KIDS SHAMED For Their APPEARANCES, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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hey son yeah i'm just outside waiting for you yeah i got what you want don't worry about it hey you're not brad are you yeah how you know my name i'm nelson we went to the same school together nelson wait nerdy nelson oh man oh that's great i can't believe it's you man yep that's me i'm just here to pick up my son what about you uh same no it's report card day so i got them a little something to celebrate yeah i got something a little special for my son as well books it's just like nerdy nelson to get his son books as a gift i'm guessing he's just like you not very popular in school well i try to teach my son that being popular isn't everything well if you teach him that then he'll never be popular i bet you don't even buy him the newest shoes hey dad hey davey how did you do on that report card buddy i think i did all right take a look i got all these well i can't say that i'm surprised i'm so proud of you son got something for you to celebrate new books thank you so much you're the best i love you dad i love you too son here's the keys wait for me at the car okay thanks dad that's your son do they call him dorky dave no wonder why he's happy with books as a gift you know what i teach my son to appreciate everything that he has and he's perfectly happy with everything that i get for him you see my son may not always get the coolest shoes but he appreciates the shoes he has and that's more than enough for him and my son may not get the newest video games but he always gets the newest books and that's what helps him get ahead in school and my son may not be the most popular kid in school but he doesn't need a lot of friends he's got me and i'll always be his best friend so my son may not have the coolest new shoes or lots of friends or even the newest video games but he's a good kid and he appreciates everything that i do for him wow let me guess he's probably the biggest nerd in school too you know what i should teach you how to parent so the kid doesn't end up just like you hey dad do you my gift yeah hey buddy uh first let's see how the report card came out that doesn't matter do you have the games you promised me oh yeah yeah there you go nintendo switch i wanted an xbox no one plays nintendo anymore well you should appreciate what you have right no i wanted an xbox i can't believe you here's the stupid report card let's go [Music] small lesson on parenting it's not always about getting your kid what he wants sometimes it's about getting your kid what he needs best of luck to you and that's why i want to be a beauty influencer when i grow up because i've got the looks and the personality okay thanks avery now let's have priscilla go next [Applause] oh my gosh i'm so sorry avery nice job pepperoni face pepperoni face all right settle down class uh when i grow up i actually also want to be a beauty influencer so that i can wait what you want to be a beauty influencer but you've got pimples all over your face avery that's not nice i know but i want to show people that it's your imperfections that make you beautiful what would you know about beauty maybe you should just deliver pizzas pepperoni face avery that's enough good one so embarrassing hey guys it's priscilla the pimple popper and today i wanted to talk to you guys about moisturizing your skin look what we have here ladies it's pizza face priscilla recording a beauty tutorial i can't believe she actually thinks people want to watch her yeah her skin is so bad [Laughter] you know maybe if you washed your face you wouldn't have so many pimples well i i do wash my face but acne isn't something you can always control anyone can get it even you yeah right i've never gotten a pimple in my life you know maybe you should go wash your face again what but why record this well because you've got pizza all over your face [Applause] now you're pepperoni based for real did you get it yeah because you've got pizza all over your face i run away so fast [Laughter] there she is oh my gosh how embarrassing what's so funny i'll tell you what's so funny you know that video of you getting pizza in the face i posted it on tick tock it already has 7 000 views i can't believe you would do that come on who says they want to be a beauty influencer when their face is covered in pimples beauty is not about being perfect or having flawless skin like i said it's your imperfections that make you beautiful i mean your skin's not so perfect either looks to me like you have a breakout coming [Music] avery stands there devastated she can't believe she got her first pimple the next day avery wakes up to find herself having a complete breakout she can't believe what's happening at school she tries to hide it but she can't the whole class starts to make fun of her when they see her face including her own friends avery is so embarrassed and runs to the bathroom crying [Music] and then priscilla happens to see her hey are you okay no i can't believe i'm breaking out everyone's laughing at me hey don't let anyone else's opinions get to you besides acne is totally normal a lot of kids are aged get it but i've always had perfect skin now i look so ugly i'll never be a beauty influencer that's not true besides remember what i said priscilla oh my god i watch all of your tick tocks you do yeah every other influencer makes it seem like you have to be all perfect to be beautiful but i love how real you are you're like my favorite beauty influencer thank you so much see you can still be a beauty influencer with acne because it's your imperfections that make you beautiful exactly wow i'm so sorry for everything all this time i thought i had to look perfect thank you for helping me to see that i'm beautiful no matter what hey guys it's priscilla the pimple popper and today i have a very special guest here with me hey it's avery the acne assassin and today we're here for another skincare tutorial but wait aren't you missing something i don't think so that's better let's start today with a dad joke what's the leading cause of dry skin a towel [Laughter] i'm so excited to show you these new examples hey watch it oh my gosh i'm so sorry kelsey ew what the heck you wear wig oh well i uh get this nasty thing away from me hey why would you do that you got a problem that's what i thought and next time watch where you're going or i won't be so nice hey don't let kelsey get to you ever since her sister's been in the hospital she just has been different this one right here is the ombre wig i like to match it with this butterfly clip love that after school i'd love to help you design some of the wigs hey look everyone beth has no hair her new nickname should be bald bath bald bag stop that give it back oh is bob beth gonna cry say cheese now the whole school's gonna know how ridiculous you look good morning class everyone turn to chapter three we're gonna be learning fractions oh my gosh that's so embarrassing what happened to her hair look that's her what a freak [Music] [Music] look it's our school's very own freak show here show your friends look hey buddy you're famous why are you doing this to me oh relax i don't want you losing your hair over this whoops too late you already have kelsey come on honey we gotta go see your sister coming bye buddy hey sis how are you mom what's wrong with her why isn't she saying anything um chemo has been really hard on your sister honey i know you haven't seen her in a while but ah she lost her hair a few days ago and um she hasn't smiled since oh my god i'm so sorry mariah no i'll give you two time to talk okay hey sis please don't be sad don't you remember when we were little we used to laugh and play all the time you used to be so happy what can i do to make you smile again you what are you doing here shh hey mariah i'm beth one of the volunteers here i brought you a little gift which one do you like here's how you put it on [Music] it's that easy and you can even decorate it with some cute hair clips do you want to try one on let's go with this one can i put it on you great wow looks really good on you what do you think we can even decorate it with this cute butterfly clip do you like it [Music] i love it i used to wear a hair clip just like this thank you so much you're welcome i'll come see you tomorrow too hey wait i wanted to say i'm so sorry for how i treated you earlier ever since my little sister's been sick i haven't been the same it's okay i know how you feel you do my sister was sick too you see a few years ago my family and i found out that my sister had cancer [Music] of the review from chemotherapy she had to shave all of her hair off i never seen her cry so much so i did the only thing i could think of to help my sister shaved my head i wanted to let her know that we were in this together and she wasn't all alone [Music] so you see that's the reason that i walked and after my sister recovered i still shaved my head to help others like your sister know that they're not in this alone wow i can't believe it you're an amazing person [Music] thank you so much for helping my little sister [Music] you're welcome hey sis i have a surprise for you i shaved my head because i wanted to let you know that we're in this together and you're not all alone oh my god hey casey were about to do a take talk oh sorry now we got to start all over again hey you think i could be in it are you kidding me no way look at what you're wearing is that last year's ammo crossing t-shirt yeah why no one plays that anymore we'll play minecraft are your parents so poor that they can't even get you a new t-shirt wow my dad isn't around and my mom lost her job so things have been here gordon here are those clubs i was telling you about thanks mrs henry of course let me know if you need anything else okay okay is everything okay out here oh yeah everything's fine this time we're just being boys flying around okay wait don't tell me those are used clothes hey now i know why all your clothes are so old can't get the muse i gotta tell everybody hey everyone gordon gets his clothes from the goodwill [Laughter] come on joey give them back oh you want them back i'll give them back see you later goodwill gordon goodwill gordon that's a good one [Music] we should play arsenal yeah let's do it where's your tablet gordon oh uh mine's a little old and robux doesn't work on it well if it isn't goodwill gordon wait do not tell me that's your tablet yeah why when did it come out like 30 years ago anyways check out the new ipad pro my mom got me it costs over a thousand dollars look mine's a little old that's all my mom could get me okay let me see hey stop taking my stuff that's really mean you missed hamlet back be quiet don't even think about standing up for this loser it's what i thought can i please just have my tablet back fine give it back no wow i can't believe you did that you're insane you broke it whatever it's not like it was worth anything anyways how am i gonna get a new one fine i'll help you hey everyone goodwill gordon needs a new tablet he'll take anyone's used one just like his clothes have a good day loser [Music] so you guys want to come over my mom just got me a ps5 seriously yeah let's go okay cool wow how many times are we gonna see this loser today just leave me alone joey wait did not tell me that you have to ride that piece of junk home it's not junk my mom got it for me since she had to sell her car all right and this is the best she could do costs five dollars just like your tablet seriously i'd never be seen writing i'm not stuck having to ride that home my mom comes and picks me up in her brand new porsche every single day and look there she is now that's really good for you let me see that get my keys back sure i'll give them back go fetch why did you do that joey i cannot believe what i just saw we were just joking miss henry while joking at gordon's expense is unacceptable young man you two go home joey come with me what no we have to go talk to your mom please don't do that come on hello mrs henry how is everything fortunately not so good i just caught your son here bullying another student you need to have a serious talk with him or i will have to report it to the principal's office oh my gosh i am so sorry yes i will have a talk with him and make sure he learns a lesson i promise you this will not happen again i sure hope not joey what on earth did you do come on mom it's just good wool gordon it's not that serious goodwill gordon who is that just some pork that everybody makes fun of we're so clothes has a broken tablet and even rides a crappy bike home if you saw him you'd laugh at him too what no this is not how i raised you how would you like it if people made fun of you huh you should never judge someone before walking in their shoes whatever we're rich i'll never have to go through any of that now come on i want to play on my ps5 no just because we have money does not mean you treat people badly you know what from now on no new clothes no new ipad and you're going to bike home what you can't do that i just did it's either that or we let mrs henry know to report you to the principal [Music] so what's it going to be joey i can't believe this joey's so upset and can't believe his mom is taking all these things away from him the next day joey's forced to wear an old t-shirt because his mom took away all of his new clothes when his friends see him they laugh in his face and make fun of him during lunch when all of his friends are playing with their new ipads joey takes out an old tablet since his mom took away his new one everyone laughs and makes him feel really bad after school joey's mom doesn't come to pick him up in her porsche instead he has to bike home [Music] when his friends see him they all laugh at him joey feels so humiliated he now realizes how much it hurts to get made fun of and then a week later joey goes to talk to gordon hey gordon oh i don't want any trouble oh actually i came to say i was sorry you are yeah i shouldn't have judged you before walking in your shoes never knew how much it hurt to get picked on can you please forgive me wow that means a lot sure i forgive you thanks oh and i thought maybe i should give you this oh my gosh a minecraft t-shirt i've always wanted one of these thank you so much you're welcome and uh do you want to come over and play roblox well i'd love to but my tablet doesn't really work don't worry about it because it's time to get you a new one what no way i can't believe you caught this for me i've never had an ipad before this is the nicest thing anyone's ever gotten for me thank you so much you're welcome so should i meet you at your place i have my bike so i can't really ride in your car actually i'm biking too we can ride together hey everyone i've decided to hire allison day to help us out with our market she's like the queen of ticker is this top tick star going to solve all of our problems gold is gold allison i don't think i belong here oh my gosh
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,672,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: wUzaI2zhJBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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