Viewers Decide The Videos #4 - Asmongold Media Share (Welfare Wednesday)

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i'm a man i'm a canadian i am a christian i'm a jew i'm for real i'm a white guy i'm ready to kill i'm a primitive i'm like a raccoon in the garage i basically i am a fraud i'm a policy wonk i'm a patriot i am i'm 1776. reptoid clone of john wayne uh and elvis i'm in a scientific matrix grid in the early phases of being inserted into an extermination system i'm here to date your six-year-old good that's good dude oh dude dude man dude cyclists man cyclists are only good at one thing obstructing traffic you can't really go around so you just say [ __ ] like driving posted a meeting with video game makers and their critics at the white house today he was busy they're looking for ways to reduce youth violence following the florida school shooting okay and the president recently expressed shock at what young people are exposed to today what do you say wait that's the president [Music] it's a good game like you just go on the roof and shoot civilians the video games the movies the internet stuff is so violent it's so incredible i see it i get to see things that you wouldn't be you'd be amazed at i wonder if donald plays video games [Music] oh [ __ ] jesus christ oh my god dude i'm glad that they've got oh he's dead he's done [Music] wait this is actually kind of sad it's terrifying this is [ __ ] terrifying holy [ __ ] oh my god i feel like i'm watching the hunger games straight up like this is the [ __ ] hunger games god damn i don't know if i can ever play this game again yeah petting the taco what the [ __ ] is that gucci wrapping paper yeah i think they need to bring back prayer in schools [Music] i've never seen this i've never watched this that's basically well i used to be one no i'm just an idiot they're taking the hobbits to eisengard ah you know i'm not really sure yeah yeah yeah yeah france is no longer france where is it i wouldn't go to france oh [ __ ] i wouldn't go to france because france is no longer france france is no longer friends [Music] i like whenever he says things that don't really make sense and then he says them again to make sense out of them there it is oh yeah that's the real content yeah man that's some weird ass [ __ ] man his hand's gonna smell nasty i [Applause] uh man versus monkey monkey wait there's no way the monkey can ride the motorcycle right [Laughter] hey oh [ __ ] bro what man he went in the box oh my god he went [Applause] oh that's scary as hell the [ __ ] is this the twinning is this a what game is this [Music] what what game is this final fantasy are really i'm assuming the green one's the healer right and then the red ones are dps and the blue ones the tank [Music] life is pain i hate wait what life is pain i hate my life is pain i hate that's great well that's a good therapy game that's a great therapy game look at that same hair it's not his head no my brain yes that's my name when you hear the name then i guarantee the pain i'm coming after you bruce wayne i'm stronger smarter clinically insane i'm brave that's my name in the bathroom this is better than most other [ __ ] i like my 28 champagne yeah all right [Laughter] is this animal abuse that's uh that's that's what's funny nowadays oh [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] good dude this was so [ __ ] badass man take this to my son this [ __ ] drops down dude this [ __ ] was [ __ ] bad ass kills the fell reaper 1v1 jesus [Applause] get spidered oh okay yeah that's good he's trying to advance the meme but that's not gonna happen spiders are scary and so they're not as enjoyable to look at so nobody's gonna ever want to see that video get the [ __ ] out of here nobody likes spiders i killed the spider the other day was like the size of my palm mr bird [Music] see that's not the sound they make do you want to hear the sounds that birds make that's what they do and by the way the time that they make that sound 3 34 in the morning what the [ __ ] is this jesus god god judged right in asia well the new the like the dredge dreadful movie they made like a few years ago is [ __ ] awesome i've watched it like three times this is badass yeah this is some good [ __ ] man i hate punching something yeah sometimes they're kind of scuffed jesus man why do they only have somebody needs to pull out a gun god damn jesus they're screaming too much yeah of course they are i mean it's a [ __ ] movie man what do you expect actually no i want to watch this uh we're actually going to watch this because i want to see what this game is like i'm actually really curious about this game okay so obviously we've got nightmare from soul calibur i like it this looks cool i mean i hate to say it this actually does look pretty cool there it is yeah i watched quinn play this like two years ago a year and a half ago and then they got banned for some reason this is actually pretty cool [Applause] frame rate it does look like a mobile game you're right but some of this is pretty badass like i i don't know i'm genuinely kind of excited about this game uh hopefully it's good i haven't seen a whole lot about it recently so i i kind of want to see more oh it's a mage all right let's see what the mage does mages are stupid and dumb go back to the sword guy i don't want to see this garbage anymore this is stupid go back to the sword guy uh i i don't know what i don't know why they always start down with this [ __ ] magic [ __ ] okay just embarrassing absolutely [ __ ] embarrassing okay all right deposit i just thought about i was taking a piss he sounds like a dying rabbit there it is there it is right there that's it how do you know because i've seen it on the internet what do you mean i've seen a lot of things on the [Music] that internet mean anything oh yeah there's no freaking skill and mcconnell if you're watching i know we know man we know go ahead let me know that's not true let them know this [ __ ] kid dude but um it like is what is warrior getting as like a building uh we're getting shattering throw uh that game that ability came out before you were born but uh actually the kid was like 11 or something the kid was like [ __ ] 11 years old and he just like randomly called into the show and he told me that the only thing he wanted to do in his life was play video games he didn't want a job i was so happy to hear this coney 2012 cody 2012 cody 2012 [Applause] the funny thing is you can replace kony 2012 with like 10 different things nowadays and it still makes just as much sense wait what the [ __ ] [Music] how many turkeys do you guys think that you could fight 1v1 at the same time i think i could take on four of them yeah i think i could do four two yeah i think two is pretty normal right you like you incapacitate one then you get the other one okay you guys can see these things right wait what the hell there's just one first no i don't know why that's ghost piss man like uh man i thought that was some [ __ ] i thought that was some different ass [ __ ] oh you look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head oh my god dude oh yeah we should have gone again i didn't even think of that [ __ ] oh man okay okay that's real funny dude very very [ __ ] clever exercise band [Music] oh [ __ ] janice isn't playing like she wants to [ __ ] my life oh i have to turn on [ __ ] life mode here we go all right i want to [ __ ] your wife now this one requires lots of teamwork everyone on this team needs to give it their a game move that ball like you wanna [ __ ] i really think that like the meta for girls is to do that so basically like for a girl to get ready to stream it usually takes a lot of girls like a half hour to an hour to get ready to stream right because like you know you've got to put on makeup look good do your hair up everything like that but this is like what the meta i think girls should have for streaming is like make a v chat avatar that kind of looks like you but be attractive in real life so people you actually don't have to get dressed or get ready and so some girl can sit there looking like a gremlin but her v chat avatar is in front of her looking all cute and kawaii so they never actually have to get ready or anything but in their own mind the viewers are going to think that the girl is dressed up and looking cute just like she does in her instagram photos that she photo shops who was your favorite man i think julie was jewish definitely i don't know you were there turn around turn around go go back inside the house oh oh [ __ ] i always thought this movie was stupid wait what yeah exactly bro that's what i yeah yeah dude you beat this motherfucker's ass dude [Music] yep there it is there it is got him dude this guy that guy's got some [ __ ] moves man he's got some [ __ ] moves [ __ ] they're cool yeah uh yeah i i i want a drug culture a machine it's not available if you try it once you will die your face will melt off your control over your toilet what does charlie sheen do nowadays epic winning i actually have a hashtag winning t-shirt i bought when you know that armored warbler we gonna put some more armor on it strap it calling this it's a ribbon draft triple x season 14 flying mouth wait it's the ribbon draft mountain flying oh what they should hire that guy or wait maybe they did yeah and extreme mesopotamia as a new roman province it was the culmination of countless roman legacies from the early forefathers conquest of italy oh [ __ ] republican subjugation of agricoids to caesar's conquest of gold and his imperial successors consolidation of the empire trajan had brought the empire to its greatest extent from the north [ __ ] people the known world had been united under the roman eagle its legion's invincible their emperor almighty his power unmatched attained by divine right the first emperor to ever live up to augustus no empire would ever again match rome's glory forevermore trajan would be acclaimed as optimus primecaps the best emperor jesus they're in the pot oh no i'm serious i'm up the night before oh pressing garlic and dicing whole tomatoes i toast my own ancho chilies [Laughter] oh no did you guys not have phone yeah you guys dude like i [ __ ] forgot how bad that went like it was like two years ago right so you forget but like that was it [Music] i lose some of this yeah 188 down though okay you want to take this on back [Music] [Music] killing all them shadow callers freaking trying to get the mail muncher before hazmat just so you can flex and then quit the game for three months [ __ ] exposed [ __ ] thing about that is you think shadowland's gonna be out in three months yeah right there's like five but yeah maybe oh no oh no and like they're all the kid was right i'm like this oh [ __ ] dude it was really sad i remember this i wanted to wear it so bad i watched this video back whenever it came out i didn't even know i had emotions to this that's crazy i wonder what it would have been like if i always just played wow i always wonder all right am i [ __ ] man i mean yeah it sucks that does suck what the [ __ ] jesus christ you know what he's saying stop feeding me look how fat i am i'm severely overweight stop giving me hot dogs [Music] are you done i hate it whenever people treat animals like toys like that [ __ ] right now oh [ __ ] god damn oh [ __ ] that ice cream [Music] is that jesus on the on the mantelpiece it's pistachio ice cream well yeah of course he didn't like it it's pistachio that's a if that's animal abuse to give him pistachio that's disgusting yeah nasty man [Applause] is this game worth buying i've thought about playing it but i feel like also it just might be kind of boring is it it's good oh damn that that [ __ ] went clean off i don't know is this like is this game challenging like if a game isn't challenging i just don't care about it like i don't know it might be weird but like i just i don't know yeah like nothing like sakiro yeah i want to have like a challenge i want like when is this shakiro [ __ ] dlc i'm waiting for that i can't wait for that [ __ ] comes out play on lethal maybe it is zorro i don't know wait what's zoro i don't know what that is zoro multiplier i don't know well maybe i should play it i don't know [Music] i don't know it seems kind of kind of boring i don't know how to feel about this game it's assassin's creed kind of game soros oh the actor okay i was confused i thought it was another game i was like wait what the [ __ ] zoro oh my god [Music] this is good [Music] i should get a cat like that but i don't want it to bite or make any noise yeah it's a good song i actually really like this i love i love this [ __ ] song like i listen to this song all the time but anytime it's on the radio dude like i [ __ ] turn that [ __ ] up i [ __ ] love this song [Music] this is actually really good yeah i usually these are dog [ __ ] but this is actually pretty cool though yeah it's actually pretty clever cats are close to forming their own language [Music] uh i don't know about that the cats are pretty stupid everybody likes to always pretend like cats are smart yeah no they're not they're [ __ ] dumb like i have a cat they're so stupid oh yeah yeah he's playing overwatch oh yeah dude i'll play overwatch oh god he was fine he's [ __ ] fine that's how you develop that whenever you're whenever you have like kids that's how the kid develops like imagine like i bet that kid never used a vending machine again in his life ah man i got hairy legs come on come on man come on man one two three four one two three [ __ ] that's good okay that's good wow this is what bards are gonna be like in ashes of creation pajamas away wait what the wait oh that's that's a i thought that was a dog [ __ ] that's a big dog that's a big ass [ __ ] dog god damn that's really cool and uh when the [ __ ] are we gonna hear more about that game by the way we've been waiting for so long and we haven't heard a god damn thing about texas just arrived 1 800 contacts they can't have my brand i have special eyes look with your special eyes my brain okay so that's a little bit odd uh elden ring never it'll be listen it's gonna come out whenever it comes out okay you had your yeah be afraid before you joined my beloved court but to guide you back to the truth i remember this this is like right i think it was the beginning of the uh oh big green style second mission or something like that yeah then listen up the chief is gonna jump in this tank uh-huh roll across the bridge and blow up any inhuman son of a [ __ ] is [ __ ] fun man i used to love this pull yourself together because you're going with it what about that scare heroic then listen up when i joined the call we didn't have any fancy schmancy tanks we had sticks two sticks in the rock for a whole platoon and we had to share the rock [ __ ] up boy you're one very lucky marine what about that scare lady's like superior usually the good lord works in mysterious ways but not today this here is 66 tons of straight up hp spewing divine intervention if god is love then you can call me cupid what about that scare what the [ __ ] i don't remember that at all yeah i didn't even know there were different lines i had no idea about that uh that seems like a mistake this is a mistake you shouldn't [Music] i told you it was a mistake i i see i [ __ ] i told you that [ __ ] was a mistake okay here we go glad i could make it arthas what is this i watch my tone with you old man i may be the prince but you're still my superior as a palette dude this scene man this scene as if you could forget listen arthas always something about the plague i should know yeah what is it oh no we're too late yeah these people have all been affected they may look fine now [ __ ] man it's only a matter of time before they turn into the undead oh [ __ ] this whole city must be perfect this entire city must be purged right they have to do what they have to do can i even consider that arthas did nothing wrong damn it arthas as my future king order me to purge this wait wait what i am not your king yet old man nor should you obey that command or even if i were then you must consider this an act of treason wait treason have i lost my money that's not how you prince arthas wait a minute you're right of succession i was the sovereignty of your crown you hereby relieve me of my command and suspend my paladins from serving he can't just it's done those of you haven't saved this alternate universe follow him the rest of you get out of his sight shadow and cancel i've just crossed a terrible threshold uther oh my god arthas i'm sorry gina you can't watch me do this what the [ __ ] can't believe they pussied out on arthas like that like that's some horse [ __ ] i think about that all the time that's some [ __ ] horse [ __ ] darth's fabulous who the [ __ ] is that god damn they got [ __ ] up jesus what an improvement oh my god [ __ ] jesus that's you nah man you on my i got some he probably had alien technology [Music] that's a clean [Music] okay shut the [ __ ] up no one cares i know your [ __ ] place trash i should get that as a sound board whenever somebody complains about what i do in classic dude i should get that that's great oh [ __ ] this is an old school video man i remember watching this way back in the day and welcome to my crib okay i'm gonna show you all how i kick it up here in my bachelor pad come on in i remember i always thought that one was stupid but i at least watched it you know back in the day versus uther wait one minute reporting for duty reporting for duty reporting for duty reporting for duty the battle the battle the battle the battle the battle listen [Music] all right here we go [ __ ] tyrion a real paladin what could you imagine from you know a community that's based off of a [ __ ] fake card game the hell was it oh [ __ ] we doing it once again i've been to like two raves before and they're not they were never as cool as this one they never were just like basically some drunk people at a festival yeah that's pretty cool that's cool dude i maybe i probably should at least go to one wait tick-tock there's a place where cats dance like no other oh no is this also the place where the chinese government steals your personal information and then uses it to insert the american people this is that that's how it works right i just want to make sure that we all know where we're at tick tock ad listen there's no way like somebody donated like it's like china donating to my stream for tick tock there's no way that's gonna happen it's just like facebook just like blizzard yeah just like apple yeah yeah yeah sure i've never gone on tick tock before i've gotten a few links to it and that's about it i just always thought it was stupid do me a favor please get out of here get right right here man [ __ ] i'm saying i do know what you're saying that makes sense thomas the thermonuclear bomb why is thomas the tank engine an agent of [ __ ] destruction like this is the second video today oh my god [Music] god damn [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 479,795
Rating: 4.911973 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold welfare, asmongold sellout stream, asmongold sellout, asmongold mediashare, asmongold media share, asmongold weebs, asmongold reaction, media share, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, zackrawrr, asmongold welfare wednesday, stream decides, stream decides music, mediashare, welfare wednesday, welfare wednesday asmongold, asmongold viewer videos, asmongold viewer request, weeb, #4, asmongold media share 4, viewers decide 4
Id: D9KiIxZ7-NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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