Baldur's Gate 3 Cast play D&D #2 | High Rollers Presents: Shadows of Athkatla #ad

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foreign the future of Boulder's Gate hangs in the balance will you be the hero and save it from looming Darkness or will the city crumble under your influence explore the vastness of the Forgotten Realms overcoming its challenges however you choose this journey is yours to make its path and your party shaped by each and every decision you brought us this far so how shall we proceed fight out think Aid manipulate steal bargain the world and its denizens will react in kind with 46 subclasses and over 600 Spells at your disposal experience true RPG Freedom as a solo Adventurer or with a party of friends become a Force for good also chaos in Baldur's Gate 3. you decide hello everybody and welcome to episode 2 of our very special Baldur's Gate cast play D and D with high rollers I'm the dungeon master Mark Sherlock Humes and I'm joined once again by our wonderful cast of guests can we just get a quick reintroduction to who you are and who you're playing real rapid fire round go starting with Theo my name is Theo Solomon and I'm playing will Raven guard the blade of Frontiers my name is Samantha and I and Carla the Demon's Bane my name's Jennifer and I am playing Shadow heart hi I'm Deborah Wilde and I play Lazelle of Crash clear no introductions needed damn hello hello I'm Neil nevon I'm playing asari and I'm wearing exactly the same clothes I make no apologies I'm Tim Downey and I'm playing Gail dakarius the wizard of waterty pause uh thank you very much for joining us once again as we continue and hopefully wrap up our little adventures uh here in your second game of DnD for many of you some from some of some of you are more experienced but for some of you it's your second ever game very exciting we are also joined Booth I'm just gonna have a sticker head in because there's no intro for this one specifically but we are also joined by another special friend who are you coming here um I'm Amelia Tyler I play the narrator at Boulder [Applause] but just not right at the beginning go back to your chair go back to your your stalking chair um so ah let me give you a little recap on what happened in our last episode uh you are all traveling you're all traveling through the Wilds of the sword Coast you would a camp and when you awoke in the morning your companion and the sort of one that you know your destiny is connected to these these mind Flex headboards connecting your minds and somehow being prevented from trans more transworthing ceremorphosis uh Tav this champion this Warrior that you've been traveling with or Mage um I was afflicted by some strange spell that was overtaking their body um and you knew thanks to some detective Arcane detective work from Gail you didn't attempted that it was coming from very very far away it was very rare and Powerful magic and then you were suddenly attacked by these strange uh spirits and and glass Knights and and strange amalgamations like experiment experiments gone wrong um you managed to fight them off and with a little aid from elminster you learned a bit more that the source of this magic this spell was coming from a place called a city in the nation of arm far to the South uh elements are teleported you to the city of art to the city of afghatler and then you have arrived and split off in a various number of ways to try and locate the source of this magic put a stop to it save Tab and then return to Baldur's Gate to complete your destiny as we know because we're all playing the game we all know where it's going to go eventually you have to get back everyone dies um just as a little point of warning there may be some minor spoilers for things that happen in borders Gate 3 especially in act one especially with the various characters and things like that but hopefully not too much so we can jump right into that as well um and that my friends is where we're actually gonna pick straight back up uh no big fancy intro this time because we are uh gonna pick up with some of the cast after you've split off I believe we have Gail and will uh had sort of done a little bit of research cast I'm supposed to try and track down this source of magic maybe learning about the kind of powers that are in play here in the city and where they may be able to help you uh still in the city Gates District um but will uh but uh Gail sorry had snuck off to do some sneaky Arcane magic which is very naughty in this city we then have a Starion and kalak having headed to the docks uh perhaps pursuing some illegal allegedly allegedly nefarious contacts uh to maybe try and inquire what they may know um and then finally the oddest gal pal date of all time uh we had lizelle and Shadow heart head to joaquin's Promenade a trading Market uh where they've encountered The Adventurous Mart the weirdest and budget uh adventuring shop of the sort of in faerun they've met the Imp Bing wrong and they are they harassed harassed a gnome into learning more about what's going on in the city and ended up buying two tickets to a tourist attraction because we did you guys last we're going to come back to you guys in a little bit uh but I want to pick up with some of our other groups especially Colac and Starion um you guys make your way in docs District of catler the docks are sealed off by large towering stone walls you can see that they the docks themselves slope all the way down with these kind of ramps and stairways that lead down onto the surface of uh the coast and you can see that the river flows out here as well and it is immense there are ships with huge mass sailing ships everywhere a wooden Jetty that kind of surrounds the southern portion of the city really like a huge chunk this peninsula kind of sticks out um and uh drifts off into the sea and you can see warehouses you can see very fancy uh Rich uh upper class housing here you can see taverns you can see entertainment uh establishments shall we call them gambling dens brothels that sort of thing gentle persons Club um you can see Traders and it's very bustling it's packed with people um and when you guys arrive you encounter a site which I think the two of you would probably be somewhat familiar with having grown up as a sort of street urchin in Boulder's Gate I believe carlight and then asterian having lived in a bustling City and knowing the right types of people um when you arrive uh you witness you are witness to a Chase currently taking place uh you see dressed in a sort of uh purple Hood um kind of wrapped around a very rare like kind of homemade maybe like knitted um a Dwarven girl she's maybe about 14 but you can see the stocky frame of a dwarf big curly Ginger hair um looks like it might be dyed um uh kind of like spilling out around her like out of her cloak big thick boots and she is quite expertly parkouring over some of these warehouses and buildings whilst a pair of out of breath uh guards like kind of like you know wearing breastplate and carrying out birds are like yelling after her there's a man and a woman um and they're chasing after tin pot kind of lid Helms like stop girl and like you won't get away with this this time and they're chasing after it and the Dwarven girl is like hopping over things kind of Assassin's Creed style sliding um but as she kind of is about to reach near you guys and maybe looks like it makes a mistake uh a cobblestone in the street comes loose and she goes tumbling down I'm kind of rolling into this thing slams into a cart um and seems to be quite badly injured just a bad fall basically and it looks like these guards might quickly catch up on her and she kind of looks around and she's like hey any help here please and she's kind of like looking around to the bypasses like for anybody to help her but a lot of people are like like turning away like you know aiming not to help him so what do you what do you guys want to do anything or is this you trying to avoid attention I'm going to I feel like you know adventured long enough and we're similar lots of rich people we're both City yes so I'm gonna sort of like look from what we're watching and sort of look at Carla and just give it a little knowing nod eyebrow raise so I've already discussed obviously we've discussed is do and this looks like maybe so we're going to sort of do that so we both know we're on the same thing is there anything like a big basket or like a wicked bar or something like that oh absolutely that would be yeah there's like uh you can see that like you know this is a docs after all it's like the fishing boats and things like that so there's like baskets full of like kind of oily like uh kind of almost like long eel-like fish um they're scattered around everywhere there's also crates but they're like nailed shut but they look like they're full of like trade goods they'd be full of like you know packing straw and stuff like that I want to quickly scan around see if there's like an open something yeah yeah and then what I'm gonna do is as we assume that we know what we're talking about I'm gonna walk past Carlock and the girl and and mindlessly sort of wander towards where the guards I know will be coming and just affects the the thought thing and just try and get in their awareness physically okay great so uh in that case let's and then call it what do you in fact and it looks like there's a couple of choices like if you wanted to tackle ton or whatever yeah um you have seen this girl like you're starting to make these gestures you've got a couple options if you want to find something to put her in you can either basically empty out one of these Wicket baskets full of these like oily kind of fish um or you could try and rip off the lid of one of these crates which you know yeah like yeah probably is going to be totally different oil and child yeah she's kind of got like this kind of like um lilac colored dress like big thick leather boots up to her thighs but like in like this big hood of like purple like knitted kind of like cloak looks almost like a rogue Hood if your grandma made it basically um and she's like limping it looks like she's Twisted her ankle and she's like trying to like get away people are moving away from her people are just trying to ignore her she's trying to blend in but like people are just like well we don't want to get into trouble basically there's space whilst you're doing your thing and I'm walking past just as I sort of walked past the girl is she looking towards where Carla yeah she's like kind of like she's like looking around she's like please I swear I didn't do anything wrong like they're just after me for no reason and she's like limping around because I have thieves Camp yeah I think it's a secret sign it is a secret sign language yeah how's your elbow yeah and there's a lot of like Cockney saying of like you know like you know like oh like you know you say something like holes in Bears yeah darling so he fell down at the fish market means just like oh did your job go wrong oh look at the weather looks like it's going to be overcast in a second yeah but what I was going to do is see if I can catch her attention by using these counts something on those lines by indicating to karlak guys and girl look at myself she's all right go with it yeah go with her she's okay okay and let her do what she all right sure so there's a couple of things you play here the thieves can't you don't need to make a roll for because that's something you can just do and I would say Let Me Roll I'm gonna make a little roll here because she's a dummy baby also stupid something else what is your passive perception as the style my personal perception is 13. 13. it's enough like you see she definitely clocks you um and she thieves Kent's back to you just with hand signals almost like sign language um she will thieves Ken back to you like I don't know you but I don't have a choice and like something like that like I might do The Parting good luck yeah scales and write returns but she starts limping towards karlak um meanwhile you're gonna try and like intercept these guys and kind of like distract them or like keep them in the world you're not going to notice them because they're beneath yeah yeah make sure that they accidentally get in mind sure sure physically I'll let you make a choice on this one Neil and then we'll come over to Kai you can either give me a deception check which is like when you're trying to lie in the seat and things like that yeah a performance check because you're playing the role of a fop and you kind of want to play into it okay yeah or um I would say maybe acrobatics like you kind of try and bump into them without them realizing I'm gonna try I think about plus five and acrobatics I want to try acrobatics sure so this would be more like kind of almost like pretending to like drop your hanky and be like yeah oh yeah yeah yeah or something like that or pluck a flower yeah and trip them up at the same time yeah I'd say yeah give me an acrobatics roll um and I'll say that this is like the even veteran guards this isn't going to be super easy but they're not the elite of the elite so it's not gonna be too tricky either can I add something you tell me minor illusion yes which as you are a high elf thank you I am uh so I I just need a piece of fleas or like lint or something like that well the way I always do it is that basically like things like material commands they're good suggestions if you want to use I love the idea that I have pocket yeah I create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for duration the illusion then ends if you dismiss it as an actual castle again creatures action to examine the sound they'll determine it is an illusion yeah and successful intelligence check against rule DC yeah it creates a certain solution for the air solution becomes faint kitchen so I don't want anything they want to touch or investigate I'm going to do an added thing so before I get in their way I'm going to create illusion of a bird like a pigeon just and flapping straight through them like almost about to hit them yeah or seagulls way yeah if that can give me some kind of bonus and they will do that seagulls will come for you like that so I I live in Bristol I know what they're like um yeah no absolutely I say like the minor relations you don't need to roll you just create the illusion it flies towards them um give me this acrobatics Jim Jim the seagull that flies in give me the acrobatics with Advantage because these guys are gonna try and duck out the way and that's going to give you an easier chance to try and not for sure so that is a 15 plus an excellent uh example of how to [ __ ] your DM everybody yeah natural 20 and [ __ ] oh wonderful it's a 15 plus 20 and the second one just for sure some Giggles is eleven so yeah so dirty 20. um perfect yeah you easily kind of bump into the way you kind of trip one of them up one of them the woman kind of whips around almost to be like what the [ __ ] yes the find weather we're having today my Lord is it yes yes um you do realize that these are the [ __ ] name I came up with the label sure sure from Neverwinter and they're almost Irreplaceable what are you doing oh Wheeling around like chasing a thief I don't see a thief do you and look around my finger in my cross my fingers and look at Carla great great cinematic moment as the camera pans round for us to then jump sky so cart you see this kind of like she like she makes some weird gestures towards uh esterion and then starts limping towards you and as she gets closer she's like uh your fancy friend better be [ __ ] right and like and just it's like looking at you like well what's the plan kind of thing um so we're gonna hide her in a crate yes great give me an Athletics check on this 17. nice plus uh four twenty four twenty one-handed right the nails go flying sorry um but you rip this thing off she like checks and it's big enough for her to fit in and it doesn't look like it looks like maybe it's like transporting some like soft something soft like silks and things so she just does no hesitation jumps in it yeah it's not comfortable and then we see exactly that as the guards look over they're like what what and they're like scan around like no she was right that she was right here and then the other one's just like come on she must have disappeared into the crowd I'm so sorry more we are in a Pursuit uh do we have give me your name and number hang on a second I'm done with you yes all right very good sir name and number they pull out like these little tin badges they have if they do that and it's okay yeah and they give you these little tin badges with numbers and they tell you their names I'm gonna take out some pretend [Music] don't do it again ready goes up otherwise it'll be your ass absolutely so pleasure to you we wouldn't want the website opposite you know absolutely not sir get out of here all right I'm gonna start whistling as they walk back to Carla nice nice um we're gonna jump back to you guys I'm gonna jump around the table so we can kind of see a bunch of people uh will and Gail you guys finish you finish reading your book volo's guide to uh catler um Gail emerges from the Shady alley that he disappeared into um yeah and uh and and yeah do you guys want to head somewhere so with Gail's detect magic you don't get any sense of this like foul magic yet but you know you've got some concentration but it's only 30 feet range so it's not a huge radius yeah um so whereabouts what do you guys thinking you want to do next well where have you read that might be useful to go to that this lot aren't there already I want to head put those words together in the correct order it's quite tiring looking at our map I believe we should to the cold Wizards sounds good let's do that but we need to find out how to get there so yeah well in the book it would tell you that the cow Wizards are stationed in the government District of catler that means you have to cross the bridge but it's on the other side it seems like the Richer the upper City they call it okay which part of the city um and yeah you can just cut past the bridge um and head that way if you want to head that way yeah the the coward Wizards um perfect you guys uh begin making your way there you pass through the River District and it and head onto the bridge uh as you reach the bridges Gates uh you can see that there are these rows of uh soldiers wearing white and red red and white heraldry um and they've got halberd so they're kind of lined up and there is a like they kind of stop you and just say like hole for the bridge two silver two silver per person kind of like you know you pay a little toll and you see the other Traders and that are doing it you got that out onto the bridge I'm not gonna make you mark off two silver you've got plenty of money you guys make your way down and you can see that on the bridge think of like the Ponte Vecchio it's this kind of beautiful like long bridge but it's huge there's even this enormous Temple um and you see this has this golden Sphere for the top of it like a dome and there is the statue around sort of like late like lounging on the Dome kind of propped up against it is this beautiful female figure with this flowing hair and although it's been made of gold the gold has been mixed with something to make her hair bright red like this kind of fiery red that's catching the sunlight as it hits and the temple is made of white stone and it spills down and you can see this uh emblem of a woman's very fine feminine face with this red hair spilling around it it's like on the front of the temple and there seems to be some sort of gathering outside um you can see dozens of kind of merch merchants and upper class looking citizens lower class looking citizens as you see what appears to be sort of like an impromptu Fashion Show is being taken place and you can see people going into the temple there's like little stations like Stone almost like a kind of like um uh you get the fountain for the holy water in a church but these are like little makeup stations and they have like attendance like doing people's makeup and hair for free off the street people come in they get a haircut they get their face washed they get their makeup done um they get like you know but there's baths it looks like further in and things like that and yeah it seems to be some sort of Temple of beauty uh as you go to pass it uh can you tell me both your passive perception score so at the very bottom of your sheet I believe it should say just oh yeah uh 10 10 for Gail ten for me as well 10 for you guys as well perfect it's gonna be good well I'm gonna in fact I'll roll this in front of you guys let's see what I did oh 15. I'm good so yeah you guys passed the Bridge Street you see that this Festival um is called something is called uh the uh day of the adoring eye you begin to overhear people talking about it like Oh Happy Day of the adoring I to you uh blah blah you see an attendance like come up to you a very beautiful Elven woman long blonde hair perfectly straight in this kind of like chiffon style robe and she says sunni's blessing upon you gentlemen may I interest you in haircuts or some Cosmetics or anything from the temple today's service is free as a celebration of the adoring eye uh or is there anything else that lady fire hair can help you with today uh we are looking to speak to the cold Wizards and she see her face sort of blanches oh my um well the the coward Wizards are up in the government District but I'm afraid that there's been rumors throughout the city that they are not accepting visitors and they're not seeing uh people with questions there is apparently some important business that they've been dealing with I'm afraid is it important or it's very important and I do have some money on hand if you could potentially give me any more information about what they're discussing straight to them [Laughter] I love love love the energy or we could either Maybe use some magic or even better because I just thought this is going to be fine yeah go on so either we could do either charm said personally I think Tim is just like yeah I've got all these cards yeah um it's still got magic going on around still I guess I'm not sensing anything still so yeah magic you're not picking up on that foul kind of like the same essence you saw around town yeah you are getting we should hopes though this this Elven woman in front of you and the temple behind the temple radiates enchantment magic you can tell the air glance there are there are many different types of magic going on in this Temple but the woman in front of you there is a mixture of illusion magic enchantment magic um all about her person um you aren't quite sure of the effect of it but this woman is radiating like these elements of magic to her um and like you you definitely notice obviously it's me speaking but this her voice is so homologic and soothing and her appearance is Flawless like she looks like you know Picture Perfect out of a book and you can see that most of the priests and priestesses the men and the women all have very similar they just they look just wonderful but also different shapes and sizes like you know this is a very lots of different types of beauty and how Beauty can be personified at this place you know different body shapes different sizes and different genders different styles different Fashions but everyone just looks happy and they have that radiant glow about them you know so they radiate that so not overly trusting of this whole sure situation we find ourselves is Gail actively saying to will like whoa hold on a minute as he's trying to bribe the lady I think so okay just I [Music] must say as well that it is very generous but you do not need to give us money it's fine we're happy to exchange information uh freely I'm afraid that I I know very little about the situation with the cow Wizards it started perhaps a week ago um that you began to close their doors it was around the same time that there were reports of these kidnappings um in fact one of our own priests priests has uh priestesses has gone missing she was taken from the temple a few days ago we've been petitioning the Wizards and the guard to search for her but um to know to no luck I'm afraid you mentioned something about things not being right and did I hear that correct sir yes you know what it's this it's this old hair and I hear you're doing haircuts and a bit of you know maybe a beard trim you do your magic I'll tell you what I'm going to give you advantage on this next roll because that's a good line can you but I would like you to make a deception check for me please please betraying your intentions and beliefs so this is the deception skill check on your skills yep what bonus do you have plus one a plus one so you're gonna give Advantage you roll twice take the highest so that's 13 so it's 14. uh yeah it's 14. I'm Gonna Roll her insight and see if she picks up on that nope uh in fact she is totally taken in by Gail you see that this Elven woman looking at the hair the kind of Regal stance of the wizard she's like I would be personally happy to attend to any of your sort of needs or desires for today um we could start with a rinse and get out of those dead ends perhaps a facial scrub that would be lovely real though no one else bear with my companionship oh yes of course of course of course absolutely the Temple of Lady SUNY is more than welcome to have any Travelers in it and perhaps you could ask some of the others around I I will provide you what information I can but yes come with me and she'll say Lead You In and she'll probably like gesture to many of the attendants whoever you sort of you know want uh they'll come in and it's literally like a hacker that you know shave if you want one facial scrub a little thing and it's it's this thing and you you see this is the god of Sunni she's the goddess of love and beauty and this is just a service they provide the city like anybody can come in and get a haircut and get cleaned up and that's part of her her ethos is that everyone deserves the chance to feel beautiful basically um and so that's this really lovely thing we did very well in coming this way we do yeah I wonder how the others are getting yeah Neil you've got the sense of it because we're gonna then jump ahead to these guys as we leave Gail and will having um so uh Lazelle and Shadow heart you guys to travel to the adventures Mart and you have been sold uh two tickets to the ball spawn narrative experience um a living history of event of recreation and fun um Recreation and education sorry and it's Bing Bong still he so I think that he's not cold like hugging on to you anymore but like he's holding your hand like a little child and just as a point I don't know if you've ever seen an imp they look like a little red devil baby like he's like got like little tiny horns he's kind of got like a big head a little body these little black wings like little bat wings little pudgy arms and legs and he's just holding on he does have like a little outfit like it's kind of got like a little bow tie like a greeter like you might get like a supermarket he doesn't have a name tag but he does he just has like a little bell on the Hat yeah I've embellished Bing Bong since we took a small break he's like holding your hand like this and he's just sort of like and he's just quiet he's happily just going wherever you go okay um so yeah and it's a little family outing Shadow Hearts do release the Imp why it's not good to come on this adventure with a shadow heart we can barely manage the others let alone an imp baby he might be helpful I'm keeping him though exactly [Laughter] you guys make your way in and uh The Gnome behind the thing kind of points you in the direction there's a little small anyway and it's like posters of these kind of like you know these images of this bigger can't tell whether it's male feel fighting against this horrible looking demon kind of creature some various companions around their side or the bile spawn experience by Adventures Mark um you make your way down and it leads you into basically a room with a portal like a kind of Archway door with a magic portal in it as you arrive you hear a voice and as you step up close to the portal you hear a voice that says You must gather your party before adventuring forth and then as you kind of all in position the doors shut and the portal ignites and and opens and you can step inside so you guys step inside the portal I suppose we should absolutely might be useful you step in um and you uh appear in a chamber um it is full of kind of like metal catwalks above a dark Chasm and you can see that there are these hanging cages that would have been suspended in this room above the chasm itself um you can also see as you arrive you kind of move out of this Archway um into this kind of space next to you there are two of these cages with human or you looking shapes in them but you very quickly especially Shadow heart with your perceptions I believe your passive is 15 past perception you quickly realize they are not real people they are animatronics they're like clockwork people dressed and painted like skin colored wood and you see a um an Elven druidic woman in green with like white hair and a staff and she kind of looks very bored and robotically is kind of twisting around and then you see a big muscular man bold of head with like a purple streak over one eye um and he's got a little tiny stuffed hamster like a little you know fake looking hamster in his hand and he's kind of like and they appear to like you know be making noises but you you can't hear them from where you are um the catwalk chamber moves down it looks like there's two side Chambers like one that splits off to the side and one that carries on straight ahead of you so we can choose between going down you can go off to the side or you can carry Straight on it looks like there's a corridor like a stone Corridor that leads straight down there is like a little side room like it looks like there's once like a door it's been opened up and now contains like some sort of side chamber and then there are these two like clockwork automatons to the side of you that I think and and Bing Bong is absolutely like wants to go and see the little automatons he's just like it's like walking towards them I'll go with Bingo you coming sure uh you you approach them and you begin to hear uh the sort of woman is like nature servant awaits and just is turning around and you see a plaque uh the Hydra Jahira uh former companion of the ball spawn kind of thing um and it kind of turns to you and says I am Jahira I am one of the height and it basically goes into a speech about who they are the next one along is uh Swords not words go for the eyes button just repeats these phrases over and over again and you see a little point that says minskin boo former Companions of the thing and tells a little about their story how they were captured by this Mage called John ironicus they were kept here the ball spawn was a prisoner blah blah kind of story and then big box like ah it kind of like points at them and then sort of like come on chat's away but then gets bored it's like yeah looking around like what next that's it he just wanted to check out the cool cool people that's it that was all that was all that's what he wanted to do like don't think that this imp is by any means gonna help you in any way I I don't mind I'm just going where he's gonna go where he's going I feel like we should take the other day yeah you begin making your way down to the corridor and it turns into like an L shape that turns off to the side um it leads you through a chamber with an Arcane like magic looking machine almost like a like a piece of like a generator like a power generator but with crystals and runes and sigils instead of mechanical Parts um there is a uh there is illusions of lightning blasts like a piece of like a bolt of lightning bounces around the room it passes through you harmlessly like an illusion Bing Bong scared he's like and he like jumps up onto your back when he sees it coming um and then you make your way through into the next chamber which is almost like a cave and you see that there was once this large space where like one of these Clockwork figures would have been but it's been torn to shreds and you now see that there is this kind of tattered remnants of a genie-like figure and it's been ripped apart and there is a huge blood stain that drags off further down into this tourist attraction follow the bloodstain right always great [Music] uh the corridor leads out of this room and eventually you come to a Crossroads the blood stain drags down and goes off to the left there is a chamber to the right and then a door leading further to the north but as you get there you see that the blood is clearly something was dragged this way it's almost leaving that streaked trail as you go down um Crossroads and look into the chamber to your right you can see the remnants of like a clay creature like this big hulking it would have been you know maybe like 10 feet tall it would have filled the corridor in the chamber and it too has been like ripped apart and like left scattered around the place uh but the blood stain goes off to the left instead so it looks like something good follow the blood keep following the blood all right can we leave Bing Bong finally or must we take him with us you see him he's like licking the blood off the floor if you guys are going to follow uh this trail of blood I'm gonna have to pass it over to my narrator her instincts were correct and you all died um right the trail of fresh blood is streaked across the floor and leads into this chamber dozens of glass fats and elongated tubes are set into strange casings and mechanisms around the room metal railings enclosed around them at arm's length each vessel is filled with a bright blue and green liquid and contains malformed creatures and twisted puppets of old experiments suspended in the fluid a plaque reads adventurous Mart balsbourne experience the cloning Vats below the largest of these disgusting displays at the far end of the room the trail of blood leads to a section of wall that is swung aside revealing another passageway Shadow heart it seems there's something wrong here something very wrong perhaps we should go down this secret passageway absolutely lizelle you read my tadpole mind uh as you guys begin to descend further down into this thing I'm going to jump back so you guys successfully kind of helped this kind of girl escape um and you basically after a few minutes you hear like a yeah oh [Laughter] yeah you kind of just like gods of guns yeah there were Gods like around but none of them are like they're like patrolling us regards yeah I mean there's like there's you could probably get her out safely in the crowd now that those two who are chasing her have gone um but like yeah like they're they're always God's present like there's never a piece of like yeah so I'm gonna open the crate you just hear like she's kind of like lying on her back like kind of like got her hands like behind her head and she's gonna go and she's just like uh she looks up at you like well took your sweet time but I'm real grateful for you for the save there and it's sort of you know didn't expect her and she kind of uh thieves counts back at you a Starion just sort of like a fellow uh fellow Shadow Walker would probably be what she says like yep so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna clock that but then I'm gonna do the sign of uh you owe me okay I know an introduction okay um she kind of like glanced around she looks at you and then she looks at like you have no idea what we're doing do you sweetheart connected to him psychically oh yep that's handy that's a real nice trick um okay and she kind of like looks around and she says like well I figure out you at least an introduction like what do you what do you want you want to meet the shadow thieves yes [Laughter] okay well I'm not technically a shadow Thief close the lid she's like no no wait but I know I know one of them I know I know one of the council members I know one of the heads in charge she's real nice she's Rich she's the best name her name's emoyne imma win hello I've heard of her because of Boulder State decision definitely okay she's a friend of mine oh I'm training to be a shelter just like her clothes so Emma when I think might be something quite useful however you might be the best person to talk to her kind of this is sort of the whole me thing you know I don't know they had a bit of history with uh my kind so might be best if you put on the big red teeth on fire well that's a good point okay [ __ ] it we'll just do it together back in the box I promise I can I can get you a meeting with Emma and I promise I promise okay okay follow me and she'll like climb out and she's like oh you really don't mess around do you um and she's like I'm Lorena by the way this [ __ ] is her neck a bit sore huh is she was doing this yeah like she kind of works as well oh no yeah I'm starting to feel a bit peckish okay okay [Music] [Laughter] she's got this thick Dwarven kind of like dyed Ginger hands and she brushes it aside when she rubs it and that's when she plants like the very pristine looking kind of name thing yeah she's got a sprained ankle so she would still be healthy and stuff like that move along as you as we do that I'm looking around is there anything like I could fashion into some random other myth or something like an eel she can put on her hands like mitts roll a D20 for me I mean flamble they're oily foreign [Music] called the five flagons um and she kind of leads you around it's actually in the bridge District so she leads you onto the bridge she talks her way past the tall guards and leads you on to the bridge District um and she takes you in there and she goes up and you can see that like the The Bodyguard who's this big like barrel-chested orc like not a half like a full orc he's got these thick like kind of like dreadlocked hair tied back you can see that he's just Rippling with muscles we're talking like proper like weight lifter like bodybuilder kind of build yeah um and he's like on the front and he just like he looks down at her and he's like oh causing trouble again little Runner and she's just like no I ain't doing that Hank uh she's like I'm here to I'm here to meet I'm seeing my friend um and he just goes like still can't believe a little Squad like you is Friends with Emily uh and he goes like he gets like like nods in and he like looks at you too and he's just like and I think like he clocks you both and he kind of is giving you that kind of like hey don't cause trouble in here kind of thing like especially like probably to come back like sizing up the size but he still like looks at you as Darren and I think like kind of like peers you a little bit and it kind of size you up and you kind of think this guy actually maybe isn't the type to be taken in by the whole floppish thing like he look he sees that he like looks at your army because he's looking at your hands okay um in in perfect perfect orcish yeah I'm going to say oh very nice so you're the perceptive time yes well then you know that my friend and I are not to be trifled with nah he just looks and back in August he says you're correct but neither am I let's not cause trouble for each other perhaps okay okay and he like nods he's terribly nice actually yeah oh really yeah it's like she he kind of like looks he smiles back his big kind of like big orc tooth and stuff like that he kind of smiles back and he's just like yeah he's having lots he's like he like lets you in uh and he probably looks at you Carlos he probably would look at you kayaking like get get the right get the red fire beer is the best one appreciate it mate no problem and he light lets you in uh you guys uh Laura the little golf girl leads you in uh she's she's like Okay YouTube wait by the bar I have to go let her I had she has to check in if you know I need I can't just bring you up to see her right now but you wait by the bar and I'll go let her know that you're here can I make an inside check to see whether she's actually doing that or she's [ __ ] off because if she is I want to keep an eye absolutely absolutely no no you're doing it okay because I'm thinking about the pints you can see it just a big frothy mugs like people are handing them out they've even got like a little magic thing uh overall the 19 plus 120 19. I will tell you this Australian you do think she's gonna do what she says but there's definitely kind of like an earth you're a rogue you know you've got training in the kind of shadowy Arts this is very much a she's gonna let this person know you're here they're gonna scope you well and then they're going to decide if they're going to shoot you it's very much a kind of like uh this is like a heads up in case you're trouble this is Insight so I guess it doesn't work in perception I just all the time to scan around the bar to see who is working amongst oh I'm not even gonna make you roll for it like I'd say about a third of the clientele here are probably like definitely thieves okay that's fine I'm just going to clock exactly where they are around the bar yeah for sure maybe stand a tiny bit closer together yeah sure and like they definitely you would pick up they've noticed you guys they're kind of cute yeah but there's no trouble after a few minutes you enjoy a great beer and the guys and uh you know you wait for a little bit like they kind of take a long time to serve you but when he does serve you it's just like uh on the house apparently uh we're welcoming Travelers today yeah and it's a big bit it's like a big Frosty Pine basically um and a big Tankard um and uh for you he just turns around and says what could I I figured this one uh hanker suggested the the red fire so what can I get you oh something full bodied and red all right he because he has a bit of a thing yeah he looks to you he says like would sir care for a special um a special drink a nighttime drink just have a preference for Source where we might have sourced the the Vintage from oh something I don't know I didn't surprise me what's up what's the uh daily special well we have something that is uh ethically procured shall we say uh from donators uh who provide a very succulent humor okay all right takes the fun ass bit but sure why not I'll try anything once uh and he comes back with a suspiciously red looking glass of wine yes it says wine yeah and there's something about that where you're like why would they have this here yeah I've already already aware of it yeah yeah but eventually you guys are yeah like you uh the lorana comes down and says like okay boss boss wants to say it okay the other way of doing this we can't there's no way of testing to see whether or not this it's pure wine or if it's wine that's been altered I don't know there's a way that we can do that uh is it like drugs and things like that you can make a medicine check like smelling it and being like see if you're gonna get it the way I'm going to do it I heard it like for sure just laughing a bit yeah do you like a little bit of it just to make sure uh it's a 14 plus my what is it you said I'd say medicine that's 15 15. now you think this is fine there's no drugs it's literally just down no no do it like you did it before yeah so I start laughing that's gonna be perfect we're having a problem well you guys are taking upstairs uh and uh Lorena leads you up into a room um it's a very well appointed but not overly so it's like a comfortable room there's a big desk with like books you can see A well-stocked library and find four poster bed there are any other exits on the door we just came in uh none that you can see ocean um but there is uh uh there are windows but they're boarded yes you can see that and inside you see a young half-elven woman may be in like her 20s early like early 20s mid-20s um purple cloak kind of like the little dwarf girls but this one is a proper May cloak like really nicely made Ginger hair kind of cut a little short and uh yeah she's just like working at the books and she turns around and says hey well you wanted to see me you wanted an introduction to the shadow thieves I hear good afternoon you're invited the invites are good because I'm gonna step forward sure and say thank you it's very civil um she cut to the chase darling I appreciate I appreciate business when it's straight straight to the point I've got a lot to do but uh you too definitely spark some interest okay so so out of character what do we want to talk about in terms you're the one of those are thieves what do you think the best sort of course they know what's going on yeah it's really fun because the kidnapping thing we heard earlier they're gonna know something then you've got the corruption okay all right we'll start with that okay so we need some information uh as one Guild paid up guild member um the we've been hearing about a lot of disappearances but we also have a bit of a sticky problem you see one of our um fret work colleagues uh has a particular problem uh with a certain very powerful and very ancient magic we were assisted here let's say by another equally powerful magician however we are trying to uncover the source which appears to be tethered in this city that makes sense based on what's happening okay well I I appreciate directness thanks for giving me the details I'll tell you this if you're looking for some sort of magical source of power and I mean something's definitely going on in this city we've got people going missing uh a lot of the cowled Wizards are currently out of action you don't quite know what happened but about that is there somebody we could do this sort of camp for cash speak to about what exactly is afflicting them I mean for sure if you can find that out I'd love to know I'd happily pay for the information myself all we know is that a few days ago maybe a week or so a number of them just collapsed haven't woken up since but you're interested in helping this friend of yours and we've got some business recently I had another old friend shall we say ah they prefer to keep their name out of people's mouths so let's call the moon razor uh Moon racer was doing a little job for me they were trying to investigate the same thing you were the kidnappings the strange source of Magic the cow Wizards I haven't heard from them in a few days and that's not like them the last I knew they said they had a lead down in joaquin's Promenade apparently something to do with a shop a Trader there something that stands out they said that they were going to investigate and send word back but that was a few days ago and I haven't heard from them and the name of this establishment they didn't say they just said it was uh he they are a little strange they're not used to living in cities so they uh they just said it was a an odd place it's not they said all right has any of your people been kidnapped yeah one of them a really good thief by the name of Morton you went missing a few days ago I don't like him he's a cruel mean son of a [ __ ] but he's a good thief and he's loyal but he went missing it's one and he's not the only one we've had a bunch but what are you doing about that trying to find them but I got a bad history with some parts of the city and so I've sent people out but either they go missing or they don't find anything so if you can send you down there and you can find moonraiser was my best shot I mean trust me I put the best person for the job but uh it's not like them to just go missing like that seems we are objects is our aligned it seems that we've been hired so with this in mind hired is a strong word maybe maybe so it's the um is the uh The Guild concierge available we find ourselves needing uh perhaps a little bit more of a robust uh robust outfit for this evening Soiree so to speak I mean it depending on what you're looking for I can put you in contact with some sublimes yeah for sure just to absolutely going with the um uh if it's the equipment you're looking for I can point you in the right direction uh if it's uh bespoke tailoring shall we say I know a few people in the city what do you think darling something in her arms perhaps yeah it's still up indeed we were talking about the same things well I suppose our businesses concluded and we should head off to um joaquin's whatever walking's prominence that's where uh that's where that's where Moon razor said they were heading and that's the last time I heard from them so uh there's other points of business I mean like I said you're very interesting people and uh a group of six companions teleporting into the city Gates and splitting off all around the city does get back to my ears whoops I think and she looks over and in the doorway um you see a human man maybe in his like 40s he looks more like a carpenter um he's even wearing kind of like an Artisans kind of gear but he looks in and he goes he like whistles and he says yeah they're moving in on the Temple of SUNY I think they're looking for their friends they've been chasing them ever since uh one of them got caught doing magic [Music] [Applause] [Music] think you better head to the Temple of Sunni just down the road one of your friends is about to get in a whole heap of trouble oh God all right you enjoy our most relaxing pill and Gail wonderful facial scrub little maybe a little manicure as well um and you have delightful time you find out that the Elven woman who's been sort of attending to you Gail her name is uh his sister alfeya she's been like attending so she's a priestess soon we really should perhaps would you like wine do I yes please I know a fantastic Place blah blah there's like this kind of thing will like I mean like who would like will like you know there's all these different priests and priestesses um that you could go to like you've been probably enjoying the same things or would we'll basically excuse himself and be like no I want to try and like get a move on like have you joined Galen yeah I'm trying to make haste with Gail yeah in that case as Gail is quite distracted at this point can will make a perception check for me yeah sure this is D20 personal perception skin [Music] you notice maybe I think with a 12 you notice just a tad too late but you do not notice there is a kerfuffle at the entrance to the temple as you hear a couple of priests just like please this is a holy day we do not want any trouble uh and you hear some vids like this is this is Cal twiss's business out of our way priest and you see the same wizard in the green robes and the gold Master Vermillion robes sorry and the gold mask are flanked by a couple of guards uh kind of step in uh and they are like fan out find that one I detected his magic in the in the city Gates um and you you see that he has like a crystal ball and he's like got a crystal ball and almost like uh he's like holding it up and like examining people like almost like they're checking like an ID basically like looking for someone's face and you immediately know his game you catch a glimpse of just this fine fluff of brown hair a flash of purple on like the little scrying ball what's happened is I've had a shave I've had a haircut being washed and I'm wearing something else and right now that's the only thing that is exactly you're like mid-save you've got the foe moving here so maybe it's like half and you're like in the room your robes are hanging to the side and they are like scanning and looking around but you've got maybe like maybe Gail's current situation has bought you a few seconds what does will do I'm gonna say to Gail Gail cucumbers let's get out of here now really yes yeah you look over Galas like Will's kind of just when you're like what's the big deal and then you see this like force of The Killers making its way through examining and your detect magic spell is going crazy like you can sense the immense magical power against people doesn't look like they're involved but it does look like they're on the hunt for you well it's happened before um well what have we gotta do bro I can't help but imagine that Gail's robe is like one of those really silk kimonos it's like completely open at the front it's way too short yeah very quickly yeah something's happening so yeah yeah oh this place is like there's almost like you guys probably had like moved back in like Gail's having this bar treatment and there's like Steam from like a Roman's bath back here here so there's like a little bit of like Mist there are people Milling around um and there's definitely like there's columns you could try and sneak out of here or you can try and distract these guys and buy Gail some time um that doesn't look like there's really any exits apart from like the big main exit maybe there are like tucked away in the eaves and the sides but you've not seen them this mist is obscuring your vision a little bit as well um so yeah what I'm going to go and speak to them they're Wizards I'm going to speak to the Wizards okay they see you and they just say like do you have business citizen we're searching for someone um I'm gonna ask them who are you searching for uh a fugitive they've been using Arcane magic in the city and they show you that we do not know their name but this is what they look like and he shows you spins this all but it is a perfect almost like image of Gale like a headshot like a kind of like you know like a trans yeah no it doesn't have that but yeah it does have that kind of like gormless kind of like like somebody's printed it in 3D it shows you this they look like this have you seen them and I'm going to say I saw that man running in that opposite direction okay give me a deception skill check okay a deception skill which is in your list of skills that's what we're rolling with um yep plus three plus three not bad see if he can pick up that maybe there's something else going on here okay that's an actual one hey turns around he looks at you and he's like cult Wizards appreciate your support and he like turns around he's like God that way uh then they just gesture and thing and they begin scanning around like kind of like you know running off in that direction you've definitely they're probably gonna realize pretty quick that you can't go that way but you've definitely bought yourself enough time to kind of get out of there basically um so is that what you guys do you want to kind of like you know book it immediately or is Gail like you know is there anything else I think I'm just going what did I miss my beautiful boots back on they're clean amazing maybe we should ask someone in this you kind of she kind of got the chance for you with your role so she'll look over to you and say just like I'm they are they're quite oppressive of any arcade Magic Use we have to be very careful luckily the the churches are protected but if you need a quiet Escape I I could help you oh thank you yes of course um I can weave up a temporary enchantment to disguise you um and then simply make your way out and head out or I could cause a distraction hmm too I think we should take the disguise let's do that let's take the disguise well I can only perform it on one of you should I perform it online yeah and she'll kind of like oh she kind of looks over you and she'll weave her hand and you actually see that Gail it kind of retains your facial shape but you become this uh red-skinned tiefling with these like curved ram horns your outfit changes to be more like a mercenary soldiers kind of like chainmail with like a bandolier like a big great sworder she weaves this illusion over the top of you and there's this moment where you see like it takes a second for her to kind of align them over each other so that they perfectly match up so there's this kind of Shimmer and then she concentrates and then the two lock in place and you can see she's concentrating here this is a specialist to maintain concentration on but she's like I will be able to keep this upper until just maybe the edges of the bridge District but uh not too much further um and then she kind of like gestures too but yeah it basically kind of looks like a tiefling gale but with longer hair and this kind of almost military mercenary looking outfit kind of matches a bit more like what like you wear uh will that kind of like you know the brigadine and stuff like that you kind of look like a pair of cell swords kind of thing um that's a good look very pleased um and yeah she gestures uh like out to the temple and you can see that like you know people are making their way out this opportunity to escape all right yeah you guys make your way out you begin looking you can see the cow Wizards and they got the cow Wizards actually the cow wizard himself flies up into the ocean levitate his robes kind of flapping as he takes like a bird's eye view and he's like scanning around looking around trying to see Bats where you were trying to gesture or where like Gail might have gone um as you guys leave it's at this point probably car lack of a staring if you guys were like gonna run after and try and like get involved um you guys enter in like exit the five flagons and after a few moments you see Will and a weird tiefling guy that he's with like some sort of other Soldier so are they like if they're like running we can like run alongside them and go hi well good you made it oh thank God I got rid of Gail who's this idea where's who next yeah we've got a lead let's go unless there's anything you guys want to do right because Colac says Hey Soldier who's your friend [Laughter] yeah very kind of geralt of Rivia style armor and then these big kind of curved horns like darker yeah probably it sounds like yeah very much on both your street um Gail any reaction or just uh sort of Despair I'm just gonna keep my eyes on the ground just keep just keep moving hello hello because we've only got a little bit of time I would love to basically Jump Ahead a little bit and we're gonna have the four reviews eventually find the adventure smart find out about this thing and as you reach the adventures Mark Gail that is when your detect magic spell you begin to hint the tent the the sort of like you begin to get the the slightest element of that unfalm that foul magic that sort of unnatural magic but only because you've detected it before you think if you hadn't examined Tav so well when that spell was like on them you would not have picked up on this um you get like faint traces of it yeah um and it leads you into uh the uh The Adventurous ball spawn experience um Wheels which is where you guys are and in fact we're going to jump back over to you guys now um just to kind of uh wrap up this first part you guys uh enter that passageway that secret door that you had found in the back of this cloning that room uh and it leads you down uh it there's a stairway once you've moved down a passageway there is this long spiraling stairway and the blood Trails down and the blood eventually begins to kind of like obviously whatever was being dragged it has run out of blood or it becomes like more spattered and sort of like you know it's bleeding less profusely um so it becomes less and less um still enough for you to follow as a trail but becomes less and less and it looks like Bing Bong like like after tasting it like can follow it like a like a like a like like a bloodhound almost like kind of it's like puts his finger in it big bomb and then like that makes its way down uh it seems it seems like very thoughtfully kind of processing it um you eventually emerge and into a long Stone Corridor with magical crystals embedded into like the walls you hear strange Arcane Machinery uh that's behind the walls embedded into it this heat and vibrations of something thrumming nearby you also pick up Shadow heart I think and uh Lisa what's your passive perceptions at the bottom of your sheet it's an 11. an 11. so you don't pick up on this but Shadow heart does you spy that a number of traps would have been set up in this Corridor but they've been disabled somebody has come in and has already disabled several of these traps um you see like tripwires pressure plates um magical Arcane wards that would have like probably you know tried to blast you with magic but it's all been disabled um and then eventually you come across uh a Crossroads in this kind of corridor um it splits off to the two side Chambers um and then a path that leads to like where you can see this dungeon sort of collapses like some sort of earthquake or something that's dislodged the Earth and broken it away and then you see another section of the dungeon a bit further on um but as you do as you reach the crossroads uh you can see one of them has a door that has been ripped open like it looks like it's been burst open and there is signs of combat because inside of room in this to the side of this Corridor you see a number of dead creatures you see a number of demons um a few creatures called mephits which are like Elemental kind of like flying uh conjured Earth and magma and things like that as well as one of those glass Knights that you fought before and it's all broken into pieces but you recognize the face and the shield and inside this chamber you see a lot of this Arcane Machinery but you also see a kind of shimmering opaque Dome and it seems to have sprung up from a ward on the ground and inside the Dome is a very injured looking drow elf so these are the kind of purple dark purple skin Whitehead elf um they appear to be wearing this kind of green cloak they're kind of nursing their side they look pretty badly beaten up um they kind of look over to you as they kind of turn and you see a very handsome male drow elf and this kind of lavender lavender eyes and kind of dark purple skin and he just looks over to you and he just sort of says perhaps I have some Rescuers to think and perhaps I beg your assistance and he kind of like looks out and speaks very softly and like very intensely as he looks at you um but that point is where we're going to end this first half of the episodes oh my God the Cat my character doesn't know this but I know who the [ __ ] that is and with that we're going to go to break and we'll see you in part two as we try and wrap up this little Adventure so we'll see you in a few minutes take care everybody we'll see you then bye-bye hello everybody and welcome back to part two of our special Baldur's Gate 3 cast d d one shot here on high rollers I mean dungeon master watch and uh thank you for joining us after the break we find ourselves deep in a sort of hidden passageway a hidden set of uh this kind of dungeon beneath the tourist trap uh this tourist attraction dedicated to a bloody part of afghatler's History um you have found uh well they sell and and Shadow heart and their new companion Bing Bong in have found a secret compartment and a passageway that has led them in deep princess dungeon and to a chamber with a trapped drow elf inside of barrier Dome meanwhile on Route we have asterian khalac will and Gail who have pursued various different Avenues have been given leads and are on their way making their way to Watkins Promenade to discover the secret of the ball spawn experience at the adventure map presented by adventuresmart um and make their way and reunite team and yeah so liezel and Shadow heart for you guys uh you see this this man he has a kind of like gentle handsomeness to him very soft features long white hair lavender almost pink eyes um and you can see that he's badly hurt and it looks like from the Carnage in this room he fought like pretty much every monster down in this dungeon um and but he seems to be trapped in this Dome of magic and you can see there's this Arcane machine around you there are crystals and runes everywhere um and some sort of device that maybe seems to be connected to this this Dome this panel um but there's also some other things I didn't mentioned last time you know a quick glance um so he looks over to you and kind of looks over and says well perhaps I won't starve down here I hope that you can Rescue Me he kind of looks around at you both you see that he has one Scimitar in like a Scabbard on his belt um and then on the floor outside of the Dome it looks like another Scimitar is laying on the ground like it was like knocked away or something like that um and there is also a black statue of a panther on the ground um and you would see that shadow heart with your passive perception I don't think Lisa would spot those two items but you do see the Carnage and I would say Lazelle no wisdom is not intelligence lizelle what you would notice you're a seasoned Warrior yes you are an expert killer and you see before you this scene of Carnage like you can tell that that elf in that Dome is a k like is a expert killer like they are a seasoned Warrior they have butchered these like foes um you don't think that they're the one who dragged the bodies down here um this looks like they were you know almost making their way through here and have fought loads of enemies basically like just by the cut marks in the scene of the battle and stuff like that um but you can definitely tell that whoever that is they are dangerous like they or they could be a formidable foe if they if they cost you but maybe they're injured maybe now would be the best time to strike whilst they're you know injured uh something like that I don't think we should you quite yet until you tell us what's happened that is very understandable very reasonable thing to ask Stand Down Shadows Shadow heart you said one of you is called A peculiar name although damn it not that different from some of my own aliases but no I'm happy to tell you what happened I A friend of mine asked me to locate some kidnapped victims some uh abductees I pursued the trail it led to this strange quite gruesome mockery of her tragedy that happened here a century ago but I found the secret passage that led deeper down and I fought my way through a number of monsters demons Golems uh the creations of perhaps the the dark architect of this place and uh when I fought them I was injured I stumbled back and activated this trap can I do it this is trying to deceive them are you trying to tell if he's oh yeah so inside is like to like read body language and stuff like that perception is like noticing things insights like is somebody lying to me is there something going on here all right so yeah you can cast guidance on yourself um I will say this it's very obvious that you cast a spell like you pray it's a shot you feel the magic fill you so he knows that you cast some sort of spell on yourself but then yeah you can totally try and like get a read on his body language absolutely should we yeah I think we should sure he's injured yeah absolutely so D20 and then you're going to add your Insight bonus on your character sheet so your Insight skill bonus five and then you get a D4 on topics you cast guidance on yourself right 13 okay uh so is that total with your plus five no no that's eighteen eighteen foreign you see this man clearly whatever magic is going on it's like almost like two-way Frosty glass he can sort of he doesn't seem to be able to see you but you can see him clearly and you gaze into those lavender eyes you examine his body art his body language and you can tell that this is a man who has killed a lot but it's never been you you get the sense of the gentleness you get earnestness as well almost too much sincerity uh this is somebody who deception is not a natural fit to them okay um this is and that even the way that they stare at you there's just something gentle about it um it would be very difficult time for romance shadow unfortunately my heart belongs to another but uh glad that's out of the way stop embarrassing me myself that's a good looking trowel do you know more of the enemies that you faced here wow I believe I do yes I believe I know the one who is responsible for the kidnappings here in afghatler they are channeling they are using people they kidnapped to power some sort of dark machine I was not able to reach the heart of his laboratory but based on my knowledge of History I have a good idea of who it may be who kind of says I will spare you the long version of the story please do I believe that the creature that resides here is a replica a creation a magical clone of a mage called John irenicus they were once the scourge of this city they had a laboratory here they fought against the ball spawn they attacked the coward Wizards and nearly destroyed much of faerun when they tried to assimilate the life of an Elven life tree but that was stopped many years ago Johnny renicus the original was killed but it seems that this laboratory was fit to create these mutant and disgusting Abominations of life these clones of magically infused power I believe that to be the true enemy here what happened with our friend we he was floating in the air and he had leaky stuff and then loads of these prismy guys that I can see the remnants of here came and attacked us why do you think that is and does this have something to do with this John fellow well is your friend uh are they special in some way do they have power or something that uh others might desire yeah yeah you could say that that would align with irenicus's motives in the past irenicus long ago tried to steal the power the power of Baal the god of murder from a chosen they try to take this power for themselves and make themselves a God is essentially if your friend is special they may be trying to do this clone is likely trying to repeat the actions of its creator where is the Clone now I can't say for sure I believe that if I remember it it's been a few days since I was caught here the passageway continues through a collapse section there is a continuation of the dungeon on the other side of that I suspect Beyond there I can I felt that the that we were getting closer to the heart of it when we traveled here you did not meet this clone no not yet I was I was I was fighting the denizens the Guardians of this place but and I fell into this trap a foolish and rookie era I must admit I'm afraid that I am quite badly injured but if you were to release me I would send words to my friend and then I would pack I would gladly join you once my wounds have recovered a little against this foe I like him shadowhunt you're way too trusting especially when you look into his lavender eyes but I think it seems like Gail is caught up in some Spa procedure and the others just don't seem to give a [ __ ] about what's Happening Here apart from us too so looks like we need all the help we can get well if it's a if you were to release me whilst I heal my wounds I would be glad to lend you the aid of a companion of mine to keep you safe until I'm Healed who is this companion they are a friend that I can summon a friend that you can trust oh yes she has saved my life many times the mechanism and he points the mechanism that controls the ward this trap is just there and he points to like a runic sigil with almost like a pulse of light around the room you can see a complex web of Ley lines with different runes sort of surrounding it and things like that um I was going to do a cool puzzle but we don't have much time left yeah so I'll show you I'll show you the cool puzzle uh it kind of looks a little bit like this um and you would recognize um now what languages does uh Shadow heart and Lazelle speak it should say something uh draconic and Elvish I apologize you can have that for now um but I would say that uh yeah you guys are a little bit puzzled looking at this um you can't understand stand what any of the ruins [ __ ] runes say um and you're not quite sure how to manipulate it after spending a little bit of time sort of pondering it over you begin to hear the sounds of uh four companions loudly and a claim kind of following behind um just because I watch you all together for the final um yeah you've enjoyed your spa Gail well it was interrupted but you know I've just got enough done maybe you magically sort of like yeah so you guys basically found the adventures Mark thanks to uh Gail's uh detecting of of the kind of like the subtle traces of it the clues that you were given by imma win um when you speak to the Little Gnome guy at the front desk he'll tell you that yes this a fellow calling himself Moon razor a drow elf came by and seemed and it was interested in the ball you know spawn experience um can we see the elephant now so you guys walk in you guys are like loudly on this conversation you walk in you see Lazelle and she had a heart like puzzling over this roon system and then you see the Dome with the drow elephants I'm going to shriek as loudly as I can and the point to go oh my God you're crazy he kind of like uh very bashfully it's just like oh I was hoping that perhaps I would not be recognized but um sorry um so I have a lot of questions well yes I'd be yo I am indisposed and he looks at the magical trap he finds himself in uh I do not know if they are your companions I can see I can't see your details I can only see sort of visages through this they're not interesting it's fine listen we need to I'm going to proceed to ask him as many fan persons questions yes absolutely Adventures yeah all that stuff is possible until somebody interrupts but yeah he has the patience of a saint he wants us everyone he asks all about you it's very back and forth you know it's very you're like we're best friends yeah I'm convinced now yeah yeah absolutely um and then yeah so like anybody else like I would say that like uh for those of you and especially for those at home because there's a few like blank pieces of like who is Neil talking about this fellow is a famous drow Adventurer called drist stewarden uh he is a very famous Adventurer that's known all across the the sword Coast um many sort of tales and stories have been told about him um and yeah you guys I think Gail and Colac would probably know will you've definitely heard of Tristan he's like the kind of epitome of what the blade of front is is like you know almost like a you know an icon to like shoot up to um I think that like you guys definitely would be like whoa this is pretty big because yeah [Laughter] um does carlak spot the Imp uh yes I think they can't I mean Bing bongs just stood next to shadow in fact probably like perched on your shoulder or something right like it's like kind of so yeah kindly would that totally see the Imp okay um [ __ ] away from her uh do you say in common no I'll say that in infernal okay uh the uh Little M kind of whips its head around you and it's just like oh no flies up into the air like away from Shadow heart and he like clearly holds his hand out I don't know me no business I'm not I'm not in Servants of anyone I work at the adventures yeah they took it in they're talking about so you all here but he's just like I work at The Adventurous Mark I'm the door guy I'm Bing Bong what's an imp doing in faerun I got summoned and then the guy who summoned me died before he sent me back and I'm stuck here so I got a job at The Adventurous they call me Bing Bong does Carl I believe him uh you can make an inside check let's do that before I kill him yeah then uh Plus One Plus One Eleven I mean it's not it's I mean imps are on the Bottom Rung of their nine house like they are they are treated pretty badly and you've got excluding buttons and it's like well it's not in the story he said it's pretty plausible like there are times when summonings go wrong and like the demon or the devil gets trapped on the other side most people wouldn't probably trust an imp yeah I mean it could be that he's like oh I'm free of the nine Health like yay I can live at least life maybe right I've got eyes on you all right yeah no no problem I'm just this is my friend she was really nice to me she gave me a hug [Laughter] and Knight joined the back of the back of you to meet dress and then tell me all about him yeah um you have to take Magic Cup don't you Gail yes I do you walk in and first of all just go very powerful magic you can sense that the sense of this unnatural magic you've been following is getting stronger as you get into this thing but you also pick up two little blips the Scimitar on the ground in front of the dough and the little black panther statue powerful magical or as they are magical items [Laughter] you picked them up um and when you pick them up before you have a chance to start you know sucking them dry um you hear a voice very calm voice I have a way with words um I may I ask that your friend be careful with those the the panther statues especially important to me can I can I meet you he points out and you like turn around taking your office I mean yeah do you want to stop like a staring like sirens trying to take a selfie and this is gonna be the best if we could have an opposed Athletics check from you it's brilliant it's like minus one both over minus one time this one really well okay but do I have the power of friendship no no he's not really my friend you begin to see as as a Stern holds it ice begins to form up the blade and Trail this cold of mist and then in your other hand an Onyx Black Panther figurine I'm going to once I've got away from him and then realize what I'm doing I'm gonna and then I'm going to really think about whether or not I give it back right now and just sort of just just stand there shot holding these things um while you are standing there holding things uh ladies on the shower you've been looking at these runes you don't ask their rooms but I think like Colac and will you guys would Recon recognize that whilst they are not written in infernal or demonic script there is elements of infernal magic used to create this warning trap it's probably normally used to trap like Outsiders but it's been turned against the living basically um and you quickly realize that actually uh you can move this orb of power but it takes a force of will to do it like you have to basically use the force of will to control this uh orb around and that kind of the different runes yeah okay you would know that the runes are kind of going from the top is hold in fact if you want to hold that up for me uh thanks very much Steph um so the top Rune is hold uh the one to the right side is punish the one to the left side underneath is uh uh expand um the one beneath that is contract the one beneath punish is vent and then the very bottom one is release so it looks like there's like a sequence where you can sort of move the orb around to uh only unlock the thing and it just takes a force of will rather than doing the puzzle you can just basically be like I want to oh just smash it okay let's get this over here not doing that again that's very upset perhaps I shall smash it then with my green sword yeah if you want to you can totally like the machine this is like uh this is like a machine you can't do that there's like all these like crystals and like runes and stuff on the sides you could totally just be like yourself how do I do that yeah you can both jump on laser like no um yeah absolutely so uh that would be Athletics checks from all three of you please so this is D20 Plus for athletic skill and then uh isn't as big as comic but there's like this kind of really tight strength to that Yankee frame and she just throws you both off and you can make a great sword attack Against the Machine later how do I do that so you're just gonna make attackers if you're attacking a monster so your middle column where you've got the great sword yeah um if you remember when you made the attack so that middle area with a great sword with a bonus D20 plus that bonus okay oh I got it oh it's a nine is that the nine yeah yeah nine a plus my five so fourteen I'd say that's a big that's enough to just kind of set into the wall it's not particularly hard It's just tough to hit but you do enough yeah and then if you roll damage for me um so 2d6 plus three for you I think that's your great sort of damage uh no so you want two normal dice this is damage so you hit and then you deal damage eight eight points of damage you doing nothing because it's plus three plus three that's right because you add your strength to it as well so it says on your great sword there um thank you the the great sword smashes into the side like karlak and will you are both thrown off as laser kind of brings this sort of bear and it carves into the side of the machine cleaving through um some of the runes and you watch as that orb kind of there's a moment where the Dome rapidly shrinks and like you see the elf almost like reflectively tries to make himself small in case he's gonna be crushed then it grows big then it seems to like you see the elf like hold like he's being choked then there's a burst of lightning and then the Dome vanishes like the whole machine just goes haywire and you're welcome you see him kind of like smoldering a little bit from the lightning last whilst the methods perhaps we're not to my choosing I am grateful for the result um thank you thank you I'm afraid that I'm still a little injured to go on yet I need some time to rest my wounds and I must send word to Emily about what I've discovered to send the shadow thieves but uh thank you thank you uh and he looks at you and I'm glad to meet you all finally I'm Driftwood and he'll come around he'll offer a hand like nice to meet you nice to you kind of like I don't even look at it that has the office may I it's just to hold them like that and then he just takes them should I heal his wounds oh please no you will need your magical strength for what is to come this is that Dome I will very quickly return to the surface similar to imma win purchase supplies food I have not eaten or drunk in several days I must attend to that first and then I can replenish my strength but no go ahead if you can whatever this this clone is doing you must stop it they are harming Innocents here in afghatler they are using them to power this sick machine that they are using I think at least ah and you must stop them and likely it seems that whatever has drawn you here this friend of yours you spoke of if you do not stop the Clone they will take their body for their own and with power this is a great a great evil to be Unleashed in the world I will return as quickly as I can but to keep you company at least and he holds the panthoronic statue up and he just says and you see that from the statue this swirling black mist and smoke takes the form of a giant black panther and it kind of nuzzles up against him and he just like rubs the head he's like ah my old friend I missed you um and he says like whatever will keep you safe until I can return okay of course she likes it behind the ears yeah it's kind of like is uneasy around you at first but as soon as you get the good spot like kind of like leans into it like I've read the stories exactly yeah uh I'm sorry that I cannot say longer I must go back to the surface to get something to eat and drink but I will join you as soon as I can good luck thank you once again for saving me and he just Smiles kind of gives you this really kind of like disarming charming smile and then and in quick as Lightning like his boots seem to Glow with magic and and he is out the door and gone in the blink of an eye like see why I like boots alrighty uh so what's the plan folks are you gonna head on uh continue on so where are the exits from the so this was like a side chamber there is a continuation of the path that leads like a broken Chasm that then there is another section of the dungeon Beyond like a wider grander older looking part of this like complex um there is another locked door but you know you're not sure like dritz told you that like the sources yeah Is it wise enough for us to go like do you have a single column if we go no no this is definitely wide enough that like you'd probably go three by three it's 50 foot wide all right so we can go spread out but also in better tactical than just being bunched together okay all right yeah all right yes all right uh you guys make your way and following this path you have to sort of jump across the chasm you make your way down it you find uh these kind of stone pillars engraved with the Visage of an Elven man but the face almost pulled up and tight their features gaunt dark clothing as they sort of stare ominously and you see these kind of stone visages and in each one is engraved words like greatness Destiny power it's nice down here isn't it so we'll pass admire these like great ideas and then you arrive and you emerge there's a large sort of set of archways and as you do I would like you guys to pass your Miniatures and place you yourselves at their very far end of this chamber here the corridor opens up into a large cavernous space Eldritch Machinery hums behind the stone walls there's a large glowing sphere upon a strange dice crackles with red lightning it's statues of ancient figures boomed down from the far wall large Vats and tubes rise out of the stone platforms the Blurred visages of humanoid shapes within twist and jerk as the magical energy in the space crackles and spits a single figure clad dark clothing with tight gaunt skin looks up at three people Shackled to the wall of the ominous structure behind him as you enter you see the figure slowly turn what is this ah the companions of the ball spawn I see now you've tracked me here interesting and he looks at each one of you and there is nothing behind those eyes there is just malice and death waiting behind them there's no anger or pity or even surprise there is just passive grim malice he looks at each of you and his eyes especially Linger on Gail and Carla you both carry great power within the serve to power my machines for many years to come and he reaches up and twists his hand and you you feel this Force kind of encapsulate the archway that you entered sealing you in the chamber you wish to stop me from taking the ball spawn's body but I needed to complete my great work you he points you you and you you have come here to die but the the two of you shall be of great use to me sister do not kill them you may kill the others as you watch is one of these Great Glass Vats hisses and steams and slides open to reveal a woman Bears a striking resemblance to the man not called tauntkins Almost Darkly beautiful Elven woman with dark hair kind of she kind of stretches um [Music] no no [Applause] so yeah come on by yay take a seat with me fellow DM I guess at this point um as uh the clone of John irenicus and his sister Bodhi look down yeah what is Bodhi he kind of like gestures to them she stands and looks at each of you like your lunch you have never felt less human in your entire life and there's this glitter of playful cruelty almost like she's pulling Secrets out of your fears and she just giggles glances to her brother so I can play with the others yes indulge your desires you can see that he is a stark contrast where this his sister is all pleasure and and sick kind of uh almost Uh Hungry gays his remains impassive and uncaring I shall deal with the beachling and the hell spawn you deal with the rest with that we are going to roll it [Music] I've never had someone sat here with me it's really fun yay uh so uh Gail what do we get for Gail three three twenty three yep ten [Applause] you are the first to act so now I'm gonna give you a little bit of like brief DM explanations here you can see that these kind of figures up here on the map these are chained living victims like you can see one wears the dress of a priest similar Gale you would recognize that again will clearly a Sunni Priestess that's been grabbed and the next one along appears to be this halfling thief but you can see a dark magic is kind of flowing through his body um and then the last one that you can see is a uh a almost radiant Angelic like being like they have golden swirls on their skin on flowing hair oh no sorry uh this one would be a um a high elf so they look like a cowled wizard but with their mask taken off they look like a they're wearing a cow Wizards robe and everything else and you can see that they're chained up here this device is this spinning orb with red lightning crackling around it and you Gail that is the source of the spell on tap that machine is what is channeling this spell at such a great distance all right um and that is that is some little information for you guys from the map so asterian uh you are up first oh before I do anything just quick question of the three people being trained on the walls does it look like something's been sucked out to my grandson it doesn't like it yet okay okay very intentional Point choice of words yes um okay I'm going to Bodhi I know who Bodhi is if I if she's common knowledge I would say that you have heard of it and you would also have that sense that like you can sense the same Undead yeah yeah so I'm going to Bear my fangs and Go full sort of a vampiric I'm assuming that everybody knows yes so I'm gonna go full vampires ah I see a fellow kindred spirit and how pretty you are my darling as I as I am going to dash forward and fire an assassination shot with a flaming arrow straight As I sort of scream there's other shows yeah I will point out but he's not surprised but you will have an advantages you absolutely get Advantage but no Auto crypto I'm going to sort of yes if you're on different heights uh so I'm gonna say that anybody who has the high one has Advantage but you don't have disadvantages so she had actually kind of she currently has like advantage over you because she's at a higher elevation yes interesting I can't Dash as far as that to get on the same elevation well I don't know you might be able to count it so all right let's see one two three four five six and then if you dash one two three four five six eight you get all the way up here if you dash yeah I'm gonna go to here so actually this bit is gonna be like a hop skip again that jump thing like yeah I'd like sort of take a fire with the Flaming error each one of those squares let's have one uh five feet all right so that's advantage on the roll uh yeah yeah you are first to act you are acting before bonus you have advantage on the attack okay so that is plus five uh uh to hit 18 is in the first one okay second one is eight that's twenty there's an 18 plus five that's 23. I think that hits you yeah yeah yeah all right this is a flaming error plus this D4 extra D4 fire damage yes there's no other enemies around us that effect won't matter um but it's an extra D4 of fine damage and you get sneak attack because that was Advantage so that means like uh that's 2d6 extra 2d6 plus 1d6 plus seven because it's oh sorry plus three three plus oh my God yeah 386 D4 plus three all right so throws do a lot of damage 3d6 please [Music] one more time plus three yes that's how this works that's how you got it you nailed it I'm sorry I need some new boots perfectly made out of the vampire uh yeah that's six seven eight nine ten fifteen plus thirteen uh 18 points damage 18 points damage and some of that is fine I'm interested yeah okay it's good to know thank you um so you see this Arrow kind of streaks through the air [Music] yeah it hits her in the shoulder and she just kind of and you can see these needle sharp fangs and she just pulls it out of her shoulder adorable [ __ ] I'm sorry anything else on your turn yeah I'm gonna get the [ __ ] out of range you've got about two squares of movement this way as far as sort of carrying on past as I hit the deck do a rolling it's all about as far as you can get right here that's fine yeah no wink uh no wink definitely a [ __ ] but at the end of your turn a Starion yep uh irenicus the clone of irenicus is going to turn to body do not allow our name to be disparaged finish him sister and he is going to use a legendary action this is a special thing that monsters like big powerful monsters can use where they can do things at the end of your terms and this one allows his sister Bodhi to move and make one weapon attack uh so move yourself as you wish sister okay um and make a weapon attack if you wish all right I am going to does grappling count as an action it would be part of the attacker okay so you you know that your brother will perhaps help help you with that in the future okay in that case I am this is very unfair we're absolutely teaming up on you I'm going to flip she she's just cartwheeling and back flipping towards you like she finds this absolutely hilarious okay and as she lands in front of you in this Crouch she pulls out this blade this jacket angry looking metal blade from her side and makes a a swipe towards you why is it so hot so I'm rolling on that yes so that's just a regular yeah oh so 12. Top's hair Stone does not hit up a fridge 14. so you kind of Dodge kind of to the side as the blade sweeps I like the idea as you speak plus it's sort of like I just go oh hi yeah I can't take a bonus sure okay sorry just stay here making awkward eye contacts so uh that is that was at the end of your turn of Starion uh we then go to um Shadow heart what is your dexterity score please my dexterity score is plus two plus two uh what's the actual number 14. unfortunately the Clone is 50. and I'm gonna have him go first and then you're gonna go straight afterwards so you watch as ironicus this Mage uh of famous Renown but this clone of him looks up turns to the uh let's say the um I'm gonna say the high elf uh and he goes just riches up and he's like your power give it to me and he watches this spectral chain extends from the high elf to his hand and as it does this power seems to flare into him and you see the high off kind of shutter and kind of gasp with pain um and then he's going to look around you can see that he's channeling some sort of power and he's gonna look in your direction karlak and he's going to say of me and he's gonna cast dominate person uh so this is a spell that will take complete control of carlak Point her to like try and attack stuff um so if there's anything anybody has that they would like to do to try and Destroy maybe something you've got oh yes right maybe something you've got there right now never suggests would you like to use your scroll account to spell yeah great big fiery ball and that's fine I just read it from that all right so the way it's gonna work out because this is a Spell higher than you can only cast um and also like you know it's a contesting you're gonna need to roll I need you to roll a D20 yep you're gonna add three add three and you need to beat a 14. so you need to get an 11 or higher to do this okay um as you pull the scroll out you begin reciting the magical words but are you going to be you know capable enough to deflect this hopefully I'll get a bit of a so you watch as the scroll crumbles but whoever this is there they're stealing Arcane Knowledge from this elf and it's far greater than your current ability allows you to kind of like counter and Carla I'm gonna need you to make a wisdom saving throw uh as he tries to dominate your mind huh if I did hurt about hellish rebuke but let's um no this happens to do any damage yeah no no no so um to will and you basically receive this mental order to attack uh will basically on your turn um and that is going to be his turn well okay [Music] [Applause] sorry now it's a concentration so if you can damage him he might lose his concentration on this um I'm going to I think I'm going to go for a guiding bolt oh very good do I think who do I choose to do it on guys Barbarian baby yeah okay uh yeah I'm gonna do it as a spell slot so do it as a second level yeah okay so going about you have to roll to hit first uh so it's using your it might be on your middle sheet there it might have like an attack bonus for guiding Vault on the middle uh kind of like where your weapons and stuff are in the description below I might have written it down um in that case on your second sheet um your spell attack bonus at the very top spell AC okay on my D20 yeah oh other thing you currently have uh bing bong with you I have bingo so if you would like either he can act on his turn our role Initiative for him or he can give you the help action and give you advantage on the attack I'm gonna go for yeah so he's like on your on your thing and he's just like and he's pointing trying to like help guide your aim basically all right so yeah this is you roll twice at the highest uh D20 yep D20 plus five foreign oh you get to roll twice and pick the highest so let's hope Bing Bong comes through [Music] plus five five that hits yes uh and now you roll the damage so it was the can't say of the damage normally using a spell slot of second level or higher the damage it increases by one D6 and what's it say about the normal damage in the normal text 46 so five D6 damage so you're actually gonna need like a bunch of people's knives [Music] all five of these absolutely right uh I've got two sixes so it's 12. uh plus 10 is 22. 22. nice nice you watch as this golden light or this kind of like almost tinged looking Eclipse there's like a Darkness within it and then golden light on the outside maybe silvery hint as well as it shoots out as you Channel this Divine energy and as it strikes Bodhi it burns her um as it kind of scorches her body as the radiant light thank you um yeah like boaty so like yeah like you kind of feel this intense like Rippling pain as the the radiant energy strikes you as well are we out of combat move her out or is she still very much she is just about still in I think it's her look at her but still alive um anything else on your turn Shadow part would you like to move uh yeah no I'm happy where I am okay can I do uh a bonus here you absolutely can yeah can I um invoke no blessing of the trickster as an action you can touch one creature and give it advantage on stealth checks I'm worried about Gail okay so I'm gonna give him uh well it has to be a creature you can touch you'd have to move after him ah okay fine I'll move up to him unfortunately you're not gonna be able to reach girl so you start making your way towards him you can always do it on your next turn Okay familiar now um not quite familiar it's just a good friend just a good friend for this all right move things along if you're all good will you're up next cast Eldritch lost yeah who are you targeting uh as well okay all righty yeah so uh you look up Eldridge blast it should be in your middle column as well that you'll have their bonuses and stuff um so next to your weapons uh yeah Eldridge blast on there on my sheet yeah yeah yeah you've got it there yep so it should be plus five I think yeah cool so you're gonna need to rotter here I'm sorry Amelia I know they're bullying you sorry eight plus or is that uh eight plus five yeah it would be add your bonus so that is 13 13. so you yeah yeah she'll just kind of cycle and then [Laughter] if it's a bonus action I'll say yes but if it's not a bone section then no no phrase hmm okay all right you'll leave that one yeah would you like to move no okay alrighty in that case uh Lazelle and colic what are your dexterity scores team 14 it's the number below the uh big number uh on the very fast side one oh wait wait 13 13. so can't you're gonna go first and then it's gonna be Lazelle okay I'm afraid it's your turn [Laughter] I haven't taken out my weapons so I'm unarmed sure yeah yeah on fire you're just like in a blind sort of like you have no control so just uh like what's the story am I under someone's control yeah you're into Generations control and he's like yep oh he's told me to fight him yeah yeah beat him to death basically please um um that's fine yeah okay it's a ten plus a four fourteen yeah does that hit your AC oh your top of your eyes oh yeah it does it does unfortunately car like clocks you with like a you know a major uh how much damage did you call it two points of damage there you go that's not too bad [Music] um but yeah you kind of punch and at the intern you get to make another wisdom save me through no so you're just completely mindless just pummeling will completely unable to control your body you're aware of what's going on just no power lace out right I don't know if I can do this but I probably like to I'd really like to um set Bing Bong on fire and throw him at you yes yes this jump card okay yeah so you would have to so they're select you have to cast I've been lying here all day um you know what like you normally have to cast jump we'll just say you can jump because it's just you jumping it's fine uh we'll make it a bonus action this time around when you say how are you gonna set big bonfire um well I don't know perhaps maybe I mean honestly actually holding him up to Carla yeah yeah you pick up Bing Bong who's like uh all right until he is on fire and then you want to throw him at the Mage ironic yes I love it um if you can make as if you were making an attack with a do you have a javelin or anything on your sheet I have a great source yeah make it as if you're using a great sauce yeah you're not well arranged no I think I probably didn't give it one that's unfortunately yeah we'll say this is the throne weapon uh it is improvised so do it with disadvantages improvise so you roll twice and take the lowest but attack as if you're using your great sword so plus five okay so two seven and a five five yeah you pick up big bum you set him on fire you harlim uh the problem is is uh whilst he is uh sort of resistant to fire the impact of being thrown full force like against the floor um Hills Bing bongs completely possessed by this Mage but still aware of it he is in infernal I don't want to go back up um as he Splats against the ground and vanishes in the puff of ashes and smoke he's just gone back to hell um would you like to move Lisa sure let's move towards you sure so 5 10 15 20 25. you can get here and the next time you can like oh actually no yeah you said you get a jump spot do you want to jump up next to a man games why not yeah yeah cool he turns around nice very well I shall deal with you blade to Blade uh and then that's gonna be the zero body sister it's your turn oh good so hi I'm not interested in you anymore cartwheel across to here oh that's not good and pop up behind her guess who and I just shove the blade into your back oh well I can take damage let's see let's see I do I think so this unfortunately hasn't come up on your side of the table yet but when you roll a natural 20 or 20 on the 20 side of dice that's what we call it critical here and you double the damage that you do and unfortunately bony when an ally is adjacent to the Target that's really awful so this is going to be hurt a lot yeah this is going to be 3d6 plus three plus another 3d6 system thank you very much thank you and you feel this blade as she catches like your internal autonomy and you we're not gonna say your questions because I like you guys still being a role player but you are bleeding out you are dying at this point so you kind of crumble to the ground um you've got another attack holy [ __ ] um can I use more movement yeah yeah you already moved a little bit yeah so I'm just gonna flip back to a stone okay he's so let's play again shall we oh [ __ ] again why is it so hot actually can I undo the move yeah I'm gonna stay where I am you go and uh it's gonna help her feel a little slighter oh yeah I'm gonna reach into a pocket and pull out a throwing star and hurl it straight at you fair enough this oh that's not right no okay grab it God you're annoying yes [Music] yes all right all right Gail just before your turn uh you hear footsteps did you guys have been making your way down uh you see that drow figure drist uh kind of running up to try and join the fight but he will call out to you uh he will say the engine the machine destroy the machine he'll he'll destroy him and the other destroy the machine he's like calling us as it echoes down the corridor and Gail we come to your turn um unfortunately right okay I'm taking the subtle hints this madness he's just wondering what can I use there's so many things um what's gonna have the best thing well magic Missile I was gonna say because magic is good what level would you like to cast it out oh at the very high level all right so what this looks like We're Not Gonna Roll damage uh because as you fire this girl you kind of what does it look like this conjure is like four but like like projectiles of magic how does this kind of look as you cast it great long fiery [Music] you watch as they impact into this machine and that red lightning crackles and disperses and you watch as the Mage is like no as he calls out I will not be caged I will not be contained nobody like looks back up and as the thing cracks and breaks this lightning begins to spin faster and faster until it eventually erupts uh asterian you are immediately dropped to zero as this lightning blast hits you but so are the Mage and the vampire as they are incinerated [Music] can I just like make an eye contact oh as this machine detonates uh and with this blast of lightning as these two are incinerated you watch as the prisoners are de-shackled from the the back wall um you guys can run up the effect of the dominant immediately ends uh help them yeah well you run up you can like uh Lazelle is like bleeding out but the two of you in Shadow heart can kind of get them up um and yeah the machine is destroyed and you guys have not only succeeded in Saving tev but saving another city from a future fate unfortunately we have to wrap it up this quick because it is time to end this little One-Shot episode uh so I am sorry for the rather abrupt ending sometimes this happens you know we wish we had like you know all the hours in the day to play but we've got to wrap things up here um if we can just a quick sort of final goodbye if you can just say who you are maybe some places where maybe people can find you on the internet um and then yeah we will sing see this out and huge thank you to mark [Applause] and where people can might be able to find you on the internet yeah this has been Theo Solomon playing will Raven guard and you can find me on Instagram at under Theo underscore Solomon that's about I played Colac and you can find me on Twitter uh I'm Jennifer English and I play shadow heart God's favorite thing and uh you can find me on at on Twitch uh Instagram and other things I think I'm all at Jennifer J English I've been Deborah Wild playing Lazelle you can find me on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock just search my name I'm still in your newborn and you can find me uh playing a star in Bunnings uh you can find me on Twitch uh Twitter Instagram at neon evil I'm Tim Downey I'll be playing Gail and I'm on uh Instagram and uh Twitter or X as it is now still still nothing still nothing yeah Tim Downey one thank you wonderful um I'm Amelia Tyler um and I've been playing Bodhi today and now narrator uh you can find me on all the things um but I'm on I'm on Twitter and Tick Tock and YouTube and stuff um and I've been your dungeon master Mike Sherlock Humes I'm the DM here on we're on high rollers DND uh we actually have brand new d d campaign starting up hopefully uh later on this year so if you subscribe to the channel you subscribe to our twitch you'll get notifications on when that's begun if you'd like to watch me running my uh usual crew not this lovely cast but my usual crew through our brand new campaign that's going to be starting up very soon and you can catch all of our previous stuff on YouTube you can find me online Sherlock Holmes and many other places and high rollers d d as well um we are so grateful thank you car so much for coming in playing d d I hope you've got a lovely time and a huge thank you Valerian Studios for not just making an awesome game but also helping bringing us together and sort of making this happen really and like coordinating it all so thank you larion um and yeah till next time uh gather your party adventure fourth and play some d d take care everybody bye-bye bye foreign [Music] [Music] I went away cause I missed your baby [Music]
Channel: High Rollers DnD
Views: 1,052,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high rollers, high roller dnd, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, 5e, wizards, wizards of the coast, mark hulmes, yogscast kim, yogscast, trott, hat films, chris trott, tom hazell, katie morrison, trailer, channel, youtube, twitch, stream, aerois, lightfall, campaign, rhi, rhi gower, rhiannon gower, kim richards
Id: EKIArACp21s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 55sec (7915 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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