Racist KARENS Falsely Accuses BLACK MEN, What Happens To Them Is Shocking PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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hey you excuse me stop right there what are you doing with two bikes why because it looks like you just stole one i mean why else would you have two bikes if you really need to know some guy just stole it from a kid and i'm getting it back for you oh yeah right i know a criminal when i see one what you know you really shouldn't judge someone without getting to know them first my son and i just moved into this neighborhood and we don't need criminals like you ruining it hello yeah my name is karen i'd like to report a suspicious man who has stolen a bike come quick he's getting away i think he might have a weapon that is the man that stole the bike sir put your hands in the air where i can see them officer this is a big misunderstanding i was just trying to get the bike and return it to someone do you have any paperwork a registration for it no cause like i said this isn't mine don't believe a word he says how do i know you didn't steal it cause you got the wrong guy you see i was riding down the street when i saw a man trying to steal a bite from some kid i tried to stop him but he took off with the bike so i chased after him and after a long chase i was able to stop him and get the kids right back [Music] so you see i didn't steal this pike i was simply trying to return him to the kid who it belongs to all lies you can tell he isn't telling the truth just by looking at him look i'm sorry but if you have no way of proving your story to me i have to take you in office come on man get off the bike [Music] do you have any weapons on you or drugs no haven't done drugs ever in my life okay this is happening to me man well believe it and don't ever come back to this neighborhood again [Music] wait dylan why are you arresting him son this man is a criminal he stole a kid's bike no he didn't steal anything that's my bike he was helping to get it back for me what do you mean well i was on my way home when some man robbed me and stole it luckily he tried to help and chase down the robber get my bike back this man helped you that's what i've been trying to tell you well i am so sorry about the misunderstanding you're free to go ah i am so sorry i felt bad for how i treated you you're right i never should have judged you before i got to know you it's okay cause honestly this stuff happens to me all the time just glad little man got his bike back thank you and i'm grateful that we have good people like you in our neighborhood [Music] so then i said no honey that's caviar [Laughter] has anyone seen scott he's 30 minutes late i mean is that really a surprise hi we're here i and i'm so sorry coach the waitress that was supposed to relieve me was 30 minutes late but we are here hey scott hey coach go ahead and warm up your son is a great player but please try to get him here on time otherwise he's not gonna be able to play in the big match next week right right um okay i will thank you isn't this the second time this week your son has been late yeah yeah it is it's just so hard juggling work and being a mom all by myself you know you don't have a husband to help you no it's just me you're a single mom oh that is such a shame i'm i'm sorry well everybody knows a child needs a mother and a father to be successful i mean it's proven that kids from single-parent homes end up on the streets wow well tina thank you for your concern but that's not gonna happen to my son he's going to be just fine well you don't have to get defensive about it i'm just telling you the statistics i mean look at these kids they're all practicing with their dads and who's helping your son nobody which is why he's never gonna be any good at soccer for your information hey mom check out this trick i just learned from dad that is so good now get back out there and keep practicing with your dad so what tricks does your son know all right honey good luck okay okay oh what about my diet oh yeah ah let me get that okay okay okay um it's not perfect but it'll do okay thanks mom i didn't know scott was in speech and debate uh yeah he just enrolled and he's really excited about the upcoming tournament why does his suit look so big on him well i bought it at the goodwill um it's kind of hard to find the perfect size what you bought him a used suit that is so sad and what is up with that tie look i don't need you criticizing everything about my son or the way that i parent it's already hard enough being a single mom okay okay fine sheesh oh all i'm saying is that if he had a father he would at least have a proper suit and tie are you serious right now take a look around look at all these fathers who are helping their sons prepare and who is helping your son exactly which is why he's never going to be able to compete against the other boys look tina i am really getting tired of you dating the facts oh i know honey the truth hurts hey sweetheart you need anything i'm good thanks mom all right there you are and there you go and i apologize for the weight we've been a little short staffed it's not a problem oh hey samantha cute uniform hey let me know if you need anything else i didn't realize you worked here who's watching scott scott comes to work with me and he's right over there that poor kid he has to spend his weekends at a restaurant watching you work well actually he doesn't mind and besides it's a good way for him to get his homework done oh wow he doesn't have anyone to help him my husband always helps jeremy with his homework that's why he gets such good grades well i'm really happy for you that's really great but anyhow i've really got it oh hey he's probably going to graduate at the top of his class i am so proud of him um what kind of grades is scott getting i mean since he doesn't have a dad there's seriously enough with the single mother comments tina just because he doesn't have a father does not mean that he won't be successful you see when i found out i was pregnant it was the happiest day of my life well that is until i told my husband he didn't want to have any children or any responsibilities so he walked out on me on the spot and i couldn't stop crying and after scott was born i promised him that even though i was all by myself that i was going to be the best mom that i could ever be to him to give him the best chance at success possible and as he got older even though i would be exhausted by the time i got home from work i never let that stop me from playing sports with scott and even though i can't buy him new suits or even put on his tie perfectly i still make sure to help him prepare for everything that he wants to do in life and i know it isn't ideal to have scott wait around for me while i'm at work but whenever i get a free moment i help him study so that he can be as successful as possible even without a dad to help him so you see even though i have half the help i give my son twice as much love and that is all that really matters [Laughter] that is the silliest thing i have ever heard but hey if that makes you feel better you just keep telling yourself that okay samantha [Music] uh excuse me miss oh hey you better get going they may need you to take their dirty plates away samantha stands there so upset with what tina just said but also knowing deep in her heart that she was about to prove tina wrong the next week when the soccer match was taking place both teams were tied 2-2 with seconds remaining tina's son gets the ball stolen from him and everyone thinks their team isn't going to win except samantha's son comes out of nowhere and takes back the ball he kicks and scores the winning goal for his team everyone's so excited well almost everyone at least [Music] then at the speech and debate tournament tina's son gives a great speech to the entire class tina and her husband cheer their son on so excited for him to win the competition however when the teacher goes to give the trophy she walks right past tina's son and gives it to samantha's son instead who gave the best overall speech samantha and her son are so excited while tina can't believe what just happened and then a few weeks later tina comes to pay samantha a visit at the restaurant and there you go two spaghetti and meatballs is there anything else i can get you 99 out of 100. um give me one second my son he got 99 out of 100 on his report card [Laughter] [Music] wow so you came all the way over here to tell me that uh yeah i told you he would be top of his class [Laughter] wow tina that's really nice i'm really happy for you but now i really have to get back to you okay um i kind of forgot to tell you but i got my report card back and i got all eight pluses what let me see that 100 out of 100 [Music] no way see i told you he was doing just fine but how how could you do that without a dad to help you i don't need a dad i've got my mom and look i know that she has like half the amount of time to take care of me but she gives me twice the amount of love that's what really matters [Music] i love you so much [Music] and i am so proud of you i love you too mom so you see your honor it's without question that this defender did these crimes no that's impossible i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game he's lying you can tell by looking at him order defendant do you have any proof of your alibi uh uh no we don't have any proof your honor okay well if there's no evidence to corroborate robert's story the court finds the defendant robert williams guilty on all six counts of assault with a deadly weapon wait what what no no no no please he's not my baby boy he didn't do it i know he did it your honor please you have to believe me i'm innocent i put that on my life you know i didn't do this you know it order mr williams that's enough not another word we'll reconvene tomorrow for sentencing teddy no please don't go everything is gonna be okay sweetie i promise daddy loves you so much hey bus what if he's telling the truth what if we got the wrong guy well you don't think i know what i'm doing no no i'm not i'm not saying that i'm just wondering if maybe we shouldn't take another look at the facts i just want a case who cares whether he did it or not all that's important is i'm one step closer to a promotion and besides people like him they're all the same just a bunch of criminals please sir please it's never too late to do the right thing i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in la at a dodgers game yeah well i can see my headlines now d.a graham gives low-life criminal life in prison keep up the great work he's innocent he's innocent can you give us a minute yeah what are you talking about he wasn't in philly when it happened his story checks out look i have his credit card statements right here he was making purchases in los angeles while the crime was happening okay so well so if he was in los angeles when the crime was happening in philadelphia then it couldn't have been him we have to get these to the defense right away have you launched your mind i mean uh maybe somebody stole his card maybe he gave it to him i can think of a thousand reasons but sir that's enough the case is over you hear me now what i would suggest that you do walk the line so you can get ahead [Music] i have proof what is it now i contacted a local convenience store and i found a photo of him he bought a hot dog just before the game it's not possible take a look he couldn't have committed a crime in philly if he was buying a hot dog in l.a that neighborhood look like him it's him i had facial recognition confirm it has anyone else seen this no why good let's keep it that way i don't want you humiliating us or risking this case because you got some pictures that don't even look like the guy but sir quiet you want to lose your job i don't want to hear one more word about this case foreign you're not gonna believe this i have video evidence what are you talking about well a reporter was giving an interview outside of the game okay so so guess who walks by there that's robert he just walked through the background of the video i i can't believe this this proves his innocence we have to tell the judge all arise have a seat we have to tell the judge you don't have to tell a soul is everything okay mr graham anything you want to share no your honor very well mr williams these charges against you are not minor crimes federal statute requires a 25-year mandatory minimum sentence no please john i'm telling you i didn't do it you've already been found guilty so unless the people have anything else this court hereby sentences a defendant robert williams to 25 years in a federal prison without the possibility [Music] god wait excuse me hey i'm sorry your honor he didn't do it may i approach the bench you may your honor there is no way that mr williams committed those crimes you see i have here a credit card statement showing purchases made by the defendant with his credit card in los angeles on the same day that the crime took place in philadelphia and i also have a photo of the defendant in a convenience store here in los angeles buying a hot dog just mere moments before the crime took place and i have a video as well your honor that shows the defendant at dodger stadium at the exact time and date that the crime was taking place in philadelphia over 2 000 miles away so you see your honor robert williams could not have committed those crimes he was telling the truth all along is uh is all this true mr graham uh well why didn't you say anything because he was more interested in his promotion than he was in saving an innocent man from jail i presented him with all of this evidence your honor and yet he ignored it well would you expect huh okay so maybe he didn't do this crime but i'm sure he's done dozens of others look at him he's clearly a criminal your honor order i've heard all i've needed to hear mr williams the charges against you have been dropped you're free to go bailiff uncuff him immediately [Music] and you mr graham constructing justice and tampering with evidence is a very serious crime your honor i'm going to see to it that not only do you never practice law again but that we send the right man to jail this time you bailiff arrest him no no this can't be happening this case is dismissed [Applause] i love you so much i told you everything was going to be okay oh why did you help us well because a wise woman once told me it's never too late to do the right thing [Music] [Music] what about that guy over there he looks like a nice guy nice guy i'm not looking for a nice guy i'm looking for a guy that's rich someone who drives a nice car maybe like a porsche that guy over there looks like he drives an old volkswagen and now he's coming over here great um hi uh sorry to bother you uh my name's benjamin and i just wanted not interested uh well actually i was trying to talk to your friend here i would love to have a drink with you at the bar if that's okay with you didn't we just tell you that we're not interested besides we don't drink from the bar or vip bottle service only so get lost loser okay sorry to bother you hey wait i was gonna say actually i'd love to have a drink with you yeah yeah great i'll meet you over at the bar okay yeah see you there okay all right bye what are you doing he clearly doesn't have any money but he looks like a nice guy and that's all i care about besides you should never judge a book by its cover see this is exactly why you're gonna end up with a broke dude i wouldn't be surprised if he made you pay for your own drinks well how are you doing beautiful ah i'm better now what is your name well i'm richard but uh you can call me rich i like the sound of that well listen i just ordered a bottle of champagne in the vip you should come join me vip vip oh yeah just give me one second i'll be anything happy next time take my advice you won't have to end up with a broke guy have fun at the bar with broke benjamin so i don't think your friend likes me very much well she's a nice person but all she cares about is finding a rich guy who drives something like a porsche [Laughter] i feel like that's like every girl in l.a yeah is that what you're looking for as well oh no no no not me no no as long as he's a nice guy and has a good heart that's all that matters how much money he has doesn't really make a difference wow that's so refreshing to hear you seem like a great person it's pretty hard to find that nowadays here you are they're on the house thank you here wait why don't you just give these to you for free uh don't worry about it cheers cheers seriously here you go sir your bottle of champagne here you go all right here you go you can put it on this car man i could get used to this vip bottle service i knew i liked you rich oh didn't you enjoy thank you all right so after this when we go back to my place my car is parked right outside yeah i love that all right so my car is right over there oh wow is that a porsche yeah it is i knew it i knew you had a nice car from the moment i saw you i gotta admit i like you rich oh actually that's not my car well which one is it it's this one the volkswagen what you drive a volkswagen what's wrong with that ah i can't be seen dating a guy who drives a crappy car i thought you had money hey i've been looking for you everywhere is everything okay well it was it's not anymore come on let's get out of here i'll call this an uber oh molly you don't need to take an uber i can give you a ride what no she's not going in your busted whip wherever it is it's actually right here what this is your car yeah i thought you were broke you didn't even have bottle service at the club i don't need bottle service because i actually owned the club wait what yeah it's one of many well that explains the free drinks yeah why didn't you tell me well i wanted to make sure that you liked me because of me not because of my money can i give you that ride you sure can all right let's go okay um i'll meet you in the car just give me a second okay okay girl you should have taken my advice never judge a book by its cover i'll see you later this is the worst day ever if you can afford bottle service then why drive a crappy car hey is everything okay well no actually your credit card didn't go through do you want to pay this with cash or your debit card honestly i don't have this type of money in my account so i was trying to use credit better figure something out i know this is gonna sound awkward but um do you mind paying for the bottle service nice glasses we're not interested bye girls ever want to talk to me it's like the whole school thinks we're nervous there's nothing wrong with being a nerd hey you mind getting us some beers don't let him peer pressure into drinking you sound like such a dork nelson
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,364,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: kwpbMQ1Pk44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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