Strangers CHANGE These PEOPLES LIVES, You'll Never Guess What Happens Next PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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hey watch it bro you just hopped on my shoes these are 300 sneakers i'm so sorry i didn't mean to do that how would you feel if i stepped in your shoes huh [Music] hey are you sam username sneakerkid33 yeah you must be skyler or should i say fly kick scale yep that's me and these are the limited edition sneakers you asked for wow they're perfect that'll be 200 okay i should have enough let me see 120 140 150 shoot i'm so sorry i don't think i have enough oh okay it's not a problem i understand 150 is fine wow really i thought for sure you're gonna say no well someone once taught me you have to always put yourself in other people's shoes because you never know what they're going through so i'm happy to help hey watch it bro you just hopped on my shoes these are 300 sneakers i'm so sorry i didn't mean to do that how would you feel if i stepped in your shoes huh oh uh i don't know because i i don't have any shoes to be honest i don't even remember how it feels wearing shoes i've been walking barefoot for months whatever man get lost anyway where were we um uh just one second excuse me sir i want you to have this what no i couldn't possibly take those that's too much no i insist no one should have to walk around barefoot so please take them really oh my god i don't know what to say thank you so much my feet have been hurting so bad lately i've hardly been able to walk [Music] you have no idea what this means to me god bless you god bless you too you can't be serious you just lost 150 to give some homeless man shoes yeah i did why in the world would you do that because i know what it feels like to not have any shoes you see a few years ago i waited at home for my parents to come back from work except they never ended up making it home i got a phone call saying that they had gotten into a car crash and neither one of them survived being all alone with no one to take care of me i ended up living on the streets things got so bad even the one pair of shoes i had fell apart but then one day a stranger came and saw the condition i was in even though she didn't even know me she decided to help me when i asked her why she told me something i'll never forget she said you should always put yourself in other people's shoes because you never know what they're going through [Music] so you see that lady changed my life forever because of her i bought some shoes and even started my own business of selling shoes online oh my god i'm so sorry you went through that thanks and i'm really sorry about your shoes but i'm sure you'll find a great new use of your hundred fifty dollars actually you're right uh there's something i have to do but it was nice meeting you flagging scale i'll never forget you [Music] excuse me sir please if this is about messing up your shoes i'm really sorry no no it's not about that i actually wanted to come here and give you this please take it but i don't understand i thought you were mad at me why would you help me well someone's taught me that you should always put yourself in other people's shoes because you never know what they're going through and i'm sure you need this more than me [Music] oh my god thank you so much this is going to change my life [Music] god bless you sir god bless you too [Music] and do you really need to be eating a candy bar right now i mean well yeah i do you see i have this condition you're still pushing up against me ah can't take this is everything okay over here no everything is not okay i shouldn't have to sit in the seat next to her [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi you're just in time darman's just about to get on stage great um are there any seats left uh yes there's one last seat towards the front ah and here's an outline of the program today's topic is compassion for strangers oh no need i'm just here because i heard that he gives away money at the beginning of all his talks is it true that the last time he gave away ten thousand dollars yes it's true wow i could buy so many louis vuitton bags with that i'm gonna go grab my seat is that seat open yep it's open have a seat i'm chelsea by the way i can't get by oh sorry these seats are so small it's not that the seats are small you're just too big do you mind moving so that i can get in i'm sorry tarman's one of my favorite motivational speakers i've got all his books how long have you been following him for i don't know who he is i just know that he gives away cash i'm here for the money oh um well you are gonna love the talk can you just scoot over you're all in my space oh yeah sure i'm sorry is that as far as you can go you're still touching me i'm i'm really sorry but this is as far as i can go all right everyone we are just about to get started darm man will be coming on stage momentarily yes i am so excited i've been wanting to see him in person for so long you know i think you're really gonna love this guy can you not talk with food in your mouth that's disgusting i'm so sorry and do you really need to be eating a candy bar right now i mean well yeah i do you see i have this condition you're still pushing up against me ah i can't take this is everything okay over here no everything is not okay i shouldn't have to sit in the seat next to her well i'm sorry ma'am but it looks like all of the seats are full this is ridiculous here you can take my seat i don't mind sitting there thank goodness excuse me sorry you had to deal with that i'm jake hey jake i'm chelsea nice to meet you i'm sorry there's not much room for you oh there's plenty of space don't worry about that compassion for strangers that's why we're here right yeah ladies and gentlemen please welcome your speaker darmian [Applause] hey guys thank you all so much for being here today as you guys know i usually like to start off my talks by giving back to my darman fam so who's ready to win a big prize [Applause] and today you're in for a real treat because i decided to do my biggest cash giveaway ever one hundred thousand dollars wow he's always so generous i hope it goes to someone who deserves it me too good luck so under every single seat here there is an envelope but only one of those envelopes contains a check for 100 000 please check under your seats now i won i won i can't believe it i won congratulations wait wait that's not fair that was my seat i should have won well actually you said you shouldn't have to sit in that seat so you gave your seat to him this is ridiculous i'm out of here young lady i'm about to give you something even more valuable than money can you give me just a moment of your time thank you chelsea can you please come up here thank you so you guys chelsea is actually a friend of mine and i asked her to come here today to talk about compassion for strangers but i'll let her tell you her story hi everyone i'm chelsea darr asked me to come here today to be a part of this talk you see no matter how hard i try i can't lose weight i've been this size for as long as i can remember every day people judge me some people even make mean comments but the one thing that hurts me the most is when no one wants to sit next to me today as i sat in my seat i fought back tears as i watched each and every one of the seats get taken except for the one next to me [Music] so you see dar purposely put the money under the seat next to mine to raise awareness because we knew the only person that would sit in that seat is someone who had compassion for strangers [Applause] [Music] are you mary johnson yes is everything okay i have an eviction notice for you right time's up take your things and go what no no no please sir i thought i had until 5 p.m i'm doing this all by myself no you had your chance this house has been sold in foreclosure so either leave willingly or you'll be arrested for trespassing your choice you don't understand my husband he left me with nothing i have nowhere to go i just need a little more time look lady that's your problem not mine help me the only person that can change the decision is the person who owns this house now i'm not going to ask you again gather your things and leave excuse me sir i'll handle it from here ma'am everything's gonna be okay buddy i don't know who you think you are but this woman is being evicted and the only person that can stop that is the owner of this house well she is the owner of this house i have the title whose name is on there mary johnson i don't understand i purchased the house from foreclosure i put mary's name on it and now she's the owner i had no idea i'll leave you to be i can't believe this i don't know what to say why why would you do this you don't even know me well you see when i was a child i was saved by a stranger who completely changed my life [Music] excuse me i'm sorry to bother you but i really need help are you okay no i i don't have anywhere to go or any money for food please i don't know what to do oh sweetie where are your parents they both just passed away i'm all alone i don't have anyone else i am so sorry let me see if i have anything okay look we've got our own problems we can't be helping anyone else come on let's go he's a child i have some cash i can give him what are you doing we can hardly afford rent this month besides we don't even know this kid he's probably gonna use it to buy drugs what if he's telling the truth i have to help him you are unbelievable i can't watch this you know what just take it all i hope it helps thank you so much but you don't even know me when you give you always get more back in return but how am i ever going to pay you back oh you don't have to pay me back just promise me that when you get back on your feet you'll help someone in need i promise here my mom always used to tell me mary johnson with this you'll have good luck good luck as i grew older i got into real estate because i never wanted to be homeless again over time i ended up becoming one of the top real estate investors in town and then recently while checking the foreclosure listings i saw a name that i would never forget mary johnson a name that changed my life forever i was that boy [Music] and i'll never forget the lesson you taught me you told me you should always help those in need because when you give you get back more in return [Music] oh my god i'm speechless thank you i don't think i'll ever be able to repay you [Music] mary just promise me when the time comes and you're back on your feet you'll help someone else in need okay i'm totally 14.87 this is six dollars and twelve cents i said 14.87 i thought i had one let me see this is all i have and you have to put something back you can take the mail out could you hurry up please i don't have all day buddy i'm really sorry daddy is something wrong no sweetie everything's okay total's now 1286. you still don't have enough listen you can take the cake out daddy no it's for grandpa's birthday he's been really sad peace you want to leave it or not you can take it don't know 604 next finally some people are just the worst i know right hey sweetie it's gonna be okay but grandpa has been so sadly and the cake would have made him so happy excuse me i i'm sorry i didn't mean to startle you i just saw what happened back there and i thought that maybe i could help so please take this wow man um thank you but but why are you doing this you don't even know us well i know what it's like to not have enough you see when i was a young boy my mother and i were homeless and we barely had enough money to eat we went to the grocery store and when my mom got to the cashier she didn't have enough money to pay we left the store empty-handed not knowing how we were going to eat that night but then out of nowhere an amazing man bought us some food we didn't know how we would ever repay him [Music] but he gave us this card and said the only thing we needed was to one day help someone else in need so you see i'll never forget that kind man he thought he was just giving me food but he gave me so much more than that a life lesson i'll never forget he made such a big difference in my life and he'll probably never know wow man that's a beautiful story my grandpa's gonna be so happy here take this [Music] just always remember to pay it forward and help someone else in need i will thank you mister [Music] hey dad we got something for you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear dad happy birthday to you this is lovely my favorite cake grandpa why are you crying it's nothing sweetie i'm fine please dad just just tell us what's wrong it's just that i turned 76 years old today and lately i can't help but wonder has my life had any purpose have i made any difference in this world please dad don't talk like that it's like today is your birthday we want to celebrate that [Music] okay i'm sorry let's do that but son how could you afford to buy this cake i know things have been hard just to be honest i didn't have any money but there was this man who he bought everything for us and the only thing he asked us to do in return was to do it for someone else in the future he even gave us his card he said that someone gave it to him when he was little [Music] dad is everything okay listen i just realized that my life did make a difference now who wants the first piece me i know me excuse me dad i'm your child only way you have a grandchild is because of me hi welcome to ashley's we're not a plus size store can you show the big girl where the nearest like plus size i'm so sorry about that i'll be here if you need me what do you think they're a bit tight hey what's it fatty i'm so sorry i changed out of those jeans you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,040,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: WT5AsrppUTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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