Astarion's Actor Plays Baldur's Gate 3 - Part 2

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hey good hi everybody welcome back making the chat hello massive hi folks hi I'm something you're massive over here we don't need the mini map you're fine hi everybody Welcome in back to another playthrough of this [ __ ] game which I love um I'm so excited Tom are you excited um we just crash landed there are chunks of northoloid everywhere everywhere is [ __ ] and we're finally gonna get to the common character we're finally going to get into this we're going to get a massive World amazing yes uh very quickly hello to the mods amazing mods hello to everybody else uh the last time we had issues with the bottom of the screen which is rectified now a little bit sort of top of the screen's gone that's okay too much of that uh but the bottom of the screen is now here we do have subtitles on we had subtizers on last time by the way they just they were probably cut off because we couldn't get the technology to work um but hopefully this should work a lot better um like I said subtitles has been on from the beginning just it might have been cut off so apologies for that not our fault just we're not it Specialists but we're here and we're playing this [ __ ] game which is going to be amazing yes very excited um okay so neon yeah uh should we just give quick shout outs now if you want to I'm gonna I'm just gonna grab something man I'm too raring to go on this especially to grab some gum or something like that so give me yeah you go ahead I'll be right okay you do that um all the show house it's been swallowed up because the chat moves so quickly um I wanted to shout out to everyone who's just being uh I just saw rocket Ray a while ago getting some subs uh thank you so much for that um and anyone who is joining us new and is sobbing you guys are awesome also I want to shout out to everyone who's been doing bits of um fan art already we've got some amazing fan art we've got at badass assassin who's been doing some prediction drawings particular drawings of what is going to happen to us today including my character Ezra swinging through the ruins kind of looking a bit tarzania I'm really curious characteristicity uh also AJ Hermes Rose did a very funny picture of me you and Shadow heart I saw the Bandit um that was me as I tell you that was my bad I didn't realize I had to move her as well I'm you know I'm fully taking that I'm still figuring this game out guys so like literally the last time we played it was the first time I've got beyond the character to Creation screens so um pretty much yeah very quick so yeah thank you we've almost got technical issues sorted I'm sorry that um uh Tom's voicemail in a little bit we're still trying to work on that but as long as you can hear him okay let us know I know he's cutting in about but just in case you can hear him more or less that should be okay sorry I don't see anyone in chat talking about it he's fine he's fine he's fine you're fine so I'm fine uh Hey Twitter thank you for gifting some subs as well there thank you everyone who is subbing up and everything um I'm fine and yeah thank you for everyone we love the Art thank you so much keep the art coming um cool Neil I can just tell you're just itching to get into this I'm so excited I literally I literally as I picked up the Discord with you I literally put down the the call I was on because I was directing for the last three hours remotely I literally just finished I'm just like I need to live again and so yeah it was very it was a very high intensity start for me right now um but here we are we're back in the game our characters we get the party view up folks if you don't know who these people are let me introduce you why not let's introduce our characters yeah yes so this is okay Bowie uh she is uh she her pronouns uh she is a half elf wood Druid she's pansexual and she's pretty [ __ ] tall um pretty pretty awesome look at that she's very very very cute she's a slightly older wood elf uh she has had a problematic start in life uh ran away from the adopted parents that found her in a pack of wolves uh she's been more time by herself and there's way more fun uh by yourself in the company of animals than she does with people though she's learning to deal with people as well and she met in the north Lloyd of one of the other survivors azra which is played by Tom ah yeah so this is my character Ezra I don't know if anybody you can zoom in on her or anything I don't know she is younger than Bowie she is um she's an interesting character she's a kind of a little bit like so so I'm sorry I'm misgendering her they are they them yeah they are non-binary they don't really they are trying to figure out how they fit into the world in every way um they are a tiefling which are kind of demon children of demons and they were left on the steps of a monastery and brought up within the monastery um they have a tail kind of a Hellboy they aren't sure whether they're good or evil basically um and they're trying they've been trained to be a paladin um but um that may not stick they might resist that um they're not sure whether they're good or not and they're trying to figure out their way into the world I have a question for you yes what what kind of Paladin are they because the Republicans have like different things going on right yeah so at the moment so they are the kind of the ironically we've been trained as the kind of the goodest kind of Paladin like the sort of real um they're like the kind of the ones the most focusable bits like healing and you know so they it's almost like in her in in sorry in their training the the monastery is very specifically tried to make them super good like almost to balance out the Demonic side what we're seeing over the entrance yes yeah yeah yeah um so that's I think there are three different kinds of oath you can take and they lead to different um they lead to different like the worst one is something like the oath of Revenge or something like that and that means you're all about vengeance um Ezra has been brought up as sort of the oak of ancients which is all about kind of healing and bringing light into the world and Ezra Ezra isn't sure how they fit with that um and that could lead to some interesting stuff down the line that's cool I'm gonna actually while we're on the subject I'm just looking at our character sheets so looking it's always good to know what the skill sets are because some people should lead certain things some people should need other things right so persuasion both of us you're more persuasive more intimidating um I better with animals obviously and we both have I have better Insight than you do um nature yeah religion you nature me I'm actually have a lot of stealth which I didn't realize that was a thing but I'm a bit of a dummy I'm a bit of a dummy you see my wisdom is very high it's my instincts are very good sense is intuition but I'm a bit of a dummy and I forget things I have mental powers that question mark um I'm not like a weakling or anything but I'm a bit of a dummy so that's an interesting thing to play also I'm a bit more of a tank than you are you're more of a DPS kind of cat uh no well paladins are supposed to be tanks otherwise darling not constitutions as otherwise oh let me let me have a look at the uh party view here um that's all right who's heavier though oh with the same weight although you can carry a lot if you oh yeah your Constitution is really good yeah Druids because they need a concentration and things like that so yeah uh anyway so that is our party this is our party right now we lost the other party members Lazelle and also um Shadow Hearts we don't know what's happened to them at the moment although I'm not sure if you've played the game you know exactly where they are and all that stuff uh but we try to forget anything that we know about the game um and we definitely haven't found a certain someone which we're looking because certain something we're looking to certain find a certain somebody um so just about somebody asking about twitch integration don't know enough about it haven't turned it on might do that at some point we need to investigate it hold fire we are gentleman streamers we're not professionals we're gentleman streamers uh sorry man JJ uh what's his face Vibes sexy JJ there bring these three photos of Spider-Man there you go all right shall we should we just dive in just see what [ __ ] happens I'm very excited let's do it so let's go see what happens hey I've got one more question before we do that I'm doing a quick I'm doing a quick sound check for everybody so let me know if you can hear my audio okay have you forgotten that you found where are we going am I following you or yeah have you forgot you stole a flaming sword oh yeah it is called the everburn blade we stole the [ __ ] out of that oh my God it's so awesome I can't use this but I'm gonna wield it just because it looks so badass look at that this weapon or use it special weapons activities however it just feels good in my hand so does that look I mean look at the size of this [ __ ] thing is not even trying to be a druid he's just like I'm I'm leaving I'm like I'm like I'm like from one of my you stole that from one of my people they got fly out of a window dude that is not my fault oh look I found someone I found someone over here we should just loot her corpse uh listen exactly are you listening okay I'm listening as well all right I got a big famous sword uh the choices are reach for the artifact oh wait uh I I get the feeling she's gonna she will vote for me if I what's your slime dude right see we're all thinking it but whatever the vote is there she's [ __ ] dead um yeah but she looks like she's dead look we've been standing over her probable corpse for a good 30 seconds oh man overall should have taken that artifact dude doesn't matter [ __ ] it we're here we survived we know we did the same thing oh okay all right okay uh find out what happened to lizelle she was hard hitting do you recognize this place you callous bastard we just came from how's the audio folks first we need supplies shelter you want to sleep you must have escaped no I'm not I'm not that kind of I'm not good enough either okay stay we should probably no no keep them together if you can get it keep them together yeah came together you can get it I was just gonna ask what happened to our get Yankee friends do you really care though did I don't really care either I was not able to reconsider calling her friends exactly right Tom well I definitely want us to stay together because of my foreign I wanted to thank you again yeah that was a joint effort that was a joint effort and yet she doesn't think although I seem to remember you were very busy on you were very busy raiding raiding my other people's um like chess and stuff yeah she doesn't want to talk to me now thank you very much she's all about you I think you are controlling because you chatted her up and now she's uh apparently into you so I'm I wasn't gonna give you the sword I don't think I'm gonna do that right now so ah you were not gonna give me the song how do I get it how do I move mode for the same time how are you doing she's gonna follow you I'm just gonna do every court is it she's gonna follow you because she's essentially in like your mini party all right your control also good all right there's a little little thing handle dude how do I do that do I click on her and then oh I see group all right right click I've got it right all right she's coming now there's a little seashell I got in trouble I got in trouble where are you gone are you just been reading are you just been looting the bodies no no I'm not happy I just found dead Gary I've just felt okay uh yeah it's just lying here he's dead Gary the brain is dead no more um quick quick thing I'm very wet now uh not yes I'm very wet so quick ly can't use I basically I'm cutting fish up is what I'm doing uh have you got a letter or something I think remember yeah I picked a perfume letter on this guy I really always read things that you pick up yes always read that okay it was very exciting okay how do I read this um all right read it yes it says it says Psy I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on staying until we're open gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so is staying here the last few must have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your post and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring one of you can carry we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna I think does she's she's like finally finally Anna is going to be with me my my true love and then and then North Lloyd hey okay so there's stuff you can pick up like belladonna's like crafting tools we've also got this kind of funky okay we've got like where did you how did you get that recipe is that this was what recipe are you doing uh I just got a notice of a recipe for that oh yeah we've got Belladonna as a cross he's a plant so we've got crafting stuff we haven't got enough to make anything but we can craft stuff okay also if you if I on two things so also we have an ancient sigil Circle which means we can like teleport and stuff I think somewhere and then um we should also level up because we have a level up we've been given a bonus there's a lot of dead fishermen yeah they didn't make it they didn't make it at all yeah okay sorry folks I'm gonna have to bear with us that something is going on with the internet in my area uh hopefully it's a temporary thing but each time this happens it's just causing delays uh the game is still running we're still going to keep going um but we just need to try and get back and hopefully know more of the stupidity will happen but apologies for this okay that seems to be getting back back uh I don't know where you've gone to [Music] hi folks what the [ __ ] all right I think this is working now I don't know should we check are you again uh I think people were saying they can see the game yeah yeah yeah it's working time let's go all right [ __ ] it let's go oh no I know I went no no no apparently oh you're back it's fine it's gonna be okay Tom move around move around like this wave your hands in here yeah you're fine okay all right that was depressing as [ __ ] I'm back so can you use the sword that I'm wielding which looks amazing on me by the way Tom who's these tools where are you I am by the river still I haven't gone anywhere I'm still Sorry by this church place this church there you are yeah I'm here um I'm really I mean all I'm gonna say is I'm probably designed to use that sword yeah literally a paladin that uses double-handed Weaponry Shadow heart won't talk to me I'm blaming you all right fine [ __ ] it uh okay so have a look at you go into your character you open up your character sorry about that folks thanks for being patient um go into your character yeah thanks guys look at detailed View and then you can also level up because we need to level up now dude oh do we need to split block yeah man where's we need to do that go into your detail view yeah no details okay so I'm in detail for you they'll tell you if you can use um martial instruments and what you're proficient in so I apparently although I think that's [ __ ] I'm not proficient in 200 weapons just like I can use glaze and Alberts and spikes and scimitars just not yeah I think you're playing swords yeah I can use martial weapons yeah so go into martial to highlight martial weapons and tell me if it's got like two-handed awesome flaming swords on it yeah I've got gray swords I've got I mean I'm empowered great sources really yes yeah I'm a palette I've been trained in this stuff you're a hippie June you've been learning about talking to the animals living in the world you know our friendship can be a tenuous thing sometimes mate be tenures though here's your I think yes but you've got a shield you should use the shield maybe I will maybe you were using it one-handed um so all right fine [ __ ] you um I got a loot oh now my game is finished what happened there oh I leveled up yay okay so we need to level ourselves up so I'm gonna level up now as well vanished oh there's loads of spells I can choose from and stuff now what is this yeah this is like oh that's cool I can specialize as well which is kind of funky okay all right so subclass circle of the land [Music] uh oh this is fun which is the one that turns me into more animals exactly the moon right yeah I want a bigger animals [ __ ] [ __ ] the whole circle of the land [ __ ] I want to go Moon all right so the the subclasses subclasses basically give you more variation but they also sort of funnel you down different routes I want to change into way more cooler animals so I'm gonna go circle of the Moon the circle of the land which connects to powerful it's more magic basically and more magical spells circle of the Moon I think is uh Mo animals so tell me um circle of spores is a new thing like viewing death necrosis and all that kind of fungal stuff but to be perfectly honest with you I want to turn into an owl bear I like that I like that ambition yeah can you turn into anything smaller now maybe like turn into a pussycat stop oh that's cute yeah yeah so elbow is pretty fun so I'm gonna go circle of the Moon uh I've got five prepared spells which is okay I guess I really don't like good Brewery it's a healing thing but I think it's kind of stupid you know what I mean these are things you can eat for healing but only give you one to four hit points yeah it's kind of I mean it's kind of useful I guess but they're kind of stupid at the same time um I'm not gonna do that um we've got enhanced leap animal friendship which I swear to God looks like somebody licking the nose of his wolf but I think that's fine uh charm person fog Cloud that's kind of useful I guess fairy fire okay and we've got enhanced leap which is very useful and enhance a long Strider or create and Destroy water hmm I'm gonna try maybe enhance leap I think gonna prepare that one okay cool and I'm gonna do it I'm a Droid like an extra level one spell that's pretty cool okay so I'm now I'm just double checking circle of the Moon prepared spells level up uh yeah yeah that's it I'm good I'm pretty good I'm gonna go for a lot Advanced sleep as well so I'm accepting okay using some Spells at the moment what are you gonna go for dude what's your thing what's your Tipple uh well I've got cute uh I've got command which means I can come on a creature to fully move closer freeze or drop to the ground thunderous mites oh that's useful uh pushes your target three meters away and possibly knocks it prone nice um or I could get serious my oh I kind of like this deal an extra one to six fire damage and set your Target on fire I'm gonna go for that one instead I think yes um and then last one I can go for um I can either go for divine favor which is uh weapon attacks deal an additional wonderful radiant damage or bless bless up to three creatures of the game plus 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving Pros that's like guidance before that's quite useful or Shield effect oh that protect a creature from attacks that's increasing an armor class but yeah I'm gonna go for that yeah I'm gonna go for sure it doesn't have that um prepared so that's probably a good idea for you to do that yeah plus but less is very useful as well I think bless is actually in the first game that's very useful so actually I'm actually I can see your spells Now command yes searing Smite yes here wins yes Shield of faith I would yeah think about bless maybe if we get I can swap all right I can swap that out for bless instead of uh at uh if we rest or whatever I think you can swap it out anyway it's just when you're not in combat I believe we need to get some advice about what what specialization we should do oh yeah did you give me this oh yeah you did me the sword I gave you the sword stop rubbing it in God damn it I mean I think it just me you have a lot of damage all right I'm leveling up Shadow heart you've got six to 19 points of damage with a plus one plus D4 of Fire [ __ ] great although we do have to keep you away from flammable objects or maybe click or maybe get you closer to them all right so okay yeah so Shanghai is a cleric they've just got so the spell sorts unlocked they've got a new action which is turn Undead okay that's cool classic cleric activity they've also got an action which is invoke duplicity just trying enemies with an illusion okay right right I guess we just so now we can choose his spells I think you've just done it um I don't think there was an option to do that I didn't see it okay it just looked like it was just like yeah well she got a level two Bane is quite useful as well as is blessed but if you've if you're going for less than yours she's also got Shield of faith uh Sanctuary is useful because um you can't basically see the person can be targeted until you attack or harm a creature um so that basically they ignore you it can be useful I wouldn't say now but later on it might be useful um she's got charm person disguise self yeah less tricks invoke duplicity there's some cool skills she's a she's a very useful magic user yeah for sure also I just specialized in great great weapon fighting as well I had a choice of specializing and yes I did oh that's so basically bullshitting me you were lying that you couldn't no I already used them but now I know the cut of your jib now Tom I wanted a star in my little mini party anyway darling it's fine let's go ahead let's [ __ ] go I gotta let's go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I have a loot I suppose to play the loot you've got a loot can you play it I don't know I'm trying to I'm gonna check out this oh no it doesn't do like money wait I'm playing it nope nope I can't play it [ __ ] you man I'm gonna lose I gotta look you know I'm just gonna wear the loop in the back have you got any loot from these corpses that I know you were robbing in my [ __ ] I just been lighting gold no that's nice for you uh I think we're gonna quickly press C and crack are we going back inside this step no it's the damn squid press C to crouch because there's some there's some Shenanigans up ahead okay I'm gonna dip my weapon all right well nice for you well that's yes that's good rub it in again press C in your Crouch right I think we should take okay they're gonna spot it stop stop too late sir oh too late they spotted you if you wanted to stealth it yeah yes yes see you're now in deep Jeopardy apparently so am I apparently I'm not actually you're fine but this is what I'm saying I'm going to thunder I mean this may hurt you but I'm gonna thunder wave everybody just oh okay just saving right now I mean you may you may feel a little a little nudge nice nice you're welcome I liked it yeah oh no no I didn't kill everybody there's still one left you're gonna have to take care of that intellectual all right yeah uh I'm I'm fine though okay very good you guys are so [ __ ] right now oh my God you might want to hear oh I know oh [ __ ] I just noticed yeah I just know it's what my health is all right we're going to see my dog is kicking off I gotta go see him I always killed everybody where are you okay uh we need to take a short rest how do we do that I don't know where is the not rest business oh my God where do we where do we do that how do we do short rest folks uh okay I where is the short rest button I feel that we need to short rest the camber okay we're into the Campbell all right okay we just want to take a short ride goodbye all right we took a short rest we got some of our healing back and I guess our spells back to you Tom we took a short rest because you guys were [ __ ] yeah I can do stealing as well I would suggest you heal you heal you guys can you maybe can you maybe not blast blasters that wasn't my fault across the map in the future genuinely just trying to settle up to that thing to then pick up some stuff I wasn't trying to I'm losing a lot right now I wasn't trying to um whip I wasn't trying to kill you guys I was trying to accidentally uh well I was trying to do many things um okay so there are some mindful stuff I'm gonna share some loot with you because I'm carrying more than my little person can carry well that's pretty good I'm going to take a professional speed of that one that's pretty awesome all right put it over here oh yeah mine flare stuff I've been nicking quite a lot of stuff I'm not gonna I'm gonna be really honest about that all right so I'm going to share some things with you uh well we've got some like thieves tools I've got a bottle of water I got some slave Minds you can have a slave mind I have a dart line that sounds sexy that's something you do that uh we've got some eldrix tablets I'm pretty close to I don't know if these are useful or not we might want to read them at some point they're kind of the history of the world and everything so I'm going to give you some of these because you're you're way stronger and beefier than I am uh I do have a scimitar which I can use which I think is three to eight that's definitely better I'm gonna use the same time all right and I've got um that's about that radio I've got some bulbs and things you can throw at people oh bulbs one of those already I think I've got one of those well I've got weapons dude all right that looks pretty cool all right I've got a losing two weapons can you play an instrument oh you just give me a whole load of stuff yeah I'm pretty much dumping most of the stuff I don't want on you for some reason I got a loaded channels can I carry this stuff yeah that they started with that I started with that with my starting weapon okay well your blade is way better your javelins uh I can take those then um one I've got two scimitars do you want to get uh can you I don't know all of your scimitars I'm taking all of yourself get in there I am helping myself uh I've got a simple road I don't want me that's a shadow heart we can double some stuff on Shadow heart as well okay I've got two nautiloy tanks I'm gonna give you one of them but these are basically these are explosives yeah you like views all right okay yeah that's exactly how that's gonna work uh cool okay so that will be grand that will work rather well so we've got some exposes we don't have any flame stuff you know if this can set fire to everything maybe Shadow art can um can you look at Shadow Hearts spell book is there anything that's on like catch on fire burst into flames I guess not right [Music] it's not a sacred flame that's gonna be our ignition yeah okay so we're gonna we're gonna keep the the pods because they're basically explosives which I think is really fun where is this dude I've got some bottles which I don't really need I've got water which we can use to put fires out obviously I can create that [ __ ] as well all right cool all right we're doing well we're doing great cool all right so far so good I think we should head this away because I'm pretty sure that is where a certain someone maybe God might be hanging around I've gone down here darling you've entered this into turn basements I know I know I didn't mean to do that um exit there we go we're fine Chad didn't notice we're upside okay um let's go this way why not where are you you've run ahead the other direction I'm here I'm behind you I feel it's going to happen a lot Tom you're going to be like where are you I'm like right behind you I'm literally breathing on your neck if you left have you left the dude I don't know I'm literally gone through oh there you are I can see you standing in front of you you were hiding underneath I was hiding into your skirt this is true uh okay there is a situation which is gonna happen in a second you are absolutely not allowed to talk to him dude which room I'm pretty sure there was a gold this this room up here no it's not a room it's a way out it's going to lead you somewhere else and somebody else that we don't want to meet right now we want to meet the other person oh okay yeah yeah you you've got like you're inside of knowledge is guiding us hey you know I'm good with that I I'm okay so we are going to do a little what's a clam shell I want the clamshell do you want a clam you hungry you're hungry so I'm a bit hungry like I got a plan we're eating oysters this is like a little under that time I'm just pissing off no this is for our camp because we're camp we have supplies I'm also pissing people off because they want me to go and get historian and I'm just not doing that right so the main rule of this game is looking absolutely [ __ ] every barrel and box that you come across oh yeah which is good uh oh okay I'm not good enough to open that neither are you so we're just going to keep going forward okay I want to smash things uh Tom smash okay there's usually like little um flowers oh there's some Belladonna I'm just gonna go and pick a Balsam sorry I'm sorry where is he where is he you know the mini map oh yeah you've just unlocked ashes of Balsam oh yeah I can see every time you have a new flower every time I'm sorry chatter really like we beg you please just go to him now at the moment I'm absorbed in this game it's really cool this is such a beautiful game oh this is only the first level dude um all right okay okay here we go we may have found somebody okay can we go back if we need to oh yeah it's like there's no there's no blockage all right we have we're gonna wait wait Tom do not click did you no I didn't I didn't no no no you're good you good Ness Like You Killed the others you can kill it can't you like you killed the others holy [ __ ] do I sound like that no okay all right options easy easily stand back kill it yourself you look capable enough what are we thinking chat one or two one or two what are we thinking why don't we think the biggest one um no I reckon you would say easily stand back we've got a lot of ones going on yeah I think I think I would probably I think I'd probably say easily stand back yeah that's very you know and look how determined Bowie looks Bowie is um wait a second nope can't see [ __ ] what's going on oh there's a ball it's a pig you're relieved until you see the flash of it don't go whoa oh Roblox I mean he's totally ignoring me it's just kind of embarrassing like [ __ ] yeah you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm a light the fear what's going on okay I'm gonna say your your tattoos do make it look like you're in League with the mind a little bit I really like octopi so I am meeting me in a very strange situation this is a bit weird is this before we'll carry on is it a bit weird to meet you um yes or no actually it would be weirder if this was somehow a live action version of me like it was film and you saw me talking to me right now that'd be stranger but because it's like I know a story and I think historian I look so I'm imagining with pointy ears and a white hair we look a little bit alike absolutely yeah it's different yeah it's still a step removed because it's animation more than live action I guess so it was a little strange um wait I'm going to go see yeah look at this so that see so it's kind of we look the same but it's like still not quite me so yeah a little different uh all right we're gonna do it's the light why mine players work it connects us honestly I have no idea I have an intelligence of eight I think I should go for number two third because I have no idea I'm playing the character uh third one I mean put the knife away is quite an important yeah but number two is like I'm a dummy like I have no idea what's going on because I'm a dummy all right go for it go for it whatever they did whatever they put in this just created a connection they took you too I saw it during whatever just happened I didn't know I was ready to decorate the ground with the audience I apologies accepted darling uh post accepted I might have done the same glove serial cut up now you know better off than you're better off you better have more than often apologies I think apology accepted my character's pretty like yeah yeah yeah yeah so I'll be like yeah yeah snatch me uh um oh I'm Bulgarian as well maybe no I'm not Bulgarian what is a Bulgaria uh a Bulgarian is somebody from Baldur's Gate I'm gonna lie and say that I'm available so I'm gonna lie because I don't because it's like I'm I don't I come from basically like the woods so I'm gonna lie now do not look like a bull terrier I don't know you're right you've come from is that soup hahaha he knows yes so I'm doing starring's voice yeah they'll say this is the Mind players mate I know that I don't know that because laser L told us hahaha of course it'll turn me into a monster oh he's been there before yes I wonder why it hasn't happened yet no if we can find an expert someone that can control these things they're not stupid yes who knows okay all right what I'm gonna do with this one should travel with me our ultimately together um we'll definitely take him with him control it we need to get rid of it no I'm not too worried about that I think I'm just going to ask him to travel with us because I think ah I would be worried about getting rid of it yeah I'm not really thinking like that I'm more thinking like you know what better in numbers because a lot of weird [ __ ] happening okay I'm just not rethinking that in depth so I think we should travel that's I mean all right we are going to play two characters folks we'll try and play as much as we can to characters you know ready to go this alone he's sticking with him and you seem like a useful person I'm a dummy but I'm useless excellent all right yeah oh you got to level him up yeah Jesus hello um all right what's going on hi what's this hi so he's still a rogue he doesn't um specialized yes yet Health increase is 17 it's pretty big uh okay I guess that's what we can do really I like him in the other outfit okay um full party now we have a our first full party yeah Jesus a lot of [ __ ] black and things going on okay so starring is with me which is cool keep your distance darling oh hang on there's one I really like I'm trying to get well hello well hello wait there's one more a thousand years of humanoid history I didn't know that was I won't do that again take some reading while you were doing your doubling up you want to star in your mini party yeah ruined it okay all right trust another one I can try and find it hang on watch your bag there's so many of these not now someone there Jesus forgot we did so many be careful I died yeah it's true you know what [ __ ] it we're just gonna get back into it we're just gonna carry on all right so we're gonna go back to Barry um where are we going oh getting up I think we're gonna go up here there's a very good reason there's two good reasons we're going to go and find something uh there's no grown ruins which I definitely want to investigate which I don't know if I can whoa what happened whoops where are you going uh might have okay may have sent us back quite far uh just talking about yourself stay where you are I'm coming to get you sort of sorry I may have taken in this area yeah I might have taken a fast route back did you just use the Fast Travel a little bit yeah sorry about that yeah whoops okay um anyway darling how are you that's a nice loot did I tell you I was a doodler I make art uh speaking of which actually I'm going to finish some of his uh gear because I think that's good yeah uh what do we got okay so I'm gonna give him another knife kind of cool oh yeah now it's okay okay I don't think I can use two weapons maybe I can I don't know I think he can use two weapons all right we've got okay we're doing well but it's getting good so Tom if you want to follow me sir I there's something we're gonna do now okay actually I don't know about this it's not just someone yeah we're gonna go down here [ __ ] it we're gonna go into this one um and then we're gonna sort of sweep around back towards the ruins because I know you can get into the ruins I think there's two ways in a nice thing to remember but first I guess we have to go through this house just about isn't it hellscape oh there's more mind flows to Luke let's have a look let's have a preserve also going to be more more brains to fight maybe I don't know let's have a little look around see if you can find any extra cool loot it's down here we've been down here I guess no we've been down here I think I think uh yes this is so lead on Sir lead on so we've got a full part oh let's go up here this is a little Gap in the area Footprints okay and maybe even one of us about the crash oh wait to the left lesson Corpses goblins goblins over here what's that we've got some supplies which is cool all right there's a there's a big ball there you want to touch it I mean it looks like yeah it's a doctor who um I'm a bit nervous about it uh shall I touch it I'll touch it I'm gonna touch it if I touch it how many times I know that's not good it's the central on this thing bullitters and swirls from it erratically it does look really dangerous it's [ __ ] dangerous and dangerous [Music] shall we shall I touch it Neil touch it [ __ ] it I'll touch if you don't yeah you touched it yeah oh okay anyone give him a round of applause and slap it slap the hand okay wait wait I can give you a bonus I can give you a bonus you don't need it all right oh nice thank you wow 22 very good very good I think this is Gail that we found it come on interesting though the thing here like this is actually me that's actually my hand doing that something I did quite a lot of uh uh this is this is Tim amazing tinderella amazing hello he was stuck in his holes uh introductions or are you all right that's Magic say that I know you very high in a moment of speaking English word as well don't trust him kill him no don't do that arsenary got stuck on the stone I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself [Music] reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side how about you don't tell them anything control of the ship landed safely and Save the Day that is not my character that's not your character at all but you should say it oh man unfortunately still in jeopardy back on the ship into when I'm receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region okay I thought he was talking about another search um okay so uh couldn't have faced more repellently myself yeah or does it feel like go on your character feels like a go-on kind of person she is unfortunately unfortunately they are yeah yes parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating the station you can turn it into my place yes the process known as cerebralophosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided okay you didn't have to be a cleric by any chance do you we have a cleric doctor um you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most parents uh I was going to say good save I find myself you don't have to be one of them you're a palliative say the Paladin thing and we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common reflection we're most certainly going to use the Paladin because you get special choices at the different races [Music] for sure uh yes we want him to come with us he's going to stay at campus because he's boring I see you I'm traveling with plenty of company already we don't know where the camp is but sure we'll meet you there but we appreciate it we like it all right he's gonna spend the next [ __ ] he's gonna spend hours trying to find us off he goes yeah and just walking all right uh we should head this way towards the ruins he was just like wait tree wait what countries wait wait oh wait wait hang on a second hang on a second don't go any further get into stealth I'm gonna go up here you should stay where you are getting to stealth though Crouch and stealth doubt don't follow me I've got a plan don't go into the ruin don't go in my character doesn't do something no okay so say where you are okay I did say no there are Banditos up ahead but we don't want to go in there yeah I am going to go around and go to the top because there's a dude up here I can push off and kill and then you're gonna come in this way and we're going to pin somebody with them so when you say this way I you need to do a ping on the screen yeah so you're something Tom here and then go in this way there and you're gonna wait no Tom Tom I have to get into position Tom Right Tom you want me to go up the stairs not right you have to wait here and just play a loot or something I have a loop so it's a metaphor okay just stay there all right uh the bad boy Starion and I we're gonna go around and to the north and we're gonna loving this plan that you're cooking it's brilliant it's a genius piano how do you know so much I mean obviously you were you're in a game but how many people this I did play a couple of hours of Early Access so I've got basically as far as where we're headed oh so and this has changed a little bit whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right so how do you do group how do you do the group the group thing group thing how do you do group hide actually I'm gonna I'm gonna oh yeah because how do you group how do you group how do you do group Crouch group hiding stuff as well okay so we're gonna leave just crouching so I'm just gonna have a look at you dudes so where are you two where are you doing okay so we're still down where you left us okay I'm gonna be for safety I'm gonna take toggle turn base moves and you're going to position yourselves there's probably like a statue or something yeah there's a statue don't go into the red the red is like where they can see you and you have to make like a [ __ ] you have to make it like a [ __ ] stealth check right and your stealth is pretty bad these two are Heavy Hitters so what you two are gonna bring to the road yeah well you're talking to you go round You're Gonna Go Rand uh at this side I'm gonna attack from above you're gonna attack from below and when it takes off pointed out earlier or yeah kind of like that do you want us to like Round the Corner okay so okay we're sneaking along we're sort of seeing towards the steps so we're in turn based mode to make it easier I'm gonna put my dudes in position and then you're gonna put your dudes in position too I think you're still moving in normal okay we're sneaking up the steps okay don't go too far don't get too far okay okay uh I'm I'm gonna get a Starion right up close uh okay all right cool all right so that's my turn I guess that's my turn to done so you need to see your turns by sneaking a bit closer are you too close don't get too close are you doing getting too close all right and then hey where are you I'm sneaking I've gone up the steps you know you need to get a bit closer than that you're actually in twisting Vines which can ensnare you yeah I um yeah you need to end your turn as well all right environmental shut up the vines and survive so she's okay get her out of the vines number one uh I'm gonna I'm gonna push I'm gonna okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna do this yeah and then I'm just gonna I'm gonna like I'm just gonna I don't even prepare something man lacerate flourish so I I could go up through this door you could go through the door um don't go too far when you see the red because like shit's going down I'm gonna position a Starion to give this crate a boot and that's when we're going to kick everything off it's going to go Mayhem right so he's just going to sit there uh tell me when you're behind the statue yeah I'm gonna move um oh environment extern is Just Happening yeah um I'm gonna move uh Ezra up all right can you move your dudes your peeps yeah they're gonna come up they're coming up all right and where is your other character that picture's really far away you're hiding in the bush I'm moving it's not very um hang on hang on hang on I'm moving I'm moving them up I'm gonna wait cool I see you all right all right you're there okay all right so you're gonna be there and then we're going to talk about what you want to do and I'm just gonna like kick it all off because I think it's really funny um yeah so we're gonna do one more round four more rounds yeah behind the statue all right so movie peace and then tell me when you're ready and then I'm just gonna kick it off so Shadow Hearts there where's Ezra [Music] why are they not pronouncing all right I think you are crouching you're already crashing you're both crouching you're both sneaking I'm a starring is going to be something particularly naughty [Music] okay yeah so starring we're both ready he's gonna do this [Laughter] like they're all now looking very much at the body no he's still alive unfortunately but he's taking a fair amount of damage to him uh we're only taking 15. he took a little bit of damage so I'm just going to shoot him in the head here uh maybe uh okay cool we're good we're starting this is we're going for it and teaching some fresh [ __ ] salmon and some melon all right I might just charge it in then shall I can I charge yeah you can do a thing though I think my my character's just going to try and soften these [ __ ] up a little bit pretty much uh I'm gonna do maybe this actually it's in a live ice shotgun oh okay Warren is taken care of we don't know who Warren is we don't know his business he may be in a really nice person but he's dead now that's how that's gonna start all right dude new turn [ __ ] go you're surprised great oh they've got something hanging above them dude we've got a foundation block if you could shoot that down there's something happen okay I can do that all right yeah yep that looks good that looks [ __ ] flimsy and all right I'm gonna run in on this guy on the stairs it looks like a wizard or something yeah okay yeah she looks weak yeah she's she's surprised unthreatened she's threatened by you she doesn't know you so she threatens you like okay they're all strike on them I didn't do as much as you think you did no that was just I was just that was all I could do because I uh used all the rest of my um okay all right well we're gonna do something very very funny or whatever drop that Foundation block on their head great excellent and that was very cool uh good okay so we're doing well I'm gonna come around no entangle based Vines no oh sorry if it's a tank of stars embarrassingly entangled it's very embarrassing all right so how are we doing uh you seem to be doing okay these two are dead you welcome by the way okay Shadow Hawk I'm trying to arrange attack nice all right cool and I'm gonna move forward as well all right it's all you baby it's all you whoops oh yeah as you just fall down and go to sleep amazing all right I'm gonna try I'm gonna go range attack starring's pretty good at range attacks so yeah 80 not bad ah the humanity corpses like crazy oh wow this wizard has got like a lots of magical stuff here dude well let's open up and see what we all got in spirit between us I've got a whole bunch of stuff here as well some backpack stuff which is great we're just taking everything all right so I'm incumber to [ __ ] so we should probably get rid of those stuff uh let us open this up so what we got we've got um we've got a long story historian a shovel scale mail oh I can wear that that's good cool nice new armor uh Druid leather okay trap this on and give that to a starry and he's our Rogue after all I've got Shields well that's interesting can I use a shield I can use a shield okay that's cool all right okay increasing my I'm basically becoming our tank now dude oh you got the scrolling my crummy wooden Shield um I got like a quarter stuff I picked up do you want that yep I can take that uh no to be honest with you my Scimitar is better I can use it so don't worry about that oh yeah okay I've now become our tank [Music] okay giving story about weapons as well 47 well that's cool four to seven by a stone huh one to ten speaking okay cool uh armor-wise I've got some leather armor which I think you're all is better than already yeah it's all better that's fine that's fine okay so my armor has gone up to scale which is cool okay all right aren't these long swords anyway so I think he is a long swords I'm just having a quick nap you're having a quick nap nice uh can I use two long swords is that excessive that's excessive yeah successive all right fine okay maybe not that zero to five yeah two daggers in a pretty good thing all right okay and he's got a little acid attack s cool um if you've got this um I've got lock picks here somewhere as well I think since you remember yeah I've got loads of lock picks up I can give them to Starion because he's our boy he's uh all right cool doing well 101 I should probably share some of this weight too much [ __ ] sorry folks tedious but it's necessary all right have you we've got uh we we now have a what are you doing we've just gone down to this Tour on here oh God live oh my God live live those whose friends more Bandits line line either just no don't let them in just deception but I don't know performance something who's friends all right it's not really in my character but so a few of your friends know I'm here for you [ __ ] yeah that's the most uh that's that's really my character [Laughter] yeah I'm afraid all right that went really well I feel like you uh you're really connected with that person okay so yeah so if you want to come back we're gonna let's there's other stuff to do I feel so we're gonna get this ladder this I mean he's not they've not come out yeah I have a rope right so I'm gonna use if I can do that I don't even do that or not let me use that how do I use a rope I got rope somewhere all right so Barry's got some rope we've got some ropes and we'll see if we can use this um how do I how do I use the right oh use never wanted no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] well [ __ ] me are you all right no not at all [Music] you need to jump jump down yes you actually need to jump down the hole I really [ __ ] up I really [ __ ] up okay that's good are you all right what's happening we're in a bit of [ __ ] right now wait can I reach that [ __ ] thing let me blow this thing up cool okay that went better than I thought it would do elephant attack we're in a bit of [ __ ] we have uh some problems not gonna lie it's not gonna go well uh opportunity attack oh [ __ ] me okay um why can't I do anything is it because I just used to jump down a hole yeah you're in combat dude uh there's uh one two three there's one two three four five of them against us uh killed like one the others are on fire which is great but we're in a bit of [ __ ] well that's another one all right now I can do something yeah yeah so we're now going to shut the door yes we shut the door Tom shut the door uh which door I'm busy with a guy here that's nice I'm gonna Smite him all right I'm gonna I'm gonna Mark some entanglement stuff going on and then I'm going to turn into a big [ __ ] off Anna because I'm worried about it I'm A team's a big [ __ ] bear [ __ ] it yeah [Music] all the bad time [ __ ] polar bear man okay where's all this what does this do what am I doing to this am I enjoying that I don't know what that means this situational stuff going on the facts that you can just do your um do whatever polar bears the [ __ ] size of me it's a bow bed um all right that's my turn done yes I'm just having a quick look at what I can do here with um we need more coherence um Astorian is literally being poisoned to that which is weird vampire that's how that works but anyways if okay good efforts bam say it again good effort now now best time all right no it's not my turn shadow of heart needs to do her thing I think Barry's got movement Maybe very much just trying to shut out just trying to you know we've still got a few people left outside I wouldn't go into that fire put down an entanglement there as well so they're starting something okay yeah not doing great oh do you want me to heal him that would be nice if you're not too busy all right so that's Goose they're getting uh getting pretty [ __ ] up by the fire which is good [Music] that's not good okay oh [ __ ] oh okay kill the other person by by accident uh he was on fire I set him on fire and then either killed him so that's good that was pretty good uh I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna uh okay so Starion is not doing great let's move him over here this guy he's just come around and face me um why am I um poison so I get disadvantage no that sucks all right I'll just do a normal I think it's a normal attack 42 okay [ __ ] it nice all right that was a bit double whammy please listen both him at the same time um let's go and I'm going to very Dash as well I'm gonna Dash closer to you so you can [ __ ] heal me all right I'm gonna I'm gonna star in all right thank you just Shield the faith then I'm gonna move my enormous [ __ ] off bear uh and maybe maybe I can go them into attack oh well no you moved away oh [ __ ] opportunity I didn't know they could all right yeah I didn't know that would happen all right this is me not playing Dungeons and Dragons a long time okay he's a massive [ __ ] to smash down a guy called hasid who we would love to get to know but quite frankly just not gonna be able to pick up his mouth from the pieces left on the floor thank you all right thank you you're still poisoned I'm not sure what to do about that yeah I'm just seeing if Shadow Hall can do anything about that she left I'm gonna I'm gonna bear my bear with me when I get out of the way all right shut up all right cool she's not some funky spells hey guys uh move her out the door yeah she's basically yes I'm gonna poke the head around the door hit the guy all right that's her turn over yes oh that was it that's it they're all [ __ ] dead huzzah it's alloting wait we need to actually um Starion is still very poisonous I took some damage as well so I'm gonna do bad butter oh we got so much Lou I'm gonna share some salute because I'm just losing everybody with a great abandon what's that okay we've got Scrolls as well oh that's because can we find that dude that was like slating you maybe he's still in here you should take him one I'm gonna stay here and look at my loot I forgot a lot of leather armor which we don't need oh I can send it to Camp oh that's good okay I'm gonna send stuff to Camp which puts it in a little box we can sell later don't need any of that [ __ ] since 10 cents where are you where have you gone to uh you've just gone completely crazy look on the map you can yeah a little bit if you look on the map you can see where I'm going to I've got a nice new hat on the hat we've got a lovely new hats I like it's my horns and so I love that you're still look back try to I think if you tried to talk to me if I was like Ben you wouldn't be able to understand me you've got nice leather oh you got nice you have got a nice hat that's great like a sort of like yeah oh that's fetching it's just thank you it's not anything special it's just a hat but it is rather nice through it um well there's a scroll I need to read home read I am writing loads of things we're going to be reading okay there's a ceiling a ritual uh God cares not for petty rituals only the ceiling it's vital we observable exact reference on the day of ceiling mixture of bone and Ashes consecrated upon the name of the Dead we spread the offering in viewing the ink with the essence of death Our God holy [ __ ] [ __ ] sounds awesome yes so we need to I think we should go this way right now because this is where that guy probably shouted at you through the doorway I'm gonna I'm gonna go in there what's this I need more pockets oh a picture of a portrait there's a whole bunch of potentially losable stuff in here I guess do you want to get Luke yeah I'd love some better armor I've got armor I think I've sent it to campus a bit late now we should probably hear that but I think there's loads of stuff I guess we could have him but it's kind of pointless like [ __ ] melt things oh Supply packs oh there's food okay we can actually have our first camp during a camp after we loot this [ __ ] up there's like dried sausage rolls and we should probably make sure the rest of them friends are empty before we start camping it's exactly what they think there's a block over here what's this indecipherable text covers the plaque maybe you can't really see you've just picked up cheese wedge I have and that's all for to share in our camp it's why our camp supplies is how you rest cheese cheeses cheese calms my demonic rage so it does come yeah uh all right let's read the plan so the door here I didn't get anywhere with the plot did not allow me to read it oh look you can turn the candelabras on to get more light look at that well this is cool we've got a book called The unclaimed story of a cleric of Shah whose Soul was never claimed from the city of judgment I can get you a copy I know I know the author of these bugs look we can burn these books for fire we can we can make fire now with books uh so this is where we okay oh wait that's the door we were trying to get through have you just outside no not at all they're all dead we killed all of them but that's the door you were trying to talk your way into very badly okay so we did everyone yeah um let's come here [ __ ] it let's have a little camp long rest going to camp in the end of the day go to Camp just means go to the camp you don't rest at all so we're gonna do a long rest I feel because you guys are [ __ ] yes we should last like yeah I've got a um SO waiting for you to join us okay no I'm just taking off all my clothes what's going on oh yeah I guess we're in uh this is our night gear isn't it we're just in our survival yeah I like the way that's cool even though we're in our PJs we're still carrying around the flame sword the flame sword means a lot to me it's your first it's Bowie's first real actor friendship to Ezra I regret massively giving you that thank you I might bring girl highlights instead of Shadow heart hi Mark are you talking to me so I can't talk to him now Tom oh yeah I'm talking to him he's been quite mean to me yeah he doesn't like me I don't like you I think he just used basically a racial slur against me oh man because he said go to hell do me I think look watch your damn mouth [ __ ] that guy I'll back you up Tom I'm right behind you we'll smother him it's great go for it nothing nothing man I'm just poorly making a point expression so trivial is almost meaningless but we've seen how it's real ah it isn't trivial oh yeah why don't you just be really stoic and and Silent [ __ ] you already do it um let's do that just go let yourself be the [ __ ] drama person that you are and let them just stare into the fire it used to be did it in this it did it but you know pictures on a list of paper what a difference a Danny makes now we have to have holes sitting through our heads like carnivorous feet high that's not abstract carnivorous Vita is the name of my new death metal all right wait don't click anything here let's go through the things okay I'm not too where the phone's gonna help you well this is your thing so read them out and then make a choice and tell us why you're making that choice I'm not too worried we'll find something else perhaps you should get some rest uh brooding will get us nowhere action will that's probably me what can I say that you're right we're in deep you know what Earth number three yeah yeah Flames invites reflection hungry all right okay cool I'm gonna talk he snapped out of it you want to go and talk to Shadow heart Shadow heart's awesome job yeah but I'm going to talk to him anyway okay that apparently not apparently just embarrassed me doesn't want to talk to me at all so I'm going to talk to somebody who might appreciate my uh my um conversation I get it I see so we'll talk to you apparently that's fine I will just eat drop greater Charisma than you maybe um I see for chat as well to hear it as well uh don't trust Gail number two you like to stir things up don't you stop looking each problem number three I wasn't confining in anyone I was just talking it's you you haven't exactly been open about yourself what do you think I'm thinking either you don't scale uh you like to or I you don't trust Gail or I wasn't confident of anyone I was talking was because yeah what do you think I think uh three she feels like your character's a bit defensive sometimes yeah I'm not she sorry we need to trust each other yeah I think you know how important it is that we find someone who can cure Us best if we focus on that okay yep sounds about right what do you think good we might even get lucky and find one right away is wrestler all right that was an uh yawn conversation so let's go and see something more exciting we're resting here for the night okay now for the bed where you never slept in the woods before definitely on point for Bowie keep walking if you want I'm getting some rest there's no further about it I'm doing two you never slept in the woods before she's trying to flirt badly well you've never worse before because I like the words the night normally means bustling streets wow that's the best we can only have an adult investigation oh hang on I can drill it I can make some soothing tea yeah yes they love that they love that don't they offer office tea isn't really my drink I need some time to think things through to process this okay DC not before seems completely reasonable 35 uh okay I'm gonna say thank you because she's kind of trusting like that yeah that's nice of you yeah all right oh how about we'll both stay up uh historian approves you didn't see that because you have monitors in the way they're starting to move I'm gonna move your video down a little bit because actually maybe I shouldn't do that uh because we can't see the approval I mean maybe down here buddy don't worry it's gonna get a little weird but you're gonna be fine right I'm all right do you just get points about sleeping or does eating help or what are you what are we supposed to do in um chat is that it maybe it's time to sleep I'm trying to put you in a place where I'm gonna put you in the middle here yeah yeah you're right in the center of my screen that's really weird I always do that whoa hang on can you do the Star Trek thing when I'm moving you just go to the left and go to the right [Music] I'm going to put you exactly back to where you are that looks really good one more time actually looks great you pick up a direction pick a Direction that looks really funny my dog is looking at me a lot what the hell are you doing um that's okay come on you can't you can't see the approval like approve I'm trying to find a place where I can put you maybe I actually maybe I'll stop you with chat hang on chat this is gonna get weird hold on chat okay chat everybody in chat go to your right [Music] second I'm gonna put um Tom to the left and then Tom and go to your left I got the dog on me I got the dog on my lap now she was like my dog was like what the hell is going on what are you doing so she came to see me do um that's cool she came to see me to check out okay all right I'm putting together a weird new place but this means that we can see the approval ratings as they happen coming Chad does that feel good for you are you okay there this way we can see the approval ratings as we get them and you're kind of out of the ways you're not going to disturb anything too much um so we got approval from a starring which is cool and look at his case look at this Camp dude I got meanwhile I don't want a boat bike but it got um approval from both Gail and shadows I got it from two people all right let's go well that's good that between all of us well that doesn't look good rotten Derm cheese wedge I don't think that's going to be healthy to eat what you can do is any extra items you don't need you can send to a thing called send to cam that puts it in a box that we don't need to carry around with us it frees our storage space it also means all right let's [Music] is fine I got a lot of [ __ ] on me dude oh I do have this as well and you're definitely going to keep that as fun all right yeah more weapons um how do you see how do you do this so you can see your heaviest [ __ ] I do not need a loot the loot is very heavy I cannot play the loot I'm going to send that to cancel all right because that's insane um another armor Center Camp uh leather armors and camp it's only got either lots of this stuff leather gloves [Music] nice you got lots of nice armor I do that's the last thing I got some good [ __ ] boots as well dude actually I like me Greg do you want some leather boots yeah I think everybody's trying to see what I've got everybody's got boots you've got leather boots already they're fine I'm gonna send this to cam it's fine no no no let me see I do not have I don't think hang on I don't oh yeah yeah I'm sorry I was looking at the wrong place I'm still getting used to the UI a little bit here I've got a great club which I'm going to give you you don't need it I think you're fine actually because I don't want to send it yeah send it to Camp send it to Camp I don't I don't want it I've got a Warhammer as well I'd only become overlaid with weapons I do have some rope I'll give you one because rope you can attach to things and use road we didn't yeah I'll take the Rope for sure oh yeah all right cool I've got that thank you torch oh torches are fun you can set people are flame with them that's kind of fun I can do that in other ways yeah you can do that uh do I need the more plant tank now I guess not right I'm gonna give you a torch as well that's kind of cool you can set things on fire with torches okay what's the what's that thing sticking out of the torch oh it's like that's weird what's this yeah it's just the thing that's just a simple thing telling you can light this okay I'm gonna go to bed uh wait wait wait say no I'm still tinkering if you go to bed I have to go to bed which is incredibly boring we both have to do it which we can do together we both have to be ready give me a second it's like it's like for us you're like the one who's going should we hey do you want to talk a little let's talk about okay are you awake hey are you awake hey hey do you believe in ghosts told us to shut up one thing I am going to do is give you healing potions because I both of us forgot we had them I'll give one to one of your characters one to the other characters and then selfishly I'm Gonna Keep more because that's the kind of character I feel I'm walking into so you got three three I'll give you I'll give you one more and that way you have a four and three and I've got four and five just simply because I've got more of them so I'll give your character four and Shadowhunters three that's cool um yeah tank I've still got mine even though I've got I'm a real wimp clamshell right I've got a slave mind with me what does that do it's a humanoid ring in perfect condition in fluid I don't know if there's anything to be honest then you can just throw to people maybe just throw it or maybe maybe I'm gonna examine it [Music] yeah what's the brand thank you it doesn't say much it's it's it's only worth like I think it's only worth like I don't know not much I might just send it to Camp because there's always quite a lot oh what did I just do I just did something oh that's pretty [ __ ] Nifty all right [Music] um okay what's that uh oh I'm getting to grips with this now okay this makes sense so you've got a little helmet Shadow heart's got a funky circlet she's got underwear if pants could bruise what is your uh oh yeah if you're reading this if you're reading this you manage to bed or behead me either way you got lucky very cool it's very funny already I guess that's it isn't it should we uh should we yeah yeah the way this works when you go to bed you have to use camp supplies if you don't have enough you don't get good rest which can [ __ ] you up in several ways um but it also means that you can um heal properly if you do have enough supplies like cheese bread we do have a camp supply thing anyway which is like automatically on the sporty and you can find foods have you ever see food pick it up and it automatically goes to camp um okay you don't have to like use your inventory so we're gonna get to bed right so this is Cam splice can you see that window is it just for me if there's another player is currently choosing camp supplies we've got loads so when we use one of these Supply packs which gives us like automatic thoughts and you've got to hit 40 to get a full night's rest anything less and you don't get um enough basically that oh wow okay there's this is a whole in-depth mechanic yeah yeah um okay so that's it we're gonna go for a full rest and have a little sleep have a little snooze [Music] Kirby snoring ah well ah yeah I got all my hip points back ah so I must say I'm looking forward to finding some better arms like I'm about to go play which anymore that's really fun uh you're still in Camp aren't you haven't come back yet oh I am yeah how did you release how do you go to the fire sign on the right hand side click it and then press leave camp where on your UI there's a camp and resting menu which is a little fire symbol oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay we're going we're going and looting what's this we're going and looting oh okay I think the starring can do something funky I think he's got some I'm gonna try to open a door I think this door's locked so if you come across to obviously a Starion is our boy yes yeah yeah yeah and she can he like detect traps as well yes he can do disarm on traps he's very very useful um the kill key thing is when you're entering new areas do not rush in especially in Dungeons and [ __ ] like that because you well like you we when Luke you when you fell down that wasn't quite my fault I was trying to put up a rope so we could shimmy down like easily but but also you alerted them to the presence so I feel that it's kind of okay now uh ladies and gentlemen they were scared of me they were scared of me I I said I killed everyone and they were like oh give me a second I just want to try try something hang on oh this thing where are you where are you going is that opened no okay I found it all right it's fine [ __ ] it we don't need it okay we're gonna move this way and see if there's usually a lever and stuff around okay so we need to be a little cautious can't quite remember what's going on in here um let's search the I'm gonna send a starring forward his perception is pretty good hello hello I think we can have a little butcher's around here and see a little mooch around you do not recognize the language on the play okay salmon misting I examine it where is this black the plaques underneath the book is underneath the book so come back all right so you see this thing here I'm gonna push out to you this thing yes that the plaque whoops okay [Music] okay I've opened the book find dust coats the power this weathered book beneath the bone white powder hundreds of short obituaries are written in tiny script Corbin tipler illmata drowning uh Ivan asked some maternal rocks Devlin Stout fever uh oh dude he just that was okay he found another all right we're gonna pull up I have no idea probably shouldn't have pulled the leather straight away um all right that's something what did he find in the trunk dude it was not that exciting candles are useful actually because we can throw them at things okay okay we can we can definitely have a look at these books oh there's a book over here yeah have a little read have a little butchers in life how soon is it being impeccable daily if you promote yourself Lots okay looks yeah I'm gonna take all these books I've got there's a curse the vampire one you shouldn't read that it's rather boring won't give you any information whatsoever that you need [Laughter] I read it it's very dull and very inaccurate surprisingly uh okay so what do we think that I think open the door that we're trying to get through but let's loot the room first and then let's see what that's going yeah there's an awful lot of additions of cursive vampire oh yeah rather popular understandable wonderful characters don't read it nothing nothing to see here all right so I guess this [ __ ] all around here yep oh man this is like a DM just like [ __ ] [ __ ] with you isn't it leaving all these boxes around there's nothing to gain from it yep that's the kind of DM I am all right so a stack of books checking it out nope not just like oh nothing never okay so ah okay the door is open this is what the door is so it's cautious to go through sending our feet in first whoops okay no there was like lots of creaking now that was difficult at all cautious there going well yeah fair enough um okay okay all right we're in a dank Crypt oh okay I forgot I like it homely it's very funny can we put some light on them and steal the chest so it doesn't okay just like the candelabras and you see them all right there's a bars over here kind of gilded chest as well thank you very much big big door over here and there's another one over there right okay yes all right so if you check the vases come actually let's have a look at my equipment and see if there's anything I can give you blew up giving him that fancy I gave my boyfriend a present uh okay so anything that's useful for you you've got torches these tools for starring anyway so obviously from that fine uh no I think we're good to go what did you do what did you do I'm just playing with Shadow heart oh I see I see [ __ ] it yeah let's go do this one well let's see if we can open up the lockpick with the starring okay all right here we go okay so you can add a bonus book you can give me a bonus I think can you how do I do this uh how do I do giving bonuses oh I've already done a guidance line dude um okay so we're gonna we're gonna roll this so I've got plus one for these two plus three bonus plus two sleight of hand plus two sleight of hand and D4 with guidance from Bowie roll those [ __ ] dice Tevin [ __ ] you oh no it's fine that's fine we rolled a seven we got 15 yeah that's good all right cool so we opened up let's don't rush in yet let's uh what's this okay we don't want to go in here first I know that that we want to go into the other place first why is my dude all on fire that's great all right we're gonna definitely go to this one first because there's a reason why we're not going to the other place first now I need you to trust me on this okay I'm trusting you all right uh okay that's why I need to trust me okay oh what is it it's event Okay so that's gonna be like a guess it's gonna be like a gas track what is the truth yeah it's gonna be like a gas thing the trigger's not gonna be probably what you think it is I I have an idea I'm gonna put something over the event no it's too far all right oh that's a good idea put stuff over the van okay so look at creates those times or like a wooden frame around yeah I tell you what why don't you stay back stay back over here because I think it's a good idea if anything I just fail perception as well perception definitely go back I'm going to move some vases onto these things can I see all this pinch whoa what was that what happened [ __ ] it I'll do anything what should happen okay I know what happened what happened we'll just take on seats just have a critical failure I don't know what just happened oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] well that okay that's not good no no no no no that's that's very flammable you're studying on Greece okay oh I tried to disarm it it didn't go so well I'm gonna try something else maybe if I would do that how do we move this though I feel like this is not going well oh what are you doing let's get up shut up yeah the grease is awesome it's very flammable oh [ __ ] there's so many of them around okay all right okay oh yeah there is a lot of traps so are you sure this was the good food this feels like a good room I just simply said I'm gonna okay okay I've got it what's in the other room it's it's something you don't want to do yeah which I definitely because that's where we're going to find something that's very helpful okay I'm covering the traps okay this is gonna work it's gonna work uh I think it's gonna work [ __ ] all right uh [ __ ] all right so um okay all right I think I think well I don't know sorry okay it's gonna work all right stay with me I found the triggers I'm really really don't think it's gonna work it's gonna be fine I'm I'm just gonna put these things on top I'm sure this is gonna work fine it's gonna be great um okay there's nothing nothing there so I'm gonna use this thing and then in a minute you're going to come around as well and have a look at all these things to find any other traps why actually why don't you come now just don't [ __ ] touch anything touch nothing but have a little butchers around no I I didn't get out of it so just don't touch anything you keep on feeling perceptions Barry up here if she's also failed that's not good okay oh I got perception oh I just saw another trap there's a gargle head which is a trap okay there's a lot of traps in it all right so I'm gonna yeah this whole room is full of apps I don't like it I don't like it even all right okay I got a new plan new plan all right my character is very quick how about we leave no no no not at all uh new plan oh my God it's just so ominous uh I'm gonna okay all right um we haven't got any okay okay all right we can open the sarcophagus the sarcophagai and I think that's kind of okay to do so but it's the main thing I think the middle one is not okay to open yet so what I'm gonna suggest you you're not gonna like this I'm suggest you're gonna go back to the beginning of this of that doorway uh my character is very quick I'm gonna grab something and run and that's how we're gonna do this so we're gonna go over here Tom Miranda over here I'm just gonna get rid of some dead weight I don't mean you I just need some weight and my feeling is this is going to go badly here as well what about these guys you know what uh my perception keeps failing I'm not liking this at all I know it's a bit scary isn't it so we're getting oh I fell over on the bloody bricks must not use Arcane fire must not use our game Fighters All right so I mean luckily my burning sword didn't set fire to it yeah all right okay don't fall over in the grease all right I'm gonna I'm gonna try something you ready I know this is gonna work a lot yeah uh yeah we're gonna go to turn based mode I'm going to save I'm Gonna Leave the Room don't leave the rooms yet uh that's a trap okay I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running oh my God the dollars okay I'm running all right I think we're okay we're gonna be fine uh um yeah turn base all right let's go see when openers to us right oh [ __ ] okay whoa what was that that may be yeah that was the Trap I think I uh I may have set off okay it's all blowing up it's all going what if we can shoot what happens if we shoot this thing I like do you think okay well these things seem to be uh just continually firing [ __ ] [ __ ] it out all right so I guess okay oh there's a door at the other end of the chamber let's come back for the door we'll come back for the door later um all right so that's going to be an interesting whoa Jesus everything's blowing up is that where's the story in is this no sorry oh [ __ ] me all right so let's come back I feel that maybe that that wasn't the best idea but in good news I did pick one really cool oh well I'm I'm happy yeah in fact you know what I know before you go in there I'm just going to close the door I'm just going to close the door and just leave it for somebody else to do it there we go that's nice that's better all right so the good news is I got some extra stuff I've got a great ax for you you're welcome um actually your thing is still better than the great ads that's okay so I've got a great ax I got a one of those which I'm not going to tell you what that is because I want to keep that um a little Shield a studded Shield that's going to be better for me oh that might be that might be good for me it might be better than a shield I got okay there you go so that's a shield for you if you wanna but then you can't use your your uh great swords to handle uh but never mind a great access table at four to 15 damage yeah I've got a little little ring thing okay nice um okay well that was pretty cool I've got a little funky I got the Watchers guide which is death promise when the spear misses the target the wheel does next attack roll against the target gains true strike I don't know what that means but that's that seems like it's cool uh it can be thrown first tell I can do spiky stuff I can charge people it's just nice uh that's cool okay cool I got a rush attack uh alrighty so I guess onwards and yay for the heroes okay onwards you know that we're probably gonna have to go to that room of deck right did we uh what's done with this door I don't know siren was very like whoa all right uh let's have a look now the skeletons oh yeah they've got they've got weapons we should loot their weapons they don't need them anymore all right let's let's don't go too far but let's uh let's check out what's around here let's loot all the corpses and the weapons and see what's going on what's over here all right we're gonna just do something just in case there's traps what one person I guess yes indeed all right thank you like a big deal with such a massive look I just found a book hmm uh I'm gonna just I'm gonna just make it yep I got a box that's starring's got the book because my other characters are a bit of a dummy oh what's that heavy chest I'm gonna give you a ring actually I found a ring you wanna ring it doesn't mean like it doesn't it doesn't mean we're engaged or anything darling but you can wear it um yeah I've just put a ring on oh llama that's oh it's exactly the same uh what have you got you found this moment yeah it's same Armor glasses that are gone so my I'm still like I'm playing um um quidditch look at this big [ __ ] cave there's a Chasm you want to go into chasm exactly down here it looks like there was another way that look has them down there as well all right it's not letting me go this wall no anything you can all right let's let's see what let's keep looking looting the corpses these oh thank you very much oh that's cool a heavy key I don't think okay we've got more more loot as gilded chests of fun oh okay that's when there's a scroll here you might want to grab I think anybody can oh the thing anyone can use Scrolls is it I think the magic wait a second I'm going to give you some guidance because there's a religious uh religious check over here so I'm going to give you stay still okay to help okay oh you failed it ah Tom all right so there's something going on here it's Shadow heart film so I felt like because I didn't I didn't stop moving yeah you didn't stop eating so we have wriggling around just lose all the all these dead people all these dead scribes yeah you got a pet on you anything adhes doesn't need doesn't need those boots either all right um uh okay what's this oh fun okay well that leads to the top side we don't want to go there just yet because we come from there so maybe that's a way out okay it's supposed to do the burning room the Rune of birming the room of burning uh okay well let's go uh let's go check these Corridor things out okay um okay oh there's something over here okay all right um right give me a second come well in fact come with me actually I guess there's something over here that's this there's a few vases and there's a button oh cool all right we opened the door what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I did something bad I did some really bad Tom um no nail [ __ ] all right uh okay don't do anything we need to strategize uh where are you um where are you could this be Cliffhanger you're already far away yeah I'm I'm quite far away but I've got a cleric with me should we leave this on a cliffhanger then you save it yeah my I was looking at me like she needs to go out so I'm thinking by Undead things well I guess your distraction you should probably run to where we are that's kind of my specialty and then you know we're gonna I'm gonna title this one uh tune in next time Tom is right about because I'll just put ellipses ellipses look I can't do that that's enough all right saving it so so if we've ended this in the den cave we've blown up a room that is just on fire and we're now surrounded by a lot of corpses some of whom don't have their weapons because we pinched them which I thought was very funny um like that so actually in a weird way we did a good thing um I feel at this point folks we should definitely raid somebody so we're just gonna pause this a little bit and jump out but uh um thank you so much for everybody turning up it's so nice to see so many people yeah hey let's start everyone about Friday yes so on Friday of our first guest who is the one of Amelia Tyler the narrator who's going to come and chat because smash skeletons hopefully um can they join in as well that we figured that out can they don't know they might be able to take over one of the origin characters maybe um uh so yeah Friday we're doing that Saturday is signing I think and then maybe Sunday will be playing again I'm not sure which way it's going but yeah try us on Friday for Amelia um thank you everyone who drops us to you oh we really appreciate sorry we can't give you shout outs within a night it's because we're busy with the game but thank you so much for that indeed and we're going to are you ready yes I think I found somebody to um I tried to to rate people that I've got a story in their party I think it's really funny um so I think I found somebody um and we're going to jump straight into it now um so folks join us for Friday we're taking tomorrow off because we've been streaming a lot these signings are still happening um so what is it today's Wednesday right so Thursday Fridays uh Saturday and Sunday might be signing and or play through I'm not sure yet we'll let you know uh check out our socials check out um socials from me check out socials from Tom uh to stay up to date and yeah we're just really digging the fact that everybody's with us it's really cool uh so thank you very much indeed uh stay for the raid thanks guys we shall see you uh on Friday all right thanks for the raids folks that are coming into us we're actually about to finish now but join us for a raid to somebody else well we appreciate you all right see you soon folks thanks to mods take it easy bye bye bye AI
Channel: Neil Newbon
Views: 205,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W2k0_Rf6Cvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 58sec (6898 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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