TOXIC People At RESTAURANTS Instantly Regret Their Decisions | Dhar Mann

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there you go birthday boy oh you look so handsome thanks let's go okay i am so excited to take you out on a birthday dinner but i don't think i'll need my jacket it is just so hot what are you doing no put put your jacket back on but it's hot out i don't think i'll need it look how big your stomach looks in that dress i'm not gonna be seen with you looking like that wait you don't like the dress i bought it just for your birthday dinner the dress isn't the problem ashley your weight's the problem put the jacket back on and let's go james roy what's up man how you been i've been good we were just about to have dinner oh i don't think you've met my girlfriend violet wow this is your girlfriend yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you too man your girl is hot thanks man what about you you know it's actually really funny hey baby sorry i'm late how to get a little surprise oh hi i'm ashley i'm roy this is my girlfriend violet nice to meet you you are so pretty thank you so is this your girlfriend friend she's just a friend and actually we're running really late to something so uh we gotta go it's nice seeing you guys nice to see you hey why'd you tell him i was just a friend because i don't want him knowing that i'm dating a big girl [Music] so i got you something for your birthday okay so i've got a burger and a salad i'm assuming the salad is for you no she actually got the burger but she should be eating the salad my apologies enjoy thank you anyway like i was saying here's your gift [Music] tickets to hawaii yeah i booked us a little getaway swim trunks keep digging a bathing suit and for us to wear at the beach you're going to be wearing this yeah why what's wrong you don't like it no i don't want to be seen with you in a bathing suit maybe if you weren't so big it wouldn't be such a problem you know [Music] it's not about what's on the outside it's about what's on the inside i give you compliments i make you feel special i get you thoughtful gifts isn't that enough no it's not i'm sorry i can't do this anymore it's over ashley look i need to be with someone who isn't twice my size [Music] and you know maybe maybe if you ate salads instead of burgers you wouldn't look like such a whale [Music] james breaks up with ashley and leaves her there heartbroken before long james moves on and hits it off with a skinnier girl everything seems to be going great in the beginning that is until he begins to notice that his new girlfriend doesn't treat him like ashley did she would never compliment him she was never excited to be seen with him and would never care about being thoughtful he started missing the way ashley used to treat him [Music] a few months went by and then one day james happened to run into ashley ashley james wow it's been a minute how have you been um i've been better my girlfriend and i just broke up if i'm being honest i've been thinking about you a lot lately really yeah like i missed the way you used to make me feel and i was thinking hey baby hi sorry i'm late i got you a little surprise oh thank you hey i'm arthur hey is she your my girlfriend and you are um i'm the he's just a friend ah okay hey it's kind of hot out uh are you sure you want to wear this jacket you're right hey let me take that for you oh thank you wow hmm you look stunning in this dress [Music] let's get going oh absolutely wait you're not embarrassed to be with a girl that's bigger than you are you serious no way first of all it's not about what's on the outside it's about what's on the inside and besides there's more to love it's nice to meet you friend have a seat i'll bring him right out hey watch where you're going man oh i'm so sorry you know how expensive this suit is much more than you can afford you're probably right i'm really sorry sir some people anyway um let me get um three slices of cheese we have a five for five dollar deal if you want to add two more uh yeah sure why not great have a seat i'll bring them right out what the heck okay five slices of cheese [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] great pizza right this is unbelievable [Music] really you're gonna take the last slice of pizza oh sounds like you're hungry there you go that is disgusting what is wrong with you you know what you should be ashamed of yourself you should go out and get a job instead of eating other people's food [Music] here's your pizza sir no no no you already dropped mine off oh that was his pizza he ordered the same thing [Music] oh my god that was your pizza yes it was i'm so sorry that whole time i i thought you were eating my my pizza and and then you split that last lace in half but why well i may not have much but i'm always happy to share i shouldn't have been so quick to assume please please have some of mine i'm more than happy to share [Music] oh my gosh brett okay here's your suit it's totally okay it's it's fine are you joking i'm so so sorry really i didn't mean to what are you doing that soup is really hot what are you trying to do burn her so she ends up looking like you [Music] i can't believe you brought me roses so tell me what this is all about sorry babe you're just gonna have to wait and find out hello my name is sam are we celebrating something special whoa what's up with you i'm not sure this whole date is a surprise wow how exciting i i can't even remember the last time i was on a date anyways here's a menu for you and a menu for you too look i'm sorry but is it possible to get another server um i'm actually the only server working is everything okay well i don't want to be mean but your scars are kind of hard to look at brett it's fine honestly i get this all the time you see i was in a house fire when i was a child and you can spare us the details just bring me a caesar salad sure thing and for you man i think i'll just start with the soup please perfect one soup and one salad i'll be right back you see that guy's face no wonder he hasn't been on a date in a long time who would ever want to be with someone who looks like that don't say that it doesn't matter what's on the outside it's what's on the inside that counts good one well luckily you're as beautiful as ever which is why i brought you here today eileen getting to know you these past few months has been amazing and i've never felt this way about anyone before will you be my girlfriend oh my gosh brett okay here's your soup oh it's it's totally okay it's it's fine are you joking i'm so so sorry really i didn't mean to what are you doing that soup is really hot what are you trying to do burn her so she ends up looking like you right hey it's okay it was an accident and there is nothing wrong with the way that you look eileen why are you being nice this man after what he just did i am not gonna sit here and let you treat him this way anymore well it's not my fault he looks the way he does well if you're gonna treat him this way then you should probably treat me the same way what are you talking about why would i do that because i also have burns spread and i know how it feels to be treated this way you see when i was really young my house caught on fire i don't remember much all i know is that i barely survived i ended up in the hospital with bandages all over my body when the nurse finally took them off it turned out half of my body was covered in burns the fire burned me bad but do you know what burned me the most it was how other people would stop and stare at me they'd laugh and point at me like i was some sort of monster so you see i have spent much of my life crying because of how people treated me [Music] i won't let you treat sam that same way oh my god eileen i'm so sorry i had no idea well now you know so i'm sure you're going to treat me the same way you treated him no no no no i won't i was wrong it's not about what's on the outside it's what's inside that counts i still really want to be your boyfriend i don't think things will work out what no eileen please come on don't do this i've already made up my mind and sam i'm really sorry for the way that brett's treated you thanks eileen i really appreciate that and i'm sorry for everything that you went through too you know if you're ever interested i really love to go out on a date with you sometime really oh my god [Music] go watch in a few months i'll be the head chef of this kitchen yeah i want to be head chef too but come on man it's our first day on the job give it time i don't have time i want it now [Music] jake you can't cook eggs on high heat good eggs have to be cooked slowly otherwise they'll be dry ah look the faster i cook these eggs the more customers i can feed common sense gordon not everything is meant to be done fast some things require patience [Music] wow kevin this tastes amazing it's got so much flavor i can tell you really took your time with me thanks guardian i can tell you really took your time with it whatever man you want to see now behind are you serious watch where you're going now i'm going to cook this all over again i'm so sorry man it's okay just clean it up and make some new eggs what no way i'm a cook not a cleaner get that server to clean it look in the beginning you have to do every test that is required you think that i didn't have to pick up any spills it took me years before i became head chef well i don't have years i'm trying to get the spread now success comes with patience jake great things take time hey it's okay i can clean it up and make some new eggs no this is something for jake to work on [Music] so are we gonna clean it [Music] [Music] i don't have time for this i'll go by the head chef at another restaurant i quit quit jake ends up quitting his job and starts applying at different places before long he lands a job at a new restaurant he tells himself that in no time he's gonna become the head chef meanwhile kevin continues to be patient and put in the hard work gordon is so impressed with his commitment and dedication results he's over time kevin's dedication finally pays off gordon retires and means that making you happy to while jake's life starts to go downhill he ends up going from job to job getting hired at a new restaurant and then quickly quitting or getting fired [Music] a few years pass and then one day jake happens to run into kevin kevin jake yes how you been um not so good things really haven't panned out the way i'd hoped i actually came back looking for gordon to see if i could get a job here again oh gordon's not here anymore he retired he retired then who's the head chef you're looking at him what no way [Music] congrats man um so do you think i could get a job here as a cook again [Music] actually cody's a new cook here he just got promoted but if you want we do have an opening for a server [Music] sure why not now i realize that success does require patience and great things really do take time i'm glad you realize that why don't we get you started [Music] all right all right everybody listen up this is a kitchen star the highest and most exclusive honor any restaurant can get it is the main reason why giovanni's has been so busy yeah well that's great for you but how does that help any of us it's not like you've paid any of us anything more last time i checked the name of the restaurant was the giovanni's not fred or roy whatever your name is you still have a job right so maybe you should be grateful for that anyway there is only one thing that is more prestigious than a kitcheland star and does anybody know what that is yeah two kitcheling stars now we have an inspector coming today and if he or she likes us we will get that second kitchen star and then i will really be rolling in the dough [Music] you get it rolling in the dough the point is i need all of you to be on your a game today so chop chop hello sir how may i help you hi like a table for one please sure right this way no no no you're not welcome here excuse me look i have a very important person coming here later today remember and i don't want them to think that this is the kind of place where people like you hang out i'm sorry what do you mean people like me that must be the inspector look i do not want her to see that we have a homeless person here what do you want me to do see him in the back where nobody can see him and hopefully he won't stink up the joint yes sir [Music] sorry about that i can take you to your table now [Music] hello welcome to giovanni's i am giovanni the giovanni well i must say i did not expect to meet the owner up front you really know how to treat your customers well it's like i always say treat every customer with respect because they are the key to success well i i really love that uh do you mind if i take notes no no no i don't mind at all please follow me right this way right here best seat in the house oh thank you here's your menu now as you may know we are a one kitchen star restaurant but we are hoping that in the very near future we can be a two kitchen star restaurant [Laughter] is that so yes excuse me um let me tell you a little bit about some of my favorite items on the menu the french onion soup is this recipe it is absolutely excuse me i think that man is really trying don't worry about him see sometimes we give free food to the homeless you know as a way of giving back to the community it's uh it's part of giovanni's commitment to helping others um i really love that thank you over here um how about this you read through the menu and i will be right back what do you want i'd like to place an order do i look like a server to you by the way how are you going to pay for this this food is not free i just got to pay cash let me see the cash up front what really i know about you people dine and dash well it ain't gonna happen in my joint i either see the cash up front or you're not eaten okay there that should be enough you come here here give this guy a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of water yes sir what that's not what i want you are lucky i let you eat here at all now do not give me any more problems [Music] and delicious i have to say giovanni oh no please call me geo okay geo you really know how to take care of your customers well thank you it's like i said before treat every customer with her excuse me hello i'm so sorry i will be right back [Music] and you are going to love your dessert i can't wait [Music] what is it any idea how much longer until i get my food hello [Music] what's that what's what that i'd like to order something listen to me old man the only reason i let you eat here is because i have an inspector sitting over there and i am trying to get my second kitchen star otherwise i would have kicked you out into the street [Music] sorry about that sometimes our charitable program can get a little challenging but at the end of the day it is so worth it anyway here it is giovanni's world famous double chocolate cake and the chocolate is imported all the way from italy oh really well i'm impressed impressed enough to give us a second kitchen star maybe i'm i'm i'm sorry come on i know who you are you're the inspector that's why you've been taking notes the whole time no no i'm actually taking notes because i plan to open my own restaurant someday they're purely for inspiration [Music] okay so wait if you're not the inspector then [Music] who is one last thing before i go i'll be taking this what give that back to me what are you doing with my kitchen star i never had a chance to formally introduce myself my name is davis inspector davis i'm in charge of giving stars to restaurants okay all right inspector davis i i am sorry i'm sorry i see excuse me wait a minute you wanted a piece of chocolate cake let me give you a slice of chocolate cake it is to die for please that's all right i won't be eating here again and after my review lots of other people won't either okay wait wait wait please and to everyone that works here here's a few of my business cards if you're ever looking for something new i know a lot of great restaurants that pay really well no no no no no no you cannot do this out of all people i thought you would know to treat every customer with respect because they're the key to success good luck to you nice glasses we're not interested bye girls ever want to talk to me it's like the whole school thinks we're nervous there's nothing wrong with being a nerd hey you might get some beers don't let him peer pressure you into drinking you sound like such a dork nelson
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,797,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: xO5ThV6anAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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