Asmongold Reacts to "Most Popular Websites 1993 - 2020"

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see aol this is the this is the main page that we had so back in the day um whenever you would try to make a phone whenever you try to make a phone call when somebody was on the internet you'd pick up the phone and it'd be like and you couldn't [ __ ] hear anything it was the worst thing ever and it would make these like noises the noises it sounded like if there was a mechanical rabbit and the mechanical rabbit was dying that's what it sounded like if you tried to log into aol yeah the dial up connection yeah actually and that's what i used to have [Music] we were the first people on the uh on the whole block that had uh that had broadband it was amazing see geocities i didn't realize it was that big in 95. holy [ __ ] that is crazy see i thought dude i thought aol was way [ __ ] bigger in the dark ages yeah exactly geocities was og yeah it was i guess excite prodigy msn oh my god i forgot all about that and this was dude this is whenever i remember bro like this is the most nice thing that you can ever remember is whenever you would go to blockbuster to rent a mel gibson movie and there was a huge box of aol free trial cds that was like oh my god oh my [ __ ] god like that's that was like that's straight [ __ ] 1998 1999 2000 you know energy right there i remember that yeah we probably still have some in my old room [Music] jesus christ come on or take care of it don't worry about it see this is whenever msn started getting really popular and uh yeah that's see msn was really popular didn't they get rid of msn or something like that because that was like microsoft something messenger i don't even know what msn even stood for yeah they got rid of msn a long time ago and wait maybe they combined it with skype or something like that it was so long ago man msn chat rooms honestly man i don't remember hardly [ __ ] any of that [ __ ] it was a long [ __ ] time ago i think most messengers are gone now well yeah because people use phones like the online like the the like yahoo messenger like msn aim aol instant messenger like all of these things they were really only relevant back then because people didn't have phones to connect with each other as much right and then now yeah now you have discord and everybody just uses discord now i don't even know what the [ __ ] lycos even is so this is whenever i started getting on the internet right here you see amazon right there getting bigger 1998. i forgot how much of an og amazon really was i thought amazon didn't come around until like mid 2000's holy [ __ ] and then msn started getting bigger so like right here this is never aol like night as i said 98 97 aol was [ __ ] massive they were giving away cds constantly but msn people started using that more as their homepage like another way i don't know how i feel like half of the people here that have yahoo as their homepage don't actually know why it's like they downloaded uh you know an antivirus and the antivirus set yahoo is their homepage i feel like yeah most people if you log on to your uh your browser and you see that yahoo is on your home page you realize that you accidentally clicked a check box that you didn't mean to click it's like i don't know what it is it's yahoo messenger and mcafee antivirus like those are the two things that they just keep coming back it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't matter what you do to stop them they will just keep coming back yahoo is a search engine do you guys remember ask jeeves i remember that very well yeah ask jeeves jesus christ i remember even back then even back then the ask jeeves thing i thought was so stupid am i because i remember thinking to myself like well how's jeeves gonna know everything how's he gonna know he's just one guy like really i was like this is this is dumb like it doesn't make any sense [Music] what is this holy [ __ ] i forgot all about that and then oh here we go here's google dude i remember whenever google came out it was so good man it was so good it made it so much easier to look up porn man and this is why it's going up so fast it's like i remember dude you would just look up like if you looked it up on like yahoo or msn it would give you like you look up big tits and it'll give you a picture of a bird you look that up on google and it would give you you know like and it was so much [ __ ] better it was amazing yeah google really knew what they were doing it yeah they knew what they were [ __ ] doing whirling birds yeah big milkers exactly yeah google was i didn't realize yahoo was this dominant even in 2003. i felt like everybody just immediately started using google the second that it came out it was just it was so [ __ ] better it was so much [ __ ] better man and then msn started getting i think i feel like it got less popular in like yeah 2000s like mid-2000s because i remember whenever i first got on the internet people are trying to trade msn tags and [ __ ] on myspace and then by the time that people got on facebook like nobody was doing it anymore y'all ever wonder about that the [ __ ] myspace thing tom sold myspace for 580 million dollars that is [ __ ] ridiculous and you know what the good thing about it is and people always say this is that people really respect tom because after tom got sold myspace he [ __ ] off he [ __ ] off we don't hear about tom ever uh he's not going and making statements and trying to [ __ ] run for president or anything like that he just [ __ ] off and that was it and it was okay right he just yeah he takes cool pictures yeah he's a photographer exactly he can do whatever the [ __ ] he wants now [Music] and this is see yeah this is where google was getting big dude google was getting massive look at that and then there's myspace right there dude yes dude i feel like myspace started dying in like 2008 2009 yeah and then google finally took over yahoo i always hated yahoo i thought yahoo was garbage i thought the name was stupid google was a thousand times better because it didn't have a bunch of like what i liked about google is that there wasn't any other [ __ ] on it it was just google there wasn't a bunch of toolbars ads it was just the bar that was it i loved it and then yes there's youtube right there 2006. so right about right about here is whenever i started uploading videos to youtube in 2008 man yeah i started uploading them so [ __ ] early on man those were the good days and then facebook started getting way more wait google went down and yahoo got bigger wait what bro i don't remember any of this how is yahoo still alive how is this happening get it out of here yeah facebook was really really popular amazon was still building up momentum it's kind of crazy to think about it like how amazon like it this is in 2009 right amazon still was like amazon was really big back then but like now amazon is like on the same level as like google and walmart and [ __ ] and back then it wasn't so like amazon has grown so much in like the last 10 years it's unreal [Music] yahoo man just get i i don't care who wins this i just don't want to see yahoo i don't even know what the [ __ ] yandex is i have no idea what the [ __ ] that is at all jesus christ and then youtube obviously like facebook i feel like facebook stopped getting popular in like 2016. i actually think you know what i never really thought about this but i think that the election the 2016 like trump election made people stop going on facebook it made them stop going on facebook because they're like i don't want to see i don't want to see aunt cathy's meme about trump i don't want to hear about it again i'm tired of it i don't want to see it like i just i'm going to go somewhere else i'm going to go i'm going to go somewhere else and like that's what it really was and i think obviously a lot of the other stuff was like because the people's real names are attached to it and you know there's like more of an awareness of privacy now yeah yeah but i also think that it was that too okay i think it played a genuine impact [Music] look at [ __ ] google dude oh my god way too much drama yeah and it's like drama with people's real names attached it's like oh what's this this is weird you know like yeah you don't want to deal with that dude youtube i didn't realize youtube was that popular what's so crazy about it is google owns youtube so if you look at like their ownings and like their holdings it's even bigger than that i didn't realize facebook was this big either that's crazy vk isn't that like a russian social network or something like that yeah yeah i thought so [Music] look at that is facebook gonna become more popular than google there's no [ __ ] way i i don't think so yeah facebook has has been dying every single watch all right 2016 that's whenever i bet it's gonna happen right after that where's pornhub uh it's it's above google a few a few slots yeah it's above there [Music] actually you know what i wonder why they don't have that why do they not have pornhub on here is it because they're afraid of people learning the truth ebay i forgot all about ebay [Music] that's what we would call people ebay if they were bad at a video game and then instagram 2016. dude it's crazy dude how is yahoo still number four in the whole world how is that even real how does anybody use like yahoo anymore like what is this like who i don't know anybody that uses yahoo it's in japan why don't they use google [Music] just use google it's better baidu what does bai do [Music] that sounds like indian or something is it is that indian it's in china okay that's crazy i never heard any of this there we go there we [ __ ] go look at that there it is there it is boys i knew it poor time's getting more popular well see here's the thing with pornhub though is like so back in the day like back in the day whenever you try to look up porn right it's like you there was never a website that you would go to that like oh man you're gonna get like all these viruses your computer is gonna get completely [ __ ] over and like whenever these big porn websites came out and you didn't have to worry about like all these shady videos like if you ever tried to look up a [ __ ] porn video and you click on her website and you're not like you've never been to the website before you just click on the video and then like it pops up and it's like a live jasmine advert and then you click on skip to video and then it opens up another tab and then that other tab automatically starts playing uh [ __ ] audio and then you close that tab and then you open up the other tab and then you have to watch another [ __ ] porn ad for another website and then after that you click on the video again and then it redirects you to another page where the video is actually at and then you finally have to watch another ad because you click on that play button and then that play button opens up another page to ashley madison and you have to close down that page as well and then finally after you do all of that then you can watch the video and so pornhub just cut all that [ __ ] out and that's why so many people liked it that's why people still use it true and real yeah exactly i still yeah google i felt like google was even bigger than this to be honest with you it sounds weird but i really feel like it was [Music] i feel like twitter's gotten way bigger too like twitter's only at 4 million that's nuts dude i thought twitter was way [ __ ] bigger than this dude yeah i thought twitter was huge twitch twitch shot on there this is [ __ ] about that here's the [ __ ] about twitch i wanted to watch this the most popular web browsers and everybody always makes fun of me for using firefox you guys always make fun of me for using firefox and i'm going to look at this and i'm going to see for myself okay see we never had mosaic i never had mosaic or at least back in the day i never did [Music] like this was like i didn't get the internet until uh my dad had netscape my dad had netscape whenever we first started doing it but this was like way before i use the internet this is like 1995. is back in the dark ages internet explorer i had that one right there yeah we of course use internet explorer dude next and the thing about netscape is like netscape was like the difference between internet explorer and firefox on like a school computer it was like the difference between somebody who knew computers versus didn't those were the days [Music] yep so this is whenever i came in right here i came in right here and i started using the internet in 1999 and i was using internet explorer and then aol that was the main [ __ ] thing right here bill gates yep there it is [Music] internet explorer was just like dominant it's like people use internet explorer it's kind of like the idea that nobody even imagined using another browser besides internet explorer like it's like that's all there was to it you just use that period official winner yeah internet explorer look how dominant it was that's insane holy [ __ ] i didn't even realize that oh my god oh my god 93 and then firefox right here now this is whenever i first started using firefox in like 2006. now watch firefox pop off watch this yeah these are the dark ages exactly and like you knew you knew it was internet explorer whenever half of the page like right here it would look like a sponsored stream because half of the entire page was like toolbars and like a yahoo toolbar here another yahoo toolbar here an ask g's input bar here there's like another thing right here that has like a you know like a bird that's flying for some reason it doesn't do anything but it's like all these hot bars and you know like you know grandma got on the computer last night and uh just started doing what she needed to do and you know you clog back on and the entire thing is full of hot bars [Music] watch firefox is coming in [Music] look at that see i started using it in like 2006 2007. and this is remember wait why is it getting smaller but what the [ __ ] no it got way bigger no man like everybody was using it yeah everybody's i don't know what this is yeah everybody was using this [ __ ] 2000 wait really wait i thought everybody used firefox why is it not getting bigger wait chrome came out in 2008 oh here we go here we go firefox building up momentum yup corporate uses internet explorer so that's what it is oh blackbeard oh the phone [ __ ] i forgot all about that and even thought about that yeah you're right the phone [ __ ] and then safari nobody gave a [ __ ] about safari and then look at chrome [Music] holy [ __ ] firefox never popped off it should have firefox is the best look at chrome oh my god and then internet explorer was just losing more and more and more like at this point if you still used internet explorer you had a small brain okay you had a very small brain jesus [Music] oh my god [Music] wow how did it get that big chrome is just like insane i didn't even realize this holy [ __ ] okay firefox is still firefox is still beating internet explorer i'm happy about that okay i'll take that corporate spyware apparently it is and hey it works it is what it is [Music] [Music] still thinking yeah look at that google chrome yeah chrome is just [ __ ] destroying it holy [ __ ] man this is crazy like i didn't realize fire like chrome was so popular and then internet explorer was just getting worse and worse and this was like about the time that like whenever microsoft was like oh nobody's using the internet explorer anymore and they're like okay whenever you want to change you know whenever you want to change like your your default browser and you're like oh are you sure you want to use another browser yo you're not i mean maybe you might want to still use internet explorer right you don't want to go over the firefox and like that's what it is it's so [ __ ] sad edge is actually good i have no idea if it's good or not dude i feel so dumb now i feel so [ __ ] dumb so google chrome is just that dominant and i didn't even know dude i thought the same amount of people used firefox as used google chrome i thought it was like 50 50. straight up i thought that [ __ ] was actually 50 50 and i'm just so like i had no idea about that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 390,552
Rating: 4.9425488 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, most popular, amazing data, data visualization, data is beautiful, most, popular, 1990s, 2020, nostalgia, 1995, first website, history of the web, evolution of the web, amazon, apple, yahoo, google, 1993, popular websites, top websites, web browser, ie, internet explorer, web, browser, chrome, browser wars, traffic, websites, Most Popular Websites 1996 - 2019, most popular site
Id: BTJDLe3zSqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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