TOXIC MEN Disrespect Their WIVES, They Instantly Regret It PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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oh honey all of these gifts for my birthday let me guess one of these has disneyland ticket well find out rent i don't get it what's this well who do you think paid for the rent the entire year so happy birthday you have a roof over your head okay thank you honey this one is the one with the disneyland ticket isn't it groceries i don't understand what's there not to understand who do you think pays for groceries the entire year so happy birthday you have a refrigerator full of groceries you got me groceries for my birthday what that doesn't cost money you know it's about time that you start appreciating these things okay wedding ring i don't get it you got me note cards for my birthday no cards did i not get you a wedding ring earlier this year you don't think about all the things i do for you all year long huh but it's my birthday so i thought i don't know maybe you'd do something special something special so paying for rent buying groceries and getting you that wedding ring that's not special enough huh how are you so unappreciative watch where you're going man i'm so sorry i got distracted with all these presents it's my wife's birthday and i'm on my way to surprise her all those gifts are for your wife don't you do enough for her already all year long i i don't know what you mean don't you pay rent buy groceries and i'm sure you got her a wedding ring too right yeah i got her all those things so isn't that enough why do you need to do something special for her birthday i i think you got it all wrong man you see i may pay the rent for the house we live in but she's the one who turns our house into a home she takes care of all the laundry keeps our house clean and gives me a place to look forward to come home every day and i may pay for the groceries yes but she's the one who turns those groceries into hot meals no matter how tired she is she'll always make me my favorite meal every single day and yes i may have bought her a wedding ring but she's the one who turns that wedding ring into a happy marriage she's the most loving caring and loyal person i've ever met so yes i take care of the rent and i pay for the groceries and i bought her the wedding ring too but she does a lot too man so she still deserves presents on her birthday i guess i just looked at it from my perspective i never realized that she does a lot for me hey i'm sorry for lashing out the way that i did hey man forget about it we've all been there right you're gonna figure it out i know you will [Music] hey honey can you come down here please [Music] what's going on i'm sorry before earlier i realized i was looking at things just from my point of view and i'm the one who's being unappreciative what's this more note cards just open it [Music] a mickey mouse shirt minnie mouse ears [Music] for your birthday well but with only one condition what is that that you wear this minnie mouse ears for the rest of the day happy birthday baby [Music] just like that daddy how's work hey sweetheart it was long starving what's for dinner oh hi i was just about to start cooking you still haven't made dinner yet no um and this kitchen it's a complete mess see i don't understand you're a stay stay-at-home mom so what do you been doing all day you're baking cupcakes again selena we talked about this [Music] honey why don't you give your daddy an eye a moment huh sweetheart okay do not tell me you're trying to start this dumb baking business again carlos before you say anything please just try one of these they're delicious i don't care the last time you tried starting this cupcake business it was a complete disaster i know but do you know how difficult it's been to stay home all day ever since rosa was born i want to feel inspired again please just give it one more chance i know this can be big my job pays me six thousand dollars a month how much did your failed baking business bring in nothing instead it put us 10 grand in credit card debt that i'm still trying to pay off that's why we decided you would take care of rosita in the house and i would work but carl nada if you were the breadwinner of this house and could bring in more than six grand then i'd gladly stay home and let you work until then know your role are we expecting someone can i help you hi i have a delivery for selena sweets selena sweets yes have a good day yes they're here what is this i thought i told you no more online shopping this isn't shopping this is more like an investment see this is a new packaging for my business [Music] you spent a hundred dollars on some worthless boxes how did you pay for this i put it on our card but don't worry about it i already have my first order so i'll be able to pay it off quickly you see you can't be serious you're getting us even deeper in credit card debt i'm not trying to add to our debt carlos i'm trying to help you pay it off just give this idea a chance please mommy is dinner ready i'm hungry no rosa dinner is not ready because your mom is more worried about wasting our money than feeding her own husband and daughter what a great wife and mom you are [Music] it's not like that at all i'm sorry baby i'm gonna start dinner right away okay [Music] i'm home oh hi honey don't worry dinner's already done and i made your favorite enchiladas this is more like it i even cleaned the kitchen did you see come on take a seat i'll get you a fork i also have one more surprise really what my first payment 200 can you believe it good we can use this towards the credit card that you stuck us with yeah well i um i was thinking that maybe we can reinvest that and i can get some more supplies and i can make some more money and i can help you pay off the credit card debt sooner are you seriously still talking about this no i already told you your job is to take care of this house that's it but carlos i've already made a hundred dollar profit just in a day a hundred dollars in one day i make that in three hours but carlos this has always been my dream all i've ever wanted is to have this i can't believe how ungrateful you are to be able to stay home and do nothing if you were the bread winner i'd happily stay home and not complain the way you do how am i supposed to make money if i can't work all i need is a month please carlos having a baking business has been all i've ever wanted just one month carlos please fine i'll give you a week and that's it and if when you fail i never want you baking again you understand [Music] yeah okay fine i'll use this no this is going towards our debt and i cancel your credit card so you don't make any more bad decisions well how am i supposed to buy any more supplies maybe you should just give up now then [Music] you know you just ruined my appetite with all this complaining thanks a lot carlos [Music] selena starts to cry feeling like her dream has been shattered but then she gets a phone call that would change her life forever hello oh hi mr man you want to place a bigger order a thousand dollars really well i um actually don't have the money to you'll pay up front of course yes thank you so much yes bye oh my god oh my god yes honey yes mommy uh-huh where's dad oh um he'll be right back honey why don't you go sit down and have some dinner go ahead [Music] so sweetheart after dinner do you want to help mommy bake some more cupcakes of course selena now feels more inspired than ever she uses the thousand dollars to get more supplies and keeps baking with her daughter as word spreads about her delicious cupcakes selena gets more and more orders she starts to earn more cash than she ever has before [Music] she reinvests that money to expand her baking operation by using her friend's commercial kitchen and even hire some people to help her selena was finally doing what she always dreamed of a full week goes by and then one day her husband comes home from work more packages this place is a complete mess oh i'm sorry honey i am gonna move all this stuff tomorrow good i'm glad this week is over so you can give up on that dumb idea of yours oh i meant i'm going to be moving this stuff into my new kitchen you see i'm going to continue working instead what are you talking about i told you you have seven days and your time is up you've already stressed me out so much with this 10 grand debt i don't need any more problems what that do you have amnesia the one you stuck us with the last time your bright idea didn't work oh yeah um you may want to take a look at that again what did you find a way to charge up more on our card [Music] zero balance i don't understand how did this happen now this must be some mistake it's not a mistake carlos i paid it off you see while you've been working i also have been working well rosa and i and a few friends now that's not possible that would mean you made 10 grand in a week well actually she made more than that is this for real oh my gosh i can't believe this selena yep and i just signed a huge contract to supply cupcakes to some local restaurants so i guess you can say things are on the up and up wow i'm so proud of you honey i think this calls for a celebration of our dinner what'd you make i'm starving oh actually i didn't make anything i was waiting for you you see because i made more than six grand technically that makes me the breadwinner so i thought maybe you should be taking care of dinner instead okay you can't be serious i know nothing about cooking you better learn and hurry up because rosa and i we're starving [Music] oh shoot we're gonna be late let's go okay seriously you're really wearing heels gina yeah i just bought these aren't they so cute no they make it look like a giant you're already too tall as it is i don't need you looking any taller just take them off but i i didn't bring any of the shoes to uh this is gonna be so embarrassing hey matt it's good to see you man hey you're my new girlfriend rosa pleasure to meet you rosa wow you're a lucky man she's lovely do you guys have any more wine glasses yeah i'll get them so what's up man all right are you seeing anyone i don't know oh um no one special sorry can one of you help me i can't reach the wine glasses sure they are really hard to reach we might need a chair i can help you there you go helps havon arms thanks you must be a mets a friend she's um my friend nice to meet you cheers to uh matt's friend [Music] what are you trying to do embarrass me no i was only trying to help well don't unless you like people thinking you're a giant gina the giant has a ring to it doesn't it it's been a lot of hard work explode bombshell [Applause] gina you're nice okay let's do it all right gina okay oh my god giraffe giraffe crane skyscraper giants yes yes that's it babe isn't that so funny we were just talking about that you really think this is all funny they are laughing at you not with you matt wait hey what's going on is is everything okay of course it's not didn't you see how they were all laughing at you for being a giant i'm sorry i i didn't take it like that what if i took my hands off you still look like a giant look i really tried to make this work gina i i told myself okay she's a little tall so what she treats you good she cares a lot about you but but i'm sorry i i just can't tonight really confirmed it all for me what all of this just because how tall i am like i can't control that well that's too bad then isn't it you know i'm such a good girlfriend to you and all you care about is my height one day you'll realize it's not what's on the outside that matters it's what's on the inside not to me take care matt breaks up with gina and leaves her there heartbroken before long matt moves on and starts a relationship with the new girl things seem to be going great until he starts to notice that she doesn't treat him as good as gina had she wouldn't pay attention to him and was always distracted and she never even wanted to be seen in public with him she made him feel like he was worthless the same way he made gina feel matt quickly began to miss his ex-girlfriend a couple months go by and then one day he happens to run into gina hi reservation under the name gina sure just give me a minute gina wow i i can't believe it's you oh hey matt how have you been um i've i've been better actually my uh girlfriend i just broke up so things have been kind of hard oh no i'm so sorry that's okay it was probably for the best she didn't treat me the way the way you did you know i thinking about you a lot lately do you think we could maybe try again excuse me hey you mind taking a picture for me please oh uh yeah yeah sure just give me a second come here babe [Applause] oh is she or she's my girlfriend isn't she beautiful yeah but doesn't it bother you being with someone you know so much taller than you are you kidding me absolutely not look man for me it's not what's on the outside that matters but what's on the inside and look great things come in tall packages [Music] thank you so uh do y'all do know each other from somewhere yeah she was my friend he was he was just my friend your table's ready oh great good to see you matt take care come on rachel we're already late the memorial's about to start i can't find my phone i think i lost it can you call it i swear you're always losing things let me see this there you know you need to start being more responsible with your stuff responsible are you kidding i'm not the one who got us late to begin with oh sure yeah blame it on me like you always do you know i was waiting for 30 minutes and just because i needed to use the bathroom before we left doesn't mean i'm the one who made us late can you lower your voice you don't have to be so aggressive you're making us even more late right now you know what you can sit by yourself good i didn't want to sit with you anyway [Music] hello everyone thank you so much for being here to remember my wife josephine she was an amazing woman always put others before herself and loved her family more than anything in this world i want to share a personal story with you about something i really regret if there is anything or there is any advice i can give you from my 25 years of marriage it's to spend more time loving each other and less time sweating the small stuff you see the last time i saw my wife we had gotten into an argument you know you left the toilet seat up again how many times have i asked you to stop doing that well why don't you just push it down it'll take a lot less effort than coming here and complaining omar all i'm asking you to do is just to please simply push the toilet seat down after you used it i mean is that too much to ask look honey let's just not argue about this okay all right omar this omar that why does it always have to be my fault you know it wouldn't be your fault if you would just simply push the toilet seat down like i've asked you to do a thousand times you know what i'm gonna go watch the game somewhere else i am so sick of this you're sick of this i'm sick of you that was the last time i ever saw her she ended up getting into a car accident later that day and now all i can think about is that those were the last words i ever said to her just i want you to know that i put the toilet seat down for you this morning that i'm not sick of you i love you and i miss you so much so you see please spend more time loving each other at this time sweating the small stuff thank you so much for listening [Music] look justin i just want to say i am so sorry rachel i'm sorry too [Music] you never should have thought about something so small i know it's so stupid i'm not sick of you i love you so much i love you too i promise going forward i'm going to spend more time loving you and less time sweating the small stuff me too my dream has always been to become an actor i don't want to embarrass you at your very first audition maybe i'm too old you're never too old to follow your dreams if i wanted an old lady i would have gone to a nursing home bye-bye you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,295,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: _pc_bTj6mPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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