Fake Friends Sabotage Real Friends, They Live To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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jen will be here any minute so i'll see you later tonight jen babe i really wish you'd stop hanging out with her we've been friends since middle school what do you want me to do look she's not a good friend she uses you for your stuff she puts you in these uncomfortable situations and honestly i don't think you're safe around her door's open hey girl hey i'm so excited about tonight oh but do you think i could borrow one of your jackets i'll give it back to you i promise sure of course okay so what i want to know is why chris hates me so much he doesn't hate you he's just he's worried about me that's all i'm worried what is there to be worried about you're with me come on well hello ladies hey listen i'm having a party tonight at my mansion lots of uh well-known people are gonna be there why don't you uh come no we're good thanks uh yeah don't listen to her we'll come jen no i'm not okay with this we don't even know him look we'll just check it out and then leave plus i'm driving so you really don't have choice [Music] fine so where is everyone relax they'll be here but in the meantime anybody want to get turned up i have party favors oh heck yeah let's party jen what are you doing you relax for once just live a little you know what i'm out wait look i'm sorry okay no more drugs i just don't feel comfortable i'm going home please don't leave i don't want to be alone just one more drink and then we'll leave okay okay one more drink [Music] [Music] this is stupid you know what just let me out of the car right now [Music] [Applause] all right babe i'll be back in a few hours i'm heading out with dom dom dom is always getting you into trouble i've known him since high school what let me stop being friends with him he's bad news he's always using you for money he always has girls around him and he puts you in unsafe situations all the time don't worry i won't let him pressure me just be safe okay i'll be back in a few hours [Music] dom what you doing at the liquor store yo i'm over and then and grab a bottle what you want i got you i'm good thanks though shooting by the money i know you got something little bro come on good luck you know man camera's rolling and let's get it come on hey guys hey who are they let me introduce you this is tatiana this is brianna you did not tell me there was gonna be girls coming i thought i was just gonna be us fellas can you relax it's all good man come on all right i guess here thank you honey where are we going to some spot i mean you and the girls just like old times here loosen up a little bit no thanks i'm good more for me dom you're driving you shouldn't be drinking are you tripping bro just a couple shots ain't gonna do nothing this is stupid you know what just let me out of the car right now barbara hey hi stacy it is really good to see i know i can't believe it's been a year you remember back in high school we couldn't even go two hours without talking to each other so how's life life actually i um i have something really important to tell you wait before you say anything you are not going to believe this i got engaged oh wow um that's amazing i'm really happy for you robert did so good didn't he i told him he didn't have to get me a rock this big but you know that man cannot be stopped tower things with you and kevin [Music] kevin actually kevin and i oh wait hold that thought i just have to tell you i got a promotion at work you are now looking at the senior vice president oh that's great stacy um i'm really happy that all these wonderful things are happening for you right they told me that i am the youngest female ever to be promoted to senior vice president but enough about me how are things at your job my job unfortunately can i get you ladies started with anything uh i will have a greek salad dressing on the side um i'm not hungry um i'm okay thank you okay then uh i will get that right now for you thank you so um as i was saying uh barbara you're not gonna eat you've got to stay fueled up our annual half marathon is coming up we've never missed a year you're still going to do it with me right our marathon oh stacy that's not going to be possible because actually i oh i'm sorry i've got to take this senior vice president duties [Music] [Applause] hello laughs uh [Music] uh excuse me have you seen my friend oh she just left actually she left why would she leave that's rude no i don't know oh you know um she actually asked me to give you this dear stacy i'm so happy for your promotion your engagement and your health i wish i had some good news to share too but you see i've been having a lot of health problems i was bedridden and i was missing out on a lot of work so my boss called me one day and told me that i was fired [Music] so my work isn't going so well i kept on getting more and more sick and because i've been so sick it has caused a lot of stress on my marriage so kevin told me one day that he was leaving me so my marriage has fallen apart and then yesterday i received a letter from the doctor i found out the reason that i've been so sick is because i have cancer it's in its final stages so i'm sorry stacy but i won't be able to run with you next month because i most likely won't be here anymore i was trying to tell you all of this but you were so concerned about all the great things happening in your life that you didn't seem to care that mind has fallen apart i'll always cherish our times together love barbara it's crazy there goes tiffany and michelle so i'm going to talk to you cool hey hey girls um do you girls want to come nice glasses dork we're not interested bye dude no girls ever want to talk to me it's like the whole school thinks we're nervous there's nothing wrong with being a nerd we just got a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country all right look there goes bryce and matthew they're like the coolest kids in school dude who cares i'll do anything to be as cool as them hey you mind getting us some bears yeah you bears yeah yeah yeah sure yeah wait a second wait where are your beers at or do nerds not drink [Laughter] we're just not old enough so i was actually about to grab one what are you doing don't let him peer pressure you into drinking they think i'm a nerd this is like my one chance of being cool dude who cares what they think all right my mom always says that the nerds in high school grow up to be cool as adults because we're going to be successful your mom says yeah you sound like such a dork nelson let's do this bro cheers [Music] cheers i i think you stop drinking do you think you have a light yes i do here you go okay sorry we don't we don't smoke of course you don't why are we asking the nerds hey captain cheers yeah no you don't my man oh buddy buddy okay guys enough of this weak stuff anyone really want to party yeah [Laughter] let's do it all right i got one for you one for you [Music] one for you you win he's a square he's not going to take one all right he's cool what come on man take yeah be cool yeah wait can you give us one second please [Music] nerd nerd what dude what are you doing man stop letting this guy's pressing you to these bad decisions this is my one shot to finally be cool and you're willing in it dude drinking is not cool smoking is not cool drugs is not cool all right 10 years from now these guys are gonna wish that they were us not the other way around just watch hey are you coming just one second yo come on man i thought you were cool we're waiting for you yeah cow hey look please just listen okay these guys are bad news think about our scholarship our college we're gonna go to college together man calvin i'm sorry man i gotta go nelson is so disappointed watching calvin give in to peer pressure he decides to leave the party calvin stays at the party and continues to give in to peer pressure everyone tells him to chug more beers and get more messed up before long the police show up calvin gets stuck with the drugs and the police arrest him [Music] as he sits there in jail he gets handed a letter from his university they find out about his drug charges and revoke his college scholarship and admission calvin's life starts to go downhill while nelson's life starts to go uphill he ends up attending college and stays focused on his future a few years later nelson graduates with honors his parents couldn't be any more proud of him nelson goes on and starts his own business and ends up becoming really successful and then one day nelson happens to run into calvin all right i say we go back to my spot and hang out there yo man check out that car that's sweet nelson nelson calvin i haven't seen you since wait aren't you that nerd from high school yeah i guess oh my gosh and you drive this car now how did you even get something like this well i mean i graduated college and i started my own business and i guess it's going pretty well um how about you guys what are you what are you even up to nothing much really kind of been in the same spot from when you left yeah oh hey do you want to hang out yeah we love to go for a drive hey babe hey how you doing good good um sorry i would i would love to but i can't shall we yeah why that was really good seeing you guys [Music] again wow man it's got to be the coolest guy i've ever seen in my life i guess it's true the nerds in high school are the ones that become cool as adults but if you're not going to be a part of my struggle then you can't be a part of my success i won't creep that promise to jamal jamal butler amazing game tonight can i get a photo i really need some money he's my son after all
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 4,832,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, self imporvement, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, fake friends, how to deal with fake friends, how to be a real friend, how to be a good friend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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