however if anyone gets them it's going to cause huge ramifications we played this off for now but jumped down into a canyon and there is a beached whale but wait what the hell that crazy ass pump thing killed their whale damn the Dew Drop is the latest design in the field of fire mechanics we take out the robot and climb up the rock face and again Charles brings up the Rings so we bring them from our inventory and throw them into the sea however it's now time to make our way to the top of the lighthouse as we open the door suddenly a swarm of owls show up but don't shoot us crap what a surprise why'd they freeze up the access code has been successfully extracted from petrov's neuropolymer memory combat mode has been disabled and the robots have returned to their normal status well done my boy section of them radios in stating that the access code has been successfully extracted from petrov's neuropolymer memory such enough tells us to come back to chalamay and take some well-deserved leave we've earned it however not before visiting Larissa in the lighthouse we finally make our way inside and go downstairs and it was not what we were expecting what do we have here we take a seat in this chair and suddenly we're sent flying down an elevator [Music] I believe that the unscheduled acceleration was caused by the elevator access system being hacked otherwise Dr philatova would not have been able to initiate it so she hacked the system kind of like how all these poor bastards got hacked a bit however to our surprise there looks to be some form of rapture below the water a small underground like City Wildlife Circle in the area a massive spherical dome in the distance all of this was here this entire time we finally get to the bottom and there is Larissa let me try to give you a different perspective and then you can decide how to handle things do you know how sejanov is planning to use Collective what he's going to do with it after Collective launches people will be able to control robots with their minds and they won't be able to stab each other in the back anymore sounds nice I used to think that way too but that's not how things really are collective isn't just about controlling robots section of will be able to control everyone who's a part of collective Collective is diabolical it's even worse than slavery [ __ ] it's just the same old chain of command but on a virtual Network what's so awful about that come on see for yourself we follow the restaurant to the lab and then it's all revealed well are you ready disable polarization [ __ ] is this place a haunted house or something it's a tomb of the Mind the volunteers who lay the foundation for Collective the first few groups of subjects all died group 30 went insane group 73 killed themselves group 101 killed each other group 204 was the most successful they all survived their Consciousness is now in an imaginary world we call it limbo and their bodies are here under my complete control want me to make them do something why to show that I'm not lying whatever line them up keep going uh the fat guy tell him to jump he could use just him why don't I make them all jump after all we all live in a communist Society God damn you've got um this is insane why do people even do this [ __ ] [ __ ] poor bastards no that's where you're wrong chemically speaking they're all perfectly happy that's what Collective is all about the entire world will be just like why would such enough want to turn everyone into a bunch of idiots was he trying to make fun of the World by making people run around naked and act like animals no we were able to prevent the degradation of individual Consciousness memories Behavior speech patterns are all preserved but there's one thing they won't be able to avoid the complete loss of their free will foreign that's what Victor was trying to do you got in his way and now it's too late your boyfriend lost his mind and killed people he tried to tell me such enough taught the robots to kill during the design phase why would boss do that why why did he design Collective to be a mind control system why does he need those special neuro controllers such enough wants to enslave the entire world I'm sorry but if you don't understand that you're an idiot [Music] the boss would never do that he would and he will on Monday all this is really hard to swallow but I'll help you whatever you're planning them in willing to turn on such enough after what you just showed me yeah I want to hear what he's got to say [Music] as we exit the car comrade major starts having these visions and here's a voice seeing colors all over the place almost like lights we first pass them off as a headache and continue to follow Larissa why did you help me perhaps because I care and besides it's not about you wealth not only you if you worked here then why didn't you try to stop this I thought it was for the best I thought it was for the good of the entire Soviet Union but when I realized what was really going on I had to abide my time wait for the right moment Victor and I risked everything and you know the rest fine moving on hey major I'm fine my head's been killing me lately I've been seeing things there's just one hell of a job let me tell you you won't even remember a thing hallucinations are serious business well I am a neurosurgeon I can probably help if everything ends well no thanks a little vacation will fix me right up I mean if this all ends well I just don't feel comfortable around these people huh well just you wait soon this is gonna happen all over the Soviet Union and later the whole world then you'll see all people stripped of their free will you know Free Will doesn't guarantee that a person won't be a scumbag but are you justifying atrocities atrocities what atrocities if they're volunteers coming here was their choice it's got nothing to do with me you're a monster affirmative that's enough I'm too busy to chat right now very well enjoy The View resist ah [ __ ] I'm so sick of these goddamn hallucinations do you see colorful spots before your eyes does your perception of the world change yeah exactly do you know what this [ __ ] is if you were crossing into limbo but it can't be stopped how did you interrupt it I don't know it's like that lump of polymers calling out to me a teardrop shaped one right there straight above us do you see it there's nothing there and what do you mean I'm looking right at it oh crap now it's gone it's a hallucinatory reaction a side effect of the surgery you underwent the reaction of a damaged brain to the presence of a neuropolymer implant what are you even talking about what implant did such enough not tell you so you don't know what's happening to you Charles do you know what's happening with my head I am not detecting any internal changes major but you've also had polymer extension is clearly receiving an unidentified stream of external data what's that interface who are you talking to it's a chatting artificial librarian and AI in my Polymer glove doesn't matter Charles what are you talking about Charles wait Charles what data what Voss hot polymer extension the most polymer extension was developed using data from experiments conducted by Dimitri and myself what yourself and why are you calling Dr section off Dimitri who are you comrade major this will be difficult to explain I am Charles why the [ __ ] are you all staticky what the hell is going on keep it together major if what I'm thinking is true I should be able to access the archive right now there will be records about you thank you state your name and personal access code crispy Critters invalid name fine I'll hack in not so fast name charity Zahara code fluffy code accepted access granted Charles are you there nothing nothing so what is Charles then long story short your Charles is Professor Chariton zaharov huh that was short how could he be zaharov Professor zaharov was developing the collective subsystems and worked on the module the one you have inside you they told us he ran a number of experiments on himself the result was disastrous and unpredictable on himself was an idiot or something oh he certainly wasn't an idiot zaharov was a misanthrope obsessed with science I don't think he cared about what happened to his body all that much as soon as we mentioned Charles Larissa knew straight away it's an abbreviation Chariton Charles standing for chatting artificial librarian that's why he made such a big deal about it at the beginning of the game Char less and Char Eton zakarov is the Consciousness inside of our glove and such enough planted him there to guide us through one of the brightest Soviet Geniuses so Larissa opens the door and we walk inside we searched the facility for three videotapes each revealing more and more information about what happened to us and our previous life we input the first tape and here we started to learn more the events in Bulgaria left the agents badly injured technically speaking they were clinically dead agent blessner could not be saved since Asian plutonium's condition was less severe it was possible to return him to combat Readiness however as nearly destroyed limbs had to be amputated and replaced with the latest prostheses yeah I already know half my body's prosthetic what else is new these are just general observations find another recording playback following his recovery the agent's personality was altered significantly including his behavioral and speech patterns because of this I made the decision to remove the agent from the argentum unit in order to prevent any possibility of memory recidivism plutonium received a new call sign P3 and is now under my direct command and observation d3's contact with argentum has been kept to a minimum and argentum Personnel have been warned against mentioning the call sign bless na in p3's preference crispy I'll get another one cut such enough has you on a leash he does whatever he wants with you listen doc you saved my life do you think I don't know I'm a test subject that's my job so you're a volunteer huh then why are you such a disobedient test subject because before they always told me what they were doing I'll go get another recording procedure implant The Voice God neuropolymer brain function extension objective total elimination of destructive impulses triggered by traumatic memories patient major Sergey and achiev code name plutonium attempt number three the first two operations were unsuccessful the patient suffered a severe brain injury in Bulgaria which could not be repaired the damage is of such severity that the patient will likely have to be euthanized did you hear that he wanted to kill you the frontal lobes are partially destroyed causing the patient to experience bouts of uncontrollable rage the patient's steel prostheses render him dangerous to those around him and that's about your seizures due to the incidence of temporary insanity the patient is immersed in a surreal psychedelic reality that prevents him from accepting the consequences of his aggressive behavior uh I don't get it can you translate for me you're not gonna like it the patient experiences intense hallucinations did you see your wife again my boy how did you know that yet a vast heart implant will give the patient artificial memories and allow him to overcome his obsession with his deceased wife your wife it's all [ __ ] I've never been married we can send the agent's Consciousness into the imaginary world of limbo via our pulse aimed directly at his pituitary gland switching the major into combat mode on command I'd like to add that I am strongly opposed what a load of crap I mean there's no [ __ ] way I'm afraid there is such enough can send your mind to your own private Paradise with a push of a button and my body your body will kill whoever he tells it to you no more [ __ ] what about the hallucinations are they also such enough no hallucinations are just your brain's defense mechanism why the hell should I believe any of this the boss would never do this to me yeah right just like he'd never wipe your wife's existence from your memory just like he'd never designed Collective to be a mind control system said such enough did any of that stuff you can't even tell who's in that chair if you don't believe me go ask him what's the plan major it's waiting for us at cello May we want to stop section off so you bring me there as your captive and then what [Music] so that's how it is Major think it over while I try to hack this elevator and get us back to the surface uh-huh paying attention now dick bag major I I have no data about this incident trying to make a monkey out of me are you will join the club don't have any data huh you've always known about all this there's a reason you're called Char less right you're Char a ton zaharov you son of a [ __ ] got an explanation huh there's nothing to explain major you're just as much a charlus to me as I am a perfect stranger to you first such enough murdered me then he turned me into a blob of polymer goo then he brainwashed you and manipulated you how could I trust either of you that's why I pretended to be the chatting artificial librarian I wanted to see who was who yeah well I guess I would have done the same so what are we gonna do now huh what else can we do Sergey you and I are friends now and we know the truth we need to get to such enough Rectify this Injustice and get revenge for what he's done to us I guess you're right Sheraton Justice does need to be done you're a good man comrade major I hate to say this but you're the first functional example of an ordinary Link in the collective Network on Monday everyone who has undergone polymerization will become just as malleable as you [ __ ] I can't let that happen listen the [ __ ] Gadget the thought device you can just take it off unfortunately that won't help anyone it just makes things worse how come because all your thoughts are useless a polymerized person's signal will be transmitted to robots and other equipment via their thought controller but it is not what makes them a part of collective the thought device can be removed but this merely prevents the wearer from being able to make calls and give orders to machines so how is section off going to keep everybody under control it's the neuropolymer injection that makes people part of collective it embeds itself in the brain and connects it to the neural network once and for all the effect of this injection cannot be undone everyone who gets an injection will be part of collective forever but I was I really married what was my wife's name he Katarina and you aren't going to like what I'm about to tell you comrade major I've heard that before but I doubt anything could surprise me now you and your wife served with the argentum unit the Katarina or Katya as you called her was a highly qualified agent a child she studied ballet and made significant achievements in both dance and martial arts ballet and martial arts are you trying to tell me the boss's metal twins no way this is total BS the boss would never do something like that just look at me comrade major after I died my Consciousness was transplanted into this glove after your wife died her Consciousness could not be saved but search enough uploaded an imprint of her professional skills into his bodyguard's matrices this is holy [ __ ] [ __ ] me this can't be a we've got a ride major we can get out of here Larissa finally hacks the elevator and we make our way up to the top however suddenly we start to go into limbo again someone is doing this and we don't know who at the moment resulting into US of course go crazy in this fit of rage doctor such enough just held a press conference in which he completely denied rumors about civilian robots malfunctioning at facility 3826 facility is back to full operational capacity you took a real pounding didn't you you're pretty close to staying there for good where you tell me how am I supposed to know where you are when you're on the bloody Rampage you were a nice boy when my daughter was around but ever since she passed away you do nothing but Sal can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat nothing but blood and ripped off heads everywhere graceful what's your daughter got to do with me my garden our cutting cutting they played hello with your memories Sonny lady what are you talking about it was my daughter but she was yours codename blessner member of the argentum spec-off squad so you must be your mother-in-law you stupid ignoramus you worked for such enough until there's Bulgarian terrorists blew you up Katya didn't make it then such enough turned you into a monster yeah I mean have heard something about that why are you just sitting there if you already knew keeping an eye on you ever since I figured there must be some Humanity somewhere in you sorry lady but you figured wrong my past my present it's all gone wait where's Larissa she's everywhere [Music] [ __ ] you got a gun lady does it look like I don't have one what would you like anything will do I just need to blow my head off great idea just blow your own damn brains out and be that stupid lady then such enough to turn everyone into mindless mean bags first there's Soviet Union then the rest I get it if you get it then get up I'll give you weapons lots of them only if you promise me you'll put that freak down once and for all foreign what's the matter cat got your tongue listen to your elders major comrade sectionov's Deeds demand Vengeance what what is this [ __ ] Sergey it is charlatans are hard off you devil you're alive in a sense and you and your wizard turned me into polymer goo wait a [ __ ] minute are you telling me you've known granny Xena this whole time keeping secrets can be very useful major that haven't let us down yet useful to who you keeping secrets is letting me know must be of his rocker if he's doing this kind of stuff to people wait a second what about Katya car Tinker could you still be alive it's possible but in what state just look at me I'm not sure I'm better off but I don't have hard data at this time I'm begging you Sergey certain of has to die jeez get off my back already crispy Critters what the hell is going on around here on the one hand I've got lying manipulative dicks who claim to be Noble Avengers on the other I've got a Soviet scientist and member of the academy who wants to Enlighten All Mankind and use me to get rid of [ __ ] that is whatever lady why don't you show me what's in the house we eventually move inside the building and make our way upstairs and here we see the motivations of sechnov and the goal of atomic heart the atomic heart project was approved by the secret Congress of the cpsu Central Committee on the 14th of February 1951. the main goal of this project is the suppression of the USA this will start with seizing military points of interest and Facilities followed by the disconnection and shutting down of nuclear power plants this will completely deactivate the atomic heart of America resulting in the complete surrender of government and the transfer of power to the top leadership of the Soviet Union but how will they do that well they will practically give away the robots to them let them build up and reach a particular quantity that becomes large enough that they can just take over all of the power plants and cut off all the power to America So the plan isn't to blow up America is to deprive them of electricity so that the Soviet Union can control it all of these robots in the US are controlled by the jelly man the red man that we saw earlier made of neuropolymer and only ceshnov has access to him only the jelly man the huge data array where all the knowledge is absorbed has access to that and over the last few years there's a hell of a lot of this neuropolymer around the world so everyone one day will be a part of the collective Network ingrained within it even without needing a thought device if you have a little bit of polymer inside you you're a part of the network we finally reached sectionov's door and walk inside of his office boss protect well Chariton are you proud of yourself you Larissa and Zenaida have certainly been busy but Sergey I wouldn't have expected you to be quite so gullible silence you messed with my head you wiped my memory am I a toy to you like those other people connected to Collective who the [ __ ] do you think you are gay I can see you're terribly upset it's okay I don't blame you but you Cheryl you were supposed to help the boy not pull his strings like a puppet Maybe it wasn't my choice to be a talking pile of goo either you're glad it happened aren't you you'll use everything and everyone to achieve your goal including me and your agent admit it how dare you I lost you both then saved your lives you're both scientific Miracles you were are my best friend Geraldton and the major is like a son to me and those two are like daughters right and everyone you're going to connect to Collective everyone whose Minds you're going to control who are they to you millions of foster kids everyone is just crisp for your milk I want to give mankind a spectacular future unimaginable achievements I want to give them a path to the star both of you shut up get your hands up some goddamn wizard you are tell them to stand down I'm counting to three one it's a shame you've escalated this situation without even trying to resolve it peacefully but I won't let you stand in the way of progress right left certainly we finally defeat The Twins and then the craziest thing happens manipulating you he gained access to the Voss God module in your brain and started sending you to limbo I was busy getting ready for the collective update so I didn't realize it right away he's the one who killed Molotov tell me Jared did you do the same thing to Dr philatova did you use my agent to tear her limb from I'm sick of your hypocrisy Dimitri I did your dirty work while you stayed clean but they didn't deserve to die why have you done this this whole time through my boy get up get up foreign [Music] I want your pathetic human race to realize it has no future it's time for it to step aside foreign [Music] you're pure evil what what are you gonna do to humanity and Collective you should not call something evil just because you cannot comprehend it evil is an abstract answered and your thinking is limited you are a human a species that will soon be extinct I realized I stopped being human myself your limitations prevent you from seeing the truth dumb humans don't want to evolve all they want is comfort and satisfaction on someone else's diet you never wanted to join with the massive array no no [Music] foreign [Music] foreign 's office and found no trace of the doctor according to partially reconstructed footage it appears the humanoid neuropolymer object approached Dr sechenov's body and then completely consumed it after the events described in the report the unidentified humanoid neuropolymer object left Dr sechinov's office and vanished [Music] right right okay let me just spend a minute here summarizing the ending of this because this is just a bit mental this took me way off of way off guard to be honest let me know in the comments if it did view as well Chariton zakara's motivations were that Humanity had ran its course and he'd found this out when he became part of the neuropolymer there was only so much that we could accomplish as a species space travel augmentations Collective but never be Advanced enough to take us to that next step however when he fell into this pool and became this neuropolymer or as we know him the jelly man he's able to move around on his own free will even in this form and this was by design of sechinov so it was the perfect fit the neuropolymer will not fall under the same constraints as Humanity they don't need oxygen to breathe they can transform into whatever form they want to and they're ingrained directly within the collective Network Chariton will take human evolution to the next level and to a place never before thought of he destroyed the alpha connector so that no one is able to escape Collective and no one's able to control it either and with the beta connectors and the gamma connects has gone from the twins there's no one that has Authority you're either in it or out of it Chariton consumed sectionov's body whole and we well we went into limbo [Music] mind is never free [Music] dope crispy Critters [Music] and they're in the distance Katya and that ladies and gentlemen is the story of atomic heart explained completely and also water and summarized if you did get this far into the video comment crispy Critters down below as major said this enough throughout the playthrough to drive the insane so it'd be great if you got this right into the video comment it down below and I'll give you a like and obviously I love heart on the the comments as well be much appreciated ultimately I thought it was quite a good storyline it was quite strong as well I thought the overall backstory was really interesting and it was just interesting to learn about it I think they could have handled the storytelling in a bit of a different way because it was just the way they did it was all over the place and very confusing but the story itself I thought was really good anyway let me know your thoughts and opinions down below did you like atomic heart did you not like atomic heart I thought it was good a review for myself will be coming out in the next couple of days about this game and yeah ultimately let me know thoughts and opinions down below believe it like if you'd enjoy everyone subscribe if you guys are brand new for more content like this and generally loads more content going on the channel you're very very much appreciate shaded but without further Ado everyone we'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Wizzo
Views: 44,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atomic heart, Atomic Hearts Confusing Storyline Explained!, atomic heart story explained, Atomic heart storyline explained, Atomic Heart story summary, Atomic Heart Storyline Summarised, Atomic Heart story, Explaining Atomic Heart Story, Atomic Heart story review, Atomic Heart story explained, atomic heart ending, atomic heart story, atomic heart plot explained, Atomic Heart Story, Atomic Heart's Storyline is REALLY Complicated, Atomic hearts story is very complicated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 21sec (6621 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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