What Your Favorite Baldurs Gate 3 Character Says About You

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hello what is up Gamers with the Y it is me Daniel ukie what are you doing here silly goose hello everybody it is great to see you today hopefully you're doing good my name is Daniel you may call me Danny though or God of course how you doing I'm good my hair is full of static electricity for some reason so it feels weird and I don't like it today everyone we're going to talk about the greatest game of all time that's right I said it Hello Kitty island adventure I'm just kidding it's balers gate we all know what you read the title of this video right I'm about a month ago I made a video making a tier list about every single balers Gate 3 character if you haven't watched it go watch it and even though my tier list is objectively correct a lot of you uh seem to uh disagree with me mainly the hson enjoyers you freaks but regardless that video was more of a critical and objective view on the characters from a mechanical and story perspective I wanted to do something not about that so today everyone I'm going to tell you what your favorite balers gate companion says about you again if you disagree with anything I say um you're wrong go complain about it in the comments I won't read them I'm just kidding I probably will actually I actually really did like reading you guys' responses on my last video you guys actually made very good points I went back and I replayed Hon's entire storyline and I still don't like it I don't like him that's just me anyways feel like I should dress up for this video okay I'm ready today everyone we are going I can't record I found these in my closet I don't even remember where I got these I just want to wear them I'll take these out they look cool as [ __ ] before we get into the regular video make sure to like And subscribe leave a comment about who your favorite companion is and why do that before I get to your character because I might be mean I'm not sure but I really do want to hear your opinions about why your character is your favorite so please comment that down below because for some characters I truly don't understand the appeal and I really want to hear those opinions so please go down in the comments anyways let's get into the video first up we have the goth girl of balder's gate Shadow heart because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again Shadow heart is for the girls who have never been in a gay bar and for the straight men who aren't allowed in them goth girls you like goth girls women with eyeliner what do you want me to say you like the fact that she's [ __ ] up in the head it's more interesting that way I get it you like the fact that you think you can fix her you don't know it yet you can't fix her she'll drag you down to her level before any progress is made but you could try you like the fact that she dyes her hair whenever faced with a sudden or scary change in her life she's mysterious You Don't Know Her backstory she doesn't even know her backstory she's hot she's mysterious she's got mental health problems which in itself is kind of attractive she liked me for real for real if you like Shadow heart you think you're interesting enough to date Shadow heart you're the kind of person who likes the manic pixie dream artsy girl but they don't like you back that's not going to stop you from still crushing over one and they're just going to keep leaving you un red and ignoring you but you know hey it's what it is also on a kind of side note you're a basic [ __ ] shadowart is the most romance companion which just proves us queers are in the minority even though somehow we make up the most vocal and large part of the balers Gate 3 fan base you think you're freaky but in a game with a demon barbarian from hell and a vampire twink hundreds of years old the freakiest you would go was a cashier at a Hot Topic Shadow heart will miss every shot she takes with Firebolt and you are going to miss every shot you take with her let's be real you either want to be with Shadow heart or be shadowart there's no in between if shadowart existed in real life you would be head over heels for her and text her all the time and she would leave you on red shadart is an emotionally unavailable person so it validates you and your feelings when she opens up to you and talks about her emotions how does it feel to be the therapist friend how's your relationship with your parents you talked to them recently how are you has has anyone asked you that recently you don't know it yet but you were probably neglected as a child or you were your parents parent you chose Shadow heart because you can't get over your Cartoon Network Crush let's be real out of all the interesting characters of the game the Dr Warlord the demon warlock let's not forget the bear you chose the Catholic School Dropout listen I get it I also can't move past shigo sheo shigo I don't remember but at the end of the day you made the Easy Choice you chose to crush on the half out who doesn't really look like a half elf let's be real you ain't as freaky as you think you are or at least as freaky as the hson fans speaking of hson let's move on to him shall we ah all right everybody hon now I want you to imagine something men men men okay now men but what if men big yeah hson is a man not only in touch with nature but who's in touch with his own self you also want him to be in touch with you a sex positive person willing to attend to your every need cson is a man that can handle anything that life throws at him you also know that he can handle you like a 5B weight and that excites you doesn't it Carlson is a kind and caring person who wants nothing but peace and love for all he also wants sex and you're ready on the outside big teddy bear in the bedroom literal teddy bear you like the fact that you will not be able to walk once he's done you like older men and that's a choice now the lwh hanging fruit here would be to call you a furry but that's just too easy maybe I should call your dad instead and ask him about your Wattpad history what do you mean your dad won't pick up what what do you mean hson already doesn't have a beard why would he want you hson is the kind of guy to put in his Tinder bio looking for a unicorn not only because he's legitimately looking for a real unicorn but he's also looking for a bisexual person to have sex you want someone in your life who's kind confident understanding and has three twinks waiting in the wings for when you guys break up you want someone who won't judge you even though you should be judged you want someone who won't King Shame you if your Kink is Smokey the Bear honestly I I really don't have much to say about hson because I don't like him particularly but you like him and that's good for you to be fair hson is one of the kindest most mature characters in Boulders game I'm too harsh on him because I just really don't like him as a character but in total honesty hson has endured a lot of pain and hardship and has come out of its kinder softer and understanding hson is a good choice a mature choice a freaky choice but a good one I say it's not my choice but hey you do you Yi next we're going to move on to lazel first thing I want to ask about Lazelle is um how's your relationship with your mother you got mommy issues that's just it you like LEL because you have mommy issues you want Direction you want to be told what to do it's either the kind of mommy issues where you need direction and need to be told what to do at every point in your life or the kind of mommy issues that makes you want a rival you don't just see a hot frog Warrior lady you see a challenge you want someone to fight you at every decision you make you want someone to try and outbid you at every turn you want someone to try and Edge you out at every opportunity emphasis on the edge you like laselle because she challenges you and she makes you be a better person that all being said how does it feel to have a crush on fascist Kermit the Frog you know lasel is into BDSM right she she's into homicide it's not kinky it's a court case you're honor you weren't even there on God she was throwing hella ass and yes I know you can fix LEL but going on a crusade for some frog [ __ ] is a little extreme don't you think laelle hates you and you're into that you're dating lasel so that every time you guys have sex you hear Boss music take your pants off you like LEL because she's the threat not only to you but to everything in the world that might try and harm you you want someone who will protect you from all the dangers in the world it's too bad that laelle is also one of those dangers you like Lael because you want someone to challenge you to be a better person you don't just want a partner you want someone you can grow with and become better with you want someone who will motivate you to get out of bed every morning and need a healthy breakfast and get a decent amount of water every day because if they treat you well then you deserve to be treated right you deserve better and you deserve to be the person that they think you are because you are that person you deserve the best for yourself so treat yourself like you should also you want someone who can beat your ass if you beg them to anyway my main goal is to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody ah Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail Gail golden retriever ADHD bisexual boyfriend you like the fact that this guy is stuck on his ex I don't know why but you do maybe it's because you want to prove that you're better maybe you want to prove that you can take care of this boy better than they ever could yeah he may mansplain every spell he casts to you but really it's just ADHD overe explaining right you like Gail now but that's because you haven't dated Gail in real life yet Gail has been hurt before but now you're here to make it all better right you're here to make all of his problems go away but why does everyone in his life always leave him maybe they're not the problem maybe he is no you don't understand he needs to eat all my Balenciaga bags if he doesn't he'll explode he said so you like Gail because you like bisexual ADHD men that's it you love it when he overshares about his hyperfixations you love seeing the passion in his eyes it's too bad he hasn't been that passionate about you ever since he stopped love bombing you 2 weeks into the relationship you deserve better go find someone who appreciates you you love listening to your friends and people around you talk about their hyper interests because it excites you and it's it's so passionate you are one of the most kind compassionate and considerate people in the world it's just too bad that you let people walk over you like a dmat if they even show you an inkling of kindness don't let people take advantage of you you deserve better speaking of people who would treat you better though let's talk about Will I feel like that wasn't my best friend that night it was the devil will ravengard blade of Frontiers you have made a very good choice this Choice tells me that you are mentally in a very good place this Choice tells me you are an emotionally stable person this Choice also tells me that you are the vanilla of people the missionary sex of humans will is a kind mature thoughtful individual who is so boring it's not his fault though that's the writer's fault [ __ ] you guys you're not the kind of people I would have over to throw a rager you're the kind of person I would ask to help like do my taxes you're the kind of person to have a Roth IRA right you have a budget and a schedule and you know Financial stability saying this like is a bad thing what the [ __ ] you make good choices not exciting choices but choices nonetheless will is the kind of guy who like in his 20s used to get like blackout drunk on like a Tuesday afternoon and get into fights all the time but now that he's like in his 30s he just really wants to go to like a farmers market will is adventurous in a safe way will thinks the thrill of rock climbing is a little too much sometimes he's like the Peta of balers gate maybe it's like it's the right choice but you know it's not as interesting as Gail will is the safe Choice the responsible choice not the exciting one but that's you isn't it safe responsible but not that exciting God I feel mean I'm sorry to be fair will was abandoned by the writing Department in favor for literally every other character will is one of the prettiest people in the game in my opinion I love will as a character just unfortunate that he has so little backstory to grip on to I really hate the writing department for just leaving him out to drive because through all of act two he has no story because here's the thing will has made bad choices he's a warlock to a demon of a verice that's not a great choice right but he did it because he wanted to help people he's got a savior complex and that that that's that's that's something right about that but they didn't and that sucks but honestly will is one of the best choices you can make because he's a responsible kind normal human being normal is relative but next let's talk about someone who's the opposite of will let's talk about Menara help he's escaping the Killer is escaping ah menar you're the kind of person to put on socks before any other clothes in the morning you're the kind of person to eat a hot dog landscape style you are weird and [ __ ] up you just like me for real for real Menara is a horrible evil person and it's not just because of her upbringing where she was groomed to be a killer and a warlord and a hostile environment it's because she enjoys being evil she likes fling and torturing people for fun that's scary it's also kind of hot you have mommy issues in the bad way you want to be disciplined you want to be told you were bad yeah you're bad oh and you need to be punished now yeah does that excite you does that excite you dog if that did excite you you are a manthara lover and you can't deny it now you bottom manthara only cares about you in the carnal and utilitarian sense if you're useful you could stick around if you stick around long enough yeah she'll probably top you and you're into that so good for you just to summarize menthu will disrespect you in the hottest way possible and just to be clear about this you're a bottom and a sub don't look at me and say n n on the switch you like manthara because she's direct scary and intimidating and that turns you on good for you I like manthara she's pretty she's scary I like it women who can kill you H me up anyways before we move on to our final two companions I thought I'd talk about some honorable mentions who um aren't exactly uh companions but you know [ __ ] so let's talk about the emperor the emperor wow that's a choice and don't just tell me you're a monster [ __ ] I am too that's that's a little in you couldn't see a red flag even if it was draped over your face when you're about to be waterboarded not only did the emperor catfish you for half the game but they literally are incapable of doing anything for themselves and you have to do everything for them let's be real this is no one's first choice and if you disagree with me change ah withers's you my friend have Immaculate taste smash next question sure hope no 9 fo6 tall vampire lady comes and pegs me carlac okay imagine this women women good but women but big yeah Carlock is the muscle demon mommy of your dreams a woman capable of snapping you like a twig but instead chooses you to cradle you like a baby how does it feel wanting to have every woman be your mom as a carlac enjoyer myself we need to be honest here carlac may be the sporty gym girl of our dreams but really she's a manic pixie dream girl hidden behind 212 lbs of pure muscle and 0.5% body fat you probably dated many people who have hurt you and and you're finally ready to make good relationship choices unfortunately carlac is not that choice because instead of her hurting you you're going to end up hurting her this time the cycle continues not only can carlac find the CLP but she can also dunk on an NBA official Rim you think you're mentally okay you think you're emotionally stable but the second someone asks you are you okay you are going to break down into tears trust me I would know you're like a non- newtonium fluid strong Under Pressure but you know the second someone checks in on you um you're going to [ __ ] die Flubber ass [ __ ] you're the kind of person who would have a boyfriend but keeps denying that they're bisexual your for upage keeps trying to tell you you're queer and you talk to your mom about it but she says it's normal to feel this way about your college roommate and please don't tell your dad about it all in all carlac in my opinion is the best choice carlac has gone through a lot of pain and suffering and as soon as she's free of that pain and suffering she learns she's going to die carlac story is tragedy upon tragedy so she has to try and find the good where she can get it and when you come along at bald's gate she sees that good in you and she helps bring that good to the surface not only does she make you a better person but she makes everyone else around her a better person carlac is beautiful and kind that's more than I could ask for and last but not least of course not least the man the myth the legend himself a [Music] staran the most sought after man of balder's gate the most SED over vampire since Robert patson and NOS veratu The Voice Kink Awakening of an entire New Generation how does it feel to have a crush on sexy Stewie Griffin Brian Brian I need to find Cazador Cazador you have a bad relationship with your father that's it there that that's no joke about it also your personality based on Tumblr in 2014 aaran is your newest Crush after the onler Tumblr sexy man aarian aarian is another great example of I can fix him but maybe just maybe before fixing a star on you could maybe fix yourself I want to be traumatized together wrong he's going to traumatize you so much he's disrespectful but not in like the sexy kind of way but in like the way that's like too real and it shocks you to your core and you really have to re-evaluate your choices and such like I need to set down after that that that really hurt your favorite fictional man is Hannibal lecor the mads mikkelson one not the other one so it makes sense but anyways did you find Jared let's Joker hot did you please say no I beg you your taste men is strange dangerous and very confusing also stop Defending Your Boyfriend there's a reason your best friend doesn't like him have some introspection look at yourself all that being said aarian is very pretty so it's all okay you want someone who hates everything and everybody except you you want to be someone's home you want to be someone's safe space you want to be that person's rock that they can always come to and be vulnerable with you also want to be told you're a good good little [ __ ] that being said would being real asarian story is the best written story in all of bal's game asarian has a tragic backstory and sees the world through a jaded lens and through the game by showing him you know human kindness he'll slowly see that the world isn't all bad because for the past 200 years that's all he's ever known I make the joke like that you can fix him but it's not about fixing him it's about showing him that people are better than he thought that all people aren't evil because the only reason he acts so jaded and hateful is because that's who he thinks he needs to be to survive but he doesn't and you can show him that regardless uh you are a [ __ ] um you are a good little [ __ ] I don't know man anyways thank you for watching if you disagree with anything I said you're wrong but if you really do disagree with anything said go comment in the comments below and tell me why I love making videos like this so please like And subscribe if you want to see more I love talking about balers gate and things I enjoy so the more you like these videos the more you can make them there's also a lot of horrible atro is happening in the world right now so in the description below I'll leave a link to some Charities that I myself have supported I uh I don't know go do something good for yourself make someone happy make yourself happy get food get water take your meds and I'll see you in the next video peace ah
Channel: Danny Phantom exe
Views: 287,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tqms_W9UE6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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