Girls Get HUMILIATED When SHOPPING, What Happens To Them Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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do we really need to go shopping uh yeah we're meeting with a big investor if she ends up funding our app it could change everything we got a dress to impress okay well i'll just find something here you've got to be joking that's a thrift store they sell used clothes i would not be caught dead shopping there let's go see what gucci hat hold up they have some good stuff here plus we should be saving our money for the business not spending a lot on clothes i'm gonna go inside claire [Music] i don't believe this i really hope no one sees me in here look at this this is perfect and it's only 12.50 how cheap my socks cost more than that stop i'm gonna put it on ew and it has someone else's initials on it ac ugh who knows who wore that before you it's not a big deal how does it look uh it's nice if you want to look like a bum come on let's get out of here the investor is never going to give us any money if you show up with that cheap laser on hillary it's not being cheap it's being smart we need to save our money i'm gonna buy it whatever just hurry up and get out of here hello hi i'll be 12.50 oh wait i actually have a coupon are you seriously gonna use a coupon on a 12 item what's wrong with trying to save money after all every penny counts this is so embarrassing i can't be seen here i'll be at the gucci store [Music] all right that'll be 9.99 with the coupon uh here's a tin would you like to change yes please there you go [Music] have a nice day thanks you too i can't believe you wore that cheap blazer if we don't get our funding it's your fault hi i'm amy with dm capital i read your business plan and i must say i'm impressed thank you we would love if you invested in our company i'm sorry that blazer where did you get it from um i got it at a thrift store i try to save money where i can so i can invest in our business instead [Music] i'm sorry i told her not to wear that i promise we are not cheap people i hope this doesn't change your mind about investing in our company actually it makes me a lot more interested you see a long time ago i didn't have much money i wanted to buy all the nice things that others had but i decided to save my money instead by doing things like shopping at the thrift store over time i was able to start saving a lot of money and then i would invest my savings to make even more money eventually i became one of the top investors in the valley [Music] today i own lots of different companies and have investments all over the world so you see there is nothing wrong with saving money or shopping at the thrift store believe it or not i still go there today you shop at the thrift store well not so much to shop but to donate i knew i recognized that jacket i'm amy amy cooper those are my initials i'm the one who donated that blazer wow you know you're lucky to have a smart business partner like your friend i like to work with people who think the same way that i do that every penny counts so i would be happy to invest in your app oh my gosh thank you so much i promise we won't let you down i know you won't [Music] are you sure you want to shop here yeah after all every penny counts right [Music] oh my god allison day i follow you on tick tock can i get a pic yeah sure thank you so much wow this is stunning [Music] oh when's my size excuse me i'd like to try this on please um is your mom with you or someone who can pay for it no it's just me why my shop is a high-end dress store famous people shop here and that's a 1200 dress might be a little bit out of your price range okay that's not a problem i still want to try it on look i really don't feel like wasting my time you should try forever 21 or some other cheap store hi ma'am hi i don't have much time i'm looking for a special dress in a size small that really stands out ah well how about this one it's part of our luxury collection but judging by your appearance i'm sure you can afford it wow yes that's perfect actually i'll take it great i'll meet you at the register sure three blocks to the left excuse me the forever 21 i'm sure they'll have something in your price range i told you she'd be here wow i can't believe it's actually you can we get a picture yeah of course [Music] you are going to be the center of attention when you wear this dress people are going to think you're a celebrity ah yes that's exactly the look i'm going for all right your total is going to be three hundred and twenty dollars with tax i can put it on my card great my friends are not gonna believe this thank you so much no problem by the way what did you mean when you said you knew i'd be here it's all over twitter look everyone knows you're here it's not going through let me try it again did it work because i really need this dress it's still not working do you have another card you want to try no that's my only one well do you mind paying cash it's an atm right next door no i don't have that kind of money that's why i wanted to use credit do you mind telling me where the nearest forever 21 stories sure three blocks to your left [Music] i can't believe a thousand days allison can i get a pick too allison who wants to go first [Music] what is going on here why are they taking pictures with her you don't know who that is that's alison day she has like 25 million followers on tick tock so she's famous she's a multi-millionaire i can't believe you don't know who she is excuse me alison did you still want to try the dress on oh um actually i'm good i'll just go to forever 21 since it's the only place i can afford [Music] okay i will be back soon and don't forget i will be choosing the new manager today thanks miss baker i love your dress by the way oh thank you since i'll be the new manager soon you should start getting used to taking orders from me you can start by folding those clothes over there sure no problem oh hi welcome to ashley's um are you getting a gift for someone no i'm shopping for myself why we're not a plus size store so i don't think we'll have anything big enough for you no offense [Music] i have to take this it's my boyfriend um can you show the big girl where the nearest like plus size store is i'm so sorry about that we just got so many things i actually think you love do you want to come and see sure what good room started for you excuse me what are you doing um trying on clothes absolutely not i can tell you're way too big for them i'm just gonna stretch them out and ruin them valerie it's our job to let customers try things on besides you should never judge anyone by their size whatever if you ruin anything you're paying for it i'm so sorry about that and don't worry about it try anything on and if you need help i'll be here if you need me well what do you think i like them but they're a bit tight is that really a surprise actually i can take out the waist a bit let me go get my measuring tape hey what's it fatty i'm so sorry i didn't mean to do that well maybe if you lost some weight you wouldn't be knocking everything over is everything okay no this wide load over here just made a huge mess it's it's fine i'll pick them up and fold them again no what it's not fine i told you before that this store is not made for plus-sized girls now i need you to change out of those jeans before you rip them and leave okay i'm sorry next time listen to me okay it is time to choose the new store manager you know i must say that your skin looks amazing i wish my skin looked that good oh thank you so nice of you to say malory now before i choose there is somebody i would like you ladies to meet come on in what are you doing here uh this is my daughter ashley she's the reason i bought this store you see my daughter's been her size most of her life it's always bothered me how others stare at her and treat her differently [Music] but what hurts me the most is what happens when we go inside of stores i watch how salespeople laugh and make fun of her refusing to help her so you see i bought this store so that my daughter and every person no matter what their size would have a place to shop where they feel comfortable that's why i named the store after her ashley's that is such a beautiful story i actually love that and ashley if you ever need any oh save it she already told me how you treated her earlier that's why i've chosen to make lindsay the new store manager thank you for not judging my daughter based on her size i know that you will run the store exactly how i've envisioned it oh my god thank you so much oh wow what no what this isn't fair either i get that position or i quit oh no that won't be necessary because you're fired ashley will be taking your position what i don't believe this i'm so excited to be working with you actually thanks me too oh i still have those jeans from earlier on hold how about we resize them and lana can show you around sure i'd love that great just put whatever you want on the car okay thanks babe where are all the extra smalls can i get a little help over here sorry ma'am but we're actually out of all extra unbelievable you're not helpful at all i'll just find something else
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,868,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: g5zRCDBBq0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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