ATHLETES Put In BAD SITUATIONS, What Happens To Them Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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there's my star athlete come here hey larry how are you oh uh should we get started yeah yeah uh let's work on some stretching first all right we need you nice and loose for the tournament next week okay um sounds great okay we'll start with the hamstrings oh okay [Music] so you know all the college scouts are gonna be at this tournament with the right introductions you could end up with a full-ride scholarship and one day even become pro huh oh my god that'd be my dream i've been practicing tennis my whole life for this moment yeah well in this sport it's it's not what you know it's who you know remember that you just do what i say i'll make that dream happen okay good why is this so hard you know what let me help you all right now you take the ball in this i hint just relax oh i'm sorry i don't feel comfortable i'm trying to help you get better i mean you do want that scholarship don't you well yeah well then you better start doing what i tell you you understand good oh and you you should work on how to talk to those scouts so why don't you come by my place tonight and we'll practice oh i don't think that's a good idea wow really okay well maybe i should introduce them to someone else someone is a little more interested in getting a scholarship no i know i'm serious it's just i don't okay good be in my place today i'll text you the [Music] address hey girl how was practice that's all right sure you don't look too good it's larry he always makes me feel so uncomfortable the way he looks at me how close he gets vanessa that's not normal i don't think you should see him anymore i have two he's one of the top coaches in the country you don't need him listen to me the only person who decides how successful you become is you remember that ah there she is come on in hi hey sit [Music] so can i get you something to drink some wine perhaps uh no thanks i'm not even 21. i would never say anything can we just talk about the college scouts relax we got plenty of time to talk about tennis how about we talk about something more interesting like you and me what are you what are you doing come on don't act like you don't want this the only thing i want from you is for you to help me become a successful tennis player nothing else exactly and like i told you in this sport it's not about what you know it's about who you know huh so you make me happy and i make you successful the only person who decides how successful you become is you you know what i don't need you i can do this on my own goodbye larry what you you think you can walk away from me you'll never be successful without me we'll see about that vanessa leaves the coach's house determined to make it on her own now even more inspired vanessa is ready to work harder than she ever has before she starts practicing all the time on her own spending hours on the court each day [Music] before long she begins acing her serves she's playing better than she ever has before and then comes the day of the big tournament vanessa signs in feeling confident and ready to play [Music] she feels good knowing she's made the right decision on the day of the tournament vanessa quickly beats her first opponent she then wins her second match sweeping all of her sets and even goes 6-0 against her next opponent advancing all the way to the finals and then came the moment she was waiting for vanessa now leads 40 to 30 in this tiebreaker game serving for match point [Music] [Applause] [Music] well well well look who it is what do you want larry well you may have won the tournament but um where's the college scholarship huh tried to tell you that without me you'll never get a scholarship excuse me vanessa great performance today my name is dan walters i'm the scout for stanford university should i talk to you or your coach oh i don't have a coach but you can talk to me great we would love to talk to you about a full-ride scholarship to come play for us how does that sound what really [Music] oh my god that'd be amazing thank you so much wait wait wait she doesn't even have a coach she has no one to represent her ah that doesn't matter to us it's not who you know it's what you know and all you need to be successful is you come on let's uh walk and talk wow this day could not get worse larry hassler i need to have a word with you hey principal wallace how you doing something wrong we've had complaints from parents and students about inappropriate behavior what no no no this has got to be some kind of mistake i mean clearly there's some big misunderstanding here there's no way how about you come with us larry hassler you have the right to remain silent one day i'm gonna be the number one tennis player in the league i don't know man rafael's number one hey you just stepped up my brand new shoes bro i'm so sorry raphael how'd you like it if i stepped on you [Music] yeah i mean your shoes were so busted if i stepped on them it would make a dad difference have a lot of money so i can't buy new shoes yeah yeah we can tell buddy no wonder he sucks that sentence all right everyone grab a racket let's get started out of my weight bum [Music] hey yo that is a secret dude yeah my dad actually paid extra to have it custom strung for me i mean you know it's a win you have to have the best am i right hey hey poor boy don't tell me that's your racket yeah why it looks like it's from the goodwill dude but it looks like it's a hundred years old or something bro it's my dad's racket from when he used to play hey you know hey let me see that bro [Music] bro i'm not gonna lie i wouldn't be caught dead with this thing come on man just give it back no listen up okay this is why you'll never win a tennis game right what a loser as you all know league championships are coming not that there will be any surprise with who wins so let's start with practicing serves hey coach there's a problem with roger's payment what do you mean yeah his dad's check bounce so he doesn't pay for any lessons okay i mean come on is it really a surprise look at this look at his racket look at his shoes i mean come on i'm sorry roger you won't be able to play with us today hey hey hey by the way by the way you might as well just quit you broke boys [Laughter] hey hey roger how was practice it was horrible i got made fun of and they said i couldn't even play because your check bounced oh roger i'm sorry i swear i had enough okay well so look i get paid friday you know what just forget it i'm never gonna win with these beat up shoes in this old crappy racket i give up you think i became champion because i had nice equipment it's not about that wait you were the champion yeah i was [Music] whoa i had no idea and he won playing with that racquet yeah i didn't need a new racquet or fancy shoes or even lessons because winning is not about what you have it's about being willing to work hard enough [Music] after hearing his dad's story roger gets excited about his dream again he starts practicing every single day with his dad working really hard to improve his game over time he starts getting really good the championships arrive he quickly defeats his first opponent he even wins his second match roger continues beating all of his opponents and makes it all the way to the finals with his old gear roger now faces off against none other than raphael in the championships [Music] in a stunning series of events roger now leads rafael seven points to six in this third set tiebreaker he's about to serve four match point [Music] [Music] [Applause] roger congratulations on your big win thank you so tell us how does an unranked player play with some old shoes and an old tennis racket go once you win a championship well a wise man once told me winning isn't about what you have it's about how hard you're willing to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right got five seconds left and we're down by two all we need is a three-pointer what should we do coach brown hit the ball to liam come here listen the game is in your hands son you make this shot going to game seven in the championship all right bring it in one on three one two three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where you at garrison you've never beaten me but you thought you were going to win today huh [Applause] [Music] rainbow tail huh trying to embarrass me here no i know of course i thought everybody knew that i was good i don't want to hear it no on my team gay cannot play looking for this freaking and don't you ever disrespect me you got that yes i'm sorry [Music] hey garrison come tomorrow in the finals that championship trophy is ours but qrikki yeah hey liam why is coach so upset with you oh he didn't like my little gay pride tribute hey keep it back come on come back no hey what's going on here i thought i told you get rid of that thing well it's not my fault you see the guys i don't think it makes much sense for you to change in here anymore what what are you talking about this is the locker room i've always changed yeah well that's before i found out about you now let me make something clear you may be on the same team as us on the court but you are not on the same team as us off get out coach come on quiet he's lucky i'm even letting him play tomorrow out [Music] hey i'll see you at the game tomorrow oh liam so glad that i found you hi i'm from sports daily so how are you feeling about tomorrow's championship game uh yeah i'm pretty good i guess well i hear there's going to be some college scouts there do you think you'll get a scholarship i sure hope so you know that'll be my dream to play for a team like ucla william hey that shot was amazing thanks hello uh is he your boyfriend oh oh oh well in that case do you think i could get a picture of the two of you it's for the cover uh yeah yeah i guess that's fine wonderful no stop stop no no no no photos he just said i could i don't care interview is over toots you wait here you trying to make me look bad no why would i do that then why are you going around trying to tell the whole world that you're gay you know what i can't do this anymore you're off the team what but tomorrow's the big championship game and i'm your best player you can't do that were my best player that is before i found out about you i don't need you on my team to win and on my team like i said earlier gay cannot play please no don't do this you know i really thought you go to college like a good one maybe even the nba once people find out about you no one's gonna want you man maybe you should just be a cheerleader or something [Music] hey okay i uh saw all that i'm sorry sure you are i bet you're thrilled i'm off the team i won't be playing tomorrow no no no i'm not i feel terrible about the way he just treated you no one should be made to feel that way whatever it doesn't matter my career in basketball is over no team's gonna want me because i'm gay that's not true how would you know because i want you to come play on my team what what really [Music] is that even alone yeah sure it is and to be honest it would be an absolute honor to have you oh and uh you know what for all that it is worth you can use whatever towel you'd like okay yeah um i guess i'll think about that liam leaves with the coach's words on his mind [Music] the next day at the final championship game liam was nowhere to be found the blue team gets an early lead scoring basket after basket [Music] by the time the first half is over the blue team already has a 10 point lead just as things weren't looking too good for the red team in the second half they start making a major comeback and eventually cut the blue team's lead down to just two points with seconds remaining [Music] come on keep the enthusiasm up stay with me we got it no worries hey look it's liam hey what up hey guys hey what are you doing here man i thought i told you i know don't worry i'm not playing for you [Music] i'm playing for coach garrison instead no no no no no no you can't do no ref i just cut this kid from my team yesterday now he's gonna go play for the other side he can't do that it's against the rules right actually there's no rule against that he's love to play [Music] all right double team lead okay whatever it takes do not let that [ __ ] boy score come on guys you got that we have never lost to these clowns and we're not going to lose to them today all right let's get it together let's go let's go one on three one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] today for the first time in my career we beat coach brown and it is all thanks to liam amazing shooting out there that was a great shot liam it's a great shot you know it's just too bad you know that that was the last one what are you talking about man oh come on when people see him for who he is colleges aren't gonna take him seriously he's not gonna get recruited okay that's not true okay don't listen to him well then we're the recruiters where are they i don't see any huh exactly maybe this was a bad idea liam great performance i mean i can't believe you did that two days in a row thanks um sorry i don't know who you are oh sorry allow me to introduce myself coach nick ronan from ucla and i'd love to talk to you about coming to play with us what are you serious oh my gosh what wait coach ron and i'm coach brown i'm sure you know who i am there's something that uh liam i think he would like to share with you about himself oh yeah yeah what's that come on liam tell him liam you don't have to tell him anything that you don't want i'm gay okay so so i mean we mean so you're gonna recruit him well just because you're gay doesn't mean you can't play now as i was saying ucla has a great program i really think you'd love it there oh i know all about ucla's basketball programming i've always wanted to be a bruin like ever since i was a little kid awesome hey [Music] coach garrison [Music] [Applause] it's okay stephen you got this come on let's get ahead get jesse home and win this game come on steven stevens [Music] [Applause] great job loser how'd you even make this team seriously you know maybe you should go play t-ball with the five-year-old learn how to eat first he'd probably still suck and strikeout it's all right we'll just get him next time it's not all right we lost the game because of me i suck at baseball i'm never going pro hey you do not suck at baseball okay you just need to keep practicing and you'll get better never forget every pro was once just a beginner who never stopped swinging [Music] whatever this is so dumb i should just give up all right everybody remember we win tomorrow's game we win the championships oh great it's strikeout stephen man we're never gonna win with this guy on our team steven why are you late i just came here to tell everyone that i quit so you don't have to worry about me making us lose anymore i thought you loved baseball i thought you wanted to go pro one day i do let's face it i can't even hit the ball so i could never go pro okay you want to quit fine get out of here but on one condition uh what's that first you have to take 100 swings then you're free to go what 100 swings no way that's going to take me all day yeah i guess you better get started then let's go [Music] great another strike how much longer do i have to do this for what number you on uh 49 okay here comes 50. you're halfway done this is so lame i'm never gonna hit the ball wow steven you suck you couldn't hit a bowl to save your life hey that's enough [Music] 97 three more to go fine i just want to get this over with [Music] this is so stupid i said i didn't want to play anymore it's the last one after this you never have to swing another bat in your life strike out steven strikeouts [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh my gosh i hit the ball i can't believe it oh my god let's go congratulations you're off the team all right guys let's bring it in [Music] batter up two strikes strike three it's okay all right bring it in come here guys hold up all right it's bottom of the ninth we're down three to two one out to go it's our last chance to beat the sharks mikey can i count on you to go out there and get a run uh i don't know coach i'm not sure okay so who can go out there hit a home run and win this game for us [Music] i'll do it stephen what are you doing here i thought you quit well let's just say i changed my mind so can i bat ah good i'm bad yeah okay i'm in let's do it [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] see you next season coach thanks hey steven why did you come back i thought you said you could never go pro yeah well that was until i realized that every pro was once just a beginner who never stopped swinging [Music] oh you could have three wishes what would they be family sisters always stick together right yeah family always be sisters okay you'll find a family one day [Music] family
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,692,981
Rating: 4.8649263 out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement, being an athlete, playing sports
Id: 7lP0OJOkaNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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