THIEVES Get TAUGHT Big Lessons, What Happens To Them Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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i would do anything to be able to buy that dress yeah me too it'd be the perfect dress for the dance this weekend i wish i had enough money tell me about it i only have 20 bucks and the dress i want is a hundred dollars well what if we go in there and steal it that's not funny julia oh i wish there was a way we can get that money soon oh my gosh louise it's a wallet it's her lucky day let me see that it looks like it's been through an explosion it belongs to andre gill i know this address he doesn't live too far well is there any money in it uh yeah there's 20 bucks i'm glad no one took it let me see that hey give it back come on finders keepers it's not my fault this guy lost his wallet that's stealing come on give it back please i know 10 for you intent for me think about it we'll be ten dollars closer to buying our dresses no look julia i've always believed that honesty is the best policy when you're an honest person it always comes back to you i don't need a lecture look we're going to this guy's house to give him back his wallet and before we do you're going to put the money back in the wallet yeah [Music] whatever okay julia we're here now put the money in the wallet no way just drop the beat up wall on the doorstep we're leaving no i'm not gonna do that come on now's your last chance do the right thing why'd you have to knock on the door just say there wasn't any money in it when we found it ugh i can't believe you louise what are you doing that's your last 20 you need that for your dress hi can i help you uh hello sir are you andre gill yes i am i believe this belongs to you oh my god you found my wallet i've been looking everywhere for and all the cash is still in it wow thank you so much no problem have a nice day sir wait a moment i'll be right back let's go [Music] here this is for you whoa i can't take that that's really not necessary please i really want you to have i appreciate it but honestly i can't take this it's probably more than the entire wallet it's worth itself no you have no idea how much this wallet is worth it belonged to someone very special in my life you see a long time ago the country was at war and my dad was in the army so he had to leave he said goodbye to me not knowing if he would ever see me again and then one day a soldier came knocking at my door he told me that my dad was gone he jumped on a grenade sacrificing his own life to save the lives of others it was the saddest day of my life because of the explosion they weren't able to recover much the only thing they did recover was this one so you see [Music] this wallet belonged to my father who died a hero and this is the last thing that i have of his so i can't tell you how much this wallet is worth oh my gosh i am so sorry for your loss your dad seems like an honorable man a true hero yes he was and my father would always say to me honesty is the best policy and if you're an honest person it will always come back to you so here please take this it's your honesty coming back to you wow thank you so much you don't know what this is going to do for me you will have a nice day you too wow i wasn't expecting that yeah i can't believe you were right this whole time honesty really is the best policy i feel so bad it's okay don't beat yourself up about it [Music] you know what this money belongs to you and from now on i'm always going to be an honest person that makes me so happy to hear you say that oh my gosh i just realized you have enough money to buy your dress oh wait i do but what about you don't worry about me come on i got the dress nice i'm so happy for you and i got you a little something too you did what is it oh my gosh she got me a dress too but i don't understand how do you have enough well it turns out the dresses are 50 off so i got one for me and you wow thank you now we're gonna be twinning at the [Music] oh dance please please please let me find a spot why is there never any parking oh there's a spot right there hurry up go get it get it get it get it no no no no damn it so glad we got this spot just in time [Music] excuse me sir i i really need this spot sorry lady but we got here first you're too late no but please you don't understand this is an emergency i need to be inside right now go find another spot all right yeah we have to go no please you don't understand okay what was that all about i don't know that was really weird [Music] that took i'm so sorry i i came as soon as i could how's my daughter doing i think you should take a seat is she okay i'm so sorry but her daughter passed away five minutes ago we tried everything to save oh her i i just left her for a moment i was coming back i promised oh god have a seat i'll bring him right out hey watch where you're going man oh i'm so sorry you know how expensive this suit is much more than you can afford you're probably right i'm really sorry sir some people anyway um let me get um three slices of cheese we have a five for five dollar deal if you want to add two more uh yeah sure one great have a seat i'll bring them right out uh what the heck okay five slices of cheese [Music] [Music] great pizza right this is unbelievable [Music] really you're gonna take the last slice of pizza oh sounds like you're hungry there you go that is disgusting what is wrong with you you know what you should be ashamed of yourself you should go out and get a job instead of eating other people's food [Music] here's your pizza sir no no no you already dropped mine off oh that was his pizza he ordered the same thing oh my god that was your pizza yes it was i'm so sorry that whole time i i thought you were eating my my pizza and then you split that last lace in half but why well i may not have much but i'm always happy to share i shouldn't have been so quick to assume please please have some of mine i'm more than happy to share jenna have you seen my jacket oh jenna have you seen my jacket i can't find it anywhere no i don't think so are you sure it was the the white pinkish blue one the one i just bought last week no sorry i haven't seen it i don't know where it could have gone where's my leftover spaghetti is that my spaghetti no i don't think so it has my name on it i was gonna eat that for dinner sorry i was really hungry you always do this i mean how would you feel if i ate your food it's not a big deal dakota oh my gosh have you not paid the power bill i was gonna i'll pay it tomorrow i've been giving you the money every month you haven't even paid it jenna this notice says that the power is going to shut off today relax okay i'll take care of it my jacket and there's a spaghetti stain on it did you do this look i was just trying it on okay don't worry about it i'm gonna get it cleaned for you how would you like it if someone did that to you you know you should always treat people the way you want to be treated don't tell me the power just went out this is unbelievable now we're stuck here in the dark i promise i'm gonna fix all this first you eat my food and then you ruin my jacket and now we're stuck here in the dark because you forgot to pay the power bill i can't do this anymore dakota where are you going to go and live my mama talk and find a new place you can look for another roommate dakota ends up packing her bags and moving out jenna eventually gets a new roommate to move in with her and things seem really great in the beginning but as time goes on she catches her roommate wearing her clothes eating all of her food and even forgetting to pay the bills things quickly went downhill with the new roommate so jenna asked her to leave jenna starts to miss dakota and really regrets the way she treated her a couple months later jenna decides to go visit dakota jenna what are you doing here i just wanted to come by and give you this i feel really bad about ruining your other jacket oh wow i didn't expect this look i'm really sorry about everything you were right i should have treated you the way i would have wanted to be treated do you think you can forgive me of course and actually your old room just opened up if you're looking for another place to stay [Music] i would love that well i guess i gotta get attacking then los angeles high school is now cut don't let him get to you yeah mom you are fired i'm going to make it on camera you can start a youtube channel the girl who cannot speak english is going to make it make all these videos by ourselves what a joke all you have to do is be yourself
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 3,215,670
Rating: 4.8668337 out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: 5WHolfBxlc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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