Outlast - Complete Story & Lore Explained

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It's always a good time to go back and break down the story of one of the most memorable horror game experiences in gaming with Outlast. If you are new to the channel, we do complete story breakdowns on all types of games so be sure to go check some other out as well. Let's break down the story. We open up the story with a classic horror scene, a man driving down a dark country road at night while the radio gently plays in the background. In the distance, we can see a large building as the radio begins to turn to static. We can also see a press pass-up on the rearview mirror. Suggesting that this character might be a journalist. He picks up a note from his passenger seat and it's a transcript of an anonymous email to Miles Upshur. It mentions some Illegal Activity that has been taking place at Murkoff Psychiatric Systems. The person says they need to send the email quickly as they might be monitoring him. (An odd thing to take the time to write considering you are in a rush and spent more time writing than you need to rush, eh regardless.) They did 2 weeks of Software Consulting at Murkoff Psychiatric Sytems Facilities in Mount Massive. He says that terrible things have been happening here, doctors talking about dream therapy going too deep and finding something waiting for them in the mountain. People are being hurt and Murkoff is making money. Before saying that they need to be exposed. We exit that vehicle and get a much better look at the building. This is Mount Massive Asylum by the way. Even the residents are saying hello. A note found on the bench tells us that Mount Massive shut down amid scandal and government secrecy in 1971. But reopened by Murkoff in 2009 under the guise of a charitable organization. Cellphone reception was cut off abruptly a mile out and Murkoff Corporation has a long track record of disguising profit as charity. But never on American Soil. So whatever is going on here at Mount Massive must be big. We take a side entrance into the Asylum before the lights very conveniently turn off and have to use the night vision from our camera to see. Another file is found in one of the nearby offices. It talks about a patient named "Billy". A 19-year-old male patient claims to have progressed to self-directed lucid dream states. The activity was observed at an unprecedented scale. Billy also asked about his mother's lawsuit against Murkoff and the Asylum. Murkoff believes this to be a catastrophic breach in security. But note that the only Trager on company records was Richard Trager who is an executive from M.R.D. When entering the Library we can see bodies hanging from the roof and people dead on the floors. This a clear sign that things at the Asylum are not going so well for the occupants. We continue a little futher and get a very unwelcome surprise from this gentleman as he throws us down to the lower floor. Miles is drifting in and out of unconsciousness as this second man starts saying that God has sent him an apostle, telling Miles to guard his life as he has a calling. We can find another note talking about a patient named Walker. A 32-year-old male needs to be restrained when interviewed due to his removing his own lips and nose. It even speaks about how they needed to altar his restraints to accommodate his enormous size. There is a bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo but what is really important is that he has a fascination with Tuatara Lizards and has anxiety about his own flesh. He also served in Afghanistan and there is a lot of evidence that points towards the large man from earlier that threw Miles from the top balcony like it was WWE, which is more than likely Walker. We come across some patients sitting and watching television, and while a big part of me was hoping that there was Dora the Explorer on that bad boy, it's only static which makes it 1000x more creepy. Miles gets himself to the security room and takes a little look at their computer systems. We can see the man from earlier turning off the power on the security camera and we are forced to make a quick exit. Another file we can find speaks about the MKUltra program, titled a CIA document. The subject is Hypnotic Experimentation and Research. It started on the 10th of February 1954 and it took place in Building 13 of Mount Massive Preserve in Colorado. The notes describe a test using hypnosis to force people to do as they say. Forcing two people asleep simply by pointing and saying "You will sleep". This Hypnotic therapy was so effective they even made a person that had a fear of firearms shoot a gun at the other person while in this state. When awakened both patients mentioned a state of amnesia about the events and when trying to give the patient a gun again, they refused to pick up or accept from the operator and expressed absolute denial that the previous sequence had happened. After returning the power to the building, we head back into the security room and are attacked from behind and injected by something. They tell us that we cannot leave and there is much more for us to witness, that their lord The Walrider is showing his truth to the unbelievers. We then see a Darth Vader wet dream as soldiers begin to be thrown around a room while nothing is there. We awake in a padded room, but luckily still with our camera. We get multiple self-reports from Miles as you go throughout the game and the message he wrote to himself at this stage named the priest Father Martin and mentions that a Dr Wernicke is at the centre of whatever is going wrong here at Mount Massive. But luckily he died 10 years ago. A couple of twins look at us through some bars like we are a freshly cooked tomahawk steak, speaking about wanting to murder us. One questions it due to the preacher asking them to leave us alone but their intrusive thoughts get the best of them and decide to allow us a head start before taking dibs on our internal organs. Not that this has much relevance to the overall story at hand but the guy on the left has claimed our tongue and liver while the one on the right is more focused on making it as slow and painful as possible. Yay. Upstairs we can find a copy of the death Certificate for Rudolf G. Wernick. The doctor is responsible for much of the mess going on here at Mount Massive. There is a few things of note to decern from the certificate, for example, he was born in Germany and was 90 years old at the time of his death, spending a total of 55 years of his life in the United States. It says that he was single, which is only notable since it specifies that being widowed or divorced is an option. Meaning that Wernicke was never married over the course of his 90 years of life. The cause of death given was Heart Failure due to advanced age. An Obituary Form for Wernicke can be found in a patient-padded room, explaining that he achieved his fame from mathematic and scientific communities for a paper written with pioneer Alan Turing. He moved to the United States shortly after World War 2 with a visa from the State Department. Spending several decades on government research in Los Almos led to New Mexico where Wernike apparently retired to pursue landscape photography and care for his cats. He came to Colorado to do charitable work for the Murkoff Corporation and has no next of kin. Miles continues his journey through Mount Massive trying to find any way to escape this hellhole that he has found himself inside and eventually we meet this patient that mentions Wernicke's death. And simply asks what dead doctor experiments on living patients. Insinuating that even though Wernicke is dead, somehow he is still experimenting on the patients of Mount Massive. We get chased through some hallways by the patients screaming about the Walrider before being told on the radio to get in the dumbwaiter in order to live. When we reach the top we realise that the person on the radio is not exactly our friend as he beats Miles to a pulp. He mentions that we are the priest's guy and tells us to take a rest and places us in a wheelchair and straps us in for the ride. You can probably imagine that whatever ride this dude is taking us on, is not going to be a fun one. We reach his uh... I guess you would call it... clinic? And get to set our eyes on some of his patients, he tells one of them to stop yammering because he didn't need his tongue anyway. You can see where this is going. He removes a couple of Miles's fingers before leaving. We take that opportunity to grab our camera and get the hell out of there. Turns out the doctor's name is Rick Trager and from what we can gather from his other patients and some files he was the head of business development for Mount Massive Asylum. He was a really bad dude that was responsible for drugging female employees before everything went crazy here at Mount Massive and afterwards decided to put on this surgeon act. We find another note from an orderly at Mount Massive that wrote to HR about things he has witnessed since working here. Saying that he believes that Patients are being abused and has never seen such a consistent level of secrecy and disrespect. He resigns and mentions that he might consider contacting the press. We take an elevator out of the clinic as Trager attempts to stop us. He gets jammed in the elevator and we manage to escape. Father Martin can be found nearby as he says that he is happy we survived, he feared that Trager would carve Miles up like the others and meet him outside. Another note is found that was sent by Rick Trager, saying to accept the immediate resignation of Orderly David Annapurna. To process him as a patient of Mount Massive to treat his Persecutrial delusions, treatment will continue until the time of his death. Showing that the Orderly that was threatening to go to the press how now been captured by Mount Massive staff. We continue into the kitchen and can find the whole place on fire while a patient is sitting alone. He mentions that he had to burn everything as Murkoff has taken so much from them, using them. Saying that they were turned into these things because nobody cares about a few forgotten lunatics. So he wants to burn the whole thing down before telling us a safe way out. Honestly, it's pretty damn sad. More files can be found about the MKUltra program, essentially using Sleep Induction and Hypnotic techniques to make a person do something. Can they create a post-hypnotic control action contrary to individuals' basic moral principles? Then... to guarantee total amnesia so the person doesn't remember any of it happening. And eventually, the idea that you could completely alter a person's personality. These are the core principles of MKUltra research. We get our first glimpse of what people call The Walrider using our night vision, it essentially looked like a floating skeleton. We find Father Martin outside as he mentions that we have now seen the Walrider. He says that we have now begun to understand. And just sort of runs off for some reason, so we continue to take a look around this murderous asylum. We find another note that gives us some more insight into Dr Wernike. But this time it was in regard to a project called Paperclip. Essentially the United States can obtain the services of foreign specialists for specific assignments within the technical services of the army divisions. But, Project 63 aimed to secure the employment in the United States of certain German and Austrian specialists after World War 2 that would deny their services to potential enemy nations. And given the close proximity of dates for Dr Wernike's stay in the United States, this was likely used for him. Around this time Miles begins complaining in his notes about a static sound, a buzzing that won't stop. Stressing that he needs to find the source of the sound. A file from Berlin Germany in 1938 has been translated. It tales about growing intrigue in the ongoing work of Dr Wernicke on the Morphogenic Engine. Saying that if they had not seen it themselves they would never believe it, that Wernicke has breached the spiritual realm. Witnessing an apparition briefly. They believe that this could represent an enormous opportunity for the cause of the German people. Miles reaches a movie theatre as a film begins to play. It is an exit interview recorded on December 27th, 1985 in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The subject is Rudolf Wernicke. Wernicke says that all the films are real and there was no trickery in the footage. The interviewer asks about some instances of spontaneous bleeding. Half a dozen test subjects began to develop brain tumours. Wernicke responds that the autopsies made showed that the tumours were made completely from lead. The interviewer asks why these instances could not be duplicated here in the United States and Wernike mentions that his theory is that in Germany during the years of WW2 the mind of the German people were in a unique place that cannot be replicated, the human mind is an environment capable of extraordinary things. To replicate the results would require proximity to death, to overwhelming madness, only a subject who has witnessed enough horror was capable of activating the Morphogenic Engine. To which the interview asked if this was something supernatural, which Wernicke disagrees with. We hear about Project Walrider being a gateway to something, but what exactly. Wernicke is asked to elaborate. But the film cuts off. Miles writes that the engine described is in his head like a song you can't stop humming. That Walrider is the buzzing that he feels in his bones. The dude has been through some crap essentially. More files show that many of the patients in the asylum consider the Walrider to be a god. The lord that they pray to and write gospels for. We finally reach the church that Father Martin wanted us to get to and we find quite the scene, he is essentially on the cross and tells us that he will soon be with Walrider. Telling us the reason he wanted Miles alive this whole time was so he could witness this moment and escape to tell the tale. He gets burned worse than a marshmallow and we decide that's a great time to head to the local bar to drink away all of our problems. Unfortunately, instead of finding the bar, we can find an underground facility below the Asylum. So I guess it's time to explore some more... Miles is becoming more and more unhinged at this stage and things are looking very sketchy for our Journalist buddy. Mount Massive has taken its toll on him. As if things couldn't get any worse, we run into Walker from before. As he goes to kill Miles, we can see that Walrider is making very short work of him. Essentially turning him into uhh... tomato soup. We hear a voice from a nearby room, asking us to come to speak with them as they have something they wish to explain. It turns out that the person in front of Miles is actually Dr Wernicke. He says how is supposed to be dead but has no such luck. That he is older than Sin but he is here because of Billy. He takes care of him, Wernicke speculates that Billy might think he is his father since he certainly loves him before calling him a poor idiot. He begins talking about a technology involving Nanohazards. Little microscopic machines that they could never master. But using his research, Murkoff was able to find a workaround. You can turn the cells of the human body into nano-factories. Since the natural function of cells is to produce molecules you could use the psychosomatic direction to engineer the precise molecules necessary. He mentions that it was foolish to think they could control it. He asks Miles to stop Billy. Murder him if need be. Turn off his life-support and anaesthesia to undo what he has done. Nobody can leave Mount Massive while he lives. We do manage to find the device being used and note that Billy is at the centre of it. I must say after finding Billy, that looks uncomfortable as all hell. I mean... think of the back problems. We turn off the support systems before hearing a terrifying sound as the nanobots come for Miles's ass. We hit the burners to run from the thing but turns out that the Walrider is a lot quicker than us. It's a really bad time for Miles but thankfully the systems shut down and it kills Billy. Meaning the Walrider is no more. However, the injuries sustained in the fight for miles are really bad. As he opens the doors to the exit, he is greeted by Dr Wernicke and a bunch of soldiers. They open fire on Miles, and right as you think that he is dead. We hear Wernicke gasp as he now realises that Miles has become the host of the Walrider after Billy's death. Sounds of gunshots and screams can be heard as the screen cuts to black. And that is the story of Outlast 1, I must say that it really is a very sad story that puts the victims at the forefront. The most vulnerable are being taken advantage of, including Billy. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed the video, if you made it all the way to the end, make sure to write Walrider in the comments down below so I can see. We will be doing more videoes on the Outlast stories in the future so keep an eye out for that. Be sure to like the video as it helps out the channel immensely and subscribe for more story-explained videos in the future. Until next time, peace.
Channel: Green Links
Views: 6,302
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Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, outlast, outlast story explained, outlast trials story explained, outlast 2 story explained, outlast ending explained, outlast files explained, outlast whistleblower story explained, outlast was is walrider, outlast chris walker, outlast father martin, outlast dr wernicke, lore, outlast 1 story explained, what happened in outlast 1, what happened in outlast, outlast 1 ending, outlast 1 ending explained
Id: qeuEWwGAjVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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